#sup its me im back causing chaos
ljsarts · 1 year
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Happy ofmd season 2!! I'm going a totally regular amount of insane over the first three episodes ( im lying I haven't been this excited for a season in a long long time)
Anyways here's my old Oc (from the Scylla's revenge art template And crew) Nero now upgraded with some romance betrayal and angst!
Aka : Accidentally saving the pirate assassin who's been sent to kill you who you totally didn't have a one night fling with at port.
Alt text :
Two pirates the right pirate where's a red loose fabric top embellished with hand sewn flowers and leaves with top surgery scars visible beneath the fabric. They have green trousers tucked into brown laced boots . They have brown hair in a loose bun and a beaming smiley expression, they look down at the left pirate figure dressed in reds and purples a loose embellished waistcoat over a grey top with red epillets and purple laced up trousers with brown belts around their thighs. A knife is tightly held behind the left figures back hidden from view. Both figures hang over the side of a ship the left figure looks distraught while being held above the ocean waves (bottom left) by the right figure who holds onto and treads on thick rope netting.
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hyunarkarchive · 6 years
oh my stress;;
“'tis i, a writer, togetherslapper of words.” 
knowing that my own five year anniversary at rookies is in about two months makes me actually really emotional, and most of you know, i don’t really get emotional about stuff like this.
i’m here to talk about all the fucking shit storms i brought. starting from good ol’ ellyrk, who turned into yuriirk and currently known as hyunark, as well as, rkxwoozi, aka jihoonrk, fucking namtaerk, eunwoork, minhyunrk, younghyunrk 1.0, junhoerk aka younghyunrk 2.0. i am about 100% sure i’m missing someone BUT YOU KNOW, we can let that muse stay in dungeon vile. 
not even 10 minutes later 
oh yeah- minhork was it? minhxrk??? idk what his url was, shortlived lovely muse i tell you. jisungrk was a thing for like 6 months. however, as you can see, i have a lot of muses, 11 in total, well 8 if you remove younghyun 1.0 & 2.0 and jihoon.
its been nearly five years since i joined rookies and ive made a lot of memories here. good, bad, amazing, mediocre. a lot of memories than pretty much just range. can you believe i’ve actually cried a few times about rookies related thing? yeah, me neither, but here we are hahaha. i will probably not edit this at all, so if you see spelling mistakes, or maybe something is repeated, just ignore it please, its from the heart.
this place really helped me develop my writing, vocabulary and definitely social skills. i might suck at threading and replying on time, but i have to say, all the muns here are amazing!!! i remember when i first joined, oh boy was i fucking terrified of the fact that i SUCKED at writing. i was so cautious about what i write and how i spoke and i think some of you could remember it haha. i’ve also managed to make some amazing friends throughout my stay here, all of them older than me, as well haha and i was babied so much i always found it funny, but very thankful because some of the life lectures i got where definitely needed.
however, i will take a few minutes to write about the last three standing; hyunark, jihoonrk and younhhyunrk
my first ever tumblr muse. my first rookies muse. my longest standing muse. she;s gone through a lot, and honestly, she will continue to do; i wasn’t all that good with her in the beginning, now i see a lot of gaps and weird stuff whenever i have to go read something to remind myself of events and so on. however, i really love her, and i’ve gotten a bit too attached to her haha. can you blame me tho? from ellyrk, to yuriirk, now hyunark, there have been alot of ups and downs but i am happy where she’s come. to being a potential walking scandal, to being in two survival shows, to being the first muse at rookies to not be offered a contract renewal, to another survival show, to a nova trainee after being cut short twice by hyunbin. she had gone through alot of character development and its shaped her a lot better than i ever could, for which i need to say my thanks to the mods of rookies for it, because without them, hyunark would probably be headed in a completely different direction haha. however, she still focuses on producing, writing lyrics and ever since she got into nova as a trainee, she’s focused on her dance as well because she doesn’t wanna be called an uncooked noodle anymore. her dream is to be a recognized producer and lyricist, and will fight for that title.
