comradekatara · 2 months
on rewatch, it stuck out to me that sokka would be an ideal political match for yue. sokka is a proven warrior, son of a chief from the estranged swt (who the nwt wants influence over), and a companion of the avatar. so how ridiculous would it be if arnook's plan in changing the mission was to sacrifice hahn (overestimating his ability to kill zhao) and marry yue off to sokka (esp since it's right after hahn is loudly insulting her)? and how would sokka react to the system being in his favor?
see i have considered this before and i do think there’s a bit of truth to it. arnook should have put sokka in charge of the mission considering that sokka has intelligence and experience that hahn clearly lacks. and frankly, if sokka had been in charge he might have actually been successful in killing zhao and prevented yue’s sacrifice entirely. also arnook is just not very smart tbh. like they are being threatened by a naval fleet. you know, at sea. their literal element. they have the home field advantage by far. they easily could’ve used their waterbenders to construct icebergs beneath the surface that would sink all the ships like the titanic. literally anything except for waiting for them to make an attack on land. but i digress.
i think that arnook would definitely have been willing to reconsider yue’s betrothal if he had known that sokka was interested, but neither yue nor sokka ever felt safe to voice those issues to him due to their very rigid sense of filial duty and what it means to comply with a patriarch. that said, i do think that arnook would be incredibly nice to sokka whenever they interact postwar, which would baffle sokka because he just assumes that this man must resent him for failing to protect yue, which was like, the one thing he’d actually tasked him to do. but arnook sort of treats sokka like a son-in-law and sokka cannot handle it and just avoids him as much as possible. so i guess that makes my answer to “how would sokka react to the system being in his favor” umm. he would hate it actually.
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grendelsmilf · 5 months
what is each adventure time character's fave type of soup
this is a great question because i feel like if i really combed thru every episode i could find the answer to pretty much all of these. like i know for a fact that marcy's favorite soup is definitely chicken noodle because of ancient simon (and proto-bonnie) memories. whereas i feel like jake's favorite soup is bouillabaisse just because i think he would think it's fun to say. ice king seems like his favorite soup would be tomato, and incidentally simon's favorite soup is gazpacho (which is tomato soup for intellectuals). but after reverting back he starts heating it up because he refuses to eat cold foods, but then one day finn is like "no way tomato was ice king's favorite soup too" so he just. swears off his favorite soup. starts making miso instead. bonnie's favorite soup is some disgusting candy concoction that she made in her lab using a quantum computer instead of just heating broth over a stove like a normal fucking person. (and secretly her favorite soup is also chicken noodle because of ancient marcy memories.) bmo claims his favorite soup is butternut squash. finn's favorite soup is corn soup but only the way jake makes it and after jake dies bonnie tries to recreate it in her lab but it just isn't the same because it's missing jake's special essence. prismo makes pickle soup out pickle juice broth which is sicknasty and he should go to jail for that if he weren't already basically in timecube prison. one day simon asks betty what her favorite soup is because he wants to make it for her, but she says it's the primordial soup and simon finds that so funny that he has no choice but to fuck her on the kitchen floor for so long that he accidentally burns their dinner. they get takeout instead.
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comradekatara · 5 months
if you had to give bolin a good personality/arc, what would it be? mako has (hardly touched) parallels as the repressed, protective older sibling. bolin, like katara, is the younger sib who wears their heart on their sleeve. but while she's a prodigy on top of being the last bender of her tribe, he has mediocre skill, and probably would get looked down upon as a mixed earthbender in neocolonial republic city. but instead he's just written in cringy ships that are esp hard to watch
this is a great question. the thing about bolin is, he’s actually a pretty talented earthbender. obviously not toph level, but you know, good enough to be a pro athlete, and to lavabend! the problem with bolin isn’t that he’s untalented per se, it’s that he’s stupid. katara may be naive, but she’s still incredibly smart, witty, and practical. no one in atla is straight up dumb tbh (even zuko has his moments). but plenty of characters in lok are dumb and serve no narrative purpose other to be annoying UHH I MEAN “”funny”” . bolin was actually fine at first. in the first couple episodes, he’s confident, outgoing, and optimistic, but he’s also grounded and has at least one brain cell. then i guess they decided they wanted bolin and mako to fight over korra but for mako to “win” korra in the end, and so they had to nerf (or perhaps lobotomize) him. which makes perfect sense, of course. it’s clear from then on that the show never really has any idea of what to do with him, which is a problem with pretty much every facet of lok.
bolin reaches his peak of character usefulness in the book 3 subplot wherein he and mako get stranded in the lower ring and run into their extended family. this is a very good mini-arc and exactly what i wish we had seen from mako and bolin throughout the entire show. i don’t care about their misguided career choices (apart from insofar as it is informed by their trauma), i care about their roles as they problematize the neoliberal fantasy lok largely uncritically glamorizes. not saying that all my favorite children’s cartoons need to be marxist propaganda (although……… im not NOT saying that), but their entire backstory conflicts w the ideologies being presented in the show, and they’re ostensibly main characters!!! so where is that tension???? why are we focalizing capitalists and nepobabies (sorry tenzin i forgot ur not actually defined by ur famous parents) when mako and bolin are supposed to be significant players?? and not just in a “oh teenage boy romantic drama” or “wacky buddy cop sideplot” way. in a “how do they reflect the themes” way.
