silencedrage · 9 months
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Every time she's told that someone has come to talk to her, a part of her perks up, wondering if Tai or Van are actually keeping their promise to come visit, and that part is inevitably disappointed when it's just another psychiatrist who looks at her with those pitying, dismissive eyes. Each moment passes in a familiar haze, made up of medications and dissociation, and it's all Lottie can do to stay present enough to answer the never-ending stream of questions pointed her way. Either it's doctors or nurses or other medical professionals, or police and their inquiries into what happened that night. She responds to them to the best of her ability, trying to swim through the murky depths of her brain.
Once again, she is led to one of the private rooms that they use for "discussions" that end up more like interrogations, and she waits. The only sign of any anxiety is her fingers fidgeting slightly against each other, but to anyone else, she still looks the very picture of poise. Straight spine, demure expression on her face, the Matthews mask perfected over so many years. When the door finally opens, a stranger walks in, though there's something about this woman that feels different than the others who've come to see her. She doesn't know what exactly, but Lottie sits up just a little straighter and folds her hands together on the table in front of her.
"Good afternoon," she greets the other woman softly, nodding to the chair on the other side of the table. "How can I help you today?" // plotted starter for @superintcndent
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deviaticn · 2 years
tag dump!!​
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spookyagentfmulder · 9 months
@superintcndent liked for a sentence starter!
"Detective superintendent, huh? Well, Detective Gibson, you're quite a ways from home."
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"What brings you to the basement of the J. Edgar Hoover building all the way across the pond? If it's about those public indecency charges, I've taken care of them."
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maliignant · 9 months
☂:five favorite books ☝:a muse you’d like to play again ☺:five things that make you happy
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Munday questions!
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☂: five favorite books - the hunger & the last vampire by whitley strieber, the vampire chronicles by anne rice, the hannibal series by thomas harris. ☝: a muse you’d like to play again - slowly but surely getting my ass back into writing stella gibson ( @superintcndent ) but i miss writing pam from true blood and would like to get back onto her again too ( @sardonicbeauty ). ☺: five things that make you happy - my cat, a good cocktail, sex, campfires, horror movies.
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superintcndent · 2 years
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#SUPERINTCNDENT —— independent & selective   STELLA GIBSON   from BBC’s The Fall.  established July 2015.   heavily canon based, with some head canon & personal influences.     penned by rae ( 30+, she/her ).     warning:    blog will contain some triggering content.
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murderousbitch · 2 years
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@superintcndent​: ❝ Miss me? ❞
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                   Grin slowly curls lips as dark eyes take her in. There was an appreciative hum as she leaned back in chair, hands clasped. "Miss you?" she asked as she moved to stand, slowly making her way towards Stella. Hands came to grab hips, head tilting as that grin remained. "Always," she whispered, grin softening as she leaned forward to capture lips for a brief yet firm passionate kiss that simply said hello.
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After a moment, Faith pulled back just slightly, their lips still touching. “Business must be good if I haven’t seen you in...a while,” she whispered, hands raising to rest on either side of the blondes neck, fingers stroking gently.
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afraidofchange · 3 years
@superintcndent​ - con’t.
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 “Mm,” comes the simple response as Reed raises her own mug to take her first drink of coffee, letting it linger on her tongue. Dark eyes flick towards Stella across the island that separates them. She looks as tired as she likely feels. “Do you have time for breakfast?” Concern knits her brows slightly, but she doesn’t pry - doesn’t need to. Besides, it’s the least she can do, given the circumstances. 
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drdumaurier · 3 years
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@superintcndent​ asked: “Press that against the wound, I’m going to get the med kit.” | a meme somewhere
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     Bedelia has always prided herself in being a medical doctor, an achievement her parents used to mention a lot even if they didn’t fully approve of her choice to become a psychiatrist. The mind had never been their priority and it had only become more obvious over the years. However, even if she had done some work that involved injuries and blood and has seen more of them since those days, nothing could have prepared to see the flow of crimson running out of the wound and down her side, not even the time when she thought she was going to die after a patient attacked her, leaving a scar on her neck that is still visible today if she doesn’t conceal it. Eventually, she snaps out of her state of terror to grab the cloth that Stella is handing her, not even looking at what it is. She doesn’t want to die, not like this.   ❝ It... hurts... ❞
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starbuckskeptic-a · 6 years
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        she’s honestly not sure what prompted the sudden confession to spill from her lips. maybe she’s had a bit more wine that normal, maybe she’s just begun to feel COMFORTABLE around stella in a way she hadn’t been expecting. whatever it is, it’s too late for scully to take it back, and the other woman’s arms are warm and comforting around her. ❝ I’M SORRY. ❞ she can’t help the apology, everything in her upbringing telling her that she shouldn’t be sharing these thoughts with anyone. ❝ i don’t know what caused me to just...blurt that out i just...it’s been A ROUGH FEW WEEKS. ❞
                    { @superintcndent // cont’d }
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@superintcndent liked! for a starter.
