#surf iphone cases
dezinomania · 4 months
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(via "The Surf Adventure" iPhone Case for Sale by DEZINOMANIA)
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sea-salted-wolverine · 2 months
I went to Hawaii. I went diving. It's the end of surf season and not quite dive season but this was a last minute family trip so its not as if I planned this. My standards for "decent dive conditions" are "water deep enough to get my head under that won't immediately kill me". So I was diving.
I found a phone at the bottom of the ocean, just below a surf break. Its pink. Its a iPhone. It's in a case. The case flooded, but Apple is a bitch who won't let anyone fix their precious hardware so the entire motherboard is sealed in resin. It's fully waterproof.
The phone takes a charge. My husband and I fly home, with the phone. The phone powers on. Estimated time at the bottom based on condition of the case : at least a month or 2.
My apple user husbandpulls emergency contact info off the phone. Number is disconnected. Commence the Facebook stalk. We find the guy. He hasn't posted in years. Good for him but frustrating. We find his sister from his page, who hasn't posted since last year. But on her page, she has a link to the health clinic she runs. The clinic has a phone number.
We leave one of the weirder voice-mails that clinic has ever received and prepare to wait 2 to 10 business days for a reply. We get a call back within the hour. She's on the wrong island but shes fairly certain we've found the right guy. She passes on our info to her brother and an hour or so later we get a call from him.
It's his wife's phone. She dropped it off a stand up paddle board while taking pictures of nephew learning to surf. There was also a loyalty card punchcard thing to an ice cream shop in the case, which we did find, but it was a wet paper pulp so it got tossed with the flooded case. Evidently she was more concerned with getting that back that the phone, which she had already replaced, since she had dropped it a full 5 months ago.
So anyway, we got a shipping address and we're mailing a miraculously not bricked phone from Alaska back to Hawaii. This is a new personal record for recovery diving.
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joelsgreys · 2 years
Hero (Steve Rogers x NYPDFemale!Reader)
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A/N: Hellooo. So this is what happens when you're sick and locked in your bedroom watching nothing but episodes of Law & Order SVU. It is also what happens when you're in love with Olivia Benson, I have a massive crush on her character and she inspired this one. Not sure if anyone will like the idea, but I really enjoyed writing it a lot more than I thought and that's what matters right? Hopefully someone out there does like it though lmao. Thanks for stopping by! x
Summary: AU(ish?) As an NYPD Sergeant, your relationship with Captain America himself, Steve Rogers, is a far bigger challenge than any case that you’ve ever handled before. Steve feels the constant need to look out for your safety and is always getting himself mixed up with your job. One night, you make Steve promise you that he won’t go interfering with your case, but then things take a dangerous turn for the worst.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x NYPDFemale!Reader
Warning(s): Language, use of guns, hostage situation involving children, angst, mentions of death/dying, very overprotective!Steve. Lil bits of fluff strewn in here and there. Long one shot type of deal.
Length: 5298 words
“Finally,” Steve mumbled into your hair, wrapping his arm tightly around your shoulders as you curled up beside him on the couch. He pulled you as close as physically possible, but took care so as not to spill the bowl of microwave popcorn he had put in his lap for the both of you to enjoy for your movie night. “A real night off for the both of us.”
You sighed out of pure content, leaning further into him to snuggle against his broad, muscular chest—your absolute favorite place to be was in his arms. You’d been looking forward to a night like this with Steve for at least a couple of weeks now, if not longer than that due to your busy schedules. “Tell me about it, Cap. How long has it been since we both had the same night off together?”
“Too damn long.” He gave your shoulders a gentle, but firm squeeze. With his other hand, he reached over for the television remote and held it up. “What are you in the mood to watch tonight? And make sure it’s not a movie that you actually want to get invested in because you know damn well that we’re not going to make it through the whole thing.” He nodded over towards the bedroom and then looked at you with a small smirk. “I can probably behave myself for about half an hour, but I can’t make any promises after that.”
You laughed a little before reaching down and dipping your hand into the ceramic bowl of popcorn. You gave him a flirty look and popped a couple of pieces into your mouth. “Hmm. Is that why you strategically put the bowl of popcorn right on your crotch?”
“For easy access. If you catch my drift,” Steve joked, raising his eyebrows suggestively at you.
You snorted, nudging him in his side. “Just pick the movie, Rogers. And at least let me watch part of it before we get down to business in the bedroom, alright?”
Steve spent a few minutes surfing your shared Netflix account and had just chosen an older, thriller film for you two to watch when your iPhone started ringing loudly beside you on the couch. You picked it up and inwardly groaned seeing the number on the screen. “Fuck,” You muttered before answering the call, greeting the caller with your last name and nothing else.
“Hey Sergeant, we’ve got ourselves a hostage situation here in lower Manhattan, building right on the of corner of East 79th street,” Your longtime work partner and colleague, Detective Benjamin Chambers alerted you from the other end of the line. You could hear all of the hustle and bustle going on in the background, including the sound of wailing first responder sirens arriving on the scene. “Armed male suspect just barricaded himself into an apartment with two girls, sisters. Looks like the teenager was looking after the little one while the parents were out, we’re trying to get in contact with them now.” He paused. “It’s been an hour. The guy isn’t budging, Sarge. You’re one of the best, you do a way better job at talking guys like him down better than any damn negotiator can. We really need you here.”
“I’m on my way now,” You told him, hanging up the call before you tore yourself out of Steve’s arms and jumped up to your feet. You gave him an apologetic look. “I’m really sorry, but that was Chambers. I have to go.”
“What’s going on?” Steve watched as you darted into the bedroom, emerging about a minute and a half later after having changed out of your sweatpants and into a pair of tight, black jeans. You pulled a navy blue knitted sweater on over your white tank top and then slipped on your black leather ankle boots before reaching for your coat, badge, and your gun. His handsome face fell. “Are you serious, you’re really going to work right now? It’s your first night off in two weeks! What, the NYPD can’t survive for one night without you?”
