vampyrebug-art · 2 years
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katy the sugarbug 🐞
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sp00pypumpkins · 6 months
I got an OC for you-!
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She's a woolly chafer beetle and her scent is either gonna be cocoa, cinnamon or brown sugar
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I hope I got it right <:3
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two-person-job · 10 days
im so normal about sym because he gives you. weird nicknames. which makes me normal.
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fairypaw · 7 months
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Compensation for my disappearance, kitty cats!! Moth is a leader of a group of rogues thats basically the cat mafia and gnat is the boyfail son to Moths sister who ran away
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"Soapberry" - 9"x12" hand-printed linocut, hand-colored
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willowve01 · 7 months
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Meet Raine; Sugarbug
Outfit and backstory incoming!
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tor-the-tortilla · 6 months
She’s undercover 👀✨
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lavandulalurker · 6 months
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This is Iri (they/them) they were born on the Stratospheric and they want to be a teacher (If you can't read the text, check under the cut)
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Iridescent (Iri)
Name Origin: having a shimmer that seems to change colors at different angles
Augment: Heightened empathy
Iri has always had a deep fascination with everything the world has to offer, and a never ending desire to learn. Iri is the type to remember insignificant things about another person, the way they fiddle with their fingers or how much sugarbug syrup they want in their blep tea. They love everything, from the smallest bug to the biggest stars. As much as it seems like it, Iri doesn't go through rose tinted glasses, they simply choose kindness as a form of resilience.
Iri is always there as a shoulder to cry on, but because they know the weight of other's feelings, it makes it hard for them to do the same.
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fruity0salad · 3 months
Bodie x Bug 🦋
Hii this is a short story where Bodie and bug make breakfast together!
Sorry about and spelling errors I'm not that good at writing
You open your eyes to the sun shining gently through the curtains onto your face. You slowly move off the bed, taking extra precaution to not put any pressure on your leg. Getting dressed was difficult now with your injury, but you managed fine on your own. Walking into the kitchen, you look out the window and notice Bodie sitting on the porch, drinking a mug of tea. You smile to yourself, then step out onto the porch to join him.
“Oh! Good morning, Bug, did you sleep well?”‘ he said softly, then took another sip from his mug. “Was’ just out here watching the sunrise? It's especially beautiful this time of year.” You looked up at the rising sun glowing behind the trees. “Yes, it is really beautiful,” you replied. “Are you planning on starting breakfast any time soon?”
Bodie nodded to himself and put his cup down, groaning as he stood up. “What are you thinking, Bug? I know a pretty good biscuit recipe my aunt had.” He suggested, "Ya, that sounds nice.” You nodded. “Do we have anything to put on them? I could make jam if you don't already have any." He smiled as he replied, “Yes, that sounds great, sugarbug.”.
You walked after him to the kitchen, getting out a recipe book as he drew some water for you two to wash your hands. “Bodie, do you think we should double the recipe?” You asked him, “Just in case one of the boys stops by,” Bodie said, looking up from the sink. “Maybe,” he chuckled to himself, “but you know it's also good to have leftovers; they just pop in whenever, all the time, it's good to have something ready.”
You two finally got to eat while sitting across from each other at the table. “Oh wow, this is a really good body!” you said, then took another bite of the bisket. “Oh, thanks, bug,” he said, smiling bashfully. “I don't normally make things like this in the morning, mostly grits or leftovers.”
"Oh, really, when I lived in Aachan, I normally just had bread and an apple or something.” Bosie nodded, looking down at his plate. “I really missed cooking with other people,” he said solemnly. “I used to cook with my mom when she was here.” He looked back up, and you met eyes. “Thank you, bug, for cooking with me.” You noticed a small blush rising to his face. You smiled, taking his large hand in yours. “Of course, I had a fun time as well." His bodies blush grew stronger. He looked away and sat up straight. “Anyway, you should probably rest for today since you stood up so much this morning.” “Ok,” you giggled to yourself and looked back out to the swamp.
Let me know what I should write next✨️
@obsidian-lantern @capitalmaudios @magebunkshelf @dayspriteofficial
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minnesotamedic186 · 6 months
Sugarbug in @onyxonline's Space Rider AU
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Sugarbug, real name Zara, comes from a planet full of a specific mineral that energizes others. If ground into dust it could act as a major component in a potential antidote for the Prototype's Red Smoke, which is why Its cult attacked the planet once the Prototype found out. Luckily the Space Riders managed to drive the cult away, and this actually inspired Sugarbug to join
(Onyx if you want a higher quality pic I can DM it I think-)
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karawek · 2 years
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Katy the Sugarbug!
