loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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Goodbye, Steven Universe.
Thank you for existing.  Thank you for making my life so much better.  Thank you for every life you’ve made better, every laugh, every tear, every sad or wonderful or suspenseful moment.  All of it.  You are so important to me.  Everything you’ve done is important to me.  I wouldn’t be the man I am today without you.  You’ve brought so much joy.  You deserve all the good that comes to you in life.
It’s time, though.  It’s time you had some peace.  It’s time for you to live your life.  It’s time to say goodbye, once and for all.
Goodbye, Steven Universe.  I love you.
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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This is it.  The final minute of the show.  One last goodbye.
Goodbye, Garnet.  Thank you for existing, thank you for making strides in love that no children’s show had ever made before.
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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Routines!  He’s maintaining routines!  Exercise routines!  Weekly space hangouts with Lars!  Oh, man, this is great :D
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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the only time this man’s slept on a soft mattress in the last twenty years was when he went to that hotel in empire city
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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Goodbye, Beach City.  I’m going to miss you.  All of you.  Even Ronaldo.
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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This is the thirty-thousandth post on this blog.
I started this blog on September 7th, 2015, by reblogging an AMV set to Walk the Moon’s song Shut Up and Dance.  I started the liveblog six days later, on September 13th, 2015, which is the day I usually reckon the blog’s birthday as.  When I started that liveblog, I thought I was just blogging a little bit of a new show everyone was raving about, something to try out and maybe put down if it wasn’t working out.  One episode became two, became three, became ten, became twenty, became whole seasons.  A dozen followers became a hundred, then a thousand; as of this post, there are 4641 accounts following Loreweaver Universe.
One hundred and seventy-four episodes of Steven Universe.  One hundred and eighty Steven Universe liveblogging sessions.
I had no idea what kind of success my blog would achieve.  I had no idea that I’d help lead a wave of Steven Universe liveblogs, that I’d inspire others to take up the hobby in one way or another.  I had no idea the friends I’d make, or the times I’d fall in love.  I had no idea that I’d be able to turn this into a career, that I’d make my living yelling at cartoons on the internet.  I had no idea that I’d be starting on a journey that would take me further than anything else in my life ever had.  I’ve been doing this for just over four years and seven months.  That feels like it’s been a lifetime.  I can barely remember what it was like before I did this.
Steven Universe changed my life.  This cartoon outright changed my life!  I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it.  Rebecca Sugar’s doofy adventures of a goofy kid and his magical moms turned into something bigger than I could have ever imagined.
This is the final episode of Steven Universe.  The final episode of the show that changed my life.  The final episode, for real this time.  There’s no more after this.  This is it.  This is all.
I’m not ready.  I don’t know that I’d ever be ready, but...let’s do this.
One last time.
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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Goodbye, all of you.  You’ve enriched my life so much.  Thank you.
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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One of the things people always told me is that maintaining a daily routine was good for my mental health.  When I was younger, I just kind of rolled my eyes and thought I was fine, but when I hit my lowest point, just having the anchor of making my bed and taking a shower every day helped to start pulling myself back up to functionality.  Pick something to do every day.  It can be as small as making your bed when you wake up.  Do that for a week.  Then add something to it.  Take a shower in the morning.  Add more after a few more days.  Brush your teeth in the morning and evening.  Shave.  Do a little exercise.  Keep a little trash can under your desk and empty it out every night.  None of these things have to be big; they’re just there to lay a foundation of stability for you to build on.
It helps, believe me.
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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Goodbye, Pearl.  Thank you for existing, for all the times you’ve touched my heart, and for showing that healing takes time and takes work but can be done after all.
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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And that’s...
...the show.
That’s Steven Universe.
That’s the end of the most important show I’ve ever watched.
That was...perfect.  I wasn’t sure if they were going to nail it, but they did.  I was crying through half the episode, really blubbering.  I could barely take it.  This was SO good.
Steven Universe...what a show.  This show was so important.  It broke so much ground, and it affected my life in countless ways.  I don’t know where I’d be without Steven Universe, but I don’t think I’d be anywhere near as happy.  This show means so much to me, and I’m sad to see it go.
It’s the end of an era.  I...wow.  I finished Steven Universe.  That’s it.  It’s done.  I can’t believe it.  One hundred and eighty liveblogging sessions.  A little shy of twenty thousand screenshots, counting the ones on my old fried laptop.  4.46 million views.  It’s nuts.  What a journey.
According to my Discord chat, I’m the first person to liveblog every episode of Steven universe?  Some people beat me to the final episode, but they’re ones that started midway through the show.  Who’d’ve thought I’d be the first getting from start to finish?  Crazy.
