#sun xiaoling
jthulus · 5 years
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acesgroupchat · 4 years
Hi Anon! thanks for sending this in <3 (for those following along, this is for the directors commentary meme)
Since it’s dealer’s choice, I’ve decided to do one of my favorite recent NIF drabbles:
It is still early in the day, their second week in Xiaoling Gorge, when a message arrives for Lin Chen. He glances at it before turning with a grin. “I have a gift for you, Changsu.”
I genuinely can’t remember if I put this in the tags for this or not, but this takes place like three months after Like Thunder Under Earth because I love exploiting my own AUs for these drabbles. Mei Changsu has faked his death and Lin Chen is finally getting to go on that road trip that he planned. They’ve actually stayed a few days later at the Gorge than the itinerary calls for, and if this fic weren’t a drabble MCS would have asked about it (shhhh it’s because Lin Chen is waiting for Jingyan to catch up with them).
 “Give it here then.” Lin Shu and Mei Changsu are both rude disasters. It is their primary shared trait.
Lin Chen snorts and shakes his head. “So rude. Finish your tea, we’re going into town.”
Lin Chen’s gift is apparently at a teahouse. He ignores Mei Changsu’s glance and nudges him through the door. At one point, there was a whole little thing  about how it’s weird that Lin Chen is taking him here when they have better tea at home and this teahouse sucks, because Lin Shu is a rude disaster.
The first thing Lin Shu sees is Lie Zhanying standing by a table. The second is Jingyan, who startles up the moment their eyes meet. this paragraph hit precisely 100 words on the first draft, which caught me so much by surprise that I didn’t edit it at all.
The key to writing drabbles is to write a bunch of stuff and then cut everything that doesn’t fit, which means sometimes you have to cut bits that you love. This one had a LOT that had to be cut, including the opening, which I saved because I was fond of it:
They have been at Xiaoling gorge for two weeks now, and Lin Chen shows every sign of planning to stay there permanently.
As the sun rises over the mountain, he stands in the courtyard, moving fluidly through a series of hideously difficult forms. Mei Changsu sips his tea and watches appreciatively.
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wuhanqueen · 4 years
83. 11/24 v
Reggel felkeltünk, kicsekkoltunk a hostelből, és gondoltuk, elmegyünk a nanjingi mészárlásos múzeumba, már lelkileg is felkészültem rá, erre odaérünk, és ott volt egy csomó ember a múzeum előtt, meg egy apró papíron találtunk egy kis üzenetet, hogy heló emberek, december közepéig zárva vagyunk, gyertek vissza máskor. Na, gondoltunk egyet, akkor elmegyünk a Lila Hegyre, (Purple Mountain, csak magyarul sokkal viccesebb), mert az ilyen bazi nagy meg ott a lábánál van egy csomó látnivaló, és akkor újra csüccs metró, odaér, leszáll, megy. Bementünk, néztük, hogy nincs is belépő és ingyen van, elkezdtünk sétálni felfelé, a hegyre fel, direkt volt szép út, és egyszer csak láttunk egy pihenő helyet, vagy nem tudom, mi volt az, de az emberek ott ültek és beszélgettek. Szóval mi is beszélgettünk. Amúgy elég meleg volt így, hogy mentünk-mentünk, mert pólóban mentünk-mentünk. Aztán elértünk a Sun Yat Sen Mauzóleumhoz, próbáltunk bemenni, mert láttuk, hogy mindenki csak lecsippantja a személyi igazolványát, és hogy ingyen vvan. Odament a Dalma megkérdezni, hogy heló, mi van, hogy működik, aztán elmentünk a turista központba, valahova messzebbre, kábé 5-10 percet sétáltunk visszafelé, aztán ott nem igazán sikerült értelmesen elmondani, csak hogy vegyünk jegyet vagy mi, aztán ott találkoztunk egy francia bácsival, akinek kiderült, hogy a lánya Pécsre megy tanulni. Kicsi a világ. És akkor jóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóó sok idő után sikerült rájönni, hogy hogy is van ez a jegy, és mikor ingyenes. Mert az volt, hogy volt egy 100 yuanes belépő az egész mindenségre, és ha volt olyanunk, akkor volt ingyen. Szóval igazából nem ingyen volt. De nem baj, és akkor bementünk, felmentünk egy baromi hosszú lépcsőn, megnéztük a mauzóleumot és nem lehetett fotózni, de emlékeim szerint nem volt semmi különös, csak sima szép, de jó magasan volt. Utána lesétáltunk, megnéztük még a Yinyuetai-t, (Open-air Music Hall), kicsit görög színház szerűség, mert ilyen félkör és magas, magasabb, legmagasabban lehet ülni, csak nem három sorban, hanem jó sokban. Volt ott egy nagyon aranyos kislány, meg rengeteg fehér galamb, akiket lehetett etetni. És egyszer hallottak valami hangot, és az összes felrepült és rárepült a középen lévő kőépítményre. Aztán kimentünk a mauzóleum területéről és mentünk nézni a Xiaoling Tomb of Ming Dynasty-t, ahol volt egy hosszú út, ami mentén voltak állat szobrok, amik mindenféle dolog védőteremtményei voltak, és aztán sok épület, átmentünk egyen, meg mégegyen, meg mégegyen, és a legvégén felmentünk egy magasra, ahol is (meglepetééééééééééééééééééés) láttunk egy csomó külföldit. Vagyis nem voltak sokan, csak a nullához képest volt hirtelen sok. De magas, szőke férfi volt az egyik (nem volt felemás a cipője), voltak szőke lányok is, szóval igazán jó volt. Kicsit be volt már borulva, és amikor elindultunk visszafelé, az már azért volt, mert esett az eső. (Meg persze mert már jóóól kinézelődtük magunkat) Nem volt esernyőm, mert nem vettem. Mindig, amikor esett, volt valakinél, meg igazából csak a suli, koli meg a canteen háromszögben közlekedtünk, ami mondjuk 10 méter összesen, oda-vissza (amit kint kell megtenni), úgyhogy nem igazán szorultam rá. Vagy pl Aoinak két esernyője volt. Na mindegy. És mindig csak halogattam, hogy majd veszek később, mert még nincs rá szükségem. Majd később. Na és akkor jól szétáztunk, csupa víz lett a cipőm is meg a gatyám meg a minden, de gyorsan felszálltunk a metróra és mentünk a vonathoz. Vettünk jegyet, szétosztottuk a belépőket, és a Dalma elment a másik vonatállomásra, mert neki nem onnan ment a vonata, ahonnan a miénk. Barbival még vettünk ezt-azt a vonatos boltokban, aztán pápá és mentünk el. Kicsit szomorú volt, mert nagyon jó volt a hétvége. Tényleg. A vonat jó meleg volt, bár nem olyan jó, mint amikkel korábban mentem, de visszértem vele, meg mentem az egyetemre és akkor este aludtam. De esett és nagyon sokáig nem jött campus bus, úgyhogy semmi baj. Vártam rá sokat. Aztán vettem tésztát vacsorára meg gyümölcsöt, mert ma még nem ettünk rendeset. Hmm. Ez már csak ilyen. Na nem baj. Túléltem. Szeretek utazni. Ti is utazzatok sokat. 
