vanillamidnight-us · 2 days
how to find literally any post on a blog in seconds (on desktop)
there are so many posts about ~tumblr is so broken, you can’t find any post on your own blog, it’s impossible, bluhrblub~
I am here to tell you otherwise! it is in fact INCREDIBLY easy to find a post on a blog if you’re on desktop/browser and you know what you’re doing:
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant. every single post, every single time. in chronological order starting with the most recent post. note: it will not find #croissants or that time you made the typo #croidnssants. for a tag with multiple words, it’s just /tagged/my-croissant and it will show you everything with the exact phrase #my croissant
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant/chrono will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the exact phrase #croissant, but it will show them in reverse order with the oldest first 
url.tumblr.com/search/croissant isn’t as perfect at finding everything, but it’s generally loads better than the search on mobile. it will find a good array of posts that have the word croissant in them somewhere. could be in the body of the post (op captioned it “look at my croissant”) or in the tags (#man I want a croissant). it won’t necessarily find EVERYTHING like /tagged/ does, but I find it’s still more reliable than search on mobile. you can sometimes even find posts by a specific user by searching their url. also, unlike whatever random assortment tumblr mobile pulls up, it will still show them in a more logically chronological order
url.tumblr.com/day/2020/11/05 will show you every post on the blog from november 5th, 2020, in case you’re taking a break from croissants to look for destiel election memes 
url.tumblr.com/archive/ is search paradise. easily go to a particular month and see all posts as thumbnails! search by post type! search by tags but as thumbnails now
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio will show you every audio post on your blog (you can also filter by other post types). sometimes a little imperfect if you’re looking for a video when the op embedded the video in a text post instead of posting as a video post, etc
url.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/croissant will show you EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant, but it will show you them in the archive thumbnail view divided by months. very useful if you’re looking for a specific picture of a croissant that was reblogged 6 months ago and want to be able to scan for it quickly 
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio/tagged/croissant will show you every audio post tagged with the specific phrase #croissant (you can also filter by photo or text instead, because I don’t know why you have audio posts tagged croissant) 
the tag system on desktop tumblr is GENUINELY amazing for searching within a specific blog! 
caveat: this assumes a person HAS a desktop theme (or “custom theme”) enabled. a “custom theme” is url.tumblr.com, as opposed to tumblr.com/url. I’ve heard you have to opt-into the former now, when it used to be the default, so not everyone HAS a custom theme where you can use all those neat url tricks. 
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if the person doesn’t have a “custom theme” enabled, you’re beholden to the search bar. still, I’ve found the search bar on tumblr.com/url is WAY more reliable than search on mobile. for starters, it tends to bring posts up in a sensible order, instead of dredging up random posts from 2013 before anything else
if you’re on mobile, I’m sorry. godspeed and good luck finding anything. (my one tip is that if you’re able to click ON a tag rather than go through the search bar, you’ll have better luck. if your mutual has recently reblogged a post tagged #croissant, you can click #croissant and it’ll bring up everything tagged #croissant just like /tagged/croissant. but if there’s no readily available tag to click on, you have to rely on the mobile search bar and its weird bizarre whims) 
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
My Worldbuilding: Vampires (3)
Links: (1)(2)
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New Anatomy
A vampiric coma can last anywhere from a four days to the longest recorded being five months. No one knows what exactly causes such strong differences in length, but it is currently belief that it correlates with the amount of changes to the infected’s anatomy.
The new vampire is now running off of their new anatomy upon waking, all of which had been rearranged during their deep sleep. Their body no longer runs off of calories, or many of the same stuff as before. A complete overhaul has happened on the body’s system. 
Several of the body’s organs fail while in the coma to become reabsorbed or shrunken by the infected’s body; including much of intestines, liver, kidneys. This gives room for new nerves, and a group of new organs form. The lungs change function from breathing, to become an assistant to the diaphragm and the endocrine system, which will work together to make feeding an easy task for the vampire.
The endocrine system, lymph nodes, and cardiovascular system overtake the digestive system, as the body will be receiving liquids instead of solids for fuel/energy again. Instead consumption for nutrients will happen primarily in the blood stream, and a smaller version of the stomach. Veins, the heart, and stomach pick up the needed nutrients for vampires. Blood pressure is now naturally slower, and the skin is pale to a change blood.
The vampire’s fangs is one of the most important features that every vampire has. Without them their lives become much more difficult, and health can deteriorate quickly. The fangs have many features aside from just puncturing the skin.
Glands of different types now exist within base of the vampire’s neck. Occasionally some infected have extra patterned throughout the body alongside the endocrine system. These are paired with several solutions that secrete from the fangs. The vampire is in charge of using these injections, but a new one won’t be used to it yet and will use each loosely until they do.
Vampires can use multiple in a bite, and choose not to use any. Types of venoms & solutions include.
