#structural engineer in Toronto
arrowengineering · 1 year
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Find the Best Structural Engineer in Toronto for Your Needs
When you need a structural engineer in Toronto, trust Arrow Engineering to provide you with the best services. We offer quality engineering services tailored to your specific requirements. As part of the construction process, we will ensure that your project is built with integrity and safety at every stage. Let our years of experience and commitment to excellence help you realize your dream structures!
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persiandevelopmentinc · 3 months
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torontoconstructions · 3 months
Welcome to our blog where we delve into the indispensable role of structural engineers in Toronto's bustling construction industry. In this post, we'll explore how these professionals contribute to the safety, stability, and innovation of the city's architectural landscape. Structural engineers in Toronto are the backbone of construction projects, applying principles of load-bearing capacity, material science, and structural analysis to ensure the integrity of buildings and infrastructure. Let's delve into how these principles form the foundation of their work in the city. To read the full article please click here.
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johnypage95 · 4 months
BIM Services in Canada:-
Looking for a pre-construction solution that can help you with their guidance? The time has come to choose us and contact us. We provide top-quality BIM services and consulting. Our team has already completed countless projects and now it's your time to choose us. https://www.seekcurity.com/Bim-consultancy.html
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virtchandmoir · 5 months
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ycl_structural_designs: Finally had the pleasure of connecting with the awesome owners of one of our most special projects. Toronto Maple Leafs All-Star defenseman Morgan Rielly and Olympic Gold Medalist Tessa Virtue! Super down to earth and cool people! We are huge Leafs fans and sponsors of minor hockey here at YCL, so we were extremely honored to provide the structural engineering design for the complete renovation of their beautiful new home in the city!
Huge thank you to @LionfishDevelopments and @rePlacementDesign for trusting us with this special project 🙏
Go Leafs Go!
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Renegade 2023 Bound Exchange: Strike Anywhere by Mad Lori
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My recipient for the annual @renegadepublishing bound exchange this year was @sits-bound, which gave me the chance to explore some new Schitt's Creek fic!
Strike Anywhere by @madlori is a Schitt's Creek AU, where Patrick is a firefighter in Toronto, and David is a municipal engineer called in to consult on structural issues at fire scenes. They HATE each other on first sight, fight constantly… and inevitable end up secretly hooking up… and then secretly dating… and then secretly married, too embarrassed to admit it to their coworkers.
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I had fun with the theme for this one, and used a blueprint image for the endpapers, and so many flames. So many! I'm really happy with how it turned out in the end, but there was a moment where things VERY MUCH had not gone to plan.
I like how the case turned out in particular! Too bad that I then had to cut the entire text block out of it and add sixty missing pages the day I planned to put it in the mail.
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So let me set the scene. It's Dec 28. Exchange books are due in the mail Jan 1. I have spent several hours the day before finishing off stenciling the cover and spine of both books I'm sending, and am taking pictures before I package everything up. I flip to the back of the second book, and… huh. I know I formatted the AO3 metadata at the back of the book. Did I miss a page somehow?
It is then that I realize that something has gone badly wrong. On checking the typeset… my printed book ends at page 216. The typeset ends on page 277.
I got the textblock out of the case, sacrificing the endpapers, but with everything else intact. Realized that my pre-cut textblock paper was still sitting on my desk at work. Decided fuck it, I need to reprint the endpapers anyhow, and skulked in to use the big colour copier, even though I was on vacation.
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The signatures fit into the case! Some funky cutting and gluing was required to take out the few duplicate pages and the blank pages from the original, make some tabs out of the edges, and glue it all in.
The mull did not come off as well as the endpapers, but it DID come off.
I cut off the sewn endbands, and the bookmark, glue everything back together, and trek back into work the next day to use the big guillotine and retrim the textblock.
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The edges are re-speckled! Sewn endbands would mean forcing the needle through multiple layers of glue, and time is tight, so I made endbands out of bookcloth to match the case.
And! It! Fits! Casing in actually went better the second time.
I DID get it into the mail by the deadline, and it safely arrived in @sits-bound's hands, so now I can share the saga. I still can't believe it fit back in the case.
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leibal · 9 months
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Maison Amelie is a minimalist home located in Toronto, Canada, designed by Studio Tasso. A strategic layout enhances the aesthetic, bringing forth a vivid play of hues juxtaposed with solid, grounded structures, which effectively mirrors the diverse tastes of the residing couple. Studio Tasso, not just the designers, but also the craftsmen behind the project, have masterfully engineered the millwork in the home.
