#such is the life of a uni student....yknow this was supposed to be in a day ago now
anothermonikan · 11 months
I get so hyped when Twin Size Mattress comes on the 8th grade / year 9 playlist it's unreasonable. Girl that is your entire 8th grade experience in a song we are not hype about that. what
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indulgnces · 5 years
hi howdy hello!! i go by jess and this is my first time playing my sweet bb girl, so i’m pumped! more about my girl audrey below the cut!
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❛  ( SARAH JEFFERY )  ◈  dude, shut up ! AUDREY ROSE from DESCENDANTS is on screen. their fans swear they’re just DETERMINED & OUTGOING, but we’ve all seen their JEALOUS & STUBBORN side ! according to TRUMAN WIKIA, they’re TWENTY-ONE years old, BISEXUAL, & identify as CISFEMALE ( SHE/HER ). they’re currently a STUDENT & are RELIEVED about life in truman. luckily they have HER DIARY & HER SONGBIRD NECKLACE with them & can visit THE FAIRY COTTAGE whenever they want. penned by JESS.
sooooooooo confession: i’ve never watched a descendants movie from start to finish 😬 I know! crazy considering I’m playing a character from the movies, but like, have you guys ever seen a character and just be like wOW, that is My Type of character? cause that’s what happened with audrey. descendants 3 came out and was trending, and I checked the tag and like was 👀👀👀 to audrey to the point that I watched queen of mean and got HOOKED. caught a replay of the movie and watched all the audrey parts while skipping over the rest. since then I’ve been in love with my girl and she’s been on my mind so much that I’m returning to rp after a small break to play my girl. In preparation I skimmed through descendants 1 & 3, and adurey’s youtube short story so I’m good to GO. 
“A lifetime of plans, gone. Our family status, gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his Queen, and you let him slip through your fingers. Your mother could hold onto a prince in her sleep.” 
daughter of sleeping beauty and prince phillip, princess audrey has been groomed since she was a child by her grandmother to become the queen of auradon. she’d been friends with prince ben since she was a child, and was expected to marry him when she got older.
grew up used to the finer things of life, and as such, audrey was a bit self-absorbed and spoiled. became the most popular girl in school due to her status and beauty. was cheer captain. finally became romantically involved with ben at some point in high school. life was going exactly as planned. 
then ben decided to invite 4 villain kids (vks) from the isle of the lost to auradon, and everything went to shit. the stark black and white, good vs. evil mentality was deeply ingrained in audrey’s psyche, so she was very much AGAINST the idea of any isle kids coming over. convinced the vks were up to no good, she never warmed up to the them, and bullied them (mostly mal) at times. and you know what? she was RIGHT
mal used a love potion to steal her boyfriend, who then humiliated audrey by serenading mal during a tourney match, where audrey was cheering at. no one gave two shits though?? or suspected foul play at all?? they just cheered and were like “ah, cool! our soon-to-be-king has suddenly declared his love for this new vk who’s only been here for a few days! how awesome and totally natural !! “
audrey was still plenty popular by the end of the movie, but her fairy godmothers decided to treat adurey to a spa trip, which turned into an extended trip that required her needing summer school bc she missed so much school (aka why she was absent for descendants 2)
by the time audrey came back in descendants 3, everyone was ALL up mal’s ass crack. ben proposed to mal in front of everyone, serenading her with the SAME song he did in the first movie when he ceremoniously proclaimed his love for mal while simultaneously dumping audrey, and everyone cheered AGAIN for their union. damn thing broke audrey’s whole ass heart. on top of that, her grandmother chastised audrey for her failures in securing ben and basically failing the family. 
she also lost her status come d3??? like, at the end of d1, she was still cool as fuck. but come d3 girl is not even being invited to her friend’s birthday parties anymore?? she has no friends?? no one gives two shits about how she must be dealing with everything? and wow does that not help things at all.
that night, in her loneliness and anger, audrey decided to steal the queen’s crown from the artifacts museum. it was a petty thing. she was hurt, and just did NOT want to see the crown she’d envisioned as her own for all her life be placed on mal’s head. she didn’t have a goal beyond taking the crown. however, when she went to the museum, maleficent’s scepter sensed audrey’s emotions and desires for revenge, and revealed itself to her. it’s glow lured audrey to it, fed into her emotions, and bing bang boom, audrey became the ultra fabulous QUEEN OF MEAN 
under the scepter's influence, she put half of auradon under a sleeping spell, the other half she turned to stone, then she made ben a beast after he rejected her, and made mal an ugly old hag. she was foiled at the end by mal, and ended up falling under a sleeping curse as a result. with no True Love’s Kiss to awaken her (rip), the heroes ended up getting Hades to use his magic to wake her up.
