#subaru sakamaki translation
otomehonyaku · 1 month
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories スペシャル特典小冊子 ☽ Subaru ver.
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This short story booklet was part of the Stellaworth set for Lost Eden! Keep reading below the cut for Subaru's version.
S ☽ [Ayato’s version by @kyouxa] [Laito’s version by @kyouxa] [Shuu’s version] [Reiji’s version] [Kanato’s version] [Subaru’s version]
M ☽ [Ruki’s version] [Yuma's version] [Kou’s version] [Azusa’s version]
TK ☽ [Carla’s version] [Shin’s version] [Kino’s version]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As always, special thanks to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the scans ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
—The World Tree, with its roots in Eden soil.
Its leaves continued to fall as if signalling the world’s impending demise. It was a grim reminder of our fate.
Fear seized me. Would I become like my father?
Still, no matter how much I thought about it, the answer wouldn’t come. I shook my head and kicked at the ground. It made the fear dissipate a little. 
And then my mind was suddenly filled with her. She chose me and vowed to stay by my side no matter what happened… She was my beloved.
“But… she won’t be coming anytime soon.”
Where could she be right now? What could she be doing? I looked up at the sky and sighed. The woman, who was usually with me at this hour, was nowhere to be found.
“Well, whatever. It’s not like we promised to meet.” 
Right. Whatever she was doing, it wasn’t really any of my business. Even if she were to get involved with any of my brothers, or even if she’d thoughtlessly become involved with the Mukamis–who had come to visit me lately–or the Founders… it had nothing to do with me.
I didn’t want to be here any longer. I just had to leave. With that lazy excuse, I turned my back on the World Tree. I was going to find her… no, I was leaving under the pretext of surveying the area.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“...You still bothering with that shit?”
It was surprisingly easy to find her. She was in Eden’s flower garden. Most of the greenery in Eden had withered away, and so we had come to visit here often in an effort to restore the castle's former glory.
I peeked at her hands where she crouched down and saw that she was planting a slightly misshapen artificial flower into the soil. She was looking after the garden without me.
As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I scolded myself internally for my narrow-mindedness.
“Hey, hurry up. Let’s get you back to your room.”
“Could you wait a little? I’m almost done.”
Disappointment washed over me as I watched her shake her head. To make matters worse, she told me to go on ahead without her, even though I hadn’t even told her why I had come to see her. I sighed heavily and sat down on the ground.
Surely, she must have thought I would go home. She looked at me curiously.
“...Oh, come on.”
“Come on! Don’t be so selfless. What I’m saying is, just… keep me company sometime.”
I must have gotten my point across, because her cheeks flushed and she hurriedly hid her face. Seeing her reaction, I felt myself falling into a pit of self-loathing. I hadn’t been planning on telling her. I became overwhelmed by embarrassment, and I wanted to get out of the situation immediately.
I inhaled sharply. Her frail body, which had been in front of me until just now, suddenly collided with my chest. Her arms wrapped around me, her slender fingers grabbing on to my clothes. I was so bewildered that I couldn’t even bring myself to push her away. It felt like forever until I processed what was happening.
Was she… hugging me? By the time I really noticed, it seemed that a few minutes had passed. She met my gaze with a slightly sullen expression.
“...Jeez. Don’t get carried away.”
I may have said that, but her embrace had instinctively sparked my desire for her. Her loveliness overwhelmed me, and I pulled her back into my arms. 
I pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck. She shivered a little, probably because she was ticklish, and so in response I kept planting kisses on her skin until she could barely move.
“We’re going to your room. Now. You’d better prepare for what’s coming… alright?”
I whispered the words into her ear, no matter how embarrassing it was, and she simply nodded as I expected she would.
Only moments earlier, I had been lamenting my weaknesses and feeling jealous over her not spending time with me, but those thoughts all melted away in an instant. I hastened my pace as I led her to her room, gripping her hand tightly.
Right now, I just want to feel her. Her warmth, her touch, her voice, her body… I want all of her. I want to make her mine.
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Meow Meow Vampire
Sakamaki Short Messages [Mukami, Tsukinami & Kino]
╬━━━━━━ ❪ ❦ ❫ ━━━━━━╬
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Ayato: It kinda... looks like her!?
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Kanato: Uu... That tickles.
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Laito: Nfu, so cute ♥
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Shu: Right when I was sleeping...
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Reiji: There, there. Good girl.
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Subaru: Don't leave my side.