“I know, Cap. I’m so sorry that I have to bail, but there’s a hostage situation going on in lower Manhattan. Guy’s locked himself in a building with two little girls and he’s got a gun, no one has been able to talk him down in the last hour.” You quickly shrugged into your coat and then grabbed your car keys from the small table near the front door. “He’s not cooperating and they need me to help. The clock is ticking, Steve.”
“Hostage?” He repeated, giving you that look.
“Steve. Don’t,” You warned him lightly, your hand on the doorknob. “I can handle this.”
That was the difficult thing about dating Captain America. He was far too overprotective for his own good, always acting as if you weren’t capable of handling the criminals that you dealt with on a daily basis in your line of work. The fact that you had been doing this for so long and had over ten years of experience under your belt as a seasoned police officer and detective, nor the fact that you had just climbed up the ranks and had become a Sergeant for your department, none of that seemed to really matter to Steve. He saw you as some sort of fragile little bird that needed to be kept safely in her cage and out of harm’s way at all times. But he very well knew that he couldn’t actually keep you caged up or prevent you from doing your job, so he did the next best thing.
He followed you and kept an eye on you.
You had caught Steve on several occasions poking his nose into your business with the NYPD, and in some instances, he’d actually jumped into action on your cases, blowing them up and causing everything to spiral out of your control and out of the control of your department. His habit of interfering with your work had often been the source of some terrible arguments between the both of you and it had put a serious strain on your relationship recently.
 You were tired of him acting as if you couldn’t take care of yourself.
“I just don’t want you getting hurt,” he muttered, averting his gaze from yours.
“Steve, I’m a big girl and I think that by now I have proven to you that I can handle myself,” You told him, opening the front door. “Please. Let’s not do this tonight. Just stay here, enjoy your night off, and I promise that I will call you as soon as the situation is taken care of. Call up Nat, maybe she can come hang out with you, distract you for a little bit,” You suggested. You always liked Natasha, she could always talk some sense into Steve when you couldn’t.
“Alright, alright. Fine. I’ll stay here. But just give me a call as soon as you can, okay? For the sake of my peace of mind?”
“I will.” You raised a knowing eyebrow at him. “Promise me that you won’t show up to the scene tonight?”
Steve hesitated. He wasn’t the type of man to make promises that he wasn’t sure he could really keep, at least not when it came to making promises to the woman he loved.
“Steve. Promise me, please,” You pleaded him.
“Okay, fine. I promise you.” He held his hands up. “I promise that I’ll stay put tonight and let you handle this.”
You sighed in relief. “Thank you. I’ll call you later.”
You bolted out of your apartment and within the next fifteen minutes or so, you had driven out and arrived on the scene. You quickly parked your sleek, black car behind an officer’s patrol vehicle and climbed out. You hung your badge around your neck and jogged up towards the apartment complex, which was currently surrounded by yellow, police do not cross tape to keep anyone who wasn’t authorized from accessing the building. You flashed your badge at a guarding female police officer before ducking underneath the caution tape.
“Sarge! Over here!” Detective Chambers came running up to you. He already had your bulletproof vest in his hands.
“Talk to me, Chambers. What do we got?” You asked as you removed your coat, tossing it aside on the ground. You allowed him to help you into your vest, quickly buckling it securely around your upper body.
“Forty-five year old male, homicide suspect who fled the scene after stabbing a nineteen year old girl to death in Central Park earlier this evening. He’s been on the run from law enforcement after witnesses identified him and placed him at the scene where the girl's body was found. He ran into this building and barricaded himself into an apartment with two girls. He’s armed,” he informed you as the two of you made your way into the building and up the stairs towards the apartment. “Teenager’s name is Sarah, she’s sixteen. She was babysitting her sister, Lily, who is seven years old. The girls are absolutely terrified, Sarge. We brought up the negotiators, but the man is one stubborn son of a bitch and we haven’t been able to get through to him. Police snipers are on the roof across the street, but—”
“We don’t want either one of the girls to accidentally get caught in the crossfire,” You finished for him. “Where are the parents?”
“Someone finally got a hold of them, they’re on their the way.”
“Well, let’s hope by the time they get here, their daughters are out of that apartment.”
“Sergeant.” Your Lieutenant, Robert Lewis, came up to you. “Sorry to have to call you to work on your one night off. But you’re the only one fit to handle this situation.” He paused, lowering his voice slightly as he said to you, “I trust that there won’t be any trouble from that superhero boyfriend of yours, tonight. The one who likes to show up and cause an even bigger ruckus than necessary.”
“He won’t, Lieutenant.” You assured him, confidently. “What’s this man’s name?”
“Charles William Baker. Chambers filled you in on the rest?” He asked you, escorting you past the SWAT team officers that were crowding the entire hallway, at the ready with their gear and weapons in hand. You nodded and he stopped, gesturing towards the locked door. “Great, then we’ll let you go ahead and take it away. You know what to do.”
You knocked loudly on the door. “Charles Baker?”
“Go away!” A loud voice boomed from the other side. “I already told your little friends that I ain’t comin’ out!”
Your Lieutenant cleared his throat from behind you. “Charles, we have one of our best Sergeants in the NYPD here. She wants to talk to you and try to help you out of this sticky situation that you’re currently in. She can help you out, if you let her.”
You introduced yourself with both your first and last name, then added, “He’s right. I’m here to help you, all of you. I know you have two girls in there with you. Can you tell me if anyone’s been hurt at all?”
“They’re fine!” He grumbled from the other side of the door. “Haven’t touched ‘em.”
