#super random drawin just having fun
mew-ya · 2 years
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couch potato
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rufustrashheap · 2 years
Hello, hello! (Thank for you the submission tip ahaha I thought it was like anon messages but I guess tumblr just wanted to make it a bit more involved…)
In terms of a mini-gift, I thought I would give you some form of meta-analysis! Basically, I think about Vodka and Gin a lot, and there’s two key points I’ve noticed: first, Vodka smokes solely for the sake of the plot and second, it is highly likely Gin does not wear a watch but rather uses Vodka as a timepiece. I hope this is something fun to read because oh man, do I like talking about these funky fellas.
So, in terms of Vodka and smoking, the two cases that I think of are the train bombing case of volume four (which was changed to be random people in the anime which I am frankly still annoyed about), and the computer programmer case (Contact With the Black Organization, episodes 334-336). I’m sure there’s others, but for now, I’m going with this as my main point of reference.
In the train bombing, after meeting with their client in the dining car, Vodka complains to Gin about not being able to smoke before lighting up. This provides Conan with a clue that the client must be in a non-smoking car, and he goes merrily on his way. Also for the watch point, there’s one panel where Gin checks his watch-it’s on his left wrist, and since it’s so early on in the series, I think it’s fair to assume that Gin’s left-handness wasn’t established. To that effect, I also assume that Gin’s watch wearingness disappeared.
Returning to the smoking, in the computer programmer case, when Conan laid a trap for Vodka who was waiting in the locker room, Vodka smokes, which Gin deduces was a trap. (This later leads into the beautiful anime only scene where Gin puts the stub back in his mouth and ohohoho it is Delightful). But, and this is crucial to my whole (frankly, made up entirely) case, earlier in this same episode, where Vodka calls the programmer’s cabin from a lookout point by the car, he does NOT smoke, even though it seems like the perfect time to do so.
So, the crux of my argument is this-Vodka smokes for the sake of the plot and not for his character. Compare this to Kogoro and Gin who smoke frequently, and well, the difference is apparent.  Honestly, not sure why I care about this, but oh, care I do~
Returning finally to the watch point, it is stressed in movie twenty, The Darkest Nightmare, that Vodka does have a watch, and keeps time for Gin. This, coupled with the fact that Vodka, over the course of the series, moves to driving Gin’s Porsche, and the simple reality that Vodka is still Alive even though he has made a fair share of boo-boos…well, I think there’s something to be said about Gin and Vodka’s relationship with those points.
In conclusion, uhhh well, Vodka has, from the first episode, been a plot device, which is equally apparent in how his smoking is portrayed. As well, he and Gin have some interesting connections in terms of timekeeping, driving, and general being-aliveness! And I have too much time on my hands…
I hope this little mini-rant of a gift was, well, a gift of some sort! Your art for these two is always so full of character, and as such, I wanted to give you some character analysis as a little thank you hehe~ ------------------ oh my goddd im so, chewing on this so SO much, this was so delightful to read
you're so right about vodkas smoking being just for the plot i never really realized dlkrjgdbh, poor mans reduced to a plot device most of the time D:
vodka being gins timepiece so to say is super entertaining to me and I had to make a lil doodle thinking about it heheh-
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I am just so giddy about this text ngl dljfdhdv *chefs kiss* the point about Vodka still being alive also absolutely got me you have such a point there! thinking,,, Gin pulling some strings to keep him around,,,
once again this was so delightful, thank you so much for sendin me this I will be totally normal about it
(also thank you so much for the art compliment,,, I always feel like my drawings arent very,,, well,,, expressive, like fr half the time i just draw busts of characters lsdkjfhd, so this absolutely made my night too ;w;)
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baconpal · 7 years
since ive been complaining about shit already tonight i might aswell just mention random crap that i’ve been thinking about, but ill spare your dash, feel free to read me rambling about absolutely random shit if you want
first some video game stuff i guess;
the good: I don’t have a switch and still definitely cannont justify getting one yet but woo boy does ARMS look good, i wanna try it, and also splatoon 2, i really liked splats when it was first out, and martyo kart, but its p spensive stuff and im a cheap-ass 