╬━━━━━━ ❪ ❦ ❫ ━━━━━━╬
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aquariaries · 1 year
Lmao so I'm translating Subaru's Chaos Lineage route right now and the face I caught Yui making is priceless 😂
She really said "😑😒"
Free my girl she's had enough
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midnight-glasses · 1 year
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O material original está AQUI! Lembre-se, os personagens encontrados nesta história ou universo não me pertencem, pois são de propriedade intelectual de seus respectivos autores e empresas como a REJET. Essa é uma tradução sem fins lucrativos criada de fã para fã por @midnight-glasses sem comprometer a obra original presente no site de Diabolik Lovers que pode ser acessado pelo link, assim como todos os 28 quadrinhos de Diabolik Lovers que foram desenhados por ムラシゲ.
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bigbrainlivestoc · 2 months
moved to @bigbrainlivestock! Same content
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yorubiya · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers: Translation update #1
Hello everyone! As promised I would keep everyone updated on the project! The translating of @artiatrac and Isamaru has been going smoothly! So far they have translated the prologue, and have started on Shu's route.
The prologue has been implemented into the game!
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In the meantime, I've also been working on image editing. I am able to edit all the in game images, however I've only finished a test image.
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Once again, any help would be appreciated! If you'd like to contribute to the project feel free to send me a message :)
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notdiabolika · 2 months
Sakamakis Defend Their S/O From Bullying.
Whatever may have happened, they're here for you. Kind of.
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“Oi, chichinashi, where ya think you're going?”
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He’s probably the one who started it, being someone who likes to make fun of others. But he realizes it went too far when others joined and you left the room without saying anything. He'd try to go after you and say sorry.
“Y’know, if it bothers you that much I won't do it again. Only if you're asking for it. I'll take care of whoever tries to go too far with you...”
"I'll take care" translates to "nose punching".
“Nfu, you make such a kawaii face when you're upset.”
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He's taking advantage of the fact you're vulnerable to slide his arms around you, mess with your hair and tease, most likely trying to distract and make you pay attention to >him<. The only difference from Laito’s usual behavior is that, actually, he takes this more seriously than he's letting on.
Out of nowhere, it appears that one of the people who made fun of you all of a sudden had a super dirty secret released to the public!
“Eh? I wonder who did that… ♪”
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Oh. These people don't know who they're messing with. They can feel Kanato’s stare piercing through their souls, but most likely will only whisper something about him being weird. Once given the chance, he'll pull you closer and suck your blood pretty aggressively – he’s incredibly upset.
“How dare they talk like this?! You're my doll. Can't they see it?”
He'll need a lot to calm down. If something like that happens again, you can expect him throwing around your bully’s stuff and screaming a lot.
“Haa… have you all ran out of better things to do?”
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He's usually so quiet, so when he suddenly opens his eyes and starts defending you, it isn't a surprise to find out everyone goes silent. He wouldn't bring up the subject again, but if you did talk to him about it, he’d smile a bit teasingly.
“What? I simply decided to respond since you weren't doing anything. Don't mistake it for kindness. I'm a vampire after all. If you want to pay me back, maybe give me a sip of your blood.”
“... Shut up!”
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A straight punch to their face and Subaru is now in detention and/or receiving a scolding from Reiji. He didn't think nor hesitate as soon as everyone started laughing and you were left keeping your head down. Of course, he'll still blatantly deny that he cares about you, but it’s getting clearer.
“Don’t get the wrong idea! They were asking for a punch on their face anyway. I-it’s not about you, so don’t be so damn selfish!”
“I believe some students are in need of serious reprimand.”
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Normally, he wouldn't care much about bullying, but he will intervene if it's getting more common and out of hand. Reiji has a lot of influence in Ryoutei Academy. He builds his image around being proactive and serious, so if he tells something should stop, it will stop. A lot of people respect or fear him by his attitude alone.
“Don't worry, it won't happen again. But I suppose that if such a pattern repeats itself, we might have some students expelled very soon.”
(shameless redesign from my Instagram not_so_diabolik_lovers)
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yuikomorii · 2 months
might be wrong about this but I think the thing that really differentiates Ayato from his brother is that he actually values life in a ''pure way''. Both Subaru and Shu didn't really have the will to life until they met the MC, Reiji's only will was to overcome his father and become better than his brother due to his jealousy, and even if it doesn't seem like it from the surface both Kanato and Laito were too mindbroken due to their trauma to actually enjoy life in a non-twisted way.