Vampiric Essence (Infects bitten individual)
Instant pain killer (Numbs bitten individual so the process isn’t incredibly painful)
Soother (Makes the bitten individual relax, and causes the experience to feel pleasurable. Soothes people both physically and emotionally)
Paralytic (paralyzes the bitten individual temporarily)
Sedative (forces bitten individual into a deep sleep temporarily)
Healing Solvent (Vampire licks the solvent off of their fangs, and then over the bite. Causes the bite to heal quicker, and soothes the pain/inflamation)
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
My Worldbuilding: Vampire (2)
Links: (1)(3)
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As said earlier vampirism isn’t a species, but an infliction. That doesn’t mean that the ailment doesn’t twist the anatomy drastically of an infected person. Vampirism is one of many spreadable magical disorders, also known bitmalé, most of which derive from an infected individual passing on the infliction to another person through kissing, biting, or sometimes scratching.
Bitmalé are all known to change the infected’s anatomy drastically, often times making them unrecognizable or leading them to transform into a different species compared to what they originally were. Aside from vampirism two other well known Bitmalé derive from Sirens and Were-species. 
Unlike popular myth it is possible for an individual to obtain one or more bitmalé in their life. It is believed this myth derives from the basic knowledge among were-creatures that they cannot spread their own bitmalé to each other. However were-species can still catch vampirism. Due to the ignorance of this fact many communities of were-species have had notable outbreaks of vampirism. This eventually created a significant amount of prejudice from were-species to form against vampires.
Vampirism’s effect on anatomy is viewed as brutal by some, but tame by others in the Arethian Planetary System. Within a few days of being infected the individual will lose two upper canine teeth, which will be replaced by fangs later on. Anywhere from 24 hours to a week the infectious bite mark will not hurt. 
Naturally it will bruise and redden like any other bite. Even if the punctured skin heals the two dots will darken to a variety of colors depending on skin tone, and will not go away no matter what. These two primary symptoms tells the individual immediately that they’ve been bitten infectiously.
Once the beginning period ends the pain of transformation begins. The skin of the bite turns inflamed. Veins surrounding the area glow with vibrant red light. In rare cases the veins may glow a different color instead, including blue, lime green, purple, and light blue. This is either due to the species of the bitten, or magical anomalies in the biter.
The infected individual begins to feel very ill over the course of a week. Including, but not limited to,
Extreme lethargy
Slowing heartbeat and blood pressure
Disgust for food
Extreme pain from infected spot
Increased recklessness
Feeling of impending doom
Loss of empathy
Occasional loss of consciousness
Uncontrollable chewing
Self Isolation
Low Body Temperature
Paling Skin
Patches of blush across the body
Eventually the individual will fall into a frenzy, where in a lot of pain they will go out to bite anyone they set their eyes upon. Once the last of their adrenaline runs they will drop dead, and enter a coma more than close to death. While in this final stage of transformation their body rearranges its anatomy to prepare for the life of a vampire.
It isn’t uncommon for particular anatomical changes to occur before the coma, or even the frenzy to occur. This most commonly happens for individuals who are developing wings of any sort. Not every person has the same transformation, and not everyone ends up with the same set of abilities and changes. Wings alone only form in around 7% of individuals affected.
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
My Worldbuilding: Vampires (1)
I see a lot of vampire stuff come across my dash, especially from the whump writing community. It just always gets me thinking about my own worldbuilding, and how I handled vampires, so I wanted to show it off. No drawings or anything attached like I’d like to. Just don’t have the motivation rn.
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Vampires are not a species. In fact it is viewed as an ailment and curse, spread from the infected from one to one another. In recent years the infected victims of vampirism have been getting better treatment, compared to the vilified reputation and discrimination they faced. However not everything is kittens and rainbows yet.
Most living creatures are not immune to vampirism, however there are large groups of races that are. Most of these immune races derive from the dark categorization of species; such as most negative elementals, shadowettes, and other dark afflicted persons.
There is currently no known cure for vampirism, aside from the death of the vampire. Many modern fatal scientist have even given up on the idea, and are researching ways to improve vampires’ quality of life. The most recent endeavors have been fabricating a strong contender to blood for vampires to consume.
How it spreads
Vampirism is primarily spread through an infectious bite. Not all vampire bites are infectious though. A lot of focus goes into feeding for vampires. They put a lot of their energy and concentration into preventing vampiric essence into seeping into their targets. Only careless or out of control vampires end up infecting others.
Any offspring of people already infected will also be vampires. These children are primarily the result of a male vampire with a non-vampire, since female vampires and/or their babies will not survive pregnancies. Life cannot be created without life, and vampires are missing the essence of life. Not to mention it would be taxing on their bodies to attempt to feed enough for both them and a baby.
Other ways to become infected:
Ingesting around a 120ml (quarter-pint) of vampire’s blood
Being cursed by a rare spell from a dark magician, warlock, sorcerer, or other capable spellcaster
Being cursed by an arch-vampire (through a kiss)
Drinking from the ancient magic fountain in Lou (Because it’s cursed)
Getting vampire blood in an open wound (not always)
Inhaling Vampire Haze
Dezert956′s worldbuilding: Vampirism (1)(2)(3)
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
Hey so I'm writing a character who is a vampire (cliché, I know) and I need some ways that they could have been turned besides being bitten.
