javitrulovesims · 1 year
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Suburban Barbara - A JaviTruloveSims x Ice-CreamforBreakfast Set
Miss Barbara Millicent Roberts is the real name of the most famous and recognizable doll of the planet. Barbara the Teen Fashion Doll is been with us since 1959 when she was only a single doll with interchangeable clothes. You see, the plan was to have 1 doll and buy separate fashion kits to dress her up as you wanted later. But have you seen her very first fashion line? It's simply to DIE for.. Completely Chic for the time period and Completely Timeless for our modern eyes.
To Celebrate her upcoming movie @ice-creamforbreakfastand myself have decided to give you a little set inspired by her earliest wardrobe.
On my side you will find looks inspired by the "Suburban Shopper" Look (1959-64) and the "Silken Flame" look (1960 -1963)
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Suburban Shopper. "Novelty Cotton and Lace suntop Dress (With a de-laced Plain version). Cute cartweel straw hat. Pearl drop Pendant necklace and Classic Pearl earrings.
Silken Flame. "Strapless, low back dress. Has a Velvet Top and bouffant white satin skirt. Wide Golden belt and Matching golden Clutch"
On Alex side you can find looks inspired by the "Sheath Sensation" Look (1961-64) and the "Golden Evenings" Look (1964).
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You can find my side Right >HERE< - EARLY ACCESS - FREE RELEASE ON July 4 2023 -
Find Ice-creamforbreakfast side >HERE<
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k1ttnz · 10 months
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Some hijabi drawings i had to get out of my system
Ts: if someone told me 'arent u cold' one more time ill kill them, suntop is the top and the rest is cantaloupe, god's creation
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Racism in Elfquest
This is a critique of the way the comic book depicts poc by @pigeonfancier. I will add my words for context and my own commentary. My text is in bold.
Context: Elfquest is a long-running indie comic book written and drawn by Wendy and Richard Pini. The first issue was published in 1975 and issues have been published until 2018.
 It is a fantasy story about a community of elves and other fictional species like trolls and pixies who struggle to survive and coexist on a primitive earth-like planet with two moons known as Abode, alongside humans. There are multiple tribes of elves who vary in appearance and lifestyle, having adapted to different environments-the wolfriders are white elves who ride wolves and live in a forest, the gliders are tall, very pale elves who ride birds and live in a mountain and the sun villagers are dark-skinned elves who live in a desert.
Elfquest as a series handles humans poorly in the context of race and culture. In humans, darker skin and complexions are codified as signs of aggression, malice and foolishness. Lighter complexions are associated with the helpful humans of Abode, the ones who are more peaceful, more tolerant, less religious, and more “civilized” than their peers.
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From the very get-go of Elfquest, dark skin and "savage behaviour" is explicitly linked. The ethereal, pale, gentle and naive elves are put in stark contrast to a human that does not even look particularly like a human. 
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This theme starts right at the beginning of the series, but it'll continue all the way throughout it.
Even when it doesn't particularly make sense. Nonna (a human woman) from the Original Quest is of the Hoan-G’Tay-Sho (a tribe of stone-age era humans). Her skintone is shown to be a match to Cutter's, if not also Skywise's. However, when compared to her husband fellow villagers, she's very pointedly pale.
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This is in sharp contrast to how the Hoan-G'tay-Sho are depicted otherwise. In the Original Quest, it's noted that they are the same complexion as Suntop (the child of a wolfrider and sun villager), who is notably darker in most scenes than the majority of the Wolfriders.
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When we see the descendants of the Hoan-G'tay-Sho later on in the series, off in the Forevergreen, their skintone is hard to quantify. The art throughout this arc is not very consistent, and characters switch appearances regularly. However, the costumes are largely consistent, and I feel comfortable saying that the influences they're drawing from are not European - the Forevergreen arc runs at the same time as Shards, which is set in the 1300's, but...
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There isn't much difference between that and the tribal societies we'd seen previously, because the Pini's write their non-white humans largely only in one way. Regardless of the geographic distance between societies, almost all groups of non-white humans in the series share the same traits of being aggressive, superstitious, easily misled, and xenophobic.
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The old lady covered in bones is the Bone Woman, an early antagonist. She is a shaman who uses the tribal chief's superstition to turn him against the elves. 
I personally feel that she draws on primitive witch-doctor stereotypes. Her appearance is meant to evoke disgust-an elf remarks that "even trolls aren't that ugly" after seeing her-and she comes across as an one-dimensional stereotype of indigenous religious leaders.
