#summer chmela
starlightcleric · 8 months
Crystarium Jumping Puzzles for the WIP Ask Game, please!
This mostly exists in my head with some very bare bones outline, but the gist is that Alisaie tries to confess her feelings to Summer, who shuts her down because she hasn't been through puberty yet. The working title is Crystarium Jumping Puzzles because, being a dragoon and a red mage, they're able to get to high places they shouldn't be XD
# “double date” with Ryne and Gaia # Alisaie and Summer jumping around the top of the Crystarium # Alisaie tries to confess feelings but Summer stops her # Crystal Exarch or Lyna comes and tells them to get down
WIP Roundup
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sporadiceagleheart · 2 months
Childhood Cancer Edit for honor and rememberance Ana at age 5, Destiny Arianna Kay Riekeberg, Lily Rose Diaz, Colby Curtin, Stacy Leigh Black, Riley Faith Steep, Kenzlee Marie Cook, Jane Eilish Preston, Grace Elizabeth “Amazing Gracie” Ekis, Ellie Walton, Sophie Walker, Elowyn Ivy "Winnie" Pollard, Zoey Catherine Daggett, Stevie Lynn Stock, Gentry "Gents" Morgan Terrell, Eliana Rose Lara, Haylie Marie Chmela, Aria Hodgkiss, Adalynn 'Addie' Mae Jessen, Madelyn Marie Anderson, Rylie Nicholls, Olivia Mariam "Oli" Pineda Arevalo, Sarah Atif, Finley Nicole Miller, Kailey Lawson, Connor "The Crusher" Michalek, Daniya Abdulhamid Ketchman, Jaida Nancy Claire Chartier, Trinity Riley, Hailey Elizabeth Acevedo, Liam M.C. Huggler, Nova May Baker, Lila May Smith, Addison Bell, Elle Adriana Caruso, Sophia Margaret Nielsen, Evylah Gao Chia Xiong, Paula Golik, Hailey Janya Olson, Victoria "Tori" Kay Maree Binnie, Delilah Love Loya, AnnaBella "Bella" Rose Kirby, Elayna Grace Sandeen, Grace "Gracie" Anna-Lynn Williams, Eliza Adalynn Moore, Kinsley Adelynn Wilkerson, Summer Kathryn Allen, Molly Richards, Raelynn Shay Velarde Fronczak, Adaline Rose Cowley, Lily LaRue Anderson, Dillan Ramsey-Aksehir, Miss. Addison Carolyn Bryan, Kinsley Marie Winn, Nicole “Coco” Sweis, Avery Linn Handrow, Cheyanne Rae “Chey” Brant, Emma Grace Smith, Zamora Moon Martinez-Lusinchi, Amelia LaRee “Millie” Flamm, Miesha Amaya (Amaya) Alguno, Charlotte Grace York, Anastasia Konstanze Ermakov, Everly Mae Settlemyer, Evelyn Grace Jackson, Lily Kate Williams-Brola, Brayleigh Louise “Bray” King, Annabelle Potts, Taliyah Baptiste, Colton Armstrong White, Kinley Nicole Sexton, Luna Zoe Cristobal, Amyah Joye Brown, Emily Grace Navarra,
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starlightcleric · 2 years
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Summer got an impulsive makeover with her free ARR fantasia.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
8 and 13 for all your characters for the FFXIV Deity Asks, please! (And I really wish tumblr would move the 'unfollow' button away from the 'click here to choose from other interactions' button x_x)
8. Does your character enjoy reading? If so, what kind of books?
Belle: Belle enjoys fantasy stories with happy endings :)
Kikyo: Kikyo isn’t a super avid reader, but when she does prefers non-fiction books that impart information that is relevant to her.
Tess: Tess is a very avid reader that will devour basically everything. And then tell everyone any interesting facts she just learned.
Summer: Summer doesn’t read a lot.
13. Is there a place they haven’t seen that they wish to see before they die?
Belle: Belle is more an adventurer by necessity than out of a desire for adventure, so she’s enjoying the break between patches to stay home and decorate her house.
