#ty doin stuff
karmacomesaround · 5 months
I’m ok uh thank you
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quirkle2 · 2 years
this post will be completely pointless but guys i fucki gng . i fuckin loveart ok
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
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last two tits... ashy tit and a grey tit
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starting with the one and only rock dove
Ashy and grey tits,,,,give them lotion
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simpletoymaker · 2 years
AU ASK! imagine your muse in the last movie or show you watched. how are they? are they any different?
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     Well this is an interesting ask to get as I’m in the midst of screencaping for Lego Mon.kie Kid muses fsdjlds so LMK au for this guy it is !
     Wondertainment would be... in terms of personality not different !  In terms of abilities, I’d say they get pretty nerfed, my lack of knowledge in Journ.ey to the We.st   ( original story that LMK is based off of that   including a LOT of stuff   talks further in detail about the technical / lore aspect of this world )   is biting me here but they’d probably some kind of yaoguai/demon ?  Immortal and knows the 72 transformations ( basically allows him to shape shift )      probably a very old and skilled crafter who knows how to make all kinds of potions / spells / magical items !   As the centuries progress to modern area, I can see them starting Wondertainment business where all the toy products may or may not be cursed but don’t worry about it.
     Unless theres’s a s.cp in the universe, as well Wondertainment probably keeps it more lowkey as to not bring the Celestial Realm / Heaven / Deities slash immortals  down to stop him.    Probably allies himself with other demons / demon kings and provides them with powerful objects in return for materials / protection or something also.
     Also probably has collected a lot of titles like Toy Demon King / Shifter Demon Queen / etc. as a treat
     Basically nerfed Wondertainment  ( going off of usual interp of class 5 reality warper thing )  who’s more of a team players  and also is a single entity / has more world-logic based abilities but still causes problems on purpose for entertainment reasons :)
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vvizardz · 5 months
I'll finally seriously draw Spectacular Mysterio one day and it'll all be over
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rae-writes · 5 months
like royalty
om boys x reader
wc : 1.k
warnings : none, just lovesick boys and their lovesick mc (and cute little Luke and his cute little mc)
synopsis : instances in which you treated them so good they felt like pampered royalty
a/n : the 10k special is hereeee! tysm, once again! <33
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Leaning down, resting your knees on the dirty ground, just so you could tie his shoe for him
His steel composure allows Lucifer to remain rather unbothered, but you know better. You hear the way his breath hitches, his eyes widening just a fraction at seeing you so casually drop to your knees. He's at loss for words as he watches your fingers swiftly grab his shoelaces and begin tying them back into a neat bow. Lucifer doesn’t even try to hide the faint blush coating his skin when you stand back up- instead, he takes a moment to just bask in the pride he can feel building inside of you before he chuckles and shakes his head fondly. 
“My, Mc…I do appreciate the bold gesture, but now you’ve got your knees all dirty..how shall I repay you, hm?”
Unlike the firstborn, Diavolo, while he does have steel composure, forgets the definition of it as soon as you’re telling him to wait a second before crouching down beside him. He’s used to being tailored to, of course, but there’s just something about seeing your knees scrubbing the dirt and your tongue poking out as you concentrate on tying his shoe that makes him melt. Once you’re finished, he’ll lift you off the ground himself and brush off your knees, blush as dark as his hair while he laughs loudly. 
“You’re always so full of surprises! That did affect me quite badly, I must say…though allow me to do the same for you next time.” 
The sound (see: squawk) that escapes Mephisto is completely undignified. He’s absolutely embarrassed, especially at the tingling sensation he feels on his hand where you’d lightly smacked it when he went to tie his shoe himself before dropping to your knees to do it instead. The gravel beneath you crunches as you shift to get up, making his hand dart to help and pull you close to him; he’s regained his composure now, but his words are still low and flustered, even as he gives you a smirk. 
“Well, aren't you just sweet. Nobody’s ever gone through such lengths to simply tie my shoe, but you’ll be compensated, don’t worry. Come here, Mc…”
Stone faced as ever, Raphael just stares down at you with an almost confused look. He goes to say something about your clothes getting dirty on the floor everyone’s been walking on, but his words die in his throat when you peer up at him with a lovesick smile. Almost in a trance, he watches you carefully loop his shoelaces and tie them tautly before standing back up; only when his hand subconsciously finds the curve of your waist does he snap back to reality and give you a small smile of his own (he prays you’ll ignore the blush spreading across his cheeks…you do. For now).
“A-ah, Mc-! I…please, allow me to wipe your knees off, they’ve gotten dirty from the flooring…you really didn’t have to, you know, I can tie my own shoe…thank you..” 
Grabbing his hand with a featherlight touch and bringing it up to your face so you could place a soft, slow kiss to his knuckles 
Mammon’s base reaction is to jolt and scold you for teasing him, but his eyes dart to how your pupils are practically in the shape of hearts as you press your lips against his skin, and suddenly the loud mouthed second born is going quiet. The tiniest of gasps escape him as you begin to pull away, hand instinctively curling around yours and bringing it to rest over his thumping heart to keep you that much closer; the lovesick chuckle he gives you makes you melt.
“What’re ya— o-oh…Mc…d’ya even know what you're doin’ to me, actin’ like that? Where are ya goin’? C’mere…come closer..want another kiss- how about on the lips this time, yeah?”
Satan melts right through your fingers, eyes lidding and dumb little smile crossing his face. He is a sucker for this stuff and the murmur of your name is so breathless and adoration-filled. He’ll quietly demand another kiss, carefully watching your lips press against his skin before he’s flipping your hands around and kissing the back of yours instead. He relishes in the blush on your face but quickly turns a bashful shade of pink when you comment on how pretty that lovesick expression of his was. 
“Mc…give me another one..yeah. You make my heart race, you know that? And you’re so pretty when you look at me like that..fuck. W-what—? My expression…I..I can’t help it…‘s all your fault.” 
The squeal that escapes Asmo nearly leaves you deaf, but he just looks so charming with his giddy grin and sparkling eyes that you decide to overlook it (like always). He’s absolutely delighted at the action and begs you to do it again so he can take a picture for devilgram, but once the surprise is over, he just looks at you so softly. The pure adoration and love he sees in your eyes makes him feel like he’s floating and Azzy will be sure to shower you with kisses all over until you’re feeling the exact same. 
“OHH MY! How sweet of you, hon! Let me take a picture, do it again, do it again! You’re just so full of surprises, darling, I love it! I love you. I love you so much, you know? You make my heart race~!” 
Barbatos’ brain doesn’t catch up right away. He finishes greeting you and gets halfway through listing off the tea party spread before he actually processes the action— and that your hand is still holding his, rubbing your thumb over where you’d kissed. He stops right in the middle of the corridor and stares at you blankly, hot blush slowly rising onto his cheeks. The smile that crosses his face is completely for your eyes only (lovesick and bashful) and he’ll give you his amused chuckle before kissing your knuckles in return, bowing as he does so. 
“—I have also prepared a selection of-!!…you..you are very sly, Mc…I can’t say I mind it though. I do hope you’ll keep the way you affect me just between us, however…can’t have anyone else seeing, hm? Shall I return the favor?”
You and Solomon teased each other back and forth quite often but this he wasn’t expecting. And he couldn’t just play it off- not with so much infatuation plastered over your face as you keep placing kisses along his hand. He averts his eyes shyly, darting back and forth as he tries to form words, but…you just got him so good with that gesture, he’s absolutely tongue tied as he peers at you with his blushy face, voice actually cracking as he asks what that was for. 
“I—!…I, u-uh…Mc…what- what was that for…? You drive me absolutely crazy…can you do it again..please..?” 
Sliding your jacket off and wrapping it around his shoulders- even though it might not fit correctly- just because they were cold
Levi’s face is a blistering beacon of cherry and he takes a brief moment to malfunction before shakily gripping at the fabric around his shoulders, looking up at you with wide eyes. It’s something he’s seen straight from an anime, something he’s always wanted to experience, but now that he actually has, his soul is leaving his body because your cute little smile is just too…cute! He won’t give the jacket back, though, instead choosing to bury himself deeper in the material with a stuttered ‘thank you’. 
