#striped color swim brief
richardbecool · 11 months
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Getting some vitamin D today
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quixoticall · 9 months
The View Between Villages
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Summary: Steve Harrington offers to be your ghostly tour guide after your mysterious, unexpected death.
AN: Hiiiii, if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been then, first of all thank you for thinking of me, and secondly, I have been sick with bronchitis for weeks. Tbh I never understood in Regency novels where they would make such a huge deal about someone being sick until now. That shit took me out. Anyway, in my convalescence I watch the show, School Spirits and I couldn’t help but see the similarities between Wally and Steve—both men of the 80s, hot labrador retriever jocks with a compulsive need for parental approval? So, that’s how this lil piece was born. I would love to continue writing in this universe so please, if you have any requests, send them in! In the meantime, I am hard at work on This Could Get Ugly and a lovely lil Eddie number inspired by another Noah Kahan song.
Warnings: School Spirit!AU, Major Character Death, talks about own death, brief mention of violence and death, angst, this is sad! Ghost!Steve and Ghost?Reader
Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!reader
WC: 2K
It’s Steve Harrington who first declares you dead. Admittedly it takes you an embarrassingly long time to realize, it wasn’t like they sent out notices for these types of things either, as convenient as a note would’ve been:
To Whom it May Concern:
We regret to inform you that on February 12 of this year, you will unfortunately perish under unclear circumstances in the city of Chicago, Illinois at Northwestern University. Please make sure to get your affairs in order before the set date.
No, none of that, instead you had attended three whole lectures before noticing that no one was acknowledging you—not your professors when you raised your hand; not your classmates when you asked if they could loan you a pencil; not even your best friend when you ran into him in the hall. You thought it could’ve been a weird prank. Then the news began to spread, you were missing. Reported by your roommate after not having come home from a late-night study session at the library. And then they found traces of blood in the boiler room of the library’s basement.
Still, you thought to yourself, maybe you were having a really long terrible dream. Or maybe you were in a coma. Or doing one of those VR headset things. Or maybe you were dead and cursed to spend the rest of eternity haunting the very campus where you died.
Your friends were never the gym type, which is why you end up at the school’s pool in an effort to avoid the pain and desperation you feel every time you see their tired but still-hopeful faces.
That’s where you see him. Or, more importantly, where he sees you. You first spot him sitting at the edge of the pool, observing the ongoing swim team practice and are immediately struck.
Sure, you may be stuck in some weird reality where you may or may not be dead but you can still appreciate a hot person. Especially one as handsome as Pool Guy who’s striped swim trunks sit low on his hips and he has a smattering of dark hair trailing from his belly button almost up to the base of his neck. Thick, chestnut-colored hair swoops in his handsome face in golden-touched waves and gracefully frame a pair of honey-hued eyes. Of course you were going to stare.
You’re sure you stare for an indecent amount of time, but it wasn’t like that mattered, you remind yourself, you’re invisible to him like you are to everyone else.
Except you’re not invisible to him because Pool Guy was making eye contact and worse, he was waving, solidifying the fact that he is very aware of your presence. He can see you.
“Hi, you must be new here. I’m Steve Harrington, class of ‘86,” he introduces himself, with way too much verve once he swims over to where you’re still frozen in place.
“You can see me?” You ask, once you find your voice, “How can you see me?”
You reach out to grasp his offered hand and to your shock, your fingers don’t go straight through his, like it would with anyone else’s. Instead you’re enveloped in the warm solid grasp of his hand.
He cracks a smile at this, “because I’m dead too. Which, I totally get you’re probably wondering how someone this good-looking could’ve died so young but i will—“
“Dead?” you squeak out.
“Sorry,” he says with an awkward grimace, “I know not everyone likes that term, um, how do you identify—?“
You cut him off once again, “I didn’t know I was dead.”
It’s his turn to be confused.
“Really? Most people are really quick about putting it together. When they see their body the memories all come back. I mean even I put it together and I was never the smartest even before the accident—oh, shit. You’re the missing girl. The one from all the flyers.”
Clearly he’s referencing the myriad HAVE YOU SEEN ME? flyers with your face on them that paint the campus. Up until now, you had been categorically missing not dead, and now that someone has spoken your fate out loud, you’re certain it is all but sealed.
“Listen, I am so sorry. Let me go get someone who’s way better at this than I—“ you cut off his apologetic rambling,
“I need to leave right now.”
Before he can say anything else you’re running in the opposite direction as quickly as you can.
You don’t go back to the pool after that.
Being dead wasn’t so bad. Sure, you had spent a solid five weeks distraught over the loss of the life you had once lived and mourning everything you will never get to do. And yeah, it was a uniquely painful type of loneliness getting to see all your friends and never getting to interact with them, especially during those first few weeks when your disappearance was hot on everyone’s lips and heavy in the hearts of your friends. But outside of all that, being dead was okay. At least, you didn’t have to submit any more papers or do laundry.
After your encounter with Steve Harrington, class of ‘86, you decide to hole up in the library. You desperately convince yourself that if you search the shelves enough you’ll be able to find something in one of the many books that talk about the afterlife that might provide you some clarity about your newfound ghostly status. Surely there’d have to be something helpful. Anything. A ghost manual, perhaps or some graduate research paper about being stuck in between realms. You’d easily settle for a Chicken Soup for the Ghostly Soul.
