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ashtonsunshine · 1 year
The 5SOS Show Stuttgart
via 5SOS instagram stories. 28th September 2023
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itsalmostavengers · 13 days
Sometimes I forget that the Captain America they dragged out of the ice and then ordered to go fetch an all-powerful alien God from Stuttgard was like. Actually only a few years older than me. I forget this. And then I watch Avengers 1 and I see the look of Pure Fear that passes over Steve’s face just for a moment when Fury says ‘you’re up’ (go take him on, I know you’ve lost everything, I know the world has changed but you still need to save it, you still need to put your grief aside for now, for until the fight is won, even if the fight is never really won) and I kind of lose my mind a little bit.
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popculturebuffet · 11 months
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Night of the Raving Dead
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Happy halloween all you happy freelance police. I"m jake and my Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space retrospective continues as Sam and Max fight a guy who sucks just in time for spooky season.
Chapter 3 gives us a fun spooky good time as we have zombies, frankenstines and vampires as our dynamic duo have to beat a club hopping german vampire before his army of the undead conquer the world. So a normal tuesday really. Can our heroes save the world.. again? Will we have to see a lot of pierced vampire nipples? Is Lincoln still the worst Short answer, of course, just look at the article image, and i'm still in cringing agony so.. can confirm. Long answer is under the cut!
Night of the Raving Dead begins In Media Res and milks it for all it's worth: Sam and Max are in a soul sucking machine, at the mercy of Jurgen, a european vampire who never wears a shirt but does gladly show off his pierced nipples. Still better than bebops. Firm 6/10.
At any rate pierced nips aren't the issue as the threat here is your old fashioned spike wall style trap I know just the man for the job but sadly he's was a bit busy with his own spiked wall issues
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So instead we flash back to the start of this tale.
And to my delight our heroes continue to pile up junk in their office. Sam has now added a holy urn and is still high priest seperation of chruch and state kneels before god emperor priest president Max!
Our heroes have a bit of infestation though in their office there's something all too familiar
These are not greasy teen zombies or greasy gnomes or even the dreaded Crombie, but European Zombies! So it's up to us to talk to everyone and find out why. In an intresting reversal this time it's Bosco whose closed, while Sybil's reopened her place, because we psychologically tortured him into disappearing.
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Sybil meanwhile is looking for love in all the wrong places as after her relationship with Abe Ended she's restarted her dating service.. but just for her. After the obvious sex work joke because this is the 2000's, Sybil is basically screening dates... and is currnetly screening a moleman.
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But after he failed we're left with Harry Moleman. Whose back for some reason. Gotta reuse those models I guess. He has aboslutely no shot and Sybil is being just polite. He also has a choclate heart we'll need later and a fear of zombie's we'll exploit later
Moving over to Stinky's her latest special is a gooey cake/chekov's gun, while her latest item we can grab is a sunlamp bulb since even she has no idea why it's there, but the plot does. The plot sees all.
Anyway abe's also there.. .and still the worst as he blames Sybil for the breakup, is stalking her and won't shut up
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Yeah I liked Abe at first.. but in a record TWO episodes he's gone from endearing into the hall
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It's a shame too as I really DID like abe in season one and the first episode of this but this gag, ESPECIALLY wiith how the sybil plot concludes, really dosen't work.
Thankfully we move on to our boys the C.O.P.S. who have decided to captalize on this to sell internet to zombies, via online trial discs. For those too young to know what those are
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For now though we can't get any of those future coasters, but we do found out poor bluster has some brain damage which was also funnier at the time. We do find out the source of the ZOmbies: the zombie factory in Stuttgard, Germany. And to my shock Stuttgart is a real place. I would've asked my german friend , but she needs sleep and isn't awake till midnight like moi.... am I a vampire? ... no. No I love garlic bread too much to make that sacrifice. Then again It'd also make it easier to meet Matt Berry.. dammit this is a dillema.