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paperhound · 7 months
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Two thoughts on this: 1. This is so Toronto. In Vancouver we may not have any such architectural marvels but our bookstores have erected freestanding book towers that can rival any world capital (your Hounds may have even had a hand in some of their engineering and construction) and you don't see us bragging about it. and 2. It takes a certain temerity to co-author a book on the tallest free-standing structure in the world (ca. 1976) when your surname is "Leaning".
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digiboostmedia · 2 months
Vaughan's Growth Catalyst: Elevate Your Business with Digital Marketing Mastery
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Vaughan, a vibrant city located just north of Toronto, is known for its picturesque landscapes, welcoming community, and thriving business opportunities. With a rapidly growing economy and diverse industries, Vaughan has become a hotbed for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to make their mark in the digital age. Providers like Digital Boost Media provide internet marketing services in Vaughan, helping local businesses to establish and strengthen their online presence, ensuring they can effectively reach their target audience and thrive in the dynamic digital marketplace.
The Shift towards Digital Marketing in the Modern Business Landscape
The business landscape has evolved significantly recently, with a notable shift towards digital marketing strategies. In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, businesses in Vaughan need to embrace this change to stay ahead of the competition.
Digital marketing encompasses various online tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content creation, and more. These strategies are designed to reach a wider audience and drive targeted traffic to your website or online store.
One of the key advantages of digital marketing is its ability to provide measurable results. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, you can track the performance of your campaigns in real time and make data-driven decisions to optimize your efforts.
Having a solid online presence is crucial for businesses in Vaughan. With more consumers relying on the internet for their purchasing decisions, it's essential that your brand is easily discoverable and stands out from the competition.
Implementing an effective digital marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution. It starts with understanding your target audience and identifying which platforms they frequent most often. From there, you can tailor your messaging and create compelling content that resonates with them.
Collaborating with a reputable digital marketing company in Vaughan can be highly beneficial. They have the expertise and resources to develop customized strategies aligning with your business goals.
Understanding the Basics of Digital Marketing and its Key Components
The marketing world has undergone a seismic shift in recent years, with the rise of digital marketing taking centre stage. Digital marketing encompasses various strategies and tactics to promote products and services through online channels. At its core, it revolves around creating compelling content that engages and resonates with your target audience. This can take various forms, including blogs, social media posts, videos, and email campaigns.
One key component of digital marketing is search engine optimization (SEO), which involves optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages. By incorporating relevant keywords into your website's content and improving its structure, you increase your chances of being found by potential customers searching for similar products or services. Partnering with a top SEO company in Vaughan, such as Digital Boost Media, adds another layer of expertise to this process. Their dedicated SEO strategies and industry insights can elevate your website's visibility, ensuring it stands out prominently in search engine rankings and attracts the right audience for your business.
Another important aspect is social media marketing, where businesses leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn to connect with their audience more personally. It allows you to interact directly with customers through comments, likes/shares, and direct messages while building brand awareness and loyalty.
Paid advertising is also an integral part of digital marketing. Platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads enable businesses to reach their target audience directly through targeted ads based on demographics, interests, or behaviour patterns.
Email marketing remains an effective tool for nurturing leads and retaining existing customers. Building an email list gives you direct access to individuals who have shown interest in your business. Sending personalized emails with valuable content helps build trust and increases the likelihood of conversion.
Understanding these key components will help you navigate the vast realm of digital marketing effectively. By employing a holistic approach tailored specifically to your business goals and target audience in Vaughan's market context, you can elevate your brand presence online, differentiate yourself from competitors and ultimately drive growth.
Importance of a Strong Online Presence for Businesses in Vaughan
In today's digital age, having a solid online presence is crucial for businesses in Vaughan. Companies must establish themselves online, with most consumers turning to the internet to research and purchase products or services.
One of the main benefits of a solid online presence is increased visibility. When your business has a well-optimized website and active social media profiles, you are more likely to appear in search engine results and be discovered by potential customers.
A solid online presence also builds credibility and trust with your target audience. A professional website that showcases your products or services effectively can instil confidence in prospective customers.
An online presence provides opportunities for businesses in Vaughan to differentiate themselves from competitors. By implementing various digital marketing strategies, such as content marketing or email campaigns tailored specifically for your target market, you can showcase what sets your business apart from others in the industry.
An effective digital marketing strategy helps generate leads and nurtures relationships with existing customers. By utilizing tools such as email automation or personalized retargeting ads on social media platforms, you can stay top-of-mind with current customers while encouraging repeat business.
