desiredposion · 5 years
1.22 Devils Trap
I’m not much of a writer but I started this story on my wattpad almost a year ago a decided to upload the first chapter to see how it did on here and see if i could fall in love with writing again.
Idjits - 1.22 Devils Trap
Walking down the street towards Singer Salvage Yard a young teenage girl was lost in the music pouring through her headphones. Air drumming and humming along to the lyrics all the way up the salvage yard to Rumsfeld, the dog, who managed to get on the hood of one of Uncle Bobby's trucks.
"How you doing buddy?" She asked giving him a scratch behind the ear before noticing the classic black '67 Impala parked outside the house. Alarm bells rang in her head and she held her breath listening for any possible yelling coming from the house, hearing nothing a sigh of relief passed her lips. Silently walking towards the house catching glimpses of conversation before ultimately sucking up any fear and opening the front door.
"Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure we should come."
"Nonsense. Your Daddy needs help." Once in the messy front room she could clearly see her carer as well as her older brother with a flask in each of their hands.
"Well, yeah, but last time we saw you, I mean, you threatened to blast him full of buckshot . Cocked the shotgun and everything" Bobby smirked at this and Riley couldn't help but to smile at the memory, the day Uncle Bobby became more then just an uncle.
"Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people."
Dean nodded and smirk also appeared on his face, "Yeah, I guess he does."
"Damn right he does. Hiya Dean, long time no see." Standing awkwardly in front of Deans gaze before heading over to Bobby and giving him a hug. "Hi Bobby, good day?"
"Great day sweetheart" he said reciprocating the hug and giving the girl a kiss on her head before turning his attention back to Dean who had yet to say anything, "none of that matters now. All that matters is that you get him back."
"What trouble did he get himself into now?" Riley mumbled under my breath with an eye roll as she went to the kitchen to get  an after school snack, feeling the lingering eyes of Dean on her back. 'I guess I have changed quite a bit since the last time we saw each other, suppose he's just getting over the shock of it all.' She thought to herself.
"Bobby, this book... I've never seen anything like it" blocking out part of their conversation focusing on homework. She already had an idea on what they were talking about, Bobby was big on teaching her how to protect herself and others without the constant need of hunting and finding a fight that wasn't theirs to begin with. She liked it better then the hunting life she was destined for, being buried in a book and keeping the phones was more her style and she was proud of that, John, not so much.
Before long Riley was brought out of her thoughts at the sound of Rumsfeld barking up a storm before letting out a loud, heartbreaking whine. She quickly walked back into the main room looking at Bobby by the window, "Somethings wrong."
Before she could even take a step towards the door it was kicked in and in stepped some young blonde chick, she quickly recognized her as a demon from the way she threw Dean across the room when he went at her with the Holy Water. Riley was the next to be thrown across the room landing next to Dean. "Isn't it nice to be back in action sis?" Dean asked helping the girl sit up.
"I wouldn't exactly call it nice." she answered quietly with an eye roll and a small groan of pain.
"I want the Colt, Sam - the real Colt - right now." The demon chick demanded to the  last Winchester standing.
"We don't have it on us. We buried it."
"Didn't I say 'no more crap'? I swear, after everything I heard about you Winchesters, I got to tell you, I'm a little underwhelmed. First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then he leaves the gun with you two chuckle heads. Secondly no one seemed able to find your sister and yet here it is hidden in plain sight. Lackluster, kiddos. I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you?"
"Actually, we were counting on it." Dean smirked glancing up at the Devils Trap painted on the ceiling of the old house. A breathy laugh left Dean's lips as he pushed himself up from the ground, hauling his sister up also, "gotcha."
After making that the demon, Meg, was secured and trapped in the Devils Trap Bobby had painted Riley and Bobby made the rounds salting every door and window of the house, before long the girl was standing by the front door looking out to where her favorite dog was last seen.
"I salted the doors and windows. If there are any demons out there - they ain't getting in. I'm going to go check on Riley." Bobby's rough voice floated through the house, she could practically feel his fatherly presence behind her before he even spoke, "he's gone isn't he?"
"'fraid so kid, 'fraid so." She felt the tears well up in her eyes but refused to let them fall, "I know you loved him and if you want to cry then no one will judge you." His hand rub soothing circles on Riley's back and arms, she crossed her arms and shook her head.