While I mull this over we move on to Stuttgard. I didn't ask said friend, @galaxysupernaturalstuff because again, asleep.. and because I forgot earlier. Though I probably DON'T need an actual german to tell me "yeah Stuttgart isn't a small villiage with a giant castle in the middle of it. "They thankfully don't do too many german stereotypes about the country as a whole, the only gags they do being the fairly innocent beerstein and the fact Midtown Cowboys is big there. It's done more in a tounge in cheek way than anything genuinely offensive.
Turns out the Zombie Factory is both your standard spooky hammer horror style monster castle.. and a club, and to get in we need to get past the bouncer, good old superball.
Yeah like the Bosco scremaing thing this is a runner nad a truly great one. Also unlike that one it's both nonseical and you can't get punched for it. He's working for Jurgen, our big bad, because his doors are rich fine mahogany.. and he needs SOMETHING to do after the divorce. He was married. I'd.. genuinely forgot that.
To get past him we once again have to do something that's likely to get me sent to hell for playing this game: take a brain from a fresh corpse
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Then we throw it to a gargoyle which suprisingly ISN'T alive, nor voiced by keith david despite it being night, allowing us to cut the line.
It's inside we get a ZOMBIE DISCO BITCHES. We meet our arc villian and the mastermind behind this half baked scheme, Jurgen. Jurgern.. is a deliglight: he's basically every 20 something trying to seem cool by clubing distilled into a vampire and given a german accent and nipple rings. And he is glorious. The fact his plan is just "Conquer teh world with zombies" jah helps. our heroes just try to go for the head.. but Jurgen can teleport so we need to take the source of his powers: his...
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And it's fun too as each one is simply hitting him with his vampire weakensses.. and the how, as usual is fun and redicuous. That being said actually solving these puzzles.. is a lot. I ended up hitting a dead end: I figured given the tropes at play that the key was to trigger some type of hidden entrance to get up to the balcony to replace the bulbs in the spotlight with the sunlamp. And it is.. btu the how is INCREDIBLY overcomplicated. While the writing couldn't be stronger this chapter and where your supposed to go MOSTLY straight foward, the actual puzzles are often overcomplicated. The ones in the Zombie Factory itself rely HEAVILY on a dj soundboard , which you have to put the right words from one of jurgen's poems into, without it being clear which words in the poem are a clue. Also solving the spotlight DOSEN'T fix the problem and you still have two other things to do to him, only one of which is pretty easy to figure out since after Jurgen mentions he's a huge midtown cowboys fangboy, a new area unlocked announcment shows up. As it did with the COPS when this castle unlocked. Both a great gag and a nice bit of gameplay magic to make this easier.
So yeah.. I used a guide for most of this. This is one of the trickier ones gameplay wise and if you don't adventure game often or have a lot of patience
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It can be maddening. There's also another "pick a random dialouge option fo ra song" puzzle like last season, which just.. isn't fun. Picking various options is only funny if there's multiple jokes, like the cooking without looking segment from last game. Basically asking "PICK RANDOM DIALOUGE FOR US FEASANT" isn't fun it's just keeping me from having fun with the part of the game I actually like.
So with that we an shine a little sunlight on Jurgen's life, causing him to freak out and loose a little respect of his fanbase. Like any influencer in embyro, just one stab to his rep isn't going to do it but it's a start. Next it's time to return to Midtown Cowboys! Their probably hiding a cow. Midtown Cowboys have been saved from cancelation baby! See back then Networks actually.. payed attention to things like audience numbers or dvd and digital sales instead of guarding the numbers like a cave troll so they can cancel whatever they want whenever they want. Gee I wonder why the actor's strike has taken 105 days with that kind of job security.
As it turns out Midtown Cowboys is HUGE in germany, with WARP having converted to just shooting Midtown Cowboys and spinoffs. Hey at least they beat Disney+ to the punch with that model. Turns out the statoin lady's been TRYING to get our heroes back in they've just been busy and such.. and max also deleted her messages because he be like that.
We also reunite with my boy Mr. Featherly, who legally changed his name from Philo Pennyworth. While he DID go back to theater even he can't resist the siren call of "buy your own private island fortress" money. Max naturally signed away those rights without thinking. They lost 4 executives that day..so you know it's not all bad.