Ayato went through a lot of traumatic experiences just like the rest of his brothers but unlike them, he actually had a pure reason to live, that's why he didn't abandon his brothers and was desperately searching for them when they arrived to Rottienburg (I think that's the name) and prioritized them after he got saved by reiji and was willing to go look for them with no plan ahead and he's never changed. Even after they obviously drifted apart he still wanted to save his siblings (like in Lost Eden) even if they didn't want to save him when he got kidnapped by Kino.
Or when he was the only who saved yui in the anime when she got kidnapped by the mukami (Ik it's only fanservice because the anime shows Ayato as the ml). Or when he was the only one worrying about mc in the Olympics cd when the whole thing crushed down. I know mc has had her effects in everyone (because even reiji got worried in the CD drama when he though someone was drowning, turns out it was just Shu being weird) but at the end of the day, Rejet made it very clear that ayato always was different from his brothers even as kids.
Too long? Maybe, I just like rambling a lot about ayato lol
// This franchise is longer than a decade, it’s time for people to stop pretending that Ayato isn’t different from the rest, because it annihilates his purpose like that. Now I’m not saying that everyone else sucks and Ayato is the only cool character there, it’s just that Rejet wrote him in a way that genuinely gives off main character energy. Heck, even other characters have confirmed that he got *something* nobody else does, which is true.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations, tournesolia
One thing about Ayato is that he might roast and prank you, but the moment you need help, he’ll be the first to lend you a hand. He’s by no means perfect, of course, he has flaws and makes mistakes too, but his good qualities are just so many that they’re easily able to outshine his bad ones.
Another example is the DF prologue scene. The most normal reaction would have been fighting with the wolf, as Subaru did, but instead of trying to get rid of it, Ayato used himself as shield the moment he saw it, so as to protect Yui. What makes this scene so powerful is that not only they weren’t a couple back then, but in the other Sakamaki routes, he’s still severely injured. He values life, yet he still sacrificed himself for her, no matter if she dates someone else afterwards, and guess what? Even after waking up from the coma in the other routes, he holds no grudge against her for that, but rather is on good terms with Yui. I would also like to talk about how self-sacrificing he is in the Daylight CD, but I feel like everyone listened to that one already, given that it was the most liked of the Daylight series.
While I understand that some people out there prefer more rational and/or introverted characters, I can’t stand those who deny the essence of a character. And, for all people who blame Rejet for “making him more special than the rest”, let me remind you that he’s the Diaboy who got the worst journey ending. Let that sink in. :”)
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 3 months
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Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories (Sakamaki brothers)
(Mukami bros) (Tsukinami bros + Kino)
On my latest visit to ebay to sate my hunger for DL merch I came across this gem. For the longest time I've wanted to read the LE short stories and I imagine that many other DL fans have as well. As far as I am aware said stories (with the exception of Ayato's and Laito's, which I won't include since you can already find them here) have never been shared online before. So, having read them myself, I figured that I should give my fellow women and men of culture the same opportunity ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ Unfortunately, sharing is all I am able to do, but anyone who wants to use or translate is 100% free to do so, as long as you credit me.
Enjoy, fellow Diaholics (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
UPDATE: @otomehonyaku has now translated all of the scans *٩(^ᗜ^ )و* Click on the name of the Diaboy whose story you wish to read and you'll be taken directly to her translation ^^
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glass-bride · 3 months
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden Subaru Sakamaki Short Story Translation
Scans and translation review by: @karleksmumskladdkaka
Please keep in mind I'm not 100% fluent in japanese and english, I did my best, but it may have mistakes, feel free to dm me if you find any. Hope you enjoy it anyways.
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The World Tree stick roots in the ground of Eden.
This one, as if in order to inform the end of world to me, continues to lose leafs.
I'm realizing it everytime I visit here.
The fear dominates my mind.
Like, that I can't be like the old man... ...
But, no matter how much I've been thinking, the answer is something that isn't coming.
When I kicked the ground while shaking my head, the feeling of fear desapeared a little.
And then, I thought about a woman's face. That chooses me, no matter what.
That vowed to be by my side... my beloved woman.
"But, she hasn't come yet, huh... ..."
Where is she, and what the heck she's doing? While looking up to the sky, i release an indescribable sigh of anxiety.
The woman expected to be by my side at this time usually, ain't revealing her figure now.
