#support: sephiran
yukyunotabibito · 2 days
What if Your Muse and Mine Had a Child | Accepting | 1/?
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Wouldn't a dragon heron thing be fucked up? Yeah. That would be fucked up; wouldn't it?
What is he? Nasir vc: I don't know. He's fucked up that's what.
Despite it all, despite whatever problems his parents have when you put them in the same room, he turned out... okay? Yeah, debatable if he's really okay, but he's trying to be at least. Combine dragon and heron vibe checking abilities though and he dies whenever he steps foot outside.
Inheirted Sephiran/Lehran's black wings, which I'm sure he would feel very normal about it.
A gentle soul who just wants to be left alone to his books and his little hobbit house. Yeah, he's a hermit; what about it? Going outside is painful, best to stay inside where everything is safe and fine except when his parents are arguging and it feels like his head is going to explode.
He is begging them to get a divorce. Why won't they just get a divorce already? It would make everyone happier right? Ugh, dads get out of his house and solve your issues somewhere else this sucks.
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a kiss after one muse has injured the other  //au. where seph wins, i think
Sephiran stands over the swordsman, the same false smile on his lips as he watches the light magic he wields do the damage it had long had no reason to deal.
Then, to add insult to injury, he kneels to make their eyes level and plants a kiss on the other man's forehead.
"Just a little longer, and your fate- as well as all of mankinds, is decided. Have you anything to say?"
Kiss Meme // Accepting! (1/?)
AU: Alternate Ending, Tellius Spoilers
Zihark is only beorc, he cannot do anything to defy the power of Begnion's Prime Minister, especially not whatever power he was wielding right now.
Zihark takes a knee, sword slammed into the ground in front of him - moments away from breaking, but that didn't matter anymore. There was no longer a reason for his sword to stay intact. Because there was no longer a reason to fight.
The world was going to end, and if Ike couldn't do anything to stop it; how in the world could Zihark of all people?
As if he's taunting him, Sephiran lowers himself, their eyes meeting for but a split second, and presses a kiss to Zihark's forehead. Zihark can only grit his teeth, a hiss of pain escaping from between them.
The end... it was coming soon wasn't it? At the very least... can Zihark hope that the next world will be a better one?
"Fuck you," He manages to spit, a cough of blood escaping through his lips at the same time. He's going to die soon.
Ah yeah... he was going to...
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melusinezephyr · 1 year
a kiss between enemies who should be fighting 
kissies! (still accepting)
How is that she is meant to see this man now on the field of war? When he had seemed nothing like a threat to her before? She clicks her tongue, though she does not wish that her allegiance could be changed. They will be met as enemies, and she will revel in his downfall. Revel in being able to see defeat upon as he face as he realises that she truly did mean harm to him after all.
Her sword is sharp, and her will even sharper. A kiss is placed to his lips, harsh and cold, much like her words, before her blade is driven easily through him.
"Consider that one last parting gift."
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goldoanheart · 1 year
a kiss on the forehead of one who is starting to fall asleep //au!
Though Kurthnaga was now practically an adult, both by laguz and beorc standards, Sephiran still thought of him as the little dragon prince who he watched grow up. It did not help that now, he was nodding off as he graded papers, the drowsiness bringing a childlike air. Catching him as sleep found its hold on him was something Sephiran was accustomed to, and he did so again. He gives a small kiss upon Kurthnaga’s head, before heading to find some cover for the young monarch- his monarch.
kisses! (yawn. envy sleepy, but still accepting?)
Kurthnaga blinks his eyes open hours later upon a stack of papers, a linger tingle upon his forehead. He must have fallen asleep while trying to grade, once again.
A blanket is draped gently around his shoulders, like it always was when he had fallen asleep late at night in the library. And he instantly knows who was here before he had nodded off - or rather, remembered seeing him here in his sleep addled state.
He was always so kind to Kurth, even when Kurth did foolish things or stumbled on his path. A man who had always been there for him even when his father had not been. A kind and gentle hand to guide him on his way whenever he had needed. Sephiran, as he was known here, though Kurthnaga had always known him as Lehran. He would have to do something in return for him sooner or later, to show his appreciation, but for now, he will breath simple words even if Lehran cannot hear them now.