We can still use the broadcast to our advntage though, stashing some garlic cigarettes from outside the castle in Featherly's bag as a prop. What follows.. is comedy gold. While we sadly don't get a cookin without lookin sequel, I wanted to use baboon hearts, what we do get is just as funny as we get a very special episode, the kind sitcoms used to do to tackle the heavy issues instead of just weaving them in if it fits the tone.
The cowboys hold an interviention for mr. featherly, who finds out they were indeed hiding a cow but he has his own cow.. a smoking addiction. Even Bessie is disapointed. It then quickly turns into an add for smoking and why it's totally rad and you should all do it as their sponsor.. is garlic clove cigarettes. It's so fucked and I love it. IT's a simple idea i'm genuinely suprised I haven't seen elsewhere and genius.
So with that we just have one last thing to destroy this man's career: we need a man of the faith to bless some water bottles we got at the club. But since Shelby isn't around, we'll have to make do with max, dunking the water bottles in his sacred urn while he gives us the sacred rites
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The problem is as seen with the cigs, while Jurgen is many things, a hipster, a scene kid, a goth, a tool, a vampire, a mild german sterotype, a dracula, an emo, a direct to video sequel to Dracula 2000, a nipple piercing sorta guy, european, german, big dicked, bad at poetry, a plagarist, a mad scientest, an outer god... he is not dumb enough to let people carry in his weaknesses. Dumb enough to keep some of them in his private lab as we'll see, but still not dumb enough to let vampire hunters right in.
So to get it past we have to have max drink the holy water. You'd think this would mean max would get set on fire, another vampire weakness but it just give shim a halo. I guess his own religion can't cast him into the firey depths.
It's a once again limited time thing.. though I don't get WHY in this case. I get having it wear off to show it has to be used IN the castle.. but why does it wear off on the dance floor.
Anyways to beat jurgen we have to out out emo him with lyrics about darkness, no parents, continued darkness, and of course
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We DO basically win, but normally jurgen would copy us. I know because I did this puzzle before knowing the solution. He drinks max. Thankfully his drinking Holy Water makes him need to go potty. You know if I had a nickle for every time we had to defeat one of our foes by making him need to go to the bathroom i'd have three nickels.. which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened thrice.
So we follow Jurgen to his lair but given we've only done three puzzle's we're not done yet, two act structure and all as SAM AND MAX ENGAGE IN THE MOST THRILLING BATTLE OF THEIR CAREERS... bringing them to the trap.. which thanks to Sam being busy recapping, works and swallows our heroes souls. Jurgen goes.. somewhere, leaving us in his study. We find some useful junk, including a stake, and a monster.
This is Jurgen's Monster, who like his master I dearly love, a poetic beast whose mad you brought him to life as he's so lonely. Can relate dude, can, relate.
Helping him win a date with Sybil is our main quest from her eon out as she has a soul mater, a weird horrifying eldrich device she dosen't know how to use, so her finding her soul mate means we can have it. Which is good because Sam and Max's souls don't want to go back after how their bodies have misused them, waiting to go to the next life. To put a stop to our souls going to hell a few chapters early we need that soul mater.
What follows is a LOT of stuff since we don't have just 7 days to make jurgen a mannnnnnnnnnnn. We can't get him pink and quite clean but we CAN get him a brain via our old friend Flint Paper and the Zombie of Abe LIncon. Yeah turns out Abe was buried in Stuttgart and thus we meet the real abe whose loyal to his dead wife and actually likeable. Sadly he's brutalyl murdered because Flint Paper is on the warpath. He wants to kill us because "THey'd rather be dead than undead!" Sam and Max don't remember making him promise that and thus use another hidden passage to knock him out and get the brain.
Next we need a proper hand. Thankfully the zombie from the intro stole jessie james hand, which is now alive and holding up girl stinky. To get it we need to trick it and this puzzle is clever: the hand hops every time it shoots. So we simply have to make it get all the way to girl stinky, then put his attention her so it goes the other way.. straight into the goey cake. We got our HANNNDDD BACCCKKKK.
