weirwoodsugar · 1 year
bran in the crypts bran passing the wall from below, bran in the caves and tunnels beneath the weirwood hill, arya getting lost under the red keep, arya in the infinite cellars and subcellars beneath the house of black and white, jon in the wormways and ice cells and never leaving ygritte’s cave and gendel’s children and dreaming of the crypts it’s no use i have to go down … sansa in the eyrie (one of) the highest inhabited point(s) on the continent … what does it all mean #starksunderground
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
(I have seen this mentioned as a moral equivalent to Dany condoning the use of torture, so I wanted to share my thoughts on it. Spoilers: we are not meant to approve of this either!)
Jon putting Cregan Karstark in the ice cell is certainly a choice.
He absolutely arrives as an enemy.
Cregan Karstark had turned up a day behind his niece. With him came four mounted men-at-arms, a huntsman, and a pack of dogs, sniffing after Lady Alys as if she were a deer. Jon Snow met them on the kingsroad half a league south of Mole's Town, before they could turn up at Castle Black, claim guest right, or call for parley. One of Karstark's men had loosed a crossbow quarrel at Ty and died for it. That left four, and Cregan himself. Fortunately they had a dozen ice cells. Room for all. (.....) "You are no guest of mine. You came to the Wall without my leave, armed, to carry off your niece against her will. Lady Alys was given bread and salt. She is a guest. You are a prisoner." (ADWD Jon X)
But it is still likely that GRRM wants us to disapprove of it. It remains absolutely inhumane treatment and there are other cells available. This was done out of spite and anger. It's neither necessary to protect Alys nor an expression of justice, which he has no room to dispense as a "neutral" entity. It's a punishment Jon enacts because he can.
Cregan Karstark had taken to howling in the night of late, and throwing frozen feces at whoever came to feed him. That had not made him beloved of his guards. "Take him to the Lord Commander's Tower. The undervault should hold him." Though partly collapsed, the Old Bear's former seat would be warmer than the ice cells. Its subcellars were largely intact. (ADWD, Jon XIII)
Jon knows these cells are horrible, and the last person to lock someone up there was not exactly a paragon of justice: Janos Slynt sent Jon himself there.
They had pulled him out this morning, after four days in the ice, locked up in a cell five by five by five, too low for him to stand, too tight for him to stretch out on his back. (...) But this morning they had come and pulled him out again, and marched him cramped and shivering back to the King's Tower, to stand before jowly Janos Slynt once more. (ASOS, Jon X)
Jon decapitated Janos Slynt and then went on to copy one of his lowest moves. Not a good look.
I have a strong suspicion Jon will be in a similarly undignified and barely human state as Cregan before long, tied to the aftermath of his stabbing and warging into Ghost. And I will know GRRM did it with Jon's treament of Cregan in mind.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Meanwhile, Prince Daemon Targaryen himself hastened south on the wings of his dragon, Caraxes. Flying above the western shore of the Gods Eye, well away from Ser Criston’s line of march, he evaded the enemy host, crossed the Blackwater, then turned east, following the river downstream to King’s Landing. And on Dragonstone, Rhaenyra Targaryen donned a suit of gleaming black scale, mounted Syrax, and took flight as a rainstorm lashed the waters of Blackwater Bay. High above the city the queen and her prince consort came together, circling over Aegon’s High Hill. The sight of them incited terror in the streets of the city below, for the smallfolk were not slow to realize that the attack they had dreaded was at last at hand. Prince Aemond and Ser Criston had denuded King’s Landing of defenders when they set forth to retake Harrenhal... and the Kinslayer had taken Vhagar, that fearsome beast, leaving only Dreamfyre and a handful of half-grown hatchlings to oppose the queen’s dragons. The young dragons had never been ridden, and Dreamfyre’s rider, Queen Helaena, was a broken woman; the city had as well been dragonless. Thousands of smallfolk streamed out the city gates, carrying their children and worldly possessions on their backs, to seek safety in the countryside. Others dug pits and tunnels under their hovels, dark dank holes where they hoped to hide whilst the city burned (Grand Maester Munkun tells us that many of the hidden passageways and secret subcellars under King’s Landing date from this time). Rioting broke out in Flea Bottom. When the sails of the Sea Snake’s ships were seen to the east in Blackwater Bay, making for the river, the bells of every sept in the city began to ring, and mobs surged through the streets, looting as they went. Dozens died before the gold cloaks could restore the peace. With both the Lord Protector and the King’s Hand absent, and King Aegon himself burned, bedridden, and lost in poppy dreams, it fell to his mother, the Queen Dowager, to see to the city’s defenses. Queen Alicent rose to the challenge, closing the gates of castle and city, sending the gold cloaks to the walls, and dispatching riders on swift horses to find Prince Aemond and fetch him back. As well, she commanded Grand Maester Orwyle to send ravens to “all our leal lords,” summoning them to the defense of their true king. When Orwyle hastened back to his chambers, however, he found four gold cloaks waiting for him. One man muffled his cries as the others beat and bound him. With a bag pulled over his head, the Grand Maester was escorted down to the black cells. Queen Alicent’s riders got no farther than the gates, where more gold cloaks took them into custody. Unbeknownst to Her Grace, the seven captains commanding the gates, chosen for their loyalty to King Aegon, had been imprisoned or murdered the moment Caraxes appeared in the sky above the Red Keep...for the rank and file of the City Watch still loved Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of the City who had commanded them of old. Queen Alicent’s brother Ser Gwayne Hightower, second in command of the gold cloaks, rushed to the stables, intending to sound the warning; he was seized, disarmed, and dragged before his commander, Luthor Largent. When Hightower denounced him as a turncloak, Ser Luthor laughed. “Daemon gave us these cloaks,” he said, “and they’re gold no matter how you turn them.” Then he drove his sword through Ser Gwayne’s belly and ordered the city gates opened to the men pouring off the Sea Snake’s ships.