"Thank you for your kindness... Papa..."
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anankelotus · 1 year
a hesitant kiss 
kissies! (still accepting)
Anankos does not fear the feeling of affection, nor does he truly fear people. What he does fear, is losing something that could possibly be held so dear, something that he wishes to keep close to his heart. He does not want to love someone, only to lose everything once again, as he has so many times in the past.
He fears what others may think of him, if they should reject him for simply being. He fears love as if it will hurt him over and over, like it did in the past.
His kiss upon Sephiran's lips is shy, hesitant, as if he simply waiting for something bad to happen and ruin everything. Like there is punishment in store for such a simple action.
"I'm sorry... Sephiran... it is not so easy..."
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gloamvonhrym · 7 months
every human ruler in tellius needs an emotional support bird. elincia gets to cry on leanne. micaiah gets to hug rafiel. sanaki gets to…… dunk on naesala
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knighteclipsed · 15 days
[ 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 ] - thinking about that AU again
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒 (still accepting)
There is an unmatched tranquility Valter receives from the sight of something being destroyed—be it quick and disastrous or slow, crumbling, falling to pieces; every bit witnessed; every moment consumed. The flames lick over the remnants of what is now history, and Valter soaks in every second; he lives in the moment that is slow and steady desolation.
And at his side, there is Sephiran—because they had done this. (They had been the cause, however carefully obscured the method.) Each shattered brick fallen and crumbled—confirmation, affirmation; almost a compliment to their skills.
The fire burns, and the smoke rises. Slowly, the flames burn on.
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egittae · 3 months
a kiss that seals a promise .
He carefully holds a lock of Sephiran’s hair, his touch featherlight as he keeps their gazes linked. 
While the other man was no faculty of the Academy, in the end the two still ended up with a level of responsibility over the students. The mission they were going through was meant to be a simple one, but a sudden change of weather resulted in a raging storm, leaving a group of students trapped in a forest- vulnerable to the elements as well as prowling beasts or opportunistic bandits.
Lambert was the teacher here, and he refused to put Sephiran through any more danger. “Sephiram, stay here with the others. We will undoubtedly need your aid when I return with the missing kids, we need you safe and well. I can handle myself just fine in the current conditions, but we cannot wait any longer.”
He smiled softly, before pressing a kiss to the silky lock of hair in his hands- allowing it to slip through his fingers after. “I shall return safe and sound, I promise. Until then, wait here. Please.”
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fluxrspar · 5 months
[ 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 ] : sender is expressing anger over receiver's constant recklessness.
for you i would (still accepting)
It is only natural for her to act like this—to put her all into battle; to focus solely on the mission; to expend herself in order to secure victory.
There had been a close call this time. (In actuality, there had been many close calls, piling up with every outing, every skirmish, every full-blown fight.) Selena had drawn too close to an enemy soldier, and now she had dressed wounds for it. It didn’t affect her breathing; neither did it hinder her pulse.
All the same, Sephiran finds fault. (This time, it was minor, but what of next time? What if there is no ‘next time’ after that?) Selena listens, and she ponders, but it is hard for her to change heart.
To hesitate is to condemn to death.
“Of course,” she lies. “I’ll be more careful next time. Don’t worry about me.”
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firelles · 10 months
She was one who was strong of will, who reached between the bars of a cage to offer comfort whilst in combat. He knew little else about her, having fallen too fast. It was a shame, for she seemed to be one to know of gentle strength- to comfort and protect, and to defend. As he, again, casts a glance in concern of her wellbeing, he notices the flowers that decorate her attire- delicate, yet remaining. They suited her, he felt. Both in her performance in combat, and her attempts to free their captive ally.
“Greetings- I must apologize for the late introduction… I hope I am not remiss in my approach. I am called Sephiran.” He inclines his head. She seemed to have a bearing of nobility, or perhaps that was simply her spirit, so he will give her the proper respect as deserved. “Your performance last round- as much as I could see- was impressive. Might I ask for your name in return?”
