#sun noticing you’ve been lookin at his hands getting all 👀☀️ curious about it
dcawritings · 6 months
You and I had the same thoughts about Sun and Moon’s lovely hands in Help Wanted 2. I’m waiting with baited breath to read what you will write involving their long fingers. 🖤🖤🖤
Thank you, I have already been blessed cursed with several plot bunny ideas that I need to write out before I spontaneously combust
Because I swear to god, I knew that they had larger hands than an average person, but I didn’t realize how big that was until I was able to directly compare myself to Sun in a 3d/VR space
Literally the first image below the cut on this post was my exact reaction and god it’s not exaggerating the size difference that much.
I… I don’t think I have tiny hands either, normal sized hands I’d like to believe, but Sun’s fingers are legit twice as long and twice as thick as mine and I just 😭🔥😳💦
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