Or you think traitorously to yourself, a tour guide to the afterlife, someone who has experience with being dead and a great set of abs. Every time you’re close to convincing yourself to go back to the pool, the embarrassment of your mortifying first encounter pulls you back. No way you were going to see him again. Just because you were dead didn’t mean you’d lost all your dignity.
Your internal back-and-forth ends up not mattering because he ends up coming to you.
You spot his well-coifed head maneuvering through the tall shelves from where you’ve holed yourself up on the fourth floor mezzanine and watch as he weaves through the unassuming crowd, completely unnoticed, just like you.
He’s wearing clothes this time, which both disappointing and surprising since you haven’t quite figured out the mechanics or social expectations of how often ghosts should be changing clothes. In a pair of snug-fitted jeans with a Northwestern Athletics sweatshirt and a pair of high top Nikes, he takes the winding steps up to your unofficial perch two at a time . If this is what he looks like some 40 years dead, you can’t imagine what he looked like when he had a pulse, it must have been like staring into the sun.
“Hi,” he offers tentatively when he approaches, like he’s sure you’ll run off spooked.
“Sorry to bother you, it’s just, well, my friend Robin told me she saw you here and I wanted to come by and apologize for what happened. At the pool. I truly had no idea, sometimes I just say things without thinking, which I am working on, trust me.”
You smile, appreciative but defeated, part of you was hoping he was coming up here to tell you that there had been some sort of mistake.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault, it was just a bit of shock, is all. I guess I’m still adjusting to this whole being dead thing,” you joke weakly.
“Yeah, about that, if you ever need help adjusting or learning the ropes or anything like that, I—we are always happy to help. There’s a few of us that band together and we’d love to have you. Truly,” he claws nervously at the back of his head as he makes his offer the tip of his sneaker digging into the worn library carpet.
“Thanks,” you say, genuinely, “I really appreciate that.”
He looks at you now, finally, and his gaze is golden, warm honey and it’s like a shot to the chest. Like you’ve promised him the moon. A hand is extended towards just slightly, a twitch, and you realize he’s expecting you to take it.
“I can’t right now, though,” you say, lamely and you watch his smile waver. Quickly you add, ”I need some time, I think, before it becomes permanent. If I go with you, I’m dead. Alone up here, I’m still just missing. Does that…make sense?”
He nods, furiously, “It makes total sense. You can come find me by the pool whenever you’re ready. I will be there.”
He makes a move to leave and you register the paper in his hand for the first time. It’s a flyer with your face on it, different than all the ones before.
“Wait, what is that?” You ask, fingers skimming the plush of his sweatshirt to get his attention.
“Oh, um,” he swallows thickly, “they’re having a vigil for you tonight, I wasn’t sure if you’d seen or if you were going, but if you were going, I was going to see if you wanted some company. “
His voice is small now and the regret is etched thickly on his face.
Fingers shaking, you extend a hand out for the flyer. Steve sighs but gently places it in your trembling grasp nonetheless.
It’s true, what he said about the vigil, you had no clue. You’re not sure how long you spend staring at your own face, long enough for the words to stop making sense, but not long enough for them to stop meaning anything.
Steve stays the entire time and when you sink to the floor, tear tracks heavy on your cheeks, he sinks with you. You cry, and he stays.
“I can’t go,” you admit, and then, in the same breath, plea, “How can I go?”
Next to you, Steve lets out a shuttering sigh.
“When I died, they did something similar, my parents came down from Indy and everything. I couldn’t bring myself to go either. But shit, maybe if I did, I would’ve gotten what I needed to move on from here. Closure or whatever. Or maybe not, who knows? But I will never know and I would hate for you to never know.”
It’s still too hard to go you decide, but you can’t pretend it’s not happening. Instead, the two of you sit on the roof of the library, feet dangling over the ledge watch a river of candlelight flowing through the center of campus. You can hear, faintly, as your friends make speeches talking about how kind you were, how good, how funny and undeserving until their voices fail from holding back tears.
You cry the whole time, but you don’t regret it.
The two of you stay sitting there far past the end, Steve’s arms wrapped around you, holding the pieces of you together.
After, when you’ve had enough of it all and the last candle has gone out, you turn to Steve and say, “thank you, that did make me feel better. You were right.”
He chuckles wryly.
“I don’t hear that I’m right very often,” he admits before cracking another smile, “but I could get used to hearing it, especially from you. Now, what do you say about getting some ice cream? No offense, but that thing was a total downer.”
You laugh, genuinely, not only at his joke, but the absurdity of it all before playfully shoving his shoulder. In response, Steve pretends to lose his balance and almost fall of the ledge and you both know it’s silly but it makes you smile so it’s worth it.
Dying is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to you, but at least you are not alone.
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rubykgrant · 6 months
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It is finally starting to warm up where I live, so I'm thinking about summer... which means, obligatory RVB beach outfits! All the characters, plus two of my OCs because I like them~
First row are the "shorties", second are the giant tree people.
