#sun being a hundred times more blinged out is intentional
latehere · 5 months
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stupid random dca paladin designs
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chimmy-joos · 7 years
The Proposal part 4 |M|
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Description: You’re tired of being alone for years without a boyfriend so you propose a deal to Jimin. Little did you know your little affair will unfold to be more than secret kisses at night.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Word Count: 12.8K
Tags: Fluff, Smut, Angst yes in that order, oral sex, rough sex
Part 1 2 3
A/N: sorry this took so long I had so much trouble writing this chapter but here it is in its damaged glory :) Enjoy feel free to put a a few words in
"Alright, your assignment is due on the 25th of next month and I expect both a written essay and visual presentation. You'll have time in class to work on it during class, but you also have time outside of class so be sure to occupy that time wisely." The words of your professor went in one ear and out the other as you looked down at your end of the year project in front of you. You were fine with everything because a couple of days of slaving over this project would be fine and you would end it with a nice long bubble bath... if only it wasn't a partner project. And to make matters even worse, your partner just had to be the one man that twisted your entire being into a helix of emotions.
Speaking of the devil, he slid into the seat next to you and your heart jumped in almost a instinctual manner. Your body was just so used to being flustered around him.
"Are you ready for this project?" Namjoon hissed the sarcastic question with a forced smile. Today he was wearing a white, short-sleeved printed dress shirt with tropical flowers all over it and he brought the vibrant shirt together with ripped denim jeans. Typical Namjoon fashion that seemed both thrown together spontaneously and planned out meticulously at the same time.
You sighed deeply and smiled back at him. "Of course I am! I'm so ready for writing a fifteen-page essay on..." you said and looked back on your paper. "The environmental benefits of biotechnology and energy?" You grimaced causing Namjoon to chuckle; eyes curling and dimples prominent as always.
"Well, we're going to be working together so technically you're writing seven and a half pages." He winked. You nodded, taking note of your steady heartbeat. You didn't want to admit the fact the you were losing feelings for Namjoon because he was a good person. An extremely nice and thoughtful person with a girlfriend, you reminded yourself. Now that your feelings for Namjoon were nearly gone, you were able to hold a proper conversation with him. When did you start to lose feelings for Namjoon in the first place? Oh, perhaps when Jimin entered your life and turned it upside down completely.
You walked out of class and took the opportunity to walk outside and enjoy the warm sun. You took the long way back to your apartment with small struts. Summer was approaching and after getting through all of your end of the year assignments and projects, you could finally spend your free time going to parties and hanging out with friends.
Who were you kidding? You'd be spending your time at home and when you weren't at home, working your ass off. Of course your friends invited you out to clubs and parties, but you could never muster up the motivation to go. It didn't sound very appealing to be surrounded by sweaty, horny people that just wanted to get your panties off. But on the other hand, it didn't seem so bad considering you were desperate enough for ask Jimin to have sex with you so why should it matter if it was someone else?
Speaking of the devil, as you walked by the parking lot, you noticed a large group of people that surrounded a flock of cars lined up against the parking lot. They were nice cars and anybody could tell that there were adjustments made to excel at racing and drifting. Tinted and polished windshields, waxed body and shimmering wheels just to flaunt and show off to everyone in the parking lot.
However there was a single car in the midst of them all. A bit dirty compared to the other cars but that was only because the others were just so extravagant and over-the-top. The retro-like car was a baby blue color that was calming to the eyes and matched with the cloudless sky above. The people surrounding consisted of both male and female and it was obvious by the way the females flocked around certain boys that you knew owned the more lavish looking ones.
But there he was, sitting on the hood of his own car looking so uninterested in his surroundings. He was wearing a loose, black, short sleeved shirt that revealed his muscular arms. He wore ripped denim jeans with a lanyard hanging from the front pocket. He sat with a relaxed manner with his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward. Around his wrists were tangles of bracelets and even a watch to add an extra bling to his outfit, keeping his tousled hair in place was a black beanie that also flattened his fringe on top of his eyelids. He listened intently to the conversation that was going on in front of him but he didn't engage. He smiled at the jokes and turned his head to the speaker, but never commented on anything. It was very much like him--to listen but to never say anything. To observe but never engage. You always wondered what was on his mind.
You heard your name being yelled from the group and you turned your head to the direction of the voice. Your eyes darted back from the group and to the boy you had been staring at whose eyes were now wide and focused on you. You turned back to the golden-skinned boy that called your name and his wide smile as he waved you over. You walked shyly, conscious of all of their eyes on you.
"Y/N, right?" Taehyung asked with a wide smile. You nodded. "Okay, I didn't want to get it wrong."
"You know her?" One of the girls asked in a high pitched squeak. You made eye contact with one of them and immediately looked away once you saw their stone eyes judging you.
"Yeah, I've met her before." Taehyung replied. You shifted side to side on your feet and suddenly you felt an arm around your shoulder. You were dragged backwards and you glanced back to see Jungkook smirking down at you.
"Well, I'll say this now, you look just as cute as when I first met you." He winked and you tried not to grimace at the cheesy line. You heard a soft snort and your eyes shot down to Jimin who was biting down on his bottom lip to hold back his laugh. He glanced up at you and made brief eye contact before looking away as his shoulders shook from his laugh.
"Perfect timing, Y/N. We were just talking about this party we're having this weekend. Wanna come?" Taehyung inquired and your brows raised upon hearing the cursed word.
"Oh... a party," you breathed. "You know, I'm not a party girl. I'm sure you'd find someone much more interesting to invite than me." You chuckled nervously, trying your best to turn down the invitation. Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Bull ponies! Just stick with us and you'll have fun! I'm positive!" He exclaimed.
"I think hanging around you is possibly the worst idea ever. You wouldn't want to end up blackout drunk with penises drawn all over your face and whipped cream all in your underwear, would you?" Another man, slightly shorter than both Jungkook and Taehyung spoke his two cents. He had black hair that was gently tousled over his eyes and a cute smile that jerked at his lips, generously flashing his pink gums. You paled at his words. "Not to say that you'll end up like that, but I'm just speaking from personal experience." The man glared at Taehyung who grinned sheepishly in response.
"Let's just say Taehyung isn't the best person to be around when you're drunk." Jungkook chimed in, his grip tightening around your neck.
Taehyung shrugged exaggeratedly, his broad shoulders curled and brows raised high. "What can I say? I like to have fun."
"Well, I will definitely think about it. If my schedule is free, you can bet that I'll be there." You grinned and promptly shook Jungkook's arm off from around your neck. As you were slowly receding away from the group, Jungkook spoke up.
"While you're here, why don't you just come to lunch with us?" He asked, a wide smile that expressed how hard he was trying. It was cute, in a case where you were the one being chased. You tilted your head in response.
"Lunch? Where at?"
"We have a tradition in our group of friends. Every week or so we assign someone to find a new place to eat or just some place to hang out in general. This week is Jimin's turn." Taehyung snickered and tapped his fingers together mischievously. You turned back to Jimin who was smirking back at Taehyung. "Can you do us all a favor and pick a place that doesn't serve live silk worms?"
"I'll redeem myself from last time. There's no way in hell I'm eating those—not even for a hundred bucks." Jimin replied and his body shuddered in disgust from possibly remembering the texture of the silk worms. You couldn't help but chuckle at the way his small nose scrunched up.
"What about a thousand?" You giggled.
