chartographic · 5 years
@Gabriel | ‘ why don’t we take a nap together? we can be nap buddies. ’ 🤷
☠ sleepy starters // @strikecdr
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DEEP YAWN, hours of wakefulness pouring into the UNNECESSARY volume as he BREATHES it. following the action gabriel BLINKS, corners of his eyes WET & briefly making the page in hand BLURRY as he returns attention to it & tries to make SENSE of what the report says—
endeavor finds itself PAUSED as jack speaks up, calling for gabriel’s attention - he gives it WILLINGLY.
                                                               “ —nap buddies ?” 
inquiry laced with AMUSEMENT, a brow raising with humor ; lips part in preparation to make some sort of WISECRACK, but after a moment to ASSESS morrison, gabe swallows whatever taunt he’d been planning to make & instead takes a DIFFERENT route—
                                                 “ y’know what, YEAH - if it gets YOU to sleep,                                                                   i’ll be your NAP BUDDY. ”
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warpulse · 5 years
( @strikecdr )
❝ Strange to be in this room again. ❞ The remark is fairly casual as Soldier taps the leaf of a tall plant with his fingertip, passing it on his way to the bookshelf, but there’s a clear gloominess in his blue eyes. They pass over some titles on the shelf before he stops to pull one out, scanning the back cover absently.
❝ You know, I’m not sure I ever even read half of these. All this shit I thought I needed... nowadays, I carry everything I own with me. ❞ He thinks of his duffel bag, packed with clothes, whiskey, and a book or two, left back at his latest safehouse in an entirely different world. ❝ I never thought I’d have to adapt to having nothing. ❞
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gloryblaed · 5 years
❝ You know, Reinhardt--- I actually really like Hasselhoff's cover of Country Roads. ❞
             He claps Jack on the back several times, BEAMING with pride.
                “I AM PLEASED you have FOUND something!”
Too bad it was very.... Jack.                                                 BUt at least it was a START.
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pafallende · 5 years
@ Genji | ❝ How are your new prostheses treating you, Genji? I hope you consider them an improvement compared to the prototypes you were originally fitted with with during your time in Blackwatch. ❞
   ➥  @strikecdr
  while he may be a member of overwatch now, assigned to the strike team, LITTLE has changed in regard to genji’s feelings toward morrison. there’s no less RESENTMENT held toward him for what overwatch has done to him, has turned him into. he has, however, grown better at concealing his anger and preventing the outbursts that were fairly regular while he’d been more… volatile. still, genji hopes to keep his interactions with the strike commander MINIMAL.
     “ it is… an adjustment. ”  an honest answer, in spite of everything, and the cyborg’s gaze drops to the prostheses — rather, near entire body — in question. purely CYBERNETIC arm bends at the elbow, and he watches as he flexes the fingers slowly.
the new body is definitely an improvement on the old  —  more REFINED, bugs fixed, no loose hanging wires, and overall holding a far more complete look  —  however… it has caused feelings of DYSPHORIA to resurface more strongly than it’s been in years. he’s had to start the process all over again of finding some degree of comfort in what is supposed to be HIS OWN BODY, and in feeling that this is, in fact, his body to begin with. it’s been far more difficult than he’s let on to anyone, and he’s certainly not about to be so open with morrison, of all people.
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     “ but they do feel more COMPLETE than the prototypes. they respond more quickly and i have found that they function and move much more smoothly. ”  the tone of his answer is cool and matter-of-fact, but easily considered a step up from outright HOSTILITY.  “ the cybernetics are indeed an improvement. though i suppose that is to be expected after so many years of being a PROTOTYPE. ”
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chronal-anomaly · 5 years
“ that’s alright . let it out . ”
Lost it lmao || not accepting
Lena didn’t cry. She was stronger than that, tougher than that. Military women did not cry, Oxton women did not cry. Today, however, had been different. 
The usually tricks had failed her. Running the track turned into running awya from nightmares of stress and danger. Eating turned into others asking her about the upcoming mission, about her training regime and how she planned to return. ‘Are you scared’ slipped from more than one person’s mouth, to which she always shook her head with a bright smile. 
“Nothing can get me down.” 
But the day now lurked, approaching quickly enough to make her head spin. There wasn’t anyone to worry about–no family, no kids, nobody who would miss her too much, which meant her wariness of what was to come was entirely selfish. Her fear was her burden to shoulder. 
