sumerianlegend said: 
you suck
Zak, you’re supposed to be asleep. Forever.
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Zak wasn’t too particularly fond of Nagas. They were large, manipulative creatures who were always trying to get him to destroy humanity in one way or another. Needless to say, he wasn’t entirely pleased being captured by them and, thus, promptly escaped. Though the actual methods he was forced to use to were every so slightly more difficult than it seemed.
    As a result, the boy wasn’t exactly in the greatest of shapes. Bruised, exhausted, but triumphant, Zak stumbled through the damp caves of the Naga’s underground, knowing full well that it would take them a little longer to realize their ‘king’ had escaped. He had a little time to spare. Not much, considering the danger of the situation, but at least he could take his time.
           That is, until he walked right into the man he wanted to see the very least.
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        “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”                    How much bullshit was he willing to deal with today?
Truthfully, Argost was expecting serpents and giant tentacled mollusks when he began sauntering down the tunnel, not teenagers. Granted, this teenager was the incarnation of an ancient evil and the son of his arch nemesēs, but he was nevertheless unexpected. Whether this sudden confrontation was a blessing or not, Argost still had yet to discover. At present moment, he had no permanent way to take control of the child’s powers. In addition to this, the boy also looked battered. The cryptid was quite sure he hadn’t done that to himself, which meant the Nagas were probably on high alert. Everything just always had to go his way, didn’t it?
“Fancy meeting you here, Little Saturday...” The yeti began. He stayed where he had been standing when Zak had approached. The last thing he wanted to do was scare the boy away, possibly into a pack of angry Nagas, and be found out. “...Hunting cryptids alone, by chance? I didn’t think your parents trusted you with such hefty undertakings.”
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jubxlentmoved-blog · 9 years
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;▐ █ ✣-- sumerianlegend​
                                    ‘ WOAH! That was amazing HOW did                                                                      you do that ? ‘
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centenniiial-blog · 9 years
Do you like anyone?
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⊙ –[   Epsilons don’t have time for crushes.           But he might have a fondness for a particular troubled hero– ]
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memcries-blog · 9 years
{ sumerianlegend​ liked for a starter }
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                         Tooth was busy looking over a set of teeth some mini fairies had                          brought to her, all from just ONE kid; the child sure was a bit of a                          daredevil... At least he took such good care of his teeth! They were                          practically SPARKLING------
                                                  Her attention was diverted suddenly at an echoing sound coming                                                   from just below her: Somebody was there. HOW was somebody                                                   there? Was it one of her fellow Guardians? No... If it had been                                                   one of them, surely they would have made their presence known                                                   to the feathered woman by now.
                              It had to be an intruder.
                         Silently and swiftly, she flew below and began to search around.                          The sound had come from there, she was SURE of it... Aha! There                          they were -- and just by one of the storage places for her SWORDS.                          She drew one quickly, not bothering to be quiet now, and held the                          tip out towards the intruder.
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                                               “ Who are you and how did you find this place? "
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starter call ;; sumerianlegend
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      “Wait, wait, you’re telling me you’ve never       ridden a monobike before?” 
   Ted lightly kicked his heel against the smooth red metal    of his bike, one eyebrow risen high. Wow, the outside world    really was pretty different to Thneedville the more he learned    about it.
      “I guess you could give it a go if you want, but uh,       it’s a little tough to get the hang of at first.” 
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washichan · 9 years
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Im Monday lol
Watching muses do the thing.
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Starter for Sumerianlegend
One has to face many oppositions in life. Misfortune could come from any number of directions: finances, work, death. For V. V. Argost, that misfortune came less in the form of inanimate objects and more in the form of beings. There were many people he would have to step on to achieve his ultimate goal. In this particular instance, the people in question weren’t exactly people, per se, but they were close enough. Although the Nagas were at moment a somewhat neutral party, if not a beneficial one, it wasn’t unlikely that a day would come when they were at odds, and Argost needed to prepare for that possibility. If nothing else, the man prided himself on being prepared.
So, how does one gain an edge against an opponent? By researching them carefully. This explained why he and his manservant were currently trudging through a damp cave in southwestern France instead of sitting in the comfort of their manor. As the two came to a fork in the narrow tunnel, Argost motioned for the other to halt.
“Munya,” He started, motioning for his servant to head down one of the tunnels,”Do take care to avoid the Carcolh’s tentacles. Le Carcolh t'attrapera, as the locals say.”
With a grunt of understanding from Munya, the two parted ways and headed down the branching narrow tunnels.
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centenniiial-blog · 9 years
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⊙ –[   “Wait so I punch with this button? No, that’s kicking...”  ]
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klutzyswan-blog1 · 9 years
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     “You wouldn’t happen to have a highlighter on you? Mine kind of broke while I was in the middle of reading.”
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washichan · 9 years
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Im not gonna regret doing this. NOPE. What I see from a far…
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Slides a small box toward sumerianlegend, giving his head a pat. “Be safe.”
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washichan · 9 years
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*me watching two muses flirting each other in a very intense way* So.... yeah.....~
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