Well, whatever, because it's not like she promissed anything.
That's why I don't know what this woman is doing.
That's right, for example, even if she is involved with my other brothers, or if she is in good terms with the founder guys and the mukami family, who have started to visit me excessively at my place... ...
It's not related to me.
"... ... ... ... Shit!"
I don't want to stay in this place for a long time. Just because of this I'm leaving.
After giving this proper pretex, I turn my back to the world tree.
It's not... ... to search for this woman, I got around the surroundings in order to investigate the eden.
"You... were you still doing that?"
"Su- Subaru-Kun... ... !?"
Unexpectedly, I found the woman easily.
The place was at the Eden flower garden.
We frequently visit here to recover the withered plants of Eden.
By looking at the crouched woman's hand, I understood that she was planting in the ground awkward artificial flowers.
Are you leaving me alone to take care of the garden?
As soon as I thought it, my own confined feelings disgusted me.
"Hey, let's go back to the bedroom quick"
"Could you wait for me just a little longer? Since I'm almost finished."
"... ... ... ..."
I see the woman shaking the head and I get terribly discouraged.
In addition,  you can go back before me, she means.
She doesn't know my feelings.
I sit on the ground and give a deep sigh.
Without a doubt, she thought I would end up leaving.
The woman looks at me in a strange way.
"... ... ... ... Because."
"... ... Because! You're in trance with that thing like an idiot... ... I'm saying that you should be more aware sometimes! (1)"
I wonder if she undertood my intention.
The woman's cheeks turn red for a moment, and she covers her face.
Simultaneously, I fall in self hate.
I didn't mean to say something like that.
The embarrassment controls my mind, and I fell like I want to scape right now.
At this moment...
"... ... !?"
I breath surprised.
The delicate body that was right in front of my eyes untill just before, was now dived inside my chest.
This way, she passes her arms around my back, and grabs my clothes with her thin fingers.
It was so sudden that I couldn't embrace, or push her aside, just kept dazed.
I felt like a really long time was necessary to comprehend the situation.
Could it be, that she wanted to be hugged... ...?
The moment I realize it, several minutes seem to have passed.
While the woman makes a slightly upset face, she turns her eyes towards me.
"... ... Ch. Don't make this face! (2)"
But even this treatment, stirts up her said greed wish.
Overwhelmed by love, I pull the woman inside of my arms.
This way, I kiss her nape.
The woman was moving as if ticklish, so I dropped my lips there many times to immobilize her.
"We're getting back to the bedroom for sure. Prepare yourself to what comes after this... ... okay?"
As I whisper it close to her ear, she looks so embarrassed, but responds to my expectations with nothing but a nood.
Untill some time ago, I lamented my own lack of power, and then got jealous that she didin't pay attention to me, but now it wasn't remaning on the corner of my mind anymore.
I held her hand with strength, and quickly traced the way towards the bedroom.
Now, I just want to feel her.
The warmth, the touch, the voice, the shape... ... I wanted to put my hands in everything.
Translation notes
1 - Subaru used the verb 構えって here which means "posture", I've found an article explaining this word can be used in martial arts as a command to get ready, so I thought that probably he was upset with Yui because if someone attacked her she would be stabbed without time to try defending herself, since she wasn't aware, she wasn't in "posture" to fight.
2 - He uses here 調子 which means mood, and 乗る which is a verb utilized to talk about taking means of transport, if I translated it word by word would end up in something like "don't ride this mood".
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otomehonyaku · 23 days
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden Stellaworth Tokuten Short Stories スペシャル特典小冊子 ☽ Azusa ver.
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This short story booklet was part of the Stellaworth set for Lost Eden! Keep reading below the cut for Azusa's version. And with that, the translations of all of the Sakamaki and Mukami stories are now finished! Stay tuned for the Carla, Shin & Kino ones ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
S ☽ [Ayato’s version by @kyouxa] [Laito’s version by @kyouxa] [Shuu’s version] [Reiji’s version] [Kanato’s version] [Subaru’s version]
M ☽ [Ruki’s version] [Yuma's version] [Kou’s version] [Azusa’s version]
TK ☽ [Carla’s version] [Shin’s version] [Kino’s version]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As always, special thanks to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the scans ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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I stretched out my left arm toward the box of pictures, which I was going to put in an album. As I did, I lost my perception of depth and the picture I thought I had picked up floated to the floor as though carried away by the wind. 