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stxph-artist · 5 months
kinda rushed it but whatever-
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so this is my sugarbug, malachi :3
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perfectdolls · 1 year
a list of every single ride the cyclone (+ legoland) ship name, categorized by which ships they belong to. names with an exclamation point are the names primarily used
ocean x mischa:
ocean x ricky:
ocean x jane doe/penny:
ocean x constance:
ocean x tammy:
ocean x talia:
ocean x hank:
ocean x corey:
ocean x trishna:
noel x mischa:
hip hop hookers
fucked up egg
bad romance
noel x ricky:
horny boys
noel x hank:
noel x corey:
mischa x ricky:
mischa x jane doe/penny:
mischajane (for them as queerplatonic partners, i believe)
mischa x constance:
candy rapper!
sugar rap
mischa x tammy:
mischa x talia:
mischa x hank:
mischa x corey:
mischa x astrid:
mischa x trishna:
ricky x jane doe/penny:
ricky x constance:
ricky x tammy:
ricky x talia:
ricky x hank:
ricky x corey:
ricky x astrid:
jane doe/penny x constance:
jane doe/penny x tammy:
jane doe/penny x hank:
jane doe/penny x corey:
jane doe/penny x astrid:
jane doe/penny x trishna:
jane doe/penny x talia:
constance x tammy:
constance x corey:
constance x hank:
constance x astrid:
constance x trishna:
constance x talia:
hank x tammy:
hank x corey:
hank x astrid:
hank x trishna:
hank x talia:
corey x tammy:
corey x astrid:
corey x trishna:
corey x talia:
astrid x tammy:
astrid x trishna:
astrid x talia:
trishna x tammy:
trishna x talia:
talia x tammy:
if i missed any, please let me know so i can add it!! poly ships will be in the reblogs
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dreamyshape · 10 months
Timmy: You ever just look at a pretty rock and think “I really want to bite that”
Sugarbug: All the time
Marco: Something is wrong with you two…
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dreamsofalife · 21 days
The bug equivalent of screaming into a pillow is burying yourself in dirt and screaming into that. As demonstrated tonight in the little terrarium. He’s fine; just feeling!
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"Sugarbug? Are you alright? You're kinda...upset."
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Chapter 12: Sugarbug (Patch)
Later that night, the village settled in after a day of celebration. While Patch couldn’t stop pacing about in their campsite. Their stretched, spindly shadow followed them against the burning campfire light. 
“Why me? Why a gym leader? Why a final round? Why did I even do this?” They questioned themselves, “I wouldn’t have agreed to this at all if it meant I’d be up against a gym leader. Come here, Tamarind, just one more spritz!”
“Fuey…” Tamarind moaned being given his a tenth potion spray of the night. 
Patch had gone through four whole bottles of potions. But they couldn’t be too careful, constant battling could leaving a lasting injury.
“It’s almost over, Patch,” Sage reminded them, “How else will you pay off your debt?”
“I’ll ask my mom!” They raised their voice with an over-dramatic flair.
Sage said nothing and only furrowed her brow. It brought Patch back to reality. 
“Come on Sage, it’s a gym leader!” they reasoned, “Most trainers end their careers because of them!”
“It’s not like she’ll kill your Pokemon,” Sage pointed out, “If she did she would be revoked by the League. Having a battle with a Gym leader is the safest one you can have!”
Patch wasn’t convinced, they would happily keep making up reasons to forfeit.  
“Patch!” Sage grabbed them by their elbows and stared at them with his aquamarine eyes “You got so far in the tournament and you want to quit when you're so close to winning?”
They took a second to answer, “I guess…” 
“Fine,” Sage sighed, “It’s your choice! Let me know if you change your mind in the morning.”
Sage retreated to his tent for the night, not even wishing her friend a goodnight’s rest. She seemed kinda upset… probably just tired… I hope she’s just tired… The trainer couldn’t keep their feet still, there were too many things to fixate on at once; too many hard decisions to consider. If they forfeited, would that mean they’d be stuck in Cortondo forever? Their parents would be so disappointed in them, even if they agreed to help. Being a trainer meant being independent, and they would fail in that aspect.
Patch gazed deeply into the dancing flame of the campfire. They reminisced to back on how powerless they felt on their first day as a trainer. How the pack of Houndour forced them to cower. Or how they felt vunerable to two measly, Tarountulas. 
