ryanyflags · 1 year
A suprabinary flag? It's supragender×binary
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Here's some supragender flags :) (You only requested supra-binary, but I thought I'd make flags for other genders as well.)
One thing I'm having a bit of a problem with is the names. Because supra- ends in A, and a lot of genders begin with A, there can be situations where two different terms end up having the same name. Like supra+binary and supra+abinary would both end up being "suprabinary" (unless you spell supra+abinary as "supraabinary", but that doesn't really work).
I'll list the names with dashes for now (in the same order as the flags are listed).
supra-binary, supra-boy/guy/man/male, supra-girl/gal/woman/female, supra-nonbinary/enby/enban, supra-abinary, supra-atrinary, supra-androgyne, supra-agender, supra-aporagender (or alternatively, supra-apora?), supra-maverique, supra-neutrois.
If anyone has any ideas for the names, feel free to make a comment/reblog (or ask).
I also wonder if supra-masc and -fem might be good ideas, though masc and fem are more gender qualities rather than just genders.
Now time for the part about the flags' designs, I generally chose the colors based off of their respective flags (the exception to this is binary and the two binary genders variants. I didn't use any particular flag as reference, just used blue for guys and pinks for girls, and both for binary.) I did also reuse colors from the original supragender flag and between flags. (So like reusing using the yellow instead of picking a new yellow).
The original supragender flag has a off white background, two grey rays, and yellow/green. I decided the two grey stripes would be the best places to put the colors, though for some all stripes had to be replaced. The green and yellow I left to represent the "exceeds" and "extends past" part of the definition, though the off white could also serve this purpose. (I do not actually know what the original flags stripes/colors mean, so I don't actually know what specifically any of those colors are supposed to represent). For some flags, green and yellow were already used colors (like in abinary), in those cases, I prioritized the style of the gender flag, and add green, yellow, or white stripes at the top if there was room.
Do these work? I'm open to suggestions.
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turn-it-off-5s · 3 years
Get to know 'em!
Wren Davis :
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Davis in nonbinary (they/them) with a preference for girls/other enbys, they're deaf and they suffer from PTSD due to a frankly terrible childhood. They're the most introverted of the group, their best friend is Sadaka and she's the person they hang out with the most. Davis doesn't like big high energy groups and they would much rather hang out with the animals they take in. Although they also like Neeley, Michaels (when he's calm), and Church. They're on good terms with everyone except Schrader (he makes them uncomfortable so they'd rather not hang out with him) and elder BFN. They might seem a bit cold at first but once you get closer to them they're really chill to hang out with!
Davis definitely has the chill older sibling vibe, they like tea and they're terrible with children. Activities : drawing, taking care of the wildlife (taking online vet classes, good for them), they just really love animals and the animals love them (except Goliath the chicken)
Noah Neeley :
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Bi for his boyfriend (elder Zelder), he has OCD (which is why he wears gloves, he gets very bad tics around his hands), and he faints at the sight of blood. He comes from a supra rich family, which is how they get most of the money for the charity. He's very unsure as to what he wants to do after the end of the "mission", he's still figuring out who he is, without his parents or the church's influence, which can lead him to rely on Zelder a bit too much, since Zelder knows exactly who he is and is very confident. His dad taught him how to run a business but he's also an amazing dancer (he's very flexible. That too.) and he plays a Lot of classical instruments. He's a theater kid who's really into astrology, he somehow knows everyone's secret (even Davis'). He will tease you for fun but he's a really nice, fun person :D. He lovess drama and will not miss out on some good tea. He does most of the chores around the house which is why it doesn't look like a complete hell hole. His friends are : Zelder (♥️), Schrader, Davis, Asmeret, Gotswana, Nabulungi.
Xavier Zelder :
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Gay for his boyfriend (elder Neeley), he is recovering from anorexia and now has bad body dismorphia. Apart from that, he's a happy go lucky guy, he's fun and caring, he goofs around a lot! (he can be a bit stupid but we love him for that) He's here for a good time with his friends and he's a reliable guy! He wants to be a performer (drag queen) and he's really good at singing and playing the guitar. He grew up on a farm in the south with his parents and 9 siblings so he's a great gardener, that's his main job in the village. He tries his best to get along with everyone, give everybody a chance! Except for Elder Price who doesn't like him for a reason he hasn't figured out yet and elder BFN (but everyone is weary of him). He's also trying to get closer to Schrader and Davis but he hasn't figured out how to do that either. He's the house's unofficial hair dresser!
His friends are : Micheals (BFF since they were 14, do not separate them!!), Neeley (♥️), Kimbay, Mafala...
Otto Schrader
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Otto!! (he/him, they/them) He chose not to put a label on his sexuality. He gets crushes very easily on any gender although we're still not sure if his crushes are romantic or purely sexual since he's a "horny on main" kinda guy (he did have a one time thing with McKinley eyoo) the whiteboard in the living room is now host to "Otto's crush list". He's got PTSD due to his not so good childhood (I'll reblog the post about it if you want to read about it) and depression (but in a "✨nothing matters B)✨" kinda way) and he's a recovering drug addict, although it's very recent so he's been having some trouble with it. He has 2 sisters, Erika and Anna, they're the most important things to him and misses them a Lot (he'd never say that out loud tho)
He spends his time doing construction work in the village, badly flirting with Ghali, reading, being the village's babysitter, catching up on the years of school/pop culture that he missed, hanging out with whoever... He likes doing things alone or with people as he's neither an extrovert or an introvert really.