Left to right first row; Grif (just regular orange swim trunks, he's not fancy), Doc (he likes to go diving, so he has longer wetsuit pants with an asymmetrical purple "paint" pattern), Poppy (one OC, she has a loose "swim dress" with a flower pattern over a form-fitting suit that ends in shorts), Church (pale blue swim trunks with a plaid pattern), Tucker (form-fitting shorts with a v-cut waist and swirling aqua pattern), Kai (yellow two-piece with double-lace straps, and a light pink semi-transparent wrap-skirt), Sarge (old-fashioned one-piece suit with a red and white striped tank-top, and red shorts)
Left to right second row; Locus (wetsuit pants that end at the calf, with a green triangle-pattern as side stripes), Caboose (plain deep-blue trunks, and a light blue sleeveless beach hoodie, he likes to pull it up if his head gets hot), Tex (black sport top, dark swim trunks with pale gold/purple stars), Simmons (dark red/maroon swim trunks with a pattern similar to Star Trek Nect Gen uniforms, and a light open shirt with thin red stripes), Wash (loose white tank-top, swim trunks with a stripe pattern that goes from light-blue to almost black, yellow lines, and a shining sun design), Junonia (another OC, a seashell-top one-piece that ends in shorts, with an ocean wave pattern, purple to pink colors), Donut (pink brief swim trunks with a heart design), Carolina (dark teal asymmetrical one-piece, with a gemstone/diamond design in gold/cyan colors)
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battlemaiden13 · 2 years
Waddles in, hello! I’ve come in with another ask. I can’t quite remember or can find a chapter in HND where they all go to the beach so I’m asking here instead. What’s all the boy’s beach day outfit?
I don’t have a beach episode yet, It’ll happen eventually. It’s mandatory so here’s some beach outfits. All of the skeletons wear swimsuits in their respective colours
Zinc, for those who might not know, is Australian sunscreen that comes in different colors and people draw on themselves with it in patterns or just a swipe across the nose because it stays there. Like you get a stripe of colour
Sans -Long shorts, shirt, sandals, zinc across his nose ridge and a hat. Fully decked out and 100% doesn’t want to go in the water until his brother drags him in. 
Papyrus -He wears speedos to the pool but for the beach he wears low waist shorts. Still very revealing but more comfortable for the beach. He also has zinc on his skull. 
Red - Fully covered in a baggy shirt and long shorts as well as a hoodie and sunnies. He doesn’t want to leave the sand area of the beach even though he hates the sand and every part of this trip . 
Edge -Boxers shorts and sunglasses. He actually doesn’t mind the beach
Blue -Wears a boxer brief style of swimwear and no shirt. If Chara or Doc is swimming with them then he’ll wear floaties. These two aren’t the best swimmers so they wear them and he feels if he wears them it will make them more comfortable which it does. 
Orange -Wears Shorts. This swimwear is really more like cargo shorts that can be worn in the water. He wears floaties around his arms to annoy his brother. 
Berry -either wears boxer brief style or classic swim trunks. He has two different pairs, one in each style, and it really just depends what he feels like wearing on the day
Syrup -Wears boxer trunks with pockets. The pockets are his favourite part and he refuses to get swim wear if they don’t have them
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punkysdilemma-blog · 2 years
(an excerpt from L’Etiquette issue 8.)  I love this list from a maestro and one of the last greats of the heroic 1980s fashion generation who still independently owns and operates his marque. 
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I like casual and discreet elegance, this is what I look for as a designer.
*Cashmere jersey t-shirts. Blue, black, long and short sleeves, CREW NECK!
*Knit polo shirts. More refined than cotton pique polo shirts, they look great under a jacket. Practically indispensable in black and navy. Long or short sleeves.
*Poplin shirts.  With big collars, wear with a tie or with the collar wide, open. Colors? Blue and white are musts. Cream, light gray and navy are very tempting this season. + AZURE
*Chambray shirt. Go for a real workwear look. 
*Heavy twill shirt.
*Black linen shirt. Get over your prejudice against linen. + WHITE AND SKY BLUE
*Collarless shirt.
*Two evening shirts in silk. Black and blue 
*Several crewneck wool sweaters. Black, navy, beige, ecru — take your pick. Wear over a round collar tee.
*Several v-neck wool sweaters. Same as for crewnecks. 
*Hoodies. Gray Marl, Navy or black. Because there’ll always be those Sunday mornings.
*Crewneck Sweatshirts. Gray Marl, Navy or Black. With Raglan sleeves, of course. 
*Merino wool polo collar sweater. Black or navy.
*Sailor Sweater. You’ll find you need it even between April and July. Easier to wear if you get one without stripes.
Note: Pretty sure this is basically a Guernsey or Matelot. 
*A velvet suit. Velvet is the most elegant fabric. 
*Two plain suits. One navy and one gray, with two or three buttons. Ideally made from Fresco fabric. Cotton is another possibility if you're not afraid of creases. 
*A full Tuxedo. At least one. 
*A navy blazer. Lined or unlined. Super-useful.
*Two silk grenadine ties. Blck and navy. Obviously. 
*Two printed ties. Go crazy!
*Beige tropical wool suit. Wear it with a sky blue poplin shirt. 
*Silk knit tie. Cream or pearl gray. Makes a change from black or navy. 
*Unlined suede blazer. 