jihoork was previously known as rkxwoozi. i even used his original blog when i re-applied with him;; he lasted a bit under a year in all honesty the first time and i specifically remember that the reason for that was being signed under trc. it was a pretty unfortunate time for him to be signed, with all the scandals that happened and what not. i was a tad regretful that i dropped him to be honest, which is all the reason to why he was brought back. tbh, he didn’t change in that like 6 months gap he was away. he was the same moody gremlin everyone knew and loved. if you had asked me, a few years ago if i thought jihoon would debut, i’d laugh and say no fucking way, but here we are, when he is a member of convex and got to debut with his longets lasting friend, sehun and best friend seungcheol. so he is living the dream you know? even if he doesn’t show it, he is grateful and appreciates everything that’s happening around him and to him. his main goal right now is to be the variety ace of convex and is working slowly to achieve that goal.
ahhh here we go;; my last muse who had to undergo something similar to jihoonrk;; i brought him in, because i had this idea of a metal head, who really just wanted fame and girl and guys. however, stuff happened, i couldn’t get him to have threads i wanted and so i dropped him. again, i pretty much reapplied a few months later with junhoerk which was basically younghyunrk 2.0 and eventually, i realized that the muse deserved its original fc and here we are again with younghyunrk. to be honest, i don’t even know how i managed to get him to go to mga4, but he went and caused chaos with chungha and we all know how much fun he actually had haha;; he still doesn’t like dance, and will probably not enjoy it until he gets signed and coach tells him he can’t dance and JUST out of spite, he will get better at it. ultimately, he wishes to debut on a band, he wouldn’t really mind if he gets placed at any instrument, as long as he gets to sing. he still wants to reach paradise city, as guns ‘n roses have said.
quick mentions to some of my other muses as well. its funny how all my other muses lasted for months as well;; honorary mentions will go to namtaerk, minhxrk and probably minhyunrk, i won’t be really talking about them, so focusing on eunwoork and jisungrk;
i can without a doubt say that these are my more interesting muses, or eunwoo at least. her dream was to become a musical actress and was a serial dater; she’d date a lot of people, girls and boys, and wouldn’t really bat an eyelash once it was all over. never really had long term relationships either. she was into photography and her photography instagram was more popular than her personal one and she didn’t mind haha.
jisungrk wanted to be a professional football player and he was never really interested in becoming an idol, which made him fun to play. however, he was a really young muse, i think i made him 16? yeah, i think he was 16 and after that i realized i can’t do young muses;; its just weird for me, i have no clue what middle school kids actually do haha, i remember i just slept and did nothing all day, didn’t even study whoops. 
but yeah, these two muses were very short lived but fun and i think that one day, if rkforthmuse is allowed, i highly doubt it, i will bring back eunwoork because she deserved more attention than i ever gave her.
now i will do a few mentions, by a few i mean it will be a lot;; i’m sorry if i get sappy or anything;; please accept my love <33
ABBIE - @seungcheolrk​ & @rkwon​ & @rkgwen​ - sunshine, my lovely amazing sunshine;; thank you. thank you, thank you. its been nearly five years of friendship, can you imagine it? soon, in just two months, it will be half a decade and i am extremely grateful;; i can’t explain it and i know that even saying it on a daily basis to you, it won’t be enough;; its funny how we started talking through rksoo and ellyrk, and now here we are, four years later, rkjicheol being in the same company, debuting together, in the same group. in all honesty, i remember when i dropped jihoon and then picked him up after like, literally two months, and it was one of the best decisions i ever made. i always have fun talking to you, plotting and threading and i honestly wish i did it a lot more than i currently do, but you know, uni is kicking my ass hasljdhlas anyway;; thank you, sunshine, thank you a lot and for these almost five years i love you a lot 🍅🍅🍅
HUNNIE - @yutark​ & @rksunwoo​ & @rkseokwoo​ - where do i even start?? like, oh wow, there is A LOT;; i can definitely say, we started talking when i suggested jihoon as sunwoo’s first kiss and look where the are now? dating, for what? seven months, can you believe that? SEVEN!!! this is insane haha;; and look and where we are now, talking on a daily basis, and its very very nice;; i don’t know what i would do nowadays without you, so i’m really really thankful you deal with my sorry ass so much ahdsdsalla it started with jihoon and sunwoo, then it transitioned to younghyun and yuta, and most recently, its been yuta and hyuna and their lil game of cat and mouse;; its always fun plotting with you, threading, talking, everything really;; and i really hope it will continue to be this way;; i love you
LYN - @rkxsnn & @rkavery - hello there mum!!! impressed im starting with you? anyway, i have A LOT OF THANK YOUS TO TELL YOU, starting from dealing with me, to helping me get through college, to life advice, to all the skype calls we had, a lot of things in these past few years. even if we don’t talk as much and i know you have life kicking u in the ass, i wish we could change that soon;; i miss you a lot;; all of your muses are amazing and i absolutely adore them, as much as i do you!! hmu soon;;  minsoo and elly were iconic, and he will forever be a huge part of her;; remember that mino and taehyun ship we had? good angst times lbr.
