#super fukn serious again tho
tyrannobro · 7 years
The World-Building behind the Pokeyman Sun/Moon/Violence comic 4th-ing with Poni Island Everything is for fun and took a lot of thought and work from this Ty so pls Don’t steal, copy, claim as your own etc… Super rude. Its more creative if you make up your own stuff too ya know
Poni Island, the island where legends await Current Kahuna: Hapu Palakiko Former Kahuna: Niihau Palakiko Guardian Deity: Tapu Fini Capital: Seafolk Port Main Export: Miltank, Growlithe, Grains, Vegetables Main Import: Fruit, Ranch produce, Fish -Poni Island is hard and rugged so nothing can really grow here except the sturdiest of grains and vegetables. These things can't grow on any of the other islands and Hapu takes a great sense of pride in that. She is in all definitions of the word keeping her island alive with produce and trade -Seafolk Port's only constant residents are the restaurant and Mina's parents' home. It looks kind of eerie when no one else is there... Not to mention the Dhelmise that wander the area -Tapu Fini though not as sadistic as Tapu Lele does enjoy screwing with lives. For no reason other than her own amusement, she saved Baloo and Timaeus's lives and made her a trial captain. But any other time she's off doing Arceus knows what. -But Tapu Fini is the worse aggressor against Ultra Beasts and has been since they first made the terrible choice to emerge from Ultra Space. When a rogue Kartana killed Niihau, Tapu Fini was livid and took her sweet time giving it the sweet release of death -Upon arrival a trial goer is directed by Hapu to the Poni Canyon where they find Baloo who sets them on the first trial and afterwards tells them to find Mina. No one ever knows where she is but her trial is near Poni Gauntlet ------------------------- Poni Island breeds the best Miltank, Tauros and Growlithe Miltank variants include: standard, show and competition --Standard Miltank are the kind that are just wandering in herds. They are people friendly enough that they gift one of their calves to an aspiring child without worry. --Show Miltank are fluffy and even more docile then their standard counterparts. Some are even tiny! They aren't good for work, battle or milking but are nice to keep around as they bond quickly with their trainers --Competition Miltank are rare and there's one in each herd typically extremely protective of their fellow Miltanks. If captured they are very difficult to tame as you have essentially left their family in peril and they know this. Its best to leave them be Tauros variants include: standard and competition --Standard Alolan Tauros are a lot more docile then their Kanto counterparts. They can be trusted around small children and some actually enjoy a little cuddle every now and then. Should you make a Taros your best friend it will protect you like one of it's own. --Competition Tauros are sturdy and powerful usually enlisted as Ride Pokemon. The ones who aren't are trained for battles or guarding fields where calves and crops are. Growlithe variants include: standard, toy, show, competition and stunted --Standard Growlithe are bred here simply because the environment is right to insure they're healthy but few stay on Poni long. Like the Lillipup line they're meant for light herding and guard jobs but they have smaller strides and stamina by comparison. They're best for keeping your Torchic in line at most. --Toy Growlithe were a request from other islands after a few failed attempts at breeding on Melemele. These Growlithes often have a Fairy parent giving them small delicate legs and poofy coats resulting in the pom Growlithe. Like most toy breeds, pom Growlithes are illegal to battle. They can die very easily during battle. --Show Growlithe are meant for the equivalent of dog shows and herding not so much contests. Like Houndour, Lillipup, Electrike and the other dog mons, these Growlithes will be bred with a long slightly feathered tail or even no tail at all. Their chest fur is also thicker to protect them from being kicked --Competition Growlithe are bred for heavy guarding. Ones typically know Close Combat or Double Kick at birth. They're quite docile as well usually trained to take down an intruder and hold them until the authorities are called. Some are even used as Ride Pokemon because of how strong and agile they are. --Stunted Growlithes are rare but more common on other islands. They're the lovable mutts often with a crooked ear, a snaggle-tooth or a patch on the eye. They are one of few stunted Pokemon that don't normally have respiratory or social problems. ------------------------------ Seafolk Port -Where all the travelers come to rest and refuel in Alola. Its a trading hot-spot and the market always has something from other regions for sale. Hapu, Mina and Baloo tend to wait out for boats coming and going just because they have no impulse control around each other -Mina's parents live here as