i don’t really know what exactly i’d do with bolin if i rewrote lok right now (because i tend to forget he exists tbh), but i do know that he NEEDS to have more depth, nuance, and like… a modicum of intelligence. the class, racial, familial, and romantic aspects of his character would need to be teased out more and actually cohere. he would need to have feelings that aren’t simply played for laughs, and his role in the narrative would have to be more than simply being the show’s little jangling jester. maybe some people enjoy the “dumb comic relief” archetype (and if anyone says “but what about sokka? you like sokka” i will find where you sleep) but he literally has no depth. and what’s the point of a PRIMARY CHARACTER who serves no thematic function. his function is mainly to be proximate to mako, and of course to annoy the viewer with his wacky subplots. also i guess to introduce the avatar world to red pandas, but again, that first happens before they nerfed him, so im not even gonna count it as a positive. actually you know what? since the beginning of writing this paragraph ive given it some thought and decided that bolin should’ve been a communist revolutionary 👍🏼
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comradekatara · 3 months
i never thought of modern au katara being a writer, but that's so fitting and i love it. do you see any parallels between her journey learning waterbending in canon with her gaining confidence as a writer in your au? ex being dismissed bc of all the disrespect the art of writing gets irl, meeting haru and being mutually inspired/ working with jet and having a fallout? i know there's a fine line between narrative parallels in aus and like, contrived shit like katara being the last mcr fan or smth
not the last mcr fan 😭 but yeah!! it feels like the very natural connection between her being the show's narrator and the way storytelling and narrative is such a crucial aspect of her identity, culture, the way she sees the world, and survives. i think her being an investigative journalist who travels and reports on various crises and exposes corruption and inequality, but also writes more personal essays on her own experiences, or even just writing about media and art and fashion and sports and the stuff she enjoys. historical monographs, journalistic exposes, personal essays, poetry, fiction, maybe even like. a children's fantasy series. truly, she can do it all!
however, unlike waterbending, i don't think it's the kind of thing she would aspire to excel at since childhood. i actually think that she wouldn't really try hard in any academic pursuits for most of her childhood/adolescence bc she doesn't feel like she'll ever be good enough anyway, so what's the point. she's like "i only learned how to read when i was five and i don't understand number theory i must be some kind of ignoramus." the prospect of actually being very smart in many ways (including academically) just totally eludes her. because in a mundane world like ours, where bending does not exist and there is no such thing as a chosen one, it is sokka, not katara, who is the shiny, special wunderkind, and katara is the one who compensates by excelling in areas that sokka does not (namely, athletics, activism, and art). so mapping those arcs into this world actually inverts a lot of their dynamics in the sense of what and who is valued.
obviously katara does nonetheless struggle with being valued as a waterbender (by the nwt, by sokka himself, by the fire nation) and has to work incredibly hard to prove herself, so the idea that she's never underestimated or undervalued in the show isn't entirely accurate, but there's definitely a sense, at least within her family and tribe, that she is the world's specialest princess, and although i still think she'd be kanna's favorite and cherished as the baby of the family and beloved by aang in modern au, she isn't deemed inherently worthy and special. because she isn't a waterbender, she's just a normal girl.
sidenote: i do actually think a lot about how katara and sokka both undermine each other out of jealousy, like it's just not sokka calling katara a freak for playing with magic water, katara is constantly dismissing and undermining sokka in a way that's like. hang on. does she think she's....punching up?? like i do think katara probably carries resentments about not being as smart and special as sokka and compensates via her bending in the same way sokka compensates for his lack of bending via his other skills. they are constantly caught in a cycle of trying to be worthy of being the other's sibling, with the ultimate result just being that they are both incredibly gifted and accomplished in their respective areas (azula and zuko also sort of have this going on, but it's less mutual, because azula's skills are valued and zuko's are not, whereas both katara and sokka possess valuable skills that make them special to their community).
anyway. as for katara's journey to becoming a writer, i think she would write for fun as a kid but never show it to anyone, not even aang. and then occasionally she'll hand in an essay for school that she actually put effort into, which is very rare, because she only puts effort in when she's genuinely interested in the subject, but sometimes she'll put in a lot of time and research and effort just to prove the teacher wrong, which is when she truly shines. and some of her teachers can actually see that she has a lot of potential when she actually allows herself to be vulnerable and her passion seeps through the page, but she never really pays attention when they try to tell her that she's talented, because she just assumes that they're only being nice to her because they know that she's sokka's sister and feel an obligation to praise her by association. so it's only when she gets to college, and enters a world where sokka simply does not exist, that she realizes that she has merit of her own as a writer, thinker, and student.
she begins writing essays for various school publications, and after a while starts publishing them online, and then eventually in legitimate journals. it takes her a long time to actually establish herself as a career journalist, because she doesn't have the luxury of just writing full time, but eventually she's established enough that she actually publishes a book of essays, and goes on a book tour, and is invited to speak at various universities and events. and then one day, during a talk at a college, she says, "you know, there's hope for everyone. i only learned how to read at the age of five. but i went at my own pace, and eventually found my calling." and the moderator is just like "uhhh.... that's actually above average??? you're basically just saying you've always been smart." and katara. shuts down for a second while she attempts to process this information before she just goes, "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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