"Not for my life, Y/N." Jimin narrowed his eyes at you in a playful manner. Then, he smiled with his eyes squeezing shut and a toothy smile and suddenly the two of you were plunging into your own world where it was only you two. Jimin seemed to have that effect about him.
"Well it was incredibly nice of you guys to invite me, but I'll think I'll pass on lunch. I'll try to make it to the party," you said and started backing away from the group with a smile. "Maybe." You grinned cheekily and turned away, finally allowing your grin to reach its fullest potential. As you were walking away, you heard your name get called again. You whipped around to see Jungkook jogging after you.
"Hey, what's up?" You asked. Jungkook reaches up and scratched the hair at the back of his neck nervously.
"So, you're not going to lunch?" He wanted to clarify. You shook your head.
"Unfortunately, no."
"Well, can I️ at least get your number? I️ would ask Jimin, but I️ figured it'd be much more gentlemanly to ask you in person. How about it?" He smiled innocently. You hadn't seen a smile like that from a guy in a long time. Now they were all... forced with a hint of sexual intent laced within the creases of their lips. Perhaps Jungkook was different than what he portrayed himself as.
"Yeah, of course! Sorry, I know I don't seem like someone who uses the inter-webs that much." You chuckled nervously while you took Jungkook's phone. He watched as you entered in your phone number.
"It's cute." He said. You flashed a glance at him before looking back down and shaking your head in disbelief. You handed the phone back to him.
"I'm flattered. Text me some time." You replied. Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip as he tapped his phone against his chin, not trying to hide his smirk at all.
"I will most definitely text you. Anticipate it." He winked before turned around and jetting back to the group. You shook your head while laughing at Jungkook's silliness. However, it came as unnoticed to you that Jimin was watching the entire exchange between you and Jungkook unfold right before his eyes. All he could do was stare and feel his lungs jump to his throat. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't move. He had no say over what you did in life, so he couldn't simply walk over there and stop you from giving Jungkook your phone number. Your relationship with Jimin was physical, but there was no say that he couldn't fall for you. He just couldn't act on it; he couldn't tell you anything.
He was honestly just a replacement for Namjoon. He was there to provide you with the affection and attention that you wanted and couldn't get from Namjoon, and that was it. There was no room for feelings.
Jimin growled under his breath and jumped off the hood of his car. He slapped the metal hood, catching the attention of his peers.
"Come on, let's move! I don't want to miss their happy hour! It's free pies from 2 to 5!" Jimin yelled and slipped into the driver's seat, revving up the engine. It caused a chain reaction and everyone else let their engines roar loudly as they moved out of the parking lot and onto the streets.
Jungkook texted you that night, almost on the 9:00 dot as if he set an alarm to remind himself to do so. It's a simple greeting, just a hi, its Jungkook to introduce himself. You smile as you read it and again you're thinking of how innocent he is, or how he's portraying himself to be at this moment.
You reply with a hi Jungkook :) what's on the agenda tonight? You were never amazing at starting a conversation or better yet holding one, but you owe Jimin for shedding away the layers of anxiety and exposing you to so many things. You're not afraid to do things anymore because you've already done them with Jimin.
Jungkook [9:02]: currently slaving over this project. And here I thought education was optional
You laughed out loud while reading his response.
You [9:02]: youre the one who paid for college
Jungkook [9:03]: ugh dont remind me
He replied with a string of groaning emojis afterwards. You were relieved to see that Jungkook didn't show a single hint of ulterior motives, if he had any at all. The next thing you knew, you were up until 12 in the morning texting Jungkook about who knows what. Come to think of it, this is the first guy you’ve texted since your ventures with Jimin. Has having sex with Jimin been paying off? Maybe, hopefully, now, you looked like a different woman in the eyes of others.
It's amazing how your life could align so perfectly with the universe, as if it's leading you in the right direction. On the night of the party, you found out you had to work. A simple six hour shift just to help out in case they were busy, but for some mystically, odd reason, they let you take the night off. Now look where that got you. Sitting in your apartment debating on which dress you should wear to the party.
It was a stand off between a classy navy blue, sequined dress with an exposed back or a tight fitting red dress with lattice spaghetti straps on the back. You wished your roommate was there to make the decision for you because she had such a greater understanding of fashion than you and could plan her outfits like a model. Now, you had to resort to mumbling eeny-meeny-miny-mo under your breath and finally deciding on the beautiful red ensemble.
You showed up to the frat house that was already booming with music and bustling with drunk college students. You stepped out of your cab, warm, summer heat brushed against your neck and you had an unsettling feeling in your stomach that this heat would not be good for you later on in the night. It was just a hunch, but it made you want to slip back into the cab car and retreat home. You would've done so if you hadn't seen Taehyung and another young man—both completely shirtless—swinging from side-to-side while laughing wildly, their outfit complete with a beer bottle in both of their hands. Your hands went up to gasp along with most of the bystanders onlooking this bizarre scene. You quickly covered your face in embarrassment and rushed towards the house to escape the scene.
The humidity of the inside of the house was absolutely horrid and you should've known from the sea of people in the downstairs living room. You blew out an exhausted breath and headed towards the kitchen to grab a drink. It was to your complete inattention that as you stormed around the house, plenty of eyes were following you and the way you filled out the dress to a T. You were too busy focused on drowning your stomach with alcohol that you didn't seem to notice.
You snatched an unopened bottle of beer as you peered over the sea of people to find at least one person you knew well enough to talk to. Joy might've been here, but she didn't say anything about attending so she was out of the question. Namjoon was most likely with his girlfriend, not like you cared all that much anymore. Jimin... Jimin must've been with his car clique and they were most likely outside talking about each other's cars or inside doing keg stands.
As a last resort, you reached for your phone to call up Jimin and see where he was. You felt bad for following him around like his shadow, but he was the only one that you felt comfortable around.
"Hello?" Jimin answered quite loudly. You could hear bumping music behind his voice as well as the drunk screams of other people. He was here.
"Hey, where are you?" You asked in the same loud voice to make sure he heard you correctly.
"I'm downstairs, hold on let me go to you. Stay on the phone." He said and you could hear the cries of the voices die out as Jimin escaped the scene. You wondered why your heart was beating at that moment, knowing that you would soon be with Jimin. You bit your lip in an attempt to keep your excitement to a minimum.
Then, you felt someone press against your back. You gasped when you felt hands slither up your side and you went down to slap it away, but the person caught it.
Hey," the soothing voice whispered into the shell of your ear and the same voice reverberated in your ears You felt your shoulders drop in relief, but the man still gripped your wrist tightly. "It's just me."
You didn't even have to hear his name. You were able to tell who it was by just his voice. Just his voice... and the way his rough jeans rubbed against the underside of your dress. You shuddered and your eyes fluttered close.
"Jimin..." you warned. You could still feel his breath close to his ear and even when he was behind you, you could smell his strong cologne and shampoo that penetrated your nose and sent chills down your back. You arched your spine against Jimin and rubbed your ass against Jimin's crotch. His hand left your wrist and trailed from your neck ever so slowly down to your lower back. Jimin's hand rest on top of your ass as if he was teasing you. You just wanted him to cup your ass and squeeze your breasts and even scratch up your back and slap your ass until it was burning red and suck on your neck until you were bruised up. But here wasn't the place. Not with so many people around.
