#super junior kim jongwoon
cinnamaelfwon · 1 year
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Ho-ly smokes!! I cannot get over how STUNNING Yesung looks in these teaser photos 😭😢
(These are from the behind the scenes photoshoot vid)
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aesongies · 2 years
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yesung | small things mv
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theklaapologist · 11 months
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bobibobi-bo · 2 years
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akpopdump · 2 years
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kim jongwoon (yesung), super junior
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cloudsbrazil · 2 years
221116 Yesung estreia seu canal no YouTube! 💙
🎥🔗 youtube.com/@yessay_
Yessay = Yes(ung) say(diz)Ensaios artísticos apresentados pela voz artística (Yesung).Você quer visitar museus de arte junto com o Yesung do Super Junior? Agora é a hora!
Yesung vai compartilhar inspirações de livros, filmes, músicas, objetos de arte, arquitetura e histórias diárias com sua doce voz. Vamos juntos onde quer que seja, se for um lugar repleto de arte.
Os vídeos serão liberados toda quarta-feira às 10:00 AM (horário de Brasília).
Confira o vídeo teaser do canal liberado hoje, não esqueçam de curtir, se inscrever e deixar mensagens de apoio!
🔗 youtu.be/c3wV3wUbK8k
Vamos apoiar o Yesung nessa nova fase! 💙
Siga o canal e ative o sininho 🔔
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Red Velvet and the haunted dorms [Ft. Super Junior] - Chapter 1/1
This is one of many archived fanfics featuring 1st and 2nd generation K-pop acts that I've come across recently. It's all in good fun, and maybe a bit cringeworthy! Just to clarify, I don't post fanfics, so I hope to the people that post and read K-pop fanfics makes sense. Credits go out to the original creator plincess_cho. *Note: Nothing in their post will change (unless necessary), other than being posted here, and the (Link) will be provided to the page that i found it on.
Son Seungwan (Wendy), Kim Yerim (Yeri), Kang Seulgi, Bae Joohyun (Irene), Park Sooyoung (Joy), Kim Heechul, Choi Siwon, Cho Kyuhyun, Park Jungsoo (Lee Teuk), Kim Jongwoon (Yesung), Kim Ryeowook, Jeon Younghoon (Gunhee), Kim Taeyeon, Yook Sungjae, Kim Youngwoon (Kangin)
Red Velvet move into Super Junior's old dorms. But are their dorms really haunted like everyone says?
Chapter 1:
“Welcome to your new dorm!” the manager says. He keys a passcode into the lock and pushes the door open. The members of Red Velvet follow him into their new home. They set down their suitcases in the main living area and look around. They look through the kitchen, peek into the bedrooms, and all reconvene in the main area so the manager can dole out living arrangements.
“There are enough bedrooms for everyone to have their own room,” he says. “Irene, since you’re the leader, you can pick first.”
“This is such a nice dorm!” she comments as she tries to decide which room to take. “Thanks for getting this for us, manager Oppa.”
“They almost gave you a dorm on the eleventh floor, but I managed to convince them to give you this one instead,” the manager says.
“What was wrong with the eleventh floor?” Seulgi asks.
“It…” the manger searches for the right word, “had the vague smell of bean paste.”
The girls look at each other in confusion but say nothing. Instead, they set about choosing their rooms and unpacking their suitcases as they wait for the rest of their things to arrive.
“You moved into the old Super Junior dorms?” Sungjae says to Joy after a filming one day.
“I guess so?” Joy replies. “We’re on the sixth floor of the SM dorms in Gangnam, if that’s what you mean.”
Sungjae laughs. “Yep, that’s the one. I don’t want to freak you out or anything, but I’ve heard it’s haunted.”
“Haunted?” Joy exclaims. “What do you mean haunted?”
Sungjae shrugs. “That’s what Kangin said when he found out you were moving in. He said not to tell you but…”
“Haunted?” Wendy repeats. “Their dorm is haunted?”
Taeyeon nods, completely serious. “That’s what Heechul told me. He said that after all of the members moved out, their spirits will haunt the dorms forever.”
Wendy eyes her skeptically. “But that was… Heechul. Don’t you think he might have been teasing you?”
Taeyeon ignores her and continues, “He says that sometimes, there’d be reports of screams late at night. Or the television turning on and off without anyone touching it, stuff like that.”
Wendy doesn’t know what to believe so she says nothing. Maybe she’ll invest in some night lights.
“Is it true?” they ask their manager when they’re all back in the dorm for a dorm meeting.
“What?” the manager asks, looking up from his bowl of jjajjangmyeon.
“That our dorm is haunted,” Yeri says.
“This is Super Junior’s old dorm, isn’t it?” Wendy asks. “We’ve heard it’s… haunted.”
But their manager just laughs. “This dorm isn’t haunted. Super Junior probably just made up that rumour to scare you.”
The girls all look at each other. True, their Super Junior sunbaes do like to joke around, but would they joke around at their dongsaengs expense like this? Usually they play pranks on each other.
After their managers all leave, the girls have a powwow. “What do you think, Irene?” Seulgi asks. “It’s not haunted… right?”
“I think,” the leader says, “I think we should call Donghae. He’d tell us the truth about whether or not it was haunted.” She pulls out her phone and starts to dial when she remembers, “Oh, but he’s already left for the military. He won’t have his phone then I suppose.”
“Besides, Sungjae said that Kangin said that the dorms were haunted,” Joy adds, “so there’s really no use in calling them. I don’t think it’s actually haunted…” but her voice sounds unsure.
“I’ll guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” Wendy says.
They all change into their pyjamas and tuck themselves into bed. They all take the necessary precautions however; three members curl up with their trusty stuffed animals while two others plug in night lights before hitting the hay. You could never be too safe after all.
Yeri jolts out of bed to the sound of a high pitched scream. She sits up in bed, breathing heavily, and hopes it was just a horrible dream.