at the end, she apologizes for her crimes & her emotions were finally acknowledged when mal and ben stepped up and apologized for their inconsiderate past actions to audrey (wELL, they never actually apologize?? they say ‘I owe you an apology” but both don’t like actually say sorry, and that’s 100% something audrey has noticed for sure). she celebrates at the end with everyone else when the barrier is brought down and is last seen dancing with harry hook 
totally headcanon that she’s still not 100% happy as she’s shown in the end while dancing around okay
she’s STILL lonely!! she STILL wants those apologies!! she’s STILL lost about what to do with her future now that her whole life plan has blown up in smokes. she’s HURT okay. her friends? abandoned her! ben? abandoned her! that one hurts the most bc after spotting that pic of audrey/ben as children together, I 100% hc that they have been best buds for years before falling into a relationship. and while it’s clear ben was not really ~in love~ with audrey ( i image they ended up getting together bc it was just Expected yknow?), audrey still had feelings for ben. even if it wasn’t true love (she def wasn’t In Love tho she thought she was), she did still love ben. he was her best friend, and the fact that he never came around to apologize to her for humiliating her the way he did after the love spell broke HURT. 
also hc that she had to take a remedial goodness class following her stunt 
the ending given to her is life a brief showing of her and harry hook smiling at each other all soft like before dancing, which like, i’m game for, but in terms of her actual future, audrey was trying to figure out just how to do life moving forward following everything
“Tell me it was all a bad dream.”
yeah so I said audrey was relieved about her life in truman? 100000% true!
her life was incredibly sad and lonely before, so convincing her that all that shit was all just a bad dream was an incredibly easy thing to do for the descendants actors okay (im sad for her bc of this tbh)
her life as she knows it: she still comes from a family of high status and money. not technically a princess, but she sure does act like one. believes she was born and raised in truman, but was sent to boarding school at auradon prep since she was a child, where she thrived and grew into a typical Popular Girl (head of cheer team/one of the most beautiful girls), before returning to truman after graduating. basically she believes she had the same perfect life she had before in canon, minus the vks, ben, and the whole fairy tale/royalty stuff (basically everything that ruined that perfect life).
all that other extra stuff, including going all queen of mean and losing ben and being drop kicked by literally everyone, is just POOF, fuzzy memories, bad vivid horror story nightmares! every now and then she’ll witness an engagement, or spot a serenade, and it’ll trigger an overwhelming sense of sadness, but for the most part, she’s content putting her life behind her. her new life is a much happier one. that could totally change once she starts encountering people from her past life again.
only really recognizes her family members as family members, and maybe recognizes some past auradon friends (maybe chad charming as her ex since he’s the only one who didn’t totally abandon her rip)
since “returning” to truman, she’s entered university on the island. she wasn’t sure where she was going with life, but she knew she’s always been really good at drawing and really good at event planning. so in uni, she decided to keep her artistic talents as a hobby and pursue a career in event planning. in pursuit of this, she’s a senior at college, majoring in hospitality management.
positive: determined, headstrong, outgoing, self-assured, polite, moral, dedicated 
negative: jealous, stubborn, demanding, bossy, petty, close-minded, seemingly mean (tho she doesn’t consider herself mean, okay? she just can come off as mean/rude)
ben & mal: need them both bc they are the ones who hurt her the most so i’d loooooove to play out these dynamics in truman!! they’d be the most Triggering faces for her 
jay & harry & chad & uma: underrated audrey ships i’d love to play out bc literally crumbs are given to the majority of these dynamics, and so I want to just...explore them?? three of these 4 are vks and 2 of those 3 are people audrey actively pursued in some sort of ~connection~ at the end of the movies when the Couples got together, and she did that even tho she is very Moral and has confusing feelings about vks, and i just wanna know more!! 
yeah this is getting long, so I’m planning on posting a whole separate post in the truman plot tag for these wanted connections! 
