#summerween 2019
gfhunklescalendar · 3 months
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The time is near! Mark your calendars and set aside some cash for this Summerween, as pre-orders for the GF Hunkles Calendar for 2025/2026 will be going Iive at 6PM EDT on June 22!
This project depends on pre-orders to be funded, so if you want to own a calendar, you must be sure to help us spread the word. Heck, give it a reblog even if you don't intend to buy one. Please?
The pre-order period will last 2 weeks, closing on July 6.
Since this calendar covers 24 months, it will be priced at $30 USD.
To boost the funding for the new calendar, the digital versions of the previous calendars (2022, 2019, and 2017) and the Wayfaring Strangers art book will also be for sale during (and after) the pre-order period. The old digital calendars will be $5, and Wayfaring Strangers will be $10.
Calendars and digital downloads will be listed on my Etsy shop: The Salmon Shack
Remember, all proceeds from the calendar will be donated to A New Way of Life Reentry Project who provide crucial assistance to people rebuilding their lives after incarceration.
Keep your eyes on this blog for all future updates, and most importantly,
Please reblog!
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hkthatgffan · 3 months
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At the end of Gravity falls Pining Away it’s has ad for other Gravity falls Books but it has Happy Summerween! but it’s has also available now for Ounce Upon A Swine, and Dipper’s and Mabel’s guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun plus it has Disney Channel logo on the bottom left instead of Disney XD Logo it look similar to 2014 Release but I think it’s a rereleased between 2019, or 2020 and at the end of Ounce Upon A Swine it had available now for Dipper’s and Mabel’s guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun!,Happy Summerween!,and Pining Away is look like 2014 release but it’s a 2019, or 2020 reprint. Because it has Disney Channel logo at the bottom left instead of Disney XD Logo?
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eregyrn-falls-art · 5 years
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HAPPY SUMMERWEEN!  from the Pines Crytpids! (click to embiggen)
This year’s Pines family group costume brought to you by: Cryptozoology, of course!  The idea of Ford as Mothman came first, and Stan as the Jersey Devil was a must.  The jackalope seemed like a good fit for Mabel -- sorry! Antelabbit!  She of course knitted the tail to turn Waddles into a mer-pig.  And finally, Dipper, ever the nerd, is representing the idea that there is a subgenre of thunderbird legends involving 19th century hoax photos of pterodactyls; which, as we know from The Land Before Swine, is not at hoax at all, in Gravity Falls.
I decided to do a more conventional horse-headed design for the Jersey Devil costume, so it would be recognizable. The Mothman costume’s details were inspired by a particularly impressive cosplay that went around recently. Dipper’s is based on the show’s pterodactyl design. And while I like jackalopes with pronghorn horns, I went with the more common deer antlers for Mabel’s costume, which is sort of supposed to be jackrabbit colors. (This was done in a combo of Procreate, Clip Studio Paint, and some finishing touches in Photoshop.)
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eregyrn-falls · 5 years
I love the costumes of the Pines. But, seeing it better, it worries me that Waddles could ruin the costume, when he needs to do... his... you know, go to the bathroom.
:)  Let us assume either that Mabel has created a flap in the bottom or something like that; or, that Waddles is -- OF COURSE! -- the best, most house-trained pig ever, and he won’t feel the need to go in it for the few hours he is wearing it.  ;-)
(I probably should have noted that Mabel put non-toxic make-up on his back legs so they would blend in with the tail.)
(This is in reference to my Summerween 2019 post.)
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tmt-sketch-a-day · 5 years
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Sketch a Day 1626-Inktober:Summerween- 10/18/19
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I would just like to point out that the girl in the maid costume is literally Mabel. Hairstyle, face shape, hair color, eye color, skin color. That is her exactly as she looks as the mayor of Gravity. Scroll back on my blog and you'll see.
Hopefully it's only a matter of time before Nintendo has Dipper or Hilda model some sci-fi gear. Maybe one day I'll even find Bill with a pirate's eye patch.
