kpopna · 1 year
فرقة Rare House التقرير الكامل
Rare House هو اسم مؤقت اطلق على مجموعة من المتدربين تحت شركة Great M Entertainment. تتكون المجموعة من: Seongbin و Seongil و Sungmo و Seokjun و Donggun و Dogyun. تاريخ ترسيمهم غير معروف حاليًا. الحسابات الرسمية للفرقة: Instagram: @rarehouse_kr TikTok: @rarehouse_kr YouTube: @rarehouse_kr (레어하우스) أعضاء الفرقة: 1- Seongbin (سيونغ بين): 1- المعلومات الشخصية: الإسم الفني: Seongbin (سيونغ بين) الإسم…
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sungmocaferj · 1 year
  ドラマ #婚活食堂
#BSテレ東 #テレビ大阪
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astarlightmonbebe · 1 year
petition for kim kwon to stop choosing psycho roles please
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chaoticfandomthot · 11 months
"But it's canon!" Not to me. Not if it's him.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
there’s not a single star in the sky | xu minghao & kim mingyu
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➝ Minghao x Reader / Mingyu x Reader // not a love triangle
➝ soulmate!au // angst // somewhat slowburn // fluff in between? // a journey of acceptance and moving on
➝ total word count: 12k
➝ notes, warnings: my sorry attempt of an angst <//3, it doesn't end badly i promise, curses, food, mentions of death, OC is trying to hold back her tears for like.. 80% of the fic, probably some grammatical errors and typos, not beta-ed D: i purposefully write some stuff vaguely. that's it, tell me if there's more!
➝ summary: he’s your soulmate. so why did the universe also decide he’s not the one you’re going to spend your forever with?
or, alternatively:
Minghao was there to fill the space Mingyu left behind; but you'd never expected to what extent he was meant to do it for.
➝ A/N: it's late and i didn't mean this to be your bday fic but.. happy bday hao!! i'll shut up and say more at the end. pls enjoy and tell me what you thought!!
여기 이 세상이 아름다운 건 the reason why this word is beautiful
그대가 머문 흔적들 때문에 아마 is probably because it has traces of you [Jo Sungmo - Do You Know]
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When you first met Minghao, he was there to be your roommate.
It's been months since Mingyu left, almost a year, really, and as much as it still hurts and the thought wells up tears in your eyes, Jeonghan is right when he said it's time you need to pick up the pieces broken by the love of your life.
–the first step being moving out of the place you had bought together with him. Saying it hurts is starting to get repetitive at this point, but it really does and you have no idea how many times you’ve broken down crying the more you pack, your eyes red beyond measure and your chest physically aches that it’s hard to breathe. 
The apartment is practically empty except for the furniture, nothing inside screams you or Mingyu anymore except for one single photograph and it sends you into a spiral of sadness that you can’t comprehend how to handle. Your eyes wander to the empty wall on top of the TV, already rid of photographs Mingyu had taken and decided to frame because “angel, this is a masterpiece!” like he didn’t say it everytime he decided to frame more pictures and hang them on the walls (mostly of you both together).
You close your eyes and exhale a deep breath at the memories, hating the way your lips still tremble at the thought of him, then gently wipe the tears lining up your eyes before they turn into yet another waterfall.
There’s only one big picture left on the wall, a photograph of a daffodil field you both had gone to two years ago and is easily the most beautiful place you’ve ever stepped your feet on. You insisted that the picture stays though Jeonghan said it’d be better to take everything down. But as much as you know his memories hurt you, you don’t want to erase him just because you’re struggling; that picture is the one Mingyu loved the most and you think it’s only right to let it be.
So it can guard your home once you’re no longer there.
Kim Mingyu is still the most wonderful thing that has ever happened in your life and you want to keep his memories with you no matter what.
“When is your cousin moving in?” Jeonghan asks as you put the last of your belongings. Most of your stuff is already in your new place, and while you couldn’t bear to sell the apartment, you heard from your mom that your cousin is looking for a place in your area because she’s starting university soon; so she’s going to move in and rent your place at least until she finishes her study. 
You’re not that close with her, but know her well enough to know that she’s nice and isn’t the type to mess around. Which is good, because if you’re close with her then you’d be finding reasons to visit just to be in the apartment. This way, you know your place will be in good hands and, for now, that’s the only thing you can ask for.
“In two weeks. She’ll start moving her stuff next week though.” It’s weird to be talking about someone else living in a place where your love bloomed, but it’s really for the best and you understand that it’s getting more unhealthy for you if you continue your way of living the way you do. Even one year is already pushing it.
“You’re still moving tomorrow though, right?” your best friend nudges you, and you nod as you try to shrug the weight lingering on your chest. Your silence concerns him despite your nod, so Jeonghan takes your hand and squeezes it lightly. “Do you want me to stay the night?”
“It’s okay, Han.” You smile weakly. As much as you want Jeonghan to hold you through the night because you know you’ll be crying, you want to spend your last night here by yourself. You want to cry one last time so you can let everything go. You want to bask in Mingyu’s memories, in his fading scent, and in the place where the love you shared with him grew the most.
And as you cry yourself to sleep that night in your empty bedroom, screaming for Mingyu’s name into your pillow again and again like it’d bring him back to you, you think you can feel his arms holding you once again the moment your consciousness gives up, almost like a dream you wish you never wake up from.
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Your new roommate is perceptive and you’re not sure yet whether you like it or not.
“You look tired.” He smiles politely, though you can tell that the look in his eyes is closest to what you’d describe as pitiful.
Of course you look pitiful, you woke up with your head pounding due to your excessive crying the night before and you could barely open your eyes because of the very same reason.
“I was going to talk to you about rules and all that but I think that can wait.”
“Thank you,” you say without offering any reason, you don’t owe him any explanations anyway. “I just need some sleep though, can we talk about it later tonight?”
Minghao nods, the smile on his face so warm that your heart would probably skip a beat if not for your current predicament. You wince at the way your heart clenches, Mingyu’s name once again echoing in your head. Feeling heat creeping up against your neck, you reach up to touch the skin behind your ear, a habit you always do, something Mingyu teased you about since the time you went on your first date together.
Ah, fuck. You really should stop yourself from thinking about him too much.
“It must’ve been hard moving all that stuff. Have a good rest,” Minghao ushers you before you can say anything, which you thankfully nod at, and you immediately bolt to your new room before you embarrassingly cry in front of him out of nowhere. 
You don’t need to know Minghao hears your cry because you didn’t close the door properly, his concerned eyes rooted to the floor as he closes the door for you, the soft click barely even a noise upon your heart silenced sobs.
It’s later that night that he sees you again, already fresh in new clothes and looking comparably better than earlier though your puffy eyes are a dead giveawa. Minghao has never been one to pry, but his heart is made to care for others and he’s trying hard not to ask if you’re okay, to pretend like the sound of you crying didn’t tug something in his heart.
Xu Minghao is born to care for those around him but he’s not sure why you crying hurts him this much when you’re practically a stranger renting the available room in his house.
“Want to order something?” He forces himself to say, wondering if he’s crossing any line; do you even have any intention to befriend him? He’s still not sure why you’re moving into his place, the most he has heard from you was you’re simply looking for a new environment, and Junhui, a mutual friend of the both of you, has only told him that you’re going through a lot so he might want to be careful overall.
When Minghao asks if there’s anything he should know out of concern, the older guy has simply said it’s not his story to tell and reminds him to be mindful if you’re ever visibly struggling in front of him.
“I was wondering what to eat for dinner. You can join me if you want. It’s okay if you don’t, though.”
Unexpectedly, you send a soft smile his way with a nod, then make your way to sit on the single sofa next to him and hug the cushion on your lap. “Sure. What’s good around here?”
“Mmm. What do you feel like eating?” He turns to look at you, only to find your fingers playing with the skin near your ear as you purse your lips in thought. It’s the first time he has the chance to actually look at you, and he scolds himself for being a teenager when it pops into his mind how soft your skin looks followed by the question of how it’d feel under his touch.
“Anything’s fine except for pasta.” 
“You don’t like pasta?”
“I do. I think they’re too heavy if we eat them now though.”
Minghao hums in agreement, but you say he can order whatever he feels like eating because you can eat just about anything as long as it’s not too creamy at the moment. “Surprise me,” you tell him, your voice a little too cheerful for someone who was crying a few hours ago. He tries to get it off his mind though, because it’s none of his business and you’re not even friends yet at this point.
He doesn’t even know why it bothers him that much. Perhaps he’s been thinking about Junhui’s words too much, be careful and be mindful. As someone who’s used to catering to other’s feelings, Minghao finds it hard to stay still when he knows someone near him is struggling. It’s obvious from your body language though; the way you’re internally exhausted but are trying your best to look okay.
Maybe moving to his place is your first step to overcoming whatever you’re going through. Whatever it is, Minghao decides that’s where he should stop assuming and reminds himself once again that it’s none of his business.
“So,” he starts after ordering food. He figures he should at least talk about the house rules if there’s no other topic at hand. “I’m not very strict about rules, to be honest. Some of the rules I always tell people are just basic ones like: let me know if you’re going to have friends around, though I’m not too comfortable with anyone staying overnight, so just make sure to ask me first before you let anyone stay over; don’t be too loud; and let’s clean after ourselves? These apply to the both of us though, so I promise I’ll stand by them too.”
“Yeah, sure.” You nod in agreement. He’s right. Those are basic rules, he’s just asking you to have manners and be aware that you’re living with someone else. But you can tell from his first impression alone that Minghao is the kinda person that’s considerate and proper. He didn’t ask for anything too personal when he first met you to talk about your possible coliving situation, and it was easy to tell that Minghao was just looking for someone that’s…, well, also proper.
He was just the right amount of friendly. You didn’t talk with him for that long that day, but you could tell that you both passed each other’s vibe check and you were glad when Minghao called a week later to say you’re welcome to move in anytime the month after if you’re still looking for a place to stay.
“I don’t have that many friends so you don’t have to worry.”
He chuckles at that, glad that you’re comfortable enough to make a joke. "We'll get along just fine then."
The silence after that is a bit awkward, though it's not enough to make anyone uncomfortable. You wonder if you're simply imagining Minghao's extra careful words and gestures or if he’s simply that type of person to begin with. 
He does seem the type to be certain with his lines.
"You're home a lot, then?" He tries to stay on the housing topic, a very safe topic that hopefully wouldn't cross any line.
“Yeah. I really mostly go out when my friends invite me or if I want to take a walk, else I’m basically holed up in my room.” You shrug then return the question, though from the few times you dropped by the house when you moved your things over you can already tell that Minghao is about the same.
“Mmm. I enjoy both my time inside and outside,” he purses his lips in thoughts, a tilt of his head accompanying his words. “Depends on the day, I think. Sometimes I actively try to find places to try out, sometimes I’m happy to be in my studio and paint for the whole day.”
