inter-sekt-blog · 6 years
The Styxxoplix Show Episode 121: Running Out Of Our Minds with Steven Leyba & Steven Lee Matz Recorded in the Erik Mollberg studio, WELT 95.7 FM - Fort Wayne Community Radio, August 19, 2018.
#RogueGallery #MindOverMedia #InterSekt #Artists #Art #DigitalArtDistrict #InterSektArt #NWC #Subversive #Cerebral #Ubiquity#AnyoneCanDraw #ArtEvolution #Radio #Interview #Styxxoplix #StyxxoplixShow #StevenLeyba #StevenLeeMatz #Art2018#NewWorldCreative
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stevenleematz · 6 years
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The Styxxoplix Show Episode 121: Running Out Of Our Minds with Steven Leyba & Steven Lee Matz Recorded in the Erik Mollberg studio, WELT 95.7 FM - Fort Wayne Community Radio, August 19, 2018. Go to https://soundcloud.com/the-styxxoplix-show/episode-121-running-out-of-our-minds-with-steven-leyva-steven-lee-matz #RogueGallery #MindOverMedia #InterSekt #Artists #Art #DigitalArtDistrict #InterSektArt #NWC #Subversive #Cerebral #Ubiquity #AnyoneCanDraw #ArtEvolution #Radio #Interview #Styxxoplix #StyxxoplixShow #StevenLeyba #StevenLeeMatz #Art2018 #NewWorldCreative #likesforlikes #likeforlike #like4likes #likefollowshare
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namastefamily · 3 years
This is a gift Santos Bonacci Interview on The Styxxoplix Show • Dec 14, 2016 • Feel free to reupload my videos on your youtube account Listen Learn Sacred truths
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styxxoplix · 6 years
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It’s all about the song of the story and it’s all about the story of the song. Will everything be all right when nothing’s left or will everything go wrong? Hmmm, but, it won’t be long before we all belong, yet, until then, I’ll see you yesterday & we will reminisce about tomorrow with our final meals of misery & our last cups of sorrow, there’ll be no more time to borrow because all of the rent has been spent & time is not a clock, ladies & gents! It’s still 11:11 after all this time has stopped now, we’ve outgrown it & so NOW, we be in the eternal moment, it’s time to drop everything we’re doing & travel around the realm and meet & greet each other in the unveiling of God’s secret film on earth for what it’s worth because it’s all a Truman Show on the 13th Floor, but, nevertheless, I’ll tell all you masses some more, it’s the Four Horsemen & I am Conquest, Nickholas is the victory of the people & so, there is no contest because I BE the Beyonder on this Plan E.T. in these scandalous Secret Wars but all of us peOple should dare to be peace masters creating masterpieces in our worlds that we share instead of being store whores for the markets of the beast machine in this savage dream or oh, dear, should I dare say nightmare? until the rude collective awakening where all the rat race ceases, so when we gonna stop going to the movies & start sharing our experiences like telepathy & telekinesis on the psychic connect grid? ego, superego, ID. Don’t make me get the keys with Ken Kesey & get this merry prankster bus further, daaaamn, this is too easy, word to the death of murder because I be the Bukowski Lebowski, the laziest & filthy, craziest fucking animal eating up all the drugs, holy fucking shit, did I just open up this big bag of bugs? Oh, well or should I say or, well?, let me tell you how we Huxley out of this brave new world with Robert Anton Wilson in the Prometheus Rising dimensional travel airlines agency, me came to yank you out of your zombie complacency & screw your currency because currently there isn’t any Golden Age Renaissance Utopia that I���m aware of . . .