Why don’t you try applying disease/sickness transfer to vampirism?
1. Blood to blood contact2. Sexual transmission3. Saliva4. Airborne 5. Contact with urine and fecal matter6. Touch (Like with chicken pox)
(Being the child I am, I’m sitting here snickering to myself and thinking about vamprisim being an STD)
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
Honestly, if you are writing monsters, supernatural creatures or beings that aren't human... Write them as they are.
Let's talk about vampires first, since I'm currently writing a vampire story due to quarantine making me self indulge. In Blood Hunt, my main character is unapologetically a monster - it's not that he's not relatable to humans, because he is in fact more human than vampire hunters (he is curious, adventurous, lives his undead state to its fullest, appreciates the small things like poorly made pottery or small forgotten pieces of art).
However, he isn't human. He drinks blood from an alive body whenever he can. He categorizes humans he does not know by blood type, diets and diseases. He manipulates specific humans with the sole intent of biting. He looks at others like we look at a fresh piece of fruit or meat at the market. He's stronger, faster and since he doesn't abide by human laws, he has no regrets when he punches someone straight in the stomach and makes them need a doctor because oh, this person annoyed me and insulted my sire, they deserve no less than a broken rib or a claw to the throat.
It's not like he isn't partly human or has no morals - he doesn't kill, he is sad he can't keep pets because most are scared of him, he is shocked the first time he enters a supermarket in 2020 because none of that was available when he was young... But he embraces the monster inside.
The higher vampires don't, to the point they are a caricature of themselves. They pretend they are so above, that they don't need to dirty their skin by sipping straight from a human while keeping human donors. By pretending to be a vampire from stories, they deny the monster inside to the point they are neither monstrous or human. Only a blood sucking thing that is bored to their core.
Let's talk about another creature I also write about (this time, since I was 10) - the Fae (or faeries/fairy). They abide by entire different laws. They have a bloodlust, they are easily crossed, they are petty and picky and on a realm so different they probably look at us like we look at cats or dogs - cute, interesting, but so less smart. They can't lie, yet they don't even need to twist their words around each other because hey, this is a fae too, why bother.
They don't love the way humans do. They don't really hate the way humans do. They don't even look human - more like mixes of bugs, animals and plants when in their true forms while looking vaguely humanoid. Why would they care about looking law abiding to us either? Oh, I can't steal from you? Too bad, you accepted my cup of tea three years ago so I am entitled to your new shoes. You crossed my sister? Too bad, you can't speak anymore. You decided to take your friends chance at dancing in this recital because "she doesn't deserve the spot"? Well, you shall dance for us forever. They blow stuff out of proportion because their proportions are their own.
This applies to shapeshiters, witches, mermaids, banshees, orcs, literally anyone else. Even elves, who are sort of human looking, should feel other.
And don't get me started on intercourse. Please, if you are writing R18 stuff in your story, don't write it in the human way. If I wanted regular sexual content I wouldn't read a supernatural piece. Be creative. Vampires have no blood circulation so they don't get hard, werewolves probably have different genitalia and like to mark, the fae can barely reproduce so I doubt they even fuck the same way, etc.
But hey, that's my take on it. If you wanna drop how you write a certain species, please let me know because I love different approaches to non-human beings!
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
How To Write Vampires With An Original Twist 
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Mythical creatures are an essential part of the fictional scene, but the same creatures have been used so many times that these creatures now often seem redundant and boring in fiction. This is why I've started a new blog series: How To Create Original Mythical Creatures. I'm kicking off this series with vampires!
Join me as we dive into the world of vampires, from their mythical beginnings to their modern-day interpretations, and learn how to write them effectively in your own narratives.
Origins of Vampires
Vampires have a rich and diverse history rooted in ancient folklore and legends. Across various cultures and civilizations, tales of bloodsucking creatures have emerged, each with unique characteristics and behaviors.
One of the earliest known vampire myths comes from ancient Mesopotamia, where stories of blood-drinking demons known as Lilitu or Lamashtu date back to around 3000 BCE. These entities were believed to prey on humans, particularly targeting children and pregnant women.
In ancient Greece, the Lamia was a mythical creature often depicted as a female vampire who lured and devoured children. Similarly, in Roman mythology, the Strix or Strigoi were vampiric entities that fed on blood and flesh.
Moving forward in history, Slavic folklore introduced the concept of the Upyr, a vampire-like creature that rose from the dead to feed on the living. These early depictions of vampires often portrayed them as revenants or undead beings with a thirst for human blood.
Modern-Day Vampires: Where Were They Originated? 
The modern concept of vampires, as we commonly know them today, took shape during the European Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Legends of vampires emerged in Eastern Europe, with notable figures like Vlad the Impaler contributing to the folklore. Vlad's reputation for cruelty and his association with impaling enemies on stakes led to the creation of the vampire archetype, inspiring Bram Stoker's iconic character, Count Dracula.
From ancient Mesopotamia to medieval Europe, vampire lore has evolved and adapted, weaving its way into popular culture and literature. Understanding the origins of vampires provides writers with a rich tapestry of mythology to draw upon when crafting their own bloodsucking creatures.