Fire and Blood, by GRRM, pg 452-454
[How Rhaenyra Won King’s Landing PT1]
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gaetaniu · 3 months
Gli astronomi scoprono un sorprendente mondo di ghiaccio nella zona abitabile grazie ai dati del JWST
L’esopianeta temperato LHS 1140 b potrebbe essere un mondo completamente ricoperto di ghiaccio (a sinistra), simile alla luna di Giove Europa, oppure un mondo di ghiaccio con un oceano subcellare liquido e un’atmosfera nuvolosa (al centro). LHS 1140 b è grande 1,7 volte il nostro pianeta Terra (a destra) ed è l’esopianeta della zona abitabile più promettente nella nostra ricerca di acqua liquida…
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bandnameserver · 3 months
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caterva · 2 years
--- Frank’s abandonment ruined Halloween for him, but Bill still really enjoys Christmas and is usually able to keep decorating for it. He even puts up strings of lights in the church and, as close to Christmas day as he can(he hasnt kept track of the actual date in years), he’ll turn a generator on and let them shine all day long.     In the absence of an Advent calendar, he saves up special little one-use items and treats to have leading up to the day he turns the lights on. The final day, he always treats himself with a big thing of coffee + cocoa mix from the MREs hes saved up, a big meal- chicken and potatoes and whatever veggies have made it into the subcellar- and turning on an old CD player for a while to listen to childhood Christmas music. He tries to make cookies a day or two before, if he’s been able to scavenge or make the ingredients.
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wisenedup · 7 years
Frank’s abandonment ruined Halloween for him, but Bill still really enjoys Christmas and is usually able to keep decorating for it. He even puts up strings of lights in the church and, as close to Christmas day as he can(he hasnt kept track of the actual date in years), he’ll turn a generator on and let them shine all day long.       In the absence of an Advent calendar, he saves up special little one-use items and treats to have leading up to the day he turns the lights on. The final day, he always treats himself with a big thing of coffee + cocoa mix from the MREs hes saved up, a big meal- chicken and potatoes and whatever veggies have made i into the subcellar- and turning on an old CD player for a while to listen to childhood Christmas music. He tries to make cookies a day or two before, if he’s been able to scavenge or make the ingredients. 
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That is why people in recovery count the months, the years.  An alcoholic resisting drink for an entire weekend, like Jack London avoiding booze on part of his ocean voyage, has not achieve the redemptive triumph he might consider his feat to be.  But a month?  A year?  A decade?  That’s huge,  Although, as they say in the investment business, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Hence the difficulty.  Because your enemy is relentless, and one slip-up, one crack in the wall, and it can all come rushing back.  After bombing the Grand Hotel failed to kill British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the Irish Republican Army sent her a message: “Today we were unlucky, but remember, we only have to be lucky once.  You will have to be lucky always.” Nobody is lucky always.  Which is why recovery is never an accidental process.  Good fortune won’t do it.  Craving doesn’t just go away, you have to make it go away, and central is the understanding that cravings pass.  Just as the euphoria that first comes with quitting substance abuse fades, so the urge -  the “I must!” that springs out of the subcellars of your mind – passes, if you keep the door bolted and wait for it to pass. Or not to pass.  This is the “powerlessness” that AA talks about.  You will crumples before your compulsion, again and again, until a moment of grace arrives and you find the strength to finally make sobriety stick, whether with the help of God and the fellowship of AA or buried within yourself, or you just get so sick of the whole thing that you finally tough it out.
Out Of The Wreck I Rise, Neil Steinberg and Sara Bader
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For other uses, see Basement (disambiguation). An unfinished basement used for storage and exercise Chillon Castle (Château de Chillon) basement A former Stasi basement hallway Cellars are often used in pubs to keep beer barrels connected to the bar at ground level. A basement or cellar is one or more floors of a building that are either completely or partially below the ground floor. Basements are generally used as a utility space for a building where such items as the boiler, water heater, breaker panel or fuse box, car park, and air-conditioning system are located; so also are amenities such as the electrical distribution system, and cable television distribution point. However, in cities with high property prices such as London, basements are often fitted out to a high standard and used as living space. In British English, the word "basement" is used for underground floors of, for example, department stores, but the word is only used with houses when the space below their ground floor is habitable, with windows and (usually) its own access. The word cellar or cellars is used to apply to the whole underground level or to any large underground room. A subcellar is a cellar that lies further underneath. More details Android, Windows
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