But then it comes again. “HIGH FIVE HAJIMA!”
"What on earth?" Yeri doesn’t know what to do. The voice doesn’t sound like any of her bandmates, but what if they’re in trouble? She gets out of bed and creeps over to the door. Nervously she peers out into the hallway, but there’s no one there. She flicks on the lights and walks through the empty hallway to Irene’s room. "The screaming seems to have stopped, but what made that sound?”
“Irene?” she calls, knocking on the door. “Are you awake?”
No response.
“Irene?” she knocks again while opening the door. Inside, her leader is fast asleep, holding tightly to a stuffed dolphin. “Irene?”
“HIGH FIVE HAJIMA!” the yell comes again.
“Irene!” Yeri exclaims, shaking Irene awake.
“What?!” Irene screams. She realizes who’s shaking her and calms down a bit. “Yeri, what’s wrong?”
“I keep hearing someone screaming,” she says. “And… it’s not any of our members.”
Irene tries to control her breathing. “Well, maybe the walls are thin. We are living in a dorm after all.”
Yeri grabs onto Irene and they cling to each other in terror. They hear footsteps echoing down the hall as Seulgi and Wendy come to join them.
“Should we call someone?” Wendy asks.
“But who would we call?” Seulgi asks.
They stay up half the night waiting for the scream to come again, but they don’t hear the screams again. The four finally fall into a fitful sleep on Irene’s small bed, and when they wake up, they’re sore and tired. They stumble into the kitchen to find Joy eating a bowl of cereal.
“Good morning,” she greets them cheerfully before her brows furrow in concern, “What happened to you guys?”
“You didn’t hear the screaming?” Wendy asks.
Joy looks at them quizzically. “No. What screaming?”
The other four exchange looks. Had they made the whole thing up?
Wendy sits down in the chair in the dressing room as one of the coordi unnie's starts working on her hair. She pulls out a brush and some hairspray and sets about styling Wendy’s hair.
“Unnie?” Wendy asks hesitantly. “You used to be one of the coordinoonas for Super Junior right?”
“For a little while, yes,” she replies.
“Did they… did they ever say anything about… about their dorm being haunted?” she asks.
The coordi unnie just laughs. “They say a lot of things, honey. You never know with those kids, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were spreading rumors.”
“But they’re just rumors, right?”
The coordi unnie stops brushing out Wendy’s hair to look at her in the mirror. “Of course they’re just rumours! None of the dorms are haunted.”
Wendy is about to protest and recount the story of the phantom screaming, but she decides against it. Maybe it was just a rumour.
Besides the screams, other weird things seem to be happening. Every time they come back to the dorm, some piece of furniture is out of place. They often find the television on, always tuned to a Super Junior show. Weird things tend to go missing: first, it’s Yeri’s t-shirt. Then it’s the egg from Wendy’s bibimbap. Joy’s earphones disappear the day after.
“We probably just left them somewhere,” Irene tries to say.
“Or the ghosts took them,” Yeri says seriously.
Joy doesn’t know what to believe. Sure, she’s heard the rumours about their dorm being haunted, but she just can’t believe what her members are saying about the screams and the furniture.
“And it was yelling ‘high five hajima’?” she asks again. “That… that doesn’t even make sense.”
“Ghosts don’t make sense,” Yeri informs her solemnly. “Their logic is different from ours.”
“Yeri, you don’t actually believe there are ghosts in our dorm, do you?”
Yeri just shrugs.
“If there are really ghosts, how did Super Junior deal with them?” Joy asks.
“It’s Super Junior,” Irene replies. “The ghosts were probably afraid of them.”
The other members nod in agreement. They always knew when Super Junior were around because they were always so loud and boisterous. More than one of the managers had described them like a hurricane. “They’re loud, noisy, and they cause a lot of damage.”
“You haven’t heard the screaming again have you?” she asks.
The other members all exchange glances and shake their heads.
“Not yet anyways,” Seulgi says solemnly.
That night, Joy tucks herself into bed after a long day. All she wants to do is relax before another day of filming. She reaches over to turn off the light and closes her eyes. She’s nearly asleep when she feels something wet on her cheek.
She opens her eyes and looks around. She convinces herself it’s nothing and closes her eyes again.
“It’s nothing,” she tells herself. “Nothing.”
Drip drip drip.
Joy turns over and turns on the light. She’s alone in the room and there’s no sign of water anywhere. Where could it be coming from? She looks up at the ceiling but finds nothing. She crawls back into bed and squeezes her eyes tightly, trying to forget what the members had said about the dorm being haunted.
She falls asleep, but only for a few moments. She wakes up to a torrent of water and comes up sputtering. She screams as flails her arms for the light but when she turns it on, there’s no one there.
“Joy! Joy! Are you okay?” Irene bursts into her room. She sees Joy sitting up in bed, completely drenched. “What happened to you?”
“Somebody—somebody poured water on me!” Joy replies.
“Who?” Irene asks. “There’s nobody here.”
“I told you the dorm was haunted,” Yeri says, coming up behind Irene.
“It’s not…” Joy’s voice trails off.
“How else can you describe how you’re sopping wet if no one else dropped water on you?” Seulgi asks.
“That’s it,” Irene announces. “I’m calling Siwon. We need him to pray the ghosts away.”
“But, but he’s in the army,” Wendy says. “I’ll call Taeyeon and see if she can help us. Maybe she can reach Siwon.”
Taeyeon could not reach Siwon but she promises to send over the next best thing. A little while later, the girls open the door to someone shorter, skinnier, and more weirdly dressed than Siwon would ever dare to be.
“Someone called for an exorcist?” Heechul says, lifting the tip of his multi-coloured cowboy hat.
The girls all nod solemnly.
“Well, you’ve come to the right place. Exorcist assistant!” he bellows over his shoulder.
Another man walks in, carry a large duffel bag and looking someone less than amused.