“H-h-huh?! O-oh, Mc…you..T-t-thank y-you!! ‘S really soft…’n s-smells like you..ah-! I-I mean-! Don’t listen to me, I’m j-just rambling! Thank you again!” 
More than likely too big for your jacket, Beel is confused at first and will ask what you’re doing and tilt his head cutely. Though, when you simply say ‘you were cold’, he turns all smiley and blushy and even lets out a little giggle. That sweet little closed eye smile of his is beaming as he thanks you and insists you pile up in his arms to share the warmth, because aren’t you going to get cold too? Being wrapped up in your scent and being able to wrap you up in his sounded like a perfect deal to him. 
“Hm? Oh, Mc…what’re you doing?…oh. Eheh…thank you! Won’t you be cold, though? Here, come closer, we’ll keep each other warm. Yeah…yeah I like having you close. I like you— I love you!” 
Belphie’s half asleep mind doesn’t really register it until he wakes up a few hours later. His lidded eyes land on the sight of your jacket, brain slowly registering before a sleepy- giddy- smile crosses his face. He’ll drag his sluggish body to wherever you are and drop his weight onto you, mumbling his gratitude and how lucky he is to have you without the fully-conscious filter being there. He’ll hold that jacket hostage until it has to be washed— it just made him feel so loved, he didn’t want to let it go. 
“Mmm…mh? Mc…? -yawn- Mc? Mm..thank you..you’re so good to me…love you s’much..come sleep with me now…wanna feel your warmth too. No- wanna keep the jacket..let me keep it..please?” 
Simeon blinks, eyes a bit wide as he stares at you before a bubbly laugh escapes him while he rubs the back of his neck and thanks you. He was quite surprised at the action, but completely delighted, and finds himself grinning stupidly before he can help it. He feels so fuzzy and warm and just wants to giggle and kick his feet— but he won’t…not outwardly, anyway. That giddy smile stays, though, all for everyone to see as he parades around with your jacket over his shoulders. 
“Oh, Mc, thank you! You really didn’t have to…but I appreciate it nonetheless- you’re so loving and kind, you never fail to make my day. I hope you’ll let me do something for you in return to show my appreciation?”
The first passing thought in Luke’s head is to deny he’s even cold, but when he sees that it’s you draping your jacket over him, he decides that yes, he is in fact freezing. And maybe he could just snuggle up to you as well… (Mc cuddles are the best!). He’ll happily exclaim to anyone that the jacket is yours and beam because he’s just so thrilled to be your friend and he’s just…so precious. 
“Waaahh!! Thank you, Mc! Are you sure you’re not an Angel? Hehe! Look, guys! Mc gave me their jacket! Aren't they the best?!” 
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m-musings · 2 months
Crawl Out Through the Fallout with Me: Cooper "The Ghoul" Howard X Fem! Reader
A/N: never played an official fallout game in my life but i still love this man so it's time to bullshit some stuff, let's gooooooo
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: After a fight with raiders, a argument between lovers ensues when one of them gets hurt.
Warnings: typical fallout vibes, mentions of fighting, blood and wounds, pre-established relationship, Cooper being Cooper but also being a bit ooc, this is cheesy as hell and def not canon compliant lmao
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"Damnit, (Y/n), just what the hell were you thinkin'?!"
An upset voice rang out into the evening air of the Wasteland as a pair of figures rested up inside the crumbling walls of an abandoned building.
Lit by the fading light of the sun, (Y/n) hissed in pain as her irradiated companion tried to sew a sizable gunshot wound on her arm shut.
As he passed the needle back and forth through the gash, the girl rolled her eyes with an exasperated groan as a few rivulets of blood rolled down her arm.
"Gimme a break, Coop! Did you wanna be the one to be shot?! I don't- ow!- think so!"
During a journey to find their next cash-out, the partners were ambushed by a large group of raiders & fiends. After managing to get rid of most of them, one had managed to sneak up and send a bullet flying straight for Cooper.
Noticing the weapon before Cooper could even turn to see the shooter, (Y/n) dashed over and shoved the ghoul out of the path of the shot, causing her arm to be hit instead.
Now- a few hours after killing the remaining enemies- they took shelter in a decrepit shack in order to patch themselves up in peace and rest for the night.
"I'd still be better off than you are right now. I mean, for fucks sake, darlin', I'm a ghoul. I've been through worse than just being shot at."
"Well then, that's the last time I try to be helpful. Next time, I'll sit back and relax while you get absolutely slaughtered by raiders, how about that?!"
"Go right on ahead, see if I care! Now, hold still. Can't close this cut if you keep on squirmin' around." Cooper huffed as he gave the suture one final tug before snipping the end off with a pocket knife and tying it into a knot.
After he was finished, (Y/n) rolled the pain out of her bicep before reaching into her bag to grab a somewhat clean cloth to wipe up any remaining blood.
With a sputter of her lips, she got up from her spot next to Cooper to sit upon the old mattress in the other corner of the room in order to apply a stimpak to herself. It wouldn't be enough to heal the wound completely but it would be enough for her to be able to use her arm properly.
Satisfied with the sight of her flesh knitting back together, Cooper finally relaxed in his chair as he crossed one leg over the other.
"Now don't go doin' anything that stupid again, y' hear me? Don't wanna have to use any more stims than we have to."
"I just... don't understand why you're so worked up about this. Something like this was bound to happen eventually, it's literally a warzone out here. A scar or two isn't unusual." (Y/n) griped as she fell back onto the bed while crossing her arms.
"Yeah, for someone like me it isn't. But it shouldn't ever happen someone like you. You shouldn't have to get hurt like that..." Grumbled Cooper as he leaned back against the wall.
"I'm not made of glass, Coop, I can handle a few hits."
"Don't care. You're way too valuable for me to lose."
(Y/n)'s glare softened at that, realizing the true intention behind the cowboy's scolding was worry. As Cooper sets up a small lantern on the floor to combat the growing darkness, (Y/n) watches the man with a fondness gleaming in her eyes.
"Is that what this is all about? You didn't wanna see me get hurt?" Whispers the girl as she turns onto her side.
Although the action is rather subtle, the ghoul's body visibly tenses up as he fixes his gaze away from the woman across from him.
"I never said that."
"It's clear that you thought it, though." (Y/n) chuckled as she softly grinned at the cowboy.
Heaving out an irritated sigh, Cooper hunches over to look at her as he readjusts his hat.
"What do ya wanna hear from me, sweetheart? That I care about you? That I love ya? Well, if you don't know that by now, then you might be much dumber than I thought you were."
"Hey, I resent that! You'd be lost with me and you know it!"
"Sure I would. Just like how you'd do great out there if you were all alone."
(Y/n) shakes her head with a scoff before she gets up from the mattress to walk over plop herself onto Cooper's lap after he sits back down on the beat-up dinner chair.
As she shuffles into place, Cooper places his hand on the small of her back to ensure she doesn't topple over. He silently glances at her face, analyzing her now troubled expression as she fiddles with the lapel on his duster.
Mouth opening and closing as she tries to find the words to say, she presses her lips together before finally speaking her thoughts.
"Y'know, I worry about you too... I'm always so worried that there's gonna be a day where that one gunner you miss is gonna be the one that gets you." (Y/n) admits sadly as she rests her head on Cooper's shoulder.
Cooper's eyes widen slightly and peer down at her as he begins to rub a hand up and down her arm in an attempt to comfort her.
"Hey now, look at me. That'll never happen. Not on my watch."
"What makes you so sure?"
"I got too much to fight for. I already lost one family to this nonsense and I'll be damned if you get taken away from me too. I'll fight tooth and nail before I let anything touch me or you again, understand?"
"But why? What's so special about me?"
"If I allow you to get hurt anymore, I will never be able to live with myself again. I love you, so...so much, darlin'." Cooper states with a resolute nod.
(Y/n) eyes water and crinkle with a gentle smile before she leans up to place a couple light kisses upon his charred lips, which he returns immediately upon receiving.
"I love you too, Cooper..." Mutters (Y/n) as she closes her arm around his shoulders.
With a laugh rumbling in his chest, Cooper wraps both of his hands around her waist as he holds her as close as he can.