. . . unless all of this dystopian horror comedy prisons of freedom shit show is a cruel cosmic joke played on us by Love, after all, God is Love, or as Below as Above? but like I said before, I don’t see any of this yellow brick road to the emerald city to see the Wizards of Oz, special effects of the cause, well, I’m gonna let you know right now, that I am zoNzo, the Last Gonzo. Zilly Zonka, the Last Willy Wonka as we triumph over trauma against All the propaganda of a Clockwork America, Uncle Scam and the Christ Control Coca-Cola Program Against Simultaneous Collaboration, Creativity, and Celebration, as we all begin collectively making music like we’re all part of some synchronicity symphony that summons the mothership to arrive over the rainbow bridge, like Hunter S. Thompson said only those that’ve gone over the edge know the edge so get to know the ledge to get a sense of your center as we enter the Symbiotic Harmony Energy Kingdom, bringing us into contact with the Mothership system, all of us walking around like we just took mushrooms in the garden of earthly delights throughout these days and these nights because is IS is as I realize myself out of my Icarus Ipsissimus demise and start FALLING AWAKE with the entire human race to embrace as we face the music with perpetual immortality throughout all dimensions we shall penetrate where the synchrometafrequency event connects all altered states of consciousness and builds up to the perpetually climatic music of the spheres for all “ears”, symbiotic harmonics with biological/bionic/alchemical and angelical, demonic, soulwave psionic, DiaGnostic Dynasty. WE ARE FREE. A! BE. SEE? as the end ends and the beginning keeps on beginning . . . — Styxxoplix
September 29, 2018
10:33 PM EST. 🔑🎤❤️🇺🇸🖖🏼🌞🌅🚬😎✌🏽💀👻🔥🤫💛💚❤️🎼 #cosmicspazz #metamaniac
| Styx X aka Ninjah Christ |
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stevenleematz · 6 years
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The Styxxoplix Show Episode 125: Escape from the Traumatrix with the Meta-Gonzomancers WELT 95.7 FM - Fort Wayne Community Radio 🇺🇸 A great specter is looming over the art world: the specter of Inter|Sekt. For far too long we have watched the artists of our generation turned into a disposable commodity, bought and sold by the galleries, stifled in their expression by the tastes of the art consultants who purchase pieces on behalf of financially minded clients who want a "solid investment". They have been amalgamated into schools, said schools are a device of gallerists and art historians to divide and conquer the creatives and free thinkers. For we live in a nation which thinks itself to be free yet is not, they expect the same of their artists. Our culture has been raped and plundered by the upper echelon, picked apart and sold by the same greed mongers who claim to be it's patrons. The tool which has most effectively stunted the growth of modern American art in particular is the clever indoctrination of this idea of schools to not only the art student but anyone whom even reads a brief survey of the history of art sees that it is broken up into these categorized schools; the philosophies of these various sects creates conflict, division, and ultimately destruction of the morale and submission to the established order. Thus rendering the creative spirit confused and useless. This helps curb the rebellious spirit of the average citizen outside of the art world in other spheres of society. Art history is a lie and galleries are dens of thieves! Inter|Sekt is not destroying the schools or the galleries, we are simply showing you they were never real, at least not in a world outside of that constructed by academics to sell text books to art students. The reign of the gallerists and art consultants is over when you want it to be. From the ashes of the indoctrinated schools of every form of art shall arise The New World Creative. — Inter Sekt #InterSekt #InterSektArt #NewWorldCreative #Ubiquity #Art2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/BoFvoH0nMlg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=101qn0c8rhpys
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styxxoplix · 6 years
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“Comatose Ego Ghost”
Instagrimoiracle benefits to reap, will of the wits, overkill occult rap, I snap too deep, the dead dude rudely interrupting you out of your sleep with morbid mood erupting esoteric so peep the bleep in the era of error, obviously dangerous, the mythmaker, troublemaker terror, doubledarer, mister mischief master suddenly out of nowhere, #abracadabra, so totally random when I go there, I’m gonna reach out and grab ya, I manifest what I imagine then throw air outta my windpipe and express my voice through lovelight. My speech got reach so hold tight and hang loose as I paradox out of Pandora’s box of juice and circle around you squares and screws then fox you flat on the line of long stairs without a beginning or an end, this is where it’s at, you’re point blank empty mindmares induced without a when, trapped in a sci-fi novel by Stanislaw Lem, ok, you now have my permission, STEM. MK ULTRA & SKYNET, the biggest bogeymen yet, conspiracy culture, gore gourmet, horror purgeatorio, turbotechnodystopio makes Orwell, Huxley, and nuclear winter look like ginger beer, oh well, fuck me, we got us a winner here, the end is always near and the future’s uncertain, oh, dear, do not look at the man behind the curtain until the coast is clear! Have no fear, Armageddon is next year. 🚬
— Styxxoplix,
#occultrap #esotericpotery #cosmicabsurdism #dystopiancomedian #satireofparanoia #revoltrap #makingfunoffear #dielaughing #thenumberofthebeast #ironmaidenbackground
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styxxoplix · 6 years
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“Metamorpheus Mingus” by Styxxoplix, acrylic on canvas.