“You paint?” Your tone is more excited than you intend it to be, though it really makes sense because you notice there are a lot of paintings throughout the living room. And now you wonder if those are his own paintings, which Minghao shyly nods to, the sheepish smile on his face growing the more you sing praises to his talent. “Wow. I’ve always wanted to paint, you know? But my hands are not made for art so…”
“That’s nonsense.” He frowns like your sentence personally offends him, his words bringing tears to your eyes before you even realize. “Art is for everyone. Have you actually tried painting?”
‘Angel, that is not a painting!’ Mingyu laughed with the entirety of his chest, not minding your pout even the tiniest bit. ‘That’s just doodles. Gosh, you’re so cute.’
‘I told you I didn’t want to do this!’ you whined as you tried to get away from his embrace. Seriously, this guy was a good 20cm taller than you and he liked to just bend down and bury his face onto your neck like it’s not physically uncomfortable for him to do so. ‘I’m not going to let you plan another date.’
Mingyu simply grinned and hugged you tighter at that, knowing full well that you didn’t mean any of it.
‘Art is for everyone though,’ he whispered with a laugh, his lips upon your cheek. ‘You did great. We should try watercoloring sometimes.’
“Did… I say something wrong?” Minghao’s worried voice brings you back to the present, and you blink back the tears before they actually fall down, your voice caught in your throat.
“No.” You clear your throat then excuse yourself to the bathroom in hope Minghao doesn’t notice anything. From the way he simply nods, you hope that’s the case, but the gentle eyes full of concern following you until the bathroom door closes certainly implies otherwise. 
Minghao brushes the mark near his collarbone, its jet black color reminding him of things he’d rather not remember anymore. It used to be so vibrant with color, then they bleed out at once one day, turning into such a dark black it contrasts against his skin.
There’s something else Junhui said that has been bothering him, something that he thinks is the main reason why he’s more attentive to you than anything.
‘I can’t say much. But if there’s anyone who understands her struggle, it might be you. Just… don’t push her, yeah?’
He’s not sure how close you are exactly with Junhui. But if the older guy is able to say that, he supposes you’re either closer than he’s assumed, or you’re related in more ways that he could imagine. You did find out he had an available room from Junhui.
It doesn’t feel right to go through yours or Junhui’s social media just for the sake of it. But, from what he remembers, you definitely don’t appear enough on Junhui’s account for you to be in his close circle. Plus, if you’re actually close, the older guy would’ve probably brought you to hang out with him a long time ago; Junhui likes to blend all of his friends, after all. So you’re probably a friend of a friend, or there’s a situation that Junhui happens to know.
Whatever it is, it bothers him. Are you struggling like he was?
Minghao bites his lip and grazes his soulmate mark again, why is he talking like he’s over it now? As much as he’s coping, said that he’s okay now because that's all he’s managed to be, he’s still far from acceptance. 
He’s still far from making peace with it.
His eyes flicker to you again as you return and sit back down on the sofa. You force a perfect smile, one that would fool anyone into thinking you’re actually fine. Not him though, because if there’s anything he recognizes, it’s the emptiness in your eyes despite the way they turn into crescents. He’s practiced the same exact smile way too many times not to recognize it on others.
If there’s anything Minghao knows, it’s the eyes of people who are hurting.
And if there’s anything else he understands, it’s that they don’t always want to talk about it. That everyone hangs on differently and he doesn’t know you well enough to know how you cope and how you hurt.
So he does what he usually do: offer comfort in the subtlest way possible by change the topic.
“But, then again, it’s not for everyone,” he shrugs almost nonchalantly. If anyone else is in the room, he’s sure they would notice the way he’s blatantly staring at you in worry. But, fortunately for Minghao, there’s no one and you’re too busy calming yourself down to notice. “What do you do in your spare time?”
“Actually,” you shake your head like you’ve made a resolve, like you didn’t even hear his question. Your voice falters a little as you say your next words, but Minghao listens attentively as he pretends not to notice the quiver in your gaze. “I would like to try painting. I did it a long time ago but… maybe it’s time to try doing it again.”
“You sure?” he questions, something weird stirring in his heart at how determined you look. It’s most likely the romantic side in him; he’s always liked seeing people doing their best. There’s just something so beautiful about people who try, and he supposes it’s the fact that he knows the look in your eyes, recognizes a similar kind of pain reflected in them, then knowing that you’re doing your best to be okay again.
It’s almost like he’s seeing himself a few months back (has it really not been a year since he’s started to learn how to accept?), and while his heart warms at the fact that you’re trying, it makes him wonder if this was how people felt when they saw him before.
“Yeah. I think it’d be fun,” you say vaguely, knowing that your tone itself sounds unsure. Still, you’re thankful that Minghao doesn’t say anything about it as he nods and says that he’d send you the address of a cafe that allows their customers to draw on a paper and turn the result into a keyring; that he thinks that would be casual enough for you to try and have fun because an actual painting studio might feel suffocating if you’re not into it 
You falter at the mention of the familiar cafe, one that you haven’t gone to but remember Mingyu had mentioned before. You can probably still find its name and address somewhere on your phone, because Mingyu had insisted you make a list of places you should go together to, though you gave up updating it along the way
“It’s the one with a sloth mascot, isn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah. Have you been?” Minghao bites his lip at the slight tremble of your lip, did he say something wrong again?
“No, actually.” You force a small smile, one that looks sad, if anything, and Minghao’s heart is so close to breaking that it’s almost stupid. Why is he so emotional today? You’re just his new roommate, for God’s sake. “But I… I’ve heard of it, yeah.”
A heavy silence envelopes the room after that; you, deep in your mind, and Minghao, unsure what to say. Considering Junhui’s words and the way he sees himself in you, he dares to jump into conclusion and wonders what could possibly happen to your soulmate for you to be this way; to be constantly in and out of your memory in the span of thirty minutes he’s been talking with you.
Did they leave you like his soulmate did? He winces at the thought of her, the urge to reach for his mark makes his fingers ball into fists. But he waves it away and, thankfully, the bell rings indicating the arrival of your food.
Fortunately, the food is enough distraction for you two. You hum in delight once Minghao opens the packaging of the food, the smell filling the room immediately that your stomach growls a little. You’re both more hungry than you thought also, because the food is gone faster than the time it takes to arrive, and the both of you wish each other good night after cleaning up.
You’re not exactly sleepy, but you’re mentally drained and you’re afraid at how many times you almost poured your struggle to Minghao. You don’t like crying in front of anyone but Jeonghan, don’t like the feeling of anyone looking at you in pity or even concern. You really don’t.
But there’s something about Xu Minghao that makes you feel okay about being vulnerable; something about him that makes you want to open your heart and serve all its content on a platter for him to see. Or perhaps you’re just more emotional because you’ve officially moved out of your place and it’s your first day in your new home.
You hope that’s really the case.
Because the first scenario scares you a little too much.
You don’t want to feel that way.
So you spend your night talking with Jeonghan until you fall asleep, talking about nothing and everything so you wouldn’t think of Mingyu or how easy it is to be off guard in front of Minghao.
You tell Jeonghan you want to go to the sloth cafe and he offers to come with you, his voice wavering when you mention you want to try painting.
You dream of Mingyu in front of an easel that night, painting a field of yellow flowers with a smile on his face and the stars in his eyes.
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“Oh, are you going somewhere?” Minghao asks when he sees you all dressed up on the sofa, though the way you’re slumped against it makes him doubt his question. “Or did you just come back?”
You scrunch your nose at the question, then sit up and hug the cushion against your chest. “I meant to go to the sloth cafe today. But Jeonghan is suddenly called for a work emergency, so…”
The words come out before he thinks it thoroughly, and Minghao almost hits himself in the head once they escape his lips. “I can go with you if you want?”
Unexpectedly, your face lights up as your eyes meet his, making him a little taken aback at the enthusiasm.
You really do want to go there, but the thought of going there by yourself scares you a little but you know that if you don’t go now when you’ve made up your mind, you’ll push it back over and over again until eventually you decide you’d just not go. 
“Will you, really?”
“Sure, if you don’t mind going with me.” Minghao shrugs. It’s too late to back out and he’s glad if he could help you one way or another. It’s been quite some time since he visited that cafe and he doesn’t have anything to do, anyway. At your nod, he asks again. “When do you want to go?”
“I’m free the whole day, if you don’t mind going today…” You trail off, feeling a little awkward if you’re being completely honest. It’s been two weeks since you’ve moved in, and while you’ve passed the awkward phase, you’re still not there yet when it comes to favors.
“Let me change real quick then.” He definitely didn’t expect you to say yes when he offered, but now that you’ve asked him… Might as well, right? 
The ride to the cafe isn’t as awkward as you suppose it would be, the radio filling in the silence between the two of you when you’re not talking. Minghao asks if you have anything in mind you want to draw already, and you say you actually have no idea, that you want to see if there are any easy examples you can follow because you’re not gifted enough to draw anything by yourself.
“What about you?”
“Hmm… Any requests?”
You laugh at this, and then hum to yourself to see if there’s anything you’d like to see. For a second, you wonder if you’re crossing the line by asking him to draw for you in a way, but if it’s Minghao himself who asks, it should be okay, right?
“Flowers?” Your voice falters as you think of the last dream you have of Mingyu. Yellow flowers, wasn’t it?
You hear his smile before you see it, and when you turn to him curiously, Minghao offers you a nod and asks again if you have any flowers you prefer. But you don’t really know your flowers, so you tell him you want to see anything vibrant, that it’s up to him whatever flower exactly.
“Vibrant, huh?” You wonder if you imagined the slight curt in his tone, but Minghao nods once again and says he’ll see what he can do.
“You don’t have to, though!” You say, suddenly conscious that you’re making him draw something for you.
“It’s okay. I didn’t know what to draw, anyway.” He grins to assure you, but you can tell that there’s something going on inside his head that you don’t dare to ask.
“Alright… But don’t feel bad if you want to draw something else, okay?” You manage to say, hoping that you don’t sound like you’re putting a distance between the two of you. Minghao changes the topic from then, and it’s not long until you find yourself arriving at the cafe.
It’s weird, what you’re feeling. You’re both afraid and excited, as art has always been something that you associate with Mingyu. You never do it with anyone else, or even by yourself, for that matter. Mingyu was the only reason you’re even interested in it, and you’re pretty sure you would never even try if it wasn’t for him.
And now you’re here. About to go to a cafe where you can draw at, a cafe you had promised Mingyu you’d go together with…
And now you’re here.
With someone else.
“Let’s go?” Minghao’s voice breaks you from your thoughts, something you’re incredibly thankful for because you’re just about to spiral into a hurricane of emotion otherwise.
Half an hour later, you find yourself sitting side by side with Minghao as the busy sound of the cafe fills the silence between you two. You straighten your back as you exhale a deep breath, the sound of it makes Minghao chuckle from beside you. 
“What flower is that?” You glance at his drawing, intrigued by the amount of details Minghao pours into it despite not having any reference whatsoever. He’s drawing by memory, you assume, as you can’t see his phone anywhere near him, and now that you really look at his drawing, you think you’ve seen the flower before. 
Minghao pauses before he answers you, his gaze fixated on the paper in front of him. “Forsythia.”
