mechaknight-98 · 6 months
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Is my suffering finally over has my time for a good sultai commander come?
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overgrown-estate · 2 months
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These two need to meet up in the next visit to Bloomburrow. Perhaps Glarb already knows Archelos and that's where he runs off to. Glarb's ability works on Archelos if the latter is on the top of your library. Someone play both of them in the same deck!
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fellwar-finch · 14 days
Okay so Sidisi’s been, in canon, working as Silumgar’s translator while taking poisons from would-be assassins and mixing them together in the cavern where her heart used to be. (Metal)
She’s been waiting for an opportunity to strike, to take back control for the Sultai.
And uhhhh
What better time than now? The plane just got invaded by the most powerful ‘poison’-adjacent villains in the multiverse, at least one of the dragonlords has been deposed and compleated, the plane’s in the midst of a world wide war, would-be khan and dragonlord fighting side by side.
It’s easy to see how Zurgo might win back the mardu. Kolaghan is compleated and probably dead, and he got glory from fighting atop the back of a dragonlord in the biggest battle of the plane’s history.
But sidisi? Sidisi isn’t the type to make an alliance. She’s the type to stab when your back is turned.
I’m just saying… have we seen Silumgar since the invasion?
Hell, even if her assassination attempt failed, omenpaths are open now, perfect escape route.
I’m not saying Magic’s storyline is actually going to follow through on this, I don’t trust them like that. But there’s potential…
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made a sultai explore commander as per the request of a friend. ty to everyone who helped me balance it and make it compliant w the rules. (note to anyone interested: this hasn't been playtested, so i might post an updated more balanced version)
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dimestoretajic · 2 years
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Battle three has our inquisitive history buffs from Arcavios go up against the sneaky sneks from pre-FRF Tarkir! Let's see if we dig up some history... or a zombie (with bananas)!
Make your choice!
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monorayjak · 1 year
Magic in Media: House Telvanni
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House Telvanni is one of the Great Houses of Morrowind, filled with high ranking mages, powerful conjurers, wise alchemists, and unstoppable researchers.
The Telvanni identity, in Magic's colors, begins as many would expect it to: Blue-Black. Telvanni mages are intelligent researches who value knowledge and power above all else. They see little reason to value people, places, or things that lie out of their sphere of influence and contact; the only exception being when they desire one of them for research purposes or to expand their power and/or holdings. The Telvanni do not consider morals for the most part, choosing not what is best for a group, but what is best for themselves; this inclination alone is enough to turn them away from white. But in addition to the lack of morals, they also practice slavery on anyone and everyone they can manage, the most common being Argonians or Khajiit. This, mixed with the Telvanni's largely lax organization system absolutely pulls them away from white. The use of slavery also pulls them away, to a lesser degree, from red. Red's core value is freedom. While the Telvanni are certainly free to do whatever they please, very few would actually call them "lovers of freedom" in any sense. In addition, their own lack of emotions in their life (not to say they don't have them mind you, just that they don't show them) pulls them even farther away. And while they may have little regard to organization in the minute, they deeply keep their society organized by strict hierarchies with defined ranks and "do and don't"-s of their hierarchy. In other words, the members themselves may not truly value organization, the House itself does.
So, the Talvanni are blue, they are black, they aren't red, and they aren't white. You may suspect the lack of support from red and white mean green has little chance to show in the Telvanni. Interestingly, you couldn't be further from the truth. The Telvanni value tradition and take consideration with every bit of experiment and research they take upon themselves. They use natural elements to house themselves, using their mastery of magic to shape and accelerate their growth. They maintain absolute knowledge that what they do has impacts on the world around them, their reasoning for doing this may be entirely black (turns out if the area around you becomes uninhabitable, you tend to lose the land all together because no one can use it), but the methods to maintain it are pure green through and through. They study the natural world just as much as they study the theoretical and arcane. And to add the final kick, they believe in a care value of green: The strong rule. Well, in their case its more along the lines of "The Cunning and Smart rule," but its the same basis. They say that if someone steals something from someone, the thief obviously deserves it more; if a person is killed to advance the killer's rank, the killer is more worthy of the rank in general. The strong rise, and the weak fall. Most interestingly, this believe seeps into every part of the Telvanni culture, including their use of slaves. If slaves manage to escape and can't be found by hunters or hired professionals, that slave deserves to be free. If a slave kills their master, the slave deserves the title of master more. Yes, everyone can ascend ranks in the Telvanni, even those bought and sold like products. The strong and the cunning make the rules, and when someone bests them, the victor gets to redefine the rules.
So, in the final verdict, the Telvanni are Sultai.
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zoydraft · 3 months
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Sultai Brood Confidant, drafted by SJ, June 15. 2024.
I wrote about my big feelings about this deck here.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Sultai Banner
Power to dominate, cruelty to rule.
Artist: Daniel Ljunggren TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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Wedge Discussions
Inspo goes to @monorayjak, this was such a cool concept I wanted to build off that.