So don't wait any longer - embrace digital marketing mastery now!
Tips for Implementing a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy in Your Own Business
1. Set Clear Goals: Defining your goals is essential before jumping into any digital marketing activities.
2. Know Your Target Audience: Understanding your target audience is crucial for effective digital marketing.
3. Create High-Quality Content: Content is king in digital marketing. Ensure that the content you produce is valuable, informative, and engaging.
4. Optimize for Search Engines: Implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your website's visibility on search engines like Google.
5. Leverage Social Media Platforms: Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twi, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., based on where your target audience spends their time online.
6. Utilize Email Marketing: Use email marketing campaigns by building an email list of interested customers through opt-ins on websites or social media channels.
7. Measure Success with Analytics: Implement tracking tools like Google Analytics to measure the success of your digital marketing efforts.
8. Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Digital marketing trends constantly evolve. Stay up-to-date with industry news, blogs and podcasts and attend webinars/conferences.
From understanding the basics of digital marketing to implementing a comprehensive strategy tailored to your goals, numerous ways exist to elevate your business in Vaughan. Whether you work with an experienced digital marketing agency in Vaughan or develop an in-house team, investing in your online presence is crucial.
Remember that building a solid online presence takes time and effort. Be patient and consistent with your efforts, continuously monitor results, adapt strategies as needed, and stay up-to-date with evolving trends in digital marketing.
Elevate your business today by embarking on this exciting journey towards success!
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luuurien · 1 year
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Jonah Yano - Portrait of a Dog
(Jazz Pop, Neo-Soul, Singer/Songwriter)
Padded by BADBADNOTGOOD’s rich and warm jazz stylings, Portrait of a Dog captures multiple kinds of grief in one marvelous hour, Jonah Yano’s rush to immortalize family history and heal from heartbreak allowing for gentle folk meditations and heavier jazz pop jams to hold equal weight.
Named after a painting his ex-partner made, Portrait of a Dog is in a constant rush to catalog as much of Jonah Yano’s memory as possible. It’s an album woven around two different kinds of grief that don’t always make their presence clear, heartbreak from both the lingering hurt of a past relationship and watching his grandparents’ memory fade the foundation of everything Yano creates, Portrait of a Dog’s rich neo-soul arrangements padding for the toughest topic matter he’s breached yet. Across its 12 songs and 50 minute runtime, Yano is able to expel all his emotions without letting the music drag behind him, Toronto jazz heavyweights BADBADNOTGOOD at the production helm to give Yano’s stories compositional strength and a slight dreaminess for his abstracted, cloudy songwriting to bounce off, Portrait of a Dog grounded by intense emotions Yano allows to drift about the air. For how harrowing his inspirations are, Yano and BBNG keep the compositions fluffy and warm, restrained when the focus is on Yano’s voice and blooming into the BBNG’s ecstatic soul jazz when all his thoughts have been laid out, bringing balance to the album Yano uses to keep himself stable while recounting the waves of emotion that came over him in the aftermath of visiting his grandparents and working through a breakup at once. Loss permeates all of Portrait of a Dog, but Yano is set on capturing those bruises at their most tender, unafraid to look his grandparents' health in the eye and hold onto his memories of them along the way, his reserved performances situating him near heartbreak without forcing him to sing of it outright. Portrait of a Dog shrouds its stinging core in heavenly neo-soul and inky songwriting, but every emotion is deeply felt through the beautiful arrangements and gentle pace. BADBADNOTGOOD’s production is Portrait of a Dog’s beating heart, but rather than the mystical chamber jazz of their 2021 release Talk Memory, they return closer to the sound of IV tracks like In Your Eyes and Cashmere and their dusty soul jazz, straightforward composition roadmaps where the verse-chorus-verse structure is accentuated with instrumentation that wanders around those boundaries. In the places where Yano’s voice drops away, the band are able to express spiraling grief in ways his words cannot: Leland Whitty’s rich tenor sax tone makes for a wonderfully melancholic lead voice in the ending section of Haven’t Haven’t, and closing track The Ordinary Is Ordinary Because It Ordinarily Repeats sounds like it could have been an outtake from Talk Memory as its stumbling percussion and glowing improvisational work from Whitty ends Portrait of a Dog without Yano’s voice at all, him and BBNG instead choosing to let the album drift away into tender soul jazz that doesn’t seek to act as a definitive end point for Yano’s story - he’s continuing to process the massive holes in his familial history and how much he’s able to preserve of it, and Portrait of a Dog is just one departure point into the next chapter of Yano’s life and artistry. It’s those imperfections and the album’s refusal to do everything in one go that the album uses as an emotional