We now need to give him some heart. This one's a tad overcomplicated, even by this chapter's standards: first we need to play the cops game for this chapter, distrubing internet demo disks paperboy style. This game is tricky, but unlike the difficulty in this chapter, it's a fair kind once you figure it out. You have to move your car to be in the right position to hit the zombies with a disk. It's still hard, but it's the fun kind of hard
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With that we have a big anetna we can bolt cutter off the car and use to power up Jurgen's alchemy machine.
To get our final body part though we need to play the dating game against featherly and harry moleman
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Harry is just hopeless and Featherly is pretentious: LIncoln's brain is the only thing Sybil liked about him, and the hand has jurgen spell out I love sybil. Awwwwww. We just need a heart of gold as the ones we have are a clock and plants that make us into mr. van dresen. I mean .. you'd think playing a good rendention of lesbian segull would woo her but I guess it's not her thing.
No we need a heart. Luckily Harry takes his time answering a question and has a choclate heart, and even more luckily this time ruining his life dosen't feel bad as he's tried to murder us, sybil and really had ZERO chance before shouting at us.
With that we can be in it to win it, using the science and the alchemy to give us a gold heart and winning Sybils. Unfourtnatley the game then makes a pretty bleh error in judgment, as Sybil realizes she still wants abe and.. runs off to apologize to the bastard
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Yeah this joke is all kinds of messed up. I get her going back IS the joke, that he's bad for her.. but it just comes off stupid, and mildly sexist as it feeds into the old "oh women like jerks" sterotypes instead of "abusive relationships happen". I mean it's a lot to ask sam and max to be realistic, so i'm fine with that but it's not a lot to ask them to actually be funny if their going to do something this annoying.
So on that sour note the climax. We get our souls back and fight jurgen, who has a plan.. of.. some sort. Anyways we can't stake him because we're too slow, so we toss the soul mater to jurgen's monster pull the lever kronk and swap bodies, using his to finally put this chapter to it's eternal rest... but not before flint comes in and tragically jurgen's monster dies.
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I'm.. still not over it but i've been asured he returns somehow. And there's no time to punch flint for this as it turns out the reason he dived in guns a blazing to see us earlier is that he needs our help: bosco isn't just missing... he's NOWHERE ON EARTH
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Night of the Raving dead is one of my faviorite chapters writing wise, with lots of clever jokes, an all timer villian and tons of my faviorite characters.. and abe. The abe stuff drags it down slightly, but everything else is so good this is easily my second faviorite chapter of the games thus far behind Save the World's The Mafia, the Mole and the Meatball.
It still suffers from some of this games overarching issues: the puzzles are more obtuse, the writing can be a bit mean spirited, and I don't have a third thing. Beyond Time and Space thus far isn't BAD, and has legs up on it's predecessor with gorgeous environments, but it still feels a bit of a step back from the previous one. It's got a bigger budget.. but it's just not as fun as the later chapters of save the world. It's not a bad game, the writing is as sharp as ever and most of your terrible actions are too over the top to not be funny, but it dosen't have quite the charm the first one did.
Next Time: I .. genuinely dont' know. The descrption for this one is more vauge. the only thing I know for sure is we'll finally meet THEM
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Thanks for reading
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pwlanier · 9 months
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Boris Isaakovich Kinkulkin (b. 1961).
Harmonist 1986
Canvas, oil. 60 x 80 cm.
Bottom right: "86// KIN".
On the back: "Kinkulkin B.I.// r.1961// "Harmonst"86// 80x60".
Born in 1961 in Moscow. In 1983 he graduated from the Art Academy. Stroganov. Repatriated to Israel in 1990. Boris Kinkulkin's works are presented in "Ronald Zinger Gallery" (Stuttgard, Germany), "Asher Fisher Gallery" (Vienna, Austria), as well as in private collections in Israel and Russia.