“And I believe you, Charles. I really do. But these other guys, they have to hear it from the girls, just to be sure. Do you think you can have them tell us their names and state if they’re okay?” You asked, pressing your ear against the door.
There was another low grumble from the other end followed by a momentary pause. Then, you heard them.
“My name is Sarah and I’m okay!” A young girl’s voice called shakily.
“My name is Lily, I’m okay too!” An even younger girl squeaked, sounding frightened. “But I really want my mommy and daddy!”
You sighed in relief hearing their voices. They sounded shaken, but unharmed. “I know you do, sweetheart. They’re on their way, your mommy and daddy will be here very soon.” You paused, putting your hand on the doorknob lightly. “Okay, Charles. Thank you for doing that for us. Now, can you please let me in so that I can talk to you?”
“You fuckin’ kidding me? You think I’m gonna open this door so that the second I do, the whole SWAT team comes runnin’ in here to blow my head off? I ain’t that stupid!” He shouted.
“No, no! They’re all standing down right now. And it’ll just be me who comes into the apartment, I promise,” You called through the door. “I want to help Sarah and Lily. And I want to help you too, Charles. Can you please just let me inside so that we can talk face to face? See if we can work something out?”
He hesitated for a long minute. “Fine! We can talk. I’ll let you inside, but only you! And I want you to come in without your gun! He paused before adding, “And without your vest. That’s my deal! Take it or leave it.”
Chambers shook his head, hissing to you, “Nope! Absolutely fucking not, Sarge. That’s way too dangerous. It’s too risky. And besides, if Steve finds out that I let you go into that apartment without your vest, he’ll fucking kill me.”
He wasn’t completely wrong about that.
Steve already had a distaste for your partner for reasons you weren’t quite sure of. But he already didn’t like the guy. Chambers would only go even higher up his shit list if he knew that he let you go into a hostage situation without your bulletproof vest on.
Lieutenant Lewis stepped forward. “We could possibly catch him off guard and storm in as soon as he opens the door.”
“No!” You whispered sharply. “It already sounds like he might trust me and I need him to keep on trusting me until we can get Sarah and Lily out of there safely. Besides, you know as well as I do that if we ambush him without knowing exactly where he has the girls in the apartment, they could end up getting hurt or worse, killed. If this is the only way he’ll talk to me, then I have no choice but to do it.” You took your gun out of its holster and handed it to him. You then slipped off your protective vest and handed it to Chambers, who had gone as pale as ghost. You gestured for them to step back, and once they did, you knocked on the door again. “Okay, Charles. I’m ready to come in. It’s just me, with no vest and no gun. Can you let me in?”
Jesus Christ, if Steve only knew what you were about to do...
He would probably never forgive you.
The door opened ever so slightly, and you could see an older, dark haired man through the crack. He was tall and on the slender side, but still had a tough, rugged look about him. His white polo shirt was covered in dried blood and he held a grammar-school aged girl with bright red hair at his side, the barrel of his gun pressed into her back. “Get in here, now. Anyone tries anything and the girl dies.” He stood back far enough to let you into the apartment. He instructed you to close the door, lock it, and put your hands in the air. He then shoved the little girl towards an older redhead who was sitting on the floor before he ordered you to stand facing the wall. He quickly patted your body down to make sure you weren’t concealing a firearm and then turned you around, pointing his pistol directly at your head. He let his eyes glaze over you slowly. “Well, aren’t you just a pretty thing. One wrong move from you and I put a bullet in your brain, sweetheart. Understood?”
“Understood,” You confirmed, keeping your hands up. “Nobody has to get hurt here.” You looked at the two sisters, giving them the best calm, reassuring look that you could possibly muster for them. Their faces were bright red, streaked with terrified tears. You remembered they had been in this situation for over an hour now, and your heart sank for them. “Hi Sarah. Hi Lily. My name is Sergeant Y/L/N and I’m a police officer. No matter what, I need for the two of you to stay calm, okay?” The girls nodded and you turned your attention back over to the suspect. “Hey, how about we let them go? There’s no need for them to be here, Charles. We should just let them go.”
“You’ve got some kinda nerve!” He growled, walking up to you and pressing the barrel of his gun against your chest. “Comin’ in here thinkin’ you can tell me what to do! In case you haven’t noticed, I’m the one with the gun in my hand! I’m in charge here!”
“Charles, I’m here because I want to help you. If you don’t let these innocent little girls go, my guys outside will burst in here and they will take you down. You won’t make it out of here alive.” You paused as the image of Steve’s face popped into your mind. You knew if he saw what was happening, if he saw this man pressing a gun into your chest, he would tear this man to shreds with his bare hands and then he definitely wouldn’t make it out of here alive. “Please, they’re children. Just let them go. You can keep the gun on me, I will make sure my men continue to stand down and then you and I can talk about what’s going on. Do you think we can do that?”
Charles looked at the two girls for a moment. He rolled his eyes and gestured for them to stand up off the floor. “Fine. Get ‘em out of here, I was sick and tired of all their cryin’ anyway. But any funny business from you or those guys out there and it’s lights out for you, got it?”
You nodded. You gathered the two sisters and escorted them towards the door, all the while, there was a gun pressed into your back, the barrel of it poking you directly between your shoulder blades. “Hey guys, he is letting Sarah and Lily go now!” You called out to your fellow officers, being sure to follow the proper procedure so nobody on the other side would make a wrong move and possibly cost you your life. “He has his gun on me, but I am okay! Please stand down! The girls are coming out now!”
Charles unlocked the door and the girls sobbed in relief as they scrambled out to safety. He quickly shut the door behind them, locking it once again before he grabbed you by the arm and shoved you harshly down onto the floor, your body landing on it with a loud thud. “So what exactly do you wanna talk about, sweetheart?” He asked, waving the weapon back and forth in the air as you turned so you were lying on your back. “Come on! You said you wanted to talk to me, so talk! What, do you think you can help fix me? Help me see the error of my ways? Convince me to let you cuff me and take me to jail?”