I wanted to go into more detail regarding the Lamashtu and Lamia since they’re not as well known as their Slavic and European counterparts, but unfortunately, that would deviate from the purpose of this blog. 
The Evolution Of Vampiric Appearances 
Before we proceed with this section, it's crucial to clarify that the mythical creatures and beings discussed in this blog are not direct representations of ancient vampires. Instead, they serve as inspirations for the concept of vampires and share certain attributes with our modern-day depictions, including blood-feeding, pale skin, human-like appearance with some animalistic features, and so on.
Vampiric Creatures In Mythology
In ancient mythology, vampiric entities were not always depicted as the suave, charming figures we see in modern vampire tales. Instead, they often embodied primal fears and monstrous traits.
Lamia: In Greek mythology, Lamia was a terrifying creature depicted as a woman with a serpentine lower body. She was known for her insatiable hunger for children, often depicted as a child-eating monster. Lamia's appearance combined elements of human and serpent, emphasizing her monstrous nature and predatory instincts.
Lamashtu: In Mesopotamian mythology, Lamashtu was a malevolent demon who preyed on pregnant women and newborns. She was depicted with a fearsome appearance, often described as having the head of a lion, the body of a donkey, and bird-like talons. Lamashtu's grotesque features and destructive tendencies reflected ancient beliefs about the dangers of childbirth and infancy.
Lilitu: In Mesopotamian and Jewish folklore, Lilitu or Lilith was often associated with nocturnal demons or spirits. She was depicted as a seductive, winged demoness who preyed on men and newborns. Lilitu's appearance varied across different myths but often included features like wings, long hair, and sometimes talons, emphasizing her otherworldly and dangerous nature.
Strix: In Roman and Greek mythology, the Strix was a bird-like creature or vampiric owl associated with dark omens and death. It was believed to be a shape-shifting creature that could transform into a woman or an owl. The Strix's appearance combined avian and human features, instilling fear and dread in those who encountered it.
Strigoi and Upyr: In Eastern European folklore, Strigoi and Upyr were blood-sucking undead creatures similar to modern-day vampires. Strigoi were believed to be restless spirits or revenants that returned from the dead to torment the living. Upyr, on the other hand, were vampire-like beings with sharp fangs and a penchant for drinking blood. Both creatures were depicted as pale, gaunt, and often with elongated canines, reflecting their predatory and undead nature.
Medieval Depictions: Shift in Appearance
During medieval times, the depiction of blood-sucking mythological creatures underwent a transformation, shifting from monstrous and terrifying to more humanoid and relatable appearances. This change in portrayal can be seen in various aspects of their physical features:
Teeth: Originally depicted with long, sharp fangs or talons for blood-drinking, medieval depictions often featured more subtle fang-like teeth or no visible teeth at all, aligning with the concept of vampires being able to blend in with humans.
Skin: While ancient vampires were often described as monstrous and otherworldly, medieval vampires were portrayed with paler skin to signify their undead nature but without extreme deformities or monstrous features.
Appearance: Medieval vampires were often depicted as more human-like in appearance, with regular clothing and a less monstrous demeanour. This shift allowed for more nuanced storytelling and exploration of themes like temptation, desire, and the struggle between humanity and monstrosity. This is also what birthed the romanticization of vampires. 
Mythological Vampire vs Modern-Day Vampire
Mythological vampires, rooted in ancient folklore and mythology, were often depicted as malevolent spirits or creatures with supernatural powers. These creatures varied widely across different cultures, from the Lamia and Lilitu in Mesopotamian mythology to the Strix in Roman and Greek folklore, and the Upyr in Slavic tales.
These ancient vampires were not always the suave, charismatic beings we see in modern media. Instead, they were often portrayed as terrifying and monstrous, with features that reflected their otherworldly nature. For example, the Lamia was described as a demonic woman with the ability to transform into a serpent, while the Lilitu were associated with storm demons and fertility spirits.
In contrast, modern-day vampires, especially those popularized in literature and film, have undergone significant transformation. They are often depicted as sophisticated and alluring, with a penchant for romance and drama. Authors and filmmakers have humanized vampires, giving them complex personalities, tragic backstories, and even moral dilemmas.
While modern vampires still retain some traditional attributes such as a need for blood and sensitivity to sunlight, their portrayal has evolved to include a wide range of characteristics and abilities. This shift has allowed for more diverse and nuanced storytelling, exploring themes of immortality, love, redemption, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.
Which Option Is Better For Your Novel? 
When deciding which type of vampire to incorporate into your story, consider the tone and themes you wish to explore. Mythological vampires offer a darker and more primal essence, rooted in ancient fears and superstitions. On the other hand, modern-day vampires provide a canvas for exploring human emotions, relationships, and societal issues through a supernatural lens.
Ultimately, the choice between mythological and modern vampires depends on the narrative direction and atmosphere you want to create. Both types offer unique storytelling opportunities, allowing you to craft captivating tales of mystery, romance, horror, or even philosophical introspection.