Tamarind slept a few steps away, heavily snoring as always. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t have stood a chance against those Tarontulas. The lingering imagery of bug types reminded them of the tournament. 
A few days ago Tamarind fought off two little spiders, but just today he took on an entire Scyther. He didn’t defeat him properly… but the fact that trainer surrendered says a lot. Like… I have potential. 
Patch laid down on the prickly bed of grass, examining the twinkling pattern of stars, trying to remember the constellations. In their mind, they connected each star. 
There’s Sirius the Swanna, they pointed to stars spread out like wings. That one could be… the triangle…  
There was a constellation shaped like a box that Patch could always recognize, Tiberius the Trainer. Legends recounted them as glorious and powerful Pokemon battler with brawny stature. But Patch always saw the constellation as a humble and meek person who rose to the top. 
Could I be a Tiberius type? They wondered. Patch pictured themselves braving the gym leader head on. Then taking on more trainers after that, it sounded like the start of a great story. 
Patch woke up early once again, only more determined than ever. 
The festival crowds felt smaller but more excited that a random, Uvovan trainer would be taking on their Gym Leader. Patch tried not to let villagers prying, judgmental eyes get the better of them. They weren’t going to just win the battle to pay Cortondo back, they were going to win because they wanted to.
For the last round, the two trainers would fight on the high wooden loft of Pasterie Soapberry, where a battlefield was set up. The structure was made up of dark, rich olive wood with ivy vines and moss growing around it. The support beams of the loft extended upward, presumably to act as perches for wild Pokemon. Below, tables were set up where restaurant patrons dined on the finest Cortondo cuisine, observing the fight that was about to unfold.
“Damn,” Sage envied the food being served, “When they said this tournament was sponsored they weren’t kidding! Do you think you’ll get a meal discount if you win?” 
“That would be nice,” Patch answered. What I wouldn’t give for something that isn’t a sandwich.  
Coming from the stairs, Katy had arrived with two Villion fluttering beside her with floral patterns. She held out her hand, and one of them perched on the tip of her finger. It made her seem dainty and demure for a gym leader. 
As the Villion flew off she greeted her challenger, “My what lovely trainer you are,” she smiled, “Buzz around the village is that you are in debt with our orchard.” 
Does everyone have to rub that in my face? “Unfortunately, I am,” Patch sighed.
“Well don’t fret, after this battle everything will work out one way or another, ” She placed her hands together politely.
“Of course,” Patch spoke, channeling their inner Tiberius, “I’m ready to start when you are!”  
“My, you are an excited one!” she giggled, “Let us begin!”
A waiter stood at the sidelines, instead of attending to customers' orders he acted as a referee. Sage did the same as a spectator. 
“A battle will commence with Katy Soapberry of Cortondo vs Patch Callune of Nacrene City,” The waiter declared, “Since this is a tournament battle both trainers must participate with the Pokemon they registered with. It’ll be three on two. If League rules are broken the opposing trainer will be deemed the victor.”
Don’t kill, only exhaust. Patch reminded themselves for the umpteenth time. 
Katy pulled out a green Pokeball with dark stripes and threw it into the air, “Juniper! Come out sweetie!”
The Pokeball unleashed its dim blue light, Patch expected a formidable Scyther or Heracross to appear, but there was seemingly nothing. 
“Kree kree kree,” a small chirping rang in Patch’s ear.
They squinted at the ground to find a small black grasshopper Pokemon the same size as Arturo. Wait, that’s the gym leader’s fighting with? Why choose that?
Patch took a quick snapshot with their phone and loaded their Pokedex app. Nymble, The Grasshopper Pokemon, a bug type. It's highly skilled at a fighting style in which it uses its jumping capabilities to dodge incoming attacks while also dealing damage to opponents. 
Oh, that’s why… Patch thought, well it can’t be any worse than a Scyther. Patch opened Tamarind’s Pokeball.
“Fueeeey!” He yawned as he appeared.
This is it, no going back now! They braced their heart for impact. 
“Tamarind, use ember!” Patch exclaimed.
 The fire croc began channeling his fire “Fueyyyy!” then he exhaled, “Fueyy!” 
“Juniper, use Double kick!” Katy countered.   
Juniper swiftly sprang from the incoming flame and lunged toward his opponent with grace. Like the fury of a fighting type, he struck his tiny legs against Tamarind’s face. It was enough for the croc to stumble. 
Okay so the Pokedex wasn’t kidding but one ember should do it! 
“Tamarind, use ember again!” Patch repeated.
