suiteofspades · 2 years
My father? I think you know him, actually! It's @drdelicatetouchreturns !
Oh splendid.
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non-finite-void · 2 years
Oh my god-
[clears throat]
I-I mean, I am...pleasantly surprised with the outcome I have received.
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Uncle spade perhaps?-
Mikey x Spade real?
No disrespect
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ask-strawberry-anon · 2 years
Oh poor, pathetic berry.
I've heard you dear little father has been worried sick about you, he's been run damn near ragged!
Why would you do that to your sweet old man? And at such a time of great stress for him too!
You might be just as sadistic as I am, little one...
@suiteofspades was I sufficient?
i.. i..
who.... who are you? how do.. you.. how do you know me?
i.. n.. no, i.. i didn't want to go, i-i don't even know where i went, i...
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suiteofspades · 2 years
[Void knocked on the door to spade's office, with the container they'd borrowed earlier in their hands]
[He types at a laptop on his desk.
“You may enter.” Looking up, he sees Void and their face twists into a softer expression.
“Void, hello. What is the meaning of this visit, my protégé? ]
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suiteofspades · 2 years
are you up for adopting someone
just as company...?
Tell me, what makes you think you're worth my time?
Though you do interest me. Someone wanting to be near me isnt common.
What's your name?
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suiteofspades · 2 years
Hm. Why do you defend such a pathetic child?
Ignoring the fact that you are threatening physical harm for simply expressing an opinion, this is nearly as idiotic as the prospect that Michelangelo would ever do anything benefitting anyone other than himself.
Your children are truly getting out of hand, Micheal. I would go as far as to say that you didn't raise them correctly- I mean, Pencil here is threatening to hit me over saying something I believe.
Wouldn't you agree, Michelangelo? @drdelicatetouchreturns
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suiteofspades · 2 years
Hahaha, speechless? What if I tagged him too?-
...You are pushing my limits, Duck.
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suiteofspades · 2 years
>:( no! I'm not going to stop using emoticons! They're a key part of how one expresses themselves and are useful for communicating emotions!
...how was that for being harsher? :3 plus I'm not caving immediately to your suggestion! That's gotta be worth extra points, right~?
Hm. A good start. I appreciate your opposition, in all honesty. A little push back is always a good challenge when it comes to teaching those less knowledgable than one's self.
Fine. I will allow you to use these emoticons. However, only when we as a class, along with @non-finite-void, are conversing. You will not use them when you are in the field or haunting discussing with our victims.
You will not get bonus points, but perhaps an ounce of respect from me.
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suiteofspades · 2 years
Hello sir, I uh-
I found something in my dorm and um, I would like to inform you, that I found a racoon chewing up my mattress-
Huh. That’s.. odd. Can you deal with it on your own or do you seek assistance?
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suiteofspades · 2 years
Tumblr media
this is you
No, that is a cat, you dimwitted tumblr user.
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suiteofspades · 2 years
im just curious sorry if i sounded rude
Never let anyone else’s response dampen your question. Stick through and stand up for yourself. Do not crumble in the sight of simple contradictions.
You are not rude, I am just cold.
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suiteofspades · 2 years
ooooh hello
what are you?
I am many things. What is it to you to know what I can or cannot be? State your purpose and maybe I'll tell you.
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suiteofspades · 2 years
Field work so soon? I'm honoured (ノ≧▽≦)ノ🌟
Do you have any suggestions on which of their flaws to start picking at first? I'll make sure not to use any emoticons like I promised too~
I won't let you down, Teach ^w^
You should start with Michelangelo. I want to see what you can do without instruction, I want to see what you can dig up on your own.
Send an ask into his inbox in the same format as I have previosuly. Remember to say anonymous, Card.
@ Me in your ask. I will read and be your critic.
Good luck.
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suiteofspades · 2 years
✨\(^o^)/✨ WAHOO! Thank you Teach! Don't worry though, I'll make sure to keep it profreshional with any victims~
Speaking of victims, what kind of discussions will we be having? What's the goal for tormenting them?
Profresh.. ugh, never mind that.
Our victims need someone to tell them what is right and wrong. For example, my dear friend Michelangelo, needs to be told that he will get nowhere with being nearly as childish as they are. He needs to be told to mature and provide his best for his team and his family. He is severely lacking the skill and rationalization that his role requires.
The goal is to hopefully push them towards improving themselves, because they clearly see no need for it on their own.
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suiteofspades · 2 years
I do like learning :D Watch me ace your tests and become a full on wild card!
What's greater then "poorly thought out jokes"?
Literally anything is better, Anonymous. Please.
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