You hum as you take out your phone, looking up the flower to see pictures of them. It’s when you quietly mutter to yourself that Minghao turns to you, a small smile on his face as he sees you admire the flowers.
“You know them?”
You shake your head, then close your phone and return to the paper in front of you. You’ve drawn nothing but the night sky, poorly drawn hills, and a few street lamps along the street. It’s nowhere near good drawing, but at least you can tell for sure that those objects are identifiable and that’s enough win for you.
Like going here trying to draw.
Like going here without shedding a tear even though your lips trembled when you step into the cafe.
That’s enough win for now.
“Can I ask something?” his voice brings you out of your thoughts, and when you nod, his voice is hesitant despite your okay. “Why… is it so dark?”
“What is?”
“Your drawing.”
Huh. Is it?
“Is there any reason you’re not drawing the moon or stars?”
You blink at the question, then look again at the night sky you’ve been drawing the past thirty minutes. The constellation mark behind your ear suddenly stings a little; have you come to hate astronomical objects so much that you end up drawing nothing but the sky without even realizing?
“It just… didn’t occur to me.” You offer him a small smile, your colored pencil hovering upon the night sky. “I can’t draw them now though, can I?”
He hums as he skims your drawing, then his eyes glance at the pack of colored pencils next to you.
“Yeah. It’d be hard to draw the moon because you’ve colored most of the night sky.” He nods and smiles your way, one that you return with a tilt of your head. “It’s okay though. It’s still pretty as it is. Some nights we can’t see the stars and the moon anyway. Doesn’t really matter, right?”
…Doesn’t really matter, huh? You bite your lip as you ponder over his words, your mark feels like it’s tingling behind your ear.
“Can I ask something too?” You say after some time, eyes still focused on the flower he’s drawing.
“I notice there are a lot of flowers in your paintings back home. Is there a reason why you like painting flowers so much?” His movement pauses at your question, and, for a second, you wonder if you’re intruding. But Minghao answers before you can retract your question, his hand moves again to fill in the color in the petal.
“It’s my soulmate mark.” His tone is much too nonchalant for such a topic, but as much as Minghao can tell you’re hurting by the look of your eyes, you can also tell he’s hiding by the tightness in his voice.
It’s very subtle, but from your point of view, it can’t be anymore obvious that Minghao is also struggling, presumably about something along the same line as you. Soulmate isn’t a sensitive topic for most people, but now that you’ve seen him this way, you can tell at once that you both share the same reluctance towards the issue.
At least it’s also clear that he’s coping far better than you are. Whatever’s happened between him and his soulmate, you hope it’s not as bad as what befell you.
“You wouldn’t know which one though,” he jokes to divert the topic. It’s more for your sake than it is for him, you feel like. He probably knows you’re not sure what to comment on that.
“I’m sure they’re pretty either way.” You comment vaguely, suddenly itching to touch the constellation behind your ear. You hesitate before you continue, unsure if it’s okay to bring it up again, but you also feel bad and you let your feelings override yourself for once. “I’m sorry I made you draw flowers.”
Minghao completely stops at that, and even though you’re not sure what you were expecting, you surely didn’t expect amusement clouding his face when you meet his gaze.
“Why are you sorry though?”
“Just felt like I needed to apologize.” You shrug, your voice gets gradually smaller as you continue. “Seems like it’s personal to you.”
“It’s fine. Like you said, I do paint a lot of flowers.” His smile is genuine, and you’re glad that he really does sound amused if anything.
Your conversation shifts from there, the two of you swift through light-hearted topics as you finish your drawings. You watch as the staff turn your drawing into an acrylic key ring, a happy smile on your face as you look at the result in your hand.
It’s definitely much better than you expected, and you think it’s good that you went with Minghao because, had it been Jeonghan, you would’ve cried thinking about Mingyu the whole time. You’re glad you went with your roommate, someone between a stranger and a friend, someone that you need to be careful with but close enough that it’s not uncomfortable.
“Yours is so pretty…” You mutter in fascination as you peek at Minghao’s, happy to take the key ring from him when he asks if you want to look closely.
“You can take it.” He says with the entirety of his heart, the grin on his face painted with pride. It’s one thing to have people sing praises to his work, but it’s another story altogether when he sees someone like you who looks at his creation like it’s the most precious thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on. When you ask if he’s sure you can have it like it doesn’t make sense for him to just give it away, he chuckles and nods. “You look like you’d appreciate it. That’s good enough for me.”
“Thank you!” You clutch the keyring between your palms, telling him you’d take good care of it. “I’d offer you mine but…”
“I’ll take it.” He offers you his palm, and then chuckles some more when you ask again if he’s sure about his choice. “You doubt me a lot, huh?”
“It’s just… Mine isn’t as pretty though.” You scrunch your nose as you hand him your result. Yes, it’s better than you expected, but still…
“I saw how much effort you put into that.” He begins, his thumb caressing your keyring. “And I did say it looks pretty, no? I wasn’t just saying it to make you feel better.”
Whispering a small thank you, Minghao almost laughs at how shy you look at his compliment. He looks at the keyring again, a picture of street lamps beneath the night sky. Then his mind pictures your focused frown when you were drawing them, and then to the conversation he had with you almost two weeks ago about this very cafe; how you were holding back tears and how you had reacted when he brought up the cafe.
And now here you are, talking animatedly about how the experience has been much more fun than you expected it to be. And even though he did catch you spacing out from time to time, he notices how determined you are from the beginning. Determined to do what, he can only guess.
He thinks he’ll think of you now everytime he looks at the night sky.
He gazes at the keyring yet again, and then at you next to him.
He thinks he has never seen an effort so beautiful.
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Mingyu loved seeing you with your hair up; a pony tail, a bun, anything that let him see your whole face and didn’t cover your soulmate mark if only a little. The location of your soulmate mark doesn’t really allow you a lot of hairstyles that won’t cover it, but if you have your hair up, you’d at least be able to see half of the constellation that stops just a little below your ear.
That said, you wear your hair down most of the time after he’s left, having developed a habit of hiding the black constellation scattered there. The most you’d do to your hair is to tie half of it, which doesn't happen a lot.
“I have a question.” Minghao says as he pours your empty glass of wine once again. Minghao was chilling by himself when you returned from the convenience store, and when you saw the wine bottle on the coffee table, you had been quick to ask if you could join his little routine.
“Shoot.” Undeniably, you’ve gotten closer with him the past few months. You hadn’t expected to find a friend when you first moved in, but Minghao clicks with you in ways you haven’t really clicked with others that you can easily say he’s one of your close friends now.
It’s different, what you have with him.
Jeonghan is your voice of reason as much as he is the devil’s advocate; he’d push and push and push but he also knows when to pull you back when necessary. He cares for you like a best friend and an older brother, having his own way to change between the two roles accordingly.
You’re not the closest with Lisa. She’s not the kind of friend you’d look for first when you need someone to talk to, but you only have good memories with her since high school and it’s always laughter filling your cheeks everytime you meet up with her. You trust her when it comes to it, and she’s a token of happy memories you keep in your life.
Mingyu… Mingyu is–was your soulmate. He understood you without you saying anything, he knew when to leave you alone and when to coax you into telling him what’s bothering you. He spoiled you like there’s no tomorrow, listened when your rambling didn’t make any sense, and held you in his arms on nights you didn’t want to talk to anyone. He’s loud with his affection, never hesitated to show you his love even though he knew you’re never insecure when it came to that.
But Minghao… he observes and hypothesizes. He’s calculated and he’s silent with his concern. He doesn’t always ask when he thinks something might be up, simply leaves you be and you’d find a cup of iced chocolate or an ice cream with a note that lets you know they belong to you the next day. He pretends he doesn’t know you’re crying even though you’re sure you look like a mess, he’d just ask if you want to eat something or if he should just order online.
You don’t have a lot of friends, but from the few that you have, Minghao is the most like you.
And now that you think about it, you somehow gravitate towards those much different that you are; people who are loud in the best way possible. Which is why your friendship with Minghao feels different in ways that you can’t really describe. 
“Why do you never tie your hair?” You have expected Minghao to ask this question sooner, if you’re being honest, as you’re sure that he’s noticed this since before. You’ve caught him eyeing your long hair from time to time, mostly when you two are out and it’s hot outside while you stubbornly let your hair down for the sake of covering your ear.
“Does it bother you?” You ask while sipping on your wine. It’s your fourth glass already, and even though you’re not usually a fan of alcohol, there would be days like this when you just feel like letting loose and crave for some.
Minghao shakes his head and changes the song playing in the background, finding something softer than the jazz instrument he played earlier. It’s another lazy Saturday night for the two of you, and between liking to stay at home and your somewhat similar personality, it’s really not surprising how easy it was to be close to Minghao in the span of five months.
How could you not when the two of you almost always spend your days together, even more your weekends? Jeonghan would join you from time to time, or he’d drag you out and there would be days when Minghao also tags along.
So, really, it’s safe to say you’re with Xu Minghao almost 70% of the time except for the time when you’re at work.
“Not really. Just wondering because it looks hot to go around like that all the time.”
You hum as you contemplate your next words. You could’ve just brushed it off like you always do when people ask, but a part of you has finally arrived at a place where it wants to let him know about Mingyu even only a little.
After all, there are days when you share your pain with him. None of you really talk about it, but you’d both vaguely mention about sad romance from time to time; enough for the two of you to be almost sure that, yes, there’s something wrong about the soulmate situations upon you both.
Perhaps it’s the alcohol in your system. Or perhaps it’s the dream you had of Mingyu last night, his fingers tucking your hair behind your ear and smiling at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid his eyes on.
That’s probably why you feel like drinking today.
While moving in with Minghao proves to be a good step towards moving, it doesn’t mean you’ve stopped crying when Mingyu appears in your dreams, which no longer happens quite often. There are still days when you’d read his old messages and stare at old pictures. When you’d open his Instagram account that’s no longer active and scroll through his aesthetically arranged feed.
It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, but you still get choked up for obvious reasons.
At least he no longer resides in your mind on a daily basis, though the thought also weighs like a boulder upon your heart.
You… want to move on from him, but you also don’t.
The amount of love you hold for Mingyu is more than you think possible, it’s overwhelming and it’s a burden at times. You didn’t think you could love someone like you did Mingyu, soulmate or not.
You don’t mind though. Even though the love is heavy and you don’t think you can ever love anyone–anything as much as you love Mingyu, you don’t mind and you still want to do it.
You still want to do it now even if he’s no longer with you. Even if his scent has completely faded from every single belonging of his that you bring with you to your new place. 
The fact that you’re actually getting used to a life without him hurts.
It hurts almost as much as the day you lost him.
It hurts because you’re close to forgetting how he even sounded if not for the hoard of videos of him in your phone.
Aren’t you supposed to be together forever? To hold each other every night and spend the rest of your life basking in each other’s warmth?
Aren’t you supposed to be soulmates? What the fuck went up there that decided you’re not going to have a happy ending with your soulmate?
You want to be okay without him.
You don't want to be okay without him.