Jimin pulled his hand away when he heard a loud laugh pass by him. He turned away, but not after squeezing your hip. This was how it was supposed to be: to act like strangers in public but in private, behind closed curtains and slow, rocking music, the two of you were lovers.
Scratch that. You could picture yourself with him. You pictured driving all night long trying to find new places to watch the sun rise or set depending on when you departed. You pictured sleeping next to him at night, all snug closely with his arm around your waist and his hand raking through your hair. You imagined laying on his chest while he watched tv and falling asleep to his steady, rhythmic breathing. You imagined spending time in the kitchen together, both of you trying to decipher a recipe because neither of you were great at cooking but it was an experience you wanted to go through with him. You imagined coming home from work tired and grumpy and him calming you down with a nice cup of tea and a session of venting and just listening to your rants. You imagined going on endless dates, spontaneously, because you had grown accustomed to sudden adventures since being with him. To ride the Ferris wheel together but you would be clinging to the pole or his arm because you couldn't bear to look down. And Jimin being the jokester that he was would shake the cart and you would scold him, but he would just laugh it off and pull you closer. You wanted to try new foods with him, and to find new places, and to do new things. You wanted Jimin to change you and little did you know that he had already done so long when you two first met.
But it was unrealistic, so to speak. Jimin lived in a different world than you, associated with people you could never picture yourself relating to, with their fancy cars and unfamiliar jargon. Surrounded by women all the time, but he agreed to satisfy you and your selfishness. You never knew why he agreed—perhaps he was just bored(the thought made your heart ache so you rarely thought on it) or maybe, just maybe... he felt something towards you. But that was unrealistic as well. And you couldn't seem to see it as true. Because you were you, and he was he, and the two of you would've never crossed paths in any other universe.
You realized you were standing frozen in the middle of the kitchen as Jimin hovered his hand over your shoulder like a gentleman with a worried look in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah! Yes, I'm fine," you blushed harder the longer you kept rambling. "Sorry, I kind of zoned out there, didn't I?"
Jimin's eyes darted to your hip where his devious little hands were just placed at. He raised a brow. "I didn't expect you to get that aroused." He said and giggled as you pulled back a punch on him while muttering a shut up. "What were you thinking about?"
Your brain ran through a list of a million things to say before landing on, "I was trying to remember how to breathe in this dress." You mentally slapped yourself. Really? You couldn't have said something like I was trying to find a way home or I wish you didn't stop your hands.
Jimin scanned your body once more, his eyes catching every square inch of skin exposed underneath that beautiful dress. He clenched his jaw in order for it not to fall to the ground. "It looks great, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Thanks," you smiled sheepishly and noticed the beer bottle in Jimin's hand. "No D.D. tonight?"
He chuckled. "Hey, I want to have fun too," he said and took a swig. "Speaking of fun, come downstairs with me. They're playing beer pong and Yoongi's team is murdering the other guys." He said and before taking your hand and dragging you back to where Jimin emerged from. He led you to the basement, which wasn't creepy at all and in fact was decked out in colorful Christmas lights and posters and sports banners that covered the walls. In the middle of the basement was a long, white table that Jimin's friends laid out and decorated with red solo cups and small shots that lined the edge of the table.
"How cute," you laughed as Jimin handed you a shot off that he poured off to the side. You bottomed out, hissing as you felt the burning alcohol slide down your throat.
"Alright! Y/N is ready to par-tay!" Taehyung appeared out of no where to exclaim. His shirt was bundled up around his neck leaving his chest and stomach bare and his snapback was tilted on his head, only emphasizing on how completely wasted he was. You laughed at his ridiculous appearance while Jimin face-palmed himself.
"You have no idea how long it took for us to get him off the balcony. This man is drinking away his problems tonight." Jimin laughed and watched as Taehyung started chugging his bottle of beer. You winced at how much alcohol was in his system right now.
"I hope he'll be alright." You worried with a frown. Jimin waved off your worries with a flutter of his hands.
"Don't worry about him. What's amazing is that he'll be up in the morning like none of it even happened," he laughed and gestured towards the L-shaped couch, settled just underneath the neat arrangement of sports banners. "Come sit with me." He said and you followed him to the couch, fixing your dress by pulling it down before sitting down.
"You know, I don't know how you can wear dresses like that. It looks great, but incredibly uncomfortable." Jimin's face contorted in discomfort just imagining squeezing his body in a dress like that.
"Oh please, you can't talk about my dress when you're the one wearing those super tight jeans. Let your balls breathe." You giggled and smoothed your hand over Jimin's exposed knee through his ripped jeans. He reached for your hand and pulled it so you were resting it on his thigh as he flexed it. You gasped at his sudden movement and then felt his breath fan against your neck. You couldn't imagine what the two of you looked like right now—both of your hands placed right on his muscular thigh and his face buried in your neck.
"You know it looks good." He whispered and pulled away, taking the warmth of his hand wrapped around yours along with it. Jimin leaned back against the couch with a smug smirk on his lips which he rolled the rim of his beer bottle along his thick lips just to emphasis his kittenish intentions. You narrowed your eyes at him through your blush.
"You're a little devil." You sneer.
"I know," he laughed. "I hope you've warmed up. I signed us up next for beer pong."
"What? Jimin, I can't! I'm terrible at beer pong." You exclaim, but he only shrugs cheekily.
"Well then, I guess we'll have to find a way to drink all these shots." He grinned at you, his mouth stretching into his rosy cheeks.
Before you can mentally prepare yourself, Jimin and you are standing across from Jungkook and the man which everyone seemed to be talking about but you can finally put a name to his face, Yoongi. The same blacked haired man that spoke to you earlier that week.
"Really, Jimin? Bringing a rookie to battle against the dynamic duo, YoonKook?" Jungkook tossed the ping pong ball into the air and caught it smoothly. Both Yoongi and Jungkook leaned back into each other while throwing up a pose and you couldn't help but burst out in laughter.
"If you're YoonKook, then we're..." Jimin glanced at you and you stared back at him as he pondered. "We'll be Bonnie and Clyde." He said, smiling back at the duo across the table from him.
"Boo, unoriginal." Yoongi called out from the other side. Jimin glared at him and you felt the warmth of his hand against your back. You nearly jumped at the sensation, but managed not to look so startled.
"Say whatever you want. You guys are so going to eat shit." Jimin sneered and raised the ping pong ball in his as Jungkook rose his. The two tossed the balls at the same time; Jungkook's slid in perfectly into one of the cups on the side and Jimin's bounced off the one right at the end. Jungkook whooped out loud and fist pumped Yoongi while Jimin cursed under his breath. He reached for two shot glasses that were lined up on the edge of the table and handed one to you, giving you an apologetic look.
"I'm still warming up." He clinked his shot glass against yours and you bottomed the drink while glaring at him.
"Maybe having you as a partner was a bad idea." You said through a hiss. Jimin managed a bright smile through his scrunched up nose.
"If I go down, I'm taking you with me. No if, ands, or buts. You're coming with me."
The game continued on and surprisingly, you were carrying the team. There was a few mistakes and blunders here and there where you didn't take a major penalty, but so far you've evaded clearing the table of shots. Jungkook and Yoongi were both impressed at your beginner's luck, but nothing beats how hilarious Jimin looks making laps the basement, whooping loudly every time you make it into a cup.