Kikyo: Kikyo spent a large chunk of her youth with the Confederacy on the Ruby Sea, so receiving the blessing of the Kojin so that she could explore under the water opened up so many new possibilities!
Tess: The main reason Tess left Sharlayan was to see more of the world, and she will be absolutely over the moon when she gets to go to the moon.
Summer: Summer wants to eventually visit where her mom came from (which is a location that is in flux right now since she was a veena, fanta’d her to rava, and unsure if I’ll go back to veena).
ffxiv asks
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starlightcleric · 2 years
20. Does your character enjoy the arts? If so, what kind? (Any/all)
Thank you for the question! This isn't something I'd thought about strongly so this is great character fleshing out!
Belle: Belle loved dancing when she was younger, not anything structured but just dancing along to music on her own rhythm. She got self conscious about it when she got her elezen growth spurt and got gangly, but she still hasn't gone back really despite being comfortable now with her taller frame. She still loves watching other people dance.
Kikyo: Kikyo can sew: mending, alterations, making her own clothes, but she doesn't think of it as art. She loves the concept of theater, but hates people who are pretentious about it.
Tess: Tess used to sketch when she was younger, but fell out of the practice when she had to devote her time to caring for her sick mother. Now that her mother passed and she has more time to herself, she mostly uses those skills for sketching blueprints (and doodling in the margins of her notebooks).
Summer: Summer does not have a particularly good voice, but greatly enjoys singing and will do so with great gusto if people let her/don't stop her. Luckily most of the people who love her think her sheer enthusiasm is cute and endearing.
ffxiv asks
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starlightcleric · 2 years
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Relationships: Warrior of Light & Alphinaud, Warrior of Light & Haurchefant
Spoiler Level: 3.0 (Heavensward)
Summer has a minor freakout after Haurchefant gifts her a chocobo. 
Also on AO3
It’s okay, Summer, just breathe. The viera forced herself to take a large breath in and out, but on the exhale she threatened to dissolve into a pile of hysterical giggles. This could not be happening. She did not need this to be happening right now. Any of this, really. Ul’dah, Ishgard, this stupid trial by combat. But poor, sweet Haurchefant was what was going to send her over the edge to having a breakdown in the middle of the Tribunal. Alphinaud, just walk out already.
As if responding to her mental plea, Alphinaud appeared, walking toward her. “Ah, Summer, I have to thank you again for your help with the tribunal–” he cut off with a yelp as Summer grabbed him by the arm and dragged him toward a door.
The door turned out to lead to a hallway, but it was deserted, so it was good enough. Summer spun Alphinaud around to face her, grabbing him by the shoulders. “Alphinaud I–” there were the giggles threatening again. “I don’t know what to do.”
He stared up at her with concern on his face. “Are you alright? Were you injured?”
“No, I–” Summer released him to tug on her dark brown ears, spinning in a circle to try to contain herself. Attempting  to compose herself, she faced him head on again. “It’s Haruchefant.” She waved her hands vaguely.
Alphinaud simply stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate.
“He gave me a chocobo.”
Alphinaud’s eyes widened.
“And,” Summer dragged her palms down her cheeks, “I don’t know what it means? Like, I know he likes me, and I’ve kind of been getting the vibe that he like-likes me, but I don’t know what to do with this–”
Alphinaud raised a hand to his chin, pondering. “It’s unorthodox, and it would negate some of the Scions’ independence, but I do believe that a marriage alliance with House Fortemps would be–”
“No!” Summer grabbed him by the shoulders again, giving him a small shake. “This is, just no. One,” she held up a finger, “I’m closer in age to you than I am to him.”
Alphinaud blinked. “I, um, that is to say…” he stuttered, “While the Leveilleurs are an important family in Sharlyan, uh… and I don’t really feel–”
Summer cut him off. “Two,” she raised another finger, “I’m pretty sure I like girls.” She let that hang in the air. It felt odd to finally say the words aloud, and she hoped that Alphinaud would–
He brightened up, “I have a twin sister!”
