sheeporbeef · 5 years
Heart on your sleeve (Closed - Haruka)
(closed starter for @sunsetglutton )   There were several Counting Sheep having been summoned from Sylvester Ashling’s sleep dust at this point, working together to support the tired boy - but it was clear that getting someone to just ‘help’ him wake up wasn’t enough, he had to talk to someone about his problems or he’d just keep overly pushing himself - they weren’t Beefton and couldn’t tell their master this directly, due to their lack of english - but at least they could try to help in outside ways, so the leader of the flock searched for someone this time. A human that might listen....he, being the leader, was smart enough to try and figure out one for himself, as the other person who’d helped before had already helped enough, and they couldn’t bother any further. Spying an familiar boy, the sheep trotted to them, baaing brashly and trying to get a grip so to tug on their sleeve to get the stranger's attention to Sylvester still groggy on the other sheep. “Baaaa!! Baa...” Looked like the sheep was very insistent on getting the other to follow him to Sylvester. True, the sheep didn’t know this human either, but he’d take ANYONE talking to his master and helping him at this point...
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n0nesse · 5 years
👀 with your current knowledge, is there one thing about your past life you would go back and change?
“...I would have tried harder not to get knocked out by Grun. It would’ve helped me avoid a whole lot of heartache.”
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shintaroxisaragi · 5 years
👀 Would it have been better if we had never met?
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“No! And don’t ever think that I would ever regret meeting you! Ever! I care about you! Very much!”
Shintaro’s eyes started watering up as he began a full on rant about how much Haruka has meant to him and how the only thing he regrets is never admitting it out loud before. Maybe had he been less depressed, he could’ve been more open. 
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marryonette · 5 years
It’s just a chance thing that she turns her head at the right time, that she catches sight of a familiar body and soft smile. At first, Marry thinks she’s dreaming, because she has no idea where she is and even though she hoped against hope she would find her friends a small nagging part of her said it was never going to happen. 
That’s not the name that came to mind first, but she remembers. Remembers the first friend she had found all on her own, remembers Ene, remembers the sacrifices Konoha made. 
She watches the person keep moving, they didn’t hear her, and her heart wilts. What if it isn’t them? What if she’s just seeing things she wants to see?
But... What if it is him, and he’s just as alone as she is? Marry takes a deep breath and endeavours to be as brave as she could. She chases after the boy, takes hold of the back of his jumper.
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“Haruka, wait...! It’s you, isn’t it...?!”
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vraelgard · 4 years
haruka (quite possibly spelled the feminine way) signing in for action! his application can be found under /app
hello, haruka and welcome to terra!
you will be housed in celestia apartments C2, where you will find a box of crayola crayons and your wheelchair to replace the items taken from you upon arrival.
you will also retain your snake of awakening eyes ability!
✵ sylthfarn
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Lazy day
Akako sighed as she placed the away for lunch sign on the door of the store and turn to lean lightly against the door, it had been a busy morning with many more customers than Akako was used to. Now finally having a break Akako started on her way to one of her favorite places to visit for lunch, they did serve one her most favorite foods after all! Walking over to Magnolia’s Pizzeria Akako entered the restaurant and waved to the person at the register the person was always there when Akako came in so it had been normal to greet them a slight smile. Ordering her usual food, though it wasn’t like she actually needed to eat, Akako moved to the side and proceeded to wait for her order to be done so she could get back to the store before she lost customers. While waiting she noticed someone, someone that looked very out of place, they were asleep in one of the seats provided for customers.
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Akako approached the person never taking her eyes off of them as she approached and knelt down to try looking the person in the eyes, surely enough they were definitely asleep. Akako having a moment where she simply didn’t think reached out to poke the person on the nose with her eyes being wide now to show she was curious. “Boop” Akako said quietly then quickly pulled her hand away to see if that would get a reaction out of the person, and as to her expectations it did not. The person was still asleep and Akako had nothing to do with her time while her order was being made, controlling the threads in her scarf she made dull points to feel they were ruler like edges. She then proceeded to repeatedly poke at the person's face each time a thread or her finger touched the person’s face a quiet ‘boop’ came from her lips.
Akako was just trying to liven her day and unwind the stress that had built from running her shop all day, no way was she trying to wake the person up, she was just bored. The threads moved so no more than one thread touch the person’s face in rapid succession so she wasn’t constantly saying ‘boop’ instead it was a poke then a few seconds then another poke. As she did this a gentle pleasant look smile had appeared on her face though this time it wasn’t actually covered by her scarf since she was using it for something.
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tsukibime-blog · 5 years
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Lately, Souma has been wanting to expand his repetoire with cooking but with no time to visit all the restaurants the island had to offer due to starting idol work here on top of his job at the boardwalk amusement park, no such opportunity presented itself. It was a shame, but hobbies came second after all. He decided to browse ingredients, but he supposed that only gets one so far as inspiration goes. The samurai was starting to think he should ask someone, but he had already mastered most of Kanata’s favorite dishes. Though he likes entertaining upperclassmen’s palette, perhaps he should get another opinion, and asking the person also perusing the supermarket sounded ideal.
❝ Pardon me, this may seem an odd question coming from a stranger, but what sort of dishes do you find appealing? ❞
❀ @sunsetglutton ❀
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♔ @sunsetglutton ♔ starter call! 