well and they kind of let on they're worried about Mina. She rarely visits and when she does its very short lived as they ask her if she's met anyone or what her plans for settling down are. -Hapu keeps a stand here selling her produce too. Since the only person who doesn't live here is Mina there's never a need for delivering anything Exeggutor Island -Very... Very dangerous... The Exeggutor are really territorial and a bit protective of what's there. Hapu won't disclose what's there to keep thieves away but it is frequently Mina and/or Baloo's job to patrol the entirety of that island to make sure no one is there. -Niihau granted the then 11 year old Milo permission to capture a Pokemon from the island but didn't expect him to capture the Serperior there. He was grateful though since they are territorial and even making it hard for him to visit -Because of the Exeggutor, Serperior and Goodra living there, no people can live there at all Ancient Poni Path -Hapu lives here and most of it is farmland and grazing grounds. So often one will find Hapu, Mina and Baloo in the fields usually two out of three doing something they aren't supposed to -Farther down the path is the tree where you battle Hapu. Sometimes she's just there. Not doing anything but thinking or reminiscing. If you watch too long she'll notice you eventually and apologize for not saying anything sooner Vast Poni Canyon -Baloo's trial is here just past Hapu's tree where Totem Kommo'o typically is. Its one of few trials including Plumeria's and Mina's where the Totem Pokemon is visible from the beginning. If you get too close to Kommo'o before finishing up the trial to battle, he will growl and Baloo will say something to the effect of "I wouldn't" or "don't tick him off or he'll make the battle way more difficult then need be" -The Jangmo'o sanctuary is here as well and it is Baloo's struggle to keep it safe. There are no less then 40 Jangmo'o there and she refuses to operate under any other conditions. Sort of deceptive too since being in the canyon but not the sanctuary, you can still hear them peeping and running around. -Dangerously close to the sanctuary and literally all of Poni Island's problem is a pack of Lucarios. Though recently their alpha was captured after he made the poor decision to attack the sanctuary and Mina's house. They are still a prominent threat and Hapu will insist no one disturb them or get too close. Can't arrest a Lucario for murder after all. Poni Coast -Mina lives here... Somewhere. She had to move out after all the questions about settling down got to be too much. Her house is a pretty big tree house overlooking the ocean, coast and gauntlet. If she's not at the port, Hapu's house, the sanctuary or her trial ground, she's here. Poni Gauntlet -Mina's trial is here and sometimes you gotta wait for her to show up too. She'll kind of lazily go over the rules and ask you try to get through it in one shot. Probably because if you mess up you get attacked by Beedrill and she doesn't want to take you to the hospital. Battle Tree -A new structure type place. It has housing for everyone who battles here and the only requirement for coming here is that you complete all the trials. The catalog for partners is extremely long with the only exception being no kahunas. ------------------------ Mudsdale Festival -A festival Hapu thought of after watching her two children trial captains push each other down in the mud and Mudsdale decided to come over nudge them around getting them even more dirty. Just a fun filled day with Mudsdale themed things to buy and getting to play tug of war with Mudbray (for the chitterins) or Mudsdale Battle Tree Tourney -When its Alola's turn to host the Champion Summit, the Battle Tree tourney starts to pass the week until the Summit is over. It generates a ton of revenue and publicity even attracting the greatest trainers in the world. This type of thing usually can't happen in the other regions since trial captains can't leave without special permission. Not say an attempt was never made of course
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tyrannobro · 7 years
The World-Building behind the Pokeyman Sun/Moon/Violence comic 2nd-ing with Akala Island Everything is for fun and took a lot of thought and work from this Ty so pls Don’t steal, copy, claim as your own etc… Super rude. Its more creative if you make up your own stuff too ya know