“Who is that?” Seulgi whispers to Wendy. “He’s cute.”
“I think that’s his hairdresser, Gunhee,” she whispers back.
“He has his own personal hairdresser?”
“It’s Heechul.”
“Now in order to perform a proper exorcism, I need space to work,” Heechul says, motioning towards their kitchen table. The girls scurry to clean off the dishes while Gunhee sets the duffel bag on the cleared space. Heechul starts pulling a variety of random objects out of the bag, including a tub of bean paste, a Frozen Anna pillow, an Asuka doll, a can of corn (imported), a cat’s chew toy, Siwon’s Mr. Simple album, a stuffed lobster plushie, several large posters of himself, and a whole pile of shoelifts. The girls watch in amazement as he sets the items on the table. Gunhee just rolls his eyes.
“Watch the master,” he says, brandishing one of the shoelifts with a flourish.
First, he hangs up a poster of himself in each room in their dorm except the bathroom (“The humidity will ruin it”). Then, he sets the lobster plushie on the sofa (“I’d wash the slipcover after this,” Gunhee whispers to them. “You don’t want to know where that’s been”), the Anna pillow on Yeri’s bed, the Asuka doll next to Wendy’s teddy bear, and the Mr. Simple album on the coffee table. He starts humming as he opens the tub of bean paste and leaves it out next to all of their shoes (“But then our shoes will smell!” Irene protests. Heechul gives her a look and replies, “Don’t question my methods”). Finally, he tosses the cat’s chew toy onto the floor, sets the can of corn on the window sill, and starts sticking the shoelifts in any corner he can find.
“There,” he says, stepping back to admire his handiwork. “You’re safe.”
“Th-th-thank you, Heechul,” the girls say, somewhat bewildered at the weird scene that had just taken place.
Heechul makes Gunhee gather up the duffel bag and they bid the girls goodnight.
“Will that work?” Joy asks, the towel still around her shoulders.
“I hope so,” Irene replies. “Come on, let’s all get to bed.”
And sure enough, Heechul’s weird methods do work. Nobody hears any more screaming and nobody wakes up drenched from a ghost. The girls finally start to relax and almost get used to tucking their shoes in plastic bags to avoid the smell of the bean paste. They nearly forget about their haunted dorm until one night late in January, the girls wake up to the sound of arguing. To the sound of male voices arguing. They all cluster in the hallway and tiptoe towards the source of the noise.
At first, they don’t see anyone, but as they tiptoe closer, they find a group of guys sitting in the kitchen, arguing loudly.
“No no, listen to me, first, we buy up all of the entertainment companies—with Siwon’s credit card of course. That way we can we over public opinion,” one voice says.
“Who gives a damn about public opinion? If we really want to take over Korea, we need an army, not just the public,” another interjects.
“The public can be an army!” a third protests. “If we combine our fans with TVXQ’s fans, we have an army right there.”
“Really we need the members in the army to start gathering recruits. So we have Eunhyuk in active duty, Siwon and Donghae in the police force, and Sungmin and Shindong in the military band.”
“Don’t forget about Yunho and Changmin. They’re in on this too.”
“So if we enlist the army, our fans, Kyuhyun’s gamer friends—”
“What about my gamer friends?”
“Fine, those too. If we effectively gather all of these groups plus the citizens, we can effectively begin our campaign to take over South Korea.”
Without thinking, Joy exclaims, “What?!”
The voices stop at once as everyone turns to face Joy.
“I… you’re… taking… Korea…” she stutters.
The boys all rise from the kitchen floor where they were sitting and turn to face the girls. They now realize it’s all of the non-enlisted Super Junior members. Leeteuk’s holding a giant map of Korea with military-style flags pinned at key cities, Kyuhyun is holding an elaborate set of charts, while Heechul carries what looks to be his cat.
“What are you doing here?” Yesung asks.
“We… we live here!” Wendy says, her voice squeaking.
“You live here? Since when?” Kyuhyun demands.
“Since… since you moved out!” Irene replies.
“Oh,” the boys say.
“Damn it! We did it again!” Leeteuk says. “Wrong dorm!”
The boys all quickly gather up the charts and maps (and cats) and hurry out the door, bowing their apologies as they leave. “Our apologies,” Leeteuk says. He bows deeply before shutting the door behind them.
The girls stand in awe for a long while.
“Did they—”
“Are they really—”
“What just happened?”
“I’m going back to bed.”
The next day, the girls wake up to find their dorm exactly as it had been before Heechul “exorcised” it. Gone are the shoelifts in odd places. Gone is the tub of bean paste by their shoes. Gone are the posters of Heechul, his random dolls and pillows, and the lobster. Gone is the Mr. Simple album. And gone is the can of imported corn.
Their manager hurries them off to a music show. They hurriedly change into their stage outfits and find the styling room to sit in the chairs to let their coordis to their hair.
Then, like a hurricane of chaos, the Super Junior members enter the shared styling room yelling and pushing each other. The noise is almost deafening and the girls are all momentarily frightened, but the coordis continue as if nothing ever happened.
Heechul comes over to chat with the girls. “It’s the booyah kids!” he exclaims.
“Hi, Heechul,” they say in unison.
“Uhm, Heechul,” Irene ventures. “What… what exactly were you doing at our dorm last night?”
Leeteuk wanders over and wiggles his eyebrows. “Ohh, what was Heechul doing at your dorm last night?”
“You were there, Leeteuk. You should know!” Wendy says.
Both boys look confused. “We weren’t at your dorm last night.”
“You… yes, you were!” Yeri insists. “You were all sitting around the kitchen with all these maps and charts explaining how you were going to take over South Korea!”
The boys all look at each other and start high-fiving. “Yeah! Let’s take over South Korea!”
“And I’ll be the leader!” Kyuhyun announces proudly.
“Shut up, maknae, if anyone’s being the leader, it’s definitely going to be me!” Heechul exclaims.