"Your sweetness is what's gonna be the death of me one of these days, doll... Not some dumbass bullet." Cooper jokes quietly, placing a kiss atop her hair & resting his head on hers as he rocks back and forth to lull her to sleep.
Listening to the calming sound of her breathing as she slumbers, Cooper thinks about how lucky a man like him is to have found a love like (Y/n) in such a desolate situation.
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eskumii · 4 months
Can you pls do platonic yandere sanemi x demon child reader (that is also tanjiros and nezukos younger sibling to)
soft yandere!older brother figure!shinazugawa sanemi x child!demon!reader hcs [platonic]
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A/N: this contains huge manga spoilers in regards to sanemi's past/relationships!! also ,, ty for being patient annonie, if ur still there :') also i accidentally posted this b4 i finished it, so sorry if anyone saw that...
PAIRING: soft yandere!older brother figure!shinazugawa sanemi x child!demon!kamado!reader (platonic)
CHARACTERS: shinazugawa sanemi (21), reader (12), nezuko (14), tanjiro (16)
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☆ sanemi hates demons.
☆ that much is clear from the spectacle he made of your older sister, nezuko, at the hashira's headquarters with that horrrible temper of his. needless to say, you don't like him at all and he clearly doesn't like you or your sister, either. it certainly doesn't help that master kagaya seems to have a sour sense of humor as you're now stuck with him as your babysitter.
☆ both tanjiro and nezuko vehemently object to master kagaya's orders. the servants of the residence had to literally rip you from the ironed grips of your older siblings, who were screaming bloody murder as if you'd be separated for the rest of eternity. they were certainly being a tad bit dramatic, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't just as upset.
☆ with the deal set in stone, however, sanemi drags you to his home as begrudgingly as humanly possible and condemns you to one of his spare bedrooms. apparently he lived alone (expected tbh) in a traditional style home, complete with the koi ponds and bamboo deer scares. it's nice, you'll give him that, but his nasty attitude doesn't seem to match the beauty of his residence.
☆ although your living conditions are less than ideal, you're old enough to know that staying under someone else's roof is almost never free. you try (keyword: try) to do what you can to help around the house but sanemi is constantly hollering at you to leave him alone or to not mess with his stuff.
☆ he insists you stay in your room and out of his way, but you still tail behind him from afar out of your debilitating boredom. if he notices, he says nothing, and simply ignores you as if you're not even there. at least when you were with tanjiro and nezuko there was always something to do—sanemi is so boring.
☆ sometimes sanemi gets really angry for seemingly no reason and at any given time. he'll storm outside and take it out on the poor practice dummies that litter his backyard, grunting in oblivious rage when he accidentally kicks one of their heads off. you're not sure what it is about you that makes him so angry; you've kind of already ruled it out as his perpetual state of being.
☆ and, well, sanemi doesn't... hate you. you remind him so much of his younger brother, genya, and most of his anger is only borne out of pain. as the eldest of the family he once knew, it's not like the instincts he acquired to take care of his siblings just went away. you simply remind him of who he used to be and the weaknesses that tore his family apart make him inexplicably angry.
☆ considering your resemblance to his late younger siblings (and genya), sanemi does get protective over you in his own ways. sometimes you meddle too close to the windows during the day, so he'll yell at you to move. or sometimes when you're scarfing down the raw meat he gives you, he yells at you to slow down lest you choke.
☆ it may seem like he's not paying attention to you at all, but he's always peeking at you with watchful eyes. he's notices that you like to watch him train but can't be out in the sun, so he hung up a blanket in the branches of a nearby tree without saying a word to you. you smile knowing that you're growing on him.
☆ during the evening, sanemi often catches you out in the garden picking flowers. usually he'd shrug his shoulders and turn his nose up, but he felt compelled to see what you were doing out there all the time. plus, he couldn't have you wandering out beyond the walls.
☆ "what're you doin', kid?" sanemi's booming voice scares you and you drop your basket of colorful flowers on the ground with a squeak. you scramble to gather them again and you're surprised to see a pair of scarred hands helping out, too.
☆ "i'm gonna make flower crowns for when tanjiro and nezuko get back." you answer once all the flowers are back in the basket. sanemi snorts. "flower crowns?"
☆ you nod. "yup! here, i'll show you how to make one." sanemi has zero time to refuse as you grab his hand and pull him down onto the grass with you. you take a length of string that you had stolen from one of his many rooms of junk and began to attach the flowers to it with a clever weaving pattern.
☆ sanemi is fuming in embarrassment as you eagerly teach him how to make a stupid flower crown. this is ridiculous. but why can't he just get up and leave? when you hand him the string of flowers to try it out for himself, your childish giggling is contagious as he fumbles clumsily and accidentally crushes the delicate stem in his callous grip.
☆ in the end, sanemi finds himself enjoying making flower crowns with you, but he threatens you violently with a ruffle of your hair should you tell anyone about it. he would never admit it but as he looks at the crudely made flower crown that you helped him with, he feels a distantly familiar feeling of warmth igniting in his heart again.
☆ the rest of the days you spend with sanemi begin to feel more pleasant than it did initially. sanemi no longer leaves you to your own devices, but instead tries to find things for you to do during the day when you can't go outside. he'll bring you puzzles and teach you how to read with children's folktales written on tarnished scrolls that he said he kept from his old family home.
☆ you're not sure what happened, but sanemi dotes on you now. once you had tripped and split your finger open, and sanemi rushed to your side like it had been your head. it healed within a few seconds, but sanemi still scolded you for walking around unsupervised.
☆ and when you get feverish due to your refusal of eating human flesh, which is often, sanemi tarries by your side day and night in order to make sure you're as comfortable as can be. cold, damp towels on your forehead, fresh raw meat at your bedside, and anything else you want, he gets for you. the worry etched into the lines of his forehead shows how much he cares about you.
☆ by the time tanjiro and nezuko return from their mission to collect you, sanemi doesn't even want to let you go. in fact, you've both grown attached to each other and while you're overjoyed to see your siblings again, sanemi has also become something like an older brother to you. you've grown to love the big residence and his presence.
☆ you're in tears as sanemi pats your head and smiles crookedly at you for what feels like the last time. you beg tanjiro to let you stay longer but he firmly tells you no. sanemi makes tanjiro promise that he'll take you to visit him or else he'll kill him (he's serious).
☆ when you inevitably depart from sanemi (tanjiro has to pry you away from him), he feels about as lonely as the day is long. the residence feels too big without you following behind him like his own shadow, and every time he turns a corner he half-expects to find you doing something to cause trouble.
☆ sanemi takes the flower crown you both made and seals it in a glass jar. he hopes that you'll visit again before it withers, or else he might just go out and find you himself.
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writer-komaru · 3 months
Wild One’s Rodeo 𓃗
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Warning✧ [explicit] Grinding, no protection, dubcon.
Characters✧ Boothill
Words✧ 1464
Summary✧ As a waitress for one of the most popular bars in penacony, you’ve met your fair share of strange characters. A smug man adorned in exotic furs who tried making a bet with the bartender, a sparkling knight who gave every lady in the bar a rose without even staying for a drink, even an enigmatic woman carrying a purple katana with eyes like a serpent who sat alone at the end of the bar. But never have you met a man like Boothill. A man of steel and whiskey, tying you in hemp like you’re nothing but a naughty cow he’s gonna tame. Give him a rodeo he won’t forget.
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“Sorry for the wait, ma’am. Here’s your sundae,” you place a decked out desert in front of an impatient woman who snarls a crude thanks. You’d like to give her a good smack for making you fetch her four other deserts until she is finally satisfied but you had already been scolded two times already. You couldn’t afford to lose another job. Not in this “thriving” economy that had the lower class slaving away while the rich babbled over dozens of mugs of beer or road cars that sped down the busy streets like a comet streaking through the night sky.
You pushed away the unrealistic thoughts and got back to work. “What would ya like, sir?” “How can I help ya, ma’am?” “Would ya like a refill?” The thoughts buzzed and bounced around in your head like a hive of bees; it was beginning to drive ya mad. That was until they suddenly went dead silent.
You placed another tray of expensive alcohol (stuff you’d never dream of buying) onto the faded wooden counter when the doors of the bar flew open, almost splintering into pieces. A shot blasted out into the sky.
