cassidyyswift · 2 years
stuck with you || eddie x fem!reader
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Summary - Eddie's in hiding while being chased down by the whole basketball team and the group proposes that someone stays with him. Nobody else wants to stay, so they volunteer you. No way you're staying with Eddie "The Freak" Munson alone. You finally give up and just stay, and you finally realize maybe he isn't as bad as you thought.
Word Count - 1.2k
A/N - definitely some sort of angst in this one, thinking enemies to lovers fluff? anyway this is my 2nd time writing and I think it might be better? still not sure!
Warnings?? - anxiety (from reader), enemies to lovers, angst?? idk!
"We've got groceries!" Dustin sings, as we all file in and see Eddie coming out from under the tarp. "Thanks you guys really, I don't know how i'd be surviving out here without this honey comb cereal and a yoohoo. Truly." he replies, snarkily, but still graciously taking the food. "We think that someone should stay here with you." Dustin says. "Yeah like as a safety precaution." Robin adds, "But who wants to stay?" The whole room goes quiet. Everyone in the group turns to me standing in the back. "No. No way. I'm not staying here with Eddie "The Freak" Munson, are you kidding me?" They must be crazy. "You know y/n," Eddie says, getting out of the boat, "i might sell drugs occasionally and play a fantasy game for fun, but that doesn't mean i'm a freak like everyone says." He winks at me, as if that meant something else. "You know I really don't care who you are or what you are but there's no way i'm staying here-in this boathouse, with you- alone." I reply. Everyone still seems to be glancing at me, as if they are set on me staying here. "You know what? Fine. I'll stay. But you-" i begin, pointing at Eddie, "stay away from me." i finish "anything for you darling-" the nickname made my stomach flutter. Why is Eddie Munson making my stomach flutter? He isn't, it's just nerves. It has to be. "She's feisty isn't she?" He whispers to Steve, winking and hitting him in the chest slightly. He's not that good of a whisperer considering I heard him from the whole other side of the room. I'm so wonderfully excited for my next few days-or weeks-spent in a boathouse with Eddie Munson. Woohoo.
The party leaves and the realization sinks in. I've barely ever been this close to him before alone and he's on the whole other side of the boathouse. I look at him, his face glowing in the moonlight, and he's actually quite pretty. He catches my glare and I look away quickly. "Do I have something on my face?" he asks and I whip my head around "What?" I reply. "I was asking if I had something on my face, it seemed like you were looking at me a lot for some reason." Oh god, he noticed. "I was just looking at how dirty you look that's all, you really need a shower to be honest." he starts to walk over at me. "That's why you were smiling too?" he laughs, and my breath catches in my throat. His laugh. "No, I was smiling because you look funny." I reply, trying play it off. "You don't have to act like you hate me you know." he says, basically standing right in front of me. "I'm not pretending, it's totally real because I 100% do hate you." i say, sticking my tongue out making it a joke. "You stole my signature move!" he says laughing and sticking his tongue out, copying me. I laugh and the second I do I regret it, he looks at me with such joy but I feel wrong. I don't want to be cracking jokes with Eddie Munson, or do I?
"Well, it's getting pretty late, we can go up to the house to sleep" Eddie says. I nod in agreement and follow him up the path to the house. "Well since there's only one bed, i'll let you take it and i'll take the couch. alright?" he asks me, and I reply, "that's fine with me." I get into bed without saying another word. Every time I close my eyes, it's as if I hear something crawling outside or a low growl. I toss and turn and start to sweat, tears prickling at my eyes. I get up out of bed not being able to control my sobs and decide that my only hope is Eddie. I feel my way to the couch, since the only light I have is the moonlight shining through the windows. "Eddie.." I whisper. I see him open his eyes, and he looks shocked that i'm sitting in front of him right now. "What's wrong?" He see's that i'm crying and immediately sits up. "Nothing I just- I just wanted to ask if you could come sleep with me, I can't be alone right now." I whisper to him and he softens up. "Are you sure you want me to?" he replies. "Yes, please." I whisper, and he follows me into the bed. I go to the right side, and he goes to the left. I lay down with my back facing him, not wanting him to hear my sniffling. A minute or two goes by and I feel him turn toward my back and scoot closer to me. "Are you still awake?" he whispers, with a slight rasp in his voice. "Yeah, I am." I whisper in reply, my back still facing him. I feel him start to cuddle me, with his neck right on mine. "Goodnight sweetheart." He says, and gives me a peck on the cheek. "Goodnight Eddie." I say back, and he doesn't move from his position and neither do I.
I wake up to sunlight and birds chirping, and for a second I wondered where I was. I turn over and see Eddie still peacefully sleeping and then it hits me. I totally forgot I asked him to sleep in here with me-what was I thinking? One day he's my enemy and the next day we're sleeping in the same bed? I can't lie, I did enjoy it a lot even though I knew I shouldn't. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. "Goodmorning." eddie says, me totally forgetting I was still watching him sleep. "Goodmorning sleepyhead" I say, laughing at how his hair is all frizzed up from sleeping. He gets up and tries to fix his hair, and I just realize that he's shirtless. I couldn't see anything last night because it was pitch black! "I can make breakfast if you want!" he calls from the kitchen, and i'm already making my way there.