*A knit blazer. 
*Bomber jacket. The summer equivalent of your leather jacket. Black, navy or beige. 
*Waterproof beige trench-coat. For rainy days. Get one thats too big. 
*Technical parka.  Zip it all the way up. And remember that Gore-Tex is always a good idea. 
*Denim jacket. 
*Zip suede bomber.
*Nappa leather trench-coat. 
*A military jacket. Vintage preferably. 
*Lightweight windbreaker. Go for the retro sportswear look. 
*Two pairs of regular fit jeans. At two different stages of wear.
*Five-pocket white cotton pants. Indispensable in winter. Downright vital in summer. 
*Five-pocket black cotton pants.
*Beige chinos. Not slim, please.
*Gray fresco pants. Wear them as you'd wear jeans. Suitable for both summer and winter. 
*Navy, Beige or White shorts. Roomy, more fluidity, please!
*Swim shorts. In a technical nylon, perhaps in a bright color. roomy but not long.
*Cargo Pants. Olive green, in ripstop fabric if you like. 
As far as the great boxers-or-briefs debate goes, we leave it up to you. But do us all a favour and throw out the invisible socks.
*Several pears of navy and grey socks. Made of mercerised cotton. 
*Several pairs of brightly coloured socks. 
*A few pairs of white or off-white ribbed socks. Wool and cotton. 
*A pair of loafers. Preferably penny loafers. Black should be your first choice. 
*Black oxfords. For formal wear. 
*Brown derbies. Can be suede, if you like. 
*A pair of white or off white canvas sneakers.
*A pair of white leather sneakers. 
*Technical sneakers. Not just for running. 
*Opera pumps 
*Velvet slippers 
*Cotton baseball cap. Navy or black. 
*Woven belt. In black or navy for versatility. 
*Leather dress belt. Keep it thin, about an inch (2 to 3cm) wide, and wear it with a suit. 
*Metal Sunglasses. Aviator or round styles. 
*Heavy-duty canvas shoulder bag. For workdays. 
*Military kitbag. A travel bag to get you through the weekend. 
*A borsalino hat.
*Silk pocket squares. Collect them!
*Scarves. In wool, silk, cotton, for days and night.
*All kind of gloves. 
*Ranger belt. 
*A leather messenger bag.
Be discreet and precise and if you manage that, people will remember your style!
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goodvibes1983 · 16 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: - Andrew Christian Men's Striped Waves Swim Briefs Blue White Drawstring B….
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redcliffscloset · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SOLD-Sauvage California Swimwear Mens L Red Orange Lace Up Football Surfer Short.
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yana77777 · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: City Chic Sz 14 Colorblock Stripe One Piece Swimsuit NWT.
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alx-magazine · 11 months
It's about 8:00pm, I have my bags packed, sitting on the floor near the door. In front of my house there's a pretty big porch. Big enough for a few chairs, enough for a few friends.
I am sitting on this white pool-like chair with a small white end table to my left.. I place my lil Cheech n' Chong ashtray on my lap, breaking down a game blue mini. I persist to roll up a small blunt; taking a few tokes at sunset before loading the truck and heading out.
After my brief smoke sesh, I decide it's time to get my ass up and load the truck.
I have a small '85 Toyota Tacoma, navy blue with a cream colored stripe on each side, and a fine outline of deep red on the stripes. My grandfather passed that truck onto me, it was a beauty back in it's day.
Now it's rather aged, but I saw him maintain that bad boy throughout the years, so perhaps it's as good as ever. I may not be a mechanical expert but I did make sure to keep the stereo system up to date; what is a lengthy drive without some good jams ? The only downside to my truck is that it's a three seater, so I'm not too sure about how I'm going to fit all my friends in the truck; there's five of us.
I start loading up the truck; I've got my tents, camping chairs, a big bluetooth stereo, beach towels, an extra change of clothes, my acoustic guitar, the list can go on. I made sure to pack two coolers as well so we have plenty to eat. One cooler is for the drinks, the other for hamburger patties, fish, seafood, and things of the sort.
I place the last bag on the truck bed, making sure we had everything we need for the night. The sun has set for the most part, it's nearing 9:00pm by now and I'm fixing to head out.
I take a seat, placing the key in the ignition, proceeding to start the car. Before I drive off, I make sure to call and tell everyone that I'm about to be on the way.
The truck has a moderately loud cabin as I start it.
Before I drive off, of course I have to make sure there's music playing.
La nuit américaine by Lescop is the first song that starts playing .
I am dressed in some flowy black Hawaiian shirt with a cream and deep red floral pattern; loosely buttoned down some, paired with deep red swim shorts and accessorized with a simple gold chain.
I make my first stop to pick up my beautiful girlfriend; She is wearing a simple black swimsuit, some little shorts on top of it, covered in a flowy,loose, cream-colored cardigan.
As I pull up to the front of her house, I honk so she knows I'm here. I see her running towards the truck with her little bags, appearing to be excited for the night. I get out the truck to help her put her bags in the back. After doing so, I hold her closely by the waist, telling her, "Looking stunning as ever", before I give her a quick kiss. I open the door for her and hop back in the driver's seat, stoked for the adventure that awaits us.
