#sugar uses he/it btw; sugar is horror paps and tux is mafia paps
Any of your characters, how do you think they'd react to getting a baby?
This ask gives me the vibe of them just randomly getting handed a child and not knowing what to do with them- Just- "Hey babe, when did you acquire a child?????"
Geno: Uh. He's. As far as things go, he's a pretty good parent. He's just. Shocked. And kinda terrified. But once he gets past that, he's probably one of the best parents in the multiverse.
Blue: He's another great parent. He's not the best with babies, but he's still pretty darn good, and he'll be the absolute best parent of a toddler/child/teen. He's gonna be that parent who seems a tiny bit strict, but respects the kid's boundaries and only has their best interests in mind.
Tux: He's a pretty good dad, but he's also from a mafia au, so he's just kinda. Naturally going to be a bit questionable. He is a papyrus though, so his parenting is attentive, respectful and healthy. Although once the kid turns 18 he's gonna try and rope them into the mafia business. Only if they want, though!
Sugar: He is an... Okay parent. It makes good food, and cares a lot about the kid, but its physical and mental health are both so poor that he'll definitely need help-- another parent and probably a babysitter/caretaker or two. He'll try his best though, and make sure the kid knows every joy the surface has to offer.
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