This time, I picked up the picture with my right hand and stuck it in the album. With that, the album was finished. I let out a small sigh.
It hadn’t been that long since I started going through life with a mechanical arm. It took some getting used to. Even now, it restricted my freedom. 
Still, I never regretted the decision to amputate my left arm. 
That day, she and my brothers had given me this mechanical arm as a present, and it had become indispensable to me–a treasure, really. Even if the four of them were far away, I still felt them with me through this arm. It taught me that I was never alone in this life.
“It’s okay. I know what it means to protect…”
That’s why I won’t make the same mistake again. I knew I would never be forgiven for the sin I committed once before, no matter how much time passed. No matter if everyone… if she forgave me. I deserved to atone.
I knew that atonement wasn’t just about wallowing in all of my past regrets. I needed to move forward. I needed to do whatever I could. That was all I could do to face my fears and repent in this world.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A continued knocking sound reverberated through the room. I felt her presence on the other side of the door, and my face broke into a smile.
“Azusa, can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course…”
Had she just come out of the shower? She poked her head into the room, having changed into her roomwear. I hadn’t said anything, but she sat down beside me.
“Hey, is it okay if I… comb your hair?” I asked tentatively.
She smiled gratefully in return. 
Using the mechanical arm, I slowly and awkwardly opened the duffel bag we had brought from the human world, though my arm was not yet accustomed to these kinds of movements. The bag held many things that were precious to me. 
I motioned for her to sit with her back to me, and her soft hair gave off the fruity scent of her shampoo. Her scent. I wished I could smell it all the time. As carefully as I would handle something fragile, I gently ran the brush through her hair.
“...Eve. I like you…”
When I finished brushing her hair and promptly whispered my confession into her ear, her cheeks reddened. As though her eyes would answer for her, she sought me out, and said, ever so softly, that she felt the same. 
“You know, Azusa… I’m really happy.”
“...Yeah. Me too. I’m happier than I’ve ever been before. I love you, Eve…”
“I love you too, Azusa…”
As if to confirm each other’s feelings, we whispered those words to each other over and over. My heart was overflowing with love. 
I could not dress her in pretty clothes. I could not make delicious dishes for her to eat. No matter how much I thought about it, I felt incredibly lacking compared to my brothers.
But still, the fact that she loved me… was all that mattered. 
If all she desired was for me to whisper my words of love to her, I would do it until she was satisfied. If she was lonely, anxious, and… afraid to be alone, I would stay by her side. I would hug and kiss her… Hehe, although that was just what I wanted to do of my own volition. In any case, I had no intention of letting her go for the rest of my life.
As I embraced her from behind, I trapped her in my arms. I felt her warmth, her quickening heartbeat. It made my heart flutter. It was such a thrilling feeling.
“Promise me… we’ll stay together forever.” 
“Hehe, I’ll pinky-promise.” 
We sat there, smiling sheepishly at each other, and she curled her pinky finger around mine.
“Pinky… promise.”
I could not bear to let go of her when our fingers connected like that. I gently pushed her down onto the sofa… and kissed her.
The gentle light of the moon, which was high up in the night sky of Eden, peeked into the room through the window. It seemed as though even the twinkling stars were wishing for our happiness.
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Farfalla Lucio - Subaru Sakamaki
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What at first seems to resemble a spicy scent, gradually becomes a deep floral fragrance much like his love for you. Join Subaru in a clumsy search for love, with these Chypre, woody notes.
Top Notes: Bergamot, Heliotrope, Oakmoss, Petiper
Middle Notes: Damask rose, Oakmoss, Cardamom, Jasmine, Cloves
Base Notes: Musk, White musk, Sandalwood
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dialovers-translations · 10 months
Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Subaru [Euphoria Ending]
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ー The scene starts in the Church
Subaru: Uu...Gaah...!
Yui: Subaru-kun!? Please, let go of my hand! Don't try to save me...!
Subaru: Fuck off! Not in a million years!
Yui: You can't, you'll get caught up as well...!
Subaru: Still, I just can't let go of...Uu...Guh...!
Yui: ( Ah, his wounds are aching...He's trying to protect me, even in his current state. )
( I appreciate the sentiment...but! )
Let me go, Subaru-kun! In your current state...!
Subaru: As if I can watch you die in front of me! I promised that I'd keep you save no matter what, remember!?
Yui: And I want to protect you too! I don't want to let you die...!!
Subaru: Shut up! You better not think I'm gonna let you kick the bucket either!