The boys all start discussing how much fun it would be to actually take over Korea, but the poor Red Velvet members still need something resolved.
“Wait!” Irene shouts over all the noise. The boys quiet down. “So you weren’t at our dorm last night?”
“No!” they all exclaim.
“And you haven’t been moving our furniture or stealing our things or screaming in the middle of the night or throwing water on us?”
“Of course not,” Ryeowook replies. “Why would we do that?”
The Red Velvet members all exchange worried glances. “Then… then our dorm really is haunted.”
“But what about the exorcism Heechul did?” Seulgi asks.
“Woah, I’m not Siwon, I don’t do exorcisms,” Heechul replies. “Though really, neither does he so…”
Wendy, Irene, Seulgi, Yeri, and Joy look from the boys to each other.
“The dorm must really be haunted.”
Kyuhyun sidles up next to them. “So tell me about this plan the ghost version of us had to take over South Korea…”
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Kim Jong Woon (Super Junior) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: The Dark Mansion Tarot
Spread: Kinky*
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Kim Jong Woon
Stage Name: Yesung
Group: Super Junior
Masterpost: Super Junior
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Kim Jong Woon
Yesung (Super Junior)
Deck: The Dark Mansion Tarot
Spread: Kinky*
Position - IV The Emperor
Yikes! Didn’t see that coming! Okay… Yesung is a dom, like completely a dom in a relationship and he expects to be respected as such. He’s likely a perfectionist and his home has strict rules and order in everything. He’s not a fan of dramatic scenes or tantrums.
Libido - Queen of Pentacles
Yesung likes to be pampered and spoiled with luxury and everything that’s beautiful, soft and delicious. His bedroom is clinically clean and neat and everything is in matching colours. Yesung is absolutely scrupulous about the environment and won’t become passionate if the surroundings is a dirty mess. He likes a romantic atmosphere, good food, lengthy foreplay and he’s more on the traditional side of a spectrum when it comes to love making. He’s likely not into experiments and anything too acrobatic.
Turn On - Page of Swords
Yesung is likely to feel attracted to someone bright, smart and with a sharp tongue. He likes to be challenged in discussion and prefers a lover who has brains and can talk with him about a variety of subjects. Yesung himself might sometimes slip into a melancholic mood and he’s likely to seek someone optimistic, a person that sees something good in everything to cheer Yesung up.
Kink - IX The Hermit
Yesung is likely to truly enjoy the homely, intimate moments with his lover when they are all alone, in the comfort of their place, with their dogs, drinking coffee or tea, talking about everything and nothing, laughing together and eventually indulging in long make out leading to sensual love making.
Dirtiest Secret* - 0 The Fool
Yesung truly turns into a cute fool when he falls in love and for a certain time he’s likely to wear rose glasses and become completely intoxicated by his love. He’s more in love with being in love than with the person, sometimes. However, that’s only a short term state and Yesung is actually a deeply caring partner and he’s the type of man to become a life long companion for the right person, devoted and loving forever and ever.
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Having a Youtube Channel together - Super Junior reaction
Summary |  I think the title says it all...
Genre | fluff.
Warnings | none
Pairing | reader x members
WC |
Note | Requested by anon
Note| Sorry it took so long.
I will post on Wednesdays and Saturdays
Masterlist / Request Rules / Upcoming
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Leeteuk loves to make videos with you. Sometimes he would tease you by the fact that the fans are only watching because of him but he came back from that statement when the fans asked for you. So here you are, sitting next to Leeteuk for your first appearance on the channel. ''What are the plans anyway?'', you ask him. Leeteuk announced a few days ago that he would do a Q&A with you so that the fans could send in questions.
A while into the video he just backs up because you are taking over his spot, you answer almost every question the fans asked and he can't help but love it. He watches you in a very natural but funny way interact with the fans and he can't wish for a better girlfriend.
''I guess this was my channel, it's been taken over by Y/N'', he announced before saying goodbye making you chuckle.
''What?. It is true'', he says and he gives you a kiss on the cheek.
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Heechul would sometimes forget that he has a Youtube Channel, so he lets you have control over it. You tried to film some daily vlogs with him, but Heechul just didn't listen or forgot you were even filming.
''Babe, we can make a video about us kissing all the time''.
Heechul starts laughing. ''Well they want a daily vlog, this is what I do''.
You just shake your head and continue to try some things for the channel. You came up with the idea to play a game with him. He agrees but told the fans that he is probably going to lose.
''Where did we meet?'', you ask him while sitting next to him. Heechul thinks for a while, faking his posture, and suddenly blurts out the right answer.
''Hah, I'm better at this than I thought''.
You roll your eyes. ''Game is not over yet you dork, 15 questions to go''.
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His channel is mainly about him walking around Seoul, taking pictures of everything and you are the one making it into a video. Always with him next to you to give you instructions.
''I think it is time to put you in a video'', he says as you both walk into a bookstore. You wanted to buy a few books for a while now. ''No, never gonna happen''. Without your consent, Yesung films you for a while, hoping you will like it once it is transformed into a video.
''When did you film this?'', you ask while sitting behind the laptop with him across from you on the couch. ''Well...''.
''Let's be honest babe, you are amazing, the fans always ask for you. Why don't we run this channel together huh?. Including yourself in videos os that the fans get to know you too''.
You think about it for a while but you agree when you see Yesung sitting in front of you with a pout on his lips.
''Are you really 37?''.
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You were both crazy about tech stuff. Always buying or trying new stuff in your house. Shindong is known for putting it out on Youtube, but you are the one searching for the stuff he actually films.
''Babe, I need your help'', he says while you came into the room, not used to the fact that he calls you babe while filming you stand behind the camera.
''This doesn't work'', he mumbles. Defeated after trying so many times.
You chuckle, not wanting to even appear on the screen you try to check what is wrong with the device behind the camera. ''Babe, come on! The fans love you'', he mumbles, urging you to come and stand in front of the camera. Reluctantly you appear next to him, you wave to the camera and take the device out of his hand.
