asphyxiaandabsinthe · 3 months
Leopold Von-Sacher Masoch, the infamous novelist behind “Venus in Furs” and the namesake for “masochism”, explains masochism better than any psychiatrist. He calls masochism “supersensuality”, not a desire for pain itself. Masochism is the understanding that desire is inherently something unfulfilled, it is yearning. As well, we cannot understand pleasure, and how beautiful pleasure is, without the contrast of pain. Suffering shows us joy. The “supersensual”, or masochist, is a person who enjoys sensuality and love so much that they can find that love even in pain. He compares being a supersensual to being a religious martyr, as religious martyrs find euphoria and religious ecstasy through corporal mortification or even death. This is the motivation of the masochist. The masochist is not motivated by pure fantasy or psychiatric instability, but by a desire to maximize sensation and pleasure.
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talonabraxas · 30 days
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There is a certain Greatness and Latitude of Heart in Love, which is inexpressible; for it enlarges the Soul as wide as the whole Creation of God. And this shall be truly experienced by thee, beyond all Words, when the Throne of Love shall be set up in thy Heart. --The Supersensual Life by Jacob Boehme
☩ St. Michael ☩ Talon Abraxas
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juniperusashei · 6 months
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The Crying of the Wind: Ireland by Ithell Colquhoun - 3/5
EDIT: I have scanned and uploaded a copy here: https://archive.org/details/crying-of-the-wind
I had to go on a bit of a quest to find this book; it isn’t available online anywhere to my knowledge (not even my dubious usual sites!) and physical copies go for upwards of a hundred dollars, but luckily I was able to get a card from my university’s library that allowed me to get another card to check it out from a different university’s library. So a whole lot of hype for a travelogue.
I’ve been on a bit of an Ithell Colquhoun kick lately, to the point that I can actually spell her name without verifying. She is most famous for her visual art, which straddles the line between surrealism and abstraction, and much of her literary work such as her novella The Goose of Hermogenes is rooted in the occult tradition to the point that the rest of the surrealist movement apparently found her annoying and kicked her out. I was curious what take such a mythic individual would have on a relatively mundane genre as the travelogue, and I did find The Crying of the Wind an interesting if a bit jarring read. It is jarring in that most of the book is a typical travelogue, recounting conversations with locals and visits to typical tourist sites such as Glendalough, interspersed with asides about the occult or the fairy realm. Fair, because Ireland as a nation has always embodied contradictions, most notably that between their Pagan past and the Catholic Church (syncretisms not unlike what Gloria Anzaldúa talks about in Mexico)! For example, Colquhoun goes into a detailed dive into the theories behind the fairyland before concluding they are “beings inhabiting a supersensual plane which interpenetrates the universe normally perceptible to human senses.” It feels tongue in cheek, but knowing her, it’s not.
Did I enjoy this occult tour of Ireland? I didn’t find it stunning the way my favorite travel writers such as Joan Didion and Vita Sackville-West can be, but it was certainly an interesting angle. Though well-intentioned, Colquhoun’s colonial British upbringing does show itself, which is perhaps expected for a book published in the 1950s, but there was a surprising amount of portraying the Irish as “noble savages” — in an odd way, this book felt quite orientalist at times. Nevertheless, I think I would enjoy travelling with Ithell, just because the attention she gives the local flora on every page reminds me of how much I geek out about plants whenever I travel.
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arsanimarum · 1 year
According to Lynn Thorndike, magic includes “all occult arts and sciences, superstitions and folklore.” In truth, however, this is not a satisfactory definition, for magic is but one of the occult sciences. Moreover, Thorndike uses the vague term superstition, which characterizes the attitudes of a supposedly more enlightened age and civilization. Finally, he includes folklore, which in itself is not an occult art, although folktales are often about witches, sorcerers and the like. In the present context, I would define magic as a technique grounded in a belief in powers located in the human soul and in the universe outside ourselves, a technique that aims at imposing the human will on nature or on human beings by using supersensual powers. Ultimately, it may be a belief in the unlimited power of the soul.
Georg Luck, Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds
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bleedingst4rs · 11 months
lena. paranoid schizophrenic. psychopath. star girl. 8teen. worthless. gorewhore. supersensual being. martyr.
bleeding with @styrophoam <3
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beancashi · 5 months
my new passion is seeing severin calling himself supersensual. it makes me crackle every time and he does it AN AWFUL AMOUNT OF TIMES
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My wife does all the cooking in our crib. I got the double bonus, not only is she a pretty woman but she sure can cook. We rarely go to restaurants. Every night is a feast. Every feast is a supersensual a work of art. I love to take photographs of works of art if the artist approves. My wife doesn't approve. Out of all of the hundreds of feasts, I have maybe a dozen photographs. She always tells me "stop looking at your food and eat it".
On the other hand, I write a story almost every day although most of my stories are plotless and conflict free. My writings are more like metaphysictional amalgamations. I get an idea, an angle, I throw in some irony, some ethos, pathos and bathos. I stir in past present and future, singular and plural. I type for a half hour. I edit for five minutes and voila it's finished.
