@youngsiphon - Summer Time Sadness 
Ella had been working at The Grill for about a month before school ended and now it’d been about two months now with tips and pay and overtime that she had some money saved up, and Ella was signed on for as many hours as humanly possible wanting to make enough to have some over the school year and pay for things she needed. Ella’s room was small but she was fine with it because it meant no roommate, something she had desperately needed when coming to the school, the ability to be alone after a day of interacting. Her room though had school stuff, her uniforms and one pair of jeans, a tshirt and two pairs of pajamas. She needed some outside of school clothes, especially since she was encouraged to interact with ‘the outside world’. 
Now she was in town though and had no idea what to buy, some more jeans though she didn’t know what size or what cut, she had no idea of certain clothes looked bad on her or were meant to look that way, she refused to buy things with rips in them. So far after about an hour of just looking in the shops, she had managed to find work out clothes, if this continued on she’d have to head for the shop she got her work out clothes from and buy some more and that’d be her only other outside school attire. She was sat on a bench, bag next to her and Ella sipping on iced tea- something she’d had to get use to when coming across the pond, mentally calculating how many outfits she could buy with the amount she set aside for clothes and factoring in some money for pajamas when someone walked over to her. Squinting her eyes she tilt her head up to see who was standing in her sun, “What are you doing here?” Okay that may have come out a bit ruder than she meant, but she felt no need to change it either. 
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@youngsiphon - Josie & Ella
Ella had been at this boarding school for closer to two months now and she was struggling- actually that was being kind she was completely failing. Not in her ‘supernatural’ classes, no in those she was passing with flying colours. It was her other classes maths, science, history, all those classes that everyone had learned throughout the years, that she got no schooling on. Who cared if the colonies threw some tea in the harbor? Who cared about the Louisiana purchase? Who needed geometry? Or physics? Objectively yes she knew all of this was important, but she was being dropping into the middle of the desert with nothing at this point- she was lost in her classes which assumed she had some basic knowledge to build off of and she didn’t have it. 
This resulted her spending a majority of her time in the library, parked at a table with books surrounding her as she spent time trying to play catch up or learn what she needed so that she hoped she wouldn’t fail her next quiz or exam, or hope she would get higher than a C on a paper. The only thing she allowed herself to do was exercise outside of school, she barely slept at this point. The only reason she allowed exercise was because she needed to control her emotions- she was managing so far having gotten use to not letting things get to her unless they were severe, but sometimes she feared letting her frustrations out would result in a burnt library. 
It was a nice day outside and she was one of the few people who decided to be in the library rather then outside, staring at books that tried to explain to her how to handle inscribed circles, with an outter layer of books that had to do with balancing chemical equations. Her frustration wasn’t quite intact when she shut the book infront of her with magic it slamming a bit harder than intended. She tried not to flinch at the noise it made, but it apparently aroused someone’s interest because the someone stood infront of the table waiting. Ella eventually lifted her head, only to see one of the twins....Josie! Right, yes.  One of the few people she’d talked to since she got her, along with Lizzie. She avoided communication with others, wary about what people wanted from her, even more so realizing how divided the species were at the school. Josie seemed nice enough, at least nicer than her sister seemed to be, that though didn’t mean she necessarily wanted a friendship or anything. She knew she came off as a bitch to others but honestly Ella was at a loss at times on how to communicate with others or what was acceptable to and what wasn’t. She waited a beat and when Josie didn’t really say anything Ella quirked an eyebrow at her and said, “Yeeesssss....? Can I help you?”
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@youngsiphon - Morning ROutine
Ella had been at the school a couple of months, and she spent of her time within the walls of the school . She had realized though that she needed a way to work out some frustration and some emotions- she needed to exhaust herself. At first gym class was enough but then as classes started piling up with assignments, her struggle to adjust from a life in a mental institution to a boarding school of her peers- who seemed to love drama and being nosy and nasty- she just needed some alone time. Ella had learned she needed to control her emotions or devastation followed her moods and whims, she had a decent handle on everyday emotions, but as her emotions built and new situations and emotions arose from being in school it was a struggle. 
