rhaaclaws · 1 year
The fact that Akira could've been an actual candidate in the hottest 90s musician poll if I actually submitted him it's sooooo over
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grimreaperlover11 · 2 years
Anon Submissited
“Scott/Posey stans bully, harass and accuse anyone who rightfully dislikes True Scumbag Scott McCall of “racism” because they think that throwing big words around make their jealous fits and temper tantrums less pathetic. And yet none of those Scott McCall defense squad clowns said anything about the vile, racist way Jeff Davis and his nepotism baby Tyler Posey treated Arden Cho (a WOC) and Kira Yukimura in their shitty excuse of a Teen Wolf Movie… what a weird, bizarre, twisted thing indeed” -sent to me by an anon So Ill start this out by saying that despite me personally not liking or caring for Scott McCall in any way shape or form. People can like him if they want. That being said...them stooping to bully and baseless accuse people of racism simply because they don’t Scott/Posey is not only annoying but it also further damages their argument since they are not putting forth evidence...if someone were to state they didn’t like Posey because of his race...then yeah, that's a problem that should be address...however to make a baseless comparison that because you don't like Scott/Posey you are racist...is truly shocking and discredits the word imo. You can not like someone and not be racist...that;s called life and having your own feelings. As for the vile treatment of Arden Cho not being addressed. I can not speak for Tyler Posey treating her wrong with racist intent since I'm not in any of their conversations nor would I want to be since I just don't have time, but I will say that offering her less pay for the movie than the other women in the cast...that IS racist...and the sad thing, is that I have seen more Sterek fans standing up for her than I have Scott/Posey stans...now that could just be from me not really looking for them supporting her, I don't know. You should be paid for the amount of work that you bring to the table. Arden brought a lot of work to the show and did great for what little time they gave her and I have no doubts she would have done amazing in the movie. It really is confusing and bizarre.
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ania-da-pez · 6 years
Tumblr media
I’m just gunna… put this here…. and walk…. away….
Bye bye.
(Something I doodled…) Art by @theduckarmy-dubz
Response: AWWWW SO KAWAII! Little little chibi CT!Ania :P Thank you!
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teatimemols · 3 years
I'm taking forever to finish Kennyo's route 😔😩
It could've been so much better!...
But what could I expect from a "tsundere narrative"?
It's just such a boring and repetitive and lazy way of writing to make a MC to chase a LI to submissition and "love..."
The whole idea that someone will fall in love with another who keeps on chasing that someone is so bad and ultimately harmful.
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