#v: tbt
wickedlehane · 1 year
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@sunnydalescoobiies {buffy} gets a S4 AU based on this gifset
The first few weeks of school at UC Sunnydale weren't so bad, even if Faith was never the biggest fan of homework. But she liked the independent living, knowing she had a watcher for a safety net should anything go wrong out here on the Hellmouth -- since the last Slayer died, and so did the girl before that. Diana Dormer's own work required her to stay on the faculty back at Harvard, but she and Faith could communicate through the academic system (in addition to the good ol' fashioned phone).
Of course, college was a balancing act. Between her basic courses, psychology specialization, and nightly patrols, Faith knew she needed to carve out time to unwind with a little fun. Thankfully, UCSD had frats full of dudes looking to dance with the fresh meat.
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Faith didn't really know any of these older guys, but she liked it that way. Made the chase more fun, and if she ended up in bed with someone, it was easier to fade into the night if they weren't sharing the personal stuff. She did recognize a few people from her classes, though -- not all the names were sticking, but the faces were familiar. Especially the blonde girl who was on the first floor of Stevenson Hall, and had a few courses with her including Psych with Professor Walsh. Bunny, or something? But the slayer wasn't exactly here to make small talk over homework assignments and the quality of dining hall food. So for now, she grabbed one of the cheap beers the boys were stocking and proceeded to dance her way to the center of the room with a guy or two hovering around her hips.
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rxmlxw · 1 year
@insidi0sum „ hey. you look tired. you alright ? “
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A GLASS FILLED WITH GIN IN HIS HAND , BROCK SLOWLY LOOKED UP , BROW ARCHING up as he stared at the other , letting out a soft huff at the question. was he alright ? could he ever be alright ? he knew the answer was clearly ‚no‘ , but like he would tell anyone about it , especially some stupid kid ? he‘d rather die. „ none of your business. “ , he growled quietly as he raised the glass to his lips and downed it with one gulp. not that the alcohol did much to his body , he would need a lot more than to finally feel it and he exhaled a deep sigh as his hazel hues settled on the other. „ you‘re always like this ? just asking stranger about bullshit , that‘s not yours to know or do you just like to get probably killed if you just walk to some random guy ? “ , he asked , rolling his eyes slightly.
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darknessxmuses · 1 year
@adoredwatson continued from here
❜A walk sounds lovely. Especially if there’s flowers to be seen. But are you alright? I mean—I know the answer is probably no based on the state of the room—❜
Belle didn’t like to stay seated too long, not unless she was reading or something in that vein. But she just wanted to help this woman—clearly her papa trusted her and wanted her to help in some way.
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laviexenrose · 1 year
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Stella Mayfair was, by all accounts, regarded as a good friend by Isabelle, despite the fact that the two women could not have been more different in appearance or temperament. In truth, Isabelle doubted whether her former roommate had genuinely viewed her in much the same light– as a good friend, or a friend at all. A few months had gone by, and she had not heard so much as a peep from the other, but that was about to change…
The envelope was rather small, lighter than a feather. On the back was Isabelle’s name handwritten simply in ink. The writing looked quite familiar, though at that moment she couldn’t remember to whom it might belong. As Isabelle unsealed the flap, a curious sensation overwhelmed her. Eliminating suspense in the blink of an eye, she unveiled the invitation for a cruise party. A cruise party! Her features twitched with a mild surprise. While assuredly there weren't many people who would bother sending Isabelle anything in the mail, one of the last persons she would have ever guessed would be Stella– granted, at this point in time, she truly had no clue this invitation was from her, and in retrospect, she was not so surprised it was for a party. No, that had Stella Mayfair written all over it, and honestly, Isabelle felt a little silly she hadn’t easily determined who would invite her to such a grand soirée.
It was two weeks after she had received the curious invitation that Isabelle found herself boarding the ship, wondering if she’d made the right decision to come alone. It was a little reckless but also one of the most exciting things she had done in a while now. Perhaps for just this one time, she could fling some caution to the wind, let loose and maybe even enjoy herself a bit.
The party was in full swing. Once on board, Isabelle gave herself the moment to take it in– the crowd, the music, the incessant buzz of chatter and laughter, the liveliness of it all. Here, it was easy to forget about the rest of the world. The only thing Isabelle couldn’t get away from was wondering about who it was she needed to thank for sending her an invitation. And what better time to find out than at the party itself.