"No. It's alright, these things happen in our line of work, don't they? You might want to go sort those boys out before they do something they regret. I'll be in my room finishing my homework."
The older man sighed, knowing that the girl who has become like a daughter to him was upset and that put him into an even worse mood. Letting her grieve and get some school work done, Bobby walked to the brothers helping them get answers from the demon chick.
Before long Riley came down stairs just as Bobby walked through the door leading into the hallways, this time with Sam and Dean in tow. "You okay?" Sam asked.
"Shes lying. He's not dead." Dean said though it seems like he was trying to convince not only everyone else but himself the most.
"Dean, you've got to be careful with her. Don't hurt her" Bobby said.
"Because she really is a girl. That's why."
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked
"She's possessed. That's a human possessed by a demon, can't you tell?" Riley explained finally contributing to the conversation.
"Are you trying to tell me there's an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there?" Dean asked earning nods from both Bobby and his sister. He then turns to look through the door at Meg before turning back to us. "That's actually good news."
Whilst the three men got ready to perform an exorcism, Riley went into the kitchen getting any supplies ready that they may need for the poor girl who was taking as a meat suit. Yelling from both Dean and Meg could be heard throughout the entire house so Riley tried to drown it out with music. When the screaming had finally stopped she breathed a sigh of relief allowing for the music to take over system once again. Through that only lasted a moment when Bobby rushing in with a blanket looking for a glass of water and the supplies Riley had gotten out. She got up and trailed along behind him seeing the girl that had been possessed lying on the ground looking awfully broken. Taking the glass from Bobby she went to the girl's head, holding it up and allowing for her to take slow sips.
"If Dad's still alive, none of that matters." Dean said, helping Sam to cover her up.
"Where is the demon we're looking for?" Sam asked Meg.
"Not there. Other ones. Awful ones." Meg spoke with a massive strain to her voice, a clear indication of the battles she went through.
"Where are they keeping our Dad?" Dean asked.
"By the river. Sunrise." Meg spoke with one last shaky breath. Riley held the girl's head in her hands looking for any sign of life but there was none.
"'Sunrise.' What does that mean? What does that mean?" Dean asked but stopped when Riley shook her head. Meg was gone, finally experiencing some peace after the last few months or years of absolute hell.
The house became silent for a short period. "You better hurry up and beat it. Before the paramedics get here."
"What are you going to tell them?" Dean asked.
"What you think you guys invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out." Bobby picks up the Key of Solomon handing it to Sam. "Here take this. You might need it."
"Thanks Bobby" he said taking the book from the older man.
"Hey Ry, what do you say about tagging along? We could sure use some help down there and having our little sister back would be pretty cool. Just like old times." Dean said to his sister with a hopeful expression on his face. She would admit that she missed her brothers but the hunting life just wasn't cut out for her and it would not be a pretty sight when John and her meet again.
"Thanks but I - uh. I think I'm going to stay behind help Bobby clean up the place, plus I've got a ton of school work due tomorrow that I can't skip out on. Maybe next time?" She ask feasibly.
"Yeah, uh sure. Thanks... for everything. Be careful, alright?" He said to the duo.
"You just go find your Dad and when you do, you bring him around would you? I won't even try to shoot him this time." They say our goodbyes then get to work tiding the house before the paramedics arrive and they handed over Meg with a more believable story then the Winchester boys could've ever thought of.
The next morning Riley wake to a voicemail from an unfamiliar number.
Hey Ry, it's me Sam. Listen there was this accident and I... well... it's Dean. They don't think he's gonna make it. Could you please just call me back? We need you.
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desiredposion · 4 years
2.1 In My Time of Dying
(AN: this is from my barely updated SPN book on wattpad called Idjits so excuse the mess. also i know it isn’t the greatest but i wanted to get into a bit of writing so oh well)
Hey Ry, it's me Sam. Listen there was this accident and I... well... it's Dean. They don't think he's gonna make it. Could you please just call me back? We need you.
The voice message sent panic flooding through the young girls system. Thoughts that her brother might die and she wasn't with him without the chance to say goodbye. Throwing on random clothes that were scattered across the floor, she scrambled down the rickety old stairs.
"Took you long enough kid, now lets go we've got to pick up the Impala before some junky sees the type of mojo your brothers are packing." Bobby says, keys in hand walking towards the front door grabbing his jacket on the way out. Running after him practically ripping the jacket of the hook, breathing heavy with fear. She spent the entire drive head against the window and tear-filled eyes though she'd never let Bobby or anyone else see them, not because she didn't want to seem weak in front of the Uncle figure but because the tears where for Dean and Dean wouldn't want his sister to cry for him.