Now it was Summer’s turn to stare at him. At least he took it well. “Alphinaud,” she said slowly, “the problem in this present moment is not my dating life. The problem is that Haurchefant gave me a chocobo.”
“R-right. Which wraps around to–yes.”
“We’re staying at his family’s house, I can’t just avoid him. And I don’t want to avoid him, either. I do like him. Just… not like that. And,” she chewed on her lip, “I could be reading too much into this? Maybe this is all a huge misunderstanding?”
“You know there is a straightforward solution to this?” Alphinaud asked.
Summer widened her eyes at him. “And that would be…?”
“You,” he motioned to her, “tell him,” he motioned out the door behind her, “what you told me.”
“Ernnngh.” Summer pulled on the end of her ponytail, dragging her head to a tilt. “How do you just casually bring that up? ‘I’m sorry, Haurchefant, maybe if you were a woman–’”
“I’m sorry to have caused so much distress to you.”
Summer couldn’t prevent herself from letting out a high pitched whining sound as she spun around to see Haurchefant in the doorway. “Euraugghlm,” was what came out.
Haurchefant gave a soft smile, “My friend, it is true that I care about you, and that extends to not wanting to cause you discomfort. I apologize if I have been overly forward, especially given my now understanding of our… incompatibility.”
Summer’s shoulders slumped. “This is so awkward, I’m sorry. Can we please…” she looked up at him now. “Can we please still be friends?” She extended a hand to shake.
Haurchefant took her hand in both of his. “Of course we’re still friends. Now,” he looked between Summer and Alphinaud with a bright smile, “it won’t do to leave Mistress Tataru waiting by herself! Come, friends. Let us return home.”
Somewhat sheepishly and still feeling like she had been emotionally run over with a chocobo carriage, Summer followed Alphinaud and Haruchefant back out into Ishgard.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
Champion of Eorzea
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Relationships: Warrior of Light & Alphinaud Leveilleur
Spoiler Level: 3.0 (Heavensward)
She’s the Defender of Eorzea. She’s Ishgard’s Last Hope. She’s nineteen and making dumb decisions.
Also on AO3
Aymeric looked up from the reports on his desk. “You can verify these?” he asked Estinien.
“Aye,” the Azure Dragoon nodded. “I have not witnessed all her deeds, but I’ve seen her might firsthand. She resisted the Eye of Nidhogg when it threatened to consume me, then bested me in single combat.”
“And I know that’s no easy task,” Aymeric grinned wryly. He shuffled through the reports, picking them out one by one. “She defeated van Baelsar. Slew seven–seven!–primals. Killed a Paragon. Defended the gates of Ishgard while Eorzea stood idle.”
Estinien grunted in acknowledgement. “And is the second Azure Dragoon; something that has never occurred before. If we are to have any hope for the final defeat of Nidhogg, for the future of Ishgard, it is in her.”
Summer’s face heated with embarrassment as she viewed Alphinaud’s dumbfounded expression out of the corner of her eye. She tried to face him with a smile, but there was only so far she could turn her head.
“And what possessed you to do this?” Alphinaud asked incredulously.
“I wanted to see if it was real.” Is what she tried to say, but with her tongue stuck fast to the lamppost, it was more just a gargle of sounds.
Alphinaud rubbed his palm down his face. “Don’t pull on it, you’ll just rip your tongue. The application of warm water should serve to… destick you.” He took in a deep breath, shaking his head. “I shall make some inquiries.
Deciding that attempting to respond was just going to damage her dignity more, Summer tried to show her gratitude by making her eyes wide and pleading. But Alphinaud had already started walking away.
She was starting to attract a crowd of onlookers. Insular Ishgard may quite have possibly never seen a viera before, let alone one dumb enough to lick a lamppost. A snowball collided with the back of her head to the laughter of children.
Summer squirmed as the snow started to trickle down the back of her neck. She sure knew how to make an impression on Ishgard.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
11, 17 and 52 for Ophelia and 42, 49 and 60 for Summer?