"Oh my god, Y/N, you're going to make me go into cardiac arrest." Jimin places a hand on his chest as he watches Jungkook aim at your cups. Jungkook only had a cup to make while you had two. It wasn't much besides the fact that there were stakes at the table. If you made the two cups and Jungkook didn't make his, he and Yoongi would have to drink the remaining shots. The same applied to you and Jimin if you didn't make this shot.
"Why did you make that bet?" You groan in agony. Jimin's hands went up in a surrendering pose.
"I only brought up the idea!" He snapped back. You don't reply because you're too focused on Jungkook and how he positions his hand to dunk the ball right into the cup. There's a pause and Jungkook flicks his wrist. It seems everyone's eyes are following the ping pong ball as it flies straight towards the cup. You inhale sharply, already envisioning yourself pouring back all those shots down your throat and being completely gone for the rest of the night.
There's a loud pink! as the ping pong ball bounces off the front rim of the cup. Jungkook grunts in frustration and clenches his fists as he whips his body away from the table and curses. You exhale quickly as relief crashes into you. Now your anxiety levels were at its peak and you knew you had to make this.
"Deep breaths, Y/N. You can do this." Jimin coached from beside you. You nod, twirling the ping pong ball in your fingers. It's just a matter of getting the right trajectory and angle, but even that seems impossible under the eyes of so many watching you. You just want to say, fuck it, and toss the ball randomly, but at the same time the desire to win is much too strong.
You hold your breath as you throw the ball and all eyes follow it like a tennis match. It bounces off the rim of the cup in the back and your eyes bulge so wide they feel like they're going to pop right out of their sockets. Then, as if the universe decided to grant you a special miracle, the ball bounced right into the second cup. There's a split second of silence where everyone comprehends what just happened and then the entire basement loses their shit.
You're still frozen in shock as Jimin slithers his arms around your waist and hoists you into the air, twirling you around while cheering drunkenly. Realization settles in slowly and the same time a grin stretches across your cheeks.
"Did that really happen?" You ask, your body still tingling from the adrenaline rush. Jimin still held you in the air, gripping your hips so you wouldn't slip down.
"Holy shit, you're amazing! I can't believe you just did that!" He exclaims before finally setting your feet on the floor. You turn to Jungkook and Yoongi who gloom over the table as they pick up a shot glass in each hand; Yoongi gave Jungkook a murderous glare before dumping the shots down his throat. Jungkook does the same and they both hiss simultaneously, looking around for some sort of chaser. You felt bad for laughing when Jungkook rushes to the nearest trash can to vomit.
You lost track of time while hanging out with Jungkook, not Jimin. He was too busy fighting with this man named Seokjin over what song to play. Jungkook sat with you in the couch, his body turned to you as he went off about getting new turbos for his FRS. Whenever you gave him a confused look with knit brows and uneasy smile, he would pause his rambling and explain to you what he was talking about.
"So, you're into cars. You seem super passionate about it." You said after he was finished. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and circled the rim of his water bottle (he was done with alcohol for the night) over his bottom lip.
"I wasn't at first. I just liked how cars looked and then I started pimping out my own car."
"Seems like a lot of work."
"Yeah, you could say that. I wouldn't consider it work since I love it so much," he said and glanced sideways at you. "I would love to take you on a ride sometime."
You purse your lips and laugh. "We can talk about that when you're sober."
"I will be! Tomorrow, for sure. In fact, let's make it a group activity! I'll call up the guys and we can drive out to the sand dunes or something. Have you been to the sand dunes?" Jungkook said. You shook your head, a silly smile was on your lips as you listened to his passionate rant. "You haven't? You have to! Oh yes! This is gonna be so cool!" He exclaimed and stood up, cupping his hands around his mouth.
"Hey guys!" He shouted over the music. Everyone's heads turned to him. "Sand dunes tomorrow, 7 o'clock!" He said and everyone yelled back a yeah! in response or didn't respond at all and went back to their prior activities. Jungkook sat back down with a satisfied smile. "They know."
"I'll be looking forward to seeing those sand dunes since you're regarding them so highly. This will affect your grade greatly." You marrow your eyes at him playfully. Jungkook takes a breath and bites his lip to restrain himself. There's a giddy tingling in his chest as he sits with you. Talking with you. You're like, and he quotes from a book he once read, a breath of fresh air. You were definitely fresher than the scent of burning asphalt that he was so used to.
"I'll be upfront with you, I never expected you to be this easy to talk to." Jungkook said, leaning back on the couch and draping his arm over the back so he could be a bit closer to you. He flashed a loose smile. "I'm glad we can finally talk."
"Likewise. I'm glad you asked me for my number." You replied with a warm smile.
This was it. This was his chance.
"So," Jungkook cleared his throat and leaned in. "Are you free later on tonight? We could totally catch a cab and—"
Before Jungkook could finish, your head turned at the sound of your name being called. Jimin starts walking towards you, his face unreadable but his broad steps told you a whole bunch. He stopped in front of you, toes nearly touching yours.
Jimin glances between you and Jungkook, his gaze hardening on Jungkook just a bit longer before returning his eyes to you. "Hey, are you busy right now?"
"Um..." you glanced between Jungkook and Jimin with wide eyes and your mouth stammered to say something. "N-No, we were just—" you said when Jimin intervened with a way too flashy smile.
"Great! Do you want to take a walk with me? A walk sounds great right now." He reached for our hand and pulled you off of the couch. His eyes scanned your body in the red dress once again and he frowned. "You can wear my jacket. Let's go." He said and didn't look back at Jungkook as he headed towards the stairs. You on the other hand, the one with the bigger heart, turned back to Jungkook and creased your brows in a silent apology.
Jungkook waved you off with a sideways smile, not even having the heart to go after you. Not because you weren't worth it, but because you were and Jungkook was so envious that you were head over heels in love with Jimin. Anybody could tell by the way you looked at Jimin the entire night, how you spoke to him compared to when you speak to Jimin—all smiles and light giggles. It's how quickly you intertwine your hands into his as if it was a mold fit just for you. Although Jimin shared the same interest in cars as Jungkook did, the way you listen to Jimin talk about cars is different with him. Jungkook knew that he could never be that guy for you.
Jimin shouldered his way to the front door and his hand clenched yours as if he's afraid you were going to fly away. Before exiting the house, Jimin turned around and slipped his jacket off of his shoulders before throwing it over your back. He didn't even take one glance at you as his face was stone cold—an expression that you deducted only appeared when he was irritated about something. The last time you had seen it was when he found out someone hit the bumper of his car and didn't find out who it was. Jimin's silent rage sent chills down your body and you sometimes couldn't find yourself breathing.
"Jimin?" You called out in a hushed voice as he walked you further away from the noise of the party. He didn't turn around and his iron grip around your hand didn't get lighter either. You pressed your lips together. "Jimin, my feet hurt."
At that, Jimin stopped in his tracks and turned around with wide eyes, as if he had just woken up from a nightmare. He let go of your hand and immediately got onto his knees.
"Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize." He stammered back an apology and started to slip off your heels. You sighed in relief at your Jimin coming back to his senses. It was like his anger has dissipated and his gentle touch returned.
"You okay?" You asked after a few claps of silence. Jimin peered up at you and locked his soft eyes onto yours. He didn't reply, but there was the faintness of a smile on his lips. "What's on your mind?"
He huffed as he got back on his feet with your pumps in his hands. Jimin shook his head slowly. "Just... things." He answeeed vaguely, leaving you frowning deeply.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked and started walking barefooted on the street. Jimin watches you walking for a few seconds, eyes trained on your bare feet before he slipped off his shoes as well and started walking beside you, slowing his pace down to match yours.