Heres' the difference. I save most all of my stories. I can retrieve them and re-read them when ever I feel like it. I can even improve them. I can change the endings or add new characters.I've got 1300 amalgamations stored in one place where they stay fresh and can be enjoyed by anyone who stumbles upon them.
The edible feasts, which require more skill. more ingredients, more planning and more patience only survive in memory. It's kinda sad but as we all know, you can't eat your cake and have it too but we can occasionally photograph that cake and write about it whenever the inspiration, the idea and the angle appear.
The whole situation is a perfect example of the fragile, complex balance that exists in every marriage. Lynn's culinary creations are ephemeral masterpieces to be savored in the moment but living on primarily in memory.
My writings on the other hand, provide a tangible record of my creaitve process which when gathered together allows revisitation, recalculation and refinement over time all semingly adding up to an excruciating auto-biography.
I don't photograph her work and she doesn't read mine.
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asphyxiaandabsinthe · 3 months
“Were the martyrs soft and sensual by nature?”
“The martyrs?”
“On the contrary, they were supersensual men, who found enjoyment in suffering. They sought out the most frightful tortures, even death itself, as others seek joy, and as they were, so am I—supersensual.
“Have a care in being such, you do become a martyr to love, the martyr of a woman.”
-Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
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imagek · 7 months
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Samsung Galaxy Snap Case - Supersensuality Frustum, Accessories Pasadena, Reality curvy, unclear, windy and pixelate gray, beige and white shapes of various sizes on plain wall
Abstract designs challenge traditional notions of representation, inviting viewers to appreciate art in a more imaginative and non-literal manner. Abstract designs are artistic compositions that prioritize the use of shapes, lines, colors, and forms divorced from their representational or real-world references. Abstract art is a diverse and innovative artistic movement that prioritizes non-representational and non-figurative forms. Art allows you to explore and express their creativity beyond the constraints of depicting recognizable objects or scenes.
Supersensuality Frustum, Samsung Galaxy Snap Case.
Order available in @Redbubble
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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There is a certain Greatness and Latitude of Heart in Love, which is inexpressible; for it enlarges the Soul as wide as the whole Creation of God. And this shall be truly experienced by thee, beyond all Words, when the Throne of Love shall be set up in thy Heart. --The Supersensual Life by Jacob Boehme Sacred Heart ❤️‍🔥
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gmeldivine · 1 year
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When she’s super tapped and supersensual, the energy and chemistry is lit🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇
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sonn · 3 years
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Affectional ... Infinite Penetration Into The Absolute Essence ... #antianti #color #blue #ofwlvs #quote #supersensual https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKTuqqnHx7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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voxprotzik · 3 years
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thebluesthour · 4 years
"The deeper blue becomes," wrote Kandinsky in On the Spiritual in Art, "the more urgently it summons man towards the infinite, the more it arouses in him a longing for purity and, ultimately, for the supersensual." The color indeed, like Goethe's Eternal Woman, like mystery itself, seems to beckon us ever and ever onward, becoming, in Kandinsky's words, "the infinite penetration into the absolute essence—where there is, and can be, no end."
Alexander Theroux, from “Blue”, The Primary Colours: Three Essays
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thornsintheheart · 2 years
Aprenderse a querer.
Me gusta mucho que digan eso, es muy fácil decirle a una persona que se quiera. Tú te piensas que la persona que se odia físicamente le gusta odiarse? Te lo digo yo. No. No le gusta. ¿Sabes como lo sé? Porque yo tampoco me gusto físicamente y puedo decir que no es una cosa que me guste hacer. No me gusta odiarme y llevo mucho tiempo lidiando con eso y cuesta muchísimo no odiarse. Cuando las cosas van bien he llegado a no odiarme e incluso a quererme tal y como soy. Pero cuando las cosas no van bien, no le gustas a un chico, lo primero que piensas es en tu mierda de físico. Hay partes de mi cuerpo que me gustan, por ejemplo mis ojos, para mí son bonitos y desafiantes, para mí, mi pelo es supersensual o mi clavícula sinceramente la encuentro muy erótica y no me da cosa decirlo, es la puta realidad. También es puta realidad que no me gustan partes de mí y las puedo decir, no me da vergüenza, mis pechos, mis labios, mis piernas, mi nariz, mi barriga. Mis muñecas también las odio por los cortes. Pero no me digas que son bonitas, eso no lo voy a permitir, no me importa tu opinión porque gracias a las opiniones tengo estas inseguridades.
A veces no es quererse sino aceptarse, no nos puede gustar a todos lo mismo. Pero por favor no le digas a nadie que se quiera si has juzgado un físico, porque no sé si lo haces para ayudar o para después reír de mí, dime desconfiada, pero cuando te han hecho tanto daño cuesta confiar. Puedes ayudarme si quieres a aceptarme, pero no sé si soy capaz de quererme porque siempre habrá algo que no me guste. Por favor respetar los cuerpos porque es una cosa muy valiosa que nos permite vivir o dejar de hacerlo por comentarios de gente irrespetuosa.
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perkwunos · 3 years
Im building incomprehensibly, inhumanly, intricate metaphysical systems in my mind but I’m not going to let you see them
Jokes on you, nobody can see metaphysical systems because they are supersensual entities. I will simply be conceiving them instead
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