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dixxiemaegraphics · 5 years
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“Summerween feels”
Brooke Hernando/Dixxie Mae Graphics, 2019.
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campweehawken · 5 years
Hello Campers! This is the official signup post for Weehawken 2019!
We are just going to cut right to the chase and open the doors up for another exciting year of camp Weehawken!
As with other year there are a handful of new additions to the AU which I will briefly describe in this post.
Returning features-
DISCORD SERVER: Like the year before, the Discord server will now be hosting the campfire groupchats which used to take place on Tinychat. Tinychat unfortunately stopped working for a lot of people who tried to access it so it will no longer be used.
The Discord Server is going to be in use again this year for Campfire group RP and general discussion of the AU.
This server was set up to help participants get in touch with each other, discuss the events of weehawken in a group chat and share art and fics.
Discord is available to computer and mobile users and it’s free to sign up if you don’t already have an account. Requesting a link to the discord will be part of the weehawken signup process which I will be detailing below.
Links will be given out for the entirety of the event and won’t close until Camp Weehawken’s conclusion.
Important note: You do not need to join the Discord server to take part in Weehawken. The main posts and character interactions take place on tumblr between RP/ask blogs. However it is highly recommended that you do so if you don’t want to miss out on a single thing.
CONTINUING: If you would like you can request the exact same cabin and roles that you had the year before and continue where you left off with the same characters and the same plot threads. Some people have expressed an interest in doing this but the option to start from scratch with new or existing characters is still available.
Please contact the blog as soon as possible to re-secure your spot in the cabin!
If you have any questions about these new features, send an ask to this blog. Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about signing up.
New Features-
This year, Camp Weehawken has a calendar! It will be available to everyone, linked on this blog and updated by the moderators as new events arise. It will be used to keep track of events and streams and aid participants in organizing their own events with the help of the mods. Speaking of which, EVENT IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS: Camp weehawken has always been constructed by the participants and this year is no different! This time around the moderators of the AU want to bring to the attention of the participants that anybody can host their own little events in camp such as movie streams and RP events and other things you can think of! We will also also be taking suggestions for bigger weeklong events that all participants will vote upon wanting to do. Things like summerween and camp dances! If your suggestion is approved it will be added to the calendar and announced and possibly polled for.
Message this blog and give us these three details:
Desired Role: options are camper,     counselor or staff. If you would rather have some other role     like camp mascot, send a request! Campers are under the age of 18. They     tend to range from 12 - 17 years of age but you can have somewhat younger     characters. Only characters 18 years old and up can be staff or     counselors. Because this is an AU you can make your character any age     you’d like!
Blog Name: You will need to have an RP     blog to participate in Weehawken and when it’s all set up, tell us the     blog name. Tumblr might not let the message through if you type a URL.     Just give us the name of the blog, like so: ex. “campweehawken”
Preferred Cabin: (doesn’t apply to staff)     Campers and counselors reside in cabins that fit one counselor and a     maximum of 8 campers.  If you have any preference for what cabin you     want to be sorted into, let us know in your registration. If you supply no     preference you will be sorted into a random cabin.
Discord (Optional): If you would like a link to     the discord, please ask for it in your signup ask.
Take a look at the 2019 Cabin List to see where you and other campers have been sorted as well at who the staff are! Links to all participant blogs will be available there. The list is constantly updating as more submissions come in.      
If your blog has more than one character, you will be filling up more than one vacancy spot unless your characters happen to be family: cousins, twins, siblings. Then, the characters can share a bed in the cabin and fill up just one vacancy spot.
Since it’s hard for me to cover all of the topics in one little post, I’m going to give you all some resources to help you figure this event out.
-FAQ: Answers to general questions we receive. Also a     well of basic information about this event.    
-Camp Weehawken Staff Brochure:     Information about camp activities and various roles to be played at Camp.
-Camp Tags: The tags that are used on this blog and     participant’s blogs for the event.
If you can’t find an answer to your question in any of these places, just drop us an ask and we’ll respond as soon as we can.