"I don't think it's that important anymore," He smiled.
Why doesn't he ever talk about himself?
You just wish he could open up to you, like you have to him. You spilled all of your secrets and deepest emotions to Jimin and he can't even tell you what's on his mind. "How was your night? Did you have fun?"
Typical Jimin changing the subject with so much ease. You went along with him. "So much fun. Call me crazy, but I think of getting the hang of these so-called college parties." You giggle and Jimin laughs out loud.
"You think so? Don't underestimate them too much. You haven't seen the worst of it yet. Are you tired of walking? I can carry you if you want." He stops and bends down into a piggy-back position. You laugh and shake your head.
"No, no, I'm fine."
"You sure? You're not that heavy, I can carry you for a few more blocks."
You roll your eyes and pull his hand for him to stand up. You continue your usual pace, but now your hand is in his. "This," You said and swing your interlocked hands. "This is just fine."
A smile spreads across Jimin's mouth as he mouths an okay. The two of you are silent for a minute as you bathe in the warmth of each other's hands. There doesn't need to be a conversation or any sexual act to happen for you to feel connected with Jimin. Just him being in your thoughts, his presence is all you need and you realize just how much you love him. You steal a glance at Jimin and catch him looking ahead; the passing street lights illuminate his black hair in a yellow glow before blending back into the shadows.
You squeeze his hand to get his attention and he immediately looks over to you. "Hm?"
"Why don't you talk about yourself?" You really want to ask about what he was thinking about earlier, but with his stubbornness, you know the conversation won't get anywhere no matter how much you beg. Jimin laughs in disbelief and let's his shoulders sag.
"I'm not interesting enough."
"I think you're plenty interesting." You said.
"There's not much to say. Some things are better left unsaid."
"Like what?" You ask and Jimin glances at you. "Tell me, please." You say it like a statement rather than a question because you know Jimin is quick to dodge any request.
"Like..." he purses his lip in thought. "Like how douchebag-y Jungkook was being tonight. His face just looked very punchable." Jimin said and clenched his free hand into a fist. You laughed and threw your head back.
"Is that what was on your mind earlier? How badly you wanted to punch Jungkook?" Your loud cackle slowly turned into periodic giggles. "Well, since we're spilling secrets right now, I have a confession to make." You stated proudly, raising your chin to the star speckled night sky.
"Oh?" Jimin quirked a brow.
You took a deep breath. "I have officially lost feelings for Namjoon."
"Really?" Jimin sounded skeptical, so you nodded. "Are you sure?"
"I'm absolutely, 100%, positive that I no longer have feelings for Kim Namjoon." You restated. Jimin nodded in approval.
"Well, congratulations. I was wondering how long I had to listen to you crying all night over how much he doesn't deserve his girlfriend." Jimin snickered and you shoved his arm. "I'm kidding. I'm glad you've moved on. Namjoon is stupid for not noticing a girl like you."
"Yeah, but that's his job as a loyal boyfriend." You shrug and swing your arm once again. You glance at Jimin. "What else is on your mind?" You tried to take advantage of Jimin's vulnerable mind and get him to answer. Maybe in his tipsy state, he can open up. You wonder why he stays so silent about everything. He purses his lip in thought.
"One, you're surprisingly amazing at beer pong."
"Beginners luck." You humbly mutter under your breath.
"Two, I just wish Jungkook would try and warm up to you again. Gives me a reason to punch his face in." Jimin snarled and you squeezed his hand as if to scold him. He laughed off your cute threat and continued.
"Three..." Jimin slowed to a halt and you turned your body to face him. He held your hand with an outstretched arm and smoothed his thumb over your knuckles. His face was darkened by the shadow cast by a nearby tree, but you could make out him biting luscious lips. He looked like he wanted to say something—right on the tip of his tongue. You inhaled sharply. Say it. Please just say it.
"I think you look really beautiful in this dress." Jimin's eyes raise to lock in with yours. There's a moment of comfortable silence that settles in the space between you and Jimin. Only the sound of the summer wind rustling through the leaves is present; the booming bass of the party is long gone and now it's just you two. You wish you can stay like this forever. With Jimin, you're not afraid of anything. Not of the potential cars that could run you over as you stand in the middle of the street nor the fast beating of your heart that made you think you were having a heart attack.
"Thank you," it was all you could say. Jimin squeezed your hand and dropped his gaze. The breakage of eye contact nearly shattered your heart if Jimin hadn't squatted down and pulled you onto his back. You fell with a oof and quickly wrapped your arms around his neck. Jimin started sprinting down the road.
"Let's go find a taxi." He said running through the grid of houses to find the main road.
"What? Why?" You asked; the houses whizzed past you.
"I just had the really bad urge to kiss you but I know I won't be able to stop there." Jimin said without looking back at you. Your face flushed at his bluntness. You buried your face in Jimin's neck and tightened your arms around his neck. You hoped he found the main road quickly.
The only contact Jimin had with you during the taxi ride was holding your hand idly while stroking your knuckles. He looked outside the window, clenching and unclenching his jaw as he rolled his tongue inside his mouth.
It wasn't until you reached the elevator in your apartment when Jimin's lips and hands were all over you; nimble hands stroked your curves like Jimin was trying to feel your skin through the dress. He had you pinned against the elevator doors while his lips ravished yours, sucking out any amount of alcohol that was left on your tongue. He tasted like sweet beer and cinnamon gum. His cologne was strong and intoxicating and left your legs tingling as you tried to find stable ground. It seemed nearly impossible with Jimin fighting for every square inch of your skin.
"Fuck, can these doors open any slower?" He slammed his hand on the elevator door while leaning in to kiss you again; his front teeth knocked against yours but the clumsiness was the least of your worries. Then elevator doors finally opened and you and Jimin fell in. He pushed you up against the elevator walls and he continued to kiss you until the elevator doors closed. You realized that you had still to press the button to get to your floor.
"Jimin," You said and pulled away for a short moment to stumble for the elevator button. Jimin was peppering your neck with kisses and he was shamelessly pressing his erection against your thigh. You didn't point it out or pay any physical attention to it because teasing Jimin like this was kind of fun.
"Come on, come on," he muttered into your neck in an aggravated tone. You didn't know if he was talking about the elevator or you, but either way, Jimin took your face in his hands and pulled you in for a deeper kiss. Still buried underneath Jimin's weight as he pressed you against the elevator wall. His hands traveled from your face down to smooth his hands over your breasts before sliding down to cup your ass.
It happened in a split second, but the next thing you knew, your legs were wrapped around Jimin's waist as you were up against the wall.
Jimin's kisses were hot—so hot—like smooches of ember that danced throughout your body and mixed with the warmth of the alcohol inside of you. His lips moved to kiss the valley between your breasts. Jimin was shamelessly rubbing his crotch against the inside of your thigh. You peek through one eye and see the elevator doors open. Gosh, how long had they been open?
You gasped when you pulled away from Jimin and pressed your forehead against his. "We have to go Jimin, or else someone is gonna see us." You panted. Jimin chewed on his lower lip.
"Let them see, I wanna keep kissing you." Jimin growled and scraped his teeth along your collarbone up your neck before sucking on the soft skin just beneath your ear. You but back a moan and finally managed to push Jimin away from you. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Wait until the bedroom." You demanded. Jimin's tongue lined his lower lip with his tongue as his lustfully dark eyes followed your ass as you walked out of the elevator and to your apartment.