Sultai Edition
Blue: Here we are again
Black: So it would seem.
Green: What could they possibly want?
Black: Who cares? The question of what the user wants is arbitrary, what do WE want?
Green: That's not how we do things. That's not how ANYONE does things.
Blue: Oh stop bickering. Listen, we need to come up with what the user wants.
Green: Fine.
Black: Fine.
Black: What I want is to be in control of my destiny. I don't want to be beholden to anyone and anything. I am tired of life, which tries to restrict me from my ultimate goal. I want to become more powerful and control the world around me, and I don't care how I get to that point.
Blue: I guess I understand. I want mastery, perfection, knowledge, and the means to achieve them. I don't care if I have to use artificial methods, I WILL become perfect.
Green: I can understand your desire to grow, but I can't agree with either of your methods. I think the true method of becoming better is understanding the natural processes of this world, evolving as a person, and becoming stronger through our understanding of our interconnected nature.
Black: Yeah yeah, we all know green, things need to be natural and survival of the fittest, but isn't ambition and trampling on others the way to effectively grow?
Green: Not necessarily. We all are a part of an ecosystem, whether we like it or not. By trampling on all prey, we starve ourselves. By having individuals stronger than us, we are motivated to grow ever still. Being at the top of the food chain doesn't mean we succeded, it just means we have fit in our role.
Blue: Why does it have to be that way green? Not everything has to be about nature and ecosystems and all that. While we are a part of the world to some extent, if we want, we can separate ourselves from that entirely.
Black: I can't believe I'm saying this but listen to blue. With artifice and undeath, we can remove ourselves from the struggle to survive and just focus on ourselves. Why care about the natural order when we can supersede it?
Green: Because no matter how distant you are from nature, no matter how unnatural your existence, life and death exist in a seamless continuum. Even if you were to become a lich, your corpse would still decay, you would still become food for the microbes, mushrooms, and bacteria that are present around you. Even if you become artificial, the forces that power you will eventually be grown over as your power sources decay. Nothing is truly eternal, nothing will truly last forever.
Black: I mean, you are right that nothing escapes death, even undeath IS just another form of death. However, the ego can survive after death. How it's stored is irrelevant, as that can last the tests of time. Look at Yawgmoth. While Phyrexia was a disaster of plane, it did show that the ego can survive an eternity. Yawgmoth was present in the mind of all of Phyrexia.
Blue: Again, I do think that black has a point. Through innovation the mind can last forever. However, I do see green's point. Most of what we do won't be able to last. How do we achieve our goals if our goals are fundamentally separated?
Green: Well what do we value?
Black: Myself. Power above all else.
Blue: Knowledge. The pursuit of perfection through craft and thinking.
Green: Growth. The pursuit of connecting myself to the ecosystem and to fulfill my purpose in the food chain.
Blue: So we all value improvement of the self?
Black: We disagree on the methodology.
Green: So how do we unify our thoughts to become one force?
Blue: The survival of the fittest is inherently self-motivated.
Black: As is the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake.
Green: And Death is a natural part of life.
Blue: But things don't need to end at death.
Black: We all serve a vital role in our ecosystem. Without death, things can't get fertilized.
Green: And without cultivation, we become stagnant.
Blue: So it's important to find a balance
Black: And it's better that we are the ones to be in control, since we are the ones studying it.
Green: And as long as we keep to our positions
Blue: We all can get stronger
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the-revane-domain · 1 year
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That ravnica side story should be illegal actually
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
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… I love him. He’s so goofy but looks so fun I need to build him.
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dailymtgflavortext · 11 months
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Power to dominate, cruelty to rule.
-Sultai Banner
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wizard-mp4 · 2 years
I'm addicted to BUG
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horademagic · 2 months
Cristal de Zagoth/ Zagoth Crystal
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Artefato gerador de mana
Custo de mana: 3 incolores e/ou de quaisquer cores 
Por que ela é interessante? Virando esse artefato você terá uma mana preta, verde ou azul, na combinação Sultai para seu uso. Lembrando que pedrinhas de mana são SEMPRE bem vindas e pode colaborar muito no decorrer da partida, essa ainda gera mana colorida. Ela tem também o reciclar, caso não seja mais útil, pode pagar 2 manas e descartá-la para comprar uma outra cartinha em seu lugar.
Preço da carta: em torno de 0,05 até 2,00
Disponível em Português
Link: https://www.ligamagic.com.br/?view=cards%2Fsearch&card=Zagoth+crystal&tipo=1
Até a próxima postagem, Ulli e Thiago
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dimestoretajic · 2 years
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A full colour overlap! We've got the writer-slapping biomancers going up against the history-crushing sneople! Will the palace dwellers beat the lab rats? That one's up to you!
Make your choice!
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devouredreaper · 9 months
Here's hoping I just added enough card draw to this deck
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