#sunshine and California are nicknames from fic if I stare too long and the authors were just spot on with them I love it
lostlimerence · 2 years
A heavily ringed hand hovers over the mixing bowl. “Don’t you dare,” Billy glares as he reaches to grab another bowl from the cupboard.
“Come onnnn sunshine,” Eddie says grin spreading across his face.
“Pretty please,”
“Oh yea sure go right ahead,”
“Yes! Really?!”
“No.” Billy deadpans. Eddie sticks out his tongue, Billy rolls his eyes, pushes the sleeve of his jumper back up his forearm as he focuses on the mixture.
In his periphery another hand catches his eye, “pretty boy if you dare add anything to that bowl, I swear I will break each and every one of your Madonna tapes.”
Steve gasps, freezes still holding whatever the hell it is he wanted to add hovering over a jug. “You wouldn’t dare?!”
Billy flashes his teeth “try me,” Eddie “hmmms,” in agreement which makes Steve swing to him with exasperation “really Eds taking his side too?!”
Eddie laughs “sorry baby but sunshine’s right you can’t bake, remember the pumpkin cookies?” he pulls a face, Steve gawks as he keeps going “California’s our baker, right sunshine?”
Billy’s fumbling with his hair, re-doing his bun, some curls inevitably escaping, “yeah, and you two shitheads need to stay away from that bowl,”
“Gosh can’t you feel the love Stevie,” Eddie says dramatically pressing a hand to his chest. Steve laughs, puts his mystery ingredient down and joins Billy behind the island, he reaches up to tuck one of the stray curls behind his ear, then slides his hand down and presses small little circles into the juncture of his neck.
Billy leans into it with a little groan, Steve smiles as Billy’s eyes close in bliss for a second, it’s the perfect opportunity for Eddie to dive across the island, and shove his finger in the batter, Billy’s eyes open in time to see a finger pull out of Eddie’s mouth with a pop.
“Ughh, I’ll say it again. Shitheads.” he glances between his two idiots trying to suppress a smile.
“Oh come onnn baby it’s not even unhygienic, we do far worse things with our mouths” Eddie wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
Billy huffs “out you losers,” he punctuates with a finger directing them to the living room.
“Sheeeshh, ok baby let’s go let’s go pick a movie sunshines gotta work his magic in peace,” Eddie laughs leaning over the island again, this time to press a kiss to Billy’s disgruntled forehead before grabbing Steve and pulling him towards the door.
Billy sighs shaking his head but allows himself a little fond smile as he turns back to his baking in peace.
Later Billy walks into the lounge, a plate full of little cartoon-like ghost cupcakes in one hand.
Eddie and Steve are lounging on the sofa, Eddie pushes onto his knees, making Steve squeak as he jolts off of him, and makes grabby hands at the plate.
Billy chuckles as he passes it over “chill out Munson.”
“But they’re just sooo good babe,” Eddie mumbles through a mouthful, “gross Eds,” Steve wrinkles his nose in disgust as he peels the wrapper off his own, he looks at Billy gives him a thousand watt grin “thanks baby!” Billy blushes a little mumbles “no worries pretty boy,” he clears his throat “what are we watching?”
Eddie swallows his last bite and reaches for another, chocolate crumbs littering his lap “Halloween,” his eyes alight, Eddie loves this month.
Billy grimaces, grumbles “fine,” and Steve flaps at Eddie says something about getting crumbs in the carpet.
Eddie laughs at Billy’s expression, ignoring Steve’s hands as they try to clean up a bit. “Don’t worry sunshine you can sit between us, Myers won’t get you with us around! Have you seen Stevie’s biceps?! You’re safe baby!” Steve throws him an unimpressed look.
“I’m not scared!” Billy flushes, has a little bit of flour dashed across his cheek, and one sleeve of his jumper is slipping back down his arm. Eddie thinks he looks adorable “of course not sweetheart, nothing scares you,” he pats the opening between himself and Steve, Billy complies shoving himself between the two.