Personal exhibitions:
1996: Jerusalem Theater, Jerusalem, Israel
Group exhibitions:
1988: Romanticism in Paintings of Young Artists, Moscow Artists House, Moscow, USSR
1989: "Beyond the Genre", Moscow, USSR
1990: "Vanguard Art and Technology", Moscow Artists House, Moscow, USSR
1990: New Repatriates-90, Exhibition Hall ZOA, Tel-Aviv, Израиль
1992: The Jerusalem Artists House, Jerusalem, Israel
1994: "Art Fosters Art", The Jerusalem Artists House, Jerusalem, Israel.
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stone-cold-groove · 1 year
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Vintage Porsche racing poster from 1953 - Porsche Stuttgarde-Zuffenhausen.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 1 year
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O bir Afrikalı’ydı,
Kongo'lu bir gençti.
Boyu 1.49,
46 kiloydu..
23 yaşında, evli, bir çocukluydu.
Güler yüzlü, hayat dolu bir insandı.
Adı Oto Benga’ydı..
Kendi dilinde manasi “Dost” demekti.
Bir gün nehirde balık avlarken yakaladılar onu. Yakalayan Amerikalı Samuel P. Verner’di. Boynundan ve ayaklarından zincire vuruldu. Yük taşısın diye sadece ellerini özgür bıraktılar.
Kırbaçlar altında saatlerce yol yürüttüler. Sonra onlarca soydaşıyla birlikte bir geminin makina bölümüne konuldu. Zifiri karanlıkta, haftalar süren bir yolculuk sonrası New York’ta gün ışığıyla buluştu. Soydaşlarından ayırıp bir kafese koydular kendisini. Bir depoya hapsettiler. Günlerce orada tutuldu. Hergün önüne bir kuru somun attılar. Tarih 9 Eylül 1906’ydı.
Oto Benga, Amerika kıtasına ayak basan ve adına 'insan' dedikleri bu mahlukun bu kadar gaddar, bu kadar acımasız, bu kadar zalim olduğunu bilmiyordu. Onun vatanında aslanlar, aç timsahlar ve yırtıcı hayvanlar bile bu derece vahşi değildi.
New York Bronx Hayvanat Bahçesi’nde o gün görülmemiş bir kalabalık vardı. Hayvanat Bahçesi hasılat rekoru kırıyordu. Nedeni New York Times Gazetesi’nde çıkan bir haberdi. Şöyle yazıyordu. “Vahşi adam Bronx’da maymunlarla aynı kafesi paylaşıyor. İnsanın ilk ataları ile bir arada. Bakıcısı bazen serbest bırakıyor. Eylül ayı boyunca akşamüstleri ziyaret edilebilir.”Gazete haberine bir de not eklemişti. “Bazı kesimler bu olaya tepki gösterse de, bilim adamları Benga’nın insan olarak değerlendirilemeyeceği kanaatindedir."
Oto Benga’yı önce hortumla yıkadılar. Sonra hayvanat bahçesinde içinde ağaçlar olan geniş bir kafesin içine koydular. Kucağına Dohong adlı yavru orangutanı verdiler. Gazeteciler fotoğraflarını çekerken, binlerce insan merakla kendisini izledi. Oto Benga da onları. Yüzünde garip bir ifade vardı. Hüzün ve kin. Yavru orangutan korkudan sımsıkı ona sarılmıştı..
Hergün saatlerce poz verdiler. Bir hafta içinde ziyaret edenlerin sayısı 250 bini geçti. Bazıları kafese kemik atıyordu. Oto Benga sinirlenip, sivri dişlerini gösterince, “Cannibal, cannibal” (Yamyam yamyam) diye tempo tutuyorlardı. Gazeteler “Benga bir yamyamdır” diye yazıyordu.
Oto Benga’ya yapılan bu zulme, çoğu Hıristiyan olan New York halkından kimse ses çıkarmadı. Ne politikacılar, ne bilim adamları, ne gazeteciler, ne aydınlar. Yüreklerin kulakları sağırdı. Bronx Hayvanat Bahçesi Oto Benga’yı serbest bıraktı. Pantalon, ceket giydirdiler. Ayak işlerinde çalıştırdılar. Tarih 20 Mart 1916 idi..