I speed on over to pick up three more friends before we make way to the beach. There's clearly not much space so three of us sit up front, and two chill in the back, sitting on the truck bed.
Black out days by phantogram and subtronics begins playing as I'm speeding down the highway.
I roll down the windows, with the warm summer breeze blowing towards us, and my music being able to reach the homies in the back.
I re-spark the mini from earlier and pass it on to everybody else to smoke as I'm driving.
My lover right next to me, holding my hand as she is chatting away, catching up with her girlfriend.
I turn down my music just a little as we are upon arrival; It's about 10:00pm now.
Have you ever been to the beach at night time ?
It's a ghost town, just us amongst the palm trees swaying back and forth. Supposedly the tides can get quite high at night, we made sure to settle down at a safe distance from the water.
There is a concrete area near the parking lot with some tables and a restroom area. We all hop out the truck with enthusiasm; my girlfriend and our friends run towards the sand. One of my friends stay back to help me unpack our things.
I set up some music on my stereo to get the party started.
Sweater weather by The neighbourhood starts playing.
Of course, we all know this song!
Two of my friends and I start up a small bonfire with some wood we brought. The beach has some small boulders that look like nature made us seats. Regardless we'll be fine because we have camping chairs as well.
By the fire, we proceed to spark up an enormous backwood, gifted by one of my friends.
My girlfriend is crawled up in between my arms and legs, as we're sitting in unison. The blunt gets passed around the circle; She looks so pretty with her lips blowing out the smoke in my direction, giggling with her eyes barely opened.
We are all telling outrageous tales and laughing up a storm; I hold my girlfriend a little tighter as I'm admiring her cute laugh. It's funny seeing her stoned, considering this is a once and a blue moon moment for her.
Upon the open flame, we all help out in grilling some burgs, fish, and shrimp on skewers. Some of my friends crack open some wine coolers; tonight, I'll just stick with a cold can of Guarana.
Boys Latin by Panda bear starts playing next as we are stoned around the fire.
One of my friends surprise us by pulling out a bag of shrooms; talk about unplanned adventures.
My girlfriend and I aren't frequent trippers in the slightest but we figured why hold back on a night like this.
At this point and time, we have all dispersed from sitting around the fire; we are dancing, floating around the sand like atoms.
Velvet skies by Palma players starts playing as we are playfully running around in the sand.
My girlfriend and I are slow dancing to this song; we are looking at each other, reading each others soul with great intimacy. It's almost as if she's undressing me with her eyes.
The night is warm but the water is a bit chilly.
At this point we have all ran towards the ocean and began playing in the water; laughing away with childish joy.
As we run back towards the sand, we are shivering for our towels to keep us warm. Thankfully there's a bonfire to do so as well.
I proceed to turn off the stereo for a moment.
I'd figure I pull out the guitar now and start jamming with friends. We all take turns freestyling and doing poetry over my guitar. One of my friends pull out a tambourine to add rythmn to the session. I'm playing samba-like melodies, in Brasil this would be considered "Poesía acoustica".
After the jam session slows down some as we all get a little more sleepy, I decide to turn the music back on.
NFWMB by Hozier starts playing as I start rolling up another blunt.
My girlfriend, the non-stoner she is, takes the honors of sparking it up.
I kiss her after she blows the smoke straight at my face; my puny eyes light up in the sight of her beauty, I then let out one cheeky smile.
Kiss me again by The drums starts playing next as the smoke session comes to an end.
Some of our friends are laying down on some blankets and towels on the sand.
My girlfriend and I sneak off a bit into the distance, dancing closely to each other underneath the starry, moonlit night with waves crashing nearby.
We are dancing quite silly to this song in particular, as I "kiss her again, kiss her again, kiss her again."
Everyone is still laying down on the blankets, so we decide to settle down and lay right next to them.
With her in my arms, laying her head on my chest, we are looking up at the stars, taking a breath, getting lost in the sky.
At this point it's a bit passed 2:00am, the night is dying down, the trip has descended greatly; with her head laying on my chest, I notice she's drifted off to sleep.
I carry her off to our sleeping area so we can finally call it a night.
Sleep sound by Jamie xx is playing as I'm carrying my girlfriend with our friends all walking towards our tents.
The music slowly fades away as the scene too fades.
Whether it's a cozy cabin, entourée de neige,
Looking out the window, viewing the city night skyline,
A beautiful spring day on a farm,
Or a sunny day at the beach,
Whenever we're together, I'll feel at peace,
And tonight the beach brings nothing but the upmost ocean dreams.
- Alex M.
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fishbreedsblog · 1 year
Discovering the Beauty of Roosterfish & 18 Facts
 Find out all about the interesting Roosterfish, from how it looks to what it does and where it lives. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about Roosterfish before you go on your next adventure.
Roosterfish is what?
A type of fish called a roosterfish lives in the eastern Pacific Ocean, especially near the coasts of Mexico and Central America. It is easy to recognize because it has a long, flat head and a tall dorsal fin with seven spines. Anglers usually catch roosterfish for fun rather than to eat them, because most people don't think they taste very good.
About Roosterfish
Roosterfish are a popular game fish in the Pacific Ocean, especially along the coasts of Central and South America. They have a tall, comb-like dorsal fin that looks like a rooster's crest, which gives them a unique look.