''Maybe you should try and turn on the device instead of doing whatever you were doing''. You give it back to him, laughing at his attempt of hiding the blush on his cheeks.
''I guess I need her 24/7 guys''.
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Daily vlogs are a thing on his channel. He loves to make them, but not without you. He wants to include you so he sets up the camera without you knowing that it is there and he calls you.
Once you arrive you just sit across from him at the table. ''What is this?'', you ask, looking at the noodle packages on the table. ''Well, I thought let's try some new ones''.
''You called me just to try a new kind of noodles?''.
Eunhyuk nods and places a bowl in front of you. ''This one is with vegetables, eggs, and kind of spicy''.
You don't trust anything he says so you stare at him until he feels your eyes burning on his face. ''What?'', he asks, munching on the noodles.
''Where is the camera?''. Eunhyuk denies that there is a camera.
''Alright, then one month no-''.
''Okay, it is there'', he points at the corner of the kitchen. You smile at him and start eating your noodles. ''You are lucky that I love you''.
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That Siwon uses his channel a lot is an understatement. He asks you every day to join him but you refuse. It is his channel, not yours.
''We can make it ours, a channel for us both. I will include you in videos that you like''.
You thought about it for a while and you agreed to it on one condition. ''I decide which video it is going to be''.
Siwon makes sure that you only appear in the videos or social media you want to appear in. For example, the one when he is on his way to a business meeting. He wants you with him, just for support.
''Y/N is over here, making sure I behave myself''.
You smile at the camera, noticing it is an Instagram live where people can ask questions. ''Someone asks why you are so quiet?''.
''Because I'm a quiet person'', you answer honestly.
''And she is very honest, she didn't even like the name I wanted to give my Youtube Channel''.
''Come on, Y/NSiwon is so lame''.
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He loves to show you off on camera. He always includes you in videos, depends of course if he is working or just casually filming. When he goes out for dinner, he wants you to join him. Always trying out new things or restaurants. When he is just casually filming but working at the same time, he wants you to be there but behind the scenes, sometimes mentioning you.
''The fans love you, you know that right?'', he says after putting his phone away. You are eating dinner at one of your favorite restaurants and he recently uploaded a video with you in it on Youtube.
''I know, but still...they had you first'', you chuckle, making him laugh.
''True, but they also know that I love you very much and I honestly think that my channel will become a 'We love Y/N' channel''.
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He is known for filming himself a lot, making videos just talking, and letting fans know what is going on. One thing he didn't show them yet is you, and he honestly thinks that the time is right. You both are at a hotel and you just stand on the balcony to admire the view.
''And here we have Y/N, say hi to the camera''.
You startle when he is shoving the camera in your face, you regain your posture and wave to the camera. Ryeowook looks at you with puppy eyes, knowing you don't like it but he is hoping you will make an exception once or twice.
Once he is done filming he crawls into bed with you. ''Why don't you film yourself cooking?. You are an amazing cook, and maybe you can compete with Kyuhyun'', you mumble as you crawl closer to him.
''That is an excellent idea, but I want you to film it and try the food on screen''.
''Alright, I can compromise with not being talking on the screen right?''. He nods and he falls asleep dreaming about a name for your new combined channel.
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He loves watching fans' comments. Talking to them is something he enjoys doing. He gets a lot of questions about you and he promised to have you in the next video.
''She is home, but she is doing the laundry and after that, she will join me in the video. So if you have any questions for her or for me you can send them in''.
After a while you sit down next to him, waving to the camera and greeting everybody. ''I have a question for you''.
''Oh my, what is it?''.
''Why do you like Kyuhyun?''.
You raise your eyebrows. Not wanting to explain all of it, you just mention he is a great cook.
''That is it?''. You nod and you playfully stick out your tongue. Kyuhyun makes a note to get revenge for this, but he also loves it when you make jokes and tease him with the fans present. It means to him that you are comfortable with him and being on camera.
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He likes to film daily vlogs, but also Q&As with fans. Sometimes he just switches a video off to log in on social media to ask questions from fans. Most questions are about him, but some are about you and he can't help but want you to join him one time.
While you both are lying on the couch, he turns on Instagram Live and waits for the fans to arrive one by one. Some of them already sending in some questions. He holds it close to him, not showing the fans that you are actually next to him.
''I have a surprise for you guys'', he moves his phone towards you, you just wave at the screen, hoping you won't miss anything important on your favorite series. ''She is watching Stranger Things at the moment''.
''Someone asks who your bias is in Super Junior?''.
You put your head on his shoulder making yourself comfortable.
''Leeteuk'', you whisper.
''Not me?'', he asks fake gasping and pointing to himself.
''Guess this was it, no Y/N in my videos anymore''.
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bowieisworried · 2 years
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YESUNG | Mango
13 notes · View notes
cinnamaelfwon · 1 year
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The way I audibly gasped when I saw Yesung's most recent Insta story & post ❤
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aesongies · 2 years
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yesung | happier @ smcu palace 2023
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moon-bling-gyu · 3 years
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Yesung in Super Junior: Callin' Teaser #1
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I'm not obsessed, YOU'RE obsessed.
I swear he's killing me.
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akpopdump · 2 years
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kim jongwoong (yesung), super junior
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Yesung fanfic pt. 3
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You had 2 more panic attacks since the last one, probably about a week and a half apart this time. Both due to the fact you had to go up a ladder onto a narrow flimsy platform and complete a task for work. Which honestly would have been fine, if you weren’t afraid of heights. After mastering the art of working on all the other platforms you figured this one would be easy since it wasn’t as tall as the tallest one.
