icybreaths · 1 year
|| @sunniestshark [ @sunniestshark-ocs ] || starter [for Jo] ||
Crystal beads and blanched bones were strung along the canyon walls and across rocky arches. They clinked together in the frigid forever night air.
Her path was well worn by this point with how many bodies she had drug through there. This corpse was no different.
Jewel drug the mass with little effort.
The fire ahead awaited her. The growls in her gut led the way.
She cleaned and prepped the body, pulled all of her icy chunks and needles out of it.
Cut, gut, salt, spear.
She placed her kebabs around the fire, like clockwork.
A change in the breeze immediately caught her attention. Her bone masked face whirled in the direction of where it was.
The mass of white fur connected to the bone caressed her skull. The energy felt warm.
Black clawed hands curled on sight when Jewel spotted her high up on a ledge.
Disappearing in a Shunpo, she reappeared above Jo with a kick aimed for her dome.
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baiika · 4 months
@sunniestshark says: Jo: floor time is just the start to push-up time!
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... I will not be a homewrecker I will not be a homewrecker I will no--
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burdenedreverance · 1 year
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"Hey you're pretty strong."
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characternerdocs · 2 years
Do you have somewhere I could read more about your ocs? I'd love to learn more about them!
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I DO! But it's not exactly light reading.
I actually write with my characters, and I hope, though I feel there been a lot of me putting the cart before the horse here, but I hope to publish a book series with them.
I've made a website, so I can more easily share with people what I have thus far, as I do appreciate feedback. So if you interested and have the time and patience, you are welcome to check it out.
//insert silly wixsite link here//
I don't really know how to describe my writing, or genre, or who my audience is. I have no clue if you'll enjoy it, perfectly fine if you don't, not everyone's tastes are the same. But there is a bit of cursing, apparently some of my characters have the vocabulary of a sailor, and as a warning the first chapter features Beeyel, who is just a horndog to put it mildly.
But yeah... that's what I have. If this seems like to much of an overload though. No worries, I'm happy to answer any questions or provide little bios on any of my characters.
And thanks @sunniestshark I love when people show an interest in my characters. It really made my day seeing this message. (Legitimately I grinned like the grinch when I saw the email of your ask when I was at work.) Maybe I can fill you with the same dread I do Chicky when it come to the fate of Heather and Vincent, (who are the two I have as my icon)
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icybreaths · 1 year
|| @sunniestshark liked for a short starter || for Jo ||
The cove Jewel had chosen was secluded but she wasn't alone after all. Peering over her small campfire where food cooked, she wondered if the smell had drawn her in.
"Oi," she rose her voice, "do you always go surfin' at night time?"
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icybreaths · 9 months
|| @sunniestshark-ocs || continuing from here ||
“Mmh,” of course she’d ask.
The man didn’t make a sound as Jewel hoisted the body over and laid him down on the ground.
“Don’t know. He was a problem and now he’s not.” at least in this moment. “I was haulin’ ‘im to the Fourth. Took a scenic route.”
As she neared, it was evident that her teeth were stained red too.
“Think I’ll take a break an’ fetch somethin’ myself. Haven’t eaten good yet.”
With the aid of her sword, she conjured a spear of ice and hovered over the water. Not wanting to not disturb the water around Nanouk’s position, she distanced herself, but stayed well within speaking range.
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icybreaths · 1 year
|| @sunniestshark-ocs || continued from here ||
@sunniestshark-ocs said:
The answer wasn't unexpected, but it was always worth a shot. Seeing a friend having a tough time... Jo knew she can't fix everyone's problems, but she was always willing to share the burden.
Her mismatched eyes moved from Jewel's face, to what was almost said, down to her arms and back again. It was a burden Jewel didn't want to share. Something personal. It's not like she couldn't relate. She still had the mask, just pushed up into her hair for the time being.
"You are a tough bitch," Jo offered with a lopsided smile, "just... you know you don't have to handle it alone."
Instead of going with her deepest instinct to pry, she stopped there. She fished around in her bag for a moment before holding up her prize- a large bottle of sake, a gift from the commander, and two rough-hewn cups.