I’m stunned.  I can’t believe it’s over.  It...man, I’m gonna talk in circles here for a minute, but this show changed my life.  I can’t believe it’s over.  I can’t believe it.  There’s no more Steven Universe for me to watch.
I thought it would feel like there was a hole in my life, but instead I feel...complete.  That finale really finished it off for me in such a satisfactory way.  That sense of completeness is really buoying me in a time when I thought I’d be absolutely crushed.  It’s amazing.
I did it.  I made it all the way from start to finish.  That’s Steven Universe.
Goodbye, Pearl.  Goodbye, Connie.  Goodbye, Amethyst.  Goodbye, Garnet.  Goodbye, Greg.  Goodbye, Peridot.  Goodbye, Lapis,  Goodbye, Bismuth.  Goodbye, Ruby.  Goodbye, Sapphire.  Goodbye, Sadie, and Lars, and Onion, goodbye Sour Cream and Buck and Jenny and Ronaldo.  Goodbye, everyone.
Goodbye, Steven.  I’m going to miss you so much.
The Future comes in at my new #1 for Season 6, displacing Snow Day, and my new #1 for the series, displacing A Single Pale Rose.  Very little in this show is on par with it, and nothing made me cry like it has.  What a capper.  What a perfect sendoff.
I love this show.
If you’d like to read some other Steven Universe liveblogs, now that I’m done, I have a few active ones for you to check out.  Minda Reads is finished with Steven Universe, though he only started with Three Gems and a Baby.   Taz, the SU Workbook, is the newest game in town, and damn is she good at what she does.  Zephyr is another liveblogger that started at the beginning, and he’s halfway through Future, so there’s quite a lot there to read.  MissFineFeather is another liveblogger that started midway, with Can’t Go Back, but is up to Prickly Pair in Future.  All of these people also do other shows and webcomics, so check them out if you want to branch out, too!
As for me...I’m going to take Friday off.  I think I’ve earned it.  Well, off from liveblogging; I’ve got streams like Baba Is You and Final Fantasy VII Remake to do, and I may do those for fun, but I’m taking my usually scheduled Friday off from liveblogging.  I’ll be getting back to liveblogging on Monday, with the Patron Picks, and after that will be more She-Ra; my plan is to finish Season 1 of She-Ra, then take a big bite out of Season 2 of Infinity Train.
This has been a thrill, liveblogging for you.  I hope you Steven Universe fans stick around for the other shows I do, but if not, know this: I treasure every moment we’ve spent together.  It’s all been so important.  You all make this possible, with your patronage and your fandom, and I owe each and every one of you for making me able to do this for a living.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I’ll see you next time.  I love you guys.
(For the record, I did this entire liveblog wearing the Shouty Goat shirt that @thischick25 made me years ago.)
Back in January, I completed a blind playthrough of Steven Universe: Save the Light!  You can view the full playlist by clicking here!
I recently completed my playthrough of the second story campaign in Fire Emblem: Three Houses!   You can view all the streams of the Golden Deer and Black Eagles routes I have done by clicking here!
I recently completed a blind playthrough of Hollow Knight on Twitch!  You can watch all the Hollow Knight streams I’ve uploaded to Youtube by clicking here!
If you’d like to help me pay my rent, buy me some food, or help with my bills and medicine, please use my direct donation link!  If you’d like to support me per liveblog completed every month, please pledge to my Patreon! Becoming a patron not only allows you to vote on what shows I do whenever I choose a new one, but also grants access to the community Minecraft server to $5 patrons or higher!
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon–our Discord server maintenance tech, creator of Rubybot, and community Minecraft server overlord deserves far more than I can afford to pledge to him by myself.
If you’d like more of me and my content:
My Episode Lists master page, where you can find every show and liveblog I’ve done!
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with me and other fans, check out member liveblogs, and join community gaming guilds!
My Twitch channel, where I stream variety games every so often!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
My ask blog, where you can send me questions and comments!
My Twitter, where I make announcements about liveblogs and streams!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last five years!   I linked to a bunch individually for a few wrap-ups, but honestly, this end-slate is already eight billion miles long, so I’m just gonna link to my links page.  Click here if you want recommendations of other livebloggers, or other neat people, or webcomics and podcasts that I recommend.
189 notes · View notes
loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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“I want you to have this.  It’s old, and kind of torn up, and it doesn’t quite mean what it used to...but it’s a good reminder to move forward, right?”
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“...Yeah.  Yeah, I guess it is, isn’t it.”
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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