Fun facts : Asmeret gave him a tattoo on his back, he's half German half french (bilingual english/German and knows just enough French to get around), he never learned how to swim and he's a cat person! His friends are : Neeley, Asmeret, Micheals (?), Mafala, Ghali, his sisters, Kimbay, Mutumbo. Overall a snarky, feral, dumbass with a heart of gold ♥️✨
Micheal Micheals
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What a name. This boy is confused af about his sexuality, he only had crushes on girls before but he now has a very... Confusing. Crush on a certain german guy which he is trying to hide. Mental illness time ✨✨ he developed depression after his mother's death when he was 14 and he has developed a self-harming habit. He hides it all behind a big smile and a hoodie that's way too hot for the weather (no worries, the others know and they're here to help!). He's a music fan, he plays the drums and a bit of bass, he's secretly very into sewing, he's also the social media manager of the charity they're running here in Uganda. He has a nice singing voice when he's not too shy to show it off :D Micheal (or Mike for short sometimes) is terrible at taking compliments/criticism, he might genuinely start crying if you compliment his hair. Because of his height, he's often treated like a child but he is in fact a grown ass man. A grown ass man who's afraid of swearing. And that's fine.
Apart from that he spends the most of his time hanging out with his friends, he's very dependent on Zelder, to the point where he disliked Neeley when the two started dating but he learned to accept it, especially once he became better friends with Schrader. Some of his friends : Zelder, Davis, Schrader, McKinley, Price, Neeley, Ghali, Nabulungi, Kimbay, Sadaka...
Boom! Here are the 5 guys you can ask some questions to on this blog, let's have fun :DD ♥️
Ask box is always open!
(this askblog takes place a few months after their mission ended so that's why all their clothes/hair are different!)
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bleu-sang · 3 years
J'ai dû mal à comprendre le genre parce que que ce soit il ou elle je ne me définis pas par cela alors qu'importe que je sois il ou elle pour quelqu'un.
Alors déjà c'est grave cool de ne pas se définir (coucou, je fais ça aussi), ensuite pavé explicatif rapide :
Genre = expression de genre + identité de genre.
L'expression de genre englobe toute ta façon d'être (tes pronoms, tes loisirs, ta façon de parler, ton style vestimentaire, ton apparence ; tout ce sur quoi les autres vont se baser pour te coller une identité de genre) tandis que l'identité de genre c'est juste les termes qu'on utilise pour se définir (donc "garçon/fille/non-binaire/agenre" etc).
Du coup le fait que tu te retrouves (ou pas) dans x ou y pronoms n'a pas forcément d'impact sur ton identité de genre (-> le fait que tu sois mec/fille/enby/etc), mais tu peux très bien ✨ne rien être✨ aussi (comme moi, coucou). Il y a aussi le terme "agenre" pour celleux qui n'ont pas d'identité de genre mais pas besoin de poser un mot si tu ne veux pas, c'est supra cool aussi!
Bonus : il y a d'autres pronoms si besoin, tels que "iel, ael, ul, ol, im, em" pour citer les plus connus (ne sait-on jamais, si ça tente à quelqu'an) et les accorder au neutre ou à l'inclusif est possible autant que de les accorder au féminin/masculin, c'est au choix!
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momma-mogai-sphinx · 5 years
Superfeminine, Suprafeminine, Hyperfeminine, and Ultrafeminine flags requested by anon:
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Superfeminine - being very feminine
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Suprafeminine - when you consider yourself to have multiple gender expressions, but are chiefly/supremely feminine; when you have multiple genders, but your "dominant" gender is FIN. (derived from supragender)
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Hyperfeminine - expressing your gender with more intensity than is considered common; identifying with a certain FIN gender more intensely than is considered common. (derived from Hypergender: Experiencing a gender with more intensity than is common for your identity)
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Ultrafeminine - expressing both unrestricted femininity and power/status without regard for the masc-fem spectrum; an aingender/xenogender that feels powerful/of status high and, in some way, influenced by femininity. (derived from Ultragender: A gender that is powerful and of high status, too powerful to be restricted by a spectrum)
I'll be honest, I've never heard of any of these terms before used in reference to gender (or even as personal descriptors for gender expression). When I look them up, I can't find anything about them, but the anon who requested them explained that they can be understood in relation to other ultra-, super-, supra-, and hyper- genders; so all of these definitions, excluding superfeminine, are based off of those definitions (I couldn't find anything for supergenders). If I've gotten any of these terms wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
I assume you can probably use these labels the same way you'd use any other gender or expression terminology, e.g. "I am hyperfeminine-expressing," or "I identify as/my gender is ultrafeminine[gender]."
Stripe meanings:
Superfeminine - the red represents superfeminine women, as well as a passion for femininity. The purple represents superfeminine GNC men and the pinkish red is for superfeminine enbies. The black is for nonconformity and how honest gender expression comes from within, regardless of how much it "aligns" with culturally constructed ideas.
Suprafeminine - the pink stripes in the middle show the dominance of a fingender or femininity within a suprafeminine person's identity. The purple, orange, yellow, green, and blue represent other possible genders or gender expressions a suprafeminine person experiences.
Hyperfeminine - the hot pink, of course, represents "vibrant" femininity, while the reds represent passion and dauntlessness. The bold black stripe in the middle serves not only to contrast these colors, but also to represent the depth and intensity of a hyperfeminine person's gender experience/expression.
Ultrafeminine - the lavender and yellow are taken from the aporagender flag to emphasize how ultragenders as a whole are "completely off the spectrum." The purple represents regality, the red represents power, and the pink represents the feminine influence.
HQ Downloads: (1) (2) (3) (4)
If you have any problems with these terms or flag designs, please let me know. I may take the post down & will certainly do my best to correct the issue.🦋
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