All in all, Camp Weehawken is an open ended event! You can be as creative as you’d like. The moderators of the event are always open to suggestions for RP events, streams and more. But keep in mind that this is a public event! Please be respectful.
If you have any issues with other participants, how things are being run or any other problems, the moderators are here to help. You can send messages to this blog to request help with any topic.
Applications are officially open!!
-Camp Weehawken Directors
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ladyphibes · 5 years
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Happy Summerween, 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzCwerIFHK6/?igshid=1tc5x99pzg0zu
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gosecretscribbles · 6 years
Stanuary 2019 Week 1 Bonding
Stan chased after the tourist, brandishing his cane in one hand and the crossbow in the other.  The guy had tried to pay for his tour with a baby goat!  What did he think this was, Medieval Europe?!  Goats were not currency!  Goats weren't even profitable!  They just ate, pooped, and stank!
Stan thought he was in decent shape for an old fat guy, but the skinny farmer sprinted to his truck like all the tax collectors in the state were on his heels.  Plus that stupid baby goat was prancing around Stan and tripping him up.  Even so, Stan nearly made it to the truck when the farmer hit the gas.  The engine roared to life and dirt sprayed in Stan's face.  He skidded to a stop, coughing and scraping at his eyes.  
There was a thunk and Stan looked down.  The kid had keeled right over, all four legs straight out.  
“Oh, great, now he's dead!  YOU PAID ME WITH A DEAD GOAT, YA MORON!”
He swung up the crossbow and fired, but the truck hit a bend in the road.  Instead of popping a tire the bolt just hit the license plate and jarred it loose.  It fell off with a noisy rattle as the truck swung around the curve and disappeared, the other goats' bleating quickly fading from earshot.  
Swearing a blue streak under his breath, Stan went to retrieve the license plate.  Never know when you'd need one to throw the cops off your trail.  
Now he had to decide what to do with a dead baby goat.  The next tourist bus wasn't coming until noon, so he had about an hour to figure it out.  He didn't really want to stuff it, but he couldn't think of anything else to do with it.  Hey, maybe he could make his new mechanic do it instead – what was his name, Zeus or something? Sure, that'd work.  He just had to get the goat out of the way until Soup came back from school.  
He reached the goat and bent down to grab its leg.
He jumped back.  The goat's ears and tail twitched, then it rolled over and looked up at him.  
“Baa-aa-aah,” it repeated insistently.
“Yeesh, give me a heart attack already,” Stan growled, one hand over his chest.  “If you're looking for food, you're lying in it.  Grass, meet goat.  Goat, meet lunch.  Now stay outta the way, I got a business to run.”
He went inside to work on more pun-related exhibits for the museum. Those wax figures had brought in a ton of money when he'd first set them up, but business had gone dry a week ago, and he needed another money maker and fast.  Those portal parts didn't come cheap.
The goat bleated from the porch for a solid twenty minutes, then he heard it clopping away.  Stan snorted, then went back to gluing googly eyes on a plastic octopus.  Maybe eight eyes, so it was like a combo spider-octopus?  Yeah, that'd work.  Now he just had to think of a catchy name for it.  Or maybe Octo-spider?  Arachnipus?  Octo-Eyes? Hmm, maybe that'd work...
Stan came out of the Shack in time to greet the next tourist bus.  He didn't see the kid anywhere, so many the dumb thing had wandered into the woods.  Perfect, one less thing to worry about.  He put everyone in the carts and drove 'em out to see random stuff in the forest, like the Tree of the Screaming Tourist.  He told them the eerily twisted bark was an actual tourist whose spirit had been sucked into the tree when he refused to pay for the tour.  (Everyone was suddenly very eager to pay him for the tour.  And tip him.  Generously.)
He drove 'em back and waved them into the bus.  Then he headed back to the Gift Shop.  His pockets were practically bulging with cash.  He definitely had to use that Screaming Tree story more often!  Even if it kind of freaked him out.  Wait, hadn't Ford's journal's mentioned something about –
“Hi, Mr. Pines!”
He jumped back for the second time that day, glaring down at Deuce, who was standing innocently in the doorway of the Gift Shop.