JEN - @yujurk - sup there mum number 2 even though i act older than you, you can’t even lie about that haha; you were one of the first people i started talking to in rookies, and still do on a weekly basis? daily? you get the point haha;; damn, i don’t think we ever argued as well, which is insane and you do give good advice and oh my god your muses are so funnnnnnnnnn bring all of themmmmmmmm innnnnnnnnnnnnn;; i’m so so happy that you came back to rookies after that hiatus;; really really happy;; jieun and hyuna are iconic partners in crime;; jihoon is grateful that jieun taught him how to sing;; hyuna thinks soyeon will forever haunt her, no doubt;; jkook is forever jihoon’s bunny you can fight him about it;; eunwoo says jkook never took her on a date, she’s upset about it haha
CLARA - @rkwendy​ & @rkjohnny​ - clara clara clara. you really love having me send the group chat into gay panic huh? i will forever continue to do it, do not worry. once a week sound good? hahah;; i wish we talked more than we do lately, but its always fun no matter what it is;; i also know for sure, you have my back and we can take over a country if we tried hard enough lbr;; i think we mainly stared talking when the brosquad/antisquad happened, which was pretty much when i joined rookies haha;; so again, nearly five years of friendship look at that!! we need to talk more and you need to tell me more baking recipes!! i think it was hyuna and wendy that we first got to interact and then wendy and jihoon and funny enough, i feel like jihoon and wendy are closer than hyuna and wendy haha;; then younghyun joined the picture to fully annoy wendy out of this word;; we need to thread more sobs;; lets make that happen yeah?
SHINOBI - @rkkangjoon​ & @rkgray​- hello there shinobi. i think our meet up scenario was the same as with clarea, huh?  brosquad/antisquad;; we should talk more, that’s a definite but i think that with hyuna&kangjoon we have gotten a lot closer than before and its really cute and nice and i love it qwq gray and hyuna need to release a hit song someday, we better make that happen yeah??? good!!
SACHA - @rkrose​ & @rkkyungri​ - i am super super duper ultra mega giga happy we got to talk a lot in the past few months, get to know each other and its very very nice;; i always have fun talking to you and i know i can lean on you if my day has been shitty, and i am sorry if i’ve had a lot of shitty days sadhljsajldnl ahhh, but yes, our muses will go through a lot and i’m really happy you enjoy it and i hope we can see them grow and develop!! 
ANI - @rkchungha & @rksohee& @rkmiya​ - what am i actually gonna do without you, that’s a very very good question i was asking myself recently. its really weird we never really talked a lot until younghyun was brought into rookies, which was i think this year huh? funny, very weird, what life was i living without you in it?? hahaha, anyway, i’m really glad and happy having chungha and younghyun so close got us to be closer as well, even if i set you into rp panic with random questions and potential scenarios haha;; i’m glad you enjoy them;;; love you lots!!