Research and Resources
Writing about mythical creatures like vampires requires a solid understanding of folklore, mythology, and literary traditions. Here are some resources and research methods to help you delve into the world of vampires and other mythical beings:
Books and Literature
Start by exploring classic works of literature that feature vampires, such as Bram Stoker's "Dracula," Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles," and Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series. These novels not only showcase different interpretations of vampires but also delve into the cultural and historical contexts surrounding these creatures.
Mythology and Folklore
Dive into ancient myths and folklore from various cultures to uncover the origins of vampire legends. Look into Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, Slavic, and other mythologies to discover different vampire-like entities and their characteristics.
Research Journals and Articles
Academic journals and articles can provide valuable insights into the evolution of vampire folklore, the psychological aspects of vampirism, and the cultural impact of vampire mythology. Explore journals in folklore studies, literary analysis, and cultural anthropology for in-depth information.
Online Resources
Utilize online platforms such as mythology databases, folklore websites, and literary forums to gather information and engage in discussions about vampires. Websites like The Vampire Library, Vampire Empire, and Vampire Rave offer a wealth of resources for vampire enthusiasts and writers.
Historical Research
Delve into historical records, archival documents, and historical accounts related to vampire hysteria, vampire burials, and vampire folklore in different regions. Understanding the historical context can add authenticity to your portrayal of vampires.
Interviews and Expert Opinions
Consider reaching out to folklore experts, historians, and scholars specializing in vampire mythology for interviews or consultations. Their insights and expertise can provide valuable perspectives on vampire lore and storytelling.
Creative Exploration
Don't hesitate to let your imagination roam while exploring vampire mythology. Experiment with creating your own vampire mythology, incorporating unique traits, powers, and origin stories for your vampires.
By combining thorough research with creative exploration, you can develop rich and compelling portrayals of vampires in your writing. Remember to stay open to diverse interpretations and adaptations of vampire folklore, allowing room for innovation and originality in your storytelling.
I hope this blog on How To Write Vampires With An Original Twist will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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vanillamidnight-us · 3 days
I think the great thing about vampires is that they can be however you want them to be
Unearthly beautiful
Very ugly
Glamor powers
Sad and angsty
Afraid of milk
You get to pick and choose which of these traits you give your vampires and I think that’s beautiful
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vanillamidnight-us · 4 days
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vanillamidnight-us · 4 days
Whumpees who Deserve It
Not all whumpees are innocent, and not all whumpers are necessarily in the wrong.
-Villainous whumpee being tortured by their victims, abused in all the same ways they harmed their innocent victims.
-A hitman who has to feel as the names of their victims is carved into their flesh.
-A villain falling victim to the hands of an angry mob, beaten and dragged through the town they ravaged.
-A convict slowly losing their mind in solitary confinement because they are too violent to be kept around others.
-A tyrant being publicly flogged and thrown into jail.
-A murderer struggling against their handcuffs in the back of a wagon as the gallows looms closer.
-A villain haunted by what they have done, drowning in the guilt.
-A villain left with nowhere to go because they are no longer welcome anywhere, and their fears as winter approaches.
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vanillamidnight-us · 4 days
Based on what Tamsyn Muir said about Alecto “hopefully” being the last book. I wish I could tell her directly “Do it. If the story needs to be longer do it. Hell make an entire book about the Harrow Nova au cause it ties into some later arc. Take up space. Dominate the genre.So many male writers make 5-8 books about some fantasy/Sci-fi world cause they feel like they have the audience’s attention to do so. And to be completely honest Tamsyn Muir has my attention like no other. Like yes girl make me read 3 more books consisting of 500-600 pages. I am sat.
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vanillamidnight-us · 4 days
Spider-Woman, NOT Ghost-Spider
This is a tip for people who want to go as canon as possible WITH THE MOVIES, since I feel a lot of people do this mistake because they look into the comics and mix things up.
If you want to call Gwen, Ghost-Spider in your fanfic/fanart/etc because you think is cool, go ahead! Go nuts! I'm not the canon police.
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In the movies, Gwen still calls herself Spider-Woman.
An explanation as to why this is important in the read more.
(Spoilers about the Spider-Gwen comics, I guess because I am not spoiling anything that came after 2019.)
When I say "important," I mean it in the stick-it-to-the-details type of deal; if you care about technicalities you care about this, but I know that's not the majority.
However, I do want to bring it up because the reason why Gwen switched in the comics, or rather, why chose Ghost-Spider of all things- is really neat and interesting story line that I feel a lot of people skip over when they 'chose' to call her that without knowing why she chose that name.
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If you think Gwen has it rough in the movies, don't read the comics because they put this girl through the wringer.
Let's go a little bit before she chose that name.
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As you can see, Gwen feels that she has always been marked by death, some way or another.
First her mother, then Peter, and is now hitting pretty hard after losing Spider-UK (is not Hobie, or Malala, I don't think he has appeared in the movies,) Noir and Karn, though arguably Billy was the one who hit her the hardest.