“Geez, kid, make some noise when you move!”
“Sure, Mr. Pines!  By the way, I didn't know you had a pet goat!”
Deuce moved aside.  That dumb stinky nuisance was sitting on the floor, legs sprawled everywhere, its floppy tail thumping like a puppy's.  
He groaned.  “That's not a pet.  And get it out of here! Smells like a moldy haystack, and I got some new attractions I need to make for the museum.”  He stepped over the goat and strode to the craft counter in the corner.  “Octo-Eyes was a huge hit! Taxidermic monstrosities are gonna make me a fortune!”
“Couldn't we make this little guy an attraction too?” Moose asked behind him. “I bet you could even give him a punny name!  Like 'Cutebacabra'!”
Stan stopped and turned around.  The goat looked up at him with those weird sideways pupils.  
“Yeah,” Stan said slowly, holding up both hands to frame the little moneymaker.  “Yeah, the Cutebacabra!  Glue on some fake wings, coupla cow legs – maybe some red paint drooling from its mouth! Ha, I love it!”
Bruce beamed at him.  “Thanks, Mr. Pines!”
“Kid, gather every spare stuffed limb I've got and a ton of crazy glue. Then go set up a display for him in the museum.  This creepy cuteness is gonna be our next main attraction!”  
Exactly forty-three minutes later, Stan was showing a new set of tourists into the museum.  He'd already taken them to the Tree of the Screaming Tourist, and now he was gonna milk 'em dry.  Zeus had rigged up a little stage and a red velvet curtain for Chompers.  With a single grand gesture, Stan pulled it aside.  Instantly the crowd went 'AAAAH!' and 'AWWW!'
He grinned and gestured grandly.  Sluice had made it a little vest and glued on every spare animal limb they had.  “That's right, folks, the rare baby Cutebacabra!  The only one in the world!  Pictures are five – no, fifty dollars each!”
Immediately tourists stuffed good ol' Grants into his hands and snapped pictures, flashes going off in every direction.
The goat's eyes went wide and it keeled over, legs straight out.  
A kid in the crowd screamed.  “OH MY GOD IT'S DEAD!”
“Oh come on!” Stan shouted.  He didn't bother chasing the tourists – he'd pick-pocketed them while they had their eyes on the goat, and he knew they didn't have even two bucks left among the lot of them.  But why in the name of Paul Bunyan did the goat keep playing dead?!  If it had done that two seconds earlier it would've cost him all those picture fees!
“I'm back with the goat feed, Mr. Pines,” Puce said, poking his head into the Museum.  He was dragging a forty-pound bag of feed.  “You didn't give me any money, so I had to pay Mr. Sprotts with three hours of child labor.”  Then he caught sight of the goat, turned white, and dropped the bag.  “SWEET MOSES HE'S DEAD?!”
“No he's not,” Stan scowled.  He reached out and poked the goat with a foot.  The goat twitched, then flipped upright and started gnawing on one of the cow hoofs taped to its back.  “See?”
The goat bleated and head-butted him.
“Aw, he likes you!” Spruce said.
“Ugh, get it offa me.  The darn thing's defective!”  He paused.  “Then again, if I could get it to do it on command...”  Imagine the look on people's faces if he walked his goat into traffic, then made them think they'd hit his Prize German-Australian Longhair Goat!  They'd pay through the nose just to keep him from suing them!
“Eh, he probably just has that myotonic thing.  Or maybe it was myopia?  I always get those two mixed up.”
The gumdrop shrugged.  “Myotonia.  Mr. Sprotts told me about it.  You know how people get startled, and then they freeze up?  It's like that, but for goats.  And it lasts for longer, like their muscles seize up or something.  It doesn't hurt them or anything,” he added, “but it is a genetic thing.  Mr. Sprotts said a lot of his goats got it from the toxic waste dump.”
“So he's being literally scared stiff?”
Moose laughed.  “Good one, Mr. Pines!”
The goat had finished chewing on the cow hoof and proceeded to gnaw on Stan's pantleg.