It is he who had fought with her just as strongly, tearing apart the lock with willful fibers of their beings until it no longer remained an obstacle. His instinct to free their caged comrade first and foremost— That in itself said plenty of a kind character. There are a number of faces in the heat of battle who prioritize victory over everything else. Such is the fate of a poor leader, resigned to failure of their land. But here, amidst this group, she does not sense that. Actions alone speak volumes, that much she knows.
Thus, understanding envelopes her face as her hands clasp neatly in front of her. "Worry not. The blame can fall on I, just as much. It ill-suits me to fight alongside you all without passing on my name, of all things!" A petite giggle leaves her lips, upholding herself to remain within the grace of Firene's princess. Taking hold of the ends of her skirt, she slightly inclined into a polite bow as greeting. "My name is Céline. I know not what lies ahead for us in the upcoming battles, but you can rely on me all the same."
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foreversnightmare · 1 year
a kiss after one muse has injured the other //up to you which way it goes!
"Tsk- Worm!"
How did they end up this way? The man did not look like the fighting type yet he happened to want a challenge? She somehow won this fight, barely, if she were at her fullest potential this fight would've ended in seconds. Freyja wipes the blood from her face, is it her own? or Sephiran's? it's not like it matters. She staggers towards him, leaning down to pick him up by the collar.
"You... You're one of a kind, Whatever motivated this-- know that I will never forget." Small and quick, the kiss did not last. She did not want the taste of blood on her lips.
Not even bothered to take him somewhere to heal, Freyja walks off quickly retreating to the Abyss.
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yukyunotabibito · 3 months
a defiant kiss //AU, but the AU is your choice hehe
Kiss Meme | Accepting (1/?)
AU: I've Created Something Terrible, Tellius Spoilers
"Lehran," They breath out his true name like its a curse, as if uttering it could cast a shroud of death upon those whos ears it reached. Though, in this case, the only one who hears is the man himself. Nasir lingers close to his side, as they once had lingered close to Dheginsea's. They're always a step or two behind, kept on a metaphorical short leash. If Lehran was smart, he would done something far more literal. But no, he didn't have the guts for that; did he?
"Lehran..." They whisper again, closer this time, with the hint of a clearly falsified whine, "Lehran, you never pay any attention to me. Have you decided to scourn me now? After all the lengths you've gone through to keep me imprisoned in one way or another, you won't even spare a glance for me?"
It's all an act, probably for both of them. It sure is for Nasir. They don't doubt that it would be for Lehran as well. How could it be anything but an act? They scoff at the idea that any of this could be geniune.
Longingly, they turn their gaze from Lehran for but a brief moment, staring out the window at the free and blue sky. It's a nice day, a breeze is surely blowing. Nasir wouldn't know. They long for the freedom they once had, to set upon the seas again. Perhaps Lehran would take them, if they were to put their all into begging for it. They scoff at the idea of finding any outing with the man enjoyable though, no matter where they managed to convince him to take him.
Nasir puts up the walls again, slipping back into the farce just as easily as they managed to slip out of it for a mere second. Piercing blue eyes drift downwards, meeting Lehran's own green. They've grown to hate that color, grown to hate the way it looks at them.
"Lehran..." They mutter one last time, breathed softly against the heron's mouth. It is the last act of defiance they have, pressing their lips against his like it is a declaration of war.
What kind of fool tried to put a dragon in a cage anyway?
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sacaeblade · 1 year
a kiss from a muse who the other should be afraid of 
another kiss prompt
Lyn does not consider herself to be someone who is afraid of others, much less members of the clergy. It is not out of a lack of respect, though, merely a difference in beliefs. The dominant observed faith here differs from the Elimine Church, which differs even still from the faith followed by Sacaens. The sacred sword by her side is proof of this; blessed not by a goddess, but by the spirits. When she prays, it is to Father Sky and Mother Earth.