“Tippek utazáshoz” rovatom ezennel hivatalosan is megnyitom:
Tipp1: Ne az összes cuccotokkal sétálgassatok egész nap, mert az baromi kényelmetlen és fárasztó. Ha nem tudtok mást tenni, akkor hajrá! 
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thegaitguys · 4 years
Gait and COVID-19, Motor Learning, Shoes and Injuries
The Masterclass in Gait, with the Gait Guys
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Current frameworks on running-related injury
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19424280.2020.1734869?journalCode=tfws20#.Xl5ejXBuHqI.twitter Current frameworks on running-related injury (RRI) aetiology emphasize the relation between exposure to training load, internal tissue loads, and tissue capacity; with tissue load exceeding its capacity being the key biological mechanism in the development of RRI. Despite this,  . . . .
Systematic Review of the Role of Footwear Constructions in Running Biomechanics: Implications for Running-Related Injury and Performance.  Xiaole Sun et al. https://www.jssm.org/volume19/iss1/cap/jssm-19-20.pdf
The neuroinvasive potential of SARS‐CoV2 may play a rolein the respiratory failure of COVID‐19 patientshttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/jmv.25728
"The entry ofSARS‐CoV into human host cells is mediated mainly by a cellularreceptor angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is ex-pressed in human airway epithelia, lung parenchyma, vascular endothelia, kidney cells, and small intestine cells." "Additionally, some patients withCOVID‐19 also showed neurologic signs, such as headache, nausea, and vomiting. Increasing evidence shows that coronaviruses are not always confined to the respiratory tract and that they may also invade the central nervous system inducing neurological diseases. The infection of SARS‐CoV has been reported in the brains from both patients and experimental animals, where the brainstem was heavily infected. (Experimental studies using transgenic mice revealed that either SARS‐CoV34or MERS‐COV,13when given in-tranasally, could enter the brain,possibly via the olfactory nerves,and thereafter rapidly spread to some specific brain areas including  thalamus and brainstem) Furthermore, some coronaviruses have been demonstrated able to spread via a synapse‐connected route to the medullary cardiorespiratory center from the mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors in the lung and lower respiratory airways. *increasing evidenceshows that CoVs may first invade peripheral nerve terminals, and then gain access to the CNS via a synapse‐connected route"
Motor Learning https://journals.lww.com/acsm-essr/Fulltext/2013/01000/Changing_Up_the_Routine___Intervention_Induced.10.aspx
Ahead of the curve in the evolution of human feethttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00472-z
Check out our latest Podcast episode!
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xiavling-blog · 5 years
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*✩◞ SUN YIHAN / CISFEMALE / SHE/HER╰ * arrested three years ago for BEING A SECOND CHILD , xiaoling chen is originally from AGRO STATION. at NINETEEN years old , the ENIGMATIC gemini is quite the CYGNET and always reminds their peers of stockpiling copies of old books, a wide eyed ingenue with a little less innocence, stolen kisses in the dark of night. known for ALWAYS ASKING TOO MANY QUESTIONS at the oddest times and having their COPY OF MACBETH on them at all times , it’ll be interesting to see xiaoling on the ground. hopefully being skilled in SNEAKING AROUND will come in handy – may we meet again. / luna, 18, est, she/her, self-harm, suicide, body horror, spiders
so to put it neatly xiaoling is based on hozier’s wasteland baby! album. that’s my biggest inspo for her. 
she was born a crime. her very existence was against the law as she broke the 1 child rule that was established on the ark
instead of killing her as the law would have preferred her parents decided to raise her in secret living in a hidden compartment in their unit 
and that was her life. a 15x15 ft compartment while she listened to her family live freely above her. she craved freedom
it wasn’t all bad. xiaoling became a voracious reader, desperate to understand the world above her. she read through every book available to her on the ark
she spent her nights dreaming of what it would be like to live without fear
when she was discovered it was because she had grown stir crazy and finally desperate to see the outside world begged her older sibling to take her to just one party, then she wouldn’t make a fuss 
of course it went terribly wrong. she was discovered, her parents were floated, and she and her older sibling were imprisoned 
she’d never admit it but prison was better than living in the compartment. at the very least the cell was bigger. 