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❝ That’s quite a drawing you have there. Are you an artist? Umu, then you’ll have to be the first fellow artist I’ve met around here. Very well! As the talented artist-emperor of Rome, I shall rate your art pieces! ❞ 
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amaranthrpg-blog1 · 8 years
"Having one seems kind of mandatory for me doesn't it? Hehe... Well, I might as well make the best of it. I would like a chatreuse coloured flophone, and I think it would be nice if it smells of sunflowers!" Points can be found under /tracker!
All the kids are getting in on the fun, huh?
Well then, here is one chartreuse, sunflower-y flophone for you! Have fun with it!
⛛ Sassafras
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amaranthrpg-blog1 · 8 years
Without prior reserve, here is Haruka ready for action! App can be found under application! To make room for him I would like to drop Akihito Kanbara from Kyoukai no Kanata (url: meganefetichist). He had no rulings
Welcome to Amaranth, Haruka!
Your welcome bag contains your Telepiece, a key coupon for Spiral’s End housing, and a paintbrush. How useful! You’ll be paired with Ryubi Gozen!
Have fun with your eternity!
Also, please check out our little after joining page for tips after acceptance!
In addition, Akihito Kanbara has been dropped!
☀ Cinnamon
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kon0has · 9 years
bottomless pits
Konoha isn’t actually sure what an “All You Can Eat Eating Challenge Extravaganza!!” is, but the food spread out on the table looks delicious so he signs himself up without a second thought. He starts mowing through the dishes the moment he’s told he can start, and the flabbergasted looks he receives from other participants and onlookers alike go unnoticed as he clears plate after plate after plate with no signs of stopping.
“This food is really good... I’ll have to compliment the chef.”
When he’s done, that is. And when that is is when he’s full or when the food runs out, though even after the tall stack of empty plates piled up near him, Konoha isn’t nearly full. The food just might run out before the room in his stomach does.
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His rhythm is interrupted when the meal he grabs as his next entree actually resists. He thinks the plate got stuck on something at first honestly, before he catches sight of the hand pulling the opposite way of his. Oh. It seems that, now that he’s looking at his surroundings properly, it’s just him and this boy left in the contest.
“Do you... want this? I can go for another one--” Ah. Glancing around the table, this is the last plate. They’d wiped out the entire stock. “Or... not.”
What to do.
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audaxi · 9 years
Perhaps downtown wasn't the best place to start gathering recruits for his army on the moon; however, it certainly gained him a following-- a foul one, at that. A group of six men and women had displayed unfavorable aggressive behavior towards his earlier shouting; granted, this was scarcely concerning for the daimyo. Even though he claimed peace at his arrival, it would be easily disregarded by the white haired man should trouble for himself arise. Undoubtedly, if Kojuro was here in tow, he would not be having this problem-- he was always knowledgeable on how to handle these situations; even if he was scolded promptly after, he had his uses. 
Needless to say, avoiding the situation wasn’t something date was going to do; running wasn’t one of his options, either. Instead of pivoting and abruptly turning to a quiet area down an alley, he spun around on his heel and assertively pointed at the group. Unable to get a single word in, minutes of the one sided brawl went on until Date was left with one last attacker in his grasp. Taking one step back, he arches his back in preparation before throwing the assailant by their collar in a preferable direction; unfortunately, this hit a fairly tall, dark haired passerby. Eyebrows raising in surprise, wiry limbs quickened their pace and he promptly rushed over to the person he unintentionally knocked over.
Grabbing the unconscious body that took the stranger out, he haphazardly tossed it aside and assessed the damages on the unsuspecting man. It didn’t seem that bad, but he could never be too sure; he did have a good arm on him, after all. Hovering over the other, his visage was flooded with something akin to worry as he shouted an inquiry.
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❝  HEY, MOON MAN--                                                   are you still breathing?!  ❞
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cleverblocker · 10 years
*music note thingie*
Tsukishima sat on a bench with his headphones on. He unconsciously started to sing along quietly, "All my friends always lie to me I know they’re thinking You’re too mean,I don’t like you,Fuck you anyway.You make me wanna scream at the top of my lungsIt hurts but I won’t fight youYou suck anywayYou make me want to die…” (“Afraid”- The Neighbourhood)
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shizuka--chan · 10 years
sunsetglutton replied to your post:Mata—chi, I’m gonna end you <3
Ehehehe ♡ (you should have seen it coming though)
*whaps* Brat. <3 Sleep well, yush?
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amaranthrpg-blog1 · 9 years
5 in, still going strong. Here is Haruka Kokonose ready to join the party! App can be found under /application or in the Sketchbook!
Welcome to Amaranth, Haruka!
Your welcome bag contains your Telepiece, a key coupon for Spiral’s End housing, and grey headphones. Cool! You’ll be paired up with Gappy. Hope you two get along!
Have fun with your eternity!
Also, please check out our little after joining page for tips after acceptance!
✖ Sugar
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Excuse me!
46. Being chased by someone
Luffy stopped running when he heard someone calling for him. “Pizza Guy!” He greeted the other teen, still using the nickname from the first time they met and the other said something about pizza. Man, Luffy was hungry… "Hey, do you have any food with you?"most of the times they met before, if not all, had something to do with food, right? So this meant the other probably had food with him this time.
However, before Pizza Guy could answer, a mob of angry men appeared in the distance, coming after Luffy. He had, apparently, broke something very important and very expensive. Not that Luffy himself knew that. For him, they were just chasing him for no reason, or just because he was a pirate. "AH! They found me!"
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"Come one! We need to run!" the pirate said, turning around. He then grabbed Pizza Guy’s hand and started to run again, dragging the other with him.
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