Akala Island, the rugged island to find your strength Current Kahuna: Olivia Iona Former Kahuna: Tui Mahi'Ai Guardian Deity: Tapu Lele Capital: HeaHea City Main Export: Ranch produce, Fish Main Import: Fruit -Akala Island is a bit more workable rugged though Hapu will frequently attempt to dispute this. As a mass expanse of Paniola and the area near Wela volcano is ranch/farm land, the terrain is meant for raising animals in place of Melemele's terrain more for fruit and berry growth. As such they depend on imports of fruit and other things unable to be naturally produced. -Lush Jungle is not as explored as Olivia or Mallow let on. Which is why Mallow never leaves unless she's sure no one else is there and doesn't let a trial goer keep going unless they can utilize their search Pokemon. People die in that jungle and there is so rarely a definite cause of death. -Brooklet Hill is not so different either. Sharpedo and Gyarados get stuck here sometimes and an unfortunate trial goer or swimmer find this out the hard way. This usually falls on Olivia or Lana to deal with -Akala Island has quite literally the most vicious guardian deity out of all of them. It is not rare to see Tapu Lele hassling people and Pokemon with Olivia not far behind. Everyone knows and visitors are warned Tapu Lele is guiltlessly cruel and while she may giveth at times, she will taketh more. If you are injured or sick, its best not to stay home and go to the doctor so Tapu Lele can't find you -The island is extremely festive and active with the most monthly and yearly festivals in all of Alola. -Because Kiawe's ranch and Lana's fishing provide the main source of export, they're pretty prominent in the travel guide right next to Tapu Lele, the Dimension Research Lab, Aina Cafeteria and the most popular stores. -Akala has the biggest hospital in Alola as well quite possibly due to Tapu Lele mostly but also the very real danger in the trials. Its almost always busy since the other islands aren't equipped for everything. -Because the island itself is so big, there are places in the expanse of Lush Jungle, Brooklet Hill and even the area by the Ruins of Life that are very unexplored. Good for camping though ----------------------- -Akala doesn't have as prominent breeding facilities as Melemele or Ula'Ula but they do have records on the variants in Stufful, Mudbray, Eevee, Salandit, Wishiwashi and Bounsweet -Stufful variants include: standard, toy, competition and stunted --Standard Stufful are wild and controlled in their breeding to prevent any crossbreeding defects. They are actually easy to train and keep as pets. Though it is strongly recommended to tire them out with exercise and play so they won't destroy your belongings in an attempt to play. --Toy Stufful are bred to have near inhumane small stature and an unnecessary more docile temperament. They are so small and cute making them ideal family pets in place of other pet options. Toy Stuffuls are hard to obtain and its not unheard of to find out about one being stolen from a home. --Competition Stufful like competition Litten are extremely hard to gain license for and train. Should you risk illegally owning a competition Stufful/Bewear, you risk the Pokemon killing you since again they are hard to care for and potential bad breeding can make them aggressive --Stunted Stufful are wild as well and sometimes abandoned at birth. By comparison stunted Stufful could have a myriad of problems. Dwarfism, respiratory problems, bent ears or even a coat defect like albinism, leucism or piebald. The ones with coat defects are usually captured or picked off by predators -Mudbray variants include: standard, toy and competition --Standard Mudbray are usually wild and easily captured. Their care is typically minimal though feeding more then one is a bit costly and it is discouraged to keep one inside because they're messy --Toy Mudbray are small typically small enough to squeeze in through a pet door. Their coats are fluffy and much easier to clean then standard. Because of how small they are it is very illegal to use them in battle of any kind --Competition Mudbray though bred for battle are often bought for work like pulling a plow or a cart too heavy for Tauros. Despite their intended use, competition Mudbray/Mudsdale are friendly and patient -Eevee variants include: standard, toy, competition, show and stunted --Standard Eevee are often given to a native Akala child like Yungoos on Melemele, Meowth on Ula'Ula and Miltank calves on Poni to teach a semblance of responsibility with Pokemon. The Eevee is often kept as a lasting team and family member --Toy Eevee are very common on Akala. Most are bred with a fluffy coat and short legs to be a lap pet. Some pop up with a silky coat or without the signature fluffy collars. --Competition Eevee are bred with a large parent often Arcanine or Lycanroc. This does result in a larger Eevee but also horrendous aggression problems. These Eevee almost never become Umbreon, Espeon or Sylveon as they struggle in terms of forming bonds. --Show Eevee are often purebred or have a Primarina or Delcatty parent for extra flair in their coat or personality. Show Eevee are also reported stolen a lot as their breeding makes them weak in terms of defending themselves thus the perfect bait Pokemon --Stunted Eevee are usually ones rescued from extremely illegal fur farms or very defective from bad breeding. Stunted Eevees may have Snubbul snout causing respiratory