engine: early highlight Always presses on its 3/4 waltz feel with Yano’s sharp vocal delivery and regal string arrangements from Eliza Niemi for a song that’s both heavenly on the ears and tense on the heart; The Speed of Sound! cuts out much of the thick instrumentation to close out the A side of the album with trickling, abstracted neo-soul perfectly matched to the story Yano is telling. The music matches Yano's tangled emotions while simultaneously helping to bring clarity to him, and the resulting songs work perfectly to bring you close to his heart. Yano’s diaristic, often indirect songwriting fortifies the two separate losses he worked through while writing them, but his performances and specific lyrical moments still pierce right through the center of his soul. The title track is one of the few songs here solely focused on his breakup, the glowing painting that adorns the album cover one of the few memories he allows himself to keep of his last relationship  (“Well, there's your portrait of a dog / And the apartment is a mess / So why can't I remember you?”), Yano’s smoothly fingerpicked guitar and BBNG’s smooth backing instrumentation blooming a perfect slice of moody, introspective jazz pop. By knowing all the different dynamics he’s looking to parse through with Portrait of a Dog, Yano’s songwriting is able to sprawl without becoming emotionally distant: his cover of Vashti Bunyan’s Glow Worms is dark and brooding, Bunyan’s sentimental lyrics turned so slightly sour by the sorrow of the album’s core themes, the song clever situated between the heartbreak of watching his grandparents’ health decline he sings of in So Sweet (“We'll all sit down to eat / Remember where you sit this time / You're opposite of me”) and the Sea Oleena-assisted ethereality of Quietly, Entirely is absolutely brilliant, Oleena’s glistening ambient stylings melting beautifully into the jazzy inflections of BBNG’s arrangements and Yano’s gentle singing. Though Portrait of a Dog's lush soul compositions and Yano’s dreamy songwriting may paint the album as a plush, cloudy listen, it’s impossible to hear a song like Song About the Family House or Haven’t Haven’t and not feel Yano’s immediate desire to hold onto as much of his history as he can even as his family disappears right in front of him, his cryptic songwriting keeping his pain from flowing over and creating a measured but passionate listen. Portrait of a Dog's shaggy, extensive examination of all the pain Yano has recently crossed paths with is highly dynamic and valiant in its approach to heartbreak, delicate as it tries to both collect as many memories as it can without pushing Yano past his emotional limits. Through its rich soul jazz arrangements and fantastic group of performers, the album creates space for Yano to traverse the depths of his different relationships and what it’s like to both leave them and watch them start to disappear, Portrait of a Dog unafraid to mix multiple griefs into a singular thesis for Yano. As he archives his family history and attempts to recount romantic loss at the same time, Portrait of a Dog becomes an elegant and poignant exploration of how different kinds of pain subsume into each other; how part of healing from heartbreak is learning where each individual part of that sorrow lies and making an effort to understand and grow from all of them. Yano’s sentimental neo-soul couldn’t have been a more perfect place for him to do exactly that.
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arrowengineering · 2 months
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The Role and Importance of Structural Engineers in Construction
Structural engineers play a pivotal role in the construction industry, providing the safety, stability, and durability of buildings and infrastructure. Their expertise is essential in every phase of a construction project, from the initial design to the completion of the structure. In Toronto, as in many other cities, structural engineers are in high demand, providing a range of services for both residential and commercial projects.
Structural Analysis, Design, and Drawing Preparation
One of the primary responsibilities of a structural engineer is to perform structural analysis, design, and drawing preparation. This involves determining the structural integrity of a building or infrastructure project, calculating the loads that the structure will need to support, and designing the framework to ensure its stability and safety.
Structural engineers use advanced software and mathematical calculations to analyze the structural elements of a building, such as beams, columns, and foundations. Based on this analysis, they develop detailed design drawings that specify the size, shape, and placement of structural components. These drawings serve as a blueprint for the construction process, guiding contractors and builders in the assembly of the structure.
In Toronto, structural engineers are responsible for ensuring that buildings meet the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and other relevant regulations. They work closely with architects, contractors, and other professionals to create safe and efficient structures that meet the needs of their clients.
Construction Supervision and Inspection
Another critical role of structural engineers is construction supervision and inspection. Throughout the construction process, they monitor the progress of the project to ensure that it is being built according to the design specifications. This includes overseeing the work of contractors, conducting site visits, and performing quality control inspections.