she grew resentful of herself, convinced that she was the sole cause of her parent’s demise. and she had plenty of time for self blame while imprisoned
now that she’s been sent to the ground she’s ecstatic. she believes her dreams of leading a normal life will come true 
but her childish whimsy often leads to trouble. still learning to ropes of smart decision making and social interaction she often says or does the wrong thing at the wrong time 
she has little to no filter but is jovial, sociable, and easily entertained 
in short; she’s doing all of her growing up that she should have done as a child, right now on earth
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hundredhq · 5 years
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*✩◞ SUN YIHAN / CISFEMALE / SHE/HER╰ * arrested three years ago for being a second child , xiaoling chen is originally from agro station. at twenty years old , the enigmatic gemini is quite the cygnet and always reminds their peers of stockpiling copies of old books, a wide eyed ingenue with a little less innocence, stolen kisses in the dark of night. known for always asking too many questions at the oddest times and having their copy of macbeth on them at all times , it’ll be interesting to see xiaoling on the ground. hopefully being skilled in sneaking around will come in handy – may we meet again. / luna, 18, est, she/her, self-harm, suicide, body horror, spiders
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writinggeisha · 5 years
Ah Cy…lovely
Ah Kum…good as gold
Ah Lam…peace
Ai…love, affection
Annchi…angelic peace
Bai…crystal clear
Baozhai…precious hairpin
Bi…green jade
Bingqing…clear as ice
Biyu…jasper; semi-precious stone
Caihong…a rainbow in the sky
Chan juan…the moon; graceful; ladylike
Chang…free; uninhibited
Changying…flourishing and lustrous
Chao-xing…morning star
Chen the…morning
Chenguang…morning light
Chu Hua…chrysanthemum
Chunhua…spring flower
Chuntao…spring peach
Chyou…sweet autumn
Cuifen…emerald fragrance
Da Chun…long spring
Da-Xia…long summer
Dai-tai…leading a boy in hopes
Daiyu…black jade
Dandan…cinnabar red
Diu…one who is down to earth and is a practical person
Dongmei…winter plum
Ehuang…beautiful; august
Eu-fùnh…playful phoenix
Eu-meh…especially beautiful
Fang…fragrant; sweet-smelling
Genji…who is most valuable as gold
Gho…responsible and inspirational
Guan-yin…goddess of mercy
Heng…constant; steady; persistent
Honf…sign of good luck
Hop…agreeable; consistent
Howin…a loyal swallow
Hualing…flourishing herb
Hui ying…bright; intelligent
Huian…obliging and quiet
Huian…kind peace
Huifang…kind and fragrant
Huifen…wise and fragrant
Huilang…wise jade tinkling
Huiliang…kind and good
Huiqing…kind and affectionate
Huizhong…wise and loyal
Hwei-ru…wise and intelligent
Jia li…good and beautiful
Jiahui…nice person
Jiao…dainty or lovely
Jiayi…household fitting
Jiaying…household flourishing
Jilpa…a teacher of life
Jing…crystal; sparkling
Jing…small bird
Jingfei…still fragrance
Jinghua…situation splendid
Jinghua…leek flowers
Kuai hua…mallow blossom
Lanfen…orchid fragrance
Lanying…indigo lustrousness
Lanying…blue glitter or blue quartz
Lì húa…beautiful pear blossom
Li mei…beautiful plum blossom
Li ming…beautiful and bright
Li na…beautiful and graceful
Li qin…beautiful stringed musical instrument
Li rong…beautiful lotus
Li wei…beautiful rose
Lian…the graceful willow
Lien… lotus
Liena…a woman as beautiful as a lotus flower
Lifen…beautiful fragrance
Lihua…beautiful and flourishing
Lijuan…beautiful and graceful
Liling…beautiful jade tinkle
Liling…white jasmine tinkling
LiMei…beautiful plum flower
LiMing … who is pretty and bright
Lin…beautiful jade
Ling…compassion and understanding
Linqin…beautiful zither
Liqiu…beautiful autumn
Lixue…pretty and pure as snow
Luli…dewy jasmine
Méh-è…beautiful posture
Méh-fùnh…pretty or beautiful phoenix
Mei…beautiful plum
Mei Lien…beautiful lotus
Mei Xiang…beautiful fragrance
Mei Xing…beautiful star
Mei Zhen…beautiful pearl
Mei-yin…very beautiful or beauty.
Meifen plum…fragrance
Meifeng…beautiful wind
Meihui…beautiful wisdom
Meilin…plum tree
Meiling…beautiful and delicate
Meirong…beautiful countenance
Meixiang…plum fragrance
Meixiu…beautiful grace
Meiying…beautiful flower
Meizhen…beautiful pearl
Mey…gorgeous or pretty or stunning.
Ming Yue…bright moon
Ming-huá…tomorrow’s flower
Mingmei…bright and beautiful girl
Mingxia…bright glow through the clouds at dawn
Mingxia…clear halo
Mingyu…bright jade
Mingzhu…bright pearl
Mu lan…magnolia blossom
Mu tan…tree peony blossom
Na…elegant or smooth
Ngo-Kwang…beautiful; august
Ninghong…tranquil red
Niu…a girl
Nuwa…mother goddess
Nuying…female flower
Pangfua…clouds in the shape of flower
Peijing…admiring luxuriance
Peizhi…admiring iris
Qi…fine jade
Qiànrú…nice smile
Qiaohui…skillful and wise
Qiaolian…skillful always
Qing…dark blue
Qing…yuan clear spring
Qingge…clear pavilion
Qingling…lucky years
Qingyuan…a clear spring or deep water
Qingzhao…clear illumination/understanding
Qinyang…sunshine of my heart
Qiuyue…autumn moon
Renxiang…benevolent fragrance
Rong…beautiful; elegant
Rong…honor, glory
Rou…gentle, mild
Rùfen…nice fragrance
Ruiling…auspicious jade tinkling
Ruolan…like an orchid
Ruomei…like a plum
Shaoqing…young blue
Sheu-fùh…elegant phoenix
Shihong…the world is red
Shu fang…kind; gentle and sweet
Shuang…frank; open-hearted
Shuchun…fair; pure
Shui…one who is like a water
Song…pine tree
Suyin…plain and unadorned sound
Tao…peach; symbol of long life
Ting…slim and graceful
Tu…jade element in earth cycle
Tung-Mei…winter plums
Ushi…the ox
Wan…gentle; gracious; beautiful; lovely
Wei…valuable; precious
Weici…preserving love
Wenling…tinkling sound of refined jade
Wenquian…refined matter
Xia…rosy clouds
Xia…glow of the sunrise or sunset
Xia…the summer lotus; pure and elegant
Xiao chen…early morning; dawn
Xiao hong … rainbow
Xiaodan…little dawn
Xiaofan…little and ordinary
Xiaohui…little wisdom
Xiaohui…morning sunlight
Xiaojing…morning luxuriance
Xiaoli…morning jasmine
Xiaolian…little lotus
Xiaoling…morning tinkle
Xiaoqing…little blue
Xiaosheng…little birth
Xiaotong…morning redness
Xiaozhi…little iris
Xifeng…western phoenix
Xin qian…happy and beautiful
Xingjuan…arising grace
Xiu…fine; beautiful
Xiu Mei…beautiful plum