problems or terrible social problems but they can make good pets if given proper care and love. Salandit variants include: standard, toy and show --Standard Salandits are always wild and most likely male as the females are hidden or protected by the males. It takes a great deal of baiting and trust to lure a female out from her gang. Once captured however the Salandit will ease up to her trainer. --Toy Salandits are bred with different reptilemons for a single parent. A toy Salandit can be bred to have toes but not claws, ridges on its head and jaw or even a longer noodle like body. The females are often always without scent abilities from birth. --Show Salandits so often are purebred as well since a Salazzle loves to be adored with attention. However more professional breeders will want to breed Garchomp or Haxorus to get a Salazzle that can stun the audience with impressive feats of strength. Wishwashi variants include: standard, toy, competition, show and stunted --Standard Wishwashi like Salandits are usually wild. Keeping a Wishwashi from others or where it can't get around is considered extremely cruel since being without a school causes it anxiety --Toy Wishwashi are bred small. Small enough that a school can fit in a tank. The Wishwashi seen at the Akala Aquarium are toy variant. --Competition Wishwashi are one of few competition Pokemon that are easy to obtain. But it is strongly discouraged you do not release them and simply surrender them to the nearest shelter. Competition Wishwashi will wreak absolute havoc on the ecosystem since they can bully out all of their natural predators --Show Wishwashi are sometimes bred from a Lanturn or Sharpedo relative to give them a more wider acceptance of learning. With it show Wishiwashi can be taught to school in different forms like Gyarados, Sharpedo or even Kyogre --Stunted Wishiwashi are the ones you see sad and alone in a bowl. They're often from a long line of Wishwashi kept secluded in a botched attempt at making them docile. Introducing them to a school though well-meaning is typically fatal since they won't have any way of knowing how to act in a school Bounsweet variants include: standard, toy and show --Standard Bounsweet are often a toss up between being wild or lightly domesticated. They are sweet and friendly usually having no problem being captured or adopted. --Toy Bounsweet are actually bigger then their standard selves. The largest being the size of a beach ball. Toy Bounsweet are meant to sit on laps and be played with by children without fear of hurting them --Show Bounsweet are bred to become models as Tsareena. As long as its within safe guidelines as there have been some Tsareena severely malnourished to appear smaller and more delicate. So often show Tsareena that are left or seized can't ever settle in a home since they fear being left again. --------------------------------------------------- HeaHea City -Akala Aquarium is here with hours from 10AM to 6PM. Their most well known attraction is an albino Sharpedo who's been there for many years. Its a pretty popular date site and one of the highest rated places to visit on Akala. -There are plenty of clothing shops and a single large grocery store. Super inconvenient that its the only grocery store on Akala making it a hassle for anyone in Paniola or Konikoni to buy food. They do make a killing in terms of delivering though -The Dimension Research Lab where Burnet works is also here. Sometimes its open for visitors but other times it isn't. Paniola Town -Kiawe and Baloo Mahi'Ai live here on the largest ranch in Alola. Everyone knows about the ranch and it provides most of Alola with dairy, eggs and the like. They've never been known to take sick days or be late on any delivery Royal Avenue -The Battle Royal Dome is what attracts most attention here. The Masked Royal battles here every Friday against his arch-nemesis of the week. Course the battles aren't fixed or anything but its hard to keep one person constantly coming back -The Thrifty Megamart and malasada shop attract a decent amount of attention. Usually people living in Paniola who don't want to go all the way to HeaHea to get simple things like bread or chips go to the Megamart. Route 8 -The Aether Foundation building has since been taken over by Milo and turned into his house where he lives with Mallow. Nothing suspicious here. Carry on -Before reaching the motel and trailer with questionable plans, there's a building surrounded by Stufful and the occasional Bewear. That's where Ty works taking care of the bears. The ones on the property are chipped to discourage theft Konikoni City -The market here is to make up for the lack of a store nearby. They sell fresh fish caught by Lana, delivered products from Kiawe's ranch and all kinds of things. Mallow frequents this place even making sure she's there first to get all the good stuff -Mallow's restaurant is across from the market and she makes the