justsescape · 5 months
Can a cow be too fat?
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Nyx had become a proverbial mountain of fat; her body filled the capacity of an airplane hangar. Rolling waves of skin resembled the dimples and folds of raw pancake batter as they piled themselves atop the concrete. Breasts -- each large enough to rival entire biplanes -- lurched themselves over the only thing bigger than them: her gut. Its rumbling was like thunder. Perhaps she had buried a couple of buildings underneath its weight.
"BWOOOOOOUUUURRRRRRRP-HYIUCK!" Nyx's head emerged from her body the same way someone's would if they were buried in sand at the beach. Every gaseous expulsion left the flabby flesh surrounding it rippling like a pond. "HIC! HIC-URP-HIC!"
Lips, dripping with drool, opened and closed rhythmically almost as if she was chewing gum -- not that she was chewing anything at all. At least, not yet. Her dull, hazy gaze craned upward toward a distant feeding tube connected to the ceiling. Unable to lift her tree-trunk arms, all Nyx could do to vocalize her appetite was belch, hiccup, or moo. Sometimes, all three at once.
The call was heard. The pipe descended. Nyx's gaping mouth wrapped thoughtlessly around it. Gulp... gulp... gulp... Drooping nipples lazily produced milk that ran like little streams down the folds of her lard-laden body. Her fat had long since found its way into her lactation: it wasn't so much milk that she was making as much as it was heavy cream. It clumped up in the countless crevices that wrapped around her entire gluttonous frame.
From Nyx's limited perspective, the world was but a pale, endless horizon of lard below, and a cold, metal ceiling above. The feeding tube delivered euphoric sensations. It was her escape. The bigger she grew, the more she pressed into the walls. The more she pressed into the walls, the less they could do to confine her. The less confined she was, the more she could grow. The cycle repeated. Fat was freedom.
Nyx swelled like a balloon connected to a garden hose.
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highstakeweights · 24 days
Madam D with the fattest of faces and the most stylish of undercut bobs~~
Well, considering just how massive a woman Madam D was, not having an enormously fat face would be quite the challenge. From her shin brushing belly that her beautiful dress could only hope to contain the smallest bit of. To the massive triple wide wobbling ass that was jiggling like crazy, trapping onlookers in an erotic trance as alllll that pale booty wobbled side to side. Her dress had long since rode up over those massive cheeks, revealing lacy black panties that got progressively more and more swallowed by her growing rear. Her breasts weren't far behind, similarly exposed and just barely contained by a lacy bra. She was even larger than usual. A gambler who had been on a legendary losing streak finally got a break. They actually did manage to win big, even after being made just shy of immobile by Madam D. For their prize, they commanded Madam D to cut loose and drink as much wine as she could from the opulent fountain in the lobby. She happily accepted, having wanted a night to cut loose for quite a while. She didn't bother with glasses, she was following the winner's command to the letter. They wanted her to drink as much wine as possible. So she tossed her heels aside and simply climbed in. She drank straight from the endlessly flowing decanter of delicious wine, chugging all she could down, yet still having delicious red get all over her. She'd been at this for hours, and in and around the fountain, there were countless guests and staff Madam D had dragged into the massive fountain with her. They were all drunk beyond measure, and were just as massive as the madam. She drank more and more wine before grabbing two nearby wasted fatties, one man and one woman, starting to make out with each of them, alternating for a bit before giving a drunken laugh as she stood up, dress finally ripping to smithereens.
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"Come onnnnnn you big babies~! I juuuuuust ripped out of my dress, how are you all so tired out already~? Bring me more cuties! Bring me more food! This is a paaaaaarty~! I'll show you the time of your life, just drink with me~! I'm nowhere close to done, I can keep going for days~! Hop in and let me spoil all you cuties~!" Madam D was far from the reserved and mature woman she was usually. Who knew she had this much of a party girl side to her? Anyone foolish or brave enough to approach her could get a piece of the action, but there was no guarantee they'd be able to waddle away afterwards~.