and yeah! that’s everything on my girl! if you’ve made it this far, you’re the best my dudes!! I’m gonna be on mobile for a good portion of the day before coming on at night, but if you’d like to do any kind of plotting with my girl, just go ahead and hit that like button, and I’ll slide in y’alls dms! ♥
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blvelight · 5 years
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hey guys !! i’m kat and i’m super excited for this rp ! i live in the nt, i’m a double leo and a floundering english student who’s fallen behind on my skincare routine this past week and feels a bit like shit as a result.. dk what that says about me when it’s all put together but let’s hope it’s nothing too ugly dgsfklj i’m super late with getting my intros all ready for opening — bc i have less than an hour as i’m typing out this intro to get dree and tally’s prepared DSKGLF — so stats, plots, etc are gonna have to wait as well, unfortunately. but getting to the point:
☕ . ˚ ◝ ( deepika padukone. cis female. she/her. ) amla jothadi is a thirty-one year old libra. the deja brew cake decorator’s go-to order is raspberry peach italian soda and a chocolatine. they like to listen to he can only hold her by amy winehouse while they wait for their order. the employees of the deja brew think they are apprehensive but swear they’re totally adept as well. maybe that’s why neatly-stacked novels, lilacs, bitten pen caps, and singing in a long and hot shower remind me of them.
i’m literally just copying this from an old intro and fixing shit for location’s sake, so don’t @ me if i fucked up a bit in doing that DFKLS
had lived in london for her entire life and her home life was rather.. standard ??
middle child, only daughter syndrome didn’t hit her too hard bc she was the apple of her father’s eye and was a near-mirror image of her mother, so she had them both wrapped around her finger fsgdkldfgj
her and her brothers got along okay, hair-pulling and exclusion bc of “boys only”/”leave my friends alone” moments aside, so it really was a rather mundane childhood that she had
p much the crybaby of her graduating class, overly sentimental and sweet so she was at most an annoyance to some
but it did make her a solid target for some of the mean kids bc they could get a reaction out of her pretty easily
nonetheless, she wasn’t the type to hold grudges for it, just dodged them and moved on from it as much as she could bc she figured they’d get bored of seeking her out eventually
all in all a teacher’s pet, friendly to all and just. adorable. slkdfgjdfs
she had an interest in cooking and writing from a young age, but left the former as a hobby and began to build a desire to do the latter as a career
but of course ! nothing is that simple !
at some point she realized that writing probably wouldn’t pay the bills by itself — when she actually became an adult and would have to do that herself sfgdlk
so upon entering uni, she decided to go for a communications degree, thinking that she could at least start off as a secretary or clerk at a media group before doing something creative there
.. but years passed after graduating and she was still but a clerk. handling files and documents, answering calls that shouldn’t even be sent her way at times bc the people around her couldn’t be bothered, having a hard time with putting her foot down so she winds up swamped and stagnant before even hitting her thirties
and that’s not at all how she pictured her life at this age, so she’s disappointed and stressed and sad af
but she thought she had to take it bc it seemed like an unspoken rule that you do four years at uni, you do your masters or get out there and lock yourself down to a company/occupation for the next 40 years of your life before living it up at 70 in florida or at your tiny house in the countryside
her passion for writing and some of her hobbies floundered bc of how much the desk jockey life stressed her out, the only thing keeping her from wholly spiralling being her fridays at the pub with her college friends
.. though seeing things work out for them ( for the most part ) where they didn’t for her didn’t alleviate her worries 100%
so come her 29th birthday, she.. had her inevitable quarter life crisis of sorts, cringey rom com plotlines serving as inspo
bc she just. wasn’t happy with her life at that point, had no real sense of adventure or pure freedom bc she locked herself down to what she thought she’s supposed to do or focus on
and it was when she was binging.. rom coms klgjdsfgkl that she figured she should throw caution to the wind and go somewhere else. some deep diving via google for destinations later and she fell in love with italy !
.... yes, we’re going on a bit of a road trip before we get to l.a, bear with me for a sec
so she spent time in a little village, just living life and staying far from her former office life, going at her own pace
she wanted to delve into writing as she planned at one point, a now or never kind of thing, and it was just a relief to even get back to it so she’s been at it ever since
cooking classes and baking, reading in the garden near her house, lots of other cute things filled up her days now and she’s having a great time as a result sgkldjsd
it was there that she began doing a few odd jobs here and there so she could sustain herself financially, as opposed to returning to some 9-5 life so soon, and just focused on herself and her interests with this new lifestyle
it’s been a year or so since she left that village and travelled a bit — south of france, spain, basically went all over the mediterranean on her way to the states for what was supposed to be a few months of leisure and repeating the cycle she’s been on for a while
 but then.. she got to l.a. and just ?? decided to stay a little longer than expected, has been here for a few months now and doesn’t have any upcoming plans to uproot herself again
she’s currently working part-time at deja brew as a cake decorator. figured she might as well work at the café she frequents bc coffee ? treats ?? a chill reading environment ??? sign her up !