Eşinden, çocuğundan, soydaşlarından binlerce kilometre uzakla olan Oto Benga, çaldığı bir silahla kendisini kalbinden vurarak intihar etti. Çünkü ölüm onun için özgürlüktü. Öldüğünde henüz 32 yaşındaydı. Bronx Hayvanat Bahçesi zamanla Oto Benga ile ilgili tüm kayıtları sildi. Ancak gazete haberleri ve fotoğraflar gerçeği gizleyemiyordu. Hayvanat Bahçesi yetkilileri, tepkiler artınca “Dünyanın her yerinde yapılıyor, biz niye yapmayalım?” dediler..
Söyledikleri doğruydu. O yıllarda uygar medeni denilen Avrupa’nın bir çok yerinde aynı vahşet sergileniyordu, Londra, Paris, Berlin, Brüksel, Stuttgard, Barcelona, Milan, Hamburg gibi metropollerde kafes içinde Afrikadan kaçırılan insanlar sergileniyoru, diğer insanların eğlencesiydi. Bu vahşet öylesine bir gelir kapısı olmuştu ki, “Hayvanat Bahçeleri”nin yerini, “İnsan Bahçeleri” almıştı. 1960’lara kadar binlerce insan kafeslerde hayvanlar gibi sergilendi. Çığlıkları yeri, göğü inletti. Ama modern insanlar. kör ve sağırdı..
Batılılar bugünkü Şatafatlı hayatı sömürdükleri mazlumların kanlarına, ALTIN ve ELMAS madenlerini çalıp açlıktan öldürdükleri, KÖLE YAPIP sattıkları AFRİKALI ÇOCUKLARA BORÇLULAR...
İyiki cehhennem var ve zalimler için yaşasın cehennem...
Gökhan Karaman
He was an African,
He was a young man from Congo.
His height is 1.49,
It was 46 kilos.
He was 23 years old, married, with one child.
He was a smiling and lively person.
His name was Oto Benga.
In his native language, it meant "Friend".
One day they caught him fishing in the river. The catcher was the American Samuel P. Verner. He was chained around his neck and feet. They just left their hands free to carry the load.
They walked for hours under the whips. Then he was put in the engine compartment of a ship with dozens of his kinsmen. After weeks of travel in total darkness, he met the light of day in New York. They separated him from his kin and put him in a cage. They were imprisoned in a warehouse. He was held there for days. They threw a dry loaf in front of him every day. The date was September 9, 1906.
Oto Benga did not know that this creature that set foot on the American continent and called 'human' was so cruel, so cruel, so cruel. In his homeland, even lions, hungry crocodiles, and predators were not so wild.
There was an unprecedented crowd that day at the New York Bronx Zoo. The Zoo was breaking records. The reason was an article in the New York Times Newspaper. It read like this. “The wild man shares a cage with the monkeys in the Bronx. together with the first ancestors of man. The caregiver sometimes lets it loose. It can be visited in the afternoons throughout September.” He added a note to the newspaper article. "Although some groups reacted to this event, scientists are of the opinion that Benga cannot be considered as a human."
They first washed Oto Benga with a hose. Then they put them in a large cage with trees in the zoo. They gave him a baby orangutan named Dohong. Thousands of people watched him curiously as the journalists took their pictures. Oto Benga also has them. He had a strange expression on his face. Sadness and hatred. The baby orangutan hugged him tightly in fear.
They posed for hours every day. Within a week, the number of visitors exceeded 250 thousand. Some were throwing bones into the cage. When Oto Benga got angry and showed his fangs, they were chanting "Cannibal, cannibal" (Cannibal cannibal). “Benga is a cannibal,” the newspapers wrote.
The people of New York, most of whom are Christians, did not speak out against this persecution of Oto Benga. Neither politicians, nor scientists, nor journalists, nor intellectuals. Hearts were deaf. The Bronx Zoo has released Auto Benga. They wore pants and jackets. They did legwork. The date was March 20, 1916.