Anyway, as you had gone up to the top to push the buttons, you couldn’t hold it in and the tears just came out. You were breathing but it was shaky. Trying to calm down enough to do the job, you did the best you could and then got down off the platform. Standing at the bottom of the ladder for a few minutes as you were still trying to calm your breathing and stop shaking so much. A couple employees on the way by asked what happened, you just told them nothing happened. They couldn’t find out about the panic attacks that had plagued you since 4th grade because that would be one more thing for them to use against you in any attempt to get you fired. Since you had been doing another task before the platform, you went back to that. You were shaky and felt a little wobbly while walking and you weren’t able to calm down much until you got done with the shift.
You weren’t going to tell your boyfriend about these, you figure he’d heard enough about them. You didn’t want to bother him with your problems again. You knew he would get tired of hearing about everything wrong with you soon. Then he would start distancing himself from you before finally breaking up with you. You didn’t want that, but you also didn’t want him to miss out on things he wanted to do because of you and your ridiculous reasons. So you kept your word to yourself and kept it from him.
Maybe you should have told him though.
On the day of your weekend date, your boyfriend Yesung showed up about an hour and a half earlier than you agreed on to make sure you two had everything you needed. You locked your house and made your way to his car.
“Are we going on a picnic?”
He turned his head to looked at you, he looked surprised. Like he didn’t think you would know or you spoiled the surprise.
“I’m so sorry if I spoiled the surprise, I saw the basket getting in.”
“Yes, that was the plan. If you don’t want to then we can do something else.”
“NO! …I want to do this with you. If the plan was to go on a picnic then let’s do that. I’ve never been on a real picnic before.”
Yesung smiled as he started his car and headed out of your driveway. You were so cute like this, he wanted to take care of and protect you. You could be so vulnerable even though you were also very emotionally and mentally strong. He loved you so much, more than you would ever know.
45 minutes later he starts to slow down near what looks like a rundown country back road, then he turns down it. You weren’t familiar with the area, so you just looked out the window to see if there were any different landmarks or flowers or anything. Sadly the outside looked pretty plain.
Why would he bring me here? Is there something special hidden here?
Yesung slowed to a stop and parked in a small gravel parking area. He turned to look at you, and seeing that you seemed to be distracted he gently put his hand on yours. Startled, you jumped a little.
“I didn’t know you would jump. Are you afraid of me?”
“No, I was just a little distracted, that’s all.
Yesung looked at you with so much love in his eyes, you knew you didn’t deserve him. He held both of your hands in his, squeezing them.
“If you don’t want to do this today, or you want to do something else then you need to let me know, ok? We can do this a different day or you can pick an activity you’d like instead of this. There is a picnic but there’s more to it. I don’t want to push you because I know it makes you uncomfortable but there is a certain amount of time we have for this and once we get out of the car and start this we can’t come back until it’s time to go. So are you sure you’re ok with this?”
He looks at you, patiently waiting for your answer. His hands are so warm, gently rubbing his fingers back and forth over your knuckles. You really want to do this with him, even though you aren’t sure why he’s suddenly acting like this. He looks at you again and opens his mouth to say something else.
“I’ll be here with you the whole time, and if you want to hold my hand or squeeze my arm then go ahead. I hope this isn’t scary for you because it’s something I’ve really wanted to do.”
“Is it ok if I say I’ll try? I want to see what this is and I want to do fun things with you. I know it will be scary at first but I’ll get better at it, right?”
“That’s perfectly fine. Now should we start?”
You nodded. Grabbing your sweater and your little purse, you stepped out of his car onto the gravel. Glad you wore flat sandals, the gravel is a bit uneven. He gets out his door and walks around to the other side and reaches out for your hand. You let Yesung hold it, you’re nervous but also a little excited. This is your first real date with your boyfriend and you want it to go well, you want to have fun.
The gravel pathway ends in a few minutes to reveal a large grassy field. It’s a little dry, but not enough to start a fire, which was great to you because you were absolutely terrified of fires and anything that could start or cause them.
Yesung looks at you a few times to see how you’re doing, checking your face and gestures for any signs of nervousness or some panic attack/anxiety symptoms he had read up on. He was hoping you would be ok with this but he wanted to help as much as he could in case you started to panic. He wanted to be the best and only (if things went his way) boyfriend you would ever have.
As you start getting closer to your destination before you have your picnic, you get a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. You feel like you’re going to be sick, so you open your mouth to take some deep breaths, telling yourself it’s fine, you’ll be ok. Sometimes to overcome a fear, you have to go towards it and deal with it in person. That was a simple thought you had told yourself before and it had always helped. The minute you saw all the balloons laying around you felt your heart skyrocket into your throat. You stopped suddenly, unknowingly worrying Yesung.
“Are you ok? Do you need to do something else?”
You tried to calm yourself by taking more deep breaths. Then you turned to him, “it’s ok, I think I’ll be fine. I’m just afraid of heights. I’ve dealt with high places at work a few times, it should be fine.”
You said that, yet you didn’t move any closer. Yesung held your hand a little tighter, trying to comfort you again. You hated being like this, holding him back from so many things. And you were nothing to look at either, like he could have any idol, model, actress he wanted. You were just disappointing him.
Yesung starts walking again, lightly pulling your hand behind him. He smiles at you, and again he promises to be there right next to you the whole time. You take one more deep breath and follow after him. You want to get over this and if he can help you, you’re going to let him. You stop in front of one of the balloons getting ready to take off and Yesung gets in first.
“Grab my hand and hold tight, ok?” He extended his hand towards you to help you into the balloon-since it was already off the ground a little. You looked at him with glassy eyes, the tears of fright threatening to come out.
‘It’s ok, he said he’ll be right here. If I need to get back down I’ll tell him and we’ll go back down. That’s how it works. I’ll be fine. Just get in and spend time with your boyfriend. Just do it!’
Before you could think anything else you close your eyes tight and grab his hand. Yesung grabs your hand with both of his and he pulls you up into the balloon. You still have your eyes closed after you get in, so he puts his hand on your shoulder gently.
“You can open your eyes now, we’re in the balloon.”