you can find her at some cozy little bookstore nestled somewhere in the city as another gig she’s taken up for now, or at her small studio apartment that’s littered with plants, novels and pillows fdksgjgldfk
personality and such
basically........ amla’s baby
she’s not naive, but she has a relatively gentle soul
wholesome isn’t quite a word i’d use to describe her but she’s just super cute and a simpleton in some respects
the type to spare baby ants and spiders from being crushed by a slipper for being in the house, but to get someone else to take care of the.. creepier insects jskdfh
she’s not a big risk-taker bc the unknown scares her, so for her to even do what she’s been doing for the last two years took a lot out of her to muster up the nerve
so she’s a bit of an anxious person who at times needs assurance, even from a complete stranger
v big on global issues bc she wants the world to be a more peaceful place, so there’s a side of her that tends to see in black and white rather than grey…. or rose ig sdgklsd
the simple things in life appeal to her a lot, though a luxury or two is welcome if she can put it to good use
the mom friend in some situations :( a cutie
she’s a romantic, like she has the vibe even when she tries to play it off like the extent of it is a bit closeted, secretive yknow ??
bc even then.. she has her trepidations bc of the relationships that had flamed out in the past for whatever reason
has a cat named rory, who she loves and might be projecting her slight baby fever onto for the time being
.. basically she’s your white picket fence fantasist — but make it rustic and less cliché — who’s managing to grip her bearings on the matter, if you couldn’t already tell slkgjgfsd
y’know how some people get really emotional and quiet in an argument but proceed to snap almost out of fucking nowhere ?? that’s amla
sdlfkgj she’s used to having been a doormat or target in the past, so she tends to let herself take it until she realizes “ hey, i don’t need to be shit on like this, how dare you — ”
just. love her please fklfgdjskld
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sept-dix · 7 years
college au! aron
summary: you and aron are uni roommates genre: fluff a/n: requested; i feel like i’m trying to singlehandedly end the aron drought here lol hope u enjoy!!
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yknow the myth about art students living off of virtually no sleep and no money is not entirely false
as a visual arts major who’s only still alive thanks to 20 cent instant ramen and the discovery of the red bull + coffee mixture, you would know
what you didn’t know was that journalism majors had it almost worse, bc with all news platforms having to publish their stuff at the break of dawn it was a given that they had to slave away while the rest of the world was asleep in order to even get something meaningful done during internship periods
the workload is also intense so even during non-internship periods they’re buried in work
you learnt this (and more) from aron
at the start of your second year in uni your existing roommate had dropped out of college, leaving you with an empty apartment which was both too big and too expensive 
and as you’d been aimlessly walking around your campus after school one day trying to think of possibilities for a better living arrangement, you’d fatefully come across an advertisement for someone looking for a roommate
the thing that had caught your eye was the shockingly low rent 
given the rlly cramped and small nature of the actual flat of course the rent wasn’t unexpected but you couldn’t care less about space at that moment
so yeah, you called and this guy called aron picked up and you two became roommates just like that
aron was so relieved and thankful when you called him and eventually became his roommate bc just like you, he was rlly tight on money
but let’s just say he just got even more thankful with time
when he first opened the door to you it would be an understatement to say that he was surprised
because well..,,, he looked at you once and got overwhelmed by how good looking you were
and you were moving in all your thousand of art supplies and the whole time you kept apologising bc you had to make so many trips and you kept getting in his way and he thought that was so cute
that first night you insisted that you make dinner as thanks for him letting you be his roommate
but he insisted that he make dinner as thanks for you wanting to be his roommate in the first place
so the both of you just ended up making dinner together 
it was nothing fancy you guys just made pasta lol
but you two had so much fun making it!!! 