Minghao’s concerned voice brings you out of your trance, and it’s only when you taste something salty in your lips that you realize you’ve been crying. 
For all the time Minghao pretends he’s never noticed you crying, this can’t be one of them. Not when your tears come out of nowhere when you were spacing out for a few seconds upon his question. And when he asks in a hushed whisper whether you want him to hold you, you don’t even answer as you dive straight to his embrace, your tears refusing to stop now that you’re in someone’s arms.
He doesn’t seem to mind though and, for some reason, the way his arms gently circle around you makes you cry even harder. It’s such a contrast with Mingyu’s tight embrace, he always made sure to hug you hard, something to remind you that he’s there and you have him with you.
Minghao's hold is careful but sure, the way he hugs you is almost ticklish, like you’d break if he hugs you just a little too tight. Except for the few times you fell asleep on his shoulder upon movie nights, this is the first time you’ve ever been this physically close with Minghao.
You end up telling a gist of Mingyu that night, tying up your hair to show him your soulmate mark. If Minghao’s surprised at its color, he doesn’t show it, and it’s you who gasp in shock when he tugs the neckline of his shirt to show you his own blackened soulmate mark near his collarbone.
IMinghao starts talking first, as he figures it might be easier for you if you know he’s been through something along the same line. He never really likes talking about his soulmate, doesn’t really have any reason to do so either. But looking at you like this, it’s the urge to comfort you that overrides his usual reluctance.
If his pain can be anything other than pain… if it can even help someone in some way, perhaps it’d be better to share the story he’s been holding to himself.
“She left me for someone else.” You want to wipe the weak smile off his face, want to tell him that he doesn’t have to act like he’s okay because you can’t even begin to imagine the amount of pain Minghao went through. “Said she found someone better and she doesn’t believe in soulmates. That we’re too different and believed the fact that we’re soulmates just proved that fate is nothing but stupid games.”
You know whatever words you offer him wouldn’t be enough.
You know.
You know because nothing anyone says would be enough to comfort you.
So you share him your pain, show him that he’s not alone and you know how it feels to be left behind.
The story you tell him is a very oversimplified version of the whole thing, that your soulmate is no longer with you and it’s still hard even though you’re coping. Though you do tell him that you did move into his house due to the same person.
Minghao’s gaze doesn’t falter as you tell him a very small part of your story, just enough to know you’re both hurting in the same way. That you’ve both lost the people who're supposed to be your destiny regardless of the reasons why. He doesn’t hesitate when he wipes your tears with his thumb, the look in his eyes is anything but pity.
Your lips still tremble despite your tears stopping, making it hard for you to continue talking even if you’re not sure how much you’re going to tell Minghao that night. But in a moment of weakness, your gaze falls to his lips the same time his eyes fall to yours. And when your eyes find each other a second later, you have no idea who makes the first move and how your lips end up upon his.
The kiss you share with him is soft; your lips upon his over and over again, your palms firmly planted on his shoulders as his stays on your waist. You have no idea either how long the kiss lasts for, but the kiss is sad as much as it is comforting, your fingers balling into fists as you grasp his shirt to get yourself together.
You wonder if Minghao can also taste the salty tears falling from your eyes upon his lips.
It’s him who pulls away first, and he doesn’t give you a chance to meet his eyes as he pushes you into the juncture of his neck and kisses the top of your head.
For the first time, Mingyu’s smile is sad when he appears in your dream.
He’s trying to tell you something, but there’s no sound coming out of his lips and your eyes are too blurry to make sense of his words. You’ve missed him so much, and you hate that he looks concerned when it’s been so long since you’ve dreamed of him.
You can still feel the fluttering warmth of Mingyu’s lips on your forehead when you wake up, only to find Minghao holding you to his chest as you both lay on the couch, his eyes closed and his protective arms firm around your figure.
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You're not avoiding Minghao.
You've honestly just been plagued by the last dream you had of Mingyu that you’ve been a little dysfunctional for the past week. You haven’t got the chance to tell Jeonghan about the dream nor what went down that night, and you plan on telling him tonight in the comfort of your bedroom just in case you’d be crying again.
You’ve texted Minghao Jeonghan might be sleeping over that night, though he might also go home if he suddenly decides otherwise. You stare at your phone as you bite your lip, hating how you can even tell how awkward you two are even over texts.
[14:22] Hao, is it ok if Jeonghan stays the night? He might also suddenly decide to go home tho!!! I promise we’ll stay quiet
[18:45] Minghao 🍀: Sorry, I thought I replied already. 
[18:46] Minghao 🍀: And sure. You know I don’t mind Jeonghan.
[18:46] Minghao 🍀: Thanks for the heads up.
Minghao doesn’t usually answer late, and it’s worrying you a little that it takes him almost four long hours to answer you. Isn’t he working from home today?
You really need to get back to your senses and fix whatever weird situation between you and your roommate. Though, truthfully, you know it’s just you making it weird because Minghao has been acting like usual. The smile he gave you when you both woke up in each other’s arms still haunts you among other things.
And while it’s true you’re not avoiding him, it’s also true you don’t know how to face him after that day.
“When’s Jeonghan picking you up?” Lisa snaps you out of your trance, sipping the last of her coffee. It’s been quite some time since you met up with her, and her text has come right when you need a happy distraction so you’re more than happy to accept the invitation and meet her after work, which is why your hang out with Jeonghan has been pushed accordingly.
It’s the weekend tomorrow, anyway.
“In a bit.” As usual, spending time with Lisa means having a good time. Usually, it’s followed by a good night sleep on your part, but as much as you love spending time with her, the thought of Mingyu, Minghao, and wanting to talk to Jeonghan about them clouds your mind to the point where you’re sure you won’t be having a good night sleep tonight. “He’s stuck in traffic.”
It’s about fifteen minutes later that Jeonghan comes in, and he sits down next to you to talk with Lisa for a bit before you part ways with her. You listen to him talk about work as he drives, offering your thoughts on the matters that you think would help.
When he pulls into Minghao's driveways you stop him from getting off the car, ripping the bandaid with one go because you don’t know how to do it otherwise.
“Me and Minghao kissed last week.”
Jeonghan looks at you wide-eyed, mouth opening and closing as he tries to find the right thing to say.
“Just telling you now because I… well, there’s a chance Minghao might catch it if I tell you later.” 
He stares at you in what you’d describe as worry, but before you can ask him to explain, he grabs your hand and gives it a comforting squeeze. “But you’re okay?”
“Somewhat.” You squeeze his hand back. “I’ll tell you everything after dinner.”
Surprisingly, Junhui’s voice greets you the moment you open the door. He’s speaking Chinese, your mind registers, and if his tone indicates anything, he’s upset and he’s nagging. You don’t see Minghao anywhere though, and you find Junhui by himself in the kitchen, hanging up on whoever’s on the other line before he slips his phone back into his pocket.
“Oh. Hi. Want some soup?” He says like it’s normal that he’s here cooking without the owner of the house.
“What are you doing?”
“Minghao’s down with a high fever.” He shakes his head as he stirs the soup in front of him. “He’s sleeping now.”
Minghao’s sick? Is that why you didn’t see him at all this morning? Why didn’t he tell you, though? You could’ve brought him something had you known.
“Can I… talk to you for a bit?” Junhui asks, his eyes flickering to Jeonghan behind you. The older guy seems to get the message, quickly leaving the kitchen and into the living room before you even answer. “Something happened between you and Hao, huh?”
For all it’s worth, you know Junhui has always been a protective friend. You’ve never been particularly close with him, but he’s close with Mingyu and you know what kinda person Junhui is courtesy of Mingyu’s words. He’s playful and he’s caring. Mingyu used to say Junhui isn’t the kind of person he would want to be enemies with, that he’s glad he’s friends with the older guy.
So to have him look at you with a piercing gaze, it’s hard for you not to deflate under his eyes.
“You don’t need to tell me anything. He didn’t either.” He starts, and then hesitates before he continues. “I… How are you?”
Your eyes prickle with tears at his question, because you know he’s not just asking about you in general. It’s there even if he doesn’t say it outright: how are you coping without Mingyu? 
You try your best to blink the tears back, but fail when Junhui reaches out and pats your head. Your palm blocks the sob out of your mouth, and it’s when Junhui says his next words that your sobs turn into pathetic whimpers.
“Don’t think about it too much, okay? I know it’s hard without him. But if there’s anyone who can take care of you like he did… I’m sure he would’ve wanted you to take that chance.”
It’s hard to listen to him and not cry. Not when you know how close Junhui was with Mingyu. They’re not the bestest of friends, but were still close enough to spend nights drinking with each other to talk about life and the problems that came within.
Between all of Mingyu’s friends, you knew Junhui was one of the people he respected most.
“Mingyu used to say you always think about him before anything.” His voice trembles as he says it, and that’s when you realize you’ve only spoken about Mingyu once with him after the whole thing. As much as you’re hurting, you know they are too, to certain points. “But I think… I think it’s okay not to think of him first now. You don’t need to forget him. But try to think of yourself too, alright?”
You nod, not being able to say anything to that. While you haven’t actually dwelled on what you’re feeling for Minghao, it’s true that you’ve always stopped yourself from even thinking about it because of Mingyu. He’d come into your mind everytime Minghao does, and while it helps a little to know that at least you’ve both lost your soulmates, it’s still hard for you to think that you’d be replacing Mingyu somehow.
You don’t want to replace Mingyu.
You don’t want Minghao to be a rebound.
But is he, really?
“I’m not saying you have to decide now whether you want to give Minghao a try or not. But… you deserve another chance at happiness, okay? And whether it's with Minghao or not, I hope you'll take it when the chance presents itself to you.” He whispers softly.  
It’d be a lie if you say you’ve never tried to think about Minghao in that light. Because you have, you have since that day you went to the cafe and drew with him. But Mingyu clouds your mind, and a part of you always feels like you’re betraying him and his memories if you even think about being with someone else.
“I promise Mingyu wouldn’t want you to hold yourself back from a chance of another happiness.” You cry harder at this, palm still covering your mouth to stop your sob from echoing throughout the house. “I know it’s still hard to accept that Mingyu is no longer here. I know, trust me, I do. I lost my little brother too that day, and if it’s hard for me as a friend, I can only imagine how hard it is for you who lost your soulmate. But you can’t trap yourself in his memories forever, right?”
It’s then that you cry, cry, and cry.
It’s one thing to think to yourself that you’ve lost him, that he’s not with you anymore and there’s nothing you can do about it. But it’s another to hear it from someone else’s mouth right in front of your face.
It reminds you of that night a year and a half ago in the hospital, the words ringing in your head over and over again until it’s the only thing that echoes in your mind.
Mingyu is gone.
He’s gone and he’s not coming back to you.
He can’t come back to you.
No matter how much you’ve cried into your pillow and cursed at the gods to bring him back to you, it’s nothing but a futile attempt because he’s not here.
He’s no longer in this world and your heart still aches everytime you think about the fact that he’s dead and you can’t see him anymore.