“Whoops!” Soup pulled the goat away, then set it down in front of the bag of feed and tore it open.  “There ya go, little Gompers!  This'll taste waaaay better.  Trust me, I tried it!”
Stan watched the goat eating.  “Hey Swoose.”
“It's 'Soos', Mr. Pines!”
“Whatever. You're sayin' the goat just keeps getting scared?”
“'Cuz it's genetic?”
“Uh, I guess so?”
“Well NOT ON MY WATCH!  After one day of Stan’s Scare-A-Thon Therapy Session, this goat’s gonna be so desensitized it’ll never faint again!”
First, Stan got Moose to wire his satellite to pirate-stream horror movies from Japan.  (Watching these also traumatized Puce, which Stan found hilarious.)  Next Stan hired a clown (who he did not pay) and then practice his jump scares (which made Soos scream so loud it scared off all the birds in a three-mile radius).  After that, Stan converted the Museum into a haunted house, complete with sheet-ghosts, cobwebs, and a looped sound track of death metal, complete with screaming.  He shoved Gompers in and locked it tight.  
He didn't realize until he went back three hours later that he'd also locked the child labor. Moose had collapsed on the floor in the middle of the room – but Gompers was stumbling around bleating to himself.  It didn't look like he'd played dead at all!
Stan grinned.  “Alright, now we're makin' progress!”
“That's great, Mr. Pines,” Bruce gasped.  “You should – oh sweet burrito angels – you should totally save this stuff for Summerween.”
“Summerween!” Soup struggled to sit up and collapsed.  “It's – it's this holiday where – oh man I'm having a panic attack.”
Gompers clonked over, bleated, and started chewing on Soos' face.
Stan roared with laughter and slapped his knee.  “Ha!  This is goat's the best!  Alright, Floose –”
“Get ready for the main event.  Something even scarier than Japanese horror movies or that weird mold growing in the corner.”
Sue sat up.  “Okay, but if I don't come back, tell my grandma I love her and give all my stuff to charity.”
“The Mystery Shack appreciates your donations!”
Night was falling and the full moon was out.  Luckily Soup had fixed the golf cart right down to the headlights, so they trundled along the beaten road in relative safety.  Gompers and Soos were in the backseat, the kid's arms wrapped around Gompers like it was a really smelly plushy.  He grinned.  When he was done that goat would be almost as hardcore as Stan himself!
When they got close enough, Stan stopped the truck, hustled around to the trunk and started handing a stuff to Soup.  
“Okay. Run ahead and put these all around the tree ahead.  The batteries are all dying so the light'll flicker all weird and creepy.  This one has a full battery.  Lie down at the bottom of the tree, and then when I give the signal, shine it right at the bark.”
“Sure, Mr. Pines!  Which tree is this again?”
“The one with a human soul was trapped in its bark writhing in agony!”
Stan gave him a shove and then hustled back to the cart, where Gompers was currently chewing on the back seat.  He hopped back in the driver's seat, waited three seconds and then drove slowly up to the Tree of the Screaming Tourist.  It was hard to see the shape of the messed-up bark, which would make it even creepier when Zeus lit up the flashlights.  
He parked, took his portable radio out of the trunk, and then grabbed Gompers.  He set the goat down in front of the tree, backed up, and hovered his finger over the “play” button.
“Okay, Sluice...NOW!”
From the radio, a hollow scream filled the air and the whole tree lit up with a flickering yellow light.  
“Ha! That's perfect!”
“Baa-aa-aah,” said Gompers.
He grinned, but before he could tell Zoop to step it up, the lights suddenly flickered.  They turned orange, then red.  The radio suddenly crackled with static and he dropped it as electricity singed his hand.  The bark of the tree started moving and a huge ghost-y thing ballooned out of it, just a massive face made of fire and fury. Stan backed up with a shout.  Several tree branches snapped and started bending like spider arms.  One of them swung around from the back of the tree – and a certain pear-shaped mechanic was dangling from its twigs.  