"Or you can share this with me and talk about the weather or something."
“Hah,” the presentation got a clipped chuckle out of her.
Was Jewel so predictable to be swayed with a little alcohol? It depended on who was offering.
The bottle did look unfamiliar to her. A new drinking experience sounded nice, may even calm the thoughts that had festered in her over the week.
“I’ll do ya one better,” sharp nails finessed the fabric over the last of her left digits, “Share that with me an’ I’ll air all my silly grievances 'bout it t’ya.”
A grin, “Since ya asked so nicely.”
Right arm was next. Jewel scooted the old stained bandages off to the side and grabbed a fresh roll. “… Lil boy I’m lookin’ after. Yuudai. Saw my arms fresh the other mornin’. Like ta’ve made him reel he looked so.. off put by what he saw.”
Her bare arm was hued in an irritated cracked pink, noticeable even in the firelight. Pockets of crusted black splotched her. Luckily only one spot was bad enough for a sliver of her bone to peek through.
“I ain’t even been fightin’, Jo. I’m wakin’ up ta this now.”
She pursed her lips in a flicker of hesitation.
She didn’t want to admit it. “It’s painful.”
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baiika · 1 year
“Tell me where it hurts.” - Jo to Momo
Momo groans and spits. This isn't great.
It isn't that she hasn't suffered head injuries before. She has, but migraines make her crabby. It feels like her eyes are going to burst out their sockets and dangle as flaccid, ruptured pockets on her cheeks.
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"My entire fucking face," she grunts. Her eyes squeeze shut against the light, watery, while she palpates her shirt for her tobacco pipe. "I just need to make another trip to yonbantai."
Shit like this isn't anyone's fault. Momo isn't clumsy, she's just busy, constantly swirling with dozens of tasks and ideas because nothing can be let be. She bumps into everything because of it. The environment becomes secondary when your priorities are ensuring your subordinates and peers aren't going down in the flames of incompetence.
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icybreaths · 6 months
I've always wondered: is there anyone in Jewel's division that she likes, or trusts, or doesn't act like a dumbass around her? I know the 11th is often seen as the meathead div but would she have a decent relationship with any of her subordinates or does she feel disenfranchised or antagonized by all of them? (I always imagined she'd have at least a decent working relationship with like Ikkaku or a fun dynamic with Yumichika)
|| Asks || @sunniestshark ||
She does have a decent relationship with Ikkaku and Yumichika, and even Kenpachi to an extent despite disagreeing with some of his methods of running the division.
Ikkaku's a drinking buddy and someone she can have casual conversations with. They're ideal sparring partners because they would both rather go at each with everything they've got than 'play around'. Jewel always defeats him but he loves the challenge.
Yumichika is someone who reminds her of Airi, given how he'll pick at her un-aesthetic appearance and way of fighting while she gives him crap for not giving his all when he fights. They gently bully each other but it's taken in humor. He's usually hanging around Ikkaku so their interactions are inevitable.
Yachiru's a little shit but Jewel factors in that she's a child. She's not bad all the time but she's definitely tested Jewel's patience a number of times. They've also shared some cute moments too.
She respects Kenpachi's strength and the 'casual air' of how he runs the division. He is someone outside of her power caliber which she absolutely loves in terms of having a challenge, and doesn't mind entertaining a fight when he's willing. Even if she's barely clinging to life afterwards she's happy about it.
Out of my own squad 11 OCs, Tetsuji and Taro are closest to her.
She met Taro in TBTP when she first joined the squad and he was always like a calm older sibling figure to her. They respected each other's space. He taught her how to make flower crowns. She helped him achieve Shikai. The only time things got iffy between them was when she dated Kakos and Taro would get caught up in their crossfire from time to time, even having to forcibly separate them. Jewel and Taro weren't as close after her relationship with Kakos but they balanced out to casual greetings and respect.