She appeared in an issue published in 1984, but the problem of stereotyping continues during the comic's entire run.
In the first comic, the opening scene is of a group of dark-skinned humans dancing around a tied up white elf, about to sacrifice him:
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the human cultures in Elfquest are also, almost unerringly, largely sexist.
In the story Mender's Game, the comic shows the asian-adjacent society as actively torturing their women for dishonouring them: https://href.li/?https://elfquest.com/read/index.php?s=MEN4&p=7 CW on this link for severe abuse. 
What I think stands out about this is that the culture in question is based on mongolian and central asian steppe nomads who while still patriarchal, traditionally gave lots of freedom to women they weren't afforded in many contemporary societies. They could hunt, ride and influence the men on important decisions in the Mongolian culture.
While it's true that many cultures including ones of color were patriarchal, I feel that EQ lacks nuance when it comes to depicting gender roles in human cultures. Not all cultures were awful to women and in quite a few of them women had many rights and held quite a lot of power but we never see them depicted, the aforementioned mongolian steppe nomads and the iroquois are some examples.  
the girl drawing the bow is Shuna, a girl adopted by the elves who comes from a culture analoguous to medieval Europe. In this storyline, she enters a culture based on pre-colonial north America, is believed to be a "spirit-woman" and gets married to a hunter named Nunkah, who becomes abusive towards her.
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  In Shuna's storyline, her first husband and Bee's tribe is shown to be heavily sexist. Her behaviours outside of her designated role are not initially punished, but ultimately are in the end, with the implication that this is normal for her first husbands' culture. Throughout the story, Shuna notes things such as that "the chief invited me to sit beside him. Later, I would learn it was unheard-of to honor a woman so." and then later, "though patriarchal and restrictive to its women, the hill-hopper clan was not so inclined to look down on a female forest deity. I enjoyed many privileges denied my humbler sisters."
Also, Shuna continues to refer to the tribe as "primitives" throughout the story.
Shuna later meets another man from the tribe named Ikopek who eventually becomes her second husband.
This is Ikopek:
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and this is Nunkah:
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while Nunkah turns abusive and controlling: 
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Ikopek is gentle and kind. I think it's worthy to note that compared to Nunkah and the rest of his tribe, Ikopek is light-skinned with white-features and blond hair, even though it doesn't make sense for someone from a culture based on pre-colonial American societies to have those features.
And, of course, Nonna is tossed out from her husband's tribe for not fitting the appropriate gender roles. Sexism is prevalent in many places throughout Elfquest, in the white-coded societies as well as the rest, but it's noteworthy in that it's linked so explicitly to the non-white societies.. to the degree that even the Sun Villagers note that there are expected behaviours of maidens, ones that the wolfriders do not necessarily conform to. 
The wolfriders help them change, though, over time - and to bring us back to the human aspect of this criticism, this is a trend unfortunately evident throughout the entire series. Little Patch (a boy abandoned by his parents from a tribal society as an infant but gets adopted by the wolfriders) is tossed aside by his kin, but returns as a blonde hair, blue-eyed adult to eventually lead them. Shuna leaves the white society of Junsland and joins into Ikopek's tribal network, educating and enlightening those that she speaks to. When the Gliders- and eventually, the Wolfriders - interact with humans, they're inevitably seen as an ideal. 
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pictured here is Aramak, the human chief of a tribe descended from the Hoan-G’Tay-Sho. He is a cruel tyrant who did not hesitate to maim and kill his subjects, considering them little more than offerings to be used. He reveres the elves, to the point of mutilating his ears to look like theirs.
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This is just part of a larger, unfortunate aspect of how the Pini's treat a lot of their human societies as well. For those in tribes, which is to say the majority of the societies depicted, they simply aren't treated with much respect by the narrative or even by those within it. 
I also think it should be mentioned that the trolls in Elfquest have been criticized as being antisemitic stereotypes; they have large, hooked noses and thick lips and are early on characterized as greedy and dishonest, but get more sympathetic portrayals later in the comic. 
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pigeonfancier · 2 years
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And now I'm finally getting back to this, haha.
My TL;DR: Elfquest as a series handles humans poorly in the context of race and culture. In humans, darker skin and complexions are codified as signs of aggression, malice and foolishness. Lighter complexions are associated with the helpful humans of Abode, the ones who are more peaceful, more tolerant, less religious, and more “civilized” than their peers.
This is less obvious towards the middle of the series, where we're primarily dealing with Junsland, but it pops back up again almost as soon as we swing to the Forevergreen, and it's still an issue come the Jinks series.