She went to other dimensions to tell their love ones that Billy and Noir passed away; it is implied how this is her way to try to make amends to what happened, make peace with herself.
But is not really enough, the topic doesn't leave her mind,
Death and pain certainly follow her often; she almost lost her dad for good, and she was definitely shaken after Harry got gravely injured precisely because he was always there for her.
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That last panel never stops hitting hard for me.
There is just some quietness to it, about how no matter what she does, how hard she tried, Death continues to follow, one way or another. Even when she tries to be a hero, to do the right thing, death follows her.
In the comics, Gwen switches her name because she is studying in Earth-616 rather than her own dimension, so she switches names in order to avoid stepping in any toes.
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So, in the movies, is kind of hard to think the switch would happen. Sure, Gwen is interacting with Jessica and other spiders, but believe me, the multiple spider-man haven't changed their names, so having Jessica in the spider society doesn't change much.
However, I do bring all of this because I think implementing this story line in the movies not only is feasible, it would be *amazing.*
The phrase "Death loves Gwen Stacy," not only hits hard for the Spider-Gwen in the comics, but for the movie counterpart too.
Think about it for a second; in the movies, Gwen feels she can't have friends because otherwise, they may lose them like Peter, she has convinced herself it can't work. And then. she goes to the Spider-Society.
And now she feels Gwen Stacy and Death always go hand in hand.
She learns how in so many universes, Peter is the one bitten, he is the one who lives, while Gwen Stacy dies, over, and over again. It almost seems like she is the outlier out of spite, how because she gets to live, everyone else pays the price.
Because Death loves Gwen Stacy, powers or not, that's not changing.
But at the end of the day-
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And that's why, no matter what, she will continue fighting to protect her people.
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vanillamidnight-us · 4 days
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🦮 chris gets a golden retriever! 🦮
finished prompt fill with @911actions gotcha for gaza, for @cal-daisies-and-briars! i hope you like and thank you for donating—this prompt was so fun to draw!
check out how you can help out a great cause here and request your own 911 prompts for art, fics, and edits!
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vanillamidnight-us · 4 days
Fic rec for my BFF, pt.2 : Seasons 4-5
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Here's the next part of my "fic rec for my BFF who's watching 9-1-1" series, covering seasons 4 and 5!
Season 4
To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Post-S4, Marriage of convenience | 44K | Explicit
After the shooting, Eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. Like who will get his assets if he dies. Who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. What might happen if his family contests Buck's guardianship. Luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak: Marry Buck.
Eddie: Let's get married! In a platonic way! 😆
it's blue (the feeling i got) series by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck
Post-Shooting | 4 works, Complete | 37K
don't want no other shade of blue but you (Post-S4E14 | 11K | Teen): “You can’t go see your son like this.” That gives Buck pause. “He’s not—he’s not my son.” “Isn’t he, though?” she says. And part of Buck wants to argue, but a bigger part of him thinks, isn’t he, though? Not by blood, sure, or legally, but in all the ways that matter, Christopher is as good as his son. if your cascade ocean-wave blues come (Post-S4, Getting Together | 16K | Mature): “You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?” Ana sounds disappointed, but not all too surprised.“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Sorry.” “It’s because of Buck,” she says, barely a question. “Isn’t it?” “Um,” Eddie says, because he doesn’t really know how to answer that when Buck is flipping pancakes at the stove three feet away from him. in my eyes, my heart, my soul (Fluff | 2K | General): “We made you pancakes for Father’s Day,” Christopher says. Eddie watches the expressions that cross Buck’s face. Surprise, confusion, then a careful kind of joy like he’s beginning to put together exactly what Christopher means.  “For—for me?” Buck asks, so quiet Eddie barely hears it. “Yeah,” Christopher says. “I want you to be my other dad. If… if you want to be.”  the blues, and then purple-pink skies (Established Buddie, Secret Relationship | 8K | Teen): OR: three times Buck and Eddie (think they) manage to hide their relationship, and one time the truth comes out.
Stucky has Post-Winter Soldier recovery fics, Steddie has post-Upside Down recovery fics, and Buddie has Post-Shooting-Buck-moves-in-with-the-Diazes fic! 😆
this must be the place by euadnes/ @kananjarus
Canon Divergent, Post-Shooting | 75K | Teen
Every life altering event is often led up to with a series of other important events. In this case, there were at least three: An unstoppable fire. An afternoon spent underneath a blanket of California blue sky. But firstly, and maybe the most important of all: There was the impeccable aiming of an ex-sharpshooter. Or, the Buck is also shot by the sniper AU that no one asked for.
Benign Fatality by EtoileGarden/ @etoilegarden
Time Loop AU, Season 2-4 | 23K | Teen
Eddie noticed it like this; Sometimes, when Buck’s done a day too many times, he forgets that this day might be the real day, the one that continues on into the rest of his life. It’s exhausting dying and waking up just to go die again. And the thing was, when a death was to do with work, he knew he could just ask to be man behind, or not go into work, but - but who would he be condemning to die in his place if he didn’t go in and try to avoid it? Maybe no one, yes, but maybe someone. Buck repeats days until he doesn't die in them, has an underdeveloped sense of self worth, and Eddie is the one who wants to step in with him.