Tetsuji was a division transfer during the Winter War who ended up sticking around. He and Jewel didn't mesh right away because he was too eager to be around her and she always wanted space and didn't trust him, but they became friends over time and even dated for a while. After he broke up with her they took time away from each other but eventually came around to being friends again. They care for each other deeply. When it comes to imagining an OC squad for Jewel's inner circle of friends, he's definitely in there.
All of that being said, there's still an emotional wall she keeps between herself and all of these people, and even more so with the rest of the division. She would be able to let go of them if she had to, or kill them (Kenpachi/Yachiru aside lmao) if she had the means to. Tetsu would be a struggle but if she had to.
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icybreaths · 4 months
Jewel tbh:
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icybreaths · 10 months
🔥canon headcanons
|| Don't come for me lmao. || @sunniestshark ||
Okay so I have mixed feelings about this one. On the whole, I absolutely love when people come up with headcanons for their canon muses. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen someone's interpretations fit so well with their canon muse it's like 'ah. your mind--' good shit. It can bring canons to life in a whole new way that meshes with that canon and feels real and it's super engaging to me. Obsessed, right.
On the other hand, I've seen some headcanons be so.. divorced from the canon character that it's doesn't even feel like that canon anymore. I commonly see certain canons portrayed as horndogs when the canon material never showed them acting like that or with other canons they wouldn't actually get close to. Or sometimes I see certain aspects of a character be cranked up to 11 or dulled down, or taken out entirely, and it's like 'this isn't even the Canon anymore.' TheyWouldn'tFuckingDoOrSayThat(tm). |D
Which! Is fine btw! You do you, genuinely. I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum. But I generally follow canons that are based off the canon material and align closely to it. It's what I imagine my OC's dynamics/lore around when it comes to canons.
That's not to say I won't follow and interact with canons that are 'ooc' to me, but there can be a personal feeling of disconnect there if that makes sense? It's easy enough to adjust OC/canon dynamics to still interact though. Usually.
I've seen some folks take a canon and fully divorce them from the canon material and essentially make an OC of them, which can be done right! I've seen it done and it can just as engaging as the canon+well meshed hcs variant.
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icybreaths · 7 months
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all? (Challenge round: answer this without Hyou!)
|| Not So Nice OC Asks || @sunniestshark ||
On a surface level, Jewel is comfortable in her body, to the point that she’s willing to help Airi model some of her homemade outfits. She likes to swim or sun bathe naked, given no one else is around. Her hair makes a nice blanket. She likes her shape and musculature. There are inner failures she grapples with. Relationships. Personal goals she didn’t meet or hasn’t met fast enough. In matters of the self, Jewel is introspective and doesn’t shy away from anything about herself. She knows her faults and shortcomings for the most part. Faults are accepted but it’s a coin toss if she’ll actually work on them because she’s okay with some of the less palatable parts of herself. Shortcomings are accepted and worked on. Combat and her job come to mind, and her fears. The worst version of herself is a self serving loner that does whatever she wants to without regarding others, and isn’t outside of killing anyone she deems a problem. A cold, callous soul. She would rather push others away than keep them close and live without any attachments to anyone, and have few ties to any society. Part of her genuinely wants to cut ties with everyone and everything and disappear, but there’s a curious nature in her that fights her desire for isolation. She gets caught up in situations that lead her to talking to others. Her job forces her to be with others. Strangers approach her now and again. Not everyone is awful or annoying, and she finds that she likes some of them enough to want to keep around. It’s difficult because Jewel thinks she should be alone – and likes to be alone -- but she knows she would at least like to have the option to see others than be stuck being by herself. Trying for others provides a social purpose and she ‘tries’ to remember that.
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icybreaths · 7 months
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
|| Not So Nice OC Asks || @sunniestshark ||
Jewel is not one to harbor guilt or feel it, really. Typically when she does something, it’s done because she wants to do it and she won’t care about the consequences afterwards. She doesn’t have a strong sense of empathy or sympathy especially towards people she doesn’t know or care about. With loved ones she’s quick to recognize situations where she could have done something better, or instances where she absolutely fucked up. If her actions negatively affected someone she cared about, then she would address them through a conversation about what she could do to remedy the situation. She doesn’t do it out of personal guilt but more to make her loved one not-mad anymore. If they’re going to be pissed at her or guilt-trippy regardless of what she tries to do then her efforts cease at that point. Their emotions aren’t going to be her burden and she’ll distance herself to let it air out, however long that takes.