"Pick your chin up and wipe your eyes sunshine, we're almost there." Waking up from her reverie she did exactly what he said looking in the cracked sun visor mirror. "Deep breath and a brave face princess."
Getting out of the truck Riley made eye contact with Sam but quickly diverted them to the clouds which at the moment were much more interesting. As the boys made small talk she found herself having to block out the details of the crash as to not start crying again.
"Oh man, Dean's gonna be pissed."
"Look Sam, this... this ain't worth a tow. I say we empty the trunk, sell the rest for scrap." Bobby said lightly shaking his head.
"No Bobby. Dean would kill you if that happened. When he gets better, he's gonna want to fix it."
"There's nothing to fix Ry. The frames a pretzel, and the engine's ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging" the older man said with a heavy sigh.
"Listen to me Bobby. If there's even one working part, that's enough. We're not gonna give up on him!" Sam states bringing notice to the fact that this car represents everything Dean is. A little broken but ultimately fix-able with just a little tender loving care.
"Okay. You got it." The older said quietly as he looked upon the two younger Winchester siblings who subconsciously moved closer together during their time of talking, allowing for this moment to tug at his cold (but not really) heart.
"Here, uhm, John asked for you to get this stuff for him." Sam said holding a piece of paper to Bobby.
"What does Da...John. What does John want with this?" Riley asked looking over Bobby's shoulder and taking special note of all the carefully chosen items on the list.
"Protection from the demon?" He shrugged, "what?"
"Nothing, it's just uhm..." she trail off trying to find the right words and sharing a look with Bobby.
"Riley? Bobby? What's going on?"
"So are you at least going to tell me her name?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh come on Sam" Riley sighed from the passenger seat of a probably stolen car, "I may be young but I am not stupid."
"Hey I never said you were stupid! But there is no girl." Although the younger sibling had caught  the underlying sadness in his voice.
"Maybe not now, but there was someone wasn't there?"
"No! No there wasn't... when did you get to be so smart?" Sam sighed feeling a little defeated
"High School tends to do that to a person" she joked. "No, I can just tell. The same way I knew about Mary before John told me, and the same goes for Bobby. It takes a little piece of your heart and there's something about that that leaves a mark, maybe not everyone can see it but it's there and well I'm here for you Sammy."
"Thank you Riley, that means alot to me really." He said taking his eyes off the road for a second to glance at his sister in admiration "now do you want to hear about the time I had to rescue Dean's ass from a Pagan God?"
"OMG tell me!"
Sam marches into the hospital duffle bag slung over his shoulder and Riley hot on his trail nervous about the upcoming storm between her brother and father.
"You don't have to stay with me Ry, go see Dean make your peace."
"Dean's not going anywhere Sam, I wont let him die!" Sam sighed, feeling an overwhelming urge to protect his sister from the harsh reality of Dean's condition.
"Yeah okay, just go see him please? It'll make him feel better."
Riley sighed but nodded anyway following his directions to their brothers room. Ignoring the calls made by her father and the loud angry talking that always seemed to present whenever Sam talked to John,  she soon found herself standing in the doorway of Dean's room.
"I guess I'll start the conversation then," Riley lamely joked, taking a seat next to the hospital bed "okay tough crowd."
"You know I never got why people always sit and pour their hearts out to a person who can't even hear them, like why can't they just say those things when the person is awake and healthy? You should know Dean I never kept my thoughts and feelings to myself, I guess that's why he got rid of me wasn't it? Did he ever even tell you guys why I had to go away or was that another of his many secrets? I guess it was because he couldn't decide,  I wasn't his perfect little solider so I was of no use to him; yet he just wanted to keep me safe and protect me like he couldn't protect your mother or mine."
The girl slouched further into the chair picking at the loose stitching of her jacket. "I shouldn't be complaining to you about all of this, hell Bobby's heard enough of it." The awkward laugh and frown that adorned her teary face was enough to make the heart of Dean's spirit drop to the pit of his stomach.
They weren't the closest of siblings, John had made sure that they wouldn't get to attached during their times together, didn't want Dean to be distracted during hunts with thoughts of his brother and sister. Riley was at one point John's pride and joy keeping her safe was always his number one priority.