He waved.  “Hi, Mr. Pines!  I'm a hostage!”
The spirit's yellow eyes turned on him.  Its pupils went red. “YOOUUUUU!”
He sprinted for the golf cart, but the spirit lashed out and smashed it with a bark-covered arm.  He grabbed Gompers and held it up.  
“Do you know how long my spirit has been stuck in that tree, completely alone, just listening to those stupid squirrel-squids chatter about acorns and sushi?  And after years of waiting for you to come back, you finally bring people to visit me – and you tell every last one of them how terrifying I am, so they'll never!  Come!  BACK!”  The face swelled until it blotted out the sky.  Its heat seared his skin. “AM I SCARY ENOUGH FOR YOU NOW, STAN PINES?!”
He screamed and tried to run, dropping the kid, but she swooped down and grabbed him up.  She lifted him higher and higher, squeezing him so tightly he could feel his bones creak.  He could barely breathe!  He had a funny feeling he wasn't the Stan Pines she was talking about, but he couldn't get enough air to tell her that!
“Um, excuse me?  Ms. Tree Spirit?”
They both looked at Soos, who was wiggling one of his chubby little hands to get the spirit's attention.  
“Hrrrrr,” she growled.
He smiled.  “Oh, I'm a him, actually!  Although I do have a feminine softness.  It sounds like you're mad because you've been lonely for so long, right?  But Mr. Pines has been bringing people to see you all the time!”
“They are TERRIFIED of me!”
“Not everyone.”  He pointed.
Gompers was standing on the ground below, absently chewing on a fallen stick. The ghost growled and moved closer, her face distorting until her burning yellow eyes were the size of whole cars, and her face was a gaping maw dripping with reddish flame, mere inches from the goat's puny face.
“DO YOU FEAR ME, LITTLE GOAT?!” she boomed, and her voice was so loud and deep the trees nearby actually shivered and creaked on their roots.
Gompers blinked.  
“Baa-aa-aah,” he said, and resumed his chewing.  
“Good goat,” Stan managed.  The spirit scowled and squeezed a little harder.
“But this is not what we agreed to. I don't want people to be afraid of me!”
“But scariness is part of the fun!” Soos said earnestly.  “Plus it's a fun way to spend time together!  My dad never hangs out with me, but Mr. Pines and I watched a horror movie marathon.  And even though I wet myself a couple of times, I wouldn't trade that time for the world.  I'll bet the families who visited you remember how frightening and fun it was, and they'll probably come back to see you again next year!”
Stan could see the spirit thinking it over.  
“Baa-aa-aah,” added the goat.
The spirit snorted and gave Stan a hard look, those ruby peepers staring right into his soul.  “You will keep your promise, Stan Pines?  You will not leave me to suffer in isolation?”
“Guarantee it,” he wheezed.  “Main attraction.  Every tour.  Can't breathe.”
“Very well.  But if you break your promise one more time, the woods will never be safe for you again.”
She let go of Soos and Stan, who hit the forest floor with a dull thump. The spirit withdrew into the bark, lifting her arms to become branches again, while the bark of the trunk twisted and rippled back to its previous shape.  Stan waited for a second, but the tree didn't so much as twitch.  
He sprang to his feet and scooped up the goat.  “Ha!  You did it!  You beautiful monster, you really did it!  You looked that tree-thing straight in the big yellow eye and didn't even twitch!  I bet this goat could handle the frigging apocalypse without batting an eye!”
“Probably!” Soos agreed cheerfully.  
Stan smirked, then mashed Soos' head in a noogie.  “Ya didn't do too bad yourself, there, ya midget.”
“Uh, are those actual stars in your eyes?”
“For you, Mr. Pines, I would go full-on anime.”
“Don't make this weird, kid.  Now let's see if the golf cart's drivable. I'm allergic to all this bonding and I left my old-man tonic in the Shack.”
“Soda isn't tonic, Mr. Pines.”
“Says you.”