Roosterfish can grow up to 5 feet long and 100 pounds heavy, making them a prize catch for sport fishermen. They are known for how well they fight and how high they can jump when hooked.
Most of the time, live bait like sardines or mullet is used to catch roosterfish. However, they will also eat artificial lures and flies. They like to swim in shallow water near rocky shores and hunt in groups.
Roosterfish are not only good for sports, but they are also very beautiful. Their smooth bodies and striking dorsal fins make them popular subjects for marine artists and photographers.
Overall, Roosterfish are interesting and hard to catch game fish, and any angler who is lucky enough to catch one will be very happy.
Roosterfish: A Brief History
Nematistius pectoralis is the scientific name for the roosterfish. It is a game fish that lives in the Pacific Ocean, mostly along the coasts of Mexico and Central America. In 1896, an American fish expert named David Starr Jordan was the first person to name a Roosterfish. This was in the early 1900s.
Roosterfish are known for their unique looks. They have a black stripe on their bodies and a comb-like dorsal fin that looks like a rooster's crest. Anglers who fish for fun like to catch it because of how hard it fights and how well it jumps.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists Roosterfish as a species that is "Least Concern" right now. But there are worries that overfishing and the loss of habitat in some places could put its long-term survival at risk.
Overall, the history of Roosterfish is closely linked to the sport fishing industry and conservation efforts that aim to keep this iconic species alive for future generations to enjoy.
Art and Culture: Roosterfish
Roosterfish have been a part of art and culture in many places around the world. Roosterfish are highly valued in sport fishing because of how well they fight. This has made them a popular subject for paintings and sculptures. They are also often painted with bright colors and complicated designs in traditional Mexican folk art.
Roosterfish have also been used as symbols in different cultures to show things like strength, courage, and persistence. Overall, Roosterfish have played a big part in art and culture, both as a source of inspiration and as a sign of cultural importance.
Roosterfish and Their Conservation
The roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) is a game fish that lives in the eastern Pacific Ocean along the coasts of North and Central America. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) says that the conservation status of roosterfish is "Least Concern."
This means that the roosterfish population is thought to be stable and is not facing any major threats or big drops at the moment. But it's important to keep keeping an eye on the species and their ecosystems to make sure they're safe for the future.
How Roosterfish Looks
The Roosterfish is a fish that eats other fish. It lives in the Pacific Ocean and is known for how it looks. It has a head that looks like a rooster's comb and seven long, spiny fins on its back. It has black stripes on a silver or bronze body, and its mouth is big and full of sharp teeth.
The Roosterfish can grow to be up to 5 feet long and 110 pounds heavy. Anglers like it as a game fish because it is strong, fast, and fights in a unique way.
Where Roosterfish live and where they can be found
Roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) is a game fish that lives along the Pacific coast of North America, from California to Peru, including the Gulf of California and offshore islands. They live in the water close to shore, often near reefs and rocky structures. They also live in estuaries and bays.
Roosterfish like water that is warm, between 68°F and 84°F, and they are usually found at depths between 0 and 100 feet. They have a prominent dorsal fin with long spines that look like a rooster's comb, which gives them a unique look. Anglers go after roosterfish because of how hard they fight, and they often let them go after they catch them.
How roosterfish act and what they eat
The Roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) is a predatory game fish that lives from California to Ecuador in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Anglers like to catch them because they look different and act aggressively, which makes them a popular target.
When it comes to how they act, Roosterfish are known for their speed and agility. When hooked, they often jump out of the water. They are also known to follow schools of baitfish and use their long, powerful dorsal fin to herd their prey into tight balls before attacking.
When it comes to what they eat, Roosterfish are opportunistic predators that eat small fish, squid, and crustaceans, among other things. They are most active during the day and hunt in shallow water close to shore, often near rocks or reefs.
Overall, Roosterfish are interesting and fun to watch in their natural environment. Their unique behaviors and ways of eating make them the top predator in the ecosystem of the Eastern Pacific.
How to fish for a roosterfish
In the eastern Pacific Ocean, Roosterfish are a popular game fish. Here are some ways to catch Roosterfish when you're out fishing:
Live bait: Live bait, like sardines, mullet, and small jacks, is what roosterfish eat. Use a hook that's right for the size of the bait, and keep it moving.
Lures: You can catch Roosterfish with topwater lures like poppers and stickbaits. These lures look and sound like baitfish that are running away, which can make Roosterfish strike.
Fly gear can also be used to catch roosterfish. Use big streamer flies that look like baitfish and move them quickly to make the fish think they are running away.
Trolling: You can cover a lot of water and find Roosterfish by trolling with lures or live bait.
When fishing by sight, you might see a roosterfish swimming in shallow water near reefs, rocks, or shorelines.
Polarized sunglasses can help you find these fish, and casting lures or live bait in their path can get them to bite.
It's important to use the right gear for the size of the Roosterfish you're trying to catch. Roosterfish can get as big as 100 pounds, so you may need strong gear to catch one. Also, check the local laws to see if there are any size or bag limits.