“YEEEEHAWW!! How’s all yall fiendin’ tonight?” He hollered out into the crowded bar catching everyone’s attention, including yours. Even though you’ve never seen this man before in your life, the guests erupted into cheers, some even standing up to greet him or share drinks. At Leary it gave you a few seconds to scope him out. He wore a tight, jet-black leather vest and pants, held up by a brown and heavy gold belt. Yet, that wasn’t the main thing that caught your eye. His vest appeared to be cut right above the nipples. But, strangely enough, he didn’t really have any. Instead, his entire upper body from the neck down to his feet and fingertips was entirely plated with titanium, or some similar shiny metal. Could he be some type of robo cowboy?
“Heyyyy little lady, whatcha doin’ on yer own?~” you gasped as he pushed you up against the counter, humming right against your ear with such a deep country accent you felt your legs tremble. He seemed to notice it too, his smirk stretching into a full on smile. “Oh my sweet darlin’, yer gonna fly away like a mayflower in May if ya keep trembling’ like that. Don’t worry babydoll, I got ya~” he chuckled with that rugged, sultry voice as he playfully stroked your hips, as if he was tinkering with some kind of machine, steadfast on fixing your loose legs. But his tinkering only wet your face ablaze.
Who even WAS this man?! You wanted to push him away and scold him but your hips were pinned so hard to the counter you could feel every inch he had. No, you can’t think such dirty thoughts about a guest, no matter how persuasive they were. And damn, was her persuasive.
“What’s with that look, darlin’? Scared I’ll bite?” Lets out a small laugh, “I might be gentle with it if ya say please, mister…~”
“P-please… mister.” you managed out breathlessly
“Awh, aren’t you a cute little lady~ why not we find out what these metal hands’a mine can do to those barrels yer hauling around, huh doll?~” his hands roamed up your body and gave your breasts a firm squeeze. That little move of his snapped you out of your lustful daze to deliver a fiery slap across his cheek.
He takes it like a champ and lets out a light whistle, “wow baby, you sting like hot iron~”
“Y-you can’t just jump on top of a stranger and have your way…” you cross your arms and turn around, peeking back at him to see his reaction. Any other waitress would have called the Bloodhounds of him. But you weren’t just any woman. You were dying for something actually interesting to your monotonous assembly-line ass job and this cowboy might be your ticket to freedom.
“Awwwhhh come on, doll face~ I ain’t mean no harm. When I saw yer curves dressed in that get up I knew I hadta show ya how to properly ride a bull~” he leans forward, taking your hand in his and kissing it with a flirtatious wink. He begins walking back to the door, your hand still in his, “if ya want some hands on learnin’, follow me, pretty thing.”
You immediately ripped off your stained waitress uniform and ran to his side, “Oh Boothill, I’ve been itching for this~”
“Have ya, now?~” he raised an eyebrow in amusement and pulled you into a nearby alleyway, “Well I know just the way to solve a pesky itch~”
“How will-“ before you could even finish your sentence he lifted both of your legs and swung them over his shoulders, your aching pussy pushed flush against his toned metallic abdomen. The hard surface sent electricity zapping through your wet folds; you were not sure if it was your desire or his robotic body sending out small shocks as if to warn you about the power it can showcase.
“Overwhelmed already?~ never been dicked down by a real man, have ya, darling?” He teases, stoking your flames.
“N-no, I have… m-many times…” you bluffed.
“You sure, babydoll? Cuz this cute little pussy down here’s singin’ a different tune and myyyy is it a sweeten’~” he bites his lip as he rubs his hips side to side, the hard as metal rod in his pants grinding against you so good you felt like cumming already and he wasn’t even inside yet.
“P-please….” You begged between gasps.
“Please what, doll?~” he smirked wickedly.
“P-please… p-ple… pl… ease….” You choked out each word, struggling to put them together.
“Two little words and I’ll stretch ya out so good your kitty’ll meow so loud they’ll call animal control,” he gave your chest another teasing squeeze.
“P-please… boothiiiiiilllll….” You cried out.
“That’s a good girl…~” his eyes narrowed with focus as he pushed aside your drenched panties and stroked your folds up and down.
“So sticky and wet… like a rich lil beehive overflowing with thick honey…” he once again rested his head on your shoulder as he aligned himself to your twitching pussy. Without so much as a warning, he rammed right inside, immediately hitting the deepest reaches of your womb, making you release an embarrassingly loud cry and a hot stream of cum all over his shiny abs. “Wowie…~ someone’s really been dying for a proper fucking, huh?” He gripped your hips tight and grunted as he attempted a deeper thrust, “I’ll milk this pretty hole for all its for.”
“Aaaaggh... nnnagggg… s-stop… n-no deep… we… aaACK!~” you choked out moan after moan, almost like you were a pent up teen again. No matter how much you begged, he only went faster and harder, with enough robotic accuracy and consistency you knew you’d be sore for days. It was like he filled each slap of skin with a silent promise to somehow, some way, get you pregnant.
He let out a particularly loud groan in your ear, “oh baby, if ya squeeze me like that… ohhhh doll…~ I just can’t take much more-a this.~ Ya ready? Ready for a real mess?”
“Y-yeah-ahh! Yeeaaaahhhh-Ahhh!” You cried out.
“Darn baby…. Oh… oh fu- f-fudge…. Hold on baby, I’m almost… oh darling, you’re perfect for me!~” with one last growl you feel a large burst of warm cum burst inside of you, dripping out onto the concrete of the secluded alleyway. But instead of giving himself even a moment’s rest, he bites his lip and shoves himself right back in, humping at you like a dog in heat.
“Shi-sugar baby, I just can’t stop breeding this pretty hole… And these massive tits here don’t make it any easier~” he gropes them a bit more before pinching your nipples with a naughty smile.
“Ohhh~ did someone like that~” he begins fucking you harder and licks your neck, “I didn’t know I had such a foxy lady under me~”
“P-pleasssseeeee boothill…”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll get ya to that edge again…. And again and again and again, oh, you’ll have so much fun with me,” he laughed before delivering a cheeky bite to your neck. Your moans began to soften as your vision darkened, which he caught onto almost as fast as he’s drilling into you.
“I’ve got ya, doll… just let the darkness settle in.” He whispers with a soothing groan as he litters a series of bites along your neck and shoulder, each one fading your vision faster until it is purely black. When the morning comes, you’ll definitely get an ear full from your boss. That is…. If you choose to awake from this beautifully sexy daydream.
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Hellooo everyone, I’m so terribly sorry it’s been so long. My life’s gotten a whole lot busier and I haven’t had any inspiration to write in a very very long time. BUT!! Even though this ain’t much compared to my usual stuff, I hope it’s still enjoyable to you all. I love yall so much, looking back at all the kind comments and likes warms my heart more than anything. See yall soon! (I’d be down for a part two if yall like 👀)
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kumkissed · 1 year
Homebody Reader x (Pouty)PlugOny
"Ma, why you always locked up in this house?" Ony quips as he enters your apartment, finding you seated against your couch watching one of your shows. He looks over at the TV, shaking his head with a smile as he notices you're watching one of your K-dramas. "Ain't nothing better than being in the comfort of your own home baby.”
Ony pouts at your response eyeing your place, clean and comfy just how you like it. The scent of vanilla flushes his nose as he gets closer to you, eventually laying his head on your lap “But ma, I want you to come ride wit me for this drop.” You chuckle, caressing his face while still watching your show “Boy you know I don’t do that shit, better act like you got some sense.”
He sucks his teeth, making you raise your brown hand harshly grabbing his face “We got a problem baby? You know better pa.””Nah ma, we good m’sorry.” You release his face, focusing your attention back to your show. Ony swears his dick is about to jump out of his sweats, he attempts slide his tatted hand down pants before he’s stopped by a soft voice “don’t even think about it pa, we gone handle it later.” Before he can even respond he gets a notification—
Connie(5:38pm): Tf u doin, get ur ass down here bro
A small whine escapes Ony, as he rises up off of you getting his stuff together “Ma, cmon plea—“Ony…you know I don’t like that trap shit.” You get up, pulling him into a hug placing kisses all over his face “Mmcht, you jus tryna stay up in this house.” He mumbles causing you too chuckle “That too pa, but once you get back I’ll have a treat for u baby I promise.” Ony smiles pearly whites shinning against his chocolate skin, he gives you a kiss before heading to the door “Alright ma, you promised me that shit too.” With that he leaves, leaving you to prepare his treat for while he’s on the road.