Yui: ...
Subaru: ...
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Yui: Fufu...
Subaru: ...Hehe.
Yui: ーー Hey, Subaru-kun. We're very similar, aren't we?
We both refuse to give the other up. Even in a situation like this.
Subaru: Yeah, you're right.
Yui: In that case, we might as well go togetherーー
Subaru: ...
Hah, you big idiot. But I guess dyin' alongside you wouldn't be that bad.
We'll be together, as we die, and in the afterlife as well.
Let's just allow the wind to swallow us up. Rest assured. I definitely won't let go of you.
Yui: Yeah, I'll be fine. Nothing scares me when we're together.
Subaru: Yeah. Come on, look at me. I'll kiss you until the bitter end.
Yui: Okay...
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Subaru: ...Nn...
Yui: Nn...
( Such a sweet kiss. The type of kiss which I love so much, making me forget all about my fears or worries. )
( If this is how I'll approach my end, there's nothing to be afraid of... )
Yui: ...!?
Subaru: What was that light just now...!?
*Rumble rumble*
Subaru: Oi, is it just me or is this Church fallin' apart...!?
Yui: Yeah, but how odd. The strong gust of wind and the rubble are all disappearing. Like they're fading into particles of light...
Subaru: Yeah, it's almost as if this World itself is breaking down...!
Don't worry! Just hang onto me tight, 'kay? ...Kuh!
ー The scene shifts to the mysterious Chamber
Yui: ...Huh...?
( Where are we...? We were at that Church, and then... )
Subaru: Nn...? Oi, are you alright?
Yui: Yeah, I'm fine! How about you?
Subaru: I somehow turned out alright as well...Where are we...?
The Castle at Eden...?
Yui: Does that mean we safely made it out of that World?
Subaru: Probably.
Yui: Ah, everyone else is here too! They seem to be unconscious too...
But how did this happen? Someone needed to be sacrificied for that World to be destroyed, no?
Subaru: Yeah...But seems like that World fell apart for god knows what reason.
Socrates: The experiment was a succes.
Subaru: This light, and voice...Socrates, is that you!?
Socrates: At that critical moment of life or death, Adam and Eve most definitely embraced the love for each other.
I witnessed it all with my very own eyes. True love, worthy of the new World.
Subaru: The fuck...!?
Yui: ( I don't quite get it, but I guess this means his experiment has come to an end? )
Socrates: The hint I gave in regards to how you could destroy that World played a big part in everything, no?
Subaru: Haah!? You've gotta be fuckin' with us! How was that bullshit 'bout one person havin' to die supposed to help us!?
Socrates: I am not referring to that. The real clue as to how to break that World was hidden in the legend.
Subaru: The legend? The thing 'bout kissin' Eve in the Church?
Yui: But I wasn't woken up through a kiss...
Socrates: The true meaning behind the story of Sleeping Beauty lies in the fact that awakening must happen through genuine love.
If Adam and Eve can prove that their love is real and seal it with a kiss, the cage will crumble and an end will come to the everlasting nightmare.
Everyone will wake up, and a new Supreme Overlord...In other words, Adam will be born.
Yui: So, the fact we kissed at the Church...
Subaru: Was exactly that...?
Socrates: Now I have seen it all. I will accept losing a dear friend for a love this strong.
I am satisfiedーー
ー Socrates disappears
Subaru: Oi, what the fuck!? Don't just have your say and then dip on us!?
Yui: I wonder who that guy was in the end? Also, this 'friend' he spoke of...
Karlheinz: ...I witnessed all of it as well, my dear friend Socrates. It was a formidable experiment.
Subaru: You bastard...What rock did you crawl out from under!?
Yui: Karlheinz-san. Then this 'dear friend' Socrates mentioned...
Karlheinz: He was referring to me, Eve.
Still, I did not think you would have grown this much, Subaru.
Subaru: ...Che.
Karlheinz: You are now more than worthy to inherit my powers.
Both my friend and I have lost track of just how long we have waited for Adam and Eve to find true love.
For that exact moment where we discover genuine love through the appearance of two people capable of creating a new Worldーー
Eve and yourself did an excellent job proving your true love for one another. I could not wish for any more.
Now, accept these powers of mineーー
Subaru: I don't want them!
Karlheinz: ...Why not?
Subaru: I'll use my own strength to live alongside her!
Yui: ( Ah...He's holding me tight. )
Subaru: My name's Subaru and she's Yui. We're not 'Adam' and 'Eve'.