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He shifts back in his chair as soon as he sees the woman at the door - feet still propped on the edge of his desk, but no longer bored in the waiting, finger pushing the eraser of one pencil on his desk to line up with the others.  (He is certain the ones above will not drop on his head; he’d only just finished sharpening the ones on his desk, so if those had wanted to fall, they would have by now.  Not that he is thinking about that, mind you.)  Face lights up - but no smile.  Not yet. “Police Inspector Gibson !  Welcome to my little corner of the world.”  If he were a showman, one hand would be out, gesturing to the filing cabinets just next to him, but he isn’t.  Thinks about the theatrics of it, briefly, but decides against it.  “I’m honored you flew all the way from London to visit the FBI’s basement.”  Now the smile, more relaxed - joking, easy, waiting.
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cruximpetus · 7 years
Paul noticed a sign saying that if your name was Stella you can go get a free rose. He would like to alert the Stellas in his life. He will not be standing somewhere waiting. Nope. Not at all.
@superintcndent; @womenwritten
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skepticreal · 7 years
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“ — COME AGAIN? “   the FBI agent scoffs, hardly sure she heard the other woman correctly.
@superintcndent liked for a starter.
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butscrewmefirst · 7 years
*throws url at you for some positivity :)*
oooohhh guuurrrrll @superintcndent my bae who adores gillian anderson and loves on her w me. yes all the yes here and i love and adore you, as well as your writing. you’ve been nothing but kind to and accepting of me, and i’m so thankful for that. don’t change! ♥
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murderousbitch · 3 years
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some meme i’m too lazy to find.
@superintcndent​ asked: ❝ I believe we have more in common than you realize. ❞
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               There’s a small pause as she looks to the blonde, brow arching slightly. Of course they shared a few things in common. Their choice of employment for starters, though they weren’t exactly the same, they went hand in hand. However the brunette was aware that Stella meant something different by her statement and she’s intrigued as to what she was getting at. “Well, do enlighten me, Miss. Gibson,” she mused, hands folding in her lap as she looked to the other woman.
“Because as far as I’m aware, we share very little in common outside the work place,” she added, head tilting to the side. “Unless there’s something I’ve missed...” Which was possible as the nightmares were back again in full swing with the current case looming over her head. But that wasn’t something to go sharing with anyone aside from her therapist.
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afraidofchange · 5 years
@superintcndent - con’t.
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   Reed holds her breath in the moment. While her liquid bravado has gotten her this far, reality sets in - it isn’t the first time, but one with someone who matters. Stella’s gentle touch is like fire against her skin, rising the warmth in her cheeks beyond the effect of vodka tonic from the hotel bar. 
    “I know,” She says, finally. Dark eyes let their gaze linger as her tongue brushes over the front of her teeth. They’re so close - yet nervousness nearly devours desire where she stands. Reed takes another deep breath to steady herself. When Stella reaches her wrist, Reed takes her hand. Their fingers slip together easily. “I’d like to. Just... slowly, yeah?” 
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drdumaurier · 7 years
*sneaky sneaks url*
Positivity time! – Always – @superintcndent / @sardonicbeauty
JESS OMG! We’ve been following each other for a looooong time (I think I followed Stella first?) and we did write a bit before, but it’s true that it’s only recently that we started talking properly. You love your muses so much and the work you put in them truly shows in your writing. We started a thread between Pam and Bedelia and it’s so amazing how easily I can write the replies to it (also Bedelia adores Pam already, so it helps xD). We really should do something between Stella and Bedelia also because I love Stella and you truly do her justice. OOC you’re an absolute delight to talk to. I know I can come talk to you about our muses, funny things, random life stuff, but also if I have a problem, and that means a lot to me. We may not have been talking for a long time, but I already feel close to you and I’m glad I got to meet you.
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