Amazing fic, such an interesting concept!!
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove/ @hattalove
S4, Post-Buck Begins | 32K | Teen
She turns to Eddie and says something else, but Buck is busy fighting the headrush he gets at the sound of Ana Flores calling Eddie and Christopher 'the boys'. Like they belong to her already. God, what’s wrong with him? What is this? or, eddie cooks, chris domesticates a slug, and buck tries to figure out why he hates his best friend's girlfriend. to everyone's immense shock and surprise, it goes badly.
A Classic by the always amazing hattalove!!
everything (nothing) has changed by bizarrestars
Post-S4, Love Confessions | 48K | Explicit
Buck breathes for a moment, then sets his shoulders. "Eddie, there's something I have to tell you." "Do you?" Eddie asks flatly, still alarmed and doing his best to hide it. "I would've never guessed." Buck swallows. "Eddie, I love you." "Are you softening the blow, or buttering me up? Because, I've got to tell you, I'm still very worried regardless," Eddie tells him. "No, you don't understand. I love you. I'm currently in love with you," Buck says as evenly as possible, and even then, his voice wobbles precariously there for a moment. He exhales. "You don't have to worry about it, though, because I've processed it and decided to—to find relief in telling you before moving on and moving forward." Eddie stares at him. No response at all. Well, at least he's not freaking out. Or: After Eddie gets shot, Buck confesses his love. From there, things get a little out of hand.
Literally only just read it but the idiocy in this is CHEF'S KISS 😘👌 (#eddie said: get over me??? youre gonnna get over ME??? dont think so, <- love this tag 😂)
Those Two Firefighters by DarkFairytale
S4 to S6, Social Media/Outsider POV | 64K | Teen
#thosetwofirefighters starts to gather a following on social media, as everyone tries to figure out if those two cute firefighters from the 118 in LA are a thing or not.
Just a fun crack-y "social media" fic with some outsider POV mixed in (plus some 911LS!)!
Stuck on Fast Forward (Throw Away the Blueprint) by extasiswings/ @extasiswings
Post-S5, Friends with Benefits | 42K | Explicit
“Sounds like the problem is you think casual sex with a stranger or finding someone new to date are your only options.” Eddie’s brow furrows. “Aren’t they?” “I mean, there’s always…someone you already know. Who you’re already comfortable with.” “Because my pool of male friends who are single and who would be interested in having sex with me has so many options?” “Well, I don’t know about many, but you only need one,” Buck points out. “And who would that be?” “Me, of course.” [Or: Frank gives Eddie therapy homework, Eddie misunderstands the assignment, and Buck is just a really supportive friend...right?]
Have some more FWB, as a treat 😌
Season 5
The Aftermath of Liberation and Love Confessions by ElvenSorceress/ @elvensorceress
Post S5E9: Past is Prologue, Coming Out, Getting Together | 17K | Teen
After a very long year of one terrible thing after another, Eddie has a brand new life strategy. It’s called not giving a shit. There’s the fire of a challenge in Buck’s eyes and a clench in the set of his jaw, and come on, it’s not as if Eddie forced Buck into dating the reporter. Not like he pays it any mind whatsoever. It was doomed from the start. She’s not good enough for him. She’s a terrible fit for him. Buck’s clearly been miserable for months. Still, Buck says, “Yeah, Eddie. Why don’t you teach us. What would you say if you were professing your love?” You mean something besides, “In the event of my untimely death, I made you legal guardian of my child”? In which Eddie comes out, sexuality is complicated but coffee is not, Buck makes an excessive salad and is also roasted, everyone has a love confession, and December is the most dramatic time of year.
Eddie not giving a shit is A Mood 👌 worth reading just for the scene from the summary 😆
Courtship Behaviors of the Southern Coastal Husbro by Mad_Lori/ @madlori
Post-S5, Queer Platonic Relationship, Getting Together | 49K | Explicit
“I want you in my family, I want us to be a family. Officially. A family can be a guy, his son, and his best friend, right?” Buck’s lower lip was trembling. “You’re really asking me to be your…what, now?” “Frank called it ‘platonic life partners.’” Buck looked stunned, and also…hopeful. “We could really do that?” - Buck and Eddie decide to become platonic domestic partners and co-parents. They are 100% super normal about it and absolutely nothing is awakened in them, except a mutual annoyance at being referred to as "husbros."
Love love love this series!!!
everything's coming up milhouse by hammersmiths/ @bucktommys
Post S5E10: Wrapped In Red, LAFD Liaison Eddie | 10K | Teen
LAFD Updates (@L*A*F*D_Metro) LAFD Alert: Red-level traffic on Gardiner Road this morning. If you are trying to get into the city centre consider taking Westerley Lane. buck 🔥🔥 (@firebuck) so true bestie or, Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive.