During construction, structural engineers may encounter unforeseen challenges or issues that require immediate attention. They are responsible for finding solutions to these problems and ensuring that the project stays on track. By providing expert guidance and oversight, structural engineers help to prevent costly delays and ensure that the final structure meets all safety and quality standards.
Design of Solar Power Structural Mounting Systems
With the growing emphasis on renewable energy, structural engineers are increasingly involved in the design of solar power structural mounting systems. These systems support solar panels and ensure that they are securely attached to the roof or ground. Structural engineers must consider factors such as wind loads, snow loads, and seismic activity when designing these mounting systems to ensure their stability and durability.
In Toronto, where the demand for solar energy is on the rise, structural engineers play a crucial role in helping property owners harness the power of the sun. By designing efficient and reliable mounting systems, they make it possible for homes and businesses to generate clean, renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint.
Assessment and Design Solutions for Structural Issues
Finally, structural engineers are called upon to assess and provide design solutions for structural issues that arise during the construction process or after a structure is built. This could include problems such as cracks in the foundation, sagging floors, or structural instability.
Using their expertise in structural analysis and design, engineers can diagnose the underlying cause of the issue and develop a plan to address it. This may involve reinforcing the existing structure, making repairs, or in some cases, redesigning portions of the building to improve its stability and safety.
In conclusion, structural engineers play a critical role in the construction industry, ensuring that buildings and infrastructure projects are safe, stable, and built to last. From the initial design phase to the structure's completion, their expertise is essential in every step of the process. In Toronto, as in other cities around the world, structural engineers are at the forefront of innovation, helping to create the buildings and infrastructure of the future.
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indycar-series · 2 years
INDYCAR FAQ: What's the difference between INDYCAR and F1?
This question gets asked a lot, so I figured I would give it my time and its own post. This is by no means a comprehensive comparison, given that it is almost 1 am and I am recovering from a bout of covid. The meat of the post is going under the cut because of how long it is, I hope you will give it a read.
You might look at this point and go 'well yeah, that's super obvious! F1 is an international sport and INDYCAR is an American sport.' The current era of INDYCAR is very much a North American sport, however they have historically raced in Europe, South America, and Asia. Under the previous management, the number of international races dwindled until only Toronto remained, however there is talk of taking INDYCAR abroad again.
What I really wanted to hit on in this part is the difference in racetracks the two series go to. F1 is very strict on their track selection, the track must maintain top FIA grade in order to be considered. They race road and street courses exclusively. INDYCAR doesn't care about any track grades. In addition to road and street courses, they also race at short ovals and superspeedways.
If you're an F1 fan, you're used to the cars being differently engineered based on what team manufactured them. F1 is a sport dominated by who can engineer the best car; its a very European style of racing. There are regulations as to how the car can be engineered, but for the most part teams have creative liberty to try to improve their performance. The most notable feature of this is different nose shapes and front wing set-ups.
INDYCAR is a very different ball game. In order to create safe racing that showcases the driver's ability, INDYCAR is (at its current form) very much a spec series. Dallara produces the chassis, and the regulations list dedicated parts suppliers for the teams to purchase different parts of the car from. This is how the series can keep the costs down for smaller teams and level the playing field, and why INDYCAR has a perceived notion of being a 'poor' race series by some ignorant folks. The series dictates three different base setups based on the type of track they are visiting, but the teams can tweak their cars (within regulation) for optimal performance.
F1's parent body is the FIA, and in recent times the series' officials have become notorious for their loose interpretation of the rulebook. Their regulations tend to be a little more open-ended, with consequences for violations being undefined and up to the discretion of race control depending on the severity of the offense. From an outsider's perspective, it makes learning the rules and regulations difficult.
INDYCAR takes a different approach. They are their own governing body, and take a more hardline stance to rules and regulations. The rulebook states the rules and clearly defines punishments for breaking said rules. If a team/driver breaks a rule, they receive the consequence, no questions asked.
F1: Mercedes AMG-Petronas, Red Bull Racing, Scuderia Ferrari
INDYCAR: Chip Ganassi Racing, Andretti Autosport, Team Penske
In F1, each team (manufacturer) is able to field two cars. The field is capped based on number of manufacturers, and it is incredibly difficult to enter a new team in F1. The teammates work together mostly in name only, or when the team decides they want to issue team orders. Its a competition to be better than your teammate every race for fear of losing your seat or preferred strategy status.