Me(5:46pm): [ Sent image ]
Me(5:46pm): For u pa 🩵
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You receive a message back immediately
onyy🖤(5:46pm): When I get back that shit is mine ma.
You chuckle placing your phone down on the couch, continuing your show, enjoying the comfort of your home.
first post still figuring out layouts, thinkin abt focusin I’m on this trope! Ty for readin babes
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fishsticksloser · 10 months
If it's alright - And if it's not then i understand if you're going to delete this - to request about Rise! Future! Leonardo x Rabbit yokai!fem!Reader? (NSFW S3x), where Leonardo and reader get into roleplaying as cowboy Shierff and an outlaw female criminal. Leonardo is the dominating one while reader is the submit side.
And yes it would involve things like; ropes tying, rough S3x, Leonardo getting to cowboy accent (?)
/ 🐔 Anon reader /
If You Can't Be Good, Be Bad With Me
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f!Leo x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut with a tiny plot, p in v, rough sex, light bondage (handcuffs), ear and tail pulling, spanking, slight Sir kink, Leo has a country accent, Leo calls you a good/bad girl (sue me...), rabbit yo'kai!reader, FAKE guns, swearing, enemies to lovers if you squint really really hard
A/N: I've spent like 2 months writing this because I was just sitting there looking at it and going "wtf do I do?" But here you are, so sorry for the wait. I actually threw out the first draft because I hated it so much... This is a little different than the prompt and I apologize, my brain couldn't do it. :/
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"My, my, my... What have we here?" Leonardo's voice was deep, soothing, and with a faint drawl that spoke of Texas. His words were slow and measured, just before he'd bring the hammer down with that thunderous attention. Leo squinted at you, narrowing his gaze before slowly walking towards you. "You look like you're on the wrong side of the law there, doll." Leo stops in front of you, hands on his hips just above his holsters. "What're you doin' on this here land, Miss?"
"Doin' what I can to survive, sheriff." You answer, continuing to stuff your pockets and bag with whatever was in reach. You seemed completely unbothered that the sheriff was standing over and watching you. "Is that a crime?"
"Well yes, it is." Leo responds cooly, his stance loose and relaxed despite you obviously committing a crime. His hands hover over his holsters, his tone becomes more intimidating. "The punishment for those crimes tends to be less uh... agreeable. And yet... I could be lenient with you." Leo's face softens as he looks down at the small, humanoid rabbit. He kneels down to get a better look. "And what exactly is in your pockets, little one? Come now, let's have a look."
You open your bag and empty your pockets. Its not like you were stealing much of anything really. Some bread and not so valuable things like knick knacks and trinkets. Nothing that's really worth anything.
"No guns?" He mutters, eyeing you up and down with a sly, teasing smirk. "That makes things so much sweeter." Leo's eyes twinkle in the sunlight as he stand up. His gaze seems to study every little crevice in your face, taking note of your expressions, trying to figure out everything about you. "You're not from these parts, are ya, darlin'? What's your pretty face doin' so far down south?"
"Got kicked outta town for not marryin' my suitor. Left with nothin'." You repond, repacking your bag and pockets. "Train only took me this far..."
"Not bein' married? Why, now that's a crime against the holy union of man and woman, darlin', 'specially out here." Leo shakes his head placing a hand on his face, feigning disgust. His other hand still rests on his holster. "Can't just leave you out here in this hot dust storm." Leo's eyes flicker up to your face and he grins widely.
"I've got nowhere to go." You say, pleading. "Please just let me go, I'll... I'll go find a place to settle down and be law abiding."
"Well, I'm afraid I can't let that happen, darlin'," Leo responds, his tone slowly becoming slightly more forceful. "The folks 'round these parts say you've done some unsavory and illegal things. I can't just let a law-breaker roam free like that." Leo seems to enjoy your pleas, leaning in more. He leans his body close to yours, whispering close to your ear. "Unless you want to do something for me..."
"And what would that be, sir?" You ask quietly, a shiver running down your spine as his breath fans over your ear. Leo grins as he leans in, his lips inches from your ear.
"You could do all sorts of things for me. It's such a shame for a pretty little thing like you to be caught for crimes you definitely didn't do. But, I'm feeling generous today, and, as the local lawman, I can definitely overlook your sins, darlin'." The corner of his lips curl into a smug grin. "All for a few private favors from you."
"You catch my drift?" He asks, his voice talking on a more predatory tone as his fingers graze down your waist and back. His hot breath caresses down the back of your neck, his eyes burning into your form before glancing back at your own. "Such a delicate, pretty thing..."
"Yes, sir. I understand." You mutter, your ears standing tall and twitching slightly.
"Good girl." He whispers as he leans in close. "And you know if you do well, maybe I could be generous and let you off of that punishment." Leo's voice comes out low and smooth, almost sultry as he leans back just enough to let his fingers stroke along the side of your face. "All you have to do is play nice, understand?"
"Yes, sir." You nod firmly, his eyes seem to study you once more. His fingers slide down and grasp your chin, gently tilting your face upwards as his other hand reaches for your waist.
"Good girl." He says, his eyes burn like hot coals as he bring your face inches from his. "And you know, when I get back to town, I have to write a report. And if I see my girl following through with our little arrangement, I'll make sure they know what a good girl you've been. If you're a good girl. Got it, darlin'?"
Who knew you'd end up here?
"Yes, sir."
"Mm... That's a good girl." Leo whisper as he closes the last few inches between you and him, pushing his lips against yours in a quick but firm kiss. He pulls back slowly before speaking. "You don't mind if I let these hands wander now, do you, darlin'?"
"No, sir." You mumble as he kisses you again, eyes fluttering closed and your hands move to cup the back of his head. Leo grins as he continues to kiss you, his body slightly tilting to get a better grip on you. HIs right hand wraps around your waist and pulls you closer as his left searches through his pocket for something. He fumbles around for a bit more before pulling out a pair of handcuffs.
"Oh, and I almost forgot. Can't be letting my pretty, lawbreaker darlin' roam free... 'specially after getting caught." He chuckles and beings to fasten your arms behind your back with the cuffs. You don't protest, letting him fit the cuffs on your wrist comfortably. "Good girl. Now, I have just the punishment in mind." He says with a smirk, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer. His other hand grips your chin as he kisses your neck softly. "Maybe I could show you what being a good girl for me would get you, darlin'. If you play your cards just right, I might be feeling generous with another reward."
You let out a small whine, basically having no other option and really not in the mood to say no. You give him a small nod and tilt your head to the side to give him better access. His lips meet your neck again, travelling upwards to finally find those sweet, soft lips of yours.
"That's an obedient girl... You know, you're lucky I like good girls. I mean, you could be in big trouble if you had been a bad girl." He whispers, his hands massaging your hips, slowly sliding them upwards. Leo decides that his lips are not the only way of satisfying the desires, sliding his hand under your dress, his fingers running over that soft, silky skin. His eyes are burning with hunger, the heat of the desert finally getting to him. The heat of his breath blowing across your body, breath mingling, your lips coming together in a hungry kiss.
Everything's a blur, but you find yourself in the sheriff's station. Leonardo laughs a little at all that nonsense before pulling your head up enough for another kiss. He holds you by the ears, he smacks his hand harder on your ass with your tail twitching with every hit. Your dress bunched up around your waist as you bend over his desk, your legs spread wide apart, offering yourself to him completely.
The desk creaks under both of you, his lips on your neck as he rocks into you, your bodies meeting with a wet slapping sound. You're open for him. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure through you, your mouth left hanging open, moans echoing throughout the room.
"Oh yeah, take that, darlin'!" He whispers, his voice thick with a low purr as he grabs on to your hips. "You're my good girl." He moves down to your ear, his lips nuzzling against it.