Ophelia/Arueshalae (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous)
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
I think they both try to do this and both can see through it, for different reasons. I think Arue tries to hide her emotions but is pretty bad at it so Ophelia can still tell (see: locking herself in jail). Ophelia is much better at being stoic but Arue is highly emotionally attuned, being a succubus.
17. Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
They are not at that point in their relationship yet in game, Ophelia just having got to Act 4, but I would say Arue once she’s comfortable kissing people again.
52. Describe their weekend getaway?
I don’t see them having a lot of time to actually have weekend getaways, but their daydream is a little cabin in the woods somewhere peaceful (as peaceful as anywhere on Golarion is).
Summer/Lyna (Final Fantasy XIV)
42. What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Summer loves to watch Lyna watch the stars on clear nights since Lyna had never seen the night sky before.
49. Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
I would say not particularly. Both of them are highly independent and both of them know that their relationship is, to some extent, temporary, them being from different worlds and all.
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Probably Summer. I see her as the more physically affectionate one, with Lyna being kind of gruff about it but secretly liking it.
otp asks
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starlightcleric · 2 years
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Huzzah, I have acquired a practical armor set and practical hair.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
On Summer
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I made another alt to see the end of ARR changes (turns out I can get through all of ARR in two and a half days (about 24 hours of playtime) if I really go for it and skip most of the cutscenes and dialogue. It’s my fourth time through ARR. I don’t feel bad). The fights with Rhitahtyn and Lahabrea are much better as solo instances! It was a good rework.
I got attached to her.
So here’s some info dumping on bunny Dragoon:
Grew up in Gridania
Her mother was an adventurer who traveled to Eorzea from the Skatay Range
She died in an Ixal ambush, which was then fended off by Wood Wailers who rescued toddler Summer
She grew up in an orphanage in insular Gridania where many people didn’t even know what she was
She idolized the Wood Wailers and wanted to be one when she grew up
Her first time meeting another Viera was when she traveled to Limsa Lominsa and met another Viera adventurer
My youngest WoL, though time actually passes in her canon (albeit still more quickly than it probably should given how much happens in this game)
People usually assume she’s older than she is due to how tall she is (she’s max height)
Joined the Lancers’ Guild on her 18th nameday
The attack on the Waking Sands took place on her 19th nameday
The attack on Rhalgar’s Reach took place on her 20th nameday
The Ghimlyt Dark took place on her 21st nameday
The final confrontation in Endwalker took place on her 22nd nameday
She is a single job Dragoon, which is unlikely to change due to the number other jobs I already have between my main and my other alts, but at the same time I do know what other jobs she would take for other roles if I did pick up more :P
She is a lesbian
I ship her with Lyna in Shadowbringers
I’d ship her with Alisaie, if Alisaie was not still physically a child due to Elezen aging (despite only having an ~3 year age difference)
Alisaie is her closest friend in the Scions, due to their similar age and the fact they both had to grow up fast and be mature beyond their years. They spend a lot of time goofing off and being teenagers/young adults together.
They sometimes drag Alphinaud into their shenanigans, which he does not greatly appreciate.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
I wonder if I could get Azalea for another one of your FFXIV characters? I believe you have a handful?
I originally had another idea for this prompt fill, but that, uh, ballooned and then became overwhelming so it's been shelved for a bit. So have bunny girls!
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Relationships: Warrior of Light/Lyna
Other: canon typical violence, injury
Also on AO3
Summer had yet to sleep well in the First. As much as the shutters in her room in the Pendants shut out the light, she still knew, like a tingling on the back of her neck. Combined with her seemingly heightened hearing (maybe it was a viera thing), any bump in the night pulled her out of her slumber.
Like the guard alarm going off.
She sat bolt upright in bed, left ear twisting to hear the sound of a horn and the trampling of armored feet. Wasting no time she rolled out of bed, tying her russet hair back and scrambling around at her armor fastens. Grabbing her lance, she sprinted out the door and followed the mass of guards converging on the courtyard in front of the bridge to the rest of Lakeland.