I'll stay with her, both in life and death, because that's my own choice.
I don't give a damn 'bout what you have to think of that!
Yui: Me too...I am with Subaru-kun as myself, not as Eve.
Now and forever.
Karlheinz: ...I see. So you will reject every aspect of our experiment, rendering it null and void?
Very well. You did most definitely show us your genuine love after all.
I shall give you two my blessing! As you chose love over powerーー
ー Karlheinz vanishes
Yui: ( Ah, he disappeared...But now we've finally been freed from that cage. )
We can go back at last!
Subaru: Yeah. Let's get outta here already.
Yui: Yup!
Monologue The miniature World fell apart, and we finally got back to our everyday lives. All of us made it back safe and sound, without anyone having to be sacrificed. Of course, this includes Subaru-kun as well. This event proved to us, that we both absolutely need each other. One of us cannot be removed from the picture, even if that is nothing but self-satisfaction. If we truly want the other to smile, then we simply cannot leave their smile. I believe that is difficult, as easy as it may sound. However, I refuse to leave Subaru-kun's side, no matter what happens. I'll live and die alongside himーー That is different from what Karlheinz-san and his friend had in mind for us, but we shall continue to walk down this path, which we carved for ourselves.
ー The scene shifts to Subaru's room at the Sakamaki manor
Yui: Subaru-kun, you're still not getting up? Reiji-san's telling you to get out of bed already.
Subaru: Don't listen to what that guy has to say. Who cares if I stay like this a bit longer?
Yui: But you'll be late for school if you don't get up soon.
Subaru: I can just skip, right? More importantly, you should join me over here.
Yui: Wah...!
Subaru: Hah, now he'll get on your case as well.
Yui: Geez, Subaru-kun.
( But somehow I'm okay with getting scolded if it's together with Subaru-kun. )
Subaru: Oi, look at me. ...Nn.
Yui: Nnh...!
You can't, Subaru-kun! If we kiss now, who knows when Reiji-san might walk in to wake us...
Subaru: Then let's give him a show. We'll make it very clear that we're too busy for school today.
Yui: Gosh...
Subaru: Who cares? We made it out of that place alive.
Let me feel you even more. I want to confirm that you're actually here with me.
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: Nn...
Yui: ...Phew...
( No fair...I can't say no when he says such things. )
Subaru: I love you. Forever, and ever.
ーー THE END ーー
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aquariaries · 8 months
Hey! I've been off of Tumblr for about a month due to personal stuff going on in my life atm (nothing bad, just really friggin busy!!! 😵‍💫💀) and now that I'm back, I plan to start working on those translations for Kou's Chaos Lineage route! My goal is to have them out by the end of the year. It takes me awhile to translate due to work and school and just moving, but I finally have a bit of down time and plan to work on those very soon 🩷
On a side note, last week I attended Youmacon and I went as Yui on Thursday and Sunday!
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Also look at this full Diabolik Lovers group I ran into!!!!!! They even let me take a picture with them 🥹 (hence the 2nd pic haha) If anyone knows who they are please tag them as I didn't ask for their socials! I was too flustered and forgot >////<
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I also got this cute Reiji keychain, cus y'all know I love my Rei-bae 💙
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Anywho, glad to be back and I'll be more active now! To all those in my DMs I'll get back to you today if not very shortly ❤️ Love y'all!
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midnight-glasses · 2 years
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O material original está AQUI! Lembre-se, os personagens encontrados nesta história ou universo não me pertencem, pois são de propriedade intelectual de seus respectivos autores e empresas como a REJET. Essa é uma tradução sem fins lucrativos criada de fã para fã por @midnight-glasses sem comprometer a obra original presente no site de Diabolik Lovers que pode ser acessado pelo link, assim como todos os 60 quadrinhos de Diabolik Lovers que foram desenhados por ムラシゲ.
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Diabolik Lovers — A systematic review (sort of) of all the times the Diaboys cried in HDB, MB, DF, LE and CL
So, this (long) post is exactly what it says — it’s a count of all the times the Diabolik Lovers characters cry. Except Yui because she’s in every route and that would’ve made this a lot harder. It is excluding VC and LP as they are not story games and I don’t think they’d be crying over anything worth noting down.