"I mean don't get me wrong, I see why he did it but I just wish things could've been different, you know? But Dean you've gotta pull through I still love you, I still need you!" It was almost as if her words had flipped a switch when Dean's heart monitor starting going crazy and Riley doesn't think she has ever been as scared in her entire life.
The screaming from the broken girl and the beeping from the hospital machines alerted nurses and soon there was people surrounding Dean trying to resuscitate him. A sobbing Riley was quickly pulled into her brother, Sam's arms which proved pointless to try and escape from. The girl could barely hear the chorus of 'no's' and 'it's okays' that escaped his lips as she buried her head in his chest allowing her emotions to take over her body.
After what felt like years but would've only been seconds the monitor slows and the room goes quite. The room lets out a collective sigh of relief when the Nurse says "We have a pulse. We're back to sinus rhythm."
Still Riley doesn't let go of her lifeline.
It was a while after Dean's near death incident when Riley finally found herself able to walk out of his room without having a panic attack. The young Winchester had found herself trying to wash away dried tears from her cheeks, unable to remove the redness or puffiness that seemed to be a permanent addition to her once bright eyes. A knock at the door startled her before calling out "I'll be done in a minute." The knocking came again this time more loud and insistent, "I said I'll be done in a minute!"
"Riley it's me Sam, come on I found something that might help." Riley was quick to rip open the door separating them looking to the man in front of her in eager suspense. Sam was clutching a brown paper bag tightly in his arms making the smaller girl look at him in confusion, before she could utter a word however Sam was quick to walk the short distance to  Deans room murmuring a quick 'don't ask' before stepping in and urging her to hurry up and close the door. Riley does what he asked checking the hallways to see if anyone was following or watching them, a quick glance to the hospital bed proves the Dean was still in his unconscious state much to her dismay. A sigh left her lips seeing Sam take a seat on the floor pulling out a rectangular box labelled 'Mystical Talking Board' setting it up whilst muttering to himself.
"An Ouija board? Really Sam?"
"Cut the crap just sit down and trust me."
Throwing her hands up in slight frustration Riley sat down next to him, placing her hands on the triangular pointer in the middle of the board "You know this is a stupid hoax thing right? What is this even for? Dean is in a coma not the... other option."
"Riley just shush for a moment. Dean? Dean are you there?" The room goes quite and Riley slowly raises her eyebrows at her brother, however before she can let off another smart comment she feels her her hand, or more specifically the planchette move towards the word yes. A gasp left the Winchesters lips eyes staring at the blank space across from where Sam was sitting.
"It's good to hear from you man, hasn't been the same without you." He laughs shoulders slumping in relief, looking at Riley with the faintest hint of a smirk playing at his lips at her shocked expression.
"Did you move that to mess with me?" She asks voice wobbling her sunken eyes blown wide. Trembling hands made for unstable fingers and the planchette moved again, Riley was scared that she was unconsciously moving it but was quick to think different when it starting sliding over particular letters of the displayed alphabet.
"Dean what? H. U. Hunt? Hunting?" Riley shrugs her shoulders at Same who looked at her as though she held the answers "are you hunting?" The planchette moves to the 'yes'. "What are hunting? Do you know what it is? What is it?"
"One question at a time Sam, you know how this works,"
R. E. A. P.
"a reaper? Dean is it after you?"
"Sam if it's here naturally you know there is no way to stop it."
"There has to be a way Riley, how do you even know about all this you haven't been hunting with Bobby have you?"
"You can't kill death Sam and no I haven't but that doesn't mean I can't keep reading lore and learning how to protect myself." Her tone was defensive, ready to defend herself and her Uncle for how she was raised.
"You're right. You should know how to protect yourself, but you should also know how to protect others and that's what I'm trying to do here. Protect Dean. There's gotta be a way... Dad'll know." Sam trials off towards the end before putting his plan action and running off down the hallway to where presumably John's room was located. Leaving Riley to clean up his mess she calls for Dean one more time.
"Are you still there Dean?"
"I love you and I'm sorry about how I acted back at Bobby's house. Stay safe okay?"
A smile graces her lips before she closes the board and packs it away hiding the box from sight just as a nurse enters to check up on the Winchester siblings.