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icybreaths · 2 years
|| Why do you hurt? ||
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Because you cannot hold freedom.
The sky is only air. The ocean is only water. The only freedom you will ever have is breathing, drawing this air again & again & again & again. You have to exhale, and it costs you something - you have to quench your thirst and it comes back again - there is nothing solid in being free, it is not a status to be achieved but an action to do. Free is an active status, and you worry you'll somehow forget. There are people who would control you. There are orders you could obey. You keep coming back to take this next breath, your own part of the forever-freedom of the sky, but sometimes you think to hold your breath. It is deceptively peaceful underwater. You don't know if you would notice it if you started drowning.
Tagged by: @oschvank (thank you, esme!)
Tagging: @sunniestshark-ocs (for Jo) , @characternerdocs (for Lilith) , @nildov​
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icybreaths · 1 year
Call Me By Your Name Aesthetics
Bold all that apply.
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lounging by the pool, poetry readings,  plucking fresh fruit from trees,  fitful sleep,  deep discussions, nighttime swim,  fruit juices running down your chin,  long moments of silence,  long bike rides,  lazy summer mornings,  lunch with friends,  shame,  erotic fantasies,  red swim trunks,  a blanket on the grass,  wheat coloured skin,  wistful gazes,  well-loved books (geography, geometry, and origami books),  morning jogs,  creating music,  bathing under the sun,  sticky summer heat, regret, unreadable looks,  double meanings,  wasted time,  shared faith,  sleeping naked,  late night poker games,  ice cream,  walking your bicycle down cobble roads,  overthinking,  childish love confessions,  warm embraces,  bare feet,  the dull slap of espadrilles at night,  shyness,  restraint,  kisses in the grass,  endless pools of their eyes, the moon sparkling on the calm sea,  the threat of autumn in a raindrop,  beads of sweat pooling on your skin,  lighting a lover’s cigarette,  a little too much wine,  strumming a guitar,  the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the house, notes slipped under the door,  leisurely swims,   calling ‘later’ as you leave,  washing your face in a fountain,  fevered kisses,  the comfort of nostalgia,  tall cypresses,  glaring mid-afternoon sea,  rehearse the pain to dull it,  a billowy shirt,  warm benches,  longing phone calls,  framed antique postcards,  citronella candles in the garden,  memories of lovers like ghosts in the window,  held gazes,  hesitating on the other side of the bedroom door,  playing music to say what you cannot   
Tagged by: ~
No pressure Tags: @sunniestshark-ocs (for Jo) , @characternerdocs (for Lilith) , @baiika (Momo) , @territorialii , @nildov
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icybreaths · 2 years
|| Which (OC) Gotei 13 Division are you in? || @sunniestshark​ edition ||
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Division 11
Division 11 consists of the Gotei's shock troops- tip of the spear combat operations for when you want the job done quickly and don't care about the collateral damage. There is only one department in this division, and it's all about combat and training for ending a battle as soon as it starts. -You're a sprinter, and your preferred method of getting things done is doing it as quickly and efficiently as possible. You don't like to proofread, and you don't like second-guessing, and you have the confidence to back up your actions. You're probably a pretty aggressive individual- you get what you want, how you want it. That doesn't necessarily mean that you're rude, just that you aren't shy about asserting yourself and setting boundaries, and you can use these powers for your friends as well. This also means that you often find yourself as the center of attention or the life of the party, which suits you just fine. You're pretty rough around the edges, finding things like etiquette and sugarcoating your words pointless. Even going out of your way to help people out with things isn’t high on your priority list. If people don't like you for you, they can find a new friend. You thrive most in an environment where you can be loud and unapologetic, most likely in careers that are very physical in nature. -The 11th Division's symbol is the Rooster, symbolizing confidence, vigilance, and honesty and the division color is grey blue, symbolizing isolation, stability, and thought
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