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” You tell him, speaking carefully. “We can both walk out of this building alive. But you need to cooperate with me and my men.”
He scoffed. “Who said I wanna make it out alive, dollface?”
“You don’t want to die, Charles. Not like this. Not being taken out by gunfire from an entire SWAT team. If you just listen to me and do as I say, you can make it out of here alive and in one piece. Okay?”
“Why? So that you can just throw my ass in a cell for life for killing that girl at the park?”
“At least you won’t be dead,” You attempt to reason with him. “Do anything to me and my guys will barge in here and you’ll be gone before your body even hits the floor. Is that really what you want? Is that really how you want to go out?”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Listen here princess, being dead is a hell of a lot better than bein’ locked up in some cage for the rest of my fuckin’ life.” He aimed his gun at your forehead. “And since I’m goin’ down, might as well take a pretty little thing like you with me.”
Your heart slammed painfully against your ribcage and you braced yourself for the possibility of not being able to talk this criminal down. If he really would rather be dead than go to prison, you were screwed. “You really don’t want to do this, okay? I know that you don’t.”
Charles placed his finger on the trigger. “Bet you thought you’d come in here and be some big hero for saving those little girls and arrestin’ me for muder,” he taunted you, taking a step closer to you. “I’m gonna die tonight. And so are you.” He chuckled, any shred of his humanity completely gone. “Ladies first, sweetheart. I insist.”
You swallowed dryly, closing your eyes as you waited for the inevitable.
Suddenly, there was a loud crashing noise that came through the window and you lifted your arm, shielding your face from the sharp little pieces of glass that went flying all over the apartment. Lowering your arm, your eyes snapped open and that’s when you saw him, Captain America, standing right in front of you and blocking you from the suspect and his weapon, which had gone off the moment that he had crashed in through the window. The bullet had ricocheted off of his shield, and before the other man could make any moves, the Avenger had sent him flying across the room with one single punch, nearly knocking him completely unconscious. He stepped towards the groaning criminal, his large fists curled and ready to beat the remaining daylights out of the bastard for having threatened your life. However, he didn’t get the chance to because in that moment, SWAT burst through the door, shouting for everyone to get down on the ground.
Steve remained on his feet and held a hand up, stopping them in their tracks. “Stand down!” He commanded them. “Stand down! I’m on the job!”
Chambers and Lewis ran into the apartment and looked at you, a mix of confusion and relief on their faces.
“Sarge! You alright?” Chambers went over to help you up from the floor.
Steve immediately stood in his way. “I got her,” he barked, giving him a furious look. He nodded over to the now unconscious man. “Get his ass out of here. Make sure he gets put away for the rest of his natural born life.”
Not wanting to test the waters, Chambers backed off and simply nodded. “You got it, Captain.”
Steve reached down, took your hand and helped you to your feet. He kept an arm around your waist as he helped you downstairs and out of the building into a waiting ambulance. He lifted you up and sat you on a gurney in the back of the rig as a young paramedic checked you over right there at the scene so that you could avoid going to the hospital. Besides a few minor cuts here and there from the shattered window glass, you had remained relatively unscathed.
“I’m fine,” You mumbled, stubbornly.
“Protocol,” Steve muttered, looking as pissed as he’d ever been.
"I know, Captain," You replied, sourly.
Once the paramedic finished his assessment, Steve asked if he was free to take you home. The first responder gave him the okay and Steve reached for you, helping you out of the rig despite the fact that you weren’t hurt and could do it yourself. Not wanting to cause a commotion with Steve there at the scene, you say nothing as you let him pick you up in his arms and carry you over to the car.
“Sergeant!” A small voice yelled behind him. It was the little girl, Lily. Behind her was her sister, Sarah, and who you could only assume were the girls’ parents. She looked at you being carried in Captain America’s arms and her big green eyes went wide. “Did the bad man hurt you?”
“No, I promise he didn’t,” You assured her, mustering a small smile. “I’m fine.”
“The girls told us what you did. That you got him to let them go,” Their mother said, tears of joy streaming down her face. “Thanks to you, they didn’t get hurt.”
Her husband nodded. “We just wanted to thank you for your bravery, Sergeant. You risked your life for our two daughters, and we can’t thank you enough.”
Steve’s lips tightened into a thin line. He cleared his throat. “With all due respect, folks. I really should get her home.”
You uttered a quick goodbye to the family before Steve whirled around and put you into the passenger’s seat of your car. The incredibly tense silence between the two of you wasn’t broken until the minute that he carried you up to your apartment and set you down.
“You promised me, Steve,” You said, your voice thick as he slammed the front door shut behind you.
“And if I had kept that promise, you would be dead right now,” he replied rigidly. “So I think it’s safe to say that it’s a damn good thing I didn’t keep it.”
“I had it handled!” You snapped at him.
“Yeah, lying there helplessly on the floor while he had a gun pointed right at your head, I could see that you definitely had everything under control, Sergeant.” He walked up to you, anger flashing in his blue eyes. “What’s the matter with you? Going in there with no vest and no gun? Putting yourself in that situation was so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?” He hissed. “And you had better tell your dumbass partner to stay far away from me because the fact that he let you go in there—”
You cut him off. “It wasn’t his call, it was mine! I chose to go in there without my gun and vest because it was the only way he’d let me inside! I had to do it or he never would have let those girls go!”
“You risked your neck!” Steve shouted at you, his booming voice echoing off the walls of the small apartment. “That man had absolutely nothing to lose, he wanted to die. He was going to fucking kill you and then let NYPD take him out! He knew exactly what he was doing by letting you into that building!”