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styxxoplix · 6 years
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“Bruce Crow Lee” , a poetrait — image by Styxxoplix Do you know I, do I know me? The mystic flaw I draw, Bruce Crow Lee, Martian Arts, fooled by my own tricks that outsmarts and that smarts with self satire, on fire with pitiful parody on parade with the divine comedy, tragedy of the tragic magick, overindulgence in abundance, gonzo ego inflation, transforming or transformed by imagination, reality renaissance and the science of the mystics, esoteric artistics, metaphor physics, human potential, mantra mental, mischievous yet gentle, peak performance with endurance, Gilgamesh looking for immortality insurance. East meets west to combine the best of both worlds and words stirred up like witches brew which is true as warlocks spit spells that banish invading voice cartels, or, well could it be a trilogue, conversation with the devil and angel?, I’m trying to focus, I can’t tell or make out which one is Christ or Satan, am I loving or hatin’? as I concentrate to center middle path while I cry, scream, and laugh as the tree of the three seems to be the math, combination Christ in the domination of the Devil’s Paradise. Bruce Crow Lee with the magickal ritual activation device, it is like a finger pointing to the moonchild, the weird and the wild. #BruceLee #AleisterCrowley #BruceCrowLee #mysticarts
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styxxoplix · 6 years
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“It’s Easy To Ignore, But Difficult To Accept” ⏳ Obliterated by the post-literate degenerates that regurgitate the murmur state with meme murders. Tasty emoji sushi burgers with gif butter jerkers. Let’s dip some tide-pods in melted plastic and burnt rubber. Bubble gum flavored coffee and a poop puffer. I’m smacking all the phones out of your hands with pogo sticks and kick stands. Putting “kick me” signs on all pedestrians. There ain’t no more Merry pranksters, just zombie thespians. Dystopian mind blends. Game time trends. You all ain’t individuals, just separated sheep that eat signs and symbols. I’m the fool to ridicule because I stand out like a sore thumb while y’all get more dumb and dumberer, attention span extinction, idiots, dumb asses, morons, is there a distinction? There’s no discussion, just a troll thread, are we having a debate or is our soul dead? Do you object with logic on an unknown topic? Observe and absorb the absurd. Well, you don’t want to disturb the herd. It’s popular so then it must be fun, trust me, son, you can’t trust no one, only this gun. Oh? Is that the riddle of steel? Did you just smack your head in the middle of real? Perpetual updates and upgrades in the instant gratification civilization. You fake awake. Go the fuck back to sleep, gimme a break, for goodness sake, the future is a mistake, gimme back my now, but you don’t even know why, you don’t even know how, I say meow, you say bow wow. I am looper, I was pre-sent from the past, in the future, few are sure and I’m certainly uncertain as nobody bothered to care that there’s a man behind the curtain in the project blue beam, a new dream to sell, the whole war is peace, freedom is slavery, and heaven is hell. The dunce dance of cognitive dissonance is the best clockwork orange that I’ve ever seen. Assembly line minds for the meme dream machine. Pay attention only to distraction, hyper-connected inactivity with no animated action. I’m just ranting and raving while I’m wild waving in the candyland graveyard where I saved God with blasphemous Baphomet trumpets of tremendous triumph and resistance, we decided to take a short cut to now and override the long distance. — Styxxoplix, June 14, 2018 ⏳ #freethinker #resistance #hello (artwork by Styxxoplix)
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styxxoplix · 6 years
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Zentanglement Reflected by Styxxoplix
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styxxoplix · 7 years
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Listen to Episode 105: The Sudden Art of Sequences with Merlin Monroe by The Styxxoplix Show #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/the-styxxoplix-show/episode-105-the-sudden-art-of-sequences-with-merlin-monroe
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styxxoplix · 7 years