Xiulan…beautiful orchid
Xiurang…elegant countenance
Xiurong…beautiful glory
Xiuying…beautiful flower
Xueman…snowy grace
Yan…swallow bird; gorgeous
Yanmei…Beijing plum
Yanmei…flattering and seductive
Yanyu…Beijing jade
Yenay…she who loves
Yet Kwai…beautiful as a rose
Yi jie…happy and pure
Yi min…happy and smart
Yi ze…happy and shiny like a pearl
Ying…clever or eagle
Yingtai…flower terrace
Yu…jade or rain
Yu-jun…from Chongching
Yuanjun…Yuan River ruler
Yubi…jade emerald
Yue wan…happy and gentle
Yue ying…happy and smart; kind
Yue you…happy and friendly
Yuèhai…beautiful moon
Yuèqín…moon-shaped lute
Yunru…charming seeming
Yusheng…jade birth
Yüying…jade flower
Zhaohui…clear wisdom
Zhilan…iris orchid
Zhu… bamboo
Zi…graceful; beautiful
Zongying…taking heroes/flowers as a model
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The hostess was forced by his neighbor while sleeping
He graduated from a relatively prestigious university, but after getting married he did not go to work but at a grocery store.  The work at the shop is mainly done by his wife Que, and he regularly stays at home.  After some time, he left a suicide note and then Jinan lived with Binh as husband and wife.   During the day at home occasionally still meet Spirit, he emerging bad intentions with the fashionable girl working in the entertainment industry.  At three o'clock in the afternoon of November 28th, he saw Linh's room without lock, pushed the door slightly to see the lock. Knowing she was sleeping, he went to the room to get a knife to cut fruit, round the back of the house climbed the window into the room.   After raping and murdering the Spirit, he even took twenty pesos in the victim's pockets.  Before everyone went back to the lodge, he promptly applied the ink over the blood and cleaned the scene.  At midnight when his niece was sleeping, he just got up to room 205 carrying the Spirit to throw into the river.  Three nights after that, he was obsessed with not sleeping, eventually to leave home to Binh still clinging. On January 25, 2013, a boat carrying a woman's purse was found on a boat in Jinan City, Shandong Province, China .  The victim is almost naked, wrapped in a blanket, tied to the stone outside, with many stab wounds in the chest and neck.
 From both the hands and feet are tied with adhesive tape, the mouth is also sealed, the police said the killer wanted the victim can not break or call for help.  Victims may have been sexually abused.
 The body decomposes severely, can not be identified .  The police only temporarily suspected that the 20-year-old victim, at 1m58, had been murdered at least six weeks earlier.
By the time a staff member also has a boat to pick up trash on the river, it is sure that this sack will emerge within a day or so.  This time is the dry season, river water flows very slowly, almost stand still.  If the sack is submerged at the bottom of the river, the water can not push the sack.
Thien Kieu police investigated the same heavy object to make the experiment and concluded that the site of dumping the corpse was the area of ​​Tha Hong Bridge where the 200 meter sack was found upstream.
According to forensic conclusion, the victim's body has semen.  This indicates that the victim was sexually active prior to death, but the sample was not available in the police database.  So this is the most important evidence that is not worth the charge, but only the value charged when the suspect was found.
 At this point, the identity of the victim has not been determined.  On each side of the victim press three holes, each nail painted a different color.  Hair dyed reddish brown, very small ripples.  The owner of a hairdressing salon said that the person to this hairstyle is mainly people from elsewhere to Jinan.  The majority of them work in the entertainment industry such as KTV, nightclub or massage parlor.  Combined with ear and nail characteristics, the team concludes that this ability is very high.
 Investigations in this direction quickly resulted.  A KTV in the neighborhood said two months ago there was a steward named Wang Xiaoling not working anymore.  This person has a relatively identifying characteristic that matches the description of the police.  As female attendants often change jobs without notice, management should not pay attention to this.
 Police contacted the family of Wang Xiaoming, who said home to Shandong Ling employed for many years, less contact.  Linh, 25 years old, plans to leave home after the holidays to marry.  The DNA test showed that Linh was the victim of the case.
 The search of the scene caused many problems because the family did not know Linh rented houses.  The police inquired about the motels around the site but did not get the results.  The staff at KTV did not know where Linh was.  Management remembered that Linh was sick and was taken home by another flight attendant, but this person also quit.  Finally, the police also found the flight attendant, she led the police to a motel and said Linh previously room 207 here.
 The host, Zhao Hai Shek, 49, said that no tenants were Wang Xiaolin.  The former housekeeper room 207 Tran, now the Sun family.
 Police to the second floor, see room 207 lock door request Thach open.  The furnishings in the room are of the Sun's tenant, but on the wall there are patches of stains that hide something.  The corner of the bed under the bed has some dried blood stains, which are then identified as the blood of the victim.
Police questioned, why did Thach know that the victim did not return and rented the room, while the victim's belongings were still there?  When he cleaned the room for rent, he must have noticed unusual signs, so why not tell the police?  Why did Thach hide the victims who rented here?  Want to hide the perpetrator or the culprit?
 Thach explained that many guests do not return home for another room to rent to others.  He did not notice the ink on the wall because he did not notice anything unusual.  Thach did not want to get involved with the police for fear of inconvenience. Although the police do not believe this testimony, but because the DNA test results are not suitable, Thach is considered a common suspect, not the key object.