Oto Benga, who was thousands of kilometers away from his wife, children and relatives, committed suicide by shooting himself in the heart with a stolen gun. Because death was freedom for him. He was only 32 when he died. Over time, the Bronx Zoo deleted all records related to Auto Benga. But newspaper reports and photographs could not hide the truth. When the reactions increased, the zoo officials said, "It is done all over the world, why shouldn't we do it?" they said..
What they said was true. In those years, the same brutality was exhibited in many parts of Europe, which was called civilized, in metropolitan cities such as London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Stuttgard, Barcelona, Milan, Hamburg, people smuggled out of Africa in cages were exhibited, it was other people's entertainment. This brutality became such a source of income that the "Zoos" were replaced by "Human Gardens". Until the 1960s, thousands of people were displayed as animals in cages. His screams made the sky and earth groan. But modern people. was blind and deaf.
Westerners owe today's pompous life to the blood of the oppressed, to the blood of the oppressed, to the AFRICAN CHILDREN they stole the GOLD and DIAMOND mines, killed them with hunger, made them slaves and sold them...
Good thing there is hell and long live hell for the oppressors...
Gokhan Karaman
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projazznet · 7 months
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Jan Garbarek, Anouar Brahem, Manu Katche – Live in Stuttgard – Part One
Jan Garbarek, Anouar Brahem, Manu Katche – Live in Stuttgard – Part One (1993) Jan Garbarek – tenor saxophone Anouar Brahem – oud Manu Katche – drums
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ifuckingadoreart · 10 months
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“Dragon resting its head on the lap of a woman.” by Anton Robert Leinweber (1912)
As seen in the book “Kinder und Haus märchen gesammelt durch die Bruder Grimm : mit 4 Bildern in Farbendruck und 181 text illustrationen.” (Children and household’s fairytales collected by the brothers Grimm: with 4 pictures in color and 181 text illustrations, by the german editorial Stuttgard)
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witekspicsoldpostcards · 10 months
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DEGERLOCH (a part of Stuttgard), Germany
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borealalice · 9 months
37,54,55 and 56 :)
OHOHOHO here we go, thank you very much for the ask :)
37. if you don't speak it: would you rather learn german from mick schumacher, sebastian vettel or nico rosberg?
I actually took German for four years in uni, so I speak some (though I've forgotten a lot of it in the subsequent years, yikes). But it I were to resume my lessons under an F1 driver, I'd have to pick Sebastian, because my old German professors were all from Stuttgard and their accents and his are similar (or at least they sound similar to my uncultured ears), so I would probably be able to follow what he's saying. Also Schumacher is way too intimidating lmao. Rosberg would be my second choice, I guess.
54. which driver would you rather have as an older brother ?
This one was hard, but after thinking about it I'm going to go for Albon, based on pure vibes. He just seems like he's a cool but responsible older brother to his actual siblings (also I'm an only child and eldest cousin myself, and I'd never actually stopped to think about what it would be like to have an older sibling figure, so that was interesting)
55. which driver would you rather have as a younger brother ?
This one, on the other hand, was easy: YUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. A million times Yuki. He has a specific flavour of chaos that is also present in my family (loud, unpredictable, swears a lot, loves food more than anything. He could quite literally be one of us). I'd have no trouble both wrangling and enabling him, I've been doing it all my life with my younger gremlin cousins :D
56. which driver do you like the most: max verstappen or fernando alonso?
... listen, I actually quite like Max and his devotion to the art of driving itself, but I'm afraid I've always been and will always be a Nando girly. We're from the same part of Spain and he's the reason why I got into F1 (like the rest of Spain, nobody in this country gave a fig about motorsports until el nano started winning everything) and why I've been watching it for close to a decade now. I have vivid memories of losing my mind in a bar alongside my whole family when he won his first title, and at 42 he's still my old man, mi paisano, my terrorist, my absolute beast on track. It's the fact that at that age he's still in his absolute prime and still performing miracles, extracting every last bit of juice out of faulty machinery and putting mid cars in positions that they absolutely don't deserve to be in (as proven by his teammates, who can't wrangle them into the same spots on the grid) and making every race of his riveting to watch... I will always root for Fernando.
