#super late but fack it jdjdnj
lyss-butterscotch ยท 9 months
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Happy New Year!!! Welcome to 2024!! I didnt prepare anything special jdjdjs so have this doodle of me with my fandoms in 2023
I know its super late but id still like to say somethings. Feel free to ignore whatevers down here sobs im mostly just reflecting on my year.
I wanna admit that this year hasnt been my best, be it artwise or stuff irl. I think i remember in the beginning of 2023 i was losing interest in the hk fandom before this and lost the will to really make art. But when i moved to tumblr and the rw fandom i was able to find the will and joy in drawing again. Its really is nice to be a part of a more interactive and alive community compared to whatever the hell is going on in instagram. Met alot of cool friends and people i look up to along the way, even if i am too much of a pussy to express that jdjdjjdjd but its nice to be here.
It helps especially when my college life hasnt been going well. I have issues with making or keeping friends especially when the first 2 years of college was spent online so i didnt really get to know people face to face. It didnt help also when approaching the end of my college year, all thats left is all my final papers that didnt require me to actually BE in college most of the week. It really impacted my will to really do art or college and i almost had to hold back my graduation because of it.
Right now i am in a better state, stuff has been dealt with and i am slowly gaining the will and joy to create. Because art is a major source of happiness for me and being able to actually be happy to draw things again will help immensely with my psyche when finishing college.
My new year resolution ig is i just want to be able to finish what i started. Be it college or art, i want to not procrasinate on things, not be late on stuff i wanna make art for, personally set goals for college, things like that. I would like to also take in easy on myself, i want to stop hating what i create, hating myself, saying i dont belong anywhere or worth anything, i dont want to give up before i even start, i want to be proud of what i do even for something as small as random doodles on tumblr.
Whoever read this far. Thank you. I hope you are in a better state than i am. Happy new year
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