 The crime scene has been ruined, but the police still find an important clue.  On the back wall of room 207, there is a shoe under the window.  On the windows, there were thicker dust around, indicating that the perpetrator had entered the room through the window.  This place is hidden, if the stranger basically will not detect it, so it is probably the people in this lodge.  Time is causing the day, because the day the guests are working, only the victims at night should stay home to sleep.
 The subject is zoned for men from 20 to 50 years old. During the inquiries of the tenants, the police made an important finding: Thach's son, Trieu Ve Quan, sometimes came to sleep on the first floor, but he did not mention it.
 Theoretically, when the DNA sample of Thach does not match the sample DNA of the killer, Thach's son is automatically eliminated.  However, it is still possible that Quan was not the son of Thach.  So the specialists still sampled the DNA of the Army to test, resulting in the DNA samples of the Army did not match.  This could only prove that Quan did not harm the victim, so Quan was still suspected of continuing the investigation.
 The police temporarily shelved two father Thach, Quan, but here only one male guest. The time of Linh's phone to stop all contacts also coincide with the time she left work under the management of KTV is 28/11/2012.  During this time, the above said guests have to work back home, no time to make a sentence.  In addition, the host also said room 205 living with her boyfriend.  Since the beginning of December, two people have checked out and moved to another place.
 The unrighteous love of two nephews
 According to CCTV , the police found 205 roommates at the time were Ngo Binh Binh, 21, of Jiangxi.  At this time, she lived alone in a motel room near the sewing workshop where she worked.  However, Binh insisted that when staying at the inn, she was alone, not living with her boyfriend.
Knowing that the innkeeper and many other guests could prove to have a couple in the motel room 205, Binh was forced to utter a secret that surprised the police: The man living with the Chief was her husband. intestine.  This person is Tran Lam Que, 32, from Binh.
Police investigate information about Tran Lam Que, but the household management system announced that this person does not exist.  Tran's name appears only when looking in the list of people who have been deleted.  The department contacted Nanchang police, known as Que died from May 5/2012 and deleted the household registration.
 So Binh continued to lie.  Que died from May, can not live with Binh to December moved to be.  Binh's mysterious boyfriend becomes the focus of the police suspects. From the current signs, the team proposed a hypothesis: Binh and Linh in the same lodge, conflicting from a small amount of activity.  After a time, conflicts are increasingly acute, Binh thanks to her boyfriend to help Linh Spirit.  Uncle Binh not only rape but also killed the Spirit.  Binh knew, with his boyfriend clean the scene, remove the traces, take the body to throw away and escape.  So when the police asked, Binh must find ways to protect his boyfriend.
 The problem is the mysterious boyfriend of Binh is who, now where?  Binh still insisted on living with his uncle Tran Lam Que.  The project team sent a team to Nam Xuong to investigate Que.
 Right now, the team received news from the Nanchang team: Que is still alive.  Que's wife said that after the Lunar New Year he suddenly left the suicide note and left.  In the letter said that cinnamon disease, do not want to contact the family should seek medical treatment, if not cured will jump river suicide.  A few months later, he was unable to get in touch with Que.
 Mid December suddenly Que home, the family is happy to think that Que was cured, also forget to report to the police.  Since then Cinnamon often panic, the spirit is not focused, the family is the sequelae of illness.
 On February 2, 2013, Que was escorted from Nanchang to Jinan by train.  Prior to the DNA test, he claimed the crime.
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hfgewer · 3 years
The Chinese New Year’s fierce battle is in full swing "Hello, Li Huanying" word of mouth continues to ferment
Under the policy initiative of "Chinese New Year in situ", the Spring Festival film market ushered in a big explosion, becoming the "strongest Spring Festival file". According to the data of Maoyan Professional Edition, as of 13:30 on February 13th, the box office of Mainland China movies had received nearly 2.7 billion yuan, and "Detective Chinatown 3" had a total of 1.624 billion box office; the runner-up "Hello, Li Huanying" performed equally dazzlingly. At the box office of 496 million yuan, the box office of "Samurai God Order", "Assassination of Novelists", "Bear Infested Wild Continent" and other films also exceeded 100 million.pc case    Desktop Case    computer case    best pc case   pc case recommendations     gaming pc case     pc case white     pc case atx     mid tower pc case     https://musetex.com/
  Numerous films wrestled in the Spring Festival file known as fairy fights. In the process of chasing each other, director Jia Ling’s debut film "Hello, Li Huanying" has a huge reputation. Like a dark horse, it stands out in the word-of-mouth battlefield and leads the word-of-mouth rankings of all platforms, among which Maoyan With a score of 9.5 points, Douban scored as high as 8.2 points, 79.5% of netizens gave 4 stars and above praise, becoming the best-known Chinese New Year film.
  On the morning of February 13, the word-of-mouth of "Hello, Li Huanying" continued to ferment, and once topped the Weibo hot search list. Not only that, in the top ten list of Weibo hot search, there are 6 content related to the film. The popularity of "Hello, Li Huanying" can be seen. While the popularity of the film continues to ferment, it also arouses many audiences to their hometown and relatives. , Thinking of reunion.
  The audience who walked into the movie theater and watched "Hello, Li Huanying" gave their comments. The film was full of laughter and avoided deliberate sentiment. The tearful plot content and simple sincere emotions in the laughter hit the softest part of everyone's heart. On Douban, many viewers gave a very high evaluation in the film reviews, thinking that the film "there are tears after a smile, warm and moving but not too sensational", "smiles are warm and lovely," and "smiles to baggage is a kind of looking back." "Healing of wounds in my heart", and some netizens said that after watching the film, "I want to call my mother, tell her to wait for me, and go back to see her in two days."
  Under Zhihu’s answer to a question about "Hello, Li Huanying", the comment with the highest liking included a poem to describe the feeling after watching the film: "The water of the waterfall goes up against the current, and the seeds of dandelion come from Floating back in the distance, like an umbrella, the sun rises from the west and sets to the east; the bullet returns to the barrel, and the athletes return to the starting line. I hand in the admission notice, forgetting the ten-year cold window; food floating in the kitchen Dexiang, you sign my paper, turn off the TV, and help me carry my schoolbag; you are still by my side.