After mustering up the courage to approach people she didn’t know, Isabelle asked several of the partygoers, most of whom had likely had one drink too many, and none who knew who was host. Well, at least she had made an effort to find out. Afterwards, Isabelle chose a lonely corner to stand, feeling like a fish out of water as she quietly sipped champagne. Always taking pleasure from the simplest of things, she contentedly listened to the music, and that was good enough reason to stay a while longer. @desxgnees
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viijaya · 2 years
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       h i m
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vigilantaes · 2 years
. . .     @urushiol​​     🞂     [ prompted ]       🞂         embrace :   my  muse  abruptly  throwing  their  arms  around  your  muse,  hugging  them  tightly.   //  can be main or an au
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      it all started when she arrived in gotham  by train,  stowaway style.  she wandered the streets on her own,  fending for herself the same way she always had   —  though admittedly some of the foes here were more formidable and more aggressive.  cassandra learned years ago that people liked to target children like herself.  they underestimated what she could do to retaliate,  a fact that would make more sense once she learned how normal children were treated.  for now,  she thought them foolish at the time for picking a fight with her.
       she sought refuge one night by a building she thought was abandoned.  there was a system to her nightly camps by now;  find a shadowy corner to tuck into,  use the jacket as a blanket,  and stay vigilant in case of intruders.  that part wasn't hard with her light sleeping habits.  the spot cass chose that day was against a wall of moss,  the air nearby humid and earthy.  grass peaked from between broken concrete tiles.  she avoided laying on that part of the floor,  and when she laid down she swore she saw the moss crawl towards her.  trick of the light, maybe.  there was no time to worry about tricks.
       her eyes opened as soon as they closed,  or so she thought.  however long she was allowed to rest was unbeknownst to her.  what she did know was this;  a series of gruff grunts woke her up and it came from the entrance.  that was enough to have cass on her feet once more.  the girl grabbed at her few belongings and bundled them together before checking her surroundings.  it was dark,  oddly warm for a night in this town,  and silent.  
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       no,  wait   —  not silent.  there was bristling against the walls  ...  something light and fragile.  the footsteps that approached were so quiet that they sounded just like that bristling until the figure drew closer.  cass had missed her opportunity to escape and so her next course of action was to hide.  she was taught to always choose fight over flight in times of distress,  but something in her chest told her it would not be smart to fight.  she held her breath.
       what peeked around the corner wasn't human.  the cracks of moonlight exposed green skin and poppy red hair.  she moved in a way that felt uncanny to cass,  flowy and delicate yet commanding in her movements.  her pitch was deeper than expected,  still feminine but low and endeared in a way she didn't yet recognize but would soon learn to.  the meaning to her words were a blur but they sounded pleasant together.  she could make out bits and pieces   —  ' hey,  what—  ',  '  doing?  ',  '  name?  '   —     but she wouldn't answer.  only stare.
       her eyes were adjusted to the dark enough to see how the woman's lips thinned in a way that indicated irritation.  her pointed ears reminded her of those little women with wings she had seen on toy packaging.  fay...  rees.  fayree.  fahree   —  her pondering was cut short by a pair of thin arms around her.  a waft of something floral immediately assaulted her senses.  it didn't smell bad by any means,  but it was strong and sudden and that was a combination cass had always hated.  she struggled to be released,  shockingly more bothered by the smell than being picked up by a stranger,  but was swiftly shushed by a wave of the hand.  a different flower's scent carried in the wind.
       on the way out,  cass noticed the pile of flora that wasn't there before.  she swore she saw a puddle of blood seeping out beneath it.  another look to the hair that tickled her face revealed that it was not poppy red anymore but a pale orange.  her curiosity let her to see that her freckled skin was now pale and much more human than she previously thought.  she reached a hand into ginger locks to feel for those pointy ears she once saw and found nothing out of the ordinary.  the woman said nothing to it,  only giving the little girl a comforting squeeze.
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rxvonna-a · 2 years
Steve // @herosquandary
It really feels as though Steve will never get home. A few short errands, he said, yet here she is waiting at the kitchen table waiting for him to return, legs bouncing up and down nervously. Her coffee sits untouched in front of her, stone cold, and she's looking toward the door with her hands folded together.
She silently mouths words to herself, practicing exactly what she wants to say and how she wants to say it. Her own anxiety about the situation is pretty much sky high, but she doesn't want to just attack him or fly at him with her news the moment he walks in. She wants to be calm, ready to discuss everything rationally.
The practicing does no good, however. He has barely closed the door behind himself when she stands and walks quickly over to him with what can only be described as a panicked expression on her face. And without any ceremony whatsoever, no hesitation, and no regard for the fact that he's got his arms full of just purchased items, she blurts out what's been bothering her for a couple days now.
"I think I'm pregnant."