When Roosterfish are easiest to catch
If you want to catch roosterfish, the best time of year to do so depends on where you plan to fish. In general, roosterfish live in warm water and can be caught all year in tropical places like Central America, Mexico, and parts of South America. But the best time to catch roosterfish varies from place to place.
From May to November is the best time to catch roosterfish in Baja California, Mexico. The best time to visit the Pacific coast of Costa Rica is from December to March. The best time to visit Panama is from July to September.
Researching the place you want to fish and talking to local fishermen or fishing guides can help you figure out the best time of year to catch roosterfish. When and where roosterfish are most likely to be caught can also depend on things like the water temperature, the tides, and how many baitfish are around.
Fishing Gear and Tackle for Roosterfish
When fishing for roosterfish, most people use heavy-duty spinning or conventional reels and a strong rod with a 30-80lb class rating. To handle the strong runs of roosterfish, you should use braided lines that are at least 50lb strong.
Different kinds of lures can be used to catch roosterfish, such as topwater plugs, jigs, and live bait like sardines or mullet. Wire leaders are also recommended so that the sharp-toothed roosterfish don't bite through the line.
How to Fish for Roosterfish and Let Them Go
Yes, here are some tips for catching Roosterfish and letting them go:
Use hooks without barbs. This will make it easier to let the fish go without hurting it.
Keep the fish in the water. If you can, don't lift it out of the water, and take the hook out while the fish is still in the water.
Handle the fish gently. Use wet hands or a wet towel to handle the fish, and don't squeeze it too hard or touch its gills.
Bring the fish back to life before you let it go. Hold the fish by its tail and move it back and forth in the water to help it get its strength back.
Use the right gear. If your line and rod are the right size, you'll be able to land the fish quickly, which will make it less stressed.
By following these tips, you can make it more likely that the Roosterfish will live after being caught and released. This will make sure that this beautiful species will be around for future generations to enjoy.
Popular places to fish for roosterfish
Some of the best places to fish for Roosterfish are Baja California in Mexico, the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, the Gulf of Chiriqui in Panama, and the coasts of Nicaragua. Anglers have a lot of chances to catch these prized gamefish in these places because there are a lot of roosterfish there.
Trolling, fly fishing, and spinning with live bait or lures are all popular ways to catch roosterfish.
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Record Roosterfish Sizes and Biggest Caught
Roosterfish are a popular game fish in the Pacific Ocean, especially near the coasts of Mexico, Central America, and South America. Roosterfish can get as long as 5 feet and weigh more than 100 pounds, but most fish caught are between 20 and 50 pounds.
The largest roosterfish ever caught with a rod and reel weighed 114 pounds. It was caught in 1960 off the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. But this record is questioned because it was caught before modern fishing rules and ways of keeping records were set up.
In 2007, a 102-pound roosterfish was caught off the coast of Costa Rica. In 2018, an 88-pound roosterfish was caught in the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. Roosterfish have a unique look, with a dorsal fin that looks like a comb and a silver body with blue-green spots. They are usually caught with live bait or lures, and sportfishermen like them because they are strong and quick.
How much does it cost to buy Roosterfish?
The price of Roosterfish can change based on location, season, size, and availability, among other things. Roosterfish is usually thought of as a high-end fish, and each pound can cost anywhere from $20 to $40. Prices may change, though, based on how much demand and supply there is in the market.
How do roosterfish and other game fish compare?
Roosterfish are a unique type of game fish that live in the eastern Pacific Ocean. They have a tall, comb-like dorsal fin and a long, pointed snout that give them a unique look. When it comes to fighting, roosterfish are thought to be strong and aggressive fighters that can give anglers a good fight.
Roosterfish are usually smaller than other game fish, like Marlin or Tuna. They usually weigh between 30 and 40 pounds. But their fighting spirit and acrobatic jumps make up for this. Roosterfish are also caught closer to shore than most game fish, which makes them easier for anglers to catch.
The way roosterfish and other game fish eat is another important difference. Many game fish eat mostly baitfish, but roosterfish are known to go after a wide variety of food, like crustaceans, squid, and even octopus. This makes them a good target for anglers who use a wide range of fishing methods
Overall, roosterfish may not be the biggest or most well-known game fish, but anglers love them because they fight hard and look different from other fish.
Roosterfish Can Be Used in Food
Roosterfish is a game fish that lives mostly in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Even though most people catch and release roosterfish for fun, it can be eaten and used in different ways in the kitchen.
One of the most common ways to cook roosterfish is to grill or pan-fry the fillets with simple seasonings like salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Because the fish is firm and has a mild taste, it can be cooked in many ways, such as baking, broiling, and poaching.
Ceviche is a traditional Latin American dish made with raw fish marinated in citrus juices with chopped onions, cilantro, and chili peppers. Roosterfish is often used in this dish. The acid in the citrus juice 'cooks' the fish, giving it a tangy flavor and a firm texture.
Roosterfish can also be made into stews, soups, and chowders, in addition to these dishes. It is often used as a taco filling or grilled whole and served with rice and beans along the coasts of Mexico and Central America.
Overall, roosterfish can be used in a variety of tasty and healthy ways in the kitchen.
How to cook Roosterfish and Recipes for it
Cooking roosterfish is like cooking tuna or swordfish, which also have firm flesh. You can grill, bake, broil, or pan-fry roosterfish. It has a mild taste and a firm texture, so it can be used in many dishes.
