#super excited to know that you're reading Fire & Flight! I hope you like it!
Here's your (non) daily dose of serotonin!
Take care and don't feel obligated to respond to this asap or even at all!
(tw dark humor)
So my brain still isn't over the Mulan parody for Nyla so:
Me telling my friend about the book (transcribed word for word):
So the character, okay, her name is Nyla So on the author’s Tumblr, she has a masterlist of - uh - Nyla’s family and stuff, okay *about to laugh* And the family dies *laughing* ookay? *laughing* No like -  all of her family - she’s the only one left - all her - she has like two brothers and one sister - they DIE - her parents - DIE - *laughing* - poor Nyla, oh my god *laughing*  (irrelevant stuff) So like everyone - dies, dies - so that was funny… ummm, i mean sad, that was definitely sad
(not hating, I do feel bad for poor Nyla, just choosing to denial right now I guess lol)
On the bright side, I really made room for the found family trope :)
*crying hysterically* It was a necessary evil. for the backstory. for the development, the tension. *crying intensifies*
It's okay, I promise things get better for Nyla! I mean...maybe not immediately, but they do get better!
(I am also still in denial. We should start a support group lol)
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feline17ff · 2 years
The Tale of The Greatest Thief in All The Land
So, I was writing a fanfic for someone, and that someone liked this ship, and I wrote a poem for the fic, and I later realized it fits hero x villain.
It's unintentionally Hero x Villain, or Thief x Princess / Princess x Thief more specifically, but I really like it.
Here's the fic btw, it's an Ever After High Sparchess fic, chapter 2 has the characters reading and giving commentary on the fic so you might find that fun to read :P (or you might find it annoying, what do I know lol)
@chaoticgoodthief @world-of-fire-and-flight @eternallyanxiousandstressed @stuck-in-this-mortal-form tagging you coz you're my only heroes and villains friends so you're stuck with me MWAHAHAHA!
It's a two-person poem so, like, use different voices, ig? Or very slightly tilt your head for each person, that's what I've been doing lol
Poem under the cut:
Have you heard the tale?
The tale?
The tale of the greatest thief in all the land —
And the princess who stole from him. 
She stole from him?
She stole from him.
What did she steal?
What didn't she steal? 
But what did she steal?
She stole his skill.
His skill?
She stole his skill and he never stole again. 
Oh no!
Oh yes. 
But that's not all!
That's not all?
Not at all.
What did she steal?
What didn't she steal?
But what did she steal?
She stole his heart. 
His heart?
He could not leave without his heart. 
Oh no!
Oh yes.
But that's not all!
That's not all?
Not at all.
What did she steal?
What didn't she steal?
But what did she steal?
She stole his skill and then his heart and then…
And then?
And then…she stole a kiss.
A kiss?
A deadly kiss! 
Oh no!
Oh yes.
A deadly kiss that killed the thief. 
Oh no!
Oh yes.
And in his place, there came a prince.
A prince?
A prince in place and thief no more. 
Beware the tale. 
The tale of the greatest thief in all the land.
In all the land?
In all the land.
Beware the princess.
She will steal your skill then she will steal your heart, 
And then,
And then she will steal your life. 
Beware the tale.
The princess who stole from a thief.
She stole from a thief.
Shared her crown with a prince.
She what?
She did.
Beware the greatest thief in all the land.
Yes, you probably understood the subversion but I really like this poem and I'm super excited for it so you're getting an explanation anyway
Hero x Villain, or Thief x Princess / Princess x Thief
😏 Did you see what I did there? Did "Princess x Thief" not matching up with "Hero x Villain" set you off at first? Did you see my beautiful ✨subversion✨?
Like, the thief is your villain at first glance but by the end it's the princess who's the greatest thief since she stole from the greatest thief, she's the true villainess who "killed" the hero and stole from him
After I wrote this I kept rereading and editing and perfecting instead of writing the actual fic this was made for! I do feel some of the lines are weak but I can't think of how to fix them atm so they shall stay
Hope you like my poem as much as I do! :D (probably not but let's see)
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magiemagic · 6 years
If I Had A Super Power
Ever since it became 'cool' to like super heroes, (aka ever since it became known that many millionaires were the nerds you picked on in high school) people have been asking each other "If you had a Super Power, what would it be?" So I am going to explain why or why not I would choose the following five popular powers.
(Sorry if this is messy. I edited it three times but it keeps messing itself up.)
This Power would be useful for hiding from people that want you dead, spying on girls in the locker room (I would not do this because I am a straight girl, but I'm just putting the popular use out there.) eavesdropping on conversations, solving mysteries, and many other uses. Assuming your clothes and such turn invisible with you (not before or without you I hope).
However, at the same time, this Power would be useless for spying on girls in the locker room. It would be useless for finding someone you want dead, and it would be useless for knowing who you're eavesdropping. This is because you would be blinded while invisible.
You can see because light reflects off your eyes, and tells your brain what reflected this light to your eyes in the first place. So in order to become invisible to the human eye, light would have to go right through you instead of reflecting off of you. However this makes it so it doesn't reflect off of your eyes, and therefore you cannot see.
Super Strength
So you're telling me I could have the power to crush the floor I walk on, break every door I open or lean against, suffocate anyone I hug, toss anyone I High five across the room, and shatter my phone when I go on tumblr?
N O. T H A N K Y O U.
I mean, I'm clumsy n o w!!! Imagine if I had super strength! Even if I had control of it (don't have complete control over my own body sometimes as it is. Imagine me trying to control super strength.) What would I do with it? I mean there is stopping a train. So great. I'm a break. Woohoo. So exciting.
Long story short I would not have super strength.
(or however you spell it.)
Tella-what-cha-mc-call-it. Can't even spell the word at this moment and I'm too lazy to figure it out. (Says this while writing a five part post about super powers for fun.) Moving objects with your M I N D.
Again. You think I'm clumsy now.
My house would not be a safe place for my family if I had this Power!
Imagine a drunk tellapath... That would not be a fun sight...
So yeah... Tellapathy would not be on my list.
Here's a Power I like. Flying. Of course, this Power will some day be obtainable through jet packs! Which I wouldn't buy because then the phrase Liar Liar Pants On Fire would cause a bad day for me.
As for the power, to fly above the clouds (assuming I don't freeze to death... How does Super Girl handle the cold in that outfit!?!), fly out of people's reach, fly to the top of a tree or mountain for the view, fly to another town whenever I want to, and see fantastic views... It would be amazing! So yes, this would be a Power I'd have.
If it weren't for my fear of birds.
Breathing Under Water
The finale power on the list, also one I like (assuming I can breath air as well). I could swim without fear of drowning, which means I could put on a pair of goggles and go down and explore the sites of the ocean.
Although this Power isn't as exciting as the others, it probably would be the safest bet considering not only is it the power with the least risks, it saves you from a very large one. Plus imagine if someone was trying to drown you and you didn't drown. Imagine how frustrated they'd be! Priceless! So, yes. I would have this Power.
Thankyou For Reading
I hope you enjoyed this post! I hope you got the jokes and understood the points I made. If you have any requests for a Super Power to add to this, feel free to message them to me!
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