On the other hand, there is no rule about how many cars one parent team can enter. Generally we will see mainly 1 and 2 car teams, but can see upwards of 5 cars on a team. It all depends on how much money the teams have to spend and how many rides they want to fund. There is no set field size outside of the Indy 500, the only limiting factor is the size of the pit lane. Teammates work together and share data freely, because what benefits one teammate may benefit them all. There is a strong sense of camaraderie within teams, with no 'top driver' or 'preferred fuel strategy' to have to compete for.
This is something new for F1 fans (and most INDYCAR fans don't think about it either). In F1, points and penalties are assessed specifically to the driver and the manufacturer. Drivers score points for themselves and for their manufacturer, and incur penalties for themselves. Their car number is also paired to them.
In INDYCAR, points are assessed to the driver and the entrant, and penalties are assessed to the entrant. The entrant is defined as the specific numbered car within the parent team. For example, Car 20 may receive a drive-thru penalty for an infraction. It is not listed that Conor Daly receives a drive-thru penalty (except in the broadcast where that knowledge is translated by commentators for ease of fans) or that Ed Carpenter Racing Car 20 receives a drive-thru penalty. There is a driver's championship in INDYCAR, just like F1 (with a much different scoring system), but there is also an entrant championship that determines which entrants will receive bonus funding from INDYCAR. The car numbers therefore remain with the car, even if the driver has to step out for a weekend.
I'm not going to get into this here as I have already described INDYCAR's three different qualifying formats in INDYCAR 101. I will note that the road/street course qualifying for INDYCAR is very similar to F1's, just with different names.
The biggest noticeable difference between INDYCAR and F1 that catches people's attention almost immediately is how sponsorship and liveries are handled. F1 cars reveal their season's livery at the end of the off-season and (for the most part) maintain that livery and sponsorship set throughout the year. Teams are required to run the same livery on both cars for easy identification.
INDYCAR's liveries can rotate race to race, especially if the team is struggling to hold down primary sponsors. The livery of the car is determined by that car's primary sponsor. Its where we get iconic liveries such as the Pennzoil livery and the 7-Eleven livery. Here in the states, there is a heavy emphasis on corporate branding down to specific colors and patterns, and putting a sponsor's own design on a car is great advertisement. Sometimes teams will run special liveries for certain races like the Indy 500. Spotter's guides are available through the INDYCAR website and app for each race and are vital for new fans.
For my non-US fans this is usually the biggest cultural shock when they first start watching INDYCAR. This is standard practice for all American sports, most have TV timeouts they take for commercial breaks. For sports like American football, baseball, or hockey, this works very well. For racing on the other hand, not so much. This is how TV stations make money on their broadcasts. NBC, INDYCAR's broadcast partner has been experimenting with ways to get in their required sponsor breaks without sacrificing the viewer's ability to watch the race, though it can sometimes provide unexpected ASMR breaks for international feeds.
F1 pit stops are famously fast, mostly because there's a whole army of mechanics 'over the wall' (there's not a wall for them to climb over anymore) and the cars are pre-fueled at the beginning of the race. If a car is running out of fuel, they run out of fuel. The regulations eliminated refueling during pit stops as a safety precaution. Because the F1 cars are hybrid powered, they don't require as much fuel as a gas powered car. The average F1 pit stop to change tires lasts 2-3 seconds.
INDYCAR pit stops are fast too, but take longer than F1 pit stops because they require re-fueling. INDYCAR cars can't carry enough fuel to last an entire race so they have to refuel on every pit stop. This can have sometimes fiery consequences, though very rarely and usually because of an equipment malfunction. The average INDYCAR pitstop to refuel and change tires lasts 7 seconds.
Well that's a simple fix. Send me an ask, send me a PM, reply, or reblog and add your question and I will answer when I can. Seriously. My askbox is open (not for anons, some assholes in my friends inboxes ruined that for everyone) whenever, or if you're not comfortable attaching your question to your blog publicly, you can send me a PM anytime. My blog is for teaching people about INDYCAR (and converting you all to becoming fans) so I am more than happy to assist in any technical questions you may have. Though please refrain from asking me questions about which drivers support hot button issues. I don't know, I don't stalk drivers' twitter likes and follows. Reminder that we have an INDYCAR tumblr discord server called INDYBLR (I've passed the link around a fuck ton and it is linked in my blog description, just click INDYBLR and you'll get the discord link) and if it is a time-sensitive question, you can ask there and get a response from a veteran fan.