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“ hey— look at me. you can talk to me. ” (for Alexander)
REDFIELD Sent in a Meme for // ALEXANDER WESKER //
Seconds from opening the front door to his home. Alex heard his phone chime. It sounded like the notification sound He used for His Fatheyr. Stopping, one hand pressed against the door knob, he fished out his cellphone from his back pocket. A grin forming on his lips. He had been begging his father to let him go with him to Africa. He knew the ins and outs of Wesker's business. So, it wasn't like going was going to reveal anything to the young man. But Albert never liked taking His son with him to any sort of business trip. His Safety was always number one, and nothing would change that.
But Alex thought for a moment that maybe his father was saying he could come along now, that they were through with the secret experiments. Alex didn't care if Excella was going to be there. She annoyed him, but he could deal with her traumatic ass, to be able to spend some time with Albert. Tapping the small envelope icon, he froze. It wasn't from His Father, it was from Umbrella. How? Why? They didn't know his number, or did they? But his eyes froze on the first sentence of the text message. In dark bold lettering, it read. ' WE NO LONGER NEED TO WORRY ABOUT WESKER! SEEMS CHRIS REDFIELD TOOK CARE OF THE PROBLEM FOR US. KILLED ALBERT IN AFRICA, WITH A ROCKET LAUNCHER!
The male was frozen to his spot, every muscle went numb. Breath became ragged, as the tears began to well up in his eyes. Burning and blurring his vision. His Father was DEAD!, & by the hands of Redfield! The one person Alex had suspected for awhile was his Mother. He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, he felt like screaming and crying all at once. This was the way he found out about His Father, was by Umbrella, gloating in a text message. Hand fell away from the door knob. He could barely stand, his body was shaking from the cry that tried to come.
But it couldn't, it was like it was stuck. How could he walk inside that mansion right now, when it was fulll of memories. Hand raised, pressing against his chest, as he fell, body nearly crumbling to the ground. And it was like the blow, was enough to jar loose his flood of emotions. Tears streaked his face in hot streams. As he fought to breath through the raw emotions that rode him.
What was he going to do now? Where was he going to go? How was he going to live without his father? He wrapped both arms around his torso and began to rock slowly. Sitting on the steps of his home. Anger building with every breath filled tear. And that was when he heard him. Heard Chris's voice. Those tears turned into anger, as he flew up from the bottom step. Hand forming into fists at his side. His own eyes mirroring his fathers, as they glowed with that red flare.
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" How dare you fucking talk to me, after you killed MY FATHER. "
ANGER, RAGE & REVENGE shone out of those red slitted eyes. He moved, blurring in and out of the others vision. Seconds later, he slammed his fist forward, connecting knuckles against Chris's jaw. And then spinning around faster then humanly possible, sending his other hand to clamp around the other male's throat. Slamming him back into the stone railing. The anger, the pain of loss, and everything else was to much for the male, causing him to loose grip on Redfield. And he fell to his knees, head bowed, and body convulsing with the rack of cries that over took him. He didn't have it in him to fight. Grief was to much to push aside right now.
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" You killed my Dad, Why? " His voice was flat, but full of sorrow and pain. As he hugged his knees tightly into him, head buried into his legs.
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artistmarchalius · 8 months
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Broppy Capture AU, where Branch didn’t confess after World Tour, but a love confession when all hope seems lost is just what they need to free themselves from Velvet and Veneer.
A version without text can be found under the cut.
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wickedlehane · 1 year
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@sunnydalescoobiies {robin wood} gets a surprise starter! ;)
"Faith- make me a deal, alright? We live through this, give me the chance to surprise you."
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"-no, man. You don't get it, I probably just ate a bad slice of pizza or something. I don't get sick."
The words 'bad slice of pizza' were blasphemous even to Faith, though she was sure certain New York City snobs would have to agree some places were bad, before following up with a hoity-toity list of insider recommendations (that more often than not had one or two establishments that were actually a front for demonic activity, unbeknownst to the average city slickers). She'd picked up a lot of specific social cues since moving to Big Apple with Robin.
It had been a few weeks, maybe verging on a month ot two at least since Sunnydale went from an outie to an innie, and the Scoobies were scattered to the winds. Buffy and Dawn took a little bit of a break before heading towards the Cleveland Hellmouth. Giles found some cushy library somewhere. Willow opted to take some time with the Devon Coven across the pond. Angel was still holding down Los Angeles, and everyone did their best to warn each other of any impending apocalypses. New York had been Robin's idea, since he grew up there with his mom and then a watcher after Spike... Faith couldn't imagine being a slayer in the big city like that. At least this place didn't have a Hellmouth- just a hell of a lot of weirdos.