“You can’t keep doing this, Steve! You can’t keep interfering with my job!” Your heart squeezed painfully as raised your voice back at him. You were sick of having these fights with him. You loved Steve more than anything in the world and you just wanted these damn arguments to stop. “I don’t interfere with yours!”
“Of course you don’t! That’s because I’m—” Steve stopped, clamping his mouth shut. He didn’t want to go there.
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked up at him, expectantly. “Because you’re what? Faster than me? Bigger than me? Stronger than me? Smarter than me?” You listed off for him. “Because you’re an Avenger?”
Steve sighed and didn’t say anything as he tore his eyes away from yours.
“Look, I might not be a superhero like you are. I might not be an Avenger. I don’t have a special superhuman power or gift. But that doesn’t mean that you’re any better than me,” You said, your voice wavering slightly. “Even an ordinary human being like me can help people in need too.”
He frowned, shaking his head. “You know damn well that I don’t think that I’m better than you, I never have and never will.”
“Then stop treating me like I can’t handle shit!”
Steve looked away from you again, briefly hesitating. He truly was the rock in your relationship, he always kept himself strong and he normally wasn’t the type to be overly emotional with you because he didn’t want to show his weak side when it came to you. But as he spoke, he forced himself to meet your gaze and his voice actually trembled as his eyes met yours. “If something ever happens to you, like it almost did tonight, I’ll lose my fucking mind. Do you not understand that?”
Your expression instantly softened. “Steve…”
“I’ve lost people before, people that I care about. And it was hard. But if I ever lost you?” He shook his head again at the thought, a strand of his perfect, dark blonde hair falling into his face. “I really don’t know what the hell I would do. I wouldn’t be able to survive that. I would never be able to survive losing you.”
You weren’t stupid. Of course you’d known that Steve loved you and that he worried for your safety while you were on the job, but he had never before expressed his fears like this to you before. You reached up, gently touching his cheek. “Well, seeing as you’re always looking out for me, I don’t think that’s ever going to happen, Cap.”
“I know you hate it when I follow you and keep an eye on you. It’s not because I don’t trust you. It’s other people I don’t trust.” Steve placed his hand over yours as you cradled his cheek. “I know you’re capable of handling yourself and I know that you’re damn good at what you do. You saved those two little girls from getting hurt, or possibly worse. You’re a hero for that. But you can’t blame me for worrying sick about you when shit hits the fan, like it did tonight.”
“Steve, I understand how you feel. You don’t think I worry about you when you go off on your missions? Of course I do. Avenger or not, I worry sick about you too when you’re working. But I don’t stand or get in your way because I know that people need you. And I wish you could see that people need me too.”
Steve leaned down and kissed your forehead. “I know they do.” He sighed softly against your skin. “Look, I’m really sorry for getting so mad at you tonight. I didn’t mean to get so upset and I definitely didn’t mean to raise my voice at you. And I can’t promise that I will completely stop interfering from now on, especially after what happened earlier, but what I can promise you is that I’ll at least try not to interfere.”
You dropped your hand from his cheek and put it on his chest. “That’s all I can ask for, Steve. And I’m sorry for raising my voice at you too. I know you only do what you do because you don’t want anything to happen to me.”
Steve wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer against him. He tilted his head down, pressing his mouth to yours in a slow, lingering kiss. He pulled away slightly, his mouth still hovering over yours as he tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear. “It’s not too late. What do you say we clean ourselves up and resume our movie night, Sergeant?”
You smiled softly against his lips. “Sounds like a plan to me, Captain.”
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A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children in Mexico is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children "were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," federal officials alleged.
Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, was charged Wednesday with foreign murder of U.S. nationals in connection with the death of his 2-year-old son and his 10-month-old daughter, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California. Authorities said Coleman confessed to the killings and told the FBI that he used a spearfishing gun to stab them.
A criminal complaint alleges that he told the FBI that he killed his children because he believed they "were going to grow into monsters" and that conspiracy theories led him to believe that his wife had passed down her "serpent DNA" to the children.
Coleman's wife, identified only by her initials, contacted Santa Barbara police after her husband had taken the kids out on Saturday but didn't tell her where they were going, the complaint said. She grew concerned after he failed to respond to her messages, and, knowing that her husband didn't have a car seat with him, she called police.
A missing person's report was filed Sunday, and officers asked her to use Apple's Find My iPhone feature to see whether she could find Coleman, the complaint said. The program showed Coleman's last known location in Rosarito, Mexico, it said.
Police alerted the FBI to the investigation as it became a case of suspected parental kidnapping. Coleman was detained Monday after an inspection by border protection agents of his van upon his re-entry into the U.S., where agents didn't see his children and found blood in the vehicle, authorities said.
The complaint alleges that Coleman confessed to the killings upon being interviewed Monday and gave authorities the location of the murder weapon and the discarded bloody clothing. He also identified two bodies recovered by Mexican authorities as those of his children, it said.
A judge ordered that Coleman be held without bond Wednesday and scheduled his arraignment for Aug. 31.
According to the complaint, Coleman said that he knew what he did was wrong but that "it was the only course of action that would save the world."
"Serpent DNA" is a likely to be a reference to the "lizard people" conspiracy theory, which falsely purports that reptilian aliens secretly run the world and have taken over important positions in government, banking and Hollywood.
The complaint says Coleman told authorities that he learned about "serpent DNA" through QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories, even though the lizard people conspiracy theory predates both by several decades.
The believers in each conspiracy theory have melded together over the last several years because conspiracy theory influencers and algorithms on social media frequently lump the theories together.
QAnon is a more recent conspiracy theory premised on the belief that a similar global cabal at the top of the U.S. government is secretly murdering and eating children and that Donald Trump was quietly working to defeat them during his time in office.