Hope this was helpful, and hope to see everyone enjoying INDYCAR!
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torontoconstructions · 3 months
The Vital Role of Structural Engineers in Toronto's Construction Scene
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Welcome to our blog where we delve into the indispensable role of structural engineers in Toronto's bustling construction industry. In this post, we'll explore how these professionals contribute to the safety, stability, and innovation of the city's architectural landscape.
The Foundation of Structural Engineering:
Structural engineers in Toronto are the backbone of construction projects, applying principles of load-bearing capacity, material science, and structural analysis to ensure the integrity of buildings and infrastructure. Let's delve into how these principles form the foundation of their work in the city.
Ensuring Safety and Compliance:
Safety is paramount in Toronto's construction scene, and structural engineers play a crucial role in ensuring that buildings and infrastructure comply with rigorous building codes and safety standards. Discover how their expertise protects residents and visitors alike from potential hazards.
Innovations in Structural Engineering:
Toronto's construction industry is constantly evolving, driven by innovations in structural engineering technology and techniques. From sustainable materials to advanced modeling software, learn how structural engineers are pioneering new ways to build smarter and more resilient structures.
Collaboration with Architects and Builders:
Successful construction projects in Toronto require seamless collaboration between structural engineers, architects, and builders. Explore how these professionals work together to translate architectural visions into reality while balancing design aesthetics with structural integrity.
In conclusion, structural engineers are integral to Toronto's construction scene, ensuring the safety, stability, and innovation of the city's architectural marvels. By leveraging their expertise and embracing innovation, these professionals continue to shape the skyline and enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.
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johnypage95 · 5 months
Custom-Built Library Creation Services That Cater For Your Needs:-
Do you know about object libraries and how library creation services assist companies? Indubitably, Object Libraries Creation Services in Canada are used to create new objects. For this, we provide excellent library creation services to the architects, engineers, fabricators etc. for the particular product. We provide myriad services in this regard. https://www.seekcurity.com/blog-custom-built-library-creation-services-that-cater-for-your-needs.html
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zerogate · 1 year
In 1941, Stanislaw Poniatowski, Professor of Ethnology at the University of Warsaw, handed a small stone to an elderly Pole. For twenty minutes, Stefan Ossowiecki felt the object, rolling it over and clasping it in his hand, then he spoke:
I see very well, it is part of a spear … I see round houses, wooden, covered with grey clay, over walls of animal hide … People with black hair, enormous feet, large hands, low foreheads, eyes deeply set …
He went on for an hour, giving a detailed view of the daily life, dress, appearance and behaviour of a Palaeolithic people; including an account of their ritual use of red ochre and lime as cosmetics, and a description of a cremation ceremony. All of which was totally appropriate for a projectile point identified by the Warsaw Museum as belonging to the fifteen-thousand-year-old Magdalenian culture.
Ossowiecki was murdered by the Gestapo in 1944, but he was tested further during the war years with another thirty-two assorted objects from the Museum – including stone tools, bone fishhooks and ceramic figurines. And in each case he provided vivid panoramic descriptions that read like eye-witness accounts of communities and technologies ranging from half-a-million-year-old Acheulian times, through Mousterian, Aurignacian and Neanderthal cultures, to the present day. These accounts were stimulated by objects that only experts could be sure to recognise, and were supported by further complementary detail when the same object was given to him again at a later date. Despite the fact that Ossowiecki was a chemical engineer with no conscious interest in prehistoric archaeology, his descriptions are not only consistent with what was then known about the cultures in question, but sometimes included information that has only come to light as a result of discoveries made since he died.
Norman Emerson, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Toronto, regularly uses what he calls “intuitive archaeology” on field expeditions. He has discovered a truck driver called George McMullen, who has no formal education and never reads anthropological literature, but seems to be able to “read” artefacts in the same way as Stefan Ossowiecki – providing information on the Iroquois Indians, which Emerson knows to be accurate. Taken to a potential site, McMullen “almost quivers and comes alive like a sensitive bird dog scenting his prey”. He walks rapidly over the area to orient himself and then begins to describe the people who lived there – their age, their dress, their way of life and the whereabouts of their buildings. He once walked over a patch of bare ground, pacing out the perimeter of what he claimed was an Iroquois long house, while Emerson followed behind him placing survey pegs in the earth. Six weeks later, the entire structure was excavated exactly where McMullen said it would be.