What’s the use of having a soulmate if he’s going to leave you first out of nowhere?
What’s the use of having a soulmate when you couldn’t even do anything to protect him from the accident that took his life?
What the fuck is the use of having a soulmate if you’re not going to end up together with him for the rest of your life?
It’s then that Jeonghan rushes to the kitchen, immediately kneeling beside you on the floor because you don’t have any energy to even stand on your feet at this point. You don't even realize you're wailing, your palm doing nothing to help stopping your broken cry.
Jeonghan can't hear anything but your sobs since earlier, but he knows your talk with Junhui is long overdue, which is why he’s been holding himself back from barging in even though he’s been worried. But how can he stay still if he's heard you let out a loud cry followed by a thud?
Junhui follows and kneels next to you, patting your head once again as he wipes your tears to no avail.
“Think about it… okay?”
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You’re spacing out as you lean on Jeonghan’s shoulder when Junhui knocks on your door. You’ve spent the last hour telling your best friend everything, from the way you’ve been suppressing your thoughts about Minghao to the talk with Junhui earlier. In a true Jeonghan style, he has offered you a piece of his mind followed by saying he agrees with Junhui though he doesn't fail to remind you to take your time thinking about it.
“Do you mind taking care of Minghao or do you want me to stay over?” It’s almost ten in the evening, you look at the clock on your wall, and you suppose Junhui is trying to figure out if he should go home now or not. “He gets a little needy when he’s sick but doesn’t say anything.”
You look at Jeonghan for some reason, and when he offers you nothing but raised eyebrows, you turn to Junhui and say you’d take care of Minghao for him.
“You sure?” He asks one more time. “I can just stay over if you don’t want to.”
Junhui chooses those words for a reason. He didn’t ask if you can do it, he makes sure to let you know that it’s okay if you don’t want to.
But you do. As much as you’re conflicted, you can’t deny the worry bubbling in your chest the moment you heard Minghao’s down with fever to the point where it's hard for him to even get out of bed.
“I’ll take care of him.” You say with a determined nod, your arm squeezing Jeonghan’s for support.
“Then I’ll trust you with him.” You’re probably looking too much into it. You have no idea if Minghao has confided Junhui in what’s transpired between the two of you, but his words seem to mean more to you regardless of his real intention. 
“I’ll take you home then.” Jeonghan surprises you both, patting your cheek before he gently lets go of you. “I don’t think it’s me you need to be with tonight.”
It’s silent once the two went home, and you’re left on your own in the living room. You try to think about your talk with the two men, but your head pounds a little from all the crying. Your eyes are probably puffy too, though at least they’re not red and you probably just need to drink some water to help your headache.
You close your eyes and exhale as you lean your head back against the sofa head. Has it really been one and a half year since you lost Mingyu?
It's funny, grieving. You never really get over it, and as much as you claim you're okay and you've accepted that he's no longer with you, you know you'd never entirely accept that deep down in your heart.
Some days Mingyu doesn't cross your mind at all. Some days you can suddenly cry in between conversations because his name rings across your head for no apparent reason.
Time seems to be too fast and too slow when it comes to memories of Mingyu. You never really thought about finding a new romance before, if only because you live in a world where soulmates exist and Mingyu took your heart with him the moment he left this world.
It must be some sort of twisted fate too for you to find Minghao, another shattered soul whose soulmate left him by choice. As much as it hurt you to lose Mingyu the way you did, you couldn’t imagine how Minghao picked up the pieces of his broken heart because the person who’s supposed to be his forever left him for selfish reasons.
You can’t imagine how his heart can still be as pure as it is with the pain it went through.
While you don’t know yet what exactly went down, what you know for sure is how beautiful of a person Minghao is. He probably knows you’re struggling since the beginning. He’s been considerate in more ways than you could’ve imagined, in his own soft, subtle way to the point where you didn’t realize he’s taking care of you.
It took you quite some time to realize, but it makes sense because you can recognize the pain that flashes through his eyes too from time to time. As two owners of broken fate, it’s not surprising that you recognize one another.
The sound of the door creaking brings you back from your head, and you see Minghao looking a little lost when the door opens, probably wondering why the house is dark and quiet.
“Why are you out of bed?” You scold him softly as you make your way to him. You usher him back to bed, but Minghao insists his body hurts from laying down too much and he needs to stretch a little. 
So you make him sit on the sofa instead, which he whines at because it’s not that different, but his heart softens at your concerned whine so he decides entertaining you shouldn’t be too bad even if he feels like walking around the house.
“Drink some water.” You hand him his usual mug, then plops beside him as your palm automatically reaches for his forehead, cheek, and then neck. Minghao doesn’t say anything as he stares at you, though he shivers at your touch because your palm is cold when it meets his skin. “Your fever has gone down, I think."
“Were you worried?” his voice asks softly. Almost hopeful, even. None of you bothers to turn on the lights, though the light peeking from the kitchen helps just enough for you two to see each other albeit dimly.
You think Minghao might be a little delirious, but Junhui did say Minghao gets needy when he’s sick, so you do the least you can do and decide to throw away all of your thoughts for the night. What matters right now is that he’s sick and you want to take care of him.
“I was. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” It’s funny the way you’re both talking like it’s a secret. Your soft voices barely heard throughout the house even though it’s loud enough just for the two of you.
Minghao shrugs, not offering you any explanation. But you see it in his eyes, in the way he hesitates and shakes his head. He probably didn’t think it was okay to tell you. 
“Tell me next time, okay? Though it would be better if you don’t get sick again.”
He hums and it’s silent after that. Minghao turns to the window, looking at the dark night outside. “Did Junhui go home?”
“Yeah. I told him I’d take care of you.”
“Did you?” His voice gets even softer when he says this, both hopeful and afraid. But before you can say anything, he cuts you off and asks again. “And Jeonghan?”
“Took Junhui home.” You pause before you continue. Is it a good time to bring it up now? Would it be better to do it when you’re both awake and well? Listen to your heart, okay? It’s okay to put your guard down sometimes. Jeonghan’s words from earlier ring in your head. “Said that it’s not him I need to be with tonight.”
If he’s surprised, Minghao doesn’t show it. But his stare seems to pierce through the dark and you can’t find it in you to look away. Mingyu appears once again in your mind, but you try your best to suppress the thought before you find yourself deep into it.
“Is there anyone you need to be with tonight?”
“Mmh. Maybe.” You try to be nonchalant, very conscious of the way your heart is beating loudly against your chest. You look out the window before you start talking again, a pensive look on your face as you contemplate your words. “It’s weirdly dark tonight, huh?”
Minghao follows your sight and nods, waiting for you to say more. You gather your hair and move them to your right shoulder, and from where he’s at, he can see the black stars peeking behind your left ear.
“It’s Cassiopeia, my mark.” You start, your eyes still locked on the night sky. “I tried looking them up once, but I suppose I’m not smart enough to actually understand the story. Mingyu did though, and he’d pop up a quiz from time to time to see if there’s anything I retain from all the time he babbled about our identical marks.”
He doesn’t know where you’re going with this, but his hand finds yours and he’s glad you don’t pull away, simply holds his hand tighter as if you’re looking for something to keep you going. His heart cracks at your weak smile, but he knows you have more to say and he’s more than willing to listen.
“I ended up liking them though; the celestial objects. The moon, the stars, planets, everything that’s up there in the sky. I found fascination in them and I’d find myself buying stuff with their patterns.”
Minghao can’t see you clearly because of the dark, but he imagines your eyes are watering up by the slight tremble of your voice.
“And then it stopped when Mingyu died. I don’t hate them, but it hurts to see them and… if you remember my drawing those months ago, I suppose that’s why my drawing was so dark even if I did it unconsciously.”
You pause to take a breath, your hand tightens around Minghao’s. “I think he took all the stars with him the night he left. That selfish jerk.”
His heart clenches painfully at your weak chuckle, at the way your hand reaches up to wipe your own tears, and at the way you take a deep breath in determination.
“But… But it’s okay even if we can’t see the stars, right?”
Minghao gapes at his own words from that day you drew together, words that he said without much thought but seems to hit you in ways that he would never imagine. He tightens his grip on you, and then pulls you to his shoulder before taking his turn to speak.
“You probably don’t recognize it. But forsythia is my soulmate mark.” He says as he caresses your knuckle, his mind taking him back to the exact day you referred to just seconds ago. “I knew it took a lot for you to be there. And even though I didn’t know exactly why, I could tell it was hard. But you pulled through and I thought I should do the same. So when you asked me to draw a flower, I knew I had to draw the most beautiful forsythia I could ever draw in my life.”
“I used to hate them, you know?” You can hear him smile even though you’re buried in his shoulder, his arm that has made its way around you pushes you more into himself. “But you saw that drawing like it’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on. I didn’t think much of it at first, but I saw you carrying around that keyring everyday and it’s… something. I’ve heard a lot of people compliment my works, but I’ve never seen someone appreciate it as much as you do. It wasn’t intentional, but I think you helped me get through it without even meaning to.”
You pull away to look him in the eyes, and for someone who claims you don’t find beauty in stars anymore, you almost want to dive into Minghao’s eyes that seem to twinkle with all the stars Mingyu took with him.
“Do you know what forsythia symbolizes?” You know he’s not expecting you to actually know, so you shake your head and urge him to continue. “Anticipation, apparently. Because they bloom in spring and signal the beginning of one. I’d like to interpret it as the flower of a new beginning.”
You almost cry again at what it implies; at what it can imply not only for him but for the two of you. Is it too early to jump into that? Is it too fast? Weren’t you just crying about Mingyu hours ago?
“We don’t have to figure it out now.” His voice rings through the night, his fingers caress your arm to shield you from whatever’s in the dark of night. “The morning will come eventually even when the night is long, right?”
“Yeah.” You succumb into his embrace as you smile through your tears. But how can you not when Minghao says those words like Mingyu did many nights ago?
“Don’t think about it too much.” He kissed your cheek and hugged you close to his chest, to shut you up more than anything, really. “It’s not like the morning won’t come even if the night is a little too long. Focus on what you have in front of you, instead okay?”
“But what if–”
“No.” He cut you off, his palm covering your mouth as he laughed at your glare. “No what if. Let’s enjoy the night while we’re at it.”
“You sound stupid.” You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance despite the way your heart swelled in affection.
“You love me anyway.” He grinned cheekily, which you laughed at out of embarrassment because if there’s one thing you could never do, it��s to deny your love for him even jokingly.
“You’ll hold me through the night, right?”
He smiles like it’s not even a question, his fingers intertwining with yours as if to make a point.
“Even if it’s a long one?”
He clasps your hand tighter, his thumb caressing your knuckle.