You moan, standing in your toes so he hits a better angle. You moan loudly as he hits that soft spot inside you. Your legs shake and you ball my fists in the part of your dress you could reach, you arms still cuffed. You feel his hand connect with your ass with a loud smack and you squeak, jolting at the sting. "Good girl," he breathes, his voice low and husky as he rocks into you harder, going a little faster. He bites on the side of your neck before whispering to you ear. "Such a good girl, darlin'.. you'll get it good.." He lets off a low hum to match the pace of his thrusts.
He brings his free hand down to your tail before giving it a light tug, laughing as you squirm and whine. "Aww, such a good, sweet thing," he sighs, his tone low and husky before biting on your neck again. "I love the way you take it so well, darlin'.. you're so good for me, such a sweet darlin'," he whispers to you, pulling you closer so he can kiss the side of your face.
He spanks you hard one final time before moving his hands over to tug on your ears, holding them tightly in his fists as he goes even harder and faster, his hips bucking aggressively to meet your thighs. "Such a good girl!" He whispers, his voice turning low and throaty as his eyes bore into yours. "Take it all, darlin'.. such a good girl!"
"C-Close, sir!" You whimper, tears falling down your cheeks. He tilts your head up to look at him, but makes sure to keep your body against the desk for him. It puts you into an uncomfortable arch.
Leonardo moans loudly, his expression turning more feral with every thrust as he rocks into you. His hips moving as forcefully as he could, he pushes harder and harder like he was trying to drive you through the desk, his free hand still holding onto your ears. Finally, his climax is about to peak and he lets out an, "Ahhhh… such a good girl, darlin'.."
At your releases, Leo lets out a groan and lets his thrusts die down a bit, pressing against your back with his chest as he slowly rocks into you. His face is buried deep into your neck, "Shhh... be a good girl.. be my good girl for me," he whispers to you, his voice low and husky. His free hand is playing with your tail, rubbing it up and down before giving it another tug for good measure and he slowly pulls out. "Such a good girl..." He murmurs, letting go of your ears and giving you a light tap on your ass.
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vialovesyou · 4 months
𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗯 𝗥𝗔𝗙𝗘 𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗢𝗡
" what's up, y/n/n" grinned barry, kissing his teeth as the girl came into the beatdown trailer. a white sundress clung to her hips as the brunette pushed her perfectly curled hair over her shoulder looking up at barry through her long lashes.
" darlin’, this is country club " barry introduced, barely lifting a finger as he gestured to a blonde man sitting across from him.  the blonde's head snapped up, his biceps tensing through his polo shirt as y/n scoffed lightly.
" rafe cameron, never thought i'd see the day " she spoke, a laugh falling from her plump lips. y/n had met rafe once or twice since her best friend kyla was dating some guy who y/n didn't bother to learn the name of that happened to be friends with rafe.
" y/n" rafe greeted, nodding his head towards the girl who opened the bag which rested on her shoulders and dropped a wad off cash infront of barry, the bracelets which hung from her wrist jingling as she did so .
truth be told, rafe had never seen y/n sober. he wasn't all too surprised, the girl was known for her party girl ways. it was the typical good girl gone bad scenario, one he had seen play out one too many times.
" i need 20g's for the party kyla's throwing tonight " y/n told him, closing the clasp on her purse as she looked down at barry boredly. " still doin' luke's dirty work, are ya' sweetheart?" barry asked, scratching his stubble causing y/n to roll her eyes at the mention of her ex boyfriend.
" i'd rather shove a nail file up my nose " she hummed, her sweet tone unchanged despite her bitter words. " two grand good enough ? " she asked gesturing to the stack of cash which now lay among the empty plastic baggies and beer bottles.
" anything for my favourite customer " barry smirked, pushing off the ratty sofa to retrieve the stuff leaving y/n and rafe.
" you do coke? " he asked, his voice raspy while he glanced up at y/n. the girl pouted her lips, sitting down across from rafe causing the dress to inch up her thigh even higher as she crossed her legs over.
" it's not for me " she answered simply, brown eyes boring into rafe's.
" so who's it for? " he shot back, causing the girl to pull a face at his tone. she had never spoke to him more than twice, so why did he care so much. " what's it to you? " she replied, leaning forward causing the dress to slip revealing more of her cleavage.
rafe glanced down at her chest, before looking away his jaw ticking in annoyance just as barry came back with a bundle of small plastic baggies. " this good, y/n/n? " he asked, handing it to the girl who held it up, cocking her head to the side before she placed them into her bag.
" pleasure doing business with you " she smiled, spinning on her heel revealing the white ribbon tying the top half of her hair together and walking over to the door. " oh and rafe " she spoke softly, causing him to look over at her. " you should come by tonight"
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their-little-writer · 3 months
“Goodnight my sweet angel.. sleep well”
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(this is not proof read)
It was only second period and you were already ready to leave. You didn't get a lot of sleep the night before due to having to work on a “group “ project by yourself which everyone left you to do on your own. You didn't get done with the project till about 2;45 in the morning and you had to wake up at 6 am to get ready so you didn’t miss the bus ( it comes at 6;45 ). You were tying your hardest to stay awake in your class but u didnt think you were gonna make it, slowly putting your pencil down you laid your head on the desk to rest it slowly drifting off to sleep.  
Before your knew it the bell had rang and you quickly grabbed your things and put them in your bag heading to the cafeteria since you had first lunch. The lights were to bright for your tired eyes and it was a little to loud for your liking, slowly making your way over to your boyfriend eddie you sat down as he was making a joke to dustin. “Hey there sweetheart, how are you doing?” he asked with a smile on his face as he looked down at you. You didn't respond, only making a small “mm.” sound as you put your head  on his shoulder. “Something wrong sweetheart?” he asked as he saw you weren't as happy as you usually were, only a small head shake no in response to his question. “ Do you wanna head back to my place to rest up? “ he asked gently, putting his arm around you to gently hold you.  You didnt really want to skip class but your body was so exhausted to the point where you didnt think you were gonna make it through the day, so you let out a small huff as you nod softly.  
Eddie slowly grabbed his bag underneath the table and put it on the table saying goodbye to the others as he slowly stood up with you following as he grabbed your bag for you starting to walk out of the cafeteria doors. When you got to the parking lot he grabbed his keys unlocking the doors as he opens it for you slowly helping you into the seat and  puts the bags behind you. He carefully helped you put the seatbelt on and closed the door going to get into the drivers seat and getting his stuff ready starting to drive back to his place.  
As Eddie started to drive you started to fidget with your hands a little in your lap, eddie soon taking notice “ babydoll are you doin alright? “ he asked as you nodded your head softly. “ Are you feeling tiny?” he asked as he slowed down the van. You nodded softly and with a smile appearing on his face he  stopped the van for a moment as he went into the back and grabbed your comfort stuffie and your paci heading back up to you gently putting the stuffie on your lap and the paci in your  mouth with a small kiss on your forehead “dont worry sweetheart its ok” he said sitting back down in his seat starting to drive again.  
Shortly after you both arrive to the house he gets out of his seat and headed over to your door opening it as he gently unbuckles you from your seat and picks you up caring you on his hip as he closes the door heading into his place.  
He walked in and carried you to his room, sitting your down on the bed. Eddie grabbed one of his shirts and a pair of comfy pants for you helping you get them on.  Once he was done he picked you back up holding you on his hip carrying you into the kitchen as he started to make you a bottle. You whined a little “papa m not dat tinys..” you said softly as he let out a small chuckle “ you sure sweetheart? You sound so small sweet angel” he said with a soft smile as you hid your face into his shoulder, whining in response. Eddie continued to make the bottle as he let it heat up he gently rocked you as he waited.  
Once the bottle had finished he checked the milk on  his hand to make sure it wasn't too hot and then carried you out to the couch gently setting you down on his lap as he grabbed the remote turning  on the tv. Eddie gently held you in his arms as he put on your favorite cartoon as he slowly put the bottle to your mouth letting you drink it. About half-way done with the bottle you started to feel your eyes feel heavy and slowly close them as eddie gently removes the bottle sitting it beside him as he  covered you with a blanket and slowly put your stuffie in your arms softly rocking you “ goodnight my sweet angel..sleep well”
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lunatiqez · 1 year
“BACK HOME” — Alex Keller x Reader
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PAIRING: Alex Keller x Reader
SUMMARY: Alex’s departure to Urzikstan has left both of you yearning for each other. Fortunately, when he gets back, he makes sure he gives you all of his attention.