Here is an easy way to grill roosterfish:
Salt and pepper and olive oil are used to season the fish.
Set the grill's heat to medium-high.
Roosterfish needs about 4-5 minutes per side on the grill to cook all the way through.
Serve with the sides you like, like rice or grilled vegetables.
Before grilling the roosterfish, you could also put it in a marinade. Here's a simple marinade recipe:
In a bowl, mix together 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 2 minced cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, salt, and pepper.
Pour the marinade over the roosterfish in a shallow dish.
Cover and put in the fridge for 30 minutes or up to 2 hours.
Set the grill to medium-high heat and grill the fish for about 4-5 minutes per side, or until it is cooked all the way through.
Roosterfish can be cooked and eaten in many different ways. Try out different recipes and cooking styles to find your favorite way to make this tasty fish.
How far are Roosterfish able to fly?
Roosterfish are a type of game fish that live in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. They can't fly or swim through the air. So, they can't fly at all, much less for any length of time. Roosterfish are known for their great swimming skills and can move quickly through the water, but they can't get out of the water and fly.
How to catch bass with Roosterfish tail?
The roosterfish and the bass are two different kinds of fish that act and live in different ways. So, you can't fish for bass with the tail of a Roosterfish.
Most roosterfish live in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, while most bass live in North America's freshwater lakes and rivers. Roosterfish are also known for chasing down fast-moving baitfish near the surface of the water in an aggressive way. Bass, on the other hand, tend to be more cautious and like lures that move slowly and look like small animals like insects or worms.
If you want to catch bass, it's best to use techniques and gear made for this species. This could mean using spinning or baitcasting rods with the right line and lures like jigs, crankbaits, or soft plastics.
In conclusion, Roosterfish tail fishing for bass is not a good way to fish. To catch bass, it's best to use techniques and gear made for this kind of fish.
Roosterfish are a type of fish.
Yes, you can eat Roosterfish. However, they are not usually eaten because their meat is tough and not very tasty. Also, Roosterfish are often thought of as game fish, which means that they are caught more for fun than for food.
Before eating any fish, it is important to check the local fishing rules and advisories to make sure it is safe to do so.
Can you eat Roosterfish?
People don't think that roosterfish are good to eat. They are tough and have a strong, unpleasant taste that turns off a lot of people. Also, they are often caught for fun and then released back into the water instead of being kept to eat.
But if you still want to try Roosterfish, you should know that some local communities may have traditional recipes and ways to cook it that make it taste better.
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universal-textiles · 1 year
How to Decide the Perfect Swimwear for You
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When it comes to shopping for swimsuits like Regatta swim shorts or any other brand, you get spoilt for choices. Since you typically have only one or two swim garments in your wardrobe, it's worth finding ones that you genuinely like.
In this blog, we’ll help you explore the factors involved in choosing the right swimwear for you.
Choosing the right swimwear that suits you
Understand Your Activity Requirements
Consider the intensity of your activities when choosing a swimsuit:
Loose fabric can cause chafing when wet, so loose trunk-style shorts may not be ideal if you plan on walking or exercising in your suit. (Despite the name "boardshorts," professional surfers usually wear snug, tight-fitting swimwear these days.)
How much swimming, as opposed to wading and splashing, will you be doing? A tighter fit can help reduce drag if you're actively propelling yourself through the water.
How much sun protection do you need? For extended sun exposure, it's worth considering a swimsuit that covers both the upper and lower body.
Consider the Visual Impression You Want
If you want to make an impression, you need to decide the type of shorts you want to wear.For instance, family vacationers have minimal stylistic needs. Men attending beach parties or crowded scenes with the intention of meeting others may need to be more selective. Businessmen who might end up in spa or hotel pools with co-workers and business partners have their own considerations.
Ask yourself:
Are you trying to impress anyone? If not, focus on comfort and what works for you.
Do you want to look professional? Choose a medium length accordingly that’s not too long and not too short. Choose conventional styles like trunks or square cuts, and dark, solid colors or subtle stripes. For a safe choice, you can go with navy blue and brass-colored grommets with white rope ties.
Do you want to look sexy? In this case, choose a cut that flatters your body type and opt for eye-catching colors, and patterns (such as stripes, plaids, bright solids, or moderate floral prints) that are attention-grabbing without being overly bold.
Be Realistic About Your Body
In the 21st century, you have the freedom to let it all hang out within the limits of local laws. However, being honest about who wants to see your naked flesh and how much of it goes a long way.
Some self-consciousness is not a bad thing. Consider the following:
If you have a belly, a looser cut will provide some balance, and it's best to avoid tight, strongly-elasticized waist openings that might dig into your stomach.
If your thighs and buttocks are not toned, a tight swimming brief or thong may expose some jiggle.
Don’t want to attract less attention? Choose longer trunks with proper fitting styles like jammers or skinsuits.
Remember, there are no right or wrong choices here, but it's realistic to expect that your choices will have some effect on how others perceive you. If you’re planning to buy new swimwear then check out our Regatta swim shorts collections.
Source: https://www.universal-textiles.com/blogs/news/how-to-decide-the-perfect-swimwear-for-you
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