This type of colourism also extends to the elves themselves to an extent: the Sun Villagers are deemed "brown-skinned rabbits! yap yap yap! always talking!" by Strongbow, just one of similar sentiments shared by other characters, and the High Ones and the Gliders are both explicitly depicted as more civilized, more intelligent, simply capable of more in many ways than the rest of their peers. The Gliders are also noted, repeatedly, as being very pale - I didn't think to actually collect how many times it occurred, but both Aroree and Winnowill's pale skin and ethereal elegance is highlighted in the same manner as Timmain's.
I was a bit hesitant while initially making notes on this on how much I think this is a deliberate choice vs prejudices born of the fact they're in their fucking 70's? But then I remembered the concept art for a friendly group of trolls in one of the latter books.
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Given the "too ethnic" trolls resemble their canon antagonistic counterparts, I'm pretty comfortable treating the things I'll note below as intentional on their parts.
Cutting the rest of this post, because it's got a decent chunk of pictures.
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From the very get-go of Elfquest, dark skin and "savage behaviour" is explicitly linked. The ethereal, pale, gentle and naive elves are put in stark contrast to a human that does not even look particularly like a human. (As a bit of aside nerdery: ten thousand years ago, homo sapiens largely looked the same as they do now. The visual language here is more akin to early suppositions on what neanderthals might look like, a sister species of ours that died ~40k years ago.)
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This theme starts right at the beginning of the series, but it'll continue all the way throughout it. When characters, even those from the same tribes, are seen as wise, they're depicted as light-skinned.
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Even when it doesn't particularly make sense. Nonda from the Original Quest is of the Hoan-G’Tay-Sho. Her skintone is shown to be a match to Cutter's, if not also Skywise's. However, when compared to her husband fellow villagers, she's very pointedly pale.
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This is in sharp contrast to how the Hoan-G'tay-Sho are depicted otherwise. In the Original Quest, it's noted that they are the same complexion as Suntop, who is notably darker in most scenes than the majority of the Wolfriders.
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When we see the descendants of the Hoan-G'tay-Sho later on in the series, off in the Forevergreen, their skintone is hard to quantify. The art throughout this arc is not very consistent, and characters switch appearances regularly. However, the costumes are largely consistent, and I feel comfortable saying that the influences they're drawing from are not European - the Forevergreen arc runs at the same time as Shards, which is set in the 1300's, but..
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There isn't much difference between that and the tribal societies we'd seen previously, because the Pini's write their non-white humans largely only in one way. Regardless of the geographic distance between societies, almost all groups of non-white humans in the series share the same traits of being aggressive, superstitious, easily misled, and xenophobic.
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And they're also, almost unerringly, largely sexist.
The Hoan-G'tay-Sho in the Forevergreen's exact treatment of women is up for grabs, but Door inherits the previous leader's "woman" - and aside from Pei-Lar, her and the slaves are the human women that we primarily see.
In Mender's Game, the comic shows the Asian-adjacent society as actively torturing their women for dishonouring them. CW on this link for severe abuse.
In Shuna's storyline, her first husband and Bee's tribe is shown to be heavily sexist. Her behaviours outside of her designated role are not initially punished, but ultimately are in the end, with the implication that this is normal for her first husbands' culture. Throughout the story, Shuna notes things such as that "the chief invited me to sit beside him. Later, I would learn it was unheard-of to honor a woman so." and then later, "though patriarchal and restrictive to its women, the hill-hopper clan was not so inclined to look down on a female forest deity. I enjoyed many privileges denied my humbler sisters."
And, of course, Nonna is tossed out from her husband's tribe for not fitting the appropriate gender roles. Sexism is prevalent in many places throughout Elfquest, in the white-coded societies as well as the rest, but it's noteworthy in that it's linked so explicitly to the non-white societies.. to the degree that even the Sun Villagers note that there are expected behaviours of maidens, ones that the wolfriders do not necessarily conform to.
The wolfriders help them change, though, over time - and to bring us back to the human aspect of this criticism, this is a trend unfortunately evident throughout the entire series. Little Patch is tossed aside by his kin, but returns as a blonde hair, blue-eyed adult to eventually lead them. Shuna leaves the white society of Junsland and joins into Bee's tribal network, educating and enlightening those that she speaks to. When the Gliders - and eventually, the Wolfriders - interact with humans, they're inevitably seen as an ideal.
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Even Shuna's son with Bee, described as
This is just part of a larger, unfortunate aspect of how the Pini's treat a lot of their human societies as well. For those in tribes, which is to say the majority of the societies depicted, they simply aren't treated with much respect by the narrative or even by those within it.