Steve throws his legs over the both of them and lies back, Eddie prods his calf mumbles something fondly about King Steve, then wraps an arm round Billy let’s his head rest against his shoulder, a curl tickles his face as the movie begins.
Billy takes a deep breath and settles in, pressed between two of the most important people in his life, he smiles, his heart full of love for his two idiots.
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lostlimerence · 2 years
“It’s happened. I’m batshit.”
“No listen…”
“I’m crazy,”
“Finally lost it..”
“Sunshine, please just wai…”
“Eds please stop pacing for a second.”
“Stop pacing?! I don’t know if you’ve noticed but California’s stopped working Stevie?!”
“I know, I know! I’m trying to think, your manic energy isn’t helping!”
“My manic energy?!” his voice hitches up an octave as he gasps, feigning hurt, he stops pacing and crouches down to gently wave a hand in-front of Billy’s face. The blonde clocks him, gives him a little dopey smile and whispers “ hey Eds, it’s finally happened I’ve gone insane,” Eddie smiles back at him, gives him a little pat on the head before standing back up and turning to Steve “yep, broken.”
Steve frowns, “he’s in shock Eddie, remember how you were when you first came across…”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie flaps a hand, as if trying to waft away the memory. Steve walks over, giving Eddie’s arm a little squeeze as he goes to crouch in-front of Billy “hey baby,” he whispers gently “we really need you to get up,” Billy chuckles and reaches out to stroke Steve’s cheek “hey Stevie! Guess what, I’m finally in the madhouse, don’t worry though Munson’s in here with me!”
Eddie gawks “what did he say?!”
Steve laughs a little “you heard him Eds, looks like you’re an inmate too, I’m just a visitor,” he pushes back up and takes in the scene.
Billy cross-legged on the forrest floor, Eddie wide-eyed and restless glancing between their seemingly catatonic boyfriend and the lifeless demodog that lies a few feet away from them.
Eddie chews at the corner of his thumb nail, stares at Billy and says “we probably should’ve told him about this sooner…”
“I mean yeah no shit Eds, it’s not like we haven’t tried, it’s just, you know a little hard to bring up…”Steve trails off on a sigh as he strolls over to the body, looks down at its grotesque meaty flesh and grimaces “we need to get rid of this.”
Eddie hmmms his agreement as he goes to stand next to Billy, placing a protective hand atop of his golden curls. “Ugh we have no spade, no bat, no nothing, arghh we should’ve brought the beamer, it comes equipped with all the monster battling shit we need!” Steve nods, fists his hand in his hair as he thinks.
“Ok, maybe if you wait here, while I….”
“Nope, nuh-uh, not happening baby! What am I supposed to do if another one comes?! How am I supposed to protect our beautiful, but quite frankly currently useless, boy down there if another one comes?! What if they’re like wasps and this dead fucker is like emanating a stink that says avenge me avenge me! Oh gods Stevie what if this thing is….”
“Stop! Yeah, yes I get it, I get it bad idea, bad idea, we can’t just leave it here though…” Steve looks at Eddie, glances down at Billy “we’re gonna have to put it in the Camaro.”
Billy’s head snaps up “No way.”
Eddie gasps hand flying to his mouth like some offended Victorian lady “really sunshine?!! You finally come back to us and it’s for that stupid car?!?”
Billy cocks a brow, rises to his feet dusting off his jeans “it’s my baby,” he says completely serious, Eddie, if it’s possible, looks even more offended “I though WE were your babies,” he shouts frantically waving his arm between himself and Steve.
Steve presses his thumb and fore-finger to the bridge of his nose, inhales, exhales, ignores Eddie’s theatrics and turns to Billy “we’re putting it in the Camaro.”
Billy looks him dead in the eye and squares his stance “not happening pretty boy.”
Billy stares at the demowhatevers body in the trunk of his Camaro.
His eye twitches slightly. Eddie pats his shoulder “close her up California, it’s time to hit the road,” he flashes him a steady grin. Billy slams the trunk, climbs into the passenger seat and thinks about how calm Eddie and Steve are.