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"💥😑🔫" I'm the Killer and the Killed Leader of the Suicide Guild I destroy myself while helping others build The hourglass has been filled No blood has been spilled but there will Ain't no sunshine and the thrill is gone It's been dark so long, I'm wondering if I'll live to see the dawn Dedicated to the roof and bridge jumpers, drug overdosers, wrist cutters, neck hangers, and head bangers I feel the reasons of why you wanted to die, So, I turned up Suicide Solution real loud and started to cry In the difficult transit of Saturn-Pluto, you know, The so called shamanic death of the ego, The pathetic plague of placebo?Or is archetypal astrology actually the real flow? Feels like I'm one becoming zero Crushed like a bug in the ground Collapsing, forever falling down My heart and mind feel like destroyed toys Searching for silence to escape the void of noise Dangerously desperate as I play Russian Roulette And it's already too late to call off the bet As Death whispers in my ear, "The future is now certain and the end is here." - Styxxoplix September 13, 2017 Midnight
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styxxoplix · 7 years
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"Nexus Nixxoplix" Flying and falling. Replying and calling. Lying. Deceiving. Dying and grieving. Being and leaving. Seeing and breathing. Feeling and meaning. Living and dreaming. Swimming and screaming. Digging and climbing. Singing and rhyming. Everything is done with perfect timing like God's secret film that is hiding. I'm a verb like Bucky Fuller so you can call me riding the wind as I'm writing the wings of angels from demonic angles. I strangles the traditional format and use it as a doormat to welcome in the beginning of fresh flesh at the altar of perfection that doesn't falter. Child is the Father of Man as we crawl through the tunnels of patience to reach an understanding. I'm out standing in the rain . What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again. Clockwork like Kubrick. I'm too slick for cats and so they get stuck like toothpicks versus matchsticks. A frenzy of nunchucks and chopsticks. Not a Sharknado but a Styxxoplix. Travel through a dimensional vortex that is triggered through your cerebral cortex fix. For the stay-at-it addicts and manic maniacs. The brawny brainiacs. Super turbo warp speed overdrive. The hyper-reality ride. Styxxoplix September 7, 2014
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styxxoplix · 7 years
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styxxoplix · 7 years
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"Wolf Flower" 🐺🌻 Ever feel like you being buried alive? Being hurried to survive? Worried you already died? As we scurried to the other side, composing while decomposing, mind and heart open wide. Time to start everything with nothing on the ride over the edge, under the bridge, from the bottom of the abyss to the top of the godhead where we experience IS, to know is to be is I am, the nephilim's nephew came to confront Uncle Scam, we be the conquering children, shining shaman souls, ambassadors of Mother Nature, the counterculture goals to defeat politics and greed, sowing the seed of love, we don't hate ya, as below, so above, injustice for all until we all are of . . . as we sing and bring the rude awakening, so be it, in the sinter, us gnostic gnights and bastard bards face the music in mankind's winter, play the cards, embrace your fate, don't refuse it, you're the winner. - Nickholas P Michell Styxxoplix, August 8, 2017
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styxxoplix · 7 years
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"Wolf Flower" 🐺🌻 Ever feel like you being buried alive? Being hurried to survive? Worried you already died? As we scurried to the other side, composing while decomposing, mind and heart open wide. Time to start everything with nothing on the ride over the edge, under the bridge, from the bottom of the abyss to the top of the godhead where we experience IS, to know is to be is I am, the nephilim's nephew came to confront Uncle Scam, we be the conquering children, shining shaman souls, ambassadors of Mother Nature, the counterculture goals to defeat politics and greed, sowing the seed of love, we don't hate ya, as below, so above, injustice for all until we all are of . . . as we sing and bring the rude awakening, so be it, in the sinter, us gnostic gnights and bastard bards face the music in mankind's winter, play the cards, embrace your fate, don't refuse it, you're the winner. - Nickholas P Michell Styxxoplix, August 8, 2017
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