CARLY - @taeminrk & @rkluna & @danielxrk - we don’t really talk much, but in reality, i actually don’t know where i’d be rn if i couldn’t come to you with stupid questions and inquiries;; i wish you all the best in every possible aspect of life and love seeing you on the dash;; ngl i am also extremely and forever sorry that you have to read through hyunark’s post from like three years ago, that;s some nasty writing right there yikes;; but thank you for taking rookies under your wing and just expanding it and making it better and better with the rest of the mod team;; keep up the good work!!
a very special thanks to all of the royal girls, @rkxnarong , @rkyena , @rkella , @rkcheri , @rksoohyun , @rklisa , @rkrose who made royal survival a blessing, her stay in royal amazing as well;;  special thanks to all the royal boys, ex ones count as well, fight me @rkbyunbaek , @jaehyunrk , @kibumrk, @yienrk , @rkseonho,  thank you for being a part of hyunark’s journey in royal fun and emotional lbr;; you guys managed to make royal fun for me as well, so thank you so so so much to every single one of you guys;;
a huge thank you for og trc roster that’s still here and dealt with jihoon;s sorry ass back then; a huge thank you for the kt roster that had to deal with jihoon as well, even if it was for a short amount of time;; a huge thank you for sphere, and convex members @seungcheolrk , @rkhyun , @rkjinwook , @kibumrk , @rkjinkis , @rktaeyxng , @tenrk , @rkxroyal , @rkohsehun , @yienrk , @rkromeo , @rkzyx, who will now have to deal with jihoon like it not, but i apologize on his behalf;; even if i don’t say it often, i am really really happy jihoon got to debut with your boys and i’m happy i get to interact with all of you so much;; thank you, thank you, thank you;;
thank you rookies, for such an amazing time!! i can only wish and hope for many more!!!
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Episode #3- “Have fun in the VL!”- Cheatham
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Something is not sitting well with me tbh Gwen tells a few of us that Tim has heard about Noah being a little inappropriate/creepy to some of the female players and it seems like it perfect recipe for him to be voted out, however, he does not receive any votes. Its just puzzling to me why that is the case. I ALSO am wondering that if this is information is true, why Tim chose to make a chat that exckuded some of is from it. This seems like a mess to be honest but not the good kind...I will solve this mystery!
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Austin probably wants to vote out Noah, but I'd much prefer to vote Cheatham. Noah and I are good, and Cheatham has already demonstrated that he'd be a terrible ally (which is why he got a vote at the first tribal), so I can't trust him.
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WE WON AGAIN! So Sara and I scoped out the Noah situation while we were on the other tribe's beach. Tawni confirmed that it did happen, but that it wasn't so bad that they felt he needed to be ejected from the game. I had a nice chat with Noah, and he recognized my picture from Twitter, which is hilarious. Anyway, I wouldn't be opposed to working with him in the future, but the plan right now is to stay Petrel strong. Cheatham was a "character." He greeted us by saying "Sup hookers," then proceeded to tell us that they were "gay" for not building a shelter. (His word, not mine). A bit off-putting I would say! Anyway, not wanting to work with him. Amy was pretty quiet the whole time. Chris is still my #1 in this game, with Corgis to the F4!!
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Its hard wanting to stay loyal to people but also wanting to win .... but I'm gonna do what I have to do to get me to the end game .
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Did I already submit one of these this round? My brain is fried!! If I did..it was before the challenge..so we need another anyway because that was awesommmme!! I can't tell if Cheatham is actually high or just pretending but it's p funny regardless! His oversized personality might be a really, really good... invisibility cloak (that's the thing on Harry Potter, right?) for me. All attention will be on him and I can [hopefully] just sliiiide under that radar! Also, idk what the dealy is with Noah and the girls...but pretty sure it was maybe just an innocent mistake. I talked with him plenty and he was fiiiiiine! Idk if he's actually on the bottom or not but he lit sent me a message right before we had to cut contact again saying he needs allies and would like to re-connect come swap/merge and I'm totally down with that!! We love to mix things up! So anyways..aside from the obvious win, I'd say this entire round was a SUCCESS!!