“A myotonic goat, otherwise known as the fainting goat, is a domestic goat whose muscles freeze for roughly 3 seconds when the goat feels panic. Though painless, this generally results in the animal collapsing on its side. The characteristic is caused by a hereditary genetic disorder called myotonia congenita. When startled, younger goats will stiffen and fall over. Older goats learn to spread their legs or lean against something when startled, and often they continue to run about in an awkward, stiff-legged shuffle.”
- from a-source-I-forgot-to-save-the-website-for
Also Nour386 came up with the idea about why the Tree was screaming!  I had a different idea but this one is so much better!!!
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pumpkinsforsale · 5 years
Summerween party, jack-o-melons! 8/3/2019
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the-big-leblooski · 5 years
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Summerween 2019.
Photo taken on June 22. 
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eregyrn-falls-art · 5 years
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I’d been meaning to revisit these cryptid costume designs, and thought Halloween would be a good time to do that! 
Especially because, when designing, I had in mind to offer each of the Pines individually as stickers... and in some cases in groups as well.
To that end, all of the designs above (plus a couple of groupings), including the original piece from Summerween, are now up in my shop on Redbubble!  They’re available as stickers (often in two sizes, small and large), and on whatever other merchandise it seemed like it might look good on. 
(If you would like some other combo of the figures than what you see there, any merch you don’t see there, or a background color other than black, feel free to contact me and I can try to upload/edit what’s there.)
I would also like to take a moment to thank @coughsyrup-cosmonaut, who created a spectacular Mothman cosplay that provided some inspiration to me when I was designing Ford’s costume.  They graciously gave me their okay to continue using the design it inspired in this merch.
In addition to Mothman Ford, of course, we have Jersey Devil Stan, Mabel as a Jackalope -- sorry, Antelabbit! -- with Waddles in a hand-knitted mer-pig tail, and Dipper as a pterosaur/thunderbird.  (Being Dipper, he’s of course doing a cryptozoology Deep Cut -- not just an homage to the pterosaur they encountered in Gravity Falls, but, to 19th century legends and rare photographs of people posing with what appears to be a pterosaur that was dubbed a “thunderbird” at the time.  There are some fun mysteries involving these photos, and it’s been covered on various documentaries.)
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eregyrn-falls-art · 5 years
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It’s Eregyrn’s 2019 Art Year in Review!
It’s funny... looking back at it, I did produce some things and learn some things I feel good about.  But, it wasn’t a very good art year for me.  I struggled for a lot of the year (and spent a lot of energy on dealing with the roots of those struggles, which is accomplishment in a different way, I guess), and didn’t get a lot done. 
I did 45 total pieces (a third of what I did last year), which included 62 individuals, 8 full pieces (by which I mean with like backgrounds and multiple figs and everything), and 1 major arts and crafts project (the canoe paddle). On the bright side, I DID get that paddle done (which was a long-standing project), and 2019 was also the year I finally got a table that worked for me, and I started doing a lot more fully digital pieces, and practicing/learning how to use it. And I tried some new things and got out of my comfort zone a little, like making stuff for my Redbubble store, or working up the gumption to open commissions.
Thanks so much for everyone who stuck around during this year!  Your comments and tags still mean so, so much.  Here’s hoping next year is a little better -- I have some stuff started already and some projects I’m really looking forward to getting to!
Link to template.
Link to last year’s summary.
Links to the individual pieces above - below the cut.
January: Happy Birthday JK Simmons! Into the Spider-Verse
February: Sea Grunks! Gravity Falls Finale 3rd Anniversary
March: Hilda and Twig
April: Illustration for “The Man Downstairs”
May: My anniversary re-draw of Stan and Ford
June: Happy Summerween from the Pines Cryptids!
July: The Pines and the Search for the Missing Grunkle! (Epilogue zine)          (actually did this in this month)
August: Happy 20th Birthday to Dipper and Mabel!
September: Painted and finished working canoe paddle
October: Feeling sick but cozy
November: Klaus portrait (actually done on 11/30, so mad that Tumblr                     categorized it in Dec. for some reason!)
December: Happy Eighth Night of Hanukkah with the Pines!
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