He's not an amazing cook, but it could've been worse. "You know, you're a horrible cook." I laugh, and he busts out laughing. "Yeah, yeah I know. But, hey! I tried!" I can agree there. "You know Munson, it's really not so bad hanging out with you. I really like you- I mean. I really like being here with you." he looks at me and smiles. "You what? Sorry, can you repeat that again?" i let out a huff of air. "Don't get to cocky now, huh?" He looks at me. Doesn't say anything. "What is it?" i ask him, curious for a reply. "You're really beautiful, you know?" he says. I blush, and begin my totally sarcastic reply. "I totally didn't know! Thank you so much for telling me, I truly had no idea!" I say, flipping my hair over my shoulder like a model. He laughs at me and walks over to where i'm sitting. Eddie grabs my face. I almost stop breathing. "Can I kiss you? I mean I really want to but I don't want to if you don't want me to beca-" I interrupt him by smashing my lips into his. He holds my face, and doesn't break the kiss. I laugh and break the kiss just to say, "You know Eddie, you aren't who I thought you'd be. I'm really happy to be stuck with you." He smiles at me and pulls me back in.
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
lover || eddie x fem!reader
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Summary - Eddie has recently developed a crush on you, and he invites you to Hellfire. You've had a crush on him since middle school, but he doesn't know. When you find out he likes you, you continue to flirt in hopes of one day becoming his lover.
Word Count - 617
A/N - this is just a bunch of fluff, no smut! (had to make something for the fluff lovers) also this is my first time writing one of these so hopefully it isn't too bad!
You walk into the cafeteria scanning the room to see who you want to sit with when something–or someone–catches the corner of your eye. Eddie is waving his arms around like crazy and looking right at you so you decide to run over. "Hey Eddie! Dustin, Mike, Gareth, Jeff. How's it going?" The whole group smiles up at you as you take a seat beside Dustin. "I was thinking you could sit beside me, y/n." Eddie says. "Move!" he says, pushing Gareth over. "Hey, just because your like in love with her or something doesn't mean you get to push me around like a doll." gareth replied, annoyed. He smiled, "Don't worry Gareth, you'll always be my number one." he winked at Gareth and then looked over at me "Sit!"
"So, y/n.. I wanted to ask if you wanna join Hellfire." Eddie looked at me with a soft look, like he truly genuinely wanted me to join. "We've been friends for all this time and you're just now asking me? Of course i'll join!" His face lights up as he stands up and gives me a big hug. I blush, hugging him back. A bunch of "Ew!" "Gross!" "Get a room!" comments come from the table and I laugh into Eddie's hair. He still hasn't let go. I feel one of his arms leave my shoulder and I come to realize he's flipping them off. Classic. He finally lets go and I sit back down and I realize everyone at the table is watching me.
I sit down cautiously at the picnic table, the one notorious for being the hotspot of eddie's drug deals. "What, you afraid to be seen with me y/l/n?" he asks as i roll my eyes. "i don't want people to think i'm buying drugs from you, that's all." i say, knowing we're publicly friends "Anyway, you really had to bring me to your dealing location? You really shouldn't have, i'm very flattered!" I joke. "Only the best for you, sweetheart." The nickname makes my heart flutter. "Oh you're such a douche!" I say, fake punching him across the table. "Ouch!" he yelps, falling back off his seat as if my fake punch hurt him. "I totally forgot my punches are brutal!" i continue with his joke. I run to his side and pretend to be worried. "Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! Don't die on me Eddie, I never got to tell you how much I love you!" I say dramatically, beginning to fake cry.
"You love me?" he asks, stopping his acting and sitting criss-cross in the grass. "Well-Uh-" I stutter. Am I ready to tell him yet? "Spit it out, y/l/n" he laughs. "You know what? Fine. I've kinda sorta maybe liked you since middle school." He looks at me, wide-eyed and surprised. "You know something funny?" He asks laying down in the grass and looking up at the sky. I scoot over to where i'm right beside him and lay down too. "What?" I say in reply. "I liked you in middle school too. And the even funnier thing is, I still like you. Now. Like right at this moment." I look over at him. He looks back at me smiling, and I really want to kiss him. Before I can make up my mind, he grabs my face and kisses me. It's not a rough kiss, it's sweet and passionate. I smile into the kiss and he laughs. "What is it?" he asks me, breaking apart for a second. "I've been waiting for this for years." I reply. "Me too." He says, grabbing me for another kiss before I can say anything else.
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
he knows what he's doing and it's killing me
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
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EDDIE MUNSON + HANDS Stranger Things 4 (2022)
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
i wish eddie and robin would’ve been there since season 1 we were ROBBED
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
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we deserved more of him smiling and i'm not okay
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
need him so bad
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i am deeply in love with this man. joseph quinn, hand in marriage please
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
sobbing, screaming, crying
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i don't really know what i'm doing here but THAT SHOULD BE ME 😭
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