“Double kick once more!” The gym leader quickly followed. 
Before the Fuecoco could even sputter a flame the Nymble clocked him back with a single kick. Causing him to collapse on his back. 
This isn’t good, Patch feared. Tamarind’s not fast enough! I’ll need to save him for later! I can only win with fire!
“Tamarind, return!” They aimed the lock of the Pokeball on the fire croc, and he faded into the red light.
Patch switched out to Arturo’s Pokeball, they stared deeply into fuchsia streaks. Arturo’s part normal type and Katy’s Pokemon knows fighting type moves. Aware that the referee was counting their switch-out time, they projected the Pokeball into the air.
In Tamarind’s place, the little Shroodle popped out, “Shree, shrew,” he sniffed. 
“A Shroodle?” Katy placed her hand on her cheek, “What an interesting recipe!” She let on a sense of delight in her opponent’s disadvantage. 
I can at least try to tire it out even if Arturo does get hit. “Arturo, dowse the Nymble with Acid Spray!” 
Arturo immediately hacked out his colorful venom, it was quicker than Tamarind’s ember. Juniper hoped away from each splatter, there was nothing to keep him off his toes.
“Double kick, Juniper!” Katy recited. 
The little grasshopper pounced effortlessly without crouching. 
“Dodge now!” Patch spouted with caution.
Arturo scampered away just in time and the Nymble stuck his leg against the hard wood. 
“Nee!” Juniper chirred with agony. 
It worked! Patch thought satisfied, Now’s my chance! “Use Fury swipes!” 
Glowing white claws retracted from the Shroodle’s nubby little paws, and he began lashing them at the Nymble. “Shree, shrew, shree, shrew!” He squeaked with each swipe. 
After the seventh’s swipe, the Nymble looked close to death. 
Oh gosh, maybe that was too much! They flapped their hands while panicking at the waiter’s judgment.
“Shoodle overstepped the boundaries of The League, he is no longer qualified to participate!” The Waiter decried.
“OH ARCEUS! I AM REVOKED?!” Patch hollered as their heart palpated. They quickly recalled Arturo. I knew I shouldn’t have faced a gym leader!
The Waiter took a knee to examine Juniper’s injuries. He gently scooped the insect off the wood and delicately handed him to Katy. Never fight a gym leader! Never fight a gym leader! Never fight a gym leader! The terrifying gym leader spritzed the grasshopper with a potion 
“Kree… kree!” he sang sofly. 
“He’s alright,” Katy sighed, “He just needs to rest…” She placed him back in his pokeball. 
“Neither Pokemon can battle,” The Waiter stood back up, “This is a draw!” he motioned his hands out. 
“Did I lose?!” Patch whimpered.
“No you didn’t!” Sage answered, “As long as you have Tamarind you can still fight, Arturo’s just disqualified!”  
“Disqualified,” they said to themselves as their hands became slower.
“Are you okay to keep battling, Sugar?” Katy asked, “You look more frightened than a Wimpod on a crowded beach.”
Patch closed their eyes, took a breath in, then blew it out. “I am…” 
“Are you sure?” Sage reaffirmed with concerned eyes. 
This could be my last chance to quit… I’m not falling apart this time. I am a trainer. They nodded back to the Gym leader. 
“If you insist…” She held the challenge and stepped back to her side of the court. 
“You can always surrender, Patch,” Sage prompted, “Don’t stress yourself!”  
“I won’t,” they kept their eyes focused on the Gym leader, “I’m winning this battle.” 
Sage stood aside, respecting Patch’s wishes. Katy deployed her next Pokeball and out came a Tarountula. 
Memories of Poco Path crawled into their brain. The adhesive cling of its silk just peeling off their skin gave them unpleasant shivers. I defeated a Tarountula before, I could do it again! 
Patch shook Tamarind out of his Pokeball, “Go!” 
Tamarind burst into the scene confused as to where the Nymble went. Still on edge from their previous match, Patch knew if the little spider was burnt to a crisp they would be revoked as a trainer for sure. Having no Pokemon and still in debt. But that could be avoided if there had been no fire. 
“Tamarind, use Disarming voice!” Patch demanded. 
One cue Tamarind began to sing as pink soundwaves came from his mouth,“Fuey co co co!” 
Although the Tarountula was caught in sound waves, Katy took a gamble and used her turn, “Dollop, use string shot!” 
The Gym Leader’s spider flung a strand of silk, but instead of aiming it at Tamarind, it clung to one of the wooden support beams. Dollop swung away from the Fire crocs song and perched on the beam.