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
A/N 2: hi!! it's been quite some time since i write anything along this genre. i've always wanted to write soulmate!au and while this isn't exactly heartfluttering like soulmate!au usually is, i hope you enjoyed it one way or another. this fic got longer than i originally planned, but i hope you guys enjoyed it and please do send me your thoughts through anything you're comfortable with. i know it sounds repetitive at this point, but it's truly your feedbacks that keep me goin<3
A/N 3: did any of u guessed gyu di*d btw
permanent taglist: @kyeomjjigae @stantrash171819 @sebongmochi @luveveryonewoo @thinkinboutwonu @kpopjackie @ursweetener @lavenderautumnx @itsveronicaxxx @shuahoshiscoups @sunshinein17 @leechanniee @twogyuu @hoe4wonwoo @h3h3tm0n @noraehey @seokshook @rubyhoons @02psh @just-here-to-read-01 @listxn @janandbeyond @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly
also tagging: @joonsytip
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS MOMENTS: Seokjin & Grace - 100 Days
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It wasn’t every day that your boyfriend’s nephew celebrated 100 days and it wasn’t every day you got to be in attendance of something so big. The hall Seokjin’s parents had rented out had accommodated around 50 people but from what Grace could see, there were at least over 100 people in the room. 
It was a tradition in South Korea that the friends and family of the baby celebrated 100 days and while it was an old tradition, it was getting more modernised and a bit more western. Grace had been unaware of the tradition as her parents never bothered, seeing it was the two of them in Manchester and all the Korean family were still in South Korea. 
Being around Seokjin’s family was always fun and noisy, food was everywhere, everyone chatted to each other and no one cared that two members of the biggest band were in the room. They were just Seokjin and Hea, though they knew to call her Grace, a couple who had been together for 5 years now. 
Of course, it didn’t stop the usual questions of ‘When is it your turn?’ or ‘When are we expecting little ones from the famous couple?’ 
It didn’t help that the impending choice about military service was hanging over their heads and the fact their band was on a bit of a break so they could explore their solo careers and then eventual military service. 
But for now, Grace was going to enjoy the food, the drinks, family and wait patiently for her turn to hold the 100-day-old baby. 
“Let’s go see your sungmo (aunt),” Seokjin’s mother said as she carried her grandson over to Grace who had been busy chatting with Seokjin and some relatives. 
“My turn?” Grace asked, grinning as she easily accepted the heavy child and tucked him easily against her chest, supporting him with her arms and rocking side to side when he opened his eyes from his nap.
“Natural,” Seokjin’s mother commented with a pointed look at her son who rolled his eyes but grinned anyway. He pulled out his flip-phone and asked Grace to turn to him, taking a quick picture which he sent to the group chat.
“The guys are going to go nuts over you holding your nephew,” Seokjin chuckled as he tucked his phone away after putting it on silent and reached over to smooth down what hair his nephew had. 
“It’s not like I haven’t held one before and it’s not like they haven’t seen Sun either,” Grace sighed as she adjusted her hold briefly but kept up her rocking motion.
“I know but this won’t deter them from wanting a niece or nephew of their own.”
Seokjin grinned at the look on her face as he held up his hands and said nothing, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket from messages from the group. And he had a funny feeling that at least three of them would be complaining that they had been replaced.
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james-is-here · 1 year
Stray Kids Family
This is for @felixsbrat who loved the idea of one of my posts. I have yet to think of a full blown prompt so here’s silly little inserts.
HAHA Just kidding, while writing the first drabble I ended up creating a full story so 🤪 hehe, goofy times.
Kai was left in charge of the little ones. Why? He doesn’t even know.
The five and three year old look up at him while he stands with his hands on his waist. “I’m gonna be honest…I don’t know what to do…” He decides to tell them. “Uh, what…uh, what do you guys want to do?”
“Um, can we cuwer?” Yongbok asked him and he scratches his head. “Uh, yeah, where- Do you know where it is?” “I do!” Channie says cheerfully and slides off the couch. Channie walks to Yongbok’s room, the younger also sliding off the couch and grabbing her uncles hand to pull him to the room.
Yongbok’s room was fitting for the young girl, who pulled Kai over to her blue play table where Channie was already placing coloring supplies and coloring books.
Yongbok let go of Kai’s hand, picking her favorite book and opening it, pulling Kai down to the table then sitting in his lap. The toddler pulling his arms to hug her then raising one arm to color in the book, holding on to one of his fingers, thinking it would keep him in place.
He looked up to see Channie coloring a paw patrol (First thing that came to mind 😅) coloring book, heavily focused on coloring in the lines while Yongbok scribbled the best she could since she wasn’t holding the book still.
Kai went to move a hand to hold the book still but the toddler huffed a whine, making her uncle sit still instead.
After Channie colored two and Yongbok one, Channie stood up and grabbed one of his hands. Yongbok fussed and tried to pull Kai away from Channie. “Hey, don’t fuss. What’s up, buddy?” “I’m hungry, Kai-samchon.” “Okay.” Yongbok whines and clings to Kai who just wraps his arm around her and stand up. “There you go, Bokkie. You can stay here.” She whines and hugs his neck tighter.
Walking into his sisters kitchen, he looks around while trying to figure out where everything is before Channie’s pulling his hand again, walking over to the counter next to the sink and pointing to the upper cabinet.
Kai opened it to see Channie’s snacks, the boy reaching up for Kai to pick him up and then leaning to the counter. “Do you usually stand on the counter?” He asked with a smile as Channie pulled out two soft sandwich cookies after Kai placed him on the counter, opening them both and placing his on the wrapper next to his feet before tapping Yongbok’s shoulder.
She only moved her head to look at Channie who smiled softly. Kai smiled at Channie who stood on the counter in the kitchen feeding his cousin bits of a cookie before he even touched his own.
When Yongbok finished her cookie, she nuzzled back into Kai’s neck while Channie moved to sit on the counter to finally eat his. “How’d you know to give her small bites?” Kai asked, bouncing lightly when he saw the young girl start to fall asleep. “I watch Lina-sungmo feed her when they watch me. Bokie doesn’t like big bites.” He muttered as he bit the cookie, some of the icing middle getting on his cheek and Kai moved one arm under Yongbok to reach over to wipe the icing off of him.
“I’m gonna go lay her down. You good up here for a moment?” The boy nods with a smile while Kai goes back to the bedroom to put the girl in bed and tuck her in with her chicken plushie.
Closing the door, he hears Channie land on the tile flooring in the kitchen then hears the fridge open.
Sneaking into the kitchen, he silently bends down to the boys height and then scoops him up with a playful growl as he pretends to eat him. “What are you doing?” He says with a smile still holding the boy in his arms still. “Juice.” He says, pointing at a premade bottle that Kai grabbed and gave to him.
He shut the fridge and moved an arm behind Channie’s legs and scooping him up, the boy giggling as Kai walking to the living room.
“What do you want to watch?” “I don’t care.” Kai smiles and turns the tv on, seeing a child’s channel was left on previously.
Chan crossed his legs in Kai’s lap, his left hand at his side holding Kai’s hand while his other hand held his juice to his mouth.
A few commercials and episodes go by when Channie moved to sit sideways in Kai’s lap and curl up, cup forgotten to the right of them as he fell asleep on his uncles chest.
Kai smiled and carefully carried the boy to Yongbok’s room where his bed was set up on the opposite side, tucking the boy in and giving him his wolf plushie before checking on Yongbok then leaving.
Quietly shutting the door, he sighs.
Walking into the living room, he picks up some toys that he now noticed that must’ve been from before his sister and brother-in-law left with Yongbok’s parents.
He takes Channie’s bottle to the kitchen and rinses it out, putting it on the drying rack. Exhaling a deep breath after a moment to think he moves to the fridge to see what his sister has.
Eventually he surprisingly finds Tteokbeokki, probably because his sister knows he likes it a lot, and then he saw in the cabinet some noodles.
He was putting hot water in the noodles when he heard soft padding and sniffles. Turning around he see little Yongbok, hugging her stuffie closely and rubbing her eyes, tears rolling down her face.
Kai gasps and is quick to go over to her and pick her up. “Bokkie, what’s wrong, jagi?” Kai says soft as he rubs her back. “Baddie.” “Baddie? Bad dream?” she whimpers and nuzzled her face further into Kai’s shoulder. “What happened?” “Eomma and Appa fight…they leave Bokkie.” She cried and hugged her plushie closer.
Kai sighs at his sister’s brother-in-law and sister-in-law. He knew they fought but he didn’t know it was happening so much that Yongbok wound have bad dreams about it.
“Have you had this type of dream before?” She slowly nods and Kai closes his eyes for a moment before exhaling slowly and opening them again. “It’s okay, Bokkie, alright?” He says, rubbing her back.
He turns back into the kitchen, moving her to his hip and going back to making ramen. “Are you hungry? I made me and Channie food but I don’t know what you want.” “Sam-ich” Kai grins and sits her on the counter. “What kind?” “Peanut.” “PB and J?” she nods, holding her hand to her mouth to bite her shirt sleeve and hugs the plushie tightly.
As he’s making the sandwich, Yongbok sits calmly on the counter, young eyes flitting everywhere as she watches Kai move about.
He picks her up to place her on the floor and tells her to go wake up her cousin as he takes all the food to the living room with another juice for Channie and a juice for Yongbok.
She waddles back in, struggling but succeeding at wiggling onto the couch and next to Kai. Channie trudges in with his wolf plush as he sits in Kai’s lap. “Hi Channie. How was you nap?” “s’good.” the boy mumbles as he yawns and rubs his eyes.
“Here’s your juice, I can feed you when you wake up more.” He slowly takes the juice and takes a sip as Kai looks over to Yongbok who placed her chicken stuffy next to her and placed a piece of her cut up sandwich in front of it. The older male smiling at the fact that she was feeding her plush.
While she was distracted by the tv or mumbling something to Channie, he reached behind her and picked up the sandwich, taking a bite and placing it back, giving in to her imagination cause she’s so adorable.
She gasps and shows the sandwich to Kai who plays along, she places it back and glares at her plush for a little bit before turning back to the tv. This time Kai picked it up and ate the whole thing, smiling when she turns back and gasps that the piece was gone, Kai hiding the fact the sandwich was still in his mouth with a bite of his own noodles.
Eventually, they finished eating and Kai put on a movie instead of random shows on tv. The sound of the door unlocking and it creaking open had him looking over. The kids were too focused on the tv, sipping on their juices and cuddled into Kai comfortably under a blanket.
“Hey guys.” Yongbok looked up and smiled with her sippy cup still in her mouth. “Eomma!!” She cried and ran over to the older woman, crying into her shoulder.
“Yongbok, are you okay?” Lina said as Channie got up and ran over to his own mother who picked him up and kissed his cheek.
Kai knew Yongbok was crying cause she was happy her mom was actually there.
“Um…Lina, Seungmin, can I talk to you for a moment?” Kai asked when he made his way over. The two look at each other before Lina hands Yongbok to Jisung and the three go to the kitchen as the others go to the living room.
“What’s wrong?” Kai sighs, not really liking the idea of confrontation but he wants to protect his niece. “Um, I know it’s none of my business but I want to protect Yongbok.” “Did something happen?” Seungmin asked and Kai sighed.
“After Yongbok fell asleep and took a nap, while I was making them food, she came to me crying because of a baddie.” Lina sighs and looks at her feet. “I asked her what it was about and…um, well, she had a bad dream that you two fought and…left her behind.” Lina looks up at that, shock on her face.