commute to get here everyday. There's a new "Mallow special" everyday too and its some unfortunate soul's luck to order it. Like the Akala Aquarium, it is a popular date spot. -Olivia's shop is beside Mallow's restaurant but her actual house is near the outskirts of the town. Her shop sells mostly accessories and evolution stones. It seems to be the only place in Alola that sells jewelry ------------------------------------------------ Akala Tourney -Every year the kahunas and trial captains gather to hold a sort of bragging rights style tournament overseen by the Champion. This sometimes takes over to please the tapus if no one is able to take the island challenge that year Comfey Festival -A specific week out of the year is dedicated to giving leis made by Comfey or yourself. However if a Comfey makes your lei, its only fair you make one to give back. The Comfey appreciates the gesture too Akala Derby -Once every season there's a pretty awesome race around Akala by land, sea, air and a sort of hybrid of the three. Local charities and fundraisers tend to use the races to raise money for good causes. Cooking Festival -Usually around summer, Olivia hosts a get together where everyone brings food and some people bring up something already cooked to see who's top tier chef. There's usually no prize but there is a lot of food to go around. Fish Festival -Hosted by Lana every year. Like most of the festivities there isn't a prize beside Lana saying "nice job" if you win Wela Fire Festival -A responsibility that bounces between Kiawe and Olivia but very often Olivia does it. Typically has to be stretched over several days as a lot of trainers visit even from other regions. The revenue generated is insane though
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tyrannobro · 7 years
The World-Building behind the Pokeyman Sun/Moon/Violence comic 3rd-ing with Ula’Ula Island Everything is for fun and took a lot of thought and work from this Ty so pls Don’t steal, copy, claim as your own etc… Super rude. Its more creative if you make up your own stuff too ya know
Ula'Ula Island, the island to discover change Current Kahuna: Nanu Kapule Former Kahuna: Hewa Kama Guardian Deity: Tapu Bulu Capital: Malie City Main Export: Meowths, Mimikyus, Bruxish, Bamboo Main Import: Fruit, Ranch produce, Fish -Ula'Ula Island has very unpredictable weather so the only things capable of growing here are people and bamboo. Because of this they depend on trade with the other islands. As such the citizens have learned not to depend on their antisocial kahunas when it comes to trades. Probably because Nanu manages to ruffle Olivia's panties when they get around each other and Akala has a lot of goods to give -The Abandoned Megamart Tapu Bulu destroyed actually had a lot of living things in it at the time of destruction. Which might be why its full of Ghost Pokemon. Totem Mimikyu was there too but was just a little girl's pet at the time and while glad to recall the incident it seems to cause it a lot of pain to remember. -Tapu Village also a site of Tapu Bulu's touchy self had a decent amount of people there including Nanu's predecessor. He did manage to escape with Tapu Bulu on his heels but forever regretted angering the guardian. People who still live in Tapu Village will tell of the kahuna's cowardice and watching as Tapu Bulu exacted rightful justice on the land. -Malie City was attacked many years ago by a rogue Celesteela. Acerola's parents, Plumeria's father and the former kahuna were all killed in the attack. Since then the city enforces a strict police system and in the event of a UB emerging being an able bodied trainer is pretty much like getting drafted. Immediately. -Hokulani Observatory functions not only as an observatory but also a weather station of sorts. It is the only place in Alola that can 90% accurately predict the weather. Molayne manages the station with Sophocles's help and gets really upset if a prediction is wrong and someone gets hurt. Especially during tropical storm season. ----------------------- Ula'Ula has the best breeding facilities for Meowth, Mimikyu, Bruxish and Pancham Meowth variants include: standard, toy, competition and stunted. --Standard Meowths domesticated or wild will usually be the ones exported to the other islands' pet shops. They have plain, average coats and the typical Meowth temperament. They're often given to young children to teach them how to care for Pokemon before they receive their trainer's license --Toy Meowths are often bred different for a variety of desired traits. Floppy ears, hypoallergenic coat, munchkin limbs or even a teacup size. Like most toy variations, its illegal to battle them and they are often stolen --Competition Meowths like the Litten and Stufful line are extremely hard to get a license for and own. Their temperament becomes unpredictable and vicious from the breeding. The only competition Persian there is that is fairly docile