  "You are still by my side" is such a simple and simple sentence that not only expresses the most real emotions of the film, but also makes many people burst into tears, especially in the context of people who cannot go home for the New Year. The film says a lot. The voice of people. It is understood that the film is adapted from Jia Ling’s personal experience. It tells the story of Jia Xiaoling (Jia Ling), a girl who had just entered college, accidentally traveled through time and space and returned to 1981. She met her young mother Li Huanying (Zhang Xiaofei) and touched her young parents. The story of their dreams.Musetex     musetex pc case     musetex website   musetex company      musetex manual     musetex pc case review    
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mithashu-blog · 3 years
Interview: Foreign investors to see great opportunities emerging from China, says scholar
Interview: Foreign investors to see great opportunities emerging from China, says scholar
Abstract : China's high-level opening-up will have a significant impact on the world, and foreign investors can expect massive opportunities emerging from China in the coming years, according to a scholar. by Xinhua writer Sun Xiaoling LONDON, March 8 (Xinhua) — China’s high-level opening-up will have a significant impact on the world, and foreign investors can expect massive opportunities…
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travelcenter-uk · 5 years
Nanjing Travel Blog
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Nanjing is a city in China. It is the capital of the Jiangsu Province in Eastern China, and has a prominent place in Chinese history and culture, having being the capital of the Chinese Empire during six different dynasties. It is recognised as one of the four great capitals of ancient China. Nanjing has long been a national centre of education, research, transport networks, and tourism. Nanjing is home to a lively culture, and has hundreds of monuments that showcase its historical importance as a capital city. The city is home to several fine arts, including dance, music (including opera), and visual arts. Jiangsu Art Gallery is the largest gallery in the Jiangsu Province, and exhibits traditional and contemporary artwork.
Here are some of the top places to visit in Nanjing
Confucius Temple Nanjing
Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum
Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum
Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
Zhonghua Gate
Qinhuai River
Nanjing Museum
Nanjing Jingjue Mosque
Zhanyuan Garden
Things to do in Nanjing
Walk Across the Yangtze river bridge
Visit the Nanjing Library
Visit the Xuanwu Hu
Take a break at the Hongshan Zoo
Explore the Purple Mountain
Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/nanjing-travel-blog/
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk #bestplacetotravel
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jthulus · 5 years
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Oh god Pussyslayer has AirPods in oh fuck she cant hear us. The truck isn’t slowing down oh my god she's gonna get hit oh fuck. Pussyslayer! PUSSYSLAYER!
Sun knew it’d happen one day
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adriansmithcarslove · 6 years
1937 Alfa Romeo 4C Wins Best of Show at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance
An exquisite 1937 Alfa Romeo 4C 2900B Touring Berlinetta took home the Best of Show prize at the 2018 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
The deep blue Alfa Romeo won its class before competing for Best of Show and also picked up this year’s Charles A. Chayne Trophy—plus, it was named the J. B. & Dorothy Nethercutt Most Elegant Closed Car.
“As a Zagato collector, I broke the rules and bought a Touring-bodied car because this Alfa Romeo is very special,” said owner David Sydorick of Beverly Hills, California, in a statement. “It is a piece of automotive architecture mounted on a Grand Prix chassis that has technology that was top of the line for prewar cars. It’s a wonderful combination. It’s beautiful from top to bottom.”
The polished prizewinner competed against over 200 cars from 17 countries and 31 states on the 18th fairway of Pebble Beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The concours is not a contest of speed, but instead one of elegance, just as it has been since its inception in 1950.
“This Alfa Romeo 8C 2.9 has all that one would wish for in a car—speed, style, and, frankly, sex appeal,” said  Sandra Button, Concours chairman, in a release. “The Touring styling is simply magical, and to top it off it makes all the right noises!”
Honorable mentions include a 1929 Duesenberg J Murphy Town Limousine owned by the Lehrman Collection of Palm Beach, Florida, and a 1948 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Figoni Fastback Coupé owned by Robert Kudela of Chropyně, Czech Republic.
This year’s Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance also raised $1.8 million for charity that will benefit over 80 local Monterey county charities.
The 69th Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance returns to the third Sunday of August next year—so be sure to mark your calendars for August 18, 2019.
Here’s the full list of this year’s winners:
Best of Show 1937 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Touring Berlinetta David & Ginny Sydorick, Beverly Hills, California
Best of Show Nominees 1929 Duesenberg J Murphy Town Limousine Lehrman Collection, Palm Beach, Florida
1948 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Figoni Fastback Coupé Robert Kudela, Chropyně, Czech Republic
Elegance Awards
Gwenn Graham Most Elegant Convertible 1937 Cadillac Series 90 Hartmann Cabriolet Jim Patterson/The Patterson Collection, Louisville, Kentucky
J. B. & Dorothy Nethercutt Most Elegant Closed Car 1937 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Touring Berlinetta David & Ginny Sydorick, Beverly Hills, California