She thought it was a bad dream about a monster or something else like she’s gone to them for before. This was completely different as she looks over at Seungmin who had a look of guilt. “I know you guys are having…difficulties but…” He bit his lip as he watches the couple. “Could you fix it just a bit…just so you don’t hurt your daughter anymore? She told me that she’s had them before.” Lina looked back to the male with glossy eyes and nods. Walking past him while wiping unshed tears and into the living room.
“Come on, Yongbok.” The little girl ran over to her mother and hugged her tightly when she was picked up. Kai was wondering where they were going to go since the whole family lives in one house when he sees Lina take the toddler to Hyuna’s room.
“What happened?” Hyuna asked as she walked up. “She woke up from her nap crying. Had a nightmare that the two of them fought and left her behind. She’s also had them before apparently.” Kai finally let his emotions out with a single tear.
Kai loves too much. He’s a ball of awkward shyness wrapped with protectiveness, caring, and sensitivity, protecting a soft heart.
Hyuna reaches up and wipes the tear away before pulling her brother in for a hug, Kai wrapping his arms around her as her own arms wrap around his shoulders. “She’ll be okay, Kai. Alright? They’ll be okay.” He squeezes his arms around her waist before pulling back. “Thanks Hyuna.” “Of course. Now, where’s Bin?”
Kai cocked his head. “What do you mean?” The woman looks at him in shock. “Has Bin been here the whole time?!” He asked and looked over to his brother-in-law before going to Bin’s room and knocking on the door, pushing it open when he hears a noise of acknowledgement.
“Have you been here the whole time?!?” Kai asked, his voice almost desperate and confused. “Uh…yeah?” He asked confused. “I told you that you were looking after ALL the kids, Kai!!” Hyuna yelled and he turned towards her. “I thought he went out!! I didn’t hear a single thing from him!!” He yelled back to his sister.
“Did you go to Yongbok’s room?” “Yeah.” “YOU WALKED PAST HIS ROOM!!” “HES QUIET!!” “Can you shut my door?” The male asks and Kai turns back to him. “Why didn’t you make yourself present? I had no idea you were here.” He shrugs and just points to his tv. “I hadn’t really had a reason to leave my room yet.” He says casually and kai sighs.
“Wait a minute, YOU FORGOT ABOUT MY OTHER SON??!” Hyuna yelled and Kai turned back to her afraid. “I didn’t mean to, I swear!! I honestly thought he left or whatever!!” He defended as she walked over to him, shutting her eldest sons door before dragging Kai to the living room. “Ow! Ow! Hyuna, I’m sorry.” Channie laughs and claps his hands in Jisung’s lap. “This isn’t funny, kid!!” The boy just keeps smiling.
Hyuna was about to chew out her brother when Lina came back out with slightly red eyes and no Yongbok. “She, uh…fell asleep. I’m sorry Kai.” Kai smiles slightly, looking at his sister, afraid as he slowly stood up and walked over to Lina to give her a hug.
“Why are you tense?” She asked. “I forgot Changbin was here.” He says with a sheepish smile.
“Thanks Hyuna.” “Of course.”
Lina came back out with slightly red eyes and Seungmin who’s expression is unreadable. “Where’s Yongbok?” “Um, sh-she fell asleep after, uh, crying again. I’m sorry, Kai.” She says and Kai walks over to her, giving her a hug and rubbing her back. “It’s okay. As long as it will get better.” “It will. Thank you for telling us.” “You’re welcome.”
They pull away when a teen comes out of his room, headphones on his head as he bobs along to the song playing and scrolling on his phone. “Bin?!” Kai asked confused and he took his headset off. “Yeah?” “Have you been here the whole time?!”
Hyuna turns so fast it shocked Kai before he realized what he said and took his hands away from comforting Lina to raise them in defense. “You forgot about Bin?!” “I thought he left with friends or something!!” “I told you ALL OF THE KIDS!! NOT JUST THE TODDLERS!!”
After a while, Kai’s ear was red and burning from being grabbed and pulled, he never did like getting scolded by his sister…so he forgot a kid, not a big deal right? hehe, oops…
Also, Channie laughed the whole time, sitting in Jisung lap as he watched his Mom scold her brother.
—- —- —-
AHH i actually really like how this turned out 😭 its perfect and I love it so much 🥹 I hope y’all like it too, ugh it’s so good and i don’t say that about my writing often.
The ending was on the spot since I had actually forgotten about Changbin 😅 and IN is missing too because i didn’t know how to add him in 😓 I’ll think of something and maybe add it in later, don’t know yet.
Ugh, it’s so good 🥰
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usmiletk · 1 year
[INFO] V becomes the first solo artist in 23 years to sell 2 million copies with an album “LayoVer” (with only 2 versions) in its first week in South Korean history, doing so in ~6 hours since its release. 👑🥂💜🔥
The last album to surpass this milestone was <Let Me Love> by Jo SungMo in 2000.
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Cr: @/koreansales_twt
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gfriendunited · 5 months
240417 Umji - “Thorn Tree” (original by Jo Sungmo) Cover
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zyrafowe-sny · 8 months
phantom limb pain (prosthetic arm removal is a love language) for WIP Wednesday
(yes, I did copy the name :D)
It is a long file name! This was supposed to be a one shot with that as the full title, but now the parentheses will become a chapter title when I get there.
She shrugged. “I'm just the messenger. Sungmo — Aunt Min-yeong — says she needs you there. Something about damage control and strategic planning.”
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sungmocaferj · 2 years
SUNGMO Spring event 《ミモザ》 開催決定!
アーティスト ソンモの春のイベントが決定いたしました。
SUNGMO Spring event 《ミモザ》
@福岡ROOMS 福岡市中央区大名2丁目1-50  大名ОNОビル 3階
◇ 昼公演 開場13:15 / 開演14:00
◆ 夜公演 開場17:45 / 開演18:30
@広島Reed  広島市中区中区胡町4-24 クリタビルB1
◇ 昼公演 開場13:15 / 開演14:00
◆ 夜公演 開場17:45 / 開演18:30
@名古屋ell.FITSALL 名古屋市中区大須2-10-43
◇ 昼公演 開場13:15 / 開演14:00
◆ 夜公演 開場17:45 / 開演18:30
@心斎橋SUNHALL 大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-9-28  ビッグステップサウスB2
◇ 昼公演 開場13:15 / 開演14:00
◆ 夜公演 開場17:45 / 開演18:30
@浅草花劇場 東京都台東区浅草2-28-1
◇ 昼公演 開場13:15 / 開演14:00
◆ 夜公演 開場17:45 / 開演18:30
全席指定 ¥11,000(税込)+別途ドリンク代  ※お見送り会付
FC先行: 2023年3月14日(火)15:00 ~ 3月19日(日) 23:59  ※先行販売は抽選となります。
一般先行:2023年3月25日(土)15:00 ~ 4月2日(日) 23:59  ※先行販売は抽選となります。
一般発売: 2023年4月5日(水)15:00~各公演前日まで
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seulpeunballad · 16 days
Now N New _ 하나되어 (1999)
Once upon a time in 1999, various stars came together to create a project song called 'Become One'. The purpose was to raise funds to help those affected by the 1997 IMF. The proceeds were donated to the unemployed relief fund.
I know I am a bit late to this party, but this was a real treat to watch and listen to, especially seeing your favorite artists come together in a song for a good cause. This really reminded me of the 'We Are The World' era.
This music video contains at least 99% of my favorite singers... but for some reason I totally geeked over Jaewook (Position) being included... xD (He looked so cute)
Along side Position, I really enjoyed seeing my other favorite ballad singers like Im Changjung, Lee Seunghwan, Shin Seunghoon..
Kim Hyunjung, 1TYM, Kim Kyungho, Lee Junghyun, Jo Sungmo, Uhm Junghwa, Lee Seungchul, Jinusean, Fin.K.L, Jekki, etc.. Were also included... so many of my favorite stars in one!
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So many stars, but my eyes always go to Lim Jaewook... xD You can also notice that this is the same era of 'Blue Day'. I loved his hair during this era! He looks so cute!
Enough talk about Position, but this project collaboration was truly revolutionary. (Majority) of the popular stars at the time came together for a great cause and to help those unemployed from the 1997 IMF. It is really bittersweet.
Apparently, in 2021, stars of the current generation came together for 'Now N New 2021' version of this song. I haven't watched it yet, but honestly I am not that interested in the modern version.
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yeosuhq · 2 years
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NOME: Lee Hajoon. FACECLAIM: Mingyu, Seventeen. PRONOMES: Ele/dele. DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 12/12/1999. NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Coreia do Sul, coreano. BLOCO E CURSO: IV, Direito. CLUBE E ESPORTE: Futebol (atacante). MORADIA: Sungmo. QUALIDADES E DEFEITOS: Confiante, atencioso e perspicaz. Teimoso, rancoroso e irresponsável. OOC: 18+
Por muito tempo Hajoon acreditou que tivesse nascido em uma família feliz e estruturada, mas a verdade apareceu antes mesmo que ele tivesse maturidade para entender. Tudo começou com as brigas e logo veio o divórcio. Ele e seu irmão pareciam como um fardo que nenhum de seus pais tinha intenção de carregar. Como sempre foi uma criança agitada, que dava mais trabalho do que o normal. Nunca teve boas notas na escola e tinha vários problemas de atenção, por isso, os esportes surgiram como uma solução favorável. Aprendeu a jogar basquete, treinar taekwondo e até mesmo tênis, mas sua paixão era o futebol. O talento com a bola era nato e apesar de não ter atenção dos pais, o pequeno tinha o apoio financeiro que precisava.
Na adolescência Hajoon começou a ter oportunidades e se destacar no esporte. No entanto, ainda era um jovem reativo, cheio de rancor e problemas de personalidade. Frequentemente era punido pelos atrasos e falta de comprometimento com o time, mas o dinheiro de seus pais sempre resolvia qualquer situação complicada que ele viesse a causar. Quando completou 20 anos, finalmente teve sua chance de brilhar em um dos times de mais destaque nacional. Seu nome já circulava no meio há algum tempo, portanto havia muita expectativa sobre ele. O problema é que Hajoon nunca lidou bem sob presão.
O garoto passou a frequentar muitas festas e abusar de substâncias ilícitas para extravasar tudo aquilo que nunca aprendeu a lidar. Depois de alguns meses no time, surgiu a suspeita que ele estaria envolvido com drogas. Foi obrigado a fazer um exame que, para a sua sorte ou pela influência de seus pais, teve o resultado negativo. Ainda que o caso tivesse sido encerado, a reputação de Hajoon não se recuperou. Acabou perdendo todos os seus patrocínios e teve o contrato com o time terminado. Cansados de tantos problemas, os Lee decidiram que ele deveria se alistar naquele ano e deixar a história esfriar.