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sloggervlogger · 10 months
Introducing The Budapest Gorilla Troop by SloggerVlogger Today starts a new series and I'm back to the Budapest Gorilla troop for some up-to-date footage. This is a quick video, an introduction as I wanted to update my previous introduction. Also, I've done a #shorts video of the gorilla family. The group consists of five gorillas. Silverback Golo was born at the Zoologisch-botanischer Garten Wilhelma, near Stuttgard Germany. He was born on the 27th of September 1980 and stayed until the 7th of April 1981 when he moved to Zoo Zürich. He's been at the Budapest Zoo since the 2nd of May 1989. He has four offspring, but only his daughter Indigo is still with him. Female Gorilla Liesel was born on the 15th of April 1977 making it the oldest gorilla in the troop. She was born in Zoo Frankfurt and stayed there until her move to Budapest on the 20th of April 1989. Her offspring are Dango, Gorka and Ebobo. Female Gorilla Iringa also from Germany was born at the Münchener Tierpark Hellabrunn on the 31st of January 1998. From there she was moved to Zoologisch-botanischer Garten Wilhelma on the 3rd of April 2002. On the 3rd of April 2002, she was moved to Zoo de la Boissiere du Doré and to Budapest Zoo on the 14th of April 2003. You might remember her mother from the Munich footage I filmed in 2020. She's called Neema and kept the blackbacks in check, including Ozala's and Oumbie's son Okanda. You can catch up with them here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXC1aShJSBiViApL3h3GqE3i1nmX62v5t Iringa hasn't got any offspring, but she's always playing with Indigo. She also loves sitting by the window watching the people. Something most Gorillas don't do. Female gorilla N'yaounda the mum of Indigo was born on the 5th of February 2001 at Burgers' Zoo in the Netherlands. She was moved to Budapest Zoo on the 31st of October 2008. Her offspring are Bongo and Indigó. Female Gorilla Indigó, daughter of N'yaounda was born at the Budapest Zoo on the 23rd of December 2017. You will also find the footage of her here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXC1aShJSBiWXPrMcLLaEsHmfA_RCHZ-f via YouTube https://youtu.be/kYaxFTdXR8s
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avalonunezgisi · 2 years
aynen stuttgard teyzecim
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fcbalding · 3 months
nagelsmann better starts subbing in stuttgard players from the bench now
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pwlanier · 9 months
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Boris Isaakovich Kinkulkin (b. 1961).
Dreams about Kizhma. 1987.
Oil on canvas. 60 x 79 cm.
On the back: "Kinkulkin B.I. r.1961// series "Dreams about Kizhma"//№2 "Conversation on the train"// 1987 79x60 h.m.
Born in 1961 in Moscow. In 1983 he graduated from the Art Academy. Stroganov. Repatriated to Israel in 1990. Boris Kinkulkin's works are presented in "Ronald Zinger Gallery" (Stuttgard, Germany), "Asher Fisher Gallery" (Vienna, Austria), as well as in private collections in Israel and Russia.
Personal exhibitions:
1996: Jerusalem Theater, Jerusalem, Israel
Group exhibitions:
1988: Romanticism in Paintings of Young Artists, Moscow Artists House, Moscow, USSR
1989: "Beyond the Genre", Moscow, USSR
1990: "Vanguard Art and Technology", Moscow Artists House, Moscow, USSR
1990: New Repatriates-90, Exhibition Hall ZOA, Tel-Aviv, Израиль
1992: The Jerusalem Artists House, Jerusalem, Israe
1994: "Art Fosters Art", The Jerusalem Artists House, Jerusalem, Israel.
Artistic Auctions
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bialtocom · 5 months
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SOBRESCRITO CIRCULADO . ALEMANHA . STUTTGARD . 1987 https://www.bialto.com/listing/sobrescrito-circulado-alemanha-stuttgard-1987/18383385
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