You tighten your grip on his hand and slowly open your eyes, first the right eye and then the left. You are surprised at the view in front of you. Yesung picked the perfect time of day to see the sunset.
“It’s beautiful! I’ve never seen the sky so pretty like this before. Thank you for planning this, Yesung. I love it!”
He was happy to see you enjoying this. He was also hoping it would last for a while, like until the end of your date. You still had your hand in his, holding onto it like you thought he was going to disappear from your side.
“If you want to let go, you can. Not that I want you to, but maybe to give your hand a little break?”
“Oh, s-sorry about that. I’m still kinda nervous.”
Yesung turned to you, slowly shaking his head while he carefully put one hand on either side of your face. Gently holding your head, looking at you like you were the most precious person in the world to him, he brings his face closer to yours.
“Please stop telling me you’re sorry, and you have no reason to be nervous. You’re a strong woman, right? And you have me with you, I promise you’ll be fine. Ok?”
You went to look down at your feet but he stopped you. “And stop looking down, please. I know how you feel, I really do. But stop putting yourself down, and look at me. If you only look at me the whole time we’re up here to help calm your nerves then do that. Please believe me, you are a wonderful person and your past does not define you. Anything that happened to you before we met, forget about it.” He leaned a little closer and lightly kissed your forehead.
You just nodded at his request. “Ok, I’ll try.”
Yesung smiled again, kissing your forehead a second time. “There we go, that’s my brave girl.”
You felt he was overdoing it but you were up here for him. Hoping this would help you with your fear of heights was the only thought in your head. Then you noticed the balloon was going higher, almost to the point you could see the mountain tops clearly. Your stomach churned, suddenly gripping Yesungs’ forearm. You started shaking and you felt like you had something caught in your throat, like it was blocking your airway.
You tried to move his arm a little. To get his attention. You needed the balloon to go back down now, the sooner the better. You didn’t want to have a panic attack during your first date.
“Yesung..” your voice came out almost a whisper; he didn’t hear you.
Putting more effort into your grip and moving his arm a little more, you tried again. “Yesung, please. I need to go back down now. Please.”
This time he looked at you, concern was all over his face. He turned towards you, leaning in.
“Are you ok? Why do you need to go back down? What happened?”
“I-I’m starting to have one of those, those things I told you I get sometimes. I don’t want to ruin our date and it’s really cool that I finally got to do this but I’m too high up and I need to go back down now. Please. I don’t want to cause an issue up here.”
Yesung looked disappointed, but you think he understood. He turned to the man controlling the balloon and asked him if the balloon could be let back down now. The man acted angry, something about he paid for a certain time slot or paid a certain amount and there’s still time left. You could hear him telling the guy he’d make it up to him somehow, but that you needed to go back down, you had something else to do now. He apologized to the man, and finally the guy started adjusting the balloon so it would go back down.
‘It’s ok, you’ll be back on the ground in a bit. Just hold on.’
You could see the balloon starting to get lower and you got excited to be on the ground again. This also meant you could start your picnic. And you couldn’t wait for that.
Your temporarily calm state was brutally interrupted when you started to hear something popping. Like popcorn, but louder. Your head whipped around to see where the noise was coming from. You saw Yesung talking to the man again, asking him what happened. The man just kept shaking his head, and you got worried. Was the balloon going to have a crash landing? Were you going to make it?
Soon after the popping had started you saw sparks fly. You grabbed the side of the basket as hard as you could to try steadying yourself. You were shaking now more than you had on the platform, you were so scared. Sparks create fire, fire can damage so many things and cause accidents. Your thoughts spiraled down into the depths of worry and tragedy, and soon there was a loud bang. Looking up at where the sparks had been, you saw a fire. There was a fire in the hot air balloon you were in. You were terrified, you had to get down, away from the fire. But you couldn’t move. All you could do was stare in horror at the fire.
You tried to get away, tried to back away from the fire but you couldn’t. At this point you were just pressing yourself into the side of the basket. Your thoughts were irrational now, frantically trying to figure out how to get away. Yesung was trying to help the man with the balloon mechanisms to get back down onto the ground and find a way to extinguish the fire. Unfortunately he was so focused on other things that he didn’t see you panicking.
‘If I jump off the side of the basket and curl up into a tiny ball, I should be able to make it. Right?’
You, someone afraid of dying since you were a child, was actually considering risking your life to get away from a fire. Ironic, isn’t it? In the midst of your thoughts you heard an even louder bang, so you turned to see what it was. The fire had almost doubled in size, and you could see the two men frantically trying to fix things. You could only see the fire, and the next loud bang you heard, your hands went over your ears and you just screamed.
You had ruined the first date with your boyfriend. You didn’t want to, and you didn’t mean to. He wasn’t going to want to finish the date when you got down (if you got down) and he would probably break up with you soon after. You didn’t want them to see you crying so you bent your head down-your forehead touching your knees- and you cried. You cried and sniffled and sobbed, you thought you were going to die because they hadn’t figured out the problems yet.
They finally got the balloon back onto the ground, and some of the others who had been on the ground after their trips rushed over to help with extinguishing the fire. Yesung looked around for you before he saw you on the floor of the basket. You looked like you were sleeping. But based on how you were acting earlier, you had probably passed out or blacked out from the stress and the fear. Carefully walking over to you, he picked you up bridal style like he did once before and carried you out of the balloon.
He thanked people for their offers of helping him help carry you but he politely declined. They walked away and he continued to carry you back to his car. Fumbling to retrieve his keys from his pocket, he realized he would have to set you down for a bit. Yesung sighed. You were sleeping so peacefully, he didn’t want to disturb you.
“I’m sorry, princess. I have to put you down for a little bit to get my keys out. I’m going to put your feet on the ground and lean your body on mine, ok?”