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meep9898 · 1 month
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@substantial-gains @chubbykanmuses
The idea is still cooking, but so far: Girl in band. Will get fat.
This is her current faceclaim. Don’t have a name yet.
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readyplayerziggy · 11 days
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"Told ya Candy Dust was a thing... HWORRRRPPP!!~"
Raven's been belchin' flames for a while now, the cinnamon fireball flavor was HOT-
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"WHY DID YOU BUY SO MUCH?! And why bring it all here, I'm not eating any of that stuff! On that matter, stop eating it! You don't know what it could do to you in the long-term or even short-term or-DAMN IT RAVEN I'M TRYING TO HELP, STOP BURPING AT ME!!"
Willow was trying to clamber up the bandit's body to get those snacks out of her reach but the weight of her own body made her sink into Raven's tons of blubber and press pockets of gas out. Forcing the MILF to jump and knock against Raven even more to avoid having her face charred by cinnamon-scented flames, which made her burp more and so on...
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^Trying to sidle out of the building so she doesn't get caught in whatever these two have going on. Trying being the keyword. Rather hard to sneak with an ass that bulges out of jeans like bread in a pan and-Oh Brothers Willow was calling her for help she had to move!
Goes her ass as she rushes through doors that, for once, didn't clip or pinch her hips as she went by.
'Thank goodness for the Schnee family genes going straight to their asses.'
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houselessgluttony · 2 days
Been a while since we've had such a nice Celestia around these parts- Who's been adding an extra lump of sugar into her tea to make her act so sweet?~
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"Ohoho~" "Truly, there's no need for you to give such niceties... It's just simply the way I am! Today feels like a rather wonderful day to be alive, more so than it usually does in a climate like this... So why not spend some of that time actually living in good humor and attitude?"
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"By the way, you look quite lovely today. The way you wear your belt alongside your smooth, and soft looking muffin top? It's very quite nice..." "Dare I even say... Bold for the current time?"
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sweetside · 2 months
So overindulgent...I've heard of water weight, but blood weight? She's gonna have the rush of a lifetime 'cause of all the blood sugar she's draining from the fatties that attend her concerts!~~ Or, has that happened already...?~
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"V-vat!? No! I vould never pick the heaveir members vans just because their neck vat makes them softer to bite into!" Actually usually she would have sugar crash actually after rushing home.
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doughyduo · 5 months
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"Oh is that so?~ I'd be more worried about yourself. Falling face first into a woman's gut without a care in the world might be a smidge sensual, but since you're a little on the, ahem, leaner side, I wouldn't want you accidently chipping a nail. That, and I downed an entire keg earlier, so there's a dangerous storm brewing if you catch my drift-"
The rather tall swashbuckler smacks her big ol' beer belly to emphasize it's vastness, and let's it move in the likeness of the motion of the ocean~ Downing a few kegs like it's nothing will do that to a sloshy captain... But seriously, don't mind her ribbing, she teases the people she likes-
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"Don't you worry about that. It's not the first time I've been pressed up against someone so soft, and it's not a bad thing that you had all that to drink.~"
If anything, Kafka is pressing into it more with her hands. Kafka does a lot of teasing herself, meaning she's happy to stare Beidou in the eyes, lean closer and closer as her hands sink into that gut, and smirk.
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madokamatsu · 6 months
omigosh you're back!
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im back!!! its lovely to see you too! excuse me as i whir up my engines in regards to getting back into tumblr again... but i'm very excited
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Right, thank you
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justsescape · 6 months
Dumb anime logic, Asuka is filling up the elevator with her boob meat and gut, hotboxing whatever empty space is left with her burps, and Rei is pressed up against the door...
Cause angels or somethin', idk, dont fluster me--
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"H-hey, WoooOOOOOURPndergirl, where'd... HYIC-UUUUUUUUUURP!... where'd you go?!"
Asuka filled up the elevator in the same way a milkshake fills up a glass. Her body -- surely well over two-thousand pounds -- was not so much standing in the lift as much as it had been somehow poured in. Flab splayed up against each wall like oceanwater crashing up against the wooden legs of a dock. It was a wonder the weight limit hadn't been reached.