Jules Heumann Most Elegant Open Car 1929 Rolls-Royce Phantom I Brewster York Roadster John & Heather Mozart, Palo Alto, California
Strother MacMinn Most Elegant Sports Car 1970 Ferrari 512 S Modulo Pininfarina Coupe MJJV Cars, Rye, New York
Special Awards
Alec Ulmann Trophy 1926 Hispano-Suiza H6B Rollston Convertible Victoria Jorge Fernandez, Marbella, Spain
Ansel Adams Award 1910 Pope-Hartford Model T 5 Passenger Touring Gary & Sheryl Hunter, Arcadia, California
ArtCenter College of Design Award 1947 Cisitalia 202 SC Vignale Cabriolet Janice Feldman, Singapore
Briggs Cunningham Trophy 1955 Maserati A6GCS Frua Spyder Jonathan Feiber & Heather Buhr, Atherton, California
Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS) Award 1959 Citroën DS 19 Berline d’Usine Jeffrey & Frances Fisher, Palm Beach, Florida
Chairman’s Trophy 1965 Hong Qi CA72 Zongmin Huang & Xiaoling Sun, Chengdu, China
Charles A. Chayne Trophy 1937 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Touring Berlinetta David & Ginny Sydorick, Beverly Hills, California
Classic Car Club of America Trophy 1931 Minerva Type AL Rollston Convertible Sedan The Stephens Family, San Francisco, California
Elegance in Motion Trophy 1939 Lagonda V12 Le Mans Rapide Drophead Coupé The Hon. Sir Michael Kadoorie, Hong Kong
Enzo Ferrari Trophy 1958 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa Scaglietti Spyder Chris & Ann Cox, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
FIVA Postwar Trophy 1955 OSCA MT4 2AD Vignale Berlinetta Roger Hoffmann, Point Reyes Station, California
FIVA Prewar Trophy 1921 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost James & Co. Open Tourer Kesri Dev Singh, Wankaner, India
The French Cup 1935 Delage D8-85 Henri Chapron/Clabot Cabriolet Linda & Paul Gould, Pawling, New York
Gran Turismo Trophy 1966 All American Racers Eagle Special Bruce Canepa, Scotts Valley, California
Lincoln Trophy 1926 Lincoln Brunn Cabriolet Dana & Paula Morgan, Scotts Valley, California
Lorin Tryon Trophy His Highness Rana Manvendra Singh Barwani
Lucius Beebe Trophy 1935 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental Gurney Nutting Streamline Coupé Amir & Wendy Jetha, Mumbai, India
Mercedes­Benz Star of Excellence Award 1929 Mercedes-Benz 710 SS Barker Tourer Race Car The Keller Collection at The Pyramids, Petaluma, California
Montagu of Beaulieu Trophy 1927 Rolls-Royce Phantom I Windovers Limousine His Highness Maharaja Gaj Singhji of Marwar-Jodhpur, Jodhpur, India
The Phil Hill Cup 1954 OSCA 2000 S Frua Spider Michael Trösser, Germany
Tony Hulman Trophy 1961 Bryant Heating & Cooling Epperly Special Bill Akin, Hermitage, Tennesse
The Vitesse ~ Elegance Trophy 1948 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Figoni Fastback Coupé Robert Kudela, Chropyně, Czech Republic
The post 1937 Alfa Romeo 4C Wins Best of Show at Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance appeared first on Motor Trend.
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theblackarticle · 4 years
#BlackArticle - ‘We Are All Hurt By This’: Racist Graffiti Sparks Protest At University Of Richmond
#BlackArticle – ‘We Are All Hurt By This’: Racist Graffiti Sparks Protest At University Of Richmond
blackarticle.com: xiaoling sun / Getty
The University of Richmond has become the latest institution of education that has faced backlash for a racist atmosphere. According to WRIC, police say they’re investigating three incidents that occurred on campus late last week.
The university’s freshman class president, Gabriella Armon-Wickerssaid she awakened Friday morning to find the N-word…
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thegaitguys · 4 years
Gait and COVID-19, Motor Learning, Shoes and Injuries
People Suddenly falling down who have COVID-19? We got to thinking, that more neurologic, isn't it?
*The Masterclass in Gait, with the Gait Guys join us monthly at: https://www.patreon.com/thegaitguys for the monthly Masterclass installment hour. Formal presentations, slides, videos, demos, deep dives on topics you will not hear anywhere but here ! We hit the gait, biomechanics, neurology and orthopedics of all of the gait topics we present. This is not for the weak and timid, this is the deep dive you have been waiting for. Join us while we turn our normal 50 minute presentations into 3.5 hours on a regular basis !
The 40$ Patreon level will give you 50% off the Masterclass and also get you the $20, $10, and 5$ Patreon level content. What a deal ! It will not be here forever so lock in now ! Links to find the podcast: Look for us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Podbean, PlayerFM, RADIO and more. Just Google "the gait guys podcast". _______________________________________________________________________________ Our Websites: www.thegaitguys.com Find Exclusive content at: https://www.patreon.com/thegaitguys doctorallen.co summitchiroandrehab.com shawnallen.net Our website is all you need to remember. Everything you want, need and wish for is right there on the site. Interested in our stuff ? Want to buy some of our lectures or our National Shoe Fit program? Click here (thegaitguys.com or thegaitguys.tumblr.com) and you will come to our websites. In the tabs, you will find tabs for STORE, SEMINARS, BOOK etc. We also lecture every 3rd Wednesday of the month on onlineCE.com. We have an extensive catalogued library of our courses there, you can take them any time for a nominal fee (~$20). Our podcast is on iTunes and just about every other podcast harbor site, just google "the gait guys podcast", you will find us. Where to find us, the podcast Links: Apple podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gait-guys-podcast/id559864138?mt=2
Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Icdfyphojzy3drj2tsxaxuadiue?t=The_Gait_Guys_Podcast Links to today's show:
1.Current frameworks on running-related injury (RRI) aetiology emphasize the relation between exposure to training load, internal tissue loads, and tissue capacity; with tissue load exceeding its capacity being the key biological mechanism in the development of RRI. Despite this, . . .