The knock came late, at the commander’s personal quarters. A trembling figure stood on the other side of the door when opened, hunched and barely resisting the tears that pricked at her eyes.
“Commander–I’m scared.” 
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blckwtchd · 5 years
@strikecdr      ╱     sc.
      HAZEL   STARES   BLANKLY   AT   PAPER ,     frown   deepening   as   the   beanie   slowly   slips   off   and   finds   its   way   onto   his   face .          eyes   sting   as   he   rubs   them   gently   with   the   soft   fabric ,     a   spared   glance   given   to   the   clock   on   the   nearby   wall ,     eyes   squinting   ever   slightly   just   to   fix   his   vision   enough   to   read   the   hands .          upon   realising   it   is   dawn ,     gabriel   groans ,     settling   for   his   typical   morning   routine   as   a   break   from   his   work .
      after   what   he’s   sure   is   his   fourth   cup   of   straight   black   coffee ,     he   double   checks   the   time .          he   assumes   that   everyone   else   will   be   performing   their   routines   soon ,     and   he   should   flee   the   main   staff   room   lest   he   be   pulled   up   on   the   large   bags   under   his   eyes   and   the   slight   scowl   on   his   face .
      not   that   he   gets   the   chance   to .
      “          hey   jack .          sleep   well ?          do   you   want   coffee ?          ”          gabriel   puts   on   his   most   convincing   smile   as   he   half-stumbles   his   way   back   to   the   coffee   pot ,     topping   up   on   the   coffee   that   was   already   in   there .
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backinblackwatch · 6 years
☠ @strikecdr //
back meets the bed in a GRACELESS DROP--- gabriel makes himself comfortable in jack’s hotel room, noting - with only MILD critique - that the bottle of champagne the front desk supplied for MORRISON is at least TWICE as expensive as what’s sitting in GABE’S room. 
                                            “ they always give you the best digs. ”
an offhanded comment, not bearing any true CENSURE, merely something he’s NOTICED as he stares upwards & finds himself being stared at RIGHT BACK---starfished on the ace-sized mattress, gabe’s met with a ceiling-length MIRROR above him. ...he’s wasting time, when he SHOULD be getting ready for the after-party of yet another dignitary meeting---he’d really rather not GO, but it’s thrown PARTLY in his honor ; another ‘thanks for saving the world’ type deals, & while it IS stalling them from CLEANING it, making friends with INFLUENTIAL DENIZENS is one of the ways they get the funding TO clean it.
shifting some, gabriel props himself up on his elbows, cocking his head til it rests upon risen shoulder ; 
                           “ you don’t even have an EGO big enough to fill the space, DO YOU ?”
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carnifx-blog · 5 years
❝ You’re either the worst person ever or the best…I can’t decide. ❞
It was... one of these - Accepting
Of course he was, Gabriel didn’t doubt that for a second.
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“Depends on the person judging, dear Commander. And seeing as you’re no enemy of mine, I’d say it can only be the latter.” 
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ryvjin-a · 6 years
songs that remind me of your muse
america’s son, air reviewzombie, missiopassion, ryan beatty
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excineris-a-blog · 6 years
( @strikecdr / cont. )
   Everything gets just a little bit easier with every ounce of alcohol he allows into his system. Drinking makes it easier to cope with not just his past, but his present as well -- those earth-shaking moments when he realizes he is trapped in a world belonging to a different version of himself all because he decided to infiltrate Vishkar. It could be a blessing, given that he is now capable of avoiding a reality that surely would have unfolded the same way his own did, but it feels like a curse. Either way, does changing the course of history really matter when it doesn’t seem to alter his own fate?
   He took to avoiding Jack for what felt to him like good reasons, the first of which being that it was ( and still is ) painful to see him with Gabriel -- like seeing another man with his husband, only this other man is a carbon copy of himself when he was young. Aside from that, he simply felt awkward around Jack for a good while. It is difficult to keep from feeling that way still ( which is where the alcohol comes in handy ) but it has gotten easier, has gotten more enjoyable. He likes being around this alternate version of himself, strange as that may be, especially given that he’s always had this rigid sense of self-hatred. He has no explanation for it, really. All he knows is that Jack really isn’t that bad.