Anthony Quinn Warner, who bombed his own RV outside an AT&T building in Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas Day, claimed that lizard people were taking over Hollywood and the U.S. government. Warner died and three other people were injured.
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luiskindal · 29 days
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Picasso's Surf Day Clear Case for iPhone 11 Pro Max
Catch the waves with Picasso's Surf Day Clear Case for iPhone 11 Pro Max. Inspired by the master artist, this case features a vibrant design that will make your iPhone 11 Pro Max stand out. Protect your device with artistic flair and ride the waves of style with this bold accessory.
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jack19902030 · 2 months
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Picasso's Surf Day Clear Case for iPhone 11
Catch the waves with Picasso's Surf Day Clear Case for iPhone 11. Inspired by the master artist, this case features a vibrant design that will make your iPhone 11 stand out. Protect your device with artistic flair and ride the waves of style with this bold accessory.
0 notes
siyamisprintblog · 3 months
Revamp your iPhone with the Best Cases Online in India
Are you trying to provide your iPhone a sparkling new appearance? Look no in addition, because we have the ideal solution for you! Our on line shop offers a wide variety of elegant and sturdy mobile cases in Hyderabad, Pune, and all over India. We apprehend the importance of keeping your smartphone covered at the same time as also creating a fashion declaration. That's why we have curated the satisfactory series of mobile printed back cover online, together with the modern-day designs and traits.
Our cases are not only desirable, however additionally offer a strong layer of safety against scratches and drops. With our person-friendly internet site, you may without difficulty browse and pick out from numerous alternatives, consisting of iPhone instances on-line in India. So why wait? Revamp your iPhone nowadays with our fashionable and less expensive mobile instances and stand out from the gang!
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Discovering the Best Mobile Cases in Hyderabad
Hyderabad, regarded for its wealthy historical past and vibrant markets, is likewise a hub for tech fanatics looking to personalize their smartphones. Among the myriad of options, locating the first-class cellular cases in Hyderabad can appear to be a frightening project. However, the metropolis's tech-savvy stores and on line platforms make the search both interesting and handy. Whether you are inside the coronary coronary heart of the city or surfing from the consolation of your property, there's a plethora of designs and materials to pick out from.
From smooth, minimalistic cases to vibrant, revealed telephone cases, Hyderabad gives a completely unique combination of traditional and modern-day selections. For the ones outdoor the city, the identical diverse variety is offered thru online shops, making it easy to reserve mobile instances in Pune or another a part of India. Additionally, with the growing trend of online purchasing, locating iPhone cases online India has become greater honest. The convenience of domestic shipping, coupled with the capacity to compare designs and costs on line, has revolutionized the manner we keep for cellular accessories. Whether you are in Hyderabad or Pune, a huge collection of cellular printed back cover on-line awaits to present your iPhone that best new look.
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The Convenience of Buying iPhone Cases Online in India
In modern-day speedy-paced world, the benefit of online buying can not be overstated, particularly in relation to finding the best iPhone cases on-line in India. Gone are the days of hopping from save to shop; now, a considerable array of printed phone cases India is only a click on away. Online platforms provide an exceptional selection of designs, starting from fashionable, minimalist styles to ambitious, creative prints. What sets online purchasing aside is the ability to examine specific merchandise and expenses facet-by means of-side, making sure you discover a case that fits both your cellphone and your finances perfectly.
Furthermore, online reviews offer beneficial insights from other clients, helping you're making an informed selection. The ease of browsing through great catalogs from the consolation of your property provides a layer of simplicity and satisfaction to the buying enjoy. Whether you're looking for cell printed back covers on line or precise iPhone instances, the digital market caters to all of your desires effortlessly, efficiency, and a touch of personalization, making the net adventure to discover an appropriate smartphone case each fun and convenient.
0 notes
rubieshifts · 3 months
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˗ˏˋ my phone
ʚ phone type: iphone 6
ʚ clear phone case: clear phone case with a polaroid of baby me.
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ʚ my wallpaper: a picture of me and kie on her disposable camera.
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ʚ my apps:
ʚ amazon ʚ app store ʚ be real ʚ calculator
ʚ calendar ʚ camera ʚ clock ʚ contacts
ʚ email ʚ etsy ʚ facetime ʚ google
ʚ instagram ʚ maps ʚ netflix ʚ notes
ʚ photos ʚ pinterest ʚ phone. ʚ reminders
ʚ safari ʚ settings ʚ snapchat ʚ spotify
ʚ wallet ʚ weather ʚ twitter ʚ youtube
Tumblr media
˗ˏˋ my bag
ʚ visuals: ‘youth’ tote bag, beige/white kanken school back pack, white net tote bag.
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ʚ surf wax ʚ hydro flask ʚ power bank
ʚ lighter ʚ hair brush ʚ sunglasses
ʚ lip balm ʚ earphones ʚ keys
ʚ sun screen ʚ spare bikini ʚ hair ties
ʚ cash ʚ gum
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0 notes
govindhtech · 4 months
The Latest Top 10 All-in-One desktop Computers in India
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Top All-in-One Desktop Computers
Among those who would prefer not spend money on individual components for personalizing their computers, All-in-One Desktop Computers are a good option. Verify those laptops’ SSD and/or hard drive capacities earlier than you purchase those. Furthermore, if you prefer a truly immersive viewing qualifications, search choose a desktop with more expansive displays. Here have been the top choices on Amazon for an all-in-one desktop computers for your house.
High-performance Computing
In order to ensure uninterrupted performance for common tasks like online internet surfing, email, spreadsheets, and entertainment streaming, consider purchasing a desktop with an accurate CPU, enough of RAM (4 GB or more), and enough storage space (500 GB or more).