Riley leaves the room to give the brothers some time together she finds herself in front of a vending machine down the hall, after almost losing her food to the faulty snack machine Riley slumps into one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs feeling the weight of the last few hours catch up on her body.
Feeling a presence sit in the chair directly next to her, Riley lifts her head and opens her eyes to get a glance at the feet of the foreign body and the empty row of chairs they could've occupied instead of the one right next to her. A deep sigh both their lips at seemingly the same time as an awkward silence surrounded them, "Riley please look at me" the voice pleaded giving away their identity.
"Whats there to say?"
"Riley... look I'm, I'm just sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen or for us to get to this point." John was now facing his body towards that of the young girls ducking his head to try and look in her eyes.
"Yeah but it did, and you can't take it back," she replied more tears beginning to well up in her eyes, "and I wish I didn't still have to feel the hurt of that day but I do and I'm sorry that I couldn't just be the perfect daughter that you asked for. But I am not a soldier John and it was unfair that you put me through that, that you put those boys through it. I found a place that I can fit in with all of this mess but god it really sucked finding out that everything you were taught to believe is a lie. You can't just give me a family then rip it out from under me dad!"
The older man felt his heart shattering at her words, the first time she has called him that in years and it screams pain. It was no secret to the Winchester family that Riley was not biologically related, more so adopted by John after failing to protect the young ones mother from a horrible vampire attack. Her dad being turned then released home much to the nest amusement. John had spent a few days with the mother and daughter duo trying to track down her husbands whereabouts and in the mean time finding a little soft spot for then 3 year old. Riley always knew that something had taken her parents away and John had told her that they were military and had died in action, but one night not long before Sam ended up leaving for Stanford the youngest of the Winchesters was allowed on a small werewolf hunt with her family instead of being cooped up in a motel room. Everything was pretty cut and dry until Riley got hurt and John freaked out spilling what happened to her real parents on the way to Bobby's house were she was left to 'heal' as they dealt with the rest of the pack.
Although John never came back to get her and Riley was left to deal with the grief of losing two sets of family in one day. Although Riley forgives him for what happened to her mother and father, shes finding it hard to forgive him for just leaving her when he got scared.
"I'm so sorry Riley, I just got so so scared. I couldn't imagine reliving that pain again, I love you. No matter what you are my daughter and I will always love you, but Riley I need you to forgive me and understand that I just couldn't bare to see you hurt. I'm so sorry squirt." John's voice broke as he spoke and Riley couldn't find it in her to hold a grudge against him anymore. Launching herself into her fathers arms it was although the bond between the two broken hearts were finally repairing. Images of hope for the future swarmed Riley's brain as unbeknownst to her a father was holding his daughter for the last time. "I love you Riley Winchester."
"I love you too Dad, I love you too."
Riley left with Sam to get to John a cup of coffee whilst he talked to Dean, Riley could hardly believed that he just healed in a blink of an eye. "So just like that then?"
"Yeah just like that, I mean any internal contusions are healed, the edema's vanished and his vitals are strong other then a few bumps and bruises its almost like nothing had ever happened in the first place. I got to say Ry whatever happened, whatever did this they're really looking out for Dean."
"Yeah I guess so. Hey I'm just going to go give Bobby a heads up, say hi to Dean then I'll meet you back in Dad's room okay?" After receiving a brief head nod and a pat on the back from her brother, Riley found herself standing by a window looking out at the clear skies and green grass a sense of comfort washing over her. Dishing her old phone out of her pocket she dialed the number she had remembered off by heart within the first month of living with the older man.
"Hey Bobby, yeah we're okay... Dean's better now... yes I'm fine to. Hey Bobby? I talked to him... yeah I think we're better now... no I didn't forget that he just up and left me, but I do understand why he did what he did... okay, thank you Bobby. If it's all the same to you I'd still like to live with you tho... Thank you Uncle... I'll be sure to tell him that." The smile that had plastered itself onto Riley's face was faltering when she saw a bunch of nurses run past her and down the hall, curiosity got the best of her as she slowly made her way in their direction, heart plummeting when she noticed it was John's room. She didn't even hang up on Bobby as she approached the doorway near her brothers.
"Still no pulse." A nurse said directing her sentence to the crowd of colleges surrounding her fathers body. "Okay that's it everybody." A doctor said stopping chest compression, "I'll call it. Time of death: 10:41 a.m." Just like that Riley's world stopped for the second time that day.
feedback is always appreciated xx
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