“So errr, what the fuck?” he says raising his brow glancing between Steve, who is driving and Eddie who’s leaning forwards in the middle of the backseat.
Steve catches Eddie’s eye in the rear view mirror and that’s all the musician needs before he’s off describing demogorgons, spider monsters, mindflayers, and some place called the upside down to a frankly astounded Billy.
He takes it in, tries to place it in his reality, fails to do so repeatedly, but then he remembers the stinking corpse in his trunk and he knows this isn’t Eddie’s wonderful, yet overactive, imagination. It’s real, concrete, they have the body of a demodog in the trunk of the car and they’re going to put it in a fucking freezer until they can bury it, not only that but Steve has done this once before.
He has too many questions, so he asks none of them and instead opts to zone out for the rest of the journey. Tries to let his mind process the immense amount of information he’s been given in peace, mumbles a promise to Eddie that he’s not going to ‘go catatonic’ again when the man starts voicing his concern.
Later he lies in bed staring at the ceiling, Eddie mumbles one last sleepy gripe in his ear, something about him loving the Camaro more than them, he just chuckles and presses a kiss to the side of the man’s head as he drifts off to sleep.
On his other side Steve, whose head is settled on his chest, whispers “you ok baby? I know, I know this is a lot to take in…” Billy takes a deep breath and mumbles softly “yeah it is, but don’t worry about it sweetheart, it’s fucked sure, but I’m an expert at fucked up situations, this is just another one, gotta roll with the punches right?” Steve snorts quietly “I guess that’s one way of looking at it.”
“It’s the only way of looking at it pretty boy,” Billy smiles up at the ceiling, feels his eyes drooping with sleep, whispers “goodnight,” hears Steve say it back.
It’s been a long-ass day and they need their sleep, besides they have a demodog to bury in the morning.
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lostlimerence · 2 years
“Munson…what the fuck?! Put that down!”
“Chill out Sunshine I’m not going to eat it!
“You can’t eat it…”
“Ahh stop getting technical…eat it, suck it’s blood, same difference,” Eddie snuggles his nose into the cats fur with a grin, flashing a sharp fang at Billy. “It’s so cute I just wanted a cuddle, I forget how exciting it is up here compared to down there,” he sighs.
“Hey, you’ve got me down there!” Billy grumbles, dusting himself off (the portal from the upside down isn’t exactly clean).
“I do baby, I do, but you’ve gotta admit our one day of freedom up here is pretty fuckin sweet!” he puts the cat down, watches it as it sprints into the bushes.
“See it was shit scared of you Eds,” Billy throws his arm out in the direction of the cat.
“Aw California I didn’t know you were all soft on cats! Should be King of the witches not the ghouls” Eddie raises his hands wiggling his fingertips in the air.
“And you shouldn’t be King of anything you royal loser…” Billy grabs him by the collar and pulls him in the direction of the town “hmmm, wonder what Stevie will be when he dies?“ Eddie muses, as he shakes off Billy’s hand and falls into step beside him, then immediately regrets asking when he sees Billy’s shoulders bunch a little.
“Sorry sunshine, I shouldn’t have said that, I know it’s hard,” Eddie frowns.
“It’s just…we were so young Eds…it’s going to be years until ya know, and they only let us up here on Halloween so…” he says it to the ground.
“But then baby, it will be us three for the rest of our lives? No our undeadness? Think about that yeah?” Eddie squeezes his arm.
Billy huffs a laugh, let’s the smile of it stay “yeah, and it’s the day we get to see him”
“Sure is! Just need to find him!”
“Yeah and you need to not suck any blood…unless it’s Steve’s”
Eddie shudders at the thought, presses his tongue to the point of his fang.
“Hear me Munson?” Billy drawls.
Eddie gives his head a quick shake “Yesss, I only sucked that persons blood for like a second and it was ages ago, I was still getting used to the whole undead thing…besides you’re one to talk you literally smashed a rock with your fist last year!” Eddie presses an accusatory finger into the side of the ghouls head.