Even so, the tall raven haired man, backlit by the grandiose windows of the cathedral, unnerves her somehow. He exudes the presence not of a priest, but as if he were meant to be one of the statues decorating the cathedral. His face is young, but her journey with Eliwood and Hector has taught her that appearances mean little when it comes to ages. A young boy and girl, who had actually lived far longer than normal humans, or artificial constructs that look just like real humans—there is no way to tell by sight alone.
The question in her heart does not find its way to her lips, cut off by his approach, silent except for the sway of his robes.
He draws near, expression inscrutable, and Lyn stiffens, but he merely places a kiss upon the crown of her head. It is light, barely a kiss at all, lips brushing hair for but a fraction of a second. He withdraws just as wordlessly.
It is not until he disappears past the pews that Lyn is able to relax.
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liferockingitout · 1 year
I want it to be known that when Sephiran first dropped in FEH, I was so pissed
I immediately lvl40'd him to get his dialogue and was even more pissed: the amount of "we could have avoided this" plot dripping from his little revelation had me going "if I were actually there, in that moment, knowing what I know from playing the radiant duology, I would break this man's jaw on my knees"
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
nah but like
every single solitary file without fail
every single solitary time sephiran attacks directly (not using his all unit attack)
he attacks shinon
every. single. solitary. individual. time. on every. single. solitary. individual. file.
shinon i know you have the provoke skill but what kind of filth are you shouting at this guy to make that provoke skill work overpower overtime
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theia-eos · 7 months
The Twelve Labours of Radiant Dawn
I have joked constantly for a while that if you want to unlock all of the secrets and characters in Radiant Dawn, you must complete the 12 Labours. This being a reference to the 12 Labours Heracles/Hercules has to complete for reasons. Anyway. Enough explaining the joke and killing what little humor it had.
If you've ever attempted to unlock all of the secrets, you may go through similar trials at how frustrating it can be to get at some of these secrets. I know I thought I had done everything right back when I made my first and only attempt in 2008, and still came up short. Doesn't help that there were mountains of misinformation on the internet about the Tellius games back in the day that have been a constant source of pain and consternation or vindication while I play through them again (quite slowly) with my partner in the modern era.
So I make this joke all the time, but are there really 12 different things you have to do? Many of the requirements overlap.
For example, if you want to recruit Pelleas into your army, you have to not kill him. If you want to get the secret epilogue conversation with Pelleas, you also have to not kill him. So I have gone through all of the requirements currently on the internet (aka Serenes Forest), which I hope now to be true, and I did come up with 12 things you need to do. Some of these things are much easier than others.
Without further ado:
The 12 Labours of Radiant Dawn
Transfer the Path of Radiance save into Radiant Dawn, preferably before starting the Radiant Dawn file
Beat Radiant Dawn once and start a new game + file in Radiant Dawn, all further steps refer to actions taken in the NG+ file
Get Ike and Soren an A Support
Use the Black Knight in Chapter 1-F
Have Soren fight Micaiah in Chapter 3-7 and survive
Have Ike fight the Black Knight in Chapter 3-7 and survive
The Black Knight must survive Chapter 3-7
Choose not to kill Pelleas in Chapter 3-13
Have Soren fight Pelleas in Chapter 3-F
Bring Soren into the Goddess Tower in Part 4
Soren does not die or retreat in Radiant Dawn
Pelleas does not die in Radiant Dawn
This ought to allow you to: recruit Pelleas, recruit Sephiran, unlock Ike's hidden memories, unlock Ike and Soren's Base Conversation in Chapter 4-F-5, and unlock the secret epilogue conversation with Pelleas.
Some debunked requirements:
Soren and Ike must have an A Support transferred in from Path of Radiance. This is apparently unnecessary, and has been documented by multiple people (I haven't done this myself yet).
Micaiah needs to attack Soren in Chapter 3-13. This was something I was told back in 2008, and does not appear online. The conversation is good though, so I highly recommend it.
(If you find this through a reblog and plan to use this to help you get all the secrets, just remember that reblogs don't reflect edits made to the original after the fact.)
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