#such a fun combination!! i love the idea of xzy and tlj hanging out too 😆 you're right that they would get on like a house on fire
corduroyserpent ¡ 1 month
Idk if you've read erha but i thought you might enjoy this thought I had: Zhuzhi-Lang would quickly become attached to Chu Wanning. Nevermind that Tianlang-Jun is Xue Zhengyong but with way more free-time and looser morals, Zhuzhi-Lang would take one look at the guy sitting quietly while everyone else parties and feel some sort of kinship. He'd see the nervous glances people throw him when he stands from his seat and admire his apparent fearsomeness. He'd be caught out in the cold one day and devote himself to Chu Wanning for lending him his cloak like he isn't prone to getting sick. Zhuzhi-Lang would fall for Chu Wanning's unintentional wiles just like all three of his disciples and it would be the end for him.
Also, Tianlang-Jun and Xue Zhengyong would have a great time together. Birds of a feather of whatever.
i absolutely love 2ha! and this gave me such powerful brainworms that i wrote a little zzl & cwn ficlet about it I HOPE THAT'S OKAY
Chu Wanning’s hands are red from the cold. It is not the first thing Zhuzhi-Lang notices once he has poked his head free from the soft white cloak that had been tossed over him—that honor goes to the intensity of Chu Wanning’s eyes—but it is the most pressing. Low temperatures can be harmful to humans. And it’s been snowing all night.  “Chu-zongshi is too kind.” Zhuzhi-Lang swiftly slides the cloak from his narrow shoulders. He doesn’t wish to lose the warmth but he’s a heavenly demon; the cold may be an inconvenience, especially being part serpent, but he can manage. He’s always been able to. “This humble one is grateful for your consideration but there’s truly no need.” “You don’t want it?” Chu Wanning makes no move to take the offered cloak. His expression grows a touch cooler. “Is it the wrong color?” Zhuzhi-Lang blinks. While it’s true that he tends towards wearing black, he doesn’t dislike white. But that doesn’t matter at the moment! The longer they stay out here pushing a cloak back and forth, the higher the chance of Chu Wanning getting sick from the weather.  “It isn’t that I don’t want it,” Zhuzhi-Lang assures. He subconsciously presses it to his chest. It’s so soft. “Then wear it. Sect Leader sent word that he and your uncle won’t be back for another hour. If you continue to wait out here, you’ll freeze to death.”   “But what about you?” “What about me?” Chu Wanning sniffs. The tip of his nose is terribly red. “Won’t you be cold?” “It’s only a brief walk to the Red Lotus Pavilion. A little snow won’t kill me.” Chu Wanning turns to leave. Then, face stern, he takes the cloak and flips it around to drape it over Zhuzhi-Lang’s shoulders. He nods once, the motion tinted with a slight awkwardness. “Good night.” Zhuzhi-Lang watches him head off into the snow. To be sensitive to the cold and still give away his cloak…what incredible kindness. Zhuzhi-Lang burrows into the gifted warmth, pulling it tighter around him, and thinks about how he might begin to repay Chu Wanning. 
and then zhuzhi-lang accidentally becomes mo ran's new worst enemy asdfgjkl
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