A/N: DNI IF YOURE A STRICTLY 18+/MDNI ACC. FOLLOW YOUR OWN RULES!!! Ty to @lu-vin-it for proofreading Ilysm! Reader is AFAB
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16 DAYS. YOU HADN’T SEEN ALEX IN 16 days. This shouldn’t be a big deal, but you were craving him. You were craving his touch, his smell, his voice, him. You shouldn’t be this attached, but he was so incaptivating— how could someone not be in love with him? He was the most charming man you’d ever met and you fell for him as soon as you saw him. It was rather embarrassing.
“Alex,” you said, leaning against the counter. You had your phone perched on your shoulder and you were holding it with the side of your head as you chopped up a cucumber.
“I know, I know.” He said in a defeated tone. “Believe me, hun, I miss you just as much as you miss me.”
“Well when will you be back?” You asked.
“Few days, shouldn’t take me that long to get back.”
“Babe..” you said in a whiny voice.
“Y/N, I’ll be back before you know it, just keep callin’ me every night, will ya? ‘Ts the only thing keeping me sane down here.” You groaned.
Alex only had 12 days of deployment, but because of where he was going, Urzikstan, it would take at least 3 days to fly from the US to there and vice versa. So, in reality, he had been gone for about two weeks— not including his flight back of course.
“Okay, I love you Keller. Stay safe,” You said, getting ready to end the phone call.
“Love you too, baby. And I will, don’t you worry your pretty little head.” You smiled and shook your head. He made a kissy sound on the other end of the line and hung up.
You put your phone on the counter and walked over to the couch with your snack. Sitting down, you grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. You flicked through channels until you found something to your liking.
You ended up falling asleep on the couch. When you woke up, it was dark and the living room was only illuminated by the television playing some random channel that only came on at night. You looked around for your phone and then remembered that it was on the counter. You hurried to it, forgetting to call Alex that night.
You scrolled through the plethora of notifications from different social media sites until you saw Alex’s missed calls and text messages. You read through them quickly and then called him. The phone rang for a while before he picked up.
“Hello?” He said in a groggy voice.
“Hi my love, did I wake you?” You worried.
“Mm, no..I was just uh..busy.”
“With what?” You asked curiously.
“Y’know, stuff.” You decided to let it go, assuming it’d be easier to do so.
“Hmm, well I fell asleep on the couch, sorry I didn’t answer earlier.”
“Don’t you worry babe. I didn’t mind.” You hummed.
“So whatcha doin’?” He asked you.
“Getting all the blankets and stuff put away. The house is a mess, I really need to clean it up before you get back home.” You bent down, picking up the blankets that were laying on the floor, causing you to make a little groan. You heard a heavy breath from the phone. “What about you?” You asked.
“Layin here. Missing you.” Alex said smoothly. You chuckled.
“How was your day?” You asked him, walking to your bedroom.
“Boring,” he said unenthusiastically. “And yours?”
“Same here, just kinda laid around all day. But tomorrow I’m gonna get more stuff done! So you come back to a nice clean house.” You giggled, another heavy sigh. You quirked an eyebrow up and it was silent for a moment.
“Keep talking’, love.” He said, although it sounded more like a plea rather than a normal request.
“About what?” You asked him, now laying on your stomach on the bed.
“Anything, please just keep talking…”
“Alright….let me think….” You were quiet for a moment, long enough to hear a low moan come from the other end. You felt your cheeks warm and your eyes widen.
“Hey, Alex?” You asked, getting his attention.
“Mm?” Is all he could muster out.
“What’re you doing right now?”
“Nothin, nothing doll…just keep talking. Please.”
“Hm.. okay. What pajamas should I wear? I need to change.”
“Fuck..” he groans. “Remember those pretty red ones?”
“My lingerie?” You ask him, flustered.
“Mhm, those ones. Wear those ones.” He huffs. You giggle and immediately spring out of bed to put them on.
“Y/N?” You hear from the speaker on the phone, along with another low moan.
“Yeah?” You asked, feeling the warmth between your legs. You had already known what he was doing, but it was like the realization had just set in.
“Can you…. can you send pictures too? I wanna see how pretty you look in them.”
“Of course, Alex.” You giggled as you heard a sigh, presumably from the petname.
There was silence for a moment, with only the lewd sounds from your phone interrupting it.
“Y’know, Alex,” your voice was drawn out, seductive. “You don’t have to hide what you’re doing.”
“Huh?” He asked innocently.
“Just be honest with me, you’re not doing a very good job of hiding it, anyways.” A whimper came from his mouth.
“Fine, I’m..just- send me the pictures, please baby.” He pleaded. Your breath hitched at his whimpers and you clenched your thighs together in an attempt to create friction. Without hesitation, you went over to your body mirror and began taking photos. You took a ton of pictures, but only sent him the ones that looked best— the ones that were the most teasing. When they sent and you saw the “read” by your text message, you heard him say your name quietly. You giggled and your hand slowly traveled down to the waistband of your panties, toying with yourself. You slid a finger into your folds and moaned slightly, catching Alex’s attention and making him chuckle.
“You touchin’ yourself, doll?” He asked.
“Mhm..” you said shamelessly, he let out another chuckle.
You dipped two fingers into your, now wet, cunt. Moaning louder at the pleasure.
“Fuck, makin all these pretty sounds just for me, princess?” You nodded, despite knowing he wouldn’t see it.
“Need you, need you Alex..” You whined. “Need you so bad.”
“I need you too dolly, fuck…” he moaned. “Just a few more days, mm? You can handle that can’t ya?” He asked you.
“Don’ know..” you whimpered and curled your fingers inside of you, adding to your pleasure.
“You can do it for me.”
The rest of the call was filled with groans of pleasure coming from the both of you. You finished first, but Alex came quickly after due to you moaning his name. He couldn’t wait to get home.
The two of you fell asleep on call that night, and when you woke up, he was gone.
The next few days couldn’t have gone any slower. It was excruciating. You texted him every few hours.
“When will you be home?”
“Where are you now?”
“Can you ask the pilot to go faster?”
“Jk lol. Love you 🩶!”
It felt like ages before he got home, but when you heard that front door unlock and the sound of keys jingling, you sprinted to the living room.
Without warning, you ran towards him and pounced into his grasp. He stumbled back a bit, but then reciprocated the hug.
“Hey little missy, been a while.” He laughed. You only buried your face deeper into him.
“Whatdya say we go into the bedroom, hm? ‘Ts been a looong 2 weeks.” As soon as you heard his suggestion, your stomach erupted with butterflies.
You took him by his hand and led him to your shared room. He chuckled with delight at your persistence. You were so needy for him that nothing else mattered. He slipped his shirt off, leaving his beautiful figure exposed. You did the same swiftly, not saying a word.
“Needy, are we?” He teased. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll fuck you real nice.” You practically drooled over his words.
After the two of you were undressed, he laid you gently on the bed and towered over you. He leaned down, kissing you softly. Alex’s kissed trailed down your cheek, then your neck. Your collarbones, your chest—remembering to swirl his tongue around your nipple and earning a little moan from you. The man laughed against your chest, vibrating slightly around your nipple and sending shocks straight to your cunt.
He continued down until he was at your pelvic bone. Alex took his time kissing your hips, your thighs, and your abdomen. You pouted at his obvious teasing and grabbed a fistful of his hair in anticipation.
Finally, he kicked a stripe between your folds, making you jolt. He swirled his tongue in all of the right places, his mustache tickling your inner thighs. Eventually, his actions got himself painfully hard and he mindlessly began rutting against the side of the mattress while he was eating you out. You noticed this and encased him between your thighs, the knot in your stomach beginning to form.
He gripped your thighs tightly, fingernail marks being left in the supple flesh almost immediately. He ate you out like a starved man, and it felt so fucking good. He pulled his head out to look at the mess you’ve made, a string of juices connected to his lips and his chin glistening. He smiles proudly and spits on your cunt, making you clench around nothing.
