#sukuna and uraume use bones to make a car and get away Flintstone style
Ryoumen Sukuna x Reader
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⚠️ Warning for cannibalism I guess? But if you're reading this then you already expected that.
Ryoumen Sukuna:
Your favorite movie is Sweeny Tod, you would let a serial killer step on you if they were hot or you're secretly Yorozu. You make Gojo stans look like saints.
First Date:
You reach the next village only to see corpses laid to waste admist a pit of fire. You walk through an ocean of blood and notice that some of the bodies have giant teeth marks gouged into their flesh. "What the hell!?" You descend further. Were those voiced you heard? "How could anyone survive this carnage?" You kept moving closer until you could make out two figures engulfed by smoke. You then scurried to a tree and hid behind it while you watched.
There was a monk? Were they cooking? But what could they be eating if there's nothing around? Then it dawned on you. You resisted the urge to vomit. You then took another peek. You then felt your heart throb as you gazed at the handsome creature ahead of you. "I can't believe I found God..." You then took note of his for eyes. For some reason you weren't scared. "All the better to see me with..." Then you noticed the four arms. "All the better to hold me with..." You began to wonder if he had extra body parts elsewhere. You then shook your head. "I need this man!"
Sukuna was eating roasted torso a la Urame when he heard what sounded like an irritating mosquito. He was only partially wrong. There was another whiney human running towards him. "Another fight? I just started eating..." He then put down his bowl of blood broth. He was prepared to flick you into outer space with his claws but then you did something unexpected. "What is this!?"
There you were on the ground, kneeling. "PLEASE STEP ON ME, MY LORD!" Uraume then gave a disgusted look as they were already kink shaming you. You then looked into their eyes. "PLEASE! I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS! I CAN CHANGE HIM! HE JUST NEEDS MY LOVE-" Sadly you never had a chance to finish your sentence. The man in front of you began splitting you apart (not the way you wished) as he activated world slash. You fell over and began to fade out. Before you lost consciousness, you were grabbed by your hair.
"Why can't you be happy with just being normal?" You tried to speak but only blood came out. Sukuna then dropped you to the ground. "Pathetic... Love is worthless. Never forget that." He then kicked your corpse out of his sight. "Come, Uraume. Let us take leave." The monk then gathered all the clean bones and constructed them into a vehicle. Uraume and Sukuna then peddled their feet and drove away like in the Flinstones opening.
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