I came up with this idea when I started my third year pharmacology dissertation which is a systematic review. The data extraction for this involves screening large numbers of papers for certain data, and I came up with the idea of doing this for the DL games and how many times the characters cry, since I was interested to see who cries the most (besides Kanato, obviously. I knew he’d come out on top by a long way before I even started.)
In order to do this properly, I needed an inclusion and exclusion criteria. Things to exclude are times other characters cried in the individual routes. I identified crying moments by Ctrl+F “cry” / “tears” / “cried” / “sob” / “snif” so there’s a chance something will be missed, especially since some CGs which show crying don't describe the crying in the text. Sometimes it wasn’t clear if they were crying or if it was just implied, in which cases I checked the walkthrough if there was one to try and hear it and it was only included if I could hear something like crying. I also recorded a brief reason for why they were crying. It took a while at first but once I got into it, it was easy.
This list will contain mentions of all canon themes + spoilers. Thank you to all the translators who contributed to the game translations on Tumblr. Any excluded routes/parts due to lack of TL are listed. Here is the masterlist I used.
Here is a link to a Google docs file containing all the times they cried. And now I’m going to talk about what this data represents and the best way to interpret it!
So, we could take these numbers at face value. Below is the breakdown of the raw data (data before any analysis).
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There’s obviously some bigger criers than others and to very little surprise Kanato is top. So let’s simplify this data and rank it.
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Now, we could take this as the final rankings and I guess if you were counting who cries the most times overall, that’s your ranking. However, is this really a reliable way of ranking them?
It’s not, because each character is in a different number of games each. The Sakamaki’s are in 5 games, the Mukami’s are in 4, the Tsukinami’s are in 3, and Kino is only in two. So is it fair to compare say, Shin’s 1 cry in 3 games to Subaru’s 2 cries in 5 games? How do we know Shin wouldn’t have had a couple more cries if he’d been in more games?
On top of that, because of people’s routes not being translated fully, I may not have included some cries. For example, only 1/6 of Yuma’s LE is translated, so Yuma’s cry count is across 3.15 games, whereas Ruki for example has complete translations and therefore we’ve searched through all routes.
So let’s average that, and get “average cries per game”
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In the real world of statistics, this data is pretty useless because each character cries different amounts of times. And I can’t really work any more averages such as which game includes the most cries per character because the data range is so large. Kanato skews the data massively, especially when Kanato and Subaru are both Sakamaki’s and Kanato has 31 cries (probably more, actually. I definitely missed some of them with the search terms) and Subaru only has 2.
But, here’s the new order.
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In general, this order is best for comparing each character since it takes into account the different amount of content for each character. So, this is order is what I’ll be using to talk about it.
Again, Kanato having the most cries is really not surprising here. 6 cries per game is roughly one cry every 5 stories – with that said, excluding CL which he goes a bit loopy in (and it doesn’t help that he loses his memories), Kanato’s cries do go down from 8 per game in HDB to 4 in DF and LE each. So, does he get his shit together a bit? Maybe!
Now, Laito did surprise me with how many cries he had actually. He’s a bit of a cry baby, huh? With that said, it’s interesting how averaging out the games puts Azusa in our number 2 spot. I want to hug Azusa, a lot of his cries were really sad ;;
Kou doesn’t surprise me a lot either because he’s pretty unstable. But it did surprise me when I averaged out the games and Ruki kicked Shu out of the number 5 spot? Ruki comes off a lot as much more composed so it’s surprising to know he’s actually a bit of a softie when it comes to showing his feelings.
Shu has on average 1 cry per game which is pretty decent — actually listening to a lot of Shu’s cries are pretty gut wrenching because when he does cry, it’s for about 5 minutes straight.
After that, everyone has less than 1 cry per game. Reiji and Ayato seem to be pretty tough when it comes to crying, although the CGs where they do cry make me really sad.
Subaru having such a low cry count actually makes me pretty damn sad? There’s so many moments with Subaru where he so very close to crying and a couple of times I think it’s implied that he was or is going to be crying alone. But I wish he cried more y’know? He’s hurting a ton in a lot of these games and he should let it out ;;
Honestly what shocked me the most was that Shin actually cries once? Because holy shit, I was not expecting that to be honest. And with Carla and Kino… well, I’m not surprised at all.
That’s pretty much all I have to say here. I wrote this out instead of revising for my actual statistics exam on Tuesday. Don’t take this too seriously - I explained it's limitations and such in my discussion - and feel free to ask any questions <3
To top it all off, have some CGs of everyone crying.
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And some Yui cries :) 
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