Captain Lyna stood in front of the assembly, giving out orders in her clear voice.
“...mass of sin eaters converging on Sullen. We are to hold the line, protect civilians. We are the sword and shield between civilization and these monstrosities. Are we up for the task?”
“Yes, Captain!” rang out in unison from the ranks.
Lyna nodded, arms folded across her chest. “Then move out!”
With a salute, the guard fell in line, marching out to Lakeland. Lyna watched contemplatively, her light curls tousled by the gentle breeze, stopping to give quieter orders to other ranked guards.
After a moment’s hesitation, Summer approached Lyna. “How can I help?”
Lyna paused, giving Summer a once over. Summer willed herself not to blush from the scrutiny. “I don’t know you. I don’t know how you fight.” She held up a hand as Summer started to protest. “But the Exarch trusts you and I can ill afford to refuse another sword. Or lance, as it were.” Giving Summer another appraising look, Lyna nodded. “Stay close to me, don’t get in the way, don’t die, and try to kill some sin eaters.”
Summer nodded, falling into line behind Lyna.
The group hustled through Lakeland, the serenity of the purple trees gently swaying contrasted with the shrieks of sin eaters and screams of civilians up ahead.
As they drew near to Sullen, Summer drew her lance and held it at the ready, keeping light on the balls of her feet. Stealing a glance at Lyna, the viis’s eyes were narrowed in focus and her fingers twitched against the chakrams at her hips. Some of the younger guards dragged their feet as they nervously scanned the forest.
The company rounded the last bend of the rocks to reveal Sullen in sight, sin eaters swarming. Summer was off before Lyna could even call, “Forward!” Flinging herself into the middle of the group, she let gravity pull her down with her full weight as she drove her lance into the spine of the Forgiven Cowardice, its white, feathered wings flapping vainly as it crashed to the ground.
The guards let out a yell as they charged forward into the throng. Summer lost herself in the dance of battle as she spun and thrusted, spearing sin eater after sin eater as she vaulted through the air over the top of the skirmish.
Captain Lyna circled the edge of the melee, twirling with her chakrams and picking off straggling sin eaters. Summer had to admit she might have let herself get a bit too distracted watching Lyna when Lyna turned and tossed a chakram past Summer’s head, slicing the throat of a Forgiven Clamor that had prowled up behind her.
Shaking herself out of her stupor, Summer backflipped back into the fray so Lyna couldn’t see her blush. Now was not the time to get distracted by pretty girls. Now was the time to impress pretty girls with the amount of violence she could inflict. No, that didn’t seem right, either. With an upward thrust she brought down a sin eater menacing a tripped guard.
“Are you alright?” Summer offered a hand to the fallen hume.
He nodded breathlessly as he grabbed her outstretched hand and pulled himself to his feet. “I’m–” he broke off and pulled back with a cry.
Summer instinctively stabbed back behind her, skewering a Forgiven Folly through one of its many eyes just as it had started to bring its enormous stinger down upon her head. She dodged to the side from the falling monster as she yanked her lance free and turned to yet the next enemy.
The battle was going well. The sin eater ranks were thinning out while the Crystarium Guard looked to be taking minimal injuries. The guards seemed to share her assessment as they fought on with renewed vigor, driving the sin eaters away from Sullen back into the forest.
But just when Summer thought they were on the side of victory, Lyna swore loudly from somewhere behind her. Summer spun to see Lyna grappled in the paw of a Forgiven Conceit, lifted off the ground as she tried to slash at it with her chakrams in her hands. The sin eater roared and Lyna hissed through her teeth as it constricted its claws around her. Summer could hear the crumpling of metal as Lyna’s armor crushed.
Instinctually, Summer leaped, aiming her spear directly for the monster’s head. She slammed into the Forgiven Conceit, piercing its neck, but it roared and slashed at her with its free paw. A sharp pain pierced through her right knee as one of its claws found its way through the chinks in her armor. Gritting her teeth, she pushed off of it to backflip straight into the air, bracing her lance to thrust it right through the creature’s skull.