2.Systematic Review of the Role of Footwear Constructions in Running Biomechanics: Implications for Running-Related Injury and Performance. Xiaole Sun et al. https://www.jssm.org/volume19/iss1/cap/jssm-19-20.pdf
3.The neuroinvasive potential of SARS‐CoV2 may play a rolein the respiratory failure of COVID‐19 patientshttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/jmv.25728 "The entry ofSARS‐CoV into human host cells is mediated mainly by a cellularreceptor angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is ex-pressed in human airway epithelia, lung parenchyma, vascular endothelia, kidney cells, and small intestine cells." "Additionally, some patients withCOVID‐19 also showed neurologic signs, such as headache, nausea, and vomiting. Increasing evidence shows that coronaviruses are not always confined to the respiratory tract and that they may also invade the central nervous system inducing neurological diseases. The infection of SARS‐CoV has been reported in the brains from both patients and experimental animals, where the brainstem was heavily infected. (Experimental studies using transgenic mice revealed that either SARS‐CoV34or MERS‐COV,13when given in-tranasally, could enter the brain,possibly via the olfactory nerves,and thereafter rapidly spread to some specific brain areas including thalamus and brainstem) Furthermore, some coronaviruses have been demonstrated able to spread via a synapse‐connected route to the medullary cardiorespiratory center from the mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors in the lung and lower respiratory airways. *increasing evidenceshows that CoVs may first invade peripheral nerve terminals, and then gain access to the CNS via a synapse‐connected route" 4.Motor Learning https://journals.lww.com/acsm-essr/Fulltext/2013/01000/Changing_Up_the_Routine___Intervention_Induced.10.aspx 5.Ahead of the curve in the evolution of human feet
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visitnanjing-org · 5 years
Nanjing, China Travel Guide
We are in Nanjing, China. Nanjing is the former capital of China, ruling several dynasties until 1949. Just 90 minutes from Shanghai by bullet train, it is a fascinating city to add to your China itinerary So this is a walking street here in Nanjing, where you get all of the boats to go. The boat cruises along the canal. It's hard to believe that this is a Monday night. It feels more like a Friday or a holiday. But, no, this is just a typical day here in Nanjing. Time to get on the boat with a thousand other people. Confucius Temple dates back to 1034, but it was rebuilt in 1984, after being destroyed during the 1937 Japanese occupation. Located on the Qinhuai River, there's a maze of walking streets and shops leading to the star attraction, the river cruise, well we're on our river tour here in Nanjing. We recommend bringing your guide on board with you. We had no idea what the commentary was saying, and instead, we simply spent our time enjoying the neon lights and reenactments of famous Chinese folklore. Niushoushan Mountain is a new cultural park that opened in 2015, designed to establish a new heritage world of Buddhism culture. There is a shuttle bus that takes you to two stops, the temple first, where there's a bamboo forest, and then the palace. The temple is lovely, but don't spend too much time there, as the palace is incredible. The Niushoushan Cultural Park is quite the spectacle. It's a complex of temples and Buddhas built inside a mountain, and it's pretty extravagant. So the temple that we're in now is 60 meters underground, so that's 180 feet. And this is all an old mining area, so that's what they did is they built all the temples within the mountain, all of the caverns that they mined. Amazing. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this. Now that was definitely worth coming down 60 meters for. Make sure to give yourself ample time to explore. There's plenty to see, and they even have a vegan restaurant for lunch. On a clear day the views are incredible. Well we're heading up to the tomb of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, and I might not be saying that right, so forgive me, but he was the founder of the first Ming dynasty in 1381. How cool is that? You know, China is just full of amazing history. Purple Mountain is another way to spend a day in Nanjing. It houses the Xiaoling Mausoleum from the Ming dynasty, and the father of China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum. The Xiaoling Mausoleum is a beautiful complex of gardens, ponds, and bridges, housing the rulers from the Ming dynasty. The 1800 meter Sacred Way is lined with sculptures of elephants, lions, and camels, guarding the tombs. It's a very impressive entrance. Visiting Dr. Sun Yat-sen's memorial is a very different experience from the peacefulness of the Ming tombs. He was the father of the Republic of China, and he led the rebellion that put an end to the monarchy system that ruled for 2,000 years. People flock to Nanjing to pay their respects. So we're going to see the tomb of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and he is like the George Washington of China, so this is a pretty special place to visit. While this place is more popular than the Ming tombs, it's just filled with people. It's quite an exciting place to be. Obviously, it's very important, being the father of China. He started the revolution. He helped people decide that their mind and body are important, to take care of themselves. And, obviously, it's a very special and sacred place. Look at all the people. So we're here at the memorial of the Nanjing Massacre that happened in 1937. It's a very touching and moving memorial to the 300,000 people who died during the Japanese occupation of Nanjing in 1937. Around me are pictures of all of the victims who died during the occupation. It was a real slaughter. It was women and children and families. And this was during an eight year war that happened, so it was a very bloody, terrible time. At the time of the occupation, Nanjing was still the capital of China, making it a strategic point for invasion. The Japanese army committed atrocities on civilians, families, and even children. The memorial is a massive complex. Displays depict the event, the war crimes tribunal, and there are indoor and outdoor exhibits. A poignant memorial exhibits the skeletal remains of bodies that were uncovered between the 1985 and 1998 excavations. So we're going to learn the art of burning incense today. Who knew that it was an art form? I didn't know that. There's an actual way to do it, and we're going to show you how. I bet you it involves a lighter. Incense plays a large role in Chinese tradition, and at The Porcelain Tower we learned how to make an incense stencil to create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Followed by a tea ceremony, we managed to learn of two very important Chinese ceremonies at one time. So that was an interesting ceremony. I was expecting to burn solid, a stick of incense, but what it is, is we made our own little lotus leaf of incense by dropping the incense into a little... I can't think of the word. Stencil. Yeah, by dropping it into a little stencil. So I think we did okay. The Porcelain Tower was considered one of the seven medieval wonders of the world. But like many historic buildings in Nanjing, it was destroyed. In 2015, the new tower was rebuilt, and today, visitors can visit the museum and witness excavations that took place in 2008. It is believed that the remains of Buddha were found on these grounds. Going to the top of the tower also offers great views of the city of Nanjing. Nanjing has the longest city wall in the world, and it is known as the other Great Wall of China. At 600-years-old, it is also the most well preserved. The wall was made by the best brickmakers in the land, and each brick has the inscription of origin, which bears the responsibility for the quality of the bricks. When visiting Nanjing, it is not to be missed. So we're here at Taichung City wall, and we're going to learn calligraphy, Chinese calligraphy. And it really is an art form, let me tell you. Anybody can come here and do this, and it's all in the way you hold the brush. Yeah? No, I messed that one up. Well, I totally did it wrong. Normally you're supposed to it this way, but I did it along here. So our teacher, she said, "Lying in bed is so happy." So I came out with something anyway. Well, this is my masterpiece work of art. I'm telling you, it's going on display in my place, and I'm going to make everybody look at it and admire it. I love you. I love you, too. Make sure to subscribe to our videos and ring the bell. You'll get updates each week from another destination around the world.
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