seventeendeer · 5 years
Tell us why amy is stronger please! I’m actually genuinely curious
god you have no idea how happy I am that you asked me this, thank you for enabling me
the screenshot that shows these stats are most likely from the mobile game, Sonic Forces: Speed Battle (I remember playing this a lot when it first came out and I recognize the skill categories). this is an online game where you can, at any time, pick a character from a large selection of Sonic characters that you can unlock and level up, and then race against other players. for this reason, the characters’ stats have to be balanced - resulting in silly shit like Shadow having the physical prowess of a wet noodle.
if their stats in the game adhered to story canon, it’s very likely that they would actually be pretty evenly matched in the ‘strength’ stat! they both canonically have super strength, and are occasionally shown to be slightly below Knuckles’ strength level (Knuckles is the designated Strong Boy in the series, so he’s a good measuring stick).
funnily enough, Amy and Shadow are actually some of the most inconsistently represented characters in the series when it comes to their abilities. this is because many of the games like to divide characters into one of three types; speed, flying or power. however, both of them simultaneously have super strength and super speed (and Shadow is sometimes shown as being able to hover with his rocket boots), resulting in Shadow often switching between all three types, while Amy is usually stuck with the ‘speed’ type even though she’s one of the physically toughest characters!
you can kind of think of the characters as RPG characters that put their levels into different things. Sonic put all of his levels in speed, and none in strength or magic or other powers. similarly, Knuckles put all his levels in strength. Amy doesn’t specialize in any one thing, so she’s above average in most categories (a fact that’s often forgotten in canon is that she knows magic too). Shadow, being an artificial super soldier, was born with more levels than the others and he’s got his speed maxed out, while also having above average in every other stat, so he also doesn’t technically specialize in any one thing, but has a level or two more in speed so he can match Sonic anyway.
so long story short, if the stats in the mobile game adhered to canon, Amy would have a 7/7/7 spread, while Shadow’s would be something like 10/10/7. but that wouldn’t make for balanced gameplay, so their stats were skewed in the name of making the game playable!
thank u for coming to my ted talk
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rex101111 · 5 years
Have you seen the worm Steven theory and what are your thoughts about it?
oh, worm? (sorry) I guess there’s a lot of story potential there, Steven finally collapsing under the weight of his own self appointed position of “Gem Kind’s problem solver” and just getting turned into this monster that consumes and destroys because it feeds and twists his inner desire for people to just leave him be and let him live which forces him to reexamine his actions and tendencies of putting the world on his shoulders.
Also, ya know, giant pink horned worm, always a cause for celebration that is 
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thisisporky-blog · 7 years
Didn't you have a fic called your best friend! ? It was my favorite, but I can't find it anymore.
i did! i deleted it a while back because i wasnt happy with it, and considering how old it is and how big the files are i never went back to reedit and post it somewhere else. i could if enough people asked and/or wanted it back! sorry i took it down, i really wasnt happy with it at all pFDG
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jen-iii · 7 years
Can we talk about hazel tho cause I don’t think we’ve seen a more accurate definition of “lightning bruiser”. Also the fact that he can regain aura through sheer willpower is genuinely terrifying.
he is quite literally like the Hulk/Bane and thats SUPER scary but I think hes probably going to inject so much dust into himself that he like...explodes in a later episode
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friskxpacifist-blog · 8 years
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable). Positivity is cool!
I woke up to this. I don’t know what to say. xD Let’s see..
I like how I am stealthy 
I like how I can stay focus
I like how I can do almost anything I set my mind to
I like my great memory - kinda
And erm.. I like how I can make people laugh over simple things
This was literally hard. xD Thank you though.
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seventeendeer · 5 years
What’d you think of the finale/worm episode?
I think I need a little more time before I can like ... fully put my thoughts into words. what I do know is that these were excellent episodes that spun a perfect little ending to the series. it felt like a proper farewell, and I think that’s great. the show kind of coming full circle with all of Steven’s family helping him instead of vice versa was wonderful.
though I must admit, I’m also left with a lot of sadness. once you’ve kept up with a series for over half a decade and actively engaged with it and theorized and hoped for certain things, and potentially gotten attached to things that the writers didn’t intend to address after all, it’s inevitable that there’s going to be some amount of ... grief, or whatever, at seeing the series end and know that the things you were hoping for will now never happen.
this being a very convoluted way of saying that I connected really really heavily with Rose’s story and knowing that the last we ever saw of her was the painting of her being put away because the other characters don’t love her the way they used to hurt me in a way that I will genuinely need some time to recover from
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Chara, you don't follow the normal patterns almost all charas do. Affection to chocolate and knives, having knowledge of asriel, that sorta thing. It's...odd.
(( ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ))
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irailleth-archive · 9 years
Hey. I'm not good with words. Or texts. Or peopling in general. But I think your blog is great. Hang In there, if you can.
Thanks for your kind words. I’m barely holding on but I’m still hanging in there and kicking so I’ll be fine. Thank you
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undauntedgunner · 9 years
"Hurry up and fight already. It's cold out."
“You wanna get this over fast? I can do that.” 
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napstamuse · 9 years
Hey, one thing I wanted to point out was the "I don't want to let go" line near the end of the game. Well, no ones Sprite shows up next to it, so I have to wonder if that's either frisk or narratorchara talking.
I always thought
That that was Asriel, but since there’s no facesprite, maybe it wasn’t
And you can’t see Frisk’s face, so you can’t see if they have Chara’s eyes like at the end of the possession ending
Oh my god
What if that was narrachara
o h
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Could I get a song and land for a Mage of space?
Here’s a song or two for the Mage of Space, and a few possible land names for a Mage of Space would be:
Land of Density and FrogsLand of Acid and FrogsLand of Entomology and Frogs
Tumblr media
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undying-bravery · 9 years
What if a soul wanted to do activities outside their faction? I.e. A purple wants to do archery.
((Answered here! ))
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askthefamilyoflove · 9 years
Garnet just shaking her head cause it's the same shit every year on valentines.
//(( Garnet has to actually wear her glasses indoors every Valentines day because everything is so blindingly red and pink and cute and bright with lovey dovey stuff that it actually hurts her eyes too
People who come over on Valentines day to the Lovertts house are in for a BIG surprise//))
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jen-iii · 9 years
So, I'm about to try digital art for the first time, and I honestly have no idea where to start, any advice?
Get used to the surface of your tablet first! It is VERY different than working with paper so I suggest that you start by drawing random things before you dive into a full piece! I also have different tutorials for different things for SAI if you would like to refer to my ‘tutorial’ tag
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seventeendeer · 4 years
The majority of us are aware that our government sucks, unfortunately we’re being dragged along in a train car 100 cars down from the operator
the majority of you also didn’t want a moldy cheese for a president, but here we are
if shouting into the ether that things don’t have to be like this makes just 4 misinformed americans realize they’ve been lied to, then with all due respect, I would like to be allowed to continue to shout
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taffybuns · 9 years
If its your first play through than yes.
it is, tysm
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