   Their night has been a mix of alcohol and conversation. It’s easy for the Strike Commander to talk about work, and he knows exactly why. The stress of work doesn’t leave when the day is done, and his position is packed with stress. Still, he has tried to keep Jack’s mind off of it, through joking around, changes in topic, a hand on his shoulder. At some point, perhaps after the tequila set in, that changed to much more open conversation, something more candid, a hand just above his knee. It’s around this point that his blue eyes, dull with inebriation, filled with some sort of determination -- desire, perhaps -- that Jack clearly picked up on.
   The slurred words interrupt a casual conversation about vacation destinations. Soldier stiffens, chin high and snowy brows furrowed. He doesn’t look at Jack. He can’t, not with his heart pounding in his chest the way it is now. He grabs for his glass but finds it empty.
   ❝ Alright, so we’re doing this now, ❞ he murmurs, rubbing his forehead. This is not an easy conversation to have. After all, what is he supposed to say? How is he supposed to look at himself and admit that yes, he’s had a drunken thought or two about him that weren’t exactly appropriate? He shifts in his seat. He wants another drink, but he supposes he’s had enough for tonight. ❝ I don’t know what you expect from me. I’m not sure what the rules are for this. What am I supposed to do -- just -- ❞ He brings his gaze back to the other man, studying him in his silence. He focuses on his lips. ❝ Just fucking kiss you? ❞
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‘ that was one time . and i’m sober now . ’
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“Doesn’t change the fact that I’ve still got the pictures, Morrison. And if you think I’m going to let you live it down, ever,  you’re.. so wrong.”
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chartographic · 5 years
@Gabriel :3c | ❝ How would you feel about, I don't know, maybe one day this week going off base? We could get lunch, see a movie, visit some stores--- act like normal civilians for once. ❞
☠ some love in the inbox // @strikecdr // love u
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jack catches him at the end of a work-out, gabriel hefting the barbell back into it’s proper slot, snagging his towel on the downward swing of an arm & raising it to wipe at SWEATY BROW as he sits up. breath falls in PANTS, airy exhalations laced with LAUGHTER as a brow QUIRKS in the face of jack’s INVITATION ;
                                                             “ sounds like a DATE. ”
exhilaration not born now ONLY of EXERTION ; gabe’s never known jack to say something he hasn’t MEANT, & can only assume he’s given thought towards what implications could be read in the offer.
…OR it’s just reyes reading TOO MUCH INTO IT, presumptuous brain connecting dots & assuming intentions that aren’t really THERE—ACCUSATION may be of HOPEFUL origins, but… somehow, he’s got FAITH that jack won’t let him down.
                                               “ i think i can shuffle around my schedule for you. ”
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adfrigus-a · 6 years
‘ i truly believe everything happens for a reason . the challenge in life is to find that reason . ’
@strikecdr / a million little things
“What’s this? Mister sunshine is saying something smart for once?” He’s teasing, obviously, sticking his tongue out at his best friend.
“No, but, you’re right, Jack. Anything that happens, happens for a reason, if it’s not for one person then it’s definitely for another.” he shrugs then, patting his friend on the shoulder with a small grin.
“What’s got you so serious, though? Need me to do something? Is that why you’re trying to convince me of something I’m already a firm believer of?”
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atrophite · 6 years
@strikecdr  /  banter.
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DON’T  LOOK  AT  HIS  HANDS  just   yet ---- !  What’s  there ,  safe  in  the  caring  confines  of  his  hands ,  chirps  through  the  slightly  open  spaces  of  fingers  .  So  tiny  and  very  much  alive .  The  secret  won’t  be  a  secret  for  much  longer .  “  Hey .  Got  you  something .  ”
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chronal-anomaly · 6 years
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“all I’m hearing is that I should do a drug.”
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backinblackwatch · 6 years
t o w e l | :3c
☠ caught in a towel // @strikecdr
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                                    “ you KNOW my door is open to you whenever, ”
he begins, still awake even at such a LATE hour, busied with the stack of papers that have followed him from his OFFICE to his QUARTERS ; jack’s entrance has effectively STOLEN his attention & KEPT IT, effectively cesasing all attempts towards FINISHING his work. 
…something about this feels like a DREAM he may have had once or four times, though reyes keeps breath held & awaits GOOD ENOUGH REASON as to WHY hurricane morrison has blown in sporting nothing but an overwatch REGULATION BLUE towel ;
                                               “ but people are going to TALK if they see you                                                  coming into my room like this at THREE AM. ”
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