the new thing code vein thing is simultaneous promising and incredibly boring to me, cus anime styled action game with the potential for cute girls to be wielding giant fucking weapons is like, my dream, and the boss designs looked pretty good, if a bit unrelated in the trailer, like the moose knight dude is fucking sick and i wanna use his armor, but then there’s also like, abyssal spear lady miku whose fucking cute, and they’re shown right after each other and it becomes a bit hard to follow, and the story seems to be just fucking dark souls “wah we go hollow and the world is a fuck”, i wish it wasnt that, cus dark souls alone made that setting overused, and while a modern-ish universe certainly sounds nice, it looks fucking bleak and they spend half the video in places that just look like bluer versions of DaS3 areas
the bad: so ive already complained about momodora 4, some people like it for some fucking reason but i dont, and now 5 is happening because they cant just make a new fucking series i guess, and it looks awful, like honestly horrid, its fucking shitty 3d when nobody asked for it, and it’s like, all the worst parts of something like dark souls, and none of the good parts and it angers me to no end that they keep dragging this sorta cute and okay free game series into the mud like this when they could make new games and try new things
the ugly: i never funded or thought about supporting indivisible because i had zero fun with the demo and i never really cared for any of the designs other than the redesigns of other characters from other games, and maybe the big fist girl, who didnt really fit in the style to begin with, but now they’re going and doing major redesigns and model updates that just look stupid and lifeless, like “wah wah diversity” drama aside, that cowboy guy went from a gritty, perfectly decent design to like, fucking nothing, he’s nothing now, i cant even identify him as something because he’s just nothing, and the entire cast seems to have been stretched up for no reason, and now a lot of the interestingly wide characters arent very interesting anymore, im not mad about it cus i never planned on getting it, but as an artist when i see artists take a very solid and nice character/design and just make it fucking awful, it makes me mad, especially cus i’ve seen some artists i used to know do it too, not starting drama or something it just seems pretty dumb to take things that are nice and people like and make them into different things when you could just make a new thing and have both
also uh like my friend showed me this jap band called uplift spice and at first i thought they were meh but i cant stop listening to them now its fucken cute rock stuff and it kills me
now art stuff. these are the things i really wanna talk about but they’re really just me problems so if you’ve already made it this far maybe you’ll care about this random shit
so like commissions have gone decently recently, not complaining about nobody wantin em or something, but for the longest time i’ve had people ask me about commissions, ask if there’s slots open or something, or even straight up say they intend to commission me, and then i’ll never fucking hear from them ever again ever, and like, if you just ask “hey got slots?” doesnt mean i expect you to actually get a comm, but it usually suggests there will atleast be a follow up response like “okay thanks but nevermind” or “ok cool ill be contacting you soon” and then actually following up on it, cus without any closure i just get stressed out thinking about why they never get back to me, are the prices too much? are they worried i won’t accept the comm? did they fucking forget i exist? did they get hit by a car? like even if you fucking told me “nevermind i dont want a comm you’re fucking SMELLY and i HATE YOU” i’d feel better cus at least i wouldnt worry about it for a week or something, none of the people reading this are likely the kinds of people who do this, most of them dont even follow me, but cmon man why you gotta make me worry about this shit
and last thing probably (hopefully jesus what am i even typing all this for) so like now that i’m doin comms more to support my own ass i’m really not pushing for requests in my inbox since a lot of them i’d never do anyway unless i got paid, but at the same time, i really liked drawin the ghost lady for that one ask, cus nobody is ever going to comm me for my own characters unless your one of my super good friends and youre just looking for an excuse to give me money, if you DID honestly comm me my OCs i’d fucking love you that’d be sick, but regardless i think that the only requests ill end up doing anymore are cute megalo1 and 2 ideas or stuff of my OCs, but i dont even know if you guys remember or like any of them, i actually have way more of them than i post because i like to design for fun sometimes, but like other than maybe neon idk if any of my OCs are know to any of my followers other than good friends, so idk if you guys would even care enough to request my OCs, but they’re mine and they make me happy so if you wanna see more of them or ask questions about them or anything, feel free to send me asks or messages or whatever, it’d be cool
so ye that’s all the shit im thinken about right now, if you actually could read all that you’re fucking weird and i like you
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