Patch quickly realized the reasoning behind their opponent’s decision. She must know how flammable her Tarountula’s silk is, so she’s keeping us at a distance. They gazed toward the cafe patrons from below. The loft is made of wood so even if Tamarind does use ember, the whole thing will catch fire and take us down with it. 
While they could almost imagine a blazing inferno, Patch needed to stay on task, “Use Round!” 
“Fuey Fuey!” Tamarind changed his tune and unleashed spikey rings of soundwaves. 
“String shot, sweetie!” Katy called to them.
Dollop once again made another thread aimed at the beam on the other side of the loft. It’s silver sheen glistened against the sun. The Tarountula used it’s silk like a tightrope and carefully climbed to the other side.
That can’t be too high to reach, Patch planned. As soon as the spider reached the midway point of the thread, Patch gave orders, “Tamarind use Ember on the silk!” 
“Co!” The Fuecoco spat an amber flame.
Despite a clever strategy the ember missed and Dollop made it to the other side. 
“Keep using string shot,” Katy entrusted her Pokemon. 
Dollop proceeded to weave an entire web while Tamarind kept missing his target. 
After many commands for string shot, Katy finally ordered a new attack, “Now, use Assurance!” 
The little spider swooped from its web trailing a line of silk behind them. Like a pendulum it swung across the court, knocking Tamarind aback. 
Crap! That’s not good! Patch quickly scanned around for a weak point. If Tamarind can’t reach them from their web, I’ll just have to bring them a little closer. They remained silent and unassuming. 
“Finish them with one last assurance!” Katy cheered.
Patch immediately took action, “Burn their silk with ember now!”
Tamarind huffed out another flame “Co!” 
With a shot of fire the strand of silk disintegrated into loose seams. Without a tether to their web, Dollop plummeted to the ground. 
“Tamarind use Disarming Voice!” Patch exclaimed. 
“Fuey Fuey co!” Tamarind performed the finishing blow, his voice carrying an enchanting melody.
The little Tarountula tumbled backward under the sheer volume of the Fuecoco. Rolling like a stray volleyball, until it laid on its side. 
“Tarountula is unable to battle,” The Waiter declared, “Fuecoco is the winner!” 
“Let’s fucking go!” Sage cheered. 
Patch called their Fuecoco over for a quick potion refresher, before they could face their final opponent. 
“How are you doing buddy?” Patch asked. 
“Fuey,” the Fuecoco sighed, shaking his claws in a so-so gesture. 
“You’re doing great,” Patch complimented him, “Just one last win and it’ll all be over!” They took off their hat and handed it over to their fiery Pokemon, “Here.” 
Tamarind held the lavender knitted hat and caressed it by his cheek. He purred lovingly. 
I knew he would be pleased, Patch thought. 
A minute or so later, Tamarind was back in full health and thus the battle continued. Patch could barely predict Katy’s final Pokemon. Would she bring out a venomous insect or another innocent-looking creature? 
“I must say, you’ve been holding your own quite well!” Katy commended her opponent, “Every challenger at my gym always underestimates the potential of bug types… so I hope you don’t mind if I go all out!” 
Oh no… that doesn’t sound good! Stop worrying Patch, you don’t even know what it is yet! 
The Gymleader threw a different green pokeball into the court. What emerged was unlike anything they expected. Instead of a bug, there was an orange-brown bear cub with a crescent-shaped marking on their face. It was only a little bigger compared to Tamarind, and it wore a chocolate-colored apron to match their trainer.
Patch snapped a picture and received its Pokedex entry: Teddiursa, the Little Bear Pokemon. A normal type. Its paws are soaked in oodles of honey. When nervous, Teddiursa will lick its paws and soon have a smile back on its face.
“Normal type?!” Patch blurted aloud. Don’t Gym leaders stay type-coordinated? 
“Oh, Sugar,” Katy smiled, “She’s a normal type for now!”
For now… what could that… wait a second!
Katy pulled out another Pokeball, this one black and familiar. It was a Tera Orb! "Now, my little Pokémon! Time to break free from your cocoon and come into your own!" She reveled whilst her orb began harnessing light. 
Once it was fully charged, she threw it toward her Teddiursa. The tranlusent crystals rose from the ground just like it did with Nemona’s Pawmi. Within a few seconds, the little bear reemerged with a faceted coat that refracted the sunlight shining down on them. She now wore a crown adorned with a peridot green antenna and a pair of tiny white wings. It had terastallized into a bug type.