"Yes ma'am." He smirked. You reached your apartment door and you were honestly surprised you even got the key into the lock with Jimin's demanding eyes burning holes into you. It just showed how much he wanted to get your clothes off of your body. You finally got the door open and as if on cue, Jimin swept in and placed his lips back onto yours, kissing and shuffling around the apartment to get to your room.
You reached your room and Jimin slammed the door shut before pushing you up against the door. You didn't have time to worry about the possibility of your roommate being home as you tore off Jimin's jacket, his shirt, his belt—every piece of clothing until he was just left in his boxers. you smoothed your hand over his toned biceps that held you up with so much security. It just felt right.
Jimin on the other hand, took his sweet time taking off your dress. One, he didn't want to rip the gorgeous gown and risk getting scolded by you and two, you just looked incredible in it and knowing you and your hatred of fancy dresses, this appearance would only show itself once in a blue moon. He wanted to savor every last second of you in that dress before taking it off.
The dress fell onto the floor in a pool of blood red and you were left in your bra and underwear. They weren't the cutest lingerie you owned, but then again you weren't expecting to go home with Jimin tonight either. If this was planned, you might've picked something cuter or even sexier to wear. You shadowed your hand over your cleavage and blushed.
"Stop staring." You whispered. Jimin laughed and took your hand in his, squeezing it softly.
"There's no way I can." He said and leaned in to kiss you, this time it was soft and gentle. The plumpness of his lips were like pillows that were now reddened and bruised from all the kissing. Slowly, Jimin walked you over to the bed before sitting down. You were standing in between Jimin's legs; his hands held your waist as Jimin kissed down your body. From your neck to your collarbone, down to cup your breasts and kiss right over your heart. If only he could feel how fast it was beating right now.
Jimin's trained hands moved up your spine and un-clipped your bra; the gentleness of his touch sent chills up and down your spine. You shuddered and dug your nails into his shoulders as your bra fell off your chest. Now, Jimin was seriously staring. His hooded eyes were wide as they took in the sight in front of him. Jimin's hand slowly rose to caress your perked nipple. You pressed your lips together and moaned. He planted a soft kiss on your breast before traveling down your stomach.
Jimin's hand that had un-clipped the bra was now lining the soft skin under your panties. He skillfully slipped two fingers—his ring and middle finger—under your warm slit and grazed over your clit. Your body jerked forward from the sudden sensation.
"Woah," you gasped. Jimin chuckled and pecked your cheek.
"Too much?"
You shook your head, letting your hair fall in front of your face. "Not enough. Give me more." You replied. Jimin licked the corners of his mouth and dipped his fingers deeper inside of you. The feeling of Jimin's fingers spreading you open was like a slow, pleasurable burn. Like he was kindling a fire deep within you. He started moving his fingers inside of you and a deeper moan left you.
"Mm, yeah. Right there, baby..." You whispered. Jimin bit back a smirk and complied to your request, rubbing the pads of his finger over your most sensitive spots. His fingers were the perfect length to hit your g-spot; you could've come from him just fingering you, but the devilish man would never be satisfied with just that.
Jimin slid his fingers all the way inside of you, stretching out your tight hole and you threw your head black and moaned aloud. You tightened around his digits. "Fuck baby, it's so good!"
"Yeah, you wanna come for me? Come all over my fingers baby." Jimin began thrusting his fingers in and out of your wet hole. He rubbed his thumb over the hood of your clit and pleasure shot through you; your entire body stiffened from the intense sensation that ran through your body. Your jaw dropped and you slowly tipped backwards as the strength in your body left you hastily. With his free hand Jimin reached around you and held your waist to keep you from falling. His fingers slipped out from your slippery hole and your body convulsed from the sudden removal of his fingers.
"Ohhh fuck!" You squeaked. Jimin slid his fingers out of you slowly, your body twitched from the absence of his warm fingers, and he kissed you on the cheek.
"Sorry baby," he apologized, but there was something about the glint in his eyes that told you he didn't feel bad about it at all. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and licked your juices off of them, taking them out with a resounding popping sound. You flushed and shoved Jimin's bare chest in embarrassment.
"Don't be weird." You laughed. The way Jimin smiled threw your heart into a downward spiral—doing all sorts of flips and jumps like it was some trapeze artist. How could someone be so beautiful?
You placed your hand on Jimin's chest and pushed him down slowly as you climbed over him. "Oh?" Jimin raised his brows in curiosity. You straddled your legs over Jimin's thighs and pressed your fingers into his stomach. "Well, this is a surprise." He hummed in amusement and he wrapped his arms behind his head as he watched you. Jimin's tongue stuck out idly from inside of his mouth and he looked like he wanted to eat you up all over again.
"Let me lead this time." You bit your lip while grinding on Jimin's thigh. His jaw dropped and his hands went up as if to grab your hips, but he stopped himself short.
"Yes. God fucking yes, do whatever you want, babygirl." He moaned and threw his head back. You smiled widely and slipped your fingers underneath his waistband to slide his underwear down his legs. Jimin's hard cock was flattened against his stomach with a pool precum. You dipped your fingers in the precum before sliding your fingertips along Jimin's shaft. His entire body shuddered under your touch.
"God dammit." He cursed through clenched teeth. Suddenly, Jimin realized that having you lead automatically put him in a submissive position, something he was definitely not used to. It was always him that was in control. You swirled your thumb over his frenulum and Jimin's body jerked. He bucked his hips just slightly before falling back into the mattress. You wrapped your hand around the head of his penis in punishment—a small gasp caught in his throat.
"Such a needy little boy..." You cooed with pouted lips. Jimin's clenched his jaw and didn't say a word. He laid back to watch you work while his eyes went dark and dripping with lust. He loves the feeling of your soft hands wrapped around his cock, stroking it so gently but it felt so good, Jimin couldn't tell if he was dreaming or not. A pretty girl like you jerking him off seems like something straight out of Jimin's more... wetter night voyeurs—though his dreams have become more than a reality now.
"Come on baby—" he grunted in pleasure. "—I know you want to ride me and much as I do, so just let me fuck you already." Jimin bit his lip and nibbled on it. You ignored his pleads and continued to stroke his cock steadily, changing the force of your grip as you tightened your fists when you got to the tip. Jimin's shameless whines and sharp hisses resounded loudly throughout the room. His head was pressed hard against the mattress and he gripped the bed sheets with fists so tight his knuckles were a ghostly white.
"Oh fuck, that's gonna make me cum," Jimin moaned sinfully and raised his head to look at you. You would not be exaggerating if you said Jimin's dark eyes didn't strike a chord within you—you could barely see the brights of his eyes from how low his gaze was on you. Jimin's chest heaved in an unsteady rhythm and his lips parted every now and then to allow a deep moan to vibrate his throat.
"Yes, cum for me." You licked your lips, restraining yourself from going down and taking Jimin into your mouth no matter how delicious the tip of his dick looked. You stroked Jimin once from the base and back up to the tip. Jimin's breath hitched and the next thing you knew, he was cumming all over your fingers.
"Fuck, fuck! Yeah, keep stroking my dick baby. Ohhh my fucking god...shit!" Expletives spewed from his mouth as he simultaneously climaxed. The first spurt of cum landed on your chin and startled you, but you continued to stroke him off, allowing his cum to spatter his toned stomach. Jimin could barely stifle his moans with you touching his sensitive member, but he tried his best. You could tell by the veins in his neck that pressed against his skin and his clenched jaw that could cut.
