#sueva fanstuck
riannaeternal · 4 months
No no no no no no no and NO!!!! PLEASE dont let Ramara and Sueva to be canon PLEASE dont that would be so so SOOOO terrible!!! And for all you “Slutma” shippers out there you dont need to attack me because i ship rianna I GET IT!!! It wont happen!! But that doesnt mean i cant be upset about it!! NOOOO!!!!! AUHGHGGHHDUFHGKJFDSLHJKSDKJDSHB
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fasueva4life · 4 months
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fanstuckfacts · 2 years
Little knoown fact:
Sueva's first name is only 5 letters long! Traditionally trolls have names with 6 letters, first and last. The reason Sueva's only has 5 is because the 6th letter was stolen! !! Since her first arc she's been searching for her missing letter. good luck Sueva!!!
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fo0tb0y · 2 years
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Sueva official art
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officialfanstuck · 5 months
Entering Fanstuck's age of the Retcon
Mod Violet here with the hip new Grayin updates
I'm sure the one Grayin fan may be bummed to hear, but I have taken the opportunity of the age retcons to rewrite Grayin. Grayin was a character that I always wanted to do something with but I just couldn't figure out how to piece them in. I had a few ideas for their classpect, Bard of Void, but none of them I could really implement with the ages of the characters how they were, but now I have that opportunity
Witness the new and improved Grayin Salvay!
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Naturally I used Ponytown to do this. This account may be official but it's far from professional.
I've made some pretty decent changes to their character. None of which retcons any of the previous events with them just recontextualizes them. I will get into what I've done with them, and why I decided to do it.
First off them hiding their blood color is still canon as you can see from the weezer colored clothes, but I have never actually went into detail as to why I made that decision in the first place. It was a goofy way to interpret their classpect. Their blood color is their secret but their fins invite the destruction that secret. Fairly simple.
Now for their new professions. I made them an actor for 2 reasons one of which is that there's a few other actor characters, and I wanted to throw my hat into the ring. Not counting Sadler. God forbid Sadler. The 2nd reason leads into their concept as a whole. I'm deciding to interpret void in a very different way for their character. I'm more specifically focusing on taboos, and them bringing those taboos into the public eye.
So, I had to give them a following. They need to be well known to actually expose these taboos. Naturally, the first thing I wanted to get into was the adult film industry, as trolls have a great aversion to all things sexual typically. Have we been practicing that? God no. But the majority of trolls still share that sentiment. Having a famous person suddenly switch to doing primarily adult films gets people talking about it.
Also Grayin has always had access to a lot of secrets and such due to being the childhood friend of Fasist, Sueva, and Akilah. All of which influential figures to Alternian society. Grayin has a lot of dirt on them, and unlike the others they have no desire or necessity to uphold current social values.
I also intend to get insanely specific with quadrants with them. Something like demiromantic polyamorous lesbian but only for matespritism. Just create a bunch of adjectives for every type of romance. Mostly because I feel like that's something that needs more exploration in Homestuck fan media, and it's also another taboo.
And the final shorter thing I should have started with is just that hiding blood color is taboo in the first place.
I hope everyone enjoys the new take on Grayin, and the one Grayin fan isn't disappointed.
I would also like to say this isn't the last of my rewrites and retcons. Definitely the last of this scale at least for now, but there's a lot of minor changes I want to make to other characters to iron out the age changes. I'm sure other writers do too, but I don't know if they'll write a long ass explanation behind them like I do.
-mod Violet
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fasueva4life · 5 months
Anyone else not liking the directon Sueva’s arc is going? Stil ADORE them, but ffs Sueva is a queen and does NOT need depth
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fasueva4life · 2 years
Shaggy and sueva will win me the contest <3
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fasueva4life · 2 years
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*blush blush* *winkie winkie*
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fasueva4life · 2 years
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fasueva4life · 3 months
Is there a Fasueva day? We NEED one as a fandom
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fasueva4life · 2 years
Sueva <33
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fasueva4life · 2 years
Look at this tots fab edit i did!! More coming babes <3
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