you were exchanging pasta sauce recipes and tips with each other and aron tried so hard to stop himself but every now and then he kept finding himself thinking about how cute you were
somewhere in the back of his brain, there were warning sirens ringing trying to tell him that he shouldn’t be thinking like this about you because you were his roommate,,, it would mess things up big time
but what can i say aron ignored those sirens lol
both of you were naturally very sensitive of each other’s needs and preferences so it was almost too easy for you two to fall into a comfortable routine
like you’d wake him up before you left for your 9am class on tuesday because he had a 9.30 one
and he’d do the same for you on thursday when the situation was reversed
it just so happened that you came home earlier on 3 days of the week and he came home earlier on the rest of the days
so you’d cook the both of you dinner when you were back first and he’d do the same when he’s back first
and towards the end of the month there were always those few days when you guys had to make do with instant ramen lol rip
you two never rlly meant for this to happen but you guys ended up bonding a lot through these shared dinner times
admittedly it wasn’t too often that the two of you actually ate dinner at the same time 
but when those times did come, you two always ended up just talking or watching a tv show together
as it so happened you guys loved the same tv shows so that’s great
and he loved hearing about your art stuff bc well he’s an aspiring journalist and he loves to hear about everything
and you loved hearing about what he’s studying just bc you never really knew much about it before and he made it seem super interesting
you didn’t know this but during all those times aron was thinking to himself ok so not only are you super cute you are also interesting and ambitious and passionate and nice???? not fair 
but it wasn’t exactly that he had a crush on you or anything
lol jk he had a crush on you
a small teeny tiny one that grew concrete and huge over one fine weekend
which wasn’t so fine because well,, aron was sick
he was down with the flu and he had a high fever and he couldn’t even get out of bed
not only was he physically sick but yknow when people are sick and away from home they get extra homesick and emo
so yeah he was feeling like shit in all aspects of the word
and he had gotten sick when he was still living with his old roommate
that time he had just had a slight case of the flu he didn’t even have fever or anything
but his roommate had avoided him like he had the plague or something just bc he didn’t want it to spread to him
so naturally aron expected you to do the same and stay far away from you but what did you do instead?
that’s right
you made him soup
and you stuck a thermometer in his mouth
and you forced him to tell you any medical allergies he had so you could go out and buy him flu medicine
and then you came back with the medicine and forced him to eat it with soup and then stayed by his side for another 15 mins just to make sure he was okay
15 mins might seem like a short time but considering the huge assignment you had due in 2 days which you hadn’t even started on, 15 mins was as good as half a day
and i guess you could say that’s when aron knew he was in trouble
you’re cute and nice and interesting and everything but you’re also good at taking care of him
it’s all too much for him
so he decided to consult his bro minki on the situation
and minki being minki told aron to confess asap in the most corny and cringey and extravagant way
and aron wanted to follow that advice (at least a part of it) but when he got home that day and saw you smiling at your phone for god knows what reason
he realised that he knew all sorts of things about you but he didn’t know whether you had someone you liked or someone you were already dating or whatever
and of course he was too nervous to ask you about it at that moment bc you were already smiling at your phone meaning there was a high chance you were already being sent lovey dovey text messages from the love of your life
but you would have told him if you had a boyfriend right?
well idk but that’s all that went through aron’s mind that day
and he tried to look for more signs that you were already taken throughout the course of the next few days but he didn’t catch anything else except for that one smiling at your phone event
so he reported this back to minki and minki all but hit him 
“why tf you doing all this when i clearly told you to just conFESS??”
 so aron tried another time
this time, thankfully, you weren’t doing anything suspicious like smiling at your phone
you were just on the floor in your room working on a huge canvas painting for one of your classes
as soon as you noticed him walking in you asked him his opinion on the piece
“it’s supposed to be a study of movement, i’m not exactly sure if this is what my professor wants but what do you think?”
“oh well it’s great”
bc duh aron doesn’t know anything about how a proper study of movement should look lol
he just stood there watching you work for a little longer before you noticed him
“is there a reason why you’re just standing there looking at me, aron?”
“no! i mean well, yes, actually. yeah, i mean yes”
you chuckled at his clumsiness and that put him at ease for a moment
“ok then, what is it?”
he took a deep breath and
“i was just wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me this saturday?”
“.... aron are u ok we always have dinner together on saturdays unless one of us is busy or smth lol”
“yes but this wouldn’t be our usual dinner. i could bring you to that japanese place down the road from here and we could perhaps catch a movie afterwards?”
“... are you asking me out?”
“yeah i guess you could say that”
the few seconds you spent looking at him then almost made him pass out bc they convinced him you were going to say no but-
“sure, it’s a date!”
needless to say the date went great bc well,, it isn’t an unknown fact that you two match each other super well
in fact, it goes so well that one date turns into two, which turns into a few
and before you know it, you’ve been introduced to minki as the person aron’s in an actual relationship with
aron finds out months later that the moment you started falling for him had been the same one when he’d been so sick that he was out of his mind
and he had looked up at you and whined that “he would have really missed his mommy if you hadn’t been there to make him soup”
that’s so cute
soon you guys become one of the established College Couples in campus
with him walking you to your classes all the way in the arts building
and you hanging around in his editing studio while he types away about something or the other
and the both of you always grabbing dinner together at the end of the day
what can i say uni isn’t so bad when you’ve got someone like aron by your side hehe
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