You released your hold on his cock and let the twitching member lay thickly on his stomach. Jimin took a second to catch his breath—shaky and breathy it was—as his legs spread apart to allow some breathing room for his overly-sensitive cock.
In Jimin's silence, you took the time to clean your face of Jimin's spontaneous release and slipped your creamed fingers into your mouth, sucking off his cum. You were startled to see Jimin watching you with wide, almost bewildered eyes as you licked off your fingers.
"What?" You asked shyly. Jimin licked his lips as well and sat up, his dick already semi-hard again.
"That was fucking hot. Can you do that again?" He asked with a smirk. You nearly laughed.
"What was? Me cleaning off your cum or you cumming on my face?" You narrowed your eyes condescendingly. Jimin's mouth stretched into a smirk—sneaky like the Cheshire Cat right before he disappears.
"Both," He said before kissing you. You close your eyes and let yourself melt under Jimin's lips. Slowly, Jimin gets up from the bed, his lips sill planted firmly on yours as he walks around the bed. He grabs your hips and pulls you until your ass is off the bedside. Jimin ran his hand over your smooth thigh, easing your legs back to expose your pussy—still wet from your prior orgasm.
Jimin rubbed the length of his shaft over your slit with his thumb pressed at the base. You got excited at the slight pleasure of his cock rubbing over the hood of your clit. "Gonna fuck you," he mumbled under his breath. "Fuck you so hard you can't remember anything but my name." Jimin directed thw tip to your entrance, catching some of your juices as lube before sliding in all the way to the base in one thrust.
"Ah..." you moaned and rest your head against the mattress; you were so full and Jimin reached so deep inside of you. Your body molded to fit around him perfectly. Jimin stayed inside of you for an while, simply reveling in your warmth. No matter how many times he fucks you, you still stay so tight around him. Like it's your first time all over again.
Jimin leaned forward and kissed you again. That's right, you entrusted Jimin with your purity and that meant a whole lot more to Jimin that you may have thought. It meant more than just sex to him. It was a bond.
"Baby," You whined under him. "M-Move, please..." You said almost desperately. Jimin hadn't realized he was still deep inside of you. Slowly, he retracted his hips and slid back into you. His thrusts were slow now, but in a few moments, they would pick up speed and he would be slamming into you without a second thought. And you loved it.
"F-Faster," you pleaded with a moan.
"Already?" Jimin chuckled and placed his hand over your naval, pressing down slightly with his thumb over your clit. "But I wanna take my time with you baby girl. Make you cum over and over. Yeah?" He grunted and agonizingly bottomed out. You let out a loud moan.
"I-I wanna cum, Jimin..." You whined, pulling back your legs to expose yourself more. Jimin smirked and his hips moved a little faster. How could he say no when you ask so nicely?
"You will. Eventually." He said and rubbed your clit while thrusting into you. The rhythm of his thrusts were steady and he went so deep every time. He always pulled out until just the tip was inside of you before sliding back in until his balls were pressed against your ass. An itch formed just beneath your stomach, the first signs of your orgasm that was approaching by the second, by every thrust.
"Oh, Jimin! Please—please, please, please go faster. I need to cum—oh fuck yes!" You screamed, your pussy clenching around Jimin. He grunted from the sudden tightness and pulled out. You gasped. The pleasure was ripped away from you so quickly that you clenched around nothing.
"W-Wh—" You stammered to ask why. Jimin hissed while rubbing himself over your slit. He leaned in and kissed you, sucking on your lower lip.
"Don't cum yet." He growled over your lips. He dragged his hand along your smooth neck before latching onto your shoulder. Jimin straightened himself and slid himself back into you and god, it almost felt too good. Your eyes rolled back and fluttered closed; your entire body aflame from this addictive feeling.
His thrusts picked up and he was pounding into you so hard you could barely breathe. You could feel every ridge of Jimin's cock that filled you deeply. Only Jimin could hit every single one of your sweet spots like he was throwing darts at a giant wheel. It was just too easy. Before you knew it, you were already unraveling underneath him. Heat blossomed through your body in dynamic increments—every wave crashing into you it felt like you were going to pass out.
Jimin pulled out of you with a wet, squelching sound and jerked himself off to release some pent-up sexual frustration. He stood at the edge of the bed with his erectness tall. He looked down at you sprawled out on the bed—both of you panting in exhaustion.
"Baby..." Jimin moaned and caressed his hand over your knee with such gentleness, you wondered if he was the same guy that was saying he was going to make you cum over and over. "Turn over for me."
You whined in a high pitched voice. "I'm tired..." You said and Jimin chuckled darkly.
"You want me to do it by force? 'Cause I will, princess." He said. It took you a split second to process his words before you turned yourself over and stuck your ass up in the air despite your pussy already red and bruised. Jimin laughed and smacked your ass. You bit back a moan. "That's a good girl."
You spread your legs as Jimin positioned himself at your entrance and slipped himself back into your wet hole. You gawked; Jimin's cock rubbed right over your sweet spot before nestling deep inside of you. You buried your head in the bed and moaned.
"Ah, so tight as always, fuck..." Jimin sighed and gripped your ass in his hands, grinding his hips into you. God, he just loves seeing you go insane, doesn't he?
"Ohh, baby. P-Please move." You pleaded and wiggled you ass, nestling right up against Jimin's naval. His pubic hair tickled your ass, but his cock filled you up so nicely you couldn't care less. Jimin hissed and squeezed your cheek and glanced down to see his cock coated in a layer of your cream. The sight was so amazing, he wanted to whip out his phone and snap a photo and save it for jerk-off material later. Jimin leaned forward and kissed your shoulder while his hand wandered up to stroke your hair.
"I'm gonna go rough, okay?" He whispered. You nodded, almost too enthusiastically.
"Yes, fuck me like a little whore, Jimin.” You glanced back for a second before Jimin clutched your hair and yanked your head back; a loud groan rumbled in your throat. You didn't have a second to prepare yourself before Jimin was pounding you from the back. The sound of skin slapping against skin clashed with your cries of pleasure. Your eyes fluttered behind your eyelids and all of the strength in your arms that were keeping you up left you and you fell forward into the mattress. Your desperate moans were drowned out by the sound of hasty grunts and muffled into the bed.
It wasn't the first time Jimin had been this rough with you. The first time was you just experimenting with sex you've only seen in porn and as usual, Jimin took things slow to let you adjust(yet somehow, he still managed to have you shivering from your orgasm by the end of the night).
Jimin's moans transformed into animalistic grunts that grew rougher with each thrust. They were breathy and gruff like this was angry sex and he was letting his frustration out on your poor pussy. He gripped your ass with his hand and propped his foot on the bed to dig out your insides even more. Had there been a mirror next you, Jimin would be hunched over while his hips moved wildly; your hair twisted in his hand.
"Agh, fuck! Fuck, I'm almost there—shit! Ah, I'm gonna cum, baby!" he growled and got in a few more shaky thrusts before pulling out and relieving himself over your ass; thick streams of cum painted your smooth skin. Moans of satisfaction from both of you filled the room. You were mostly glad that your hole could have a break. Jimin slapped his softened dick on your ass, smothering his cum into your skin.