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I’m fucking tired of losing because no one knows how to be online. This is a fucking joke. And now my alliance wants to turn on me, cool. Too bad Austin and Vincent wanna work with us and no then so goodbye amy!! Have fun in the VL! Tawni and Dylan are our next and then i get my idol 🤤
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In the words of DJ Khaled..... Another One! That’s three straight immunity wins for Petrel, and we’re about to go up 9-6. I’m really pretty nervous at this point cause things are looking in prime condition for a swap, but we should have the numbers on new tribes, and I feel pretty strong with the people I’ve been talking with. I really like AnnMarie, Sara and Kyle(which makes it worse since two of them are on my target list) so I’m feeling pretty good
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pretty much nothing happened for me sorry to be an invisible edit. I didn't understand the challenge and we won woooo
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So we are on a win streak! It's great and I'm glad I was able to contribute to this challenge. I feel like when we have no pressure from a tribal council, it is hard to stay in contact with people. I don't talk to my tribe all that often, and although we are friendly to one another, we don't really do much other than challenges or fun jokes about our days. It's lovely, but I am afraid that if we do break our winning streak, things are gonna fall apart. I feel the most distant from Tim. I feel like we don't have that much in common, and our personalities don't really mix, but he is very funny, especially to the hosts. I like how he calls the hosts out, it's the greatest. That's about it. The other tribe has been doing the challenges very oddly. I was talking to Chris about a dumb theory I had. I was thinking that it may be possible they were losing on purpose, to get idols. It's dumb, but it's a possibility. Someone in the other tribe may have an advantage or idol already, and if a swap happens, then everyone in my tribe is at a disadvantage.
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I’m pissed. How tf do we keep losing. Then cheatham is like “let’s go after amy” and it’s like why? So we ruin the relationship we having with Dylan and Austin? No thank you! And dylan wanting cheatham I’m assuming cause he’s upfront about Amy. But like Noah is more likely to worm his way in in a swap or merge than cheatham. I’m just tired. But also I’d rather noah go cause then I’ll only have one more person left on my list. It’s not that I want immunity I just dont want anyone else to have it. Is that how it works? Cause if it’s not it should be.
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well, i think i'm still in a decent position. the last vote saw will going unanimously (he voted me but who cares) and im super glad im still here! my entire tribe had my back on the last vote so thats really good. this vote is a bit more tricky, bc i'm in like 3 different alliances. but i think the general consensus from dylan is to go for cheatham. which i am fine with, because that means me/tawni/dylan are still in and those are the people i'm most loyal to.
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We won another immunity which is good, but I got to get to know the other tribe members on Thrush yesterday and I honestly enjoyed it! Sucks they are on a losing streak but it is what it is here. I feel like the immortality pool thing is going to make people paranoid but there are easy ways around it. Hopefully Im not forced to do them but if I have to I will
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I think I have myself away to Rizo in that I had a talk with Gwen...hopefully he didn't put it together or else Gwen/myself may be in trouble
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Well we won another immunity challenge LMAO. I’m Honeslty tired of winning and bored I want chaos to ensue. My tribe is great but I think it’s time that I cop some numbers down because I want my alliance to have the numbers and I’m sure we do have the numbers we have a core 4 with everyone having a side alliance kind of like the brigade. I have Kyle in my back pocket and Chris has annmarie and Gwen has Liam so for the most part we have 7. I just need tim to go because I want a shot at the immunity pool and in his bio he stated he likes drama so it’s perfect to get him out before the merge. Overall I’m glad I’m safe but I want to start playing this game !
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The Petrel dominance continues! I'm buzzing to be immune again and I love just having the time to get to know these people personally, but I'm dying to have the trust tested! I don't know who's gonna end up having my back if we never go to tribal council, so it's a very mixed bag when it comes to winning all these challenges. Never thought I'd say it, but hopefully we lose, or if there's a swap, I get put on a tribe with Petrels so I can test the waters with these people!
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5 votes Dylan, 2 votes Cheatham.
0 notes