Ella never cared for being judged, if someone was going to judge her they were going to do it anyways, but it seemed kids used the terms crazy, psycho, and other such words loosely and anger and almost violent glaze coloured her vision so she talked to Mr. Saltzman about exercising more and he being one of the three people who knew where she came from seemed to understand she needed some time and space. So he’d showed some trails on the Salvatore Boarding school land she had permission to run. Ella had had to raise herself in the mental institution and she was proud she hadn’t gone insane from they way people treated her there, but there were side effects she had to deal with or chance taking down the entire school, at least. No one knew where her powers came from, her coven, or why her powers were different and that just seemed to add to her stress - having to or at least feeling the need to hide her different powers because even in a school of supernaturals she was different. Not to mention she avoided touching anyone, the pain not something she enjoyed feeling. 
So every morning she ran the trail, having to magic her one of two pairs of shoes that had been generously given to her by Caroline before school started so they wouldn’t wear down as she had no money to buy a new pair and her gym uniform. Hair up and she just enjoyed the nature around her as her feet pounded against the dirt, wind wiping around her and seemed to urge her on and swirl around her to keep her cool and hair out of her face. She’d take a break by a little river she assumed came from the falls, occasionally spending time on the weekends to dip her feet in  and let the water wash away her stress. Today though she was just running, hard and fast, along a trial. She felt like someone was watching her when she turned the bend though. She debated whether or not to stop and see who it was. She ran for a second, making sure she was probably out of their sight before looping around and coming behind the person and saying dryly, “Boo.” She was panting softly, but she crossed her arms in front of her chest, hips jutted slightly waiting for an explanation. 
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Legacies Verse
In this verse, Ella’s background is the same as those in her TVD/TO verses but there will be two subverses for this verse. Unless specified, the default subverse will be Ella as a student who has yet to fully grow into her powers and is new-ish to the school. Ella is bisexual, as she is in every verse and that isn’t something she’s ever truly struggled with, it was just the way she was and was never exposed to prejudice against it.
Ella is a powerful witch who for some reason does not draw from sacrifice or ancestral magic; she draws from the earth though, the elements, especially water. She is a combination of ancestral and traveler magic, she is connected to nature most of all and is able to replenish powers quicker when she’s around nature (lake, forest, ect). Now she’s traveling to Mystic Falls looking for an artifact from the Arthuian period for Freya, what mess will she get herself into and who will she meet? (She knows of moon bound and sun bound creatures, but has never encountered one, nor has she encountered another witch. As for the other side she believes all souls go to Avalon.)
Growing up in hospital, she will see life in a way that would seem harsh to others, but it is just the way life is to her. People saw an orphaned child who talked of magic and threw her into a mental asylum because they did not wish to deal with her. When she was there she had to conceal what she had within her and had to control her emotions. No one cared about her, no one took care of her, thus she learned one must take care of yourself and put yourself first, because no one else will. As said, no one really paid any mind to her so she will probably be lacking practice communicating with others and may be a little awkward; and a little naive when it comes to society and technology.
Ella learned Welsh whilst in the hospital, she learned to translate spells into Welsh and speak it, but was only able to practice her magic little bits at a time (ie cloaking her spell book, her welsh language books, ect). She needs a bit of practice, which she’d do as she traveled and more so as she tried to locate the object. She is crossing the pond to find a magical item from the 400-500 A.D. time period.
Her inevitable search, powers and background that Ella will not be aware of until she find her coven’s necklace and grimoires found here 
Ella didn’t runaway at 17 (as in tvd/to verses), instead a recruiter for the Salvator’s Boarding School came and told her of a place for supernatural beings like her. Other witches, and vampires and werewolves, and if she wanted there was a spot for her to help her learn to control her powers and be around her own kind. Unable to resist she accepted and here she is now at the school unsure what exactly she is to do and what is next for her.
In this subverse, Ella is still learning to control her emotions which when triggered can cause catastrophes if she doesn’t reign them in soon enough. She has trouble socializing and may come off as more of a bitch as she isn’t use to socializing and thinks everyone has an ulterior motive. She also has to deal with the fact that people called her crazy for years about her magic and treated her like she had mental deficiencies.  
In this verse, Ella is a teacher at the school, she has come fully into her powers and has found out the truth about her coven and how they were slaughtered. She has control over her emotions as well, and teaches at the school. She one of the youngest teachers, but among one of the strongest, and she wants to help the students to the best of her abilities.
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Finally added my Legacies verse here
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