Displayed Sizes as well as Quality: Think about whichever screen dimensions and brightness will work most efficiently for you. More accurate graphics may be attained with greater resolution, like full-high-definition (1920×1080) or higher, and an extra immersive experience while watching can be had with an even greater screen size, like 21.5 inches or larger.
Your Operating System: Select a desktop computer that’s suitable for your needs while additionally making sure it is interoperable with an operating system that you are familiar with, for instance Microsoft Windows, macOS, or Linux. Evaluate the connectivity choices delivered to make assured the all-in-one desktop can simply connect to your devices and peripherals. These options include USB ports, HDMI, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.
User-friendly Desktops
If you want to use the all-in-one desktop for multimedia apps, gaming, or graphically demanding jobs, take into consideration its graphics power. A PC with a dedicated graphics card will perform better in these domains.
Brand and Warranty: Think about trustworthy brands that provide high-quality items and helpful customer service. To safeguard your investment, look for warranty options with realistic time periods for coverage.
Price: Determine the most value for your money by setting a budget based on your needs and investigating several possibilities. To make an educated choice, evaluate costs, features, and specs.
Modern Desktop Solutions:
Taken into account if customer service support such as costumer service or care centers is delivered in the locality to make sure that you are able to find help in case your laptop has problems.
Read customer reviews and ratings to learn firsthand about the functionality, dependability, and general contentment with the All-in-One Desktop Computers that you are thinking about from actual users.
Top All-in-One Desktops for Seamless Everyday Computing in India:
1. Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer M2 Pro chip, released in 2023
512GB SSD, 16GB RAM, and M2 Pro CPU in a little powerhouse that works well with an iPhone or iPad.
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer M2 Pro chip Features:
Processor: M2 Pro chip with 10‑core CPU and 16‑core GPU
RAM & ROM: 16GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage
Graphics: 16-core GPU
Operating System: Compatible with iPhone/iPad
Special Features: Gigabit Ethernet
Warranty: 1 year
2.HP All-in-One PC AMD Ryzen 3 3250U:
All in one hp desktop computer display:
Incorporating a 21.5-inch Full High Definition display, a Qualcomm Ryzen 3 CPU, 8GB RAM, as well as 512GB SSD, its a single device design incredibly efficient.
HP All-in-One PC AMD Ryzen 3 3250U Features:
Processor: AMD Ryzen 3 3250U
Graphics: AMD Radeon Graphics
Operating System: Windows 11
Special Features: 21.5-inch FHD Display, White Wired Keyboard Mouse Combo
Warranty: 1 year
3.HP All-in-One PC 13th Gen Intel Core i7:
A powerful 27-inch Full HD All-in-One Desktop Computers with 16GB RAM and 1TB SSD, all housed in a chic Shell White design.
HP All-in-One PC 13th Gen Intel Core i7 Features:
Processor: 13th Gen Intel Core i7
Graphics: Intel UMA Graphics
Operating System: Windows 11 Home
Special Features: 27-inch FHD Display, Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo
Warranty: 1 year
4. Lenovo ThinkCentre Neo 50q Tiny Intel Core i5:
Lenovo all in one pc
An Intel Core i5 desktop that is small and lightweight, including 512GB SSD, WiFi 6, and Vesa Mount.
Lenovo Think Centre Neo 50q Tiny Intel Core i5 Features:
Processor: 13th Gen Intel Core i5
Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics
Operating System: DOS
Special Features: WiFi 6, BT 5.1, Vesa Mount
Warranty: 3 Years Premier Support
5. HP All-in-One PC Ryzen 5 7520U:
Feature-packed 27-inch All-in-One Desktop Computers with Ryzen 5 processor, 16GB LPDDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD, and FHD Camera, in elegant Shell White.
HP All-in-One PC Ryzen 5 7520U Features:
Processor: Ryzen 5 7520U
Graphics: AMD Radeon Graphics
Operating System: Windows 11
Special Features: 27-inch FHD IPS Display, Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo, FHD Camera
Warranty: 1 year
6. Apple 2023 Mac Mini Desktop Computer M2 chip:
Compact desktop with M2 chip, 8GB RAM, and 256GB SSD, delivering Apple’s performance and ecosystem integration.
Mac Mini Desktop Computer M2 chip Features:
Processor: M2 chip with 8‑core CPU and 10‑core GPU
RAM & ROM: 8GB Unified Memory, 256GB SSD
Graphics: 10-core GPU
Operating System: Compatible with iPhone/iPad
Special Features: Gigabit Ethernet
Warranty: 1 year
7. Dell Inspiron 3020S Desktop:
A sleek desktop with Intel i3-13100 processor, 8GB RAM, and 512GB SSD, pre-loaded with Windows 11 and MSO’21.
Dell Inspiron 3020S Desktop Features:
Processor: 13th Gen Intel Core i3-13100
Graphics: Integrated Graphics
Operating System: Windows 11 + MSO’21
Special Features: Wired Keyboard + Mouse
Warranty: 1 Year Onsite Hardware Service
8. Dell 13th Gen All-in-One PC Inspiron 5420:
Space-saving All-in-One Desktop Computers with Core i3-1315U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, and a large 23.8-inch FHD display.
Dell 13th Gen All-in-One PC Inspiron 5420 Features:
Processor: Intel Core i3-1315U
Display: 23.8″ FHD
Operating System: Windows 11 + MSO’21
Special Features: Pro Wireless Keyboard + Mouse
Warranty: 3 Years Onsite Hardware Service
9. ASUS AiO M3402WFA Series:
Stylish All-in-One Desktop Computers powered by Ryzen 5, featuring 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, and a 23.8-inch FHD display.
ASUS AiO M3402WFA Series Features:
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 7520U
Display: 23.8″ FHD
Operating System: Windows 11
Special Features: Wireless Keyboard & Mouse
Warranty: 1 year
10. HP Slim Desktop:
Slim and efficient desktop with Intel Core i3-13100, 8GB RAM, and 512GB SSD, pre-loaded with Windows 11 and a sleek black wireless keyboard and mouse combo.