"I think your city's trying to kill me," Faith shrugged, grabbing a Gatorade from their apartment fridge and taking a swig. The place wasn't swank, but then again she wasn't picky. Roof over her head, walkable neighborhoods, takeout at any hour (especially after patrol). It wasn't Boston, but it wasn't half bad. She dropped heavily onto their couch and rubbed the side of her face with a groan. "I must've picked up a bug on the subway or something. I thought slayer healing was supposed to help this."
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 8 months
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darknessxmuses · 1 year
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❜Oh, I didn’t mean to bother you. If I had known you were busy I would have waited. ❜
The brunette wiped her hands on her dress, she was here to meet with someone. The purpose of the meeting was unclear but she knew that if she didn’t go her papa would be disappointed. She began to take a step towards the door, waiting to see if they were finished first.
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widowshill · 5 months
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— But it's almost midnight. — Oh, that's the point! At the stroke of twelve, he turns into Dracula. C'mon, Vicki – he won't bite.
pose ref.
#dark shadows 1966#victoria winters#roger collins#➤ roger collins & victoria winters. ┊ pain sometimes precedes pleasure,miss winters.#vamp roger au tbt#➤ roger collins. ┊ I and my ghosts want a drink.#➤ victoria winters. ┊ because she’s lost and lonely. because she looks in shadows.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#art.#i always feel a little apprehensive about putting r/v things in the general tags bc i know that's not everyone's cup of tea but.#if r/v squicks you out and you don't have me blocked idk why lmakldfgfg. that's what we do here.#well! did you know that the moonflower is a highly poisonous and psychoactive flower that belongs to the nightshade family#and can cause respiratory depression arrhythmias fever delirium hallucinations psychosis and death if taken internally.#and they are night-blooming and pollinated by sphinx moths. much to think about.#scenes from the vamp roger au that i've been plotting with tortie and have only posted like one thing about but. anyway.#should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree etc. but the moonflowers in liz's greenhouse will have to do.#yeah yeah yeah we've all heard about his more famous triangular cousin but what about the real collins vampire huh.#who was here in 1966 draining years off another man's life. who spent ten years in a coffin (augusta) and came back wrong.#who knows nothing but a habitual; driving; consuming thirst.#who feeds on the youth and innocence of his governess – of his sister's hospitality – of the shelter of the collins blood.#who prefers; instead of living; to bury himself in the collins tomb.#who creates not biological sons but makes other men into monsters just like him.#also lou was really hot as a vampire for 0.5 seconds in hods.
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laviexenrose · 1 year
* . ⊹ @thisvastmultiverse x
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The sound which had come from Hadley arrested Isabelle’s heartbeat for a moment. Her eyes widened at the instant understanding of Hadley’s words. It was the moment they had been awaiting. “I-I’ll bring some warm towels straight away. But first, you should lay down. Here, allow me to help you.” Reaching out her arm, Isabelle waited for her to take her hand. “Do you feel like you need to push?” 
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viijaya · 2 years
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@ardenssolis​ replied ; ozy vc: are u a cat?
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       ❝ I don’t understand . What is your reasoning for asking such question? ❞    
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radiomurdeer · 6 months
@lilitophidian gets a starter cause the vibes are good.
Grief had a way of changing people. Alastor's mother had died, and with her the music and joy of life. Maybe if it had been a more peaceful death, he could have accepted it. An illness or injury that would give him time to come to terms.
But murder?
No, she'd been stolen from him, and Alastor couldn't let that stand.
He stood at a crossroads. Quite literally a turning point in his life, even as he laid out his offerings in the center of the empty road. it wasn't the first time someone had summoned a ruler of Hell here, and it wouldn't be he last. Alastor had no intentions on calling the Devil though. Laid out on a cloth of deep red, he set out each item carefully. Rose petals, cinnamon, silvery mugwort, and a glass cup in red. Next to them was a bottle of the nicest wine he could get his hands on - if he was lucky it hadn't been cut with water, but it was the Prohibition, he'd have to hope it'd still be accepted. The last thing recommended was animal blood, but that felt -- lesser. Alastor was young enough in his occult studies that he hadn't yet learned caution. Hadn't yet learned what a high price could be demanded and extracted when things when wrong, when the advice of those who'd come before wasn't followed. He didn't have a silver dagger, all he had was a kitchen knife, well loved and well used, and his own blood.
The words of the ritual came out haltingly, unfamiliar and strange, leaving a tingle on his tongue. Words of power as he sliced a shallow cut on the heel of his palm to let it drip down into the red glass.
Plip, plip, plop.
Now all that was left was to wait, and hope his entreaties had been heard.
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