It collapsed and Lyna rolled out of its grasp, swearing again. Summer dropped to the ground, making sure to land most of her weight on her left leg. She rushed over to Lyna, trying not to wince with every step on her right leg.
Summer knelt down beside Lyna as other guards rushed over as well. “Are you alright?”
Lyna pushed herself up to sitting. “I likely have a cracked rib from that, and,” she tried to stand up and stumbled, “perhaps a sprained ankle. But I will be alright. Thank you.”
Standing up herself, Summer steadied Lyna on her feet. She glanced around, taking stock of the battle. It seemed that the guards had finished off or pushed back the remainder of the sin eaters and were now converging around Lyna.
Lyna straightened up as much as she could, leaning heavily against Summer, who shifted her weight away from her injured knee. “Status report?” Lyna called out.
“Enemy diverted with no casualties, Captain!” came the response.
Lyna closed her eyes and gave a soft sigh with a smile. Her eyes then snapped open and she raised an arm in victory. “Good work, everyone! Return to the Crystarium!”
The guards let out a cheer and fell into formation to march back.
Lyna spoke softly to Summer, “As much as I hate to admit it, I believe I require some support to walk back.”
Summer swallowed and nodded, falling into slow step with Lyna. Lyna’s closeness mostly distracted her from the pain in her knee, so she only vaguely wondered if she should be worried about it. With Lyna’s arm around Summer’s shoulders and Summer’s arm around Lyna’s waist, they made their way back to the Crystarium, albeit with some faltering steps.
“I have to admit,” said Lyna, “you can take care of yourself in a fight. I’d be glad to have you by my side in the future.”
Summer swallowed and tried to control her face from doing anything embarrassing. “Unfortunately, I think I’m off to Ahm Arang shortly. Otherwise I’d be glad to– that is to say–”
Lyna let out a huff. “More of the Exarch’s mysterious plans. It wouldn’t hurt him to actually explain something once and a while.”
Summer snorted. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
“Try growing up with the man.” Lyna started to laugh, then winced. They approached the Rotunda. “If you could direct me to Spagyrics..?”
The two women stumbled into Spagyrics, where Chessamile looked up from her alchemical workstation. The elderly elven woman sighed. “Captain Lyna, I’m disappointed to see you back so soon. You really should take better care of yourself.”
“It wasn’t her fault,” protested Summer. “There was–”
Lyna cut her off. “Mine is a dangerous line of work, Chessamile.” She smiled. “Besides, wouldn’t you miss your favorite patient?”
Chessamile chuckled, shaking her head. “Let’s get you out of that armor and take a look at you, dear.”
As Lyna claimed a bed and started to slowly unfasten her armor, Chessamile turned to Summer. “Are you quite alright, dear?”
Ignoring the twinging in her knee, Summer waved her off. “I’ll be fine. I got a little banged up, but I’ve had worse.”
Chessamile scrutinized her with a look like she could tell Summer wasn’t being entirely truthful, but quickly turned as Lyna swore, letting her chainmail fall to the floor with a clatter. “Banged up ribs again, is it?” She tutted. “I must insist you take it easy for the next few days. At the minimum,” she emphasized as Lyna started to protest.
Lyna grumbled as she stretched out on the cot.
“You have many capable officers, you can handle being confined to a desk for a short length of time,” Chessamile chided.
Summer approached Lyna’s bedside. “I could… I could see if I can delay my journey for a few days?”
Lyna sighed. “Chessamile has the right of it. Go do your mysterious, world saving business.”
She smiled up at Summer, and Summer, with a surge of boldness, took Lyna’s hand and raised it to her lips. Lyna raised her eyebrows and Summer, releasing Lyna’s hand, cleared her throat. “Right. World saving business. I’ll go get to it,” and, trying to keep her breathing under control, turned and strode confidently out of the room past an Alphinaud who had appeared at some point. Perhaps too confidently for the state of her knee, since as soon as she turned the corner towards the Rotunda her right leg gave out and she crashed to the ground.
Alphinaud rushed over. “Summer! Are you alright?”