Billy’s eyebrow twitches, arm flexes, as he says “they were mocking me, I was just showin them what would’ve happened to their skulls if they’d kept going…”
“Mmhmm, yep and then when we’d both have inevitably been found out, lost our cool-ass titles and been banished to fuck knows where” Eddie tosses his hands in the air.
“Yeah well that’s exactly why I didn’t bash their skulls in” Billy stresses, as they approach the clearing, trees frame a street full of trick or treaters, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, zombies, “why’s no one ever dressed as a ghoul?,” Billy pouts as they step onto the street, the one day of the year they blend in seamlessly with the locals, “not as sexy baby,” Eddie sticks out his tongue “hey!” Billy gapes brow furrowing slightly.
“I’m sorry but it’s true, undead demon thing that loves hanging around graveyards vs sexy undead thing that can drink your blood sexily? No contest!” Eddie shrugs in a ‘what can you do about it’ kind of way.
Billy grumbles affronted “I’m sexy.”
“Yes you are darling trust me, but some of your loyal subjects,” Eddie shudders “not so much…and…” he’s interrupted by a sharp prod to his shoulder “oi, isn’t that your little nerd kid Dusty over there” Billy gestures to the porch of a house across the street where a kid wearing what looks like a potato costume stands.
Eddie frowns “it’s Dustin stop pretending you don’t know his name you big lug and,” Eddie looks properly “yeah, yeah it is! Potato’s an interesting choice but whatever.. So that means..”
“Steve’s probably nearby, sniff him out!!”
“Hey! I’m not a dog! I’ve just got insanely cool powers!”
“Ah stop getting technical dog, vampire…same difference,” Billy grins proud of his parroting, Eddie rolls his eyes and focuses slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of scents mingling in the air, it takes him a moment but he catches the familiar rich scent of Steve, “got it” he mumbles, they keep their heads down, ensure they avoid Dustin’s eye-line as they head round the corner.
Steve is leant against a wall with his back to them. He jumps with a little yell when Billy leans in and says “a sailor pretty boy? That ain’t very scary,” his shocked expression morphs quickly into one of delight, his cheeks flushing red “hey! Yeah um would you believe this is actually my work uniform” he chuckles rubbing his palm over the back of his head, skewing his hat a bit to the right.
“No way Stevie, you’ve been hiding that cute outfit from us!!” Eddie flashes his fangs.
“Cute? It’s ridiculous!”
“I mean it is cute but we could go get it off” Billy rumbles, crowding Steve back into the wall.
“You haven’t seen the kids yet, I can go get…”Eddie cuts in “we were thinking maybe we just go back to yours? We’ll pop in and see the kids just before sun’s back up.”
Eddie’s dressed head to toe in black, hands covered in rings, a chain round his neck, his tongue runs across his teeth. Billy’s shirtless, thick thighs pressed into tight black jeans, his blue eyes blown wide, fists clenched like he’s trying very hard to hold himself back.
Steve’s doesn’t take long to decide.
Fangs graze gently at the skin of his nape, his breath hitches in anticipation, blood singing in his veins. God he craves this, can’t believe how long he has to wait for it every year. Eddie tongues the skin gently, the area tingles, and when he finally bites Steve feels euphoric, then he sucks and Steve groans. Eddie drinks and drinks until Steve’s aching and hard.
A whimper sounds from the corner, Billy’s enthralled, he sits hands pressed to the tops of his thighs, Eddie had told him to wait and enjoy the show for a bit.
Eddie lifts his head from Steve’s neck, locks eyes with their beautiful blonde and smiles softly, speaks with gentle command “Christ, Billy baby, you’ve been so good, come here, it’s about time we properly worship our King...”
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For @a-redharlequin thank you for your creative prompt:
“it's spooky season! So Ghoul King Billy and Vampire King Eddie back from the dead and find King Steve <3 (harringroveson)”
I really enjoyed writing this thank you so much for taking the time to send a prompt I find them so fun!
And sorry it turned out to just be a lot of Billy and Eddie banter with a sprinkling of Steve, their undead bickering carried me away a bit 😂
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