Finally, the knot unravels. You find yourself in a complete state of bliss, cumming around nothing; putting a show on for Alex. He smiles brightly and chuckles at you.
“Look at that, doll! Came from just my tongue,” he says— almost brags. You whine and reach your hand out for him, already too fucked out to say anything.
“You’re so perfect, Y/N. So, so perfect..” he praised you, making you smile down at him through half-lidded eyes.
“Think you can go again?” He grinned innocently and you nodded.
He then got up and lined himself up with your pussy and thrusted himself inside of you. You moaned at the feeling, the feeling you had been yearning for.
He thrusted once more, your moans mixed with his and made a melodious sound— music to his ears.
He leaned above you, his metal dog tags against your chest. You locked eyes with him and pulled him down to kiss you, grabbing his hair eagerly. He kissed you back sloppily, your teeth clashing together. You could taste yourself on his tongue and lips and it was heavenly. He stayed pounding into you and his hands stayed glued to your hips so tightly you were sure they were going to leave bruises.
Not that you minded, though.
Only panting and filthy sounds were audible now, the two of you too lust-filled to say anything more. Finally, with one last brutal thrust, both you and Alex came, your juices mixing together. He pulled out and laid beside you, the empty feeling making you whine.
“Still not done yet, huh doll?” He asked in disbelief.
You shook your head frantically and turned on your side, pawing at him.
“I’m so exhausted, dolly,” he teased. You whimpered and propped yourself on top of him.
“If ya need to cum again, you gotta work for it.” He smirked at you.
You lowered yourself down on him and he choked back a moan, obviously enjoying how you used him.
Once he was bottomed out in you, you began bouncing on his cock. He groaned pleasurably and ghosted his hands on your figure.
You continue grinding and humping and doing everything in your power to make yourself cum on Alex’s cock, but he doesn’t even bat an eye. Why would he? He’s so sleepy, there’s nothing he can do about that. All he can do is watch you fuck your pretty self on his dick.
You intertwine your hands with him in an attempt to ground yourself as you slowly reach your high. You look at him with lust, begging him to fuck you and make you cum.
He grins at you and holds your hands tighter as you chase your climax, your pussy clenching around him.
He suppresses a moan as you continue to ride him, the feeling becoming unbearable. Finally, you cum for the third time and collapse onto him.
Alex holds you close and rubs the small of your back, his other hand gripping the soft flesh of your ass.
He’s glad to be home.
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stinkygirl009 · 5 months
Pretty Ribbon<3
Dallas X y/n
Warnings: Slight bondage k!nk? (if you squint)
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“Y’know’ you’re the only one who can do this…” Dallas said grumbling slightly embarrassed.
“I know, thank you.” You say smiling and kissed his chest. You sit up more comfortably on his lower stomach and grab your hair ribbon you took off Meir minutes ago. You look up at him, signaling him to put his wrists in front together. You lift up his hands and put the ribbon on his stomach and guided his hand back to rest on his stomach. Dally sighed and looked up at your peaceful gaze concentrated on tying the lace on his wrist. He wanted you to hurry but he knew not to rush you, that was one of the things you hated, feeling rushed in almost anything in general.
“Doll?” Dallas said quietly. “Hmm?” You look up.
“Why do you like this kinda stuff, huh?” He asked softly, he didn’t mean in a disrespectful way, he seemed genuinely curious. He honestly found it odd he never asked you before.
“I don’t know…I’ve always liked tying things, and hair ribbons, Y’know that kinda stuff..It just feels normal to me honestly.” You finished rapping the ribbon and made a little bow on it, you thought it would look nicer.
“Why do you let me do this on you?” You smiled laughing a bit. Dallas looked at the tight pretty ribbon on his rough wrists.
“Feels nice not doin’ all the work.” He continued staring to his wrist. He knows he won’t do this for anyone, because he’s already attached to you And there will be no one else, you’re his one and only.
A soft smile rests on your face, didn’t push for more details from him. “Y’know real men like ribbons on them.” You joke shifting your hands to find the latch of your bra. Dallas rolled his eyes at the comment but a faint smirk was visible on his face.
“Only f’you.”
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a shane brainrot prompt: “you wanna cum without my permission, princess? Well now you don’t get to stop cumming without my permission”
im begging (my shane feed has been so dry lately and you are single handedly feeding a community i absolutely love u)
This got long as hell and I have no apologies because Shane brain rot simply does things for me 😂 I love you guys lol, I do feel like I’m a farmer very late to feedings with how long some of these take to get to but like I’m doin my best with limited time 😂
Content warnings: Shane brain rot babes, it’s all Shane brain rot, very nsfw MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLEASE, bdsm stuff, Shane has a sir kink my mind can’t be changed but I welcome you trying, afab reader and parts
Shane and punishment for cumming without permission
He had been edging you for an hour at this point, a punishment for teasing him all day
Deserved? More then likely, fair? No
So you decided you just weren’t going to tell him when you were close this time and you came without his permission
“Princess, what was that, I know you didn’t just cum without asking, did you?”
The authoritative tone in his voice definitely made sure you knew you were fucked
You decided to go all in because fuck it, your already in trouble may as well try and lie your way out of it
“No sir”
A harsh smack landed on your ass
“Don’t lie to me”
“…..yes sir”
Next thing you knew he had gotten up from the bed
“Stay there”
Your in for a long night you’ve realized
He comes back in with a few different items before tying a blindfold around your eyes
“Ass up face down princess, your gonna learn not to lie to me tonight”
His tone left zero room for argument so you got in position
He made swift work of putting the spreader bar on you so you couldn’t close your legs, his belt wrapped around your arms keeping them behind your back
“You wanna cum without my permission, princess? Well now you don’t get to stop cumming without my permission”
He turns on the vibrator and presses it snugly against your clit before using some body safe tape to tape it to your thigh and keep it snug against you
“F-fuck sir please, I’m sorry” you feel like every nerve is on fire as he slams his cock inside your dripping cunt
“To late for that princess, fucking take it like a good girl yeah?”
A second orgasm washes over you quickly, you try to wriggle away but Shane’s hands on your hips slam you right back against him as you cry out
“Don’t run sweetheart, you wanted to cum, so cum”
One of his hands threads into your hair to pull you up, pushing your back into a harsher arch and making him feel impossibly deeper inside you
“Fucckkkkk please sir to much”
There’s tears streaming down your face as he lands another harsh smack on your ass, soothing his hand over the red mark as it blooms across your skin
“Shhhhhh princess, doing so fucking good for me, such a good little whore hmm?”
You can hardly think with how overstimulated you are, another orgasm quickly approaching
He wraps his hand around your neck and squeezes just enough to make your head spin as you cum again
“Fuck sweetheart, feel so fucking good around me, gonna make me cum in this tight little cunt”
Your whining loudly as his hips start to falter slightly in there rhythm, a tell tale sign he’s close
“Gonna fucking fill this slutty little pussy with my cum, you want that?”
Your nodding your head frantically against the pillow
“Then beg for it, or I’ll keep you here all night, tied up and ready to be used whenever I feel like it”
Through the amount of fog in your brain you muster up enough sense to follow orders
“Please… please sir fuck, w-want you to cum in me please”
He slams his cock into your cunt as hard and deep as he can as he cums
“Shit baby girl, did so fucking well for me princess”
Stays inside you for a few more moments
You whine in overstimulation as he pulls out, he turns off the vibrator and gently peels the tape off your skin, unbinding your arms and removing the spreader bar
“Stay there for a second love, I’ll be right back”
No arguments there because you feel absolutely boneless
His tone is soft as he puts the toys in a basket to be cleaned when he has a moment, he starts running you a hot bath
Soon he’s scooping you into his arms and gently sitting in the hot bubble bath with you, a bottle of water and a snack on the side of the tub
“You did so good for me love, does anything hurt?”
He’s always real sweet after intense scenes like this, gently washing your hair for you, massaging any sore spots, making sure your well hydrated and have a snack
After the bath he dries you off, puts one of his oversized shirts on you for bed and gently wraps you up like a little burrito before climbing into bed with you for plenty of cuddles and snuggles
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