is Nanu's and that's a hard maybe. --Stunted Meowths are ones with less desirable physical traits brought out by bad breeding and a lot of it. Bob tails, no tails or even a curled tail. There was a recent hype with stunted Meowths that had snaggle teeth and dual colored noses or eyes but the hype lead to more bad breeding where the health problems started coming up. Mimikyu variants include: standard, show, toy and competition --Standard Mimikyu are wild-ish. Because they have a desire to be around others and have friends their temperaments are sweet. So finding one in the home that just got stuck or wanted to be your friend is common --Show Mimikyu are by far the most stolen of all variations. These Mimikyu are bred and trained to change their disguise to multiple Pokemon. It is recommended despite their small size and very sweet, trusting temperament, you teach them to resist being taken. --Toy Mimikyu are bred to come in several sizes usually in comparison to plushies. The tiny ones are small enough to fit in a pocket or even be placed in a baby's crib to watch them. The biggest ones enjoy being laid on and even encourage it by smushing their trainer against their side --Competition Mimikyu like Wishiwashi are very easy to obtain and train. They stay around the standard size but often have high speed, special attack or special defense. Still retaining the natural Mimikyu sweetness, they're easy to retire Bruxish variants include: standard and competition --Standard Bruxish are all bred and released to the wild. Since they're uncommon its a bid to restore their population and getting one requires a license. They have a tiny bit of a temperament issue but nothing you can't work around by keeping them in their own tank --Competition Bruxish are illegal. 100% illegal. The only way to get one is to violate the license agreement and breed one outside the facility's regulations. Competition Bruxish though bred to fight are still fragile and will die in competitions and underground battles. ------------------------------------------- Malie City -Most of the population is here. The city is most active at night and pretty slow during the day. The main draw is the clothing shops and restaurants along with the library -There's a memorial to everyone who was killed by Celesteela here and once in a while you can see Tapu Bulu in front of it. No one bothers him when he's there and on closer inspection some say he's crying over how many people died because he couldn't protect them Hokulani Observatory -Sophocles lives here and manages the observatory when Molayne is at home. He gives late night weather reports when he can't sleep and streams Minior shows. Sometimes Acerola visits him and brings food too -The Minior shows make the Observatory a really popular date spot as well Secluded Shore -The Bruxish sanctuary is here and the certified lifeguard Bruxish are trained here too. -At one point a certain gang... Had a beach day here... A nude beach day. Nanu refused to deal with it and told everyone who complained they'd go away soon Tapu Village -Everyone who survived Tapu Bulu's rage and Celesteela's initial emergence live here. They are all extremely devout at this point and speaking ill of the tapu here will get you ran out -Plumeria's mother lives here now and can recall in full awesome technicolor the attack, the destruction and everything in between Aether House -A newer building but one that Wicke was 100% behind the building of. Acerola was brought here as a baby when it was still a run down orphanage. Plumeria was also raised here after her dad died and her mother was unable to care for her. However she left before it was rebuilt by Aether Ula'Ula Meadow -Plumeria uses the area around the meadow for her trial grounds. Her pet Wimpod keeps it raining during the trial and as such the meadow's flowers are always healthy. Po Town -Very recently it stopped raining for some reason... Guzma and Plumeria live here after renovating the entirety of the town. It still operates to take in kids too old to stay at the Aether House. -There are Wimpods everywhere Mount Lanakila -The Pokemon League and Bro's house are here. He has a very big house very easily manor size and often Hala, Olivia, Acerola and Kahili stay here if challengers are on the way. -The Pokemon Center here has the best medical care among the islands and as such its the biggest. Might be because the Pokemon League is extremely physically demanding or the climb to get there is --------------------------------------- Malie Day of Rememberance -A day where everyone goes to the memorial and leaves flowers. Sometimes Nanu says a few words but its mostly quiet and somber. Tapu Bulu will show up too and just sit there Minior Shower -A night predicted by Molayne and Sophocles where the biggest cluster of Minior break apart and fall to the islands. Pretty romantic and interesting to see
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