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There's a lot that could be said here, but the tl;dr is: it's just shitty.
As an aside, while writing this, I was initially hesitant about including Demontricker as an example of this unfortunate trope of light-hiared, light-eyed, frequently blonde outsiders teaching their darker kin important moral lessons and/or leading them in societal change. The art in the Demontricker comics does not suffer the flipflopping of other issues - the characters all look to be of the same ethnicity, and as if they did come from the same place.
However, then I remembered the concept art from Finalquest, iirc. Wendy Pini notes hooked noses as one of the features she views as too ethnic for the protagonist trolls. And as you can see in most instances throughout this post..
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.. one of this duo looks significantly more ethnic than the other. Spoiler alert: the blonde is Demontricker, the protagonist of this piece. And later on, the antagonist he faces may look a little similar to a number of other tribally associated characters in the series.
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And my final tl;dr bit here at the bottom is, the racism aspect of all of this, that the treatment of humans in Elfquest is mostly only tolerable to me when it is focused on the Junsland, tbh!
I'm not a particular fan of the Shards arc - my interest in the story has always sat very firmly on the less human-focused sections! - but the humans in the arc felt very straight forward in the treatment. It's relatively standard fantasy tropes, from top to bottom, and while they're not to my taste, it is what I would expect of a relatively low-fantasy series in the 90's. Someone who's invested in or even has just read more of that particular subgenre would be able to give critique on that aspect! For me personally, I didn't enjoy it, but I am already predisposed towards not, lol.
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spicyrottingbrains · 23 hours
I just checked the suntop tetra pack juices and they don't have stickers on them anymore??
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lovinagoodfind · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: TopShop Brigitte Floral Ruffle Sleeveless Suntop NWT US sz 8.
0 notes
tumbler-dot-com-user · 3 months
my friends have written their names on the back of my shirt. I've written mine on the back of theirs. I'm sipping on apple suntop that a friend bought for me while in the car to pick up my mother and little brother from his school play. my finals are fully over, I am completely free, and life is so incredibly beautiful
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bejustlikethem · 9 months
Selena Gomez
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topshop gold button cutout suntop
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airanddust · 1 year
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Suntop Lookout, an entirely volunteer-run fire lookout near Mt. Rainier, with 360-degree views of the Cascades and beyond.
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diamondmart · 2 years
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Every woman’s best friend is a diamond today. These stones are ideal for use in jewelry because of their bright shine. Diamond jewelry must be a part of your collection because of how brilliant it shines. When looking for the latest diamond necklace designs, there are many intriguing pieces from various manufacturers. Any clothing will become more glamorous as a result. To wear to the next important event, this item is ideal. This is where Suntop Jewels latest diamond necklace designs with pricefor women, which are an essential component of Diamond’sjewelry collections and are fashioned in various styles and interpretations, including modern and elegant, come into play.
Diamond necklaces crafted entirely by hand with the finest attention to detail are known for their excellent diamond quality, prestigious craftsmanship, and exclusive patterns. The exquisite works of art created by goldsmiths at Suntop Jewels provide an unrivaled selection of delicate diamond necklace designs. All of the latest diamond necklace designs with price are flawless works of art made by the unrivaled goldsmiths, and they may help you express your style while giving you some life-changing feelings.
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wwprice1 · 3 years
Great listen! A must for Elfquest fans!
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23 notes · View notes
javitrulovesims · 1 year
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Suburban Shopper
(Without Doll) #969 Novelty cotton and lace suntop dress has zipper back. Cute cartweel straw hat and fruit filled tote bag. Necklace. Pumps. Telephone too!
The Set! $ 2,99
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goodieprocter · 4 years
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best protagonist family
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browsethestacks · 5 years
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Elfquest #023 (1987) (Epic/Marvel)
Art by Wendy Pini Colors by Petra Scotese
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swev-art · 5 years
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Another Anondraw, this time Savah and Suntop.
Alternative title: "Hey kid, look at the sun, I'm sure nothing bad will happen, just ask your grandpa!"
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misschatz · 5 years
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Give your storyboards a boost - DM [email protected]
Storyboarding Ad for SunTop Beverage
#storyboard #sketch #arab #middle #east #gcc #mena #gulf #arabian #saudi #beverage #drink #advertising #car #woman #men #driver #hijab #woman #fun # #illustration #drawing #storyboarding #sketching #illustrations #artist #graphicnovel #storyboardartist #freelancer #freelance #freelanceillustrator
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