I had no idea she could terastallize her pokemon, fixating on the Terastal Orb a delayed memory entered Patch’s head. Oh shit, I have one of those!
They threw their backpack to the ground and quickly pulled out their Terastal Orb.
“Patch?!” Sage exclaimed with an outraged tone, “You had that the whole time?!” 
“I forgot okay!” Patch admitted. 
Particles of Light began to gather in the palm of their hand, like flowing snowflakes. It should have been blinding but it only intensified Patch’s curiosity.
“Patch throw it!” Sage yelled. 
With nervousness shaking in their hands and their urge to stim, they ungracefully threw the glowing black orb to their Fuecoco. I hope it works with all Pokemon, Patch hoped. 
The same crystals surrounded the fire croc, trapping him in a sparkly cage. He’s going to be okay, they promised themselves. 
Though it took a while the Fuecoco reemerged with a hyde of faceted scales. His vermillion coloring made him appear as a lustrous ruby. When the sunshine beamed through his body it left a ring of scattered red shapes on the ground. He too adorned a crown of his own, resembling a candelabra. He’s still a fire type…but that’s good! 
In awe of such a magnificent moment, Patch seized the opportunity “Use Ember!”
Red particles of like swirled around Tamarind before he shot a swift flame. While the Teddiursa sustained some damage, it’s crystalline body protected it from any burns. It’s working! 
“Use Fury Swipes!” The Gym leader announced. 
The little cub grew a long set of claws and lashed them at the Fuecoco. With each swipe, Tamarind swayed back and forth. Patch only assumed it could end based on how brutally Arturo used the same move. 
“Tamarind, Try ember!” They said on an impulse. 
With bated breath, Tamarind puffed one last ember before the Teddiursa’s claws slashed him to the ground. The flame struck the bear right in the face. 
Suddenly the Teddiursa’s crystal coat shattered away, its crown no more. It fully reverted back to having natural, soft fur. 
“Buar!” It growled as it collapsed. 
Patch could barely believe what they had just done, and the Waiter confirmed it, “Teddiursa is unable to battle, Fuecoco is the winner! Victory goes to Patch Callune of Nacrene City!” 
“I did it…” Patch marveled, “I did it!”
“Fuck yeah!” Sage hugged their friend tight.
Satisfaction could barely describe their achievement. They defeated a gym leader, all on their own! The crowd from down below gave them a wave of applause for their success. It was almost too good to be true. 
“In honor of The Cortondo Olive Harvest Festival, I present you with your reward!” Katy handed them their check. 
Patch was thrilled, with 15,000 p they still had enough money left over to treat themselves. But then Katy placed what felt like a small piece of metal into their palm. Upon expecting it closer Katy had handed them a metal pin of a green cupcake wrapped in webbing. 
“I don’t understand,” Patch said.
“It’s the Nectar Badge, the official badge of our gym,” Katy simpered, “This tournament counts as an official league challenge. You’ve earned it, Sugar!”
They held up the little badge to the sunlight, it had a sheen of stainless steel. Gym badges were trophies of the league, if a battle trainer won enough they could rise up and challenge the region’s best trainers head-on. Patch almost felt like they didn’t deserve it.
“Uhh Patch?” Sage beckoned, pointing to their Fuecoco.
Tamarind’s body was consumed into a bright white light. Oh that’s no big deal, he’s just reverting back to normal. Still his silhouette began to grow in an amorphous shape. It was as if the light was molding him like clay. Patch felt nervous for him and the thought of touching him. 
“Fuey-cro!” Tamarind’s voice became deeper.
Is he… evolving?!
Finally the light faded and Tamarind had grown. His body became a little more melon shaped and his stubby little tail was longer. His scales slightly deepened to a more reddish color, with more streaks of yellow on his back and face. There was more white on his belly and his hands became an inky black. 
What was the most prominent is that his tufts of flickering hair was replaced with a fiery nest, with an egg-shaped flame in the center.
“Crocah?” Tamarind warbled in his new raspy voice. 
Patch snapshotted for a dex entry. Crocalor, The Fire Croc Pokemon and the evolved form of Fuecoco. A Fire type. The valve in Crocalor's flame sac is closely connected to its vocal cords. This Pokémon utters a guttural cry as it spews flames every which way.  
“Crocalor…” Patch repeated, “Congratulations, Tamarind!” They spread their arms out for a hug.
Patch embraced their newly evolved Crocalor, his body temperature now significantly warmer. It felt as if they both had evolved that day. 
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<- Chapter 11- Chapter 13->
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