THE Twitter Eddie fic <3 just a funny social media fic but it's real cute!
let's hear it for the boy by hattalove/ @hattalove
Post-Season 5, Eddie Coming Out | 56K | Teen
in which eddie attends a self-empowerment group for gbtq men to supplement his therapy, and is empowered to: forgive himself, say "i'm gay" to his own reflection in the mirror, accidentally adopt an adult, make fried rice, and tell his straight best friend that he's in love with him. not necessarily in that order.
Such an amazing Eddie character study/coming out fic, so good <3
The Best Lie is a Truth (My Best Mask is My Face) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Post-S5, Fake Relationship | 43K | Explicit
The Buckleys are celebrating their 50th Anniversary, and Maddie and Buck are both expected to come. To take the heat off Maddie, Buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new. Obviously, there's only one solution: bring Eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. No problem, except for the, uh. "Pretend" part. Oops.
Excellent fake relationship fic!! it's got it all! Pining! Practice kissing! There was only one bed!!
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania/ @hmslusitania 
Post-S5, Missing Presumed Dead, Amnesia | 44K | Mature
“We’re here for our grandson,” Helena says. “Chris is still sleeping,” Buck says. “I meant, we’re here to take him back to Texas,” Helena clarifies. “Yeah,” Buck says. He’s too tired, way too tired to be tactful. “Over my dead body.” An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
The angst is SO GOOD!!!! A re-read favorite.
Plus or Minus by ElvenSorceress/ @elvensorceress
S5 | 10K | General
"Chris said you were crying. You came home, hugged him, and cried more than he’s ever seen.” Eddie considers for a moment but then shrugs and continues neatly stacking mugs in the cupboard. “It happens. Sometimes. I’ve been told I’m supposed to let it out instead of bottle it up. So. There you go.” “Why are you cleaning out the kitchen? Why is my stuff in boxes?” Eddie slows, then stops. “Figured you’d want it back.” It’s quieter. Pained. When he says it. “I haven’t decided anything. So unless you’re kicking me out—” “Buck. Come on.” He’s not angry or snapping. It’s still quiet, and somehow that hurts even more. He’s resigned and defeated, and Buck is a scooped out, gutted, hollow shell. “I know how this ends the same way you do. You want to be loved, you want to be married. You’re going to leave. Might as well…” His voice cracks before he can finish and get it under control. “Shouldn’t drag it out.” ~ Taylor is offered a job across the country and asks Buck to go with her. Buck has to figure out if he wants to start over or if he has a reason to stay right where he is.
The notes on my bookmark are: pining so good it gives you chest pains 🥺
Canon Divergent/AUs
Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Inspired by Hades&Persephone, Mythological AU | 45K | Explicit
Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. Now bound to Eddie, the god of the dead, Buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. But even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. Just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die.
my words are paper tigers by hattalove/ @hattalove
Time Loop, Canon Divergent | 20K | Teen
He wakes up with Eddie's arm thrown over his waist. There's a pit in his stomach as soon as he opens his eyes, because the alarm is on again, the same radio station, the same song. The sunlight streaming into the room is buttery-soft, brand new because it's early. The alarm is ringing so they can take Chris to school. And— He reaches out for the bedside table on his side of the bed they share, clumsily unplugs his phone one-handed. The screen lights up to a familiar wallpaper, and it's right there, just above the top of Buck's head: Wednesday. or: buck breaks up with eddie, even if it means losing a part of himself, because it's the right thing to do. the universe decides to test that conviction.
I fucking love time loop fics!!! 👌
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston/ @ebjameston
Canon Divergent, S2, Ghost Buck, Witch Eddie | 41K | Teen
Eddie is the newest firefighter at the 118. Buck is the ghost haunting the 118. Unfortunately for both of them, Eddie's also a witch and needs to put Buck's spirit to rest, because that's what witches do. Turns out, Buck's spirit? Super not interested in being put to rest. Very interested, however, in flirting with Firefighter Diaz, who is just trying to survive his candidate year. (Also turns out, Buck? Super not dead.)
I know you love witchy vibes and I really enjoyed this one! There's also a great podfic if you like that.
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vanillamidnight-us · 4 days
How about a leverage AU with Buck being the Hacker and Eddie being the hitter.
Leverage AU Five Facts:
1. Buck and guns do not mix. He’s not allowed to touch them. He’s not allowed to look at them. He certainly isn’t allowed to even be near them. And if someone makes the mistake of pointing one at him? Well… let’s just say they better start running before Eddie’s eyebrow— Too late!
2. Buck does have a taser. Her name is Natasha.
3. One time Eddie needed rescuing— “No, I didn’t.”— because a group of bank robbers took the bank he was in hostage and they were all dressed like Santa. Buck may or may not have a recording of Eddie having to hype himself up before strangling Father Christmas— “he was a crime lord”— with decorative garland.
4. If Eddie’s bruised knuckles felt infinitely better one late night in the bar when Buck came over and carefully placed a bag of wrapped peas on his hand then that’s his business and no one else’s.
5. They kiss when Buck’s lips are sweet like orange soda and Eddie’s tongue tastes like blood and everything was quiet if only for a little while.
Send Me an AU and I’ll Write Five Facts
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