#sunnydalescoobiies robin wood
wickedlehane · 1 year
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@sunnydalescoobiies {robin wood} gets a surprise starter! ;)
"Faith- make me a deal, alright? We live through this, give me the chance to surprise you."
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"-no, man. You don't get it, I probably just ate a bad slice of pizza or something. I don't get sick."
The words 'bad slice of pizza' were blasphemous even to Faith, though she was sure certain New York City snobs would have to agree some places were bad, before following up with a hoity-toity list of insider recommendations (that more often than not had one or two establishments that were actually a front for demonic activity, unbeknownst to the average city slickers). She'd picked up a lot of specific social cues since moving to Big Apple with Robin.
It had been a few weeks, maybe verging on a month ot two at least since Sunnydale went from an outie to an innie, and the Scoobies were scattered to the winds. Buffy and Dawn took a little bit of a break before heading towards the Cleveland Hellmouth. Giles found some cushy library somewhere. Willow opted to take some time with the Devon Coven across the pond. Angel was still holding down Los Angeles, and everyone did their best to warn each other of any impending apocalypses. New York had been Robin's idea, since he grew up there with his mom and then a watcher after Spike... Faith couldn't imagine being a slayer in the big city like that. At least this place didn't have a Hellmouth- just a hell of a lot of weirdos.
"I think your city's trying to kill me," Faith shrugged, grabbing a Gatorade from their apartment fridge and taking a swig. The place wasn't swank, but then again she wasn't picky. Roof over her head, walkable neighborhoods, takeout at any hour (especially after patrol). It wasn't Boston, but it wasn't half bad. She dropped heavily onto their couch and rubbed the side of her face with a groan. "I must've picked up a bug on the subway or something. I thought slayer healing was supposed to help this."
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wickedlehane · 11 months
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@sunnydalescoobiies {Nikki and Robin} gets a starter
The books said pregnancy dreams could get wild, but Faith could tell (even in her unconscious state) when something was a little more on the psychic end of sleeping than not. The slayer's prophetic dreams didn't come often, but when they did, they were loud and clear. Lucid. More often than not, she felt herself living them and living through them -- the coma had been full of unconscious fears and frightened attempts to connect with or protect herself from Buffy.
But in this dream, she was walking through Central Park at night. The rolling green lawns were wet with midnight dew, and a nearby street lamp cast a glow that rivaled the moon. Beneath that was a woman she didn't recognize by look, but by the mystical tether that connected Faith to generations of other women she'd never speak to, but owed so much to.
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"You're... Robin's mom, aren't you? Nikki..." The girl said as she approached. Usually when other Slayers appeared in her dreams, Faith was looking through their eyes, feeling their deaths. A warning, a premonition -- don't repeat this. Don't let their fault be your undoing. She even felt it when Buffy died the first time. Drowned. Bitten. Crushed, stabbed, cursed. Faith had lived a thousand lifetimes and yet, so few Slayers walked the path she was walking now, one of motherhood. But Nikki had once.
"You have a good son," she said, taking a seat on the bench near the lamp post. Faith's stomach had begun a gentle swell at four months. Their last trip to the doctor revealed they were having a daughter. Probably, if fate still had a sense of humor, a slayer. "...Am I wrong to be so scared?"
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