"Ass looks so nice in my cum." He big his lip and smacked your ass. You whined and sprawled out on your stomach.
"That's great, but why don't you wipe it off now?" You laughed dryly, too lazy to wipe it off yourself. Jimin laughed as well, but he was still tired from exerting all of his strength.
"Yes, of course baby." He said and reached for a wet wipe that you kept in your drawer. He softly wiped his spunk off of your ass and you hummed happily. There was something so domestic about Jimin cleaning you up and calling you baby and whatnot. You didn't want it to end, ever. You wondered if it's ever going to end, if it has to end.
"There you go, your highness," Jimin said as he slid off the bed and snatched his underwear from the floor. You watched him pull the underwear over himself and when he meets your eyes, you don't look away. "What? You planning on round two? I don't mind, but at least give me some time to rest."
"No, that's not it," you said and roll your eyes. "Just thinking."
"You think a lot," Jimin sighed and flopped down on the bed beside you. He swooped in and wrapped his arm around our waist, pulling you down with him as he falls onto the mattress. "What's on your mind, princess?" Jimin closed his eyes with a small smile. You turn your body so you're touching chests and inches away from his face.
"I dunno... I think I'm too sober to tell." You said and Jimin snaps his head to narrow his eyes at you.
"Oh no, we are not having another drunk wine night. I swear, if you're still thinking about Namjoon—"
"I'm not!" You intervene with wide eyes. "God, no. I told you I'm over him!" You exclaim. Jimin nods his head in silent approval, as if to say, you better be. "I was just wondering... what's going to happen to us?" You asked in a soft voice. Jimin comprehends your words in a second before he looks at you with wide eyes of pure surprise.
"What?" Is all he can say.
"I mean—this whole thing. You and me, it only happened because I still liked Namjoon but now, it's different, you know?"
"How different?" Jimin's throat felt dry and his stomach started to churn in a way that wasn't supposed to after sex.
"I mean..." you take a deep breath and softly press the pads of your fingers on Jimin's chest. "What are we going to do now?"
At that moment, it would be perfect if Jimin were to say something along the lines of, anything. We can do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy. As long as I get to be with you. Because that's exactly what was on his mind; but those words never made it out of his mouth. His throat tightened and his head spun like his brain was being twisted. An unsettling feeling in his stomach bubbles and all of a sudden, it's gotten harder to breathe.
Just say it. Just fucking say it.
But for some reason, he couldn't. Just simple sentence, one that'll lock down his love for you and he'll never have to worry about you liking another guy ever again, but the words don't come to his head.
"Jimin?" You ask, concerned. He flinched.
"I—uh, I can't—"
"You can't?" Your tone was sharp.
"No! No, that's not what I meant—"
"You can't what, Jimin?" You sit up and clench your hands at your side, head lowered to mask your teary eyes. "I knew it. You never fucking cared." You threw the blankets off of your legs and stood up from the bed, grabbing the rest of Jimin's clothes from the floor and chucking it at him. "Should've known."
"What? No! Y/N, listen to me!" Jimin stood up as well, covering his crotch with the crumpled up shirt you threw at him. "I care a lot about you."
Almost too much.
"That's it?" You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "You're a joke, Park Jimin."
"I'm a joke?" Jimin glared at you. "I'm not the one who's flirting with other guys like I'm not there! What the hell do you think this is?!" He yelled back and deep down, he knew he shouldn't have. The two of you weren't even dating, so why was he getting jealous? "Do whatever you want. If you want to fuck Jungkook, be my guest."
Your jaw dropped and you let out an exasperated gasp. "I am not fucking Jungkook. We're just friends! What, I can't have guy friends now? Who are you to decide that?!"
"Is that not what you intended when you got his number? When you were completely falling for his  childish flirting tactics? Please, you were leading him on like a dog on leash!" You saw Jimin's jaw clench tightly as he gripped his shirt with such anger. "Maybe Jungkook is a better choice for you."
"So—so what, are you calling me a whore now?"
"I never said that."
"It was implied."
"No, I never said that. Jeez, are you listening to yourself? All you do is talk yourself down for no reason! What's the point in that?!" He growled at you; suddenly emotions that he didn't even know he had were coming out.
"You know why," your voice squeaked, but you refused to shed any tears. The emotional wall you had built up over the years wasn't going to go down that easily and you definitely weren't going to let it crumble because of some petty argument. "Don't make this my fault."
"It's no one's fault, Y/N, or do you just like playing the victim?"
"Of course not! You're being ridiculous right now!" You exclaimed. Jimin knew that. He knew everything you were saying was correct and he was wrong and emotional and overreacting, but he couldn't seem to bring himself to tell you that because he was just so immature. But he still couldn't shake the uncertainty from his heart.
Jimin turned himself around and unraveled the damaged shirt in his hands, pulling it over his head. With his upper body covered, he felt less vulnerable.
"Then is he an option?" Jimin asked, his voice steady but only because Jimin was clenching his fists so tightly to hide his shaky voice. "If—if you had the choice between Jungkook and me, which one would you have sex with?" Jimin asked, his heart was pounding and he could feel his pulse through his fists as well as it drumming against his ears.
Would you replace me with Jungkook? Or Namjoon?
You could feel your nails digging wedges into your palms from how hard you were clenching your hands. It was unusual for you and Jimin to argue like this; the only thing you argued about was what toppings to get on pizza or who would be covering the bill for when the two of you ate out. Now that his entire demeanor had changed, from a sweet, playful attitude to some heartless dickhead you wondered if those feelings you had for him were genuine or not.
You knew you shouldn't have asked Jimin. He was just like the rumors said, just a jerk that sleeps around with women. You figured you knew him better, but in the end, they're all the same.
Jimin must've gone crazy. It was so out of character for Jimin to get so caught up in his own feelings that he didn't know how to control them and himself.
The room was eerily silent and the only sound was the soft hum of the air conditioning and the distant zoom of cars in the street. Jimin glanced back and saw the moonlight illuminate your face in a soft, white glow; the soft tufts of your hair that fell in front of your face, your lips that protruded out, your eyes that squeezed ever so slightly as a single tear fell down your cheek...
And Jimin's heart stopped. His face paled as his breath left his lungs and he felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach. Sheer guilt socked him in the gut and all he wanted to do was take back everything he had said.
Your hand hurriedly went to wipe your cheek and sniffled before averting your eyes.
"Is--" your voice cracked. "Is that what you thought this was? Just sex? I thought we..." you couldn’t finish the sentence without losing the power in your voice. You couldn't bring yourself to confess that you thought this was more than just sex. It was more than just being friends with benefits. It was late night talks, venting over a few glasses of wine, providing a shoulder to lean on when you wanted to burst out in tears when you felt so shitty, it was a chest to cry on when you did. It was Skype calls until four in the morning, treating each other to lunch, passing notes to each other in class, going on night-time drives to who knows where. It was more than just sex for you, but that was only to you. You supposed it was the same for Jimin.
Another tear fell down your cheek and you caught it before it pooled at your chin. And then another. You cupped your face and cursed under your breath; a mixture of shame and embarrassment conjured inside of you for crying in front of Jimin. You'd done it many times before, but this time was different. You weren't crying because of Namjoon or how shitty and pathetic your life was, you were crying over Jimin.
"Just go home," you interrupted, not even caring how scratchy and raspy your voice was. "Please, just go. I don't want to talk about this anymore."
And without another word, Jimin picked up his things and left.
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