Os dois anos no exército foram uma tortura para Hajoon, mas quando foi liberado pensou que pelo menos poderia voltar a treinar. No entanto, o que esperava por ele era uma matrícula na Yeosu National University. Seus pais não estavam dispostos a gastar mais um centavo com a vida esportiva do rapaz e agora tudo que queriam era que ele tivesse um diploma. A ideia parecia absurda, pois desde criança o estudo nunca tinha sido seu foco. Portanto, mais uma vez, a influência dos Lee foi necessária para que ele passasse no processo seletivo. Acabou escolhendo o curso de direito por falta de opção, mas também por ter percebido como foi importante ter alguém para defendê-lo no meio de tanta confusão. As notas continuam não sendo muito boas, mas às vezes ele se esforça, nem que seja pagando alguns colegas para ajudar com certas matérias.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
there's not a single star in the sky / xu minghao & kim mingyu (preview)
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➝ Minghao x Reader / Mingyu x Reader / not a love triangle
➝ soulmate!au // angst // somewhat slowburn // fluff in between? // a journey of acceptance and moving on
➝ total word count: 11.9k (lol)
➝release date: 9 Nov 2022
➝ summary: he's your soulmate. so why did the universe also decide he's not the one you're going to spend your forever with?
여기 이 세상이 아름다운 건
the reason why this word is beautiful
그대가 머문 흔적들 때문에 아마
is probably because it has traces of you
[Jo Sungmo - Do You Know]
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“That’s nonsense.” He frowns like your sentence personally offends him, his words bringing tears to your eyes before you even realize. “Art is for everyone. Have you actually tried painting?”
‘Angel, that is not a painting!’ Mingyu laughed with the entirety of his chest, not minding your pout even the tiniest bit. ‘That’s just doodles. Gosh, you’re so cute.’
‘I told you I didn’t want to do this!’ you whined as you tried to get away from his embrace. Seriously, this guy was a good 20cm taller than you and he liked to just bend down and bury his face onto your neck like it’s not physically uncomfortable for him to do so. ‘I’m not going to let you plan another date.’
Mingyu simply grinned and hugged you tighter at that, knowing full well that you didn’t mean any of it.
‘Art is for everyone though,’ he whispered with a laugh, his lips upon your cheek. ‘You did great. We should try watercoloring sometimes.’
“Did… I say something wrong?” Minghao’s worried voice brings you back to the present, and you blink back the tears before they actually fall down, your voice caught in your throat.
“No.” You clear your throat then excuse yourself to the bathroom in hope Minghao doesn’t notice anything. From the way he simply nods, you hope that’s the case, but the gentle eyes full of concern following you until the bathroom door closes certainly implies otherwise. 
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
A/N: hi. i did not expect the fic to get this long. i've finished writing everything so i just need to edit and it should be up some time this week <3
i am actually nervous for some reason dsfjhdfbg
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ineedtopopmyzit · 8 months
Idk how much this means now but maybe it’ll mean more later. But today Sungmo guy said that he wishes he had my hormones because the one I have is hard but if I maintain it well, I could be successful. Sometimes idk how to really interpret what he’s saying. I do think he’s more of a right brain thinker but that’s why he’s good at what he does because there needs to be a little bit of intuition in medicine. But he basically said, it’s like you’re either a genius or stupid and I’m someone who gets tired easily because my brain is high functioning all the time. Like it’s sharp and fast processing but that’s also why my body gets tired out easily. He said only a few people have both. And like Beethoven, they die early. But also people with my type of hormones are usually really sensitive. Not just emotionally. Hearing all this made me feel good because again, I always feel like I am special. I have special talents and I’m just waiting to blossom still and it’s nice to have someone else tell me that without telling them anything about me.
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blossomgrovehqs · 9 months
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⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 DADOS BÁSICOS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
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NOME COMPLETO: Baek Heesung.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Coreana e sul coreana.
OCUPAÇÃO: Proprietário da Redtail Animal Center.
MORADIA: Jangmi, 404.
AROMA: Eucalipto e Álisso.
CONTA: bsgsung
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 BIOGRAFIA︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
GATILHO(S): Abuso sexual, corrupção.
Apesar do nascimento de Heesung ter sido um evento feliz para seu pai ômega, a forma como tudo ocorreu não foi um acontecimento feliz. Heechul era um ator iniciante e, portanto, precisava se esforçar para ser reconhecido e lembrado entre os poderosos e conhecidos do meio artístico. Ele teve a capacidade de ser escolhido para compor o time de uma emissora de tv especializada em programas de variedades, onde teve o azar de topar com seu chefe, um alfa inseguro e que gostava de abusar de seu poder para gerar medo e respeito entre os funcionários menores. Foi em uma noite de confraternização entre a equipe que todos acabaram bebendo socialmente e o alfa, inseguro como era, se aproveitou disso para dar em cima de Heechul. A verdade era que ele já andava o cortejando silenciosamente, enviando presentinhos anônimos e crendo que assim o ômega descobriria de quem se tratavam, ainda mais por conta do aroma, o que provavelmente ocorreu, porém Heechul apenas preferiu continuar ignorando as investidas, tanto por falta de interesse quanto porque queria preservar um ambiente estritamente profissional com seus colegas.
Naquela noite, mesmo tendo bebido - pouco, mas bebido -, Heechul recebeu o convite de seu chefe para ser levado para casa em segurança, coisa que de pronto o rapaz acatou, ingênuo do jeito que era, preferiu acreditar que o mais velho não teria coragem de fazer algo contra ele, afinal, poderia ser visto como uma atitude criminosa, e considerou mais seguro aceitar a carona do que pegar o transporte público; ele não era muito bom em esconder seu aroma quando bebia. Para piorar a situação, no meio do caminho, o jovem ômega percebeu os primeiros sintomas de pré cio se fazerem presentes, e pra piorar a situação, ele estava sem supressores consigo. O desfecho é um tanto óbvio para qualquer pessoa, tendo estado ou não presente naquela noite.
Quando Heechul descobriu-se esperando um filhote, ele recorreu ao seu melhor amigo beta, Sungmo, para aconselhamento e um pouco de conforto. Com seu incentivo e apoio, o ômega decidiu denunciar o ocorrido - além de pedir sua demissão, obviamente -, porém o que ele não sabia era que o alfa era filho de duas pessoas muito importantes, não apenas para o meio do entretenimento como também para o judiciário, já que sua mãe alfa era uma importante juíza, e seu irmão, por sua vez, também era policial e trabalhava no posto de polícia onde ocorreu a denúncia ao seu sobrinho. No fim, devido a muito burburinho e corrupção por debaixo dos panos, o alfa conseguiu escapar e se tornar foragido - isso pelo menos foi o que disseram para o ômega grávido, mas a verdade era que sequer estavam procurando por seu abusador.
Sungmo permaneceu ao lado do amigo dando total apoio para uma gestação tranquila, além de tentar curar algumas das cicatrizes deixadas pelo ocorrido, e uma das maneiras de tentar fazer isso foi pedi-lo para que criassem um vínculo, mesmo que fosse uma marcação de pulso, inicialmente, e assim de seis em seis meses eles poderiam sentar e conversar para decidirem o tipo de relacionamento que mais caberia aos dois.
Quando Heesung veio ao mundo, seus pais já moravam em outro lugar, juntos. Tinham o suficiente para garantir uma vida confortável para todos, mas mais importante do que presentear o filhote com brinquedos e roupas caras, era a presença de ambos que garantiam que o pequeno crescesse confiante e alegre. Ele sabia do pai alfa desde cedo - até porque todos naquela casa desconfiavam que o garoto se mostraria ser um no futuro -, apesar de ser uma historinha parcialmente inventada por Heechul para que o filhote não fosse traumatizado desde cedo, mas o próprio garoto nunca se sentiu menos que os outros filhotes que conhecia, ou mesmo tinha atitudes rebeldes ou se sentia injustiçado com sua vida, afinal, ele amava seu pai beta e se sentia muito amado de volta. Definitivamente, cuidado e afeto nunca lhe faltou. No entanto, ao completar dezoito anos, Heesung acabou descobrindo tudo, tanto por juntar alguns pontos aqui e ali quanto pois os mais velhos julgavam que o filho já teria idade o suficiente para entender a situação.
Juntou a descoberta do que realmente aconteceu no dia de sua concepção, mais o fato de que o garoto há muito já havia começado a sentir sintomas que não se assemelhavam aos sintomas que sabia serem provindos do subgênero da qual sempre acreditou que seria, Heesung acabou por entrar em um estado turbulento de estresse e culpa, estresse porque não queria ser o mesmo que o seu pai ômega - mesmo que o admirasse totalmente por ser como e o que era - e culpa por finalmente ter descoberto o tanto de sofrimento que o mais velho precisou passar apenas para dar-lhe a luz. E novamente, só Sungmo seria capaz de se encarregar do resgate, que se mostrou eficaz após muita paciência, conversa e mimos - doces, bichos de pelúcia e aconchego entre pai e filhote.
Anos se passaram, Heesung se formou em um medicina veterinária, se tornou funcionário de uma clínica petshop, então sócio e finalmente dono. Ainda não se dava bem com o próprio subgênero, mas já conseguia lidar melhor com as adversidades e de uma forma mais madura, escondendo melhor seus aromas e sintomas de cio com o uso de supressores e bloqueadores. Ainda morava com os pais tranquilamente, mas já havia começado a criar planos de se mudar para que não incomodasse mais seus pais - que após anos convivendo juntos, já possuíam uma vida matrimonial completa e com muito amor envolvido. Ao ficar sabendo da inauguração de Blossom Grove, não pode deixar de ir atrás para maiores informações; estava curioso e ficou feliz ao notar que o dinheiro que tinha guardado era o bastante para se mudar.
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 HEADCANONS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
PASSADO — Até antes de completar dezoito anos, e, portanto, ser considerado um adulto, Sihwan acreditava que seu outro pai era um alfa (o que se mostrou ser verdade) e que tanto ele quanto seu pai ômega eram companheiros, até que o destino resolveu que já era hora dele partir dessa para melhor. Apenas com idade suficiente para entender as coisas com maturidade que seu pai ômega o contou a real história, que seu pai alfa não havia morrido, mas se encontrava foragido devido ao crime que cometeu. Desde então o garoto decidiu que não aceitaria o próprio subgênero, pois não queria que algo tão repulsivo pudesse ocorrer com ele também.
PRESENTE — Heesung vive a base de bloqueadores e supressores, tudo no intuito de não deixar que seu cheiro escape e se faça presente, ou que precise passar pelo período de cio e seus sintomas terríveis. Ele sabe das consequências que o uso exacerbado das substâncias podem acarretar para si, então toma cuidado para não ultrapassar o limite, mas estaria mentindo se dissesse que já não se deixou levar e exagerou nas doses.
FUTURO — Pelo menos até o momento, sonha em juntar dinheiro para poder realizar, futuramente, a transição de subgênero por completo, não apenas de forma hormonal, mas também cirúrgica. Até o momento ele já conseguiu guardar bastante, talvez até mais do que o necessário, já que sempre teve o hábito de investir, porém algo ainda o impede, e isso talvez seja falta de coragem.
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