He slowly put you back onto the ground and propped your body against his. He knew you probably didn’t hear him, but he still wanted to let you know so you didn’t get scared. You were so fragile, he felt bad for you. But he was also glad you two had met, because now he could take care of you.
He got his keys out and unlocked the back door, gently sitting you down on the back seat. He quietly closed the door and walked around to the other side, pulling out his phone in the process.
He called the only person in the group he could trust right now.
“Hey, Leeteuk. I have a favor to ask.”
“Oh? Is that you, Yesung? What’s going on?”
“This needs to stay a secret,ok? Remember when I told you about my girlfriend? The very shy one? We had an incident on our date and I want to be in the back with her, but then I can’t drive her home. Can you come over here and drive us back please? Oh, and she had said she wanted to meet Shindong too so could you bring him along? Maybe he can sit in the back with her until she wakes up. Just don’t tell the other members yet. And don’t tell the company either, please.”
“Alright, I can do that. You’re lucky, we just got done with our fanmeet, so we can probably sneak out. I’ll grab Shindong and tell him something to get him out.”
“Thank you so much. I owe you big time.”
Yesung hung up his call and sent Leeteuk his location, then got into the back with you. He leaned you over onto himself and put your head on his chest, since he remembered that helped you relax last time. He slowly ran his hand through your hair, whispering sweet things that you couldn’t hear.
“You’re ok now, honey. I said I would be with you the whole time and I was. I’m so sorry we couldn’t get you down sooner, and I will regret that forever. You didn’t ruin the date though, alright? The ballon did. It’s all the balloon’s fault. I called my friends and they’ll be here soon to help me take you home ok? And we can put the picnic stuff away for now and have it when you feel better. I’m sorry I didn’t know fire and heights were so scary for you, I’ll make sure to ask about your fears the next time I plan a date for us. You think we’re going to break up because of this but I told you before, that won’t happen. So don’t think about things like that, alright?”
Leeteuk and Shindong showed up in about 15-20 minutes from the time Yesung called them, and after explaining to them what happened they helped him. Yesung handed Leeteuk his car keys and Leeteuk got in the driver’s seat. Yesung got into the back on the left, telling Shindong to go to the other door and help him move you into the middle. So you had your head on Shindongs’ lap (on top of a pillow), and Yesung was holding your hand so you didn’t freak out when you woke up.
You could feel yourself moving in a vehicle of some sort and you jerked. You couldn’t remember what happened, the details were fuzzy and missing. You remember being in the balloon with Yesung, and then there was the popping and the fire. Did he send you home in a taxi? Where was he? What are you resting your head on that’s so fluffy? You opened your eyes and saw the roof of a car, felt someone holding your hand. You were still shocked from what had happened so instead of gently holding you felt like they were holding you down. You tried to move your hand away, starting to thrash about in the vehicle.
“Honey, it’s ok. It’s me, I’m right here.”
Your teary eyes blurred your vision but you saw Yesung. You tried to sit up but he stopped you.
“You’ve been through a lot, today. Just rest.”
“Yesung? If you’re back here with me, who’s driving?”
Leeteuk turned around quickly since he was at a traffic light to introduce himself.
“Hello young lady. My name is Leeteuk. I’m the leader of Super Junior, your boyfriend’s group. And you’re currently laying on Mr.Fluff himself-Shindong.
You jumped up immediately. You didn’t want members of the renowned K-pop boy group Super Junior to see you like this.
“I-I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble.”
Then you started to say something else when Yesung interrupted you.
“We aren’t breaking up ok? It wasn’t your fault. The balloon should have been checked out before it ever got used today. That should always be done: checking to make sure everything works properly and that everything is where it should be. He should have known that. You know I’m not leaving you, you know that. You’re too fragile and someone needs to be there for you. We can continue the picnic another time, and I think you should take a break from work. Just come stay with me for a little bit, take your mind off of things.”
“No, I can’t do that! I don’t want to bother you, you’re so busy with group activities and stuff. And I would just be a burden if I was there with you. Maybe I can just admit myself to the hospital and they can watch me. That would-“
“I’m not going to have someone else taking care of my darling because they might say or do something to hurt you, whether they’re aware of it or not. You’re fine, I promise you are not a burden, alright. Now take it easy, ok? Lay back down on Mr.Fluff.”
“I know I’m a bit bigger than you but I actually take offense to that,” Shindong responded, grabbing his chest in fake pain.
That made you chuckle a little, but you were still worried. You weren’t ready to live with someone even if it was just temporary. That was a big step and you didn’t want your relationship to go downhill. Then your thoughts were interrupted again.
“You know, it really wouldn’t hurt for you to get a change of scenery, and Yesung is a very caring gentleman. I’m sure he doesn’t think of you as a burden, and whatever you have going on-school or work- I’m sure you can just ask them for time off, maybe tell them you just need a break. You’ll figure it out, and if Yesung would like, Shindong or I can help you two every once in a while as well. Don’t you agree, Fluffball?”
Shindong sighed. “I thought I already told you what NOT to call me? But I agree, I’d be more than happy to help you, y/n.”
“Shindong, she’s MY girlfriend. Remember that! Don’t make me hit you with my sandals again.”
This conversation, different as it was, did help you feel a little better. You could feel your body starting to relax again, the tension from the events earlier gradually dissipating. Maybe staying with your boyfriend for a few days wouldn’t be so bad. You would just need to put some clothes and a few other things in your backpack, and make arrangements with work (you were not contacting ‘hr’ though. That thing is a bitch).
“I guess I can try it. Can you come visit sometime?” You asked Shindong, turning to him for his answer.
“I can, but only if Yesung here is ok with it. It is his house.”
“As long as you let me know beforehand and you don’t upset my special fragile princess, then ok.”
Shindong looked disgusted at this new nickname, and you turned beet red. You could hear Leeteuk in the front seat talking about how much Yesung had changed since meeting you, all these new words and phrases coming out of his mouth. It might be ok after all. Let’s just see how things play out, shall we?
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