"D-did you... HYIC! HYICK! HYURK!" Asuka's eyelids fluttered with fatigue. Whatever words she managed to get out were consistently prefixed or suffixed by all manner of gas. "BEOOOOOOOOOOUURP-HIC-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP!"
The former pilot's flesh rose and fell like sand dunes; hills and valleys, peaks and troughs formed the landscape throughout the confined capacity of the elevator. Her pale, stretch mark-laden skin served as a canvas for condiments, crumpled up wrappers, and food stains. The walls themselves were similarly greasy, caked with sweat and dripping with moisture from being practically drowned in her generous fat. At least, the top half of them were; the lower half of each wall had been completely buried beneath Asuka's lard-ridden body. So, too, was the case for the aforementioned Wondergirl.
"Did yoOOOURP... haaah~... did yoOOOOOOOUUUURP... haaaaaanghh~..." In the dead center of it all was Asuka's head. Sat atop a series of chins that virtually melted into the rest of her, the redhead's once-sharp features had been so distorted with adipose that every facial recognition control in NERV rejected her clearance. "...st-steal myyHYICK-UUUURP!... my food?..."
It took her multiple minutes to get even a single question out. That in itself was a mockery -- but Asuka furthered the absurdity by trying to point a finger. Each of them had grown so thick that the lines that fell between her knuckles flattened against the rest of her bulbous skin. They practically resembled the shape of particularly giant carrots.
"I can... feel yUUUUUUUUUOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAP!... hnnnngNNGMngh~... feel yYHOURK!... f-feel you squirming, HYIC-UUUUUUUUUURP!... you know!"
Belches were so deep, so loud, that they resonated with the metal girders carrying the elevator from one floor to another. And each gaseous expulsion was not only deafening, but unmistakably warm. Rei couldn't see a thing -- she was smooshed against one of the walls like a bug against a windshield -- but she certainly suspected that the air had turned green from Asuka's noxious fumes.
The elevator doors opened slowly, laboriously. The friction that Asuka's bulging lard imposed upon them kept them from going any faster than a snail. Not that anyone could even board the lift, anyway. Asuka's blubber bulged into the corridor like a diver desperate to surface for a breath; it would be a miracle if the door would ever shut again.
As for Rei, she was unlucky enough to be pinned against one of the other walls. She was in for a long ride.
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corpulentcarbs · 1 year
I know there's so many of them, but every single OC you have ever made is a 10 out of 10 for me Sai.
You’re far too generous but thank you
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meep9898 · 6 months
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The techie is immediately glomped and trapped in a prison made of flesh because that WAS SO PRECIOUS AND ADORABLE-
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“Kairi…I…I can’t…breathe…”
Not just any prison, but a top security one. She’ll never be able to escape that much flesh unless Kairi decides to release her.
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gluttonemporium · 2 years
(Referring back to that picture of Celestia with the dumptruck ass-) Celestia, what's the point of wearing panties that say "Bad Bitch~" on the back if you don't want others to see them?
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"Whatever are you referring to? I would wear no such thing."
Yeeeah, the Queen of Liars won't be upfront about something like that if her life depended on it. The real reason is because of another lost bet that she's likely repressed completely-
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readyplayerziggy · 13 days
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Yes, dust candy exists. Willow, Emerald~
Raven ordered like 3 tons already~~
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They have been having this argument since the first dump truck came by to deliver thousands of packages of the stuff, courtesy of the fat-chested and thick-headed bandit that Willow was dating(?). Emerald couldn't even remember what she was here for in the first place.
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housewifemd · 6 months
to be completely honest i think a nonzero amount of house's refusal to use a wheelchair forever is because he likes to be tall
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sweetside · 9 months
The Maya Munchies (tm), they're kicking in...I'll send her Spaghetti since I read the rules. Hope that's okay!
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"Mmmphhh... The mun let me have a little of their cake if I answered this. Total sucker right? Anyway I always like to munch so I'll eat the spaghetti too!... oh right. Thanks for reading the rules!"
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