Summer just rolled onto her back and blew a stray lock of hair out of her face. “Perfect. I’m fine. I’ve had way worse, this is barely a scratch.”
“You know, you don’t have to be indestructible all the time,” retorted Alphinaud.
“Oh, like you’ve never put on airs to impress a cute girl,” snarked Summer.
Alphinaud sputtered in protest, “That’s… that’s beside the point. How is this relevant–oh.”
“You know, I can still hear you talking,” Lyna’s voice called out from Spagyrics.
“Nevermind, Alphinaud.” Summer tried to sink further into the ground. “Just let me die here.”
“You’re unlikely to die unless you let that leg go untreated and wind up with an infection,” said Alphinaud. “Luckily, you happen to be right next to the facility that provides medical care. What a tremendous turn of fortune.” He offered her a hand.
Summer scowled and grabbed his hand to pull herself up. Alphinaud stumbled under her weight and grip as the viera twice his height hoisted herself to her feet. Bracing herself on Alphinaud, she limped back into Spagyrics. Chessamile greeted her with a disapproving frown.
Lyna watched her walk back in with laughter in her eyes. “So my gallant protector returns. Perhaps Chessamile gave the wrong one of us the speech on taking care of ourselves.”
“It’s just a scratch,” protested Summer as Alphinaud attempted to drag her to an open bed.
“Sound advice that both of you should take to heart,” said Alphinaud, ignoring her protestations, as he deposited Summer onto a bed. He rubbed his shoulder. “Both of you are quite irreplaceable and it would be a great loss to all of us if either of you were to expire because you can’t stay still for two minutes.” He glared at Summer who settled meekly onto the bed and began to unbuckle her sabaton.
As it clattered to the floor, Lyna swore at the same time Alphinaud said, “Oh, you were right, you’ve had worse.”
“Worse? Her entire knee is punctured,” interjected Lyna. “We should be worried about Light infection–”
Alphinaud knelt down to examine Summer’s knee. “If the Exarch’s theories hold correct, I think not. Regardless, you should have seen her after she faced down a great wyrm.” He cracked open his grimoire, consulted a few pages, then let forth a steady stream of aether into her knee. “Or that time I had to unstick her tongue from a lamppost in Ishgard.” 
Summer, who had been enjoying the relief from pain, covered her eyes. “Oh gods, Alphinaud, we're not going to tell that story.
Lyna covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.
“Now you know I feel around Krile.” He examined her knee, and apparently satisfied, stood up. “You should be out of immediate pain and danger of infection, but you still need to be easy with it for a few days. At least. Please.”
Summer stood up, testing her weight on her leg and finding, to her relief, that while it was slightly more unstable it wasn’t painful. “Alphinaud, I promise you I won’t even jump anywhere for an entire day if,” she turned to Lyna, “Captain Lyna will agree to have dinner with me.”
Lyna raised one eyebrow and looked Summer over again with her scrutinizing gaze. Her mouth curled into a half smile. “I accept, on one condition.” Now she fully smiled. “You tell me the story about the lamppost.”
Summer sighed. “This is an indignity I suppose I am willing to accept. The Wandering Stairs?”
Lyna nodded. “Six pm. I look forward to it.”
Summer could tell when she had been dismissed, so she just nodded and made her way out of Spagyrics, restraining herself from skipping under Alphinaud’s bemused watch.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Haven’t been working on the Kikyo longfic; have been working on a one-shot about Summer, and I’ll take that over not writing at all!
Captain Lyna circled the edge of the melee, twirling with her chakrams and picking off straggling sin eaters. Summer had to admit she might have let herself get a bit too distracted watching Lyna when Lyna turned and tossed a chakram past Summer’s head, slicing the throat of a Forgiven Clamor that had prowled up behind her.
Shaking herself out of her stupor, Summer backflipped back into the fray so Lyna couldn’t see her blush. Now was not the time to get distracted by pretty girls. Now was the time to impress pretty girls by the amount of violence she could inflict. No, that didn’t seem right, either.
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