On another occasion, he helped archaeologist Patrick Reed who was working on a tenth-century Indian village buried beneath an overgrown field. Reed was sceptical about the claims of “psychic archaeology” and determined to put McMullen to a stern test:
I thought I’d ask him where the stockade wall of the village had been. I was pretty sure it had one, but I hadn’t been able to find it. George told me, “It’s there”, and traced out a line forty feet long. Twelve inches under the ground, I found the stockade remains. It scared the hell out of me.
--  Lyall Watson, Beyond Supernature
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katekelton · 1 year
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Kate Kelton: PHOENIX
Seeking to elevate brave Silence Breakers who’ve come forward during the #MeToo movement, Kate Kelton’s portraiture combines their oft familiar faces with elements of her family’s Czech architecture. Her portraits are cloaked in the garb of statues that Ladislav Šaloun sculpted onto the central train station that her great- grandfather, Josef Fanta, designed for Prague between 1901 – 1909. Sampling and mixing her own lineage, Kate has transformed a historical body of work, itself a thing of lasting beauty, exchanging granite for graphite; plaster for paint.
Headdresses and crowns deify Kate Kelton’s subjects. She uplifts the Unsung Sheroes & Heroes, Patriarchy Smashers, Warrior Survivors, Silence Breakers, Philosophers, Truth-Tellers, Whistle Blowers and Thought Giants. She paints portraits cloaked in the garb of statues Ladislav Šaloun sculpted onto the train station that her great-grandfather, Josef Fanta, designed for Prague in 1901 – 1909.
Apotheosis through a reclaimed, reapplied Art Nouveau.
Kate’s recent work is a matter of expansion through contrast – she is as ephemeral as her subjects are concrete architecture; she is structural when her subjects should slip through your fingers like too-fine sand. Taken as a whole, the works in her magnificent series Phoenix are incredibly intelligent, but when looked at individually, you come to understand that these are statements of life beyond themselves. The series take embellishments of a Prague train station designed by her great-grandfather, Josef Fanta, and combines these with portraits of men and women who have stood against the sexual harassment and assault rampant in Hollywood –particularly those who have testified against Harvey Weinstein, R. Kelly, and Bill Cosby, and made allegations against Franco Zeffirelli, Donald Trump, Russell Simmons, Max Landis, Michael Jackson, Nick Carter, Luc Besson, and others. These women, like Kate herself, have suffered in the era where powerful men, every bit as immovable as the train station, wielded their power without check. The portraits emblazoned on architectural elements, they are marked against the edifice, every bit as permanent, and perhaps even more defining. If you approach those as portraits, you’re taking the moment but missing the permanence. If you take them as statuary, you’re missing the fact that they are, in fact, alive within those gazes. It’s really incredible how much a shift of the light, a dart of the eye, can turn each of them from a memorial into a promise. This is not an exhibition about tragedy. This is a monument to courage, survival and empowerment.
Kate Kelton was born in the south of Germany, after her parents escaped Czechoslovakia. Her early years were spent in a VW bus traveling Europe with her mother, an abstract painter. Settling in Toronto, Canada at age seven, Kelton attended the Etobicoke School of the Arts as a Visual Arts Major, and received a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Film, from Ryerson University. Her father was an architect. His grandfather, and namesake, was Josef Fanta: renowned Art Nouveau architect, engineer and sculptor, who worked closely with Alphonse Mucha. Photographer Dagmar Hochová is Kelton’s great aunt, on her mother’s side. Kelton also had a recurring role on Stephen King’s Haven on the Syfy Channel. When the illustrated re- edition of the book it’s based on, The Colorado Kid, was published, she illustrated the front and back inside covers. Her first lead role on tv was opposite Eric Roberts and Eddie Izzard, in the Independent Film Channel’s Bullet In The Face. Alex Maleev illustrated her for the poster. Her first feature film, Deepa Mehta’s The Republic of Love, debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival. Her film credits include cult classics, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle and American Psycho II. Did you also spot her in music videos, like Shaggy’s “It Wasn’t Me?” Almost as good as googling her as “the Tic Tac girl.” ;} Kate has exhibited her artwork internationally for decades, at, among others: the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, the New Walk Museum & Art Gallery in the UK; Gallery 1988 in New York, Venice, and West Hollywood; Gabba Gallery, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, and Durden & Ray in Los Angeles; Art On Scene in Beverly Hills; Galerie F in Chicago; Lawless Concept in Montreal; and The Sony Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto. Her work has toured with Yoko Ono’s Group Show Arising from Zurich, to Portugal, to the UK and Germany.
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