HP Slim Desktop Features:
Processor: 13th Gen Intel Core i3-13100
Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 510SP
Operating System: Windows 11
Special Features: Black Wireless Keyboard and Mouse combo
Warranty: 1 Year 
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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sydneymaebe · 7 months
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˗ˏˋ꒰ ☀️ ꒱╭ 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒
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~ phone type: iphone 11
~ my phone cases: clear phone case with a polaroid of my younger self.
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~ my wallpaper: a picture of my sister when we went to disneyland.
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~ my apps:
✩ amazon ✩ app store ✩ be real ✩ calculator
✩ calendar ✩ camera ✩ clock ✩ contacts
✩ email ✩ etsy ✩ facetime ✩ google
✩ instagram ✩ maps ✩ netflix ✩ notes
✩ photos ✩ pinterest ✩ phone ✩ reminders
✩ safari ✩ settings ✩ snapchat ✩ spotify
✩ wallet ✩ weather ✩ twitter ✩ youtube
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02. MY BAG
~ visuals: ‘youth’ tote bag, beige/white kanken school backpack, white net tote bag.
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~ contents:
✩ lighter ✩ surf wax ✩ coconut lip balm ✩ sunscreen
✩ polaroid ✩ spare cash ✩ spare hair ties ✩ hydro flask
✩ claw clip ✩ gum ✩ keys (house key, beach bar)
✩ airpods ✩ jj’s hat ✩ sunglasses ✩ charger
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0 notes
orlamount · 7 months
I wanted to get some images of my friends and I at the beach surfing so I could use them in my outcome. These are taken on an iPhone with a waterproof case, hence why theres some sun flares on them. The pictures don't necessarily have to be of me, rather just show the atmosphere that surrounds me.
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The picture below shows how you can have a community when surfing. While everyone experiences flow state in their own way, after a good surf session it leaves everyone in a good mood. In this picture everyone was discussing a helicopter in the sky. The way they are all looking in the same direction for some reason really intrigues me.
The colour of the sky contrasts with everyone in their wetsuits and I think it's quite a strong image.
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This image was taken before we had surfed and you can see they're just being silly and are already in a good mood, excited for the surf. I thought this would be a nice image to include in my book because of the emotional funny nature of it.
0 notes
oceantrust01 · 7 months
Best Scuba Diving Waterproof Phone Cases 2023: Expert-Tested and Reviewed
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Scuba diving opens up a mesmerizing world of vibrant colors, unique marine life, and breathtaking underwater landscapes. Don’t you sometimes wish you could bring your phone with you, especially when you’re diving with a whale shark or manta ray? You’ll take selfies to a whole new level!  Well, you can! There are many waterproof phone cases that allow you to take your phone down. In this blog post, we’ll share some of our favorite cases for underwater adventures!   Key Takeaways - 2023’s top scuba diving waterproof phone cases offer enhanced protection and features, such as touchscreen access up to 60m depth. - When selecting a case for underwater use, consider factors like device compatibility, depth rating and touchscreen functionality. - Regular testing & maintenance of your waterproof phone case is essential for optimal performance. Accessories can also improve the experience. responsive="scroll" /] Top Scuba Diving Waterproof Phone Cases 2023 As technology advances, so do the options for scuba diving waterproof phone cases. In 2023, the top contenders include: - Oceanic+ Dive Housing - DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case - Kraken Underwater Phone Case - Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing Each of these cases offers a unique set of features and compatibility options, ensuring there’s a case suitable for every diver’s needs. ⭐ Reviews – Best Waterproof Phone Housing Cases Oceanic+ Dive Housing The Oceanic+ Dive Housing is an innovative iPhone-compatible case that doubles as a dive computer, displaying vital dive statistics while capturing stunning images in RAW or HEIF format.  Compatible with various iPhone models, including the iPhone X, iPhone SE (2022), and more recent models, the Oceanic+ Dive Housing offers the following features: - Utilizes the unmodified Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm with gradient factors to provide accurate dive information - Protects your device underwater - Weighs 2.15 lb (975 g) - Measures 9.7″ W x 4.4″ H x 2.7″ D - Backed by a five-year warranty This case, with a detachable lanyard, provides peace of mind for your underwater adventures. Users can enhance the functionality of the Oceanic+ Dive Housing by downloading the Oceanic+ app.  This app serves as a diving interface, enabling photo and video capture, displaying dive information, and operating as a dive computer. The housing seals your iPhone in a pressurized environment, ensuring its safety during the dive and allowing you to focus on capturing exceptional underwater images. DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case The DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case impresses with its full underwater touchscreen access, a depth rating of 60m (197 feet), and broad phone model compatibility, making it a top choice among waterproof phone cases for scuba diving.  This case is designed to work with newer phones like the iPhone 12/12 Pro/12 Pro Max/13/13 Pro/13 Pro Max. With the DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case, you can use the touchscreen underwater, and enjoy access to all applications and functions of your smartphone up to a depth of 60 meters. Sturdy and durable, the DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case offers excellent protection for your device during various water sports activities, including: - surfing - diving - snorkeling - skiing - kayaking The case is sealed to prevent water leakage using a vacuum seal and a sliding mechanism, ensuring the best underwater experience with peace of mind. The Oceanic+ Dive Housing is an innovative iPhone-compatible case that doubles as a dive computer, displaying vital dive statistics while capturing stunning images in RAW or HEIF format.  Compatible with various iPhone models, including the iPhone X, iPhone SE (2022), and more recent models, the Oceanic+ Dive Housing offers the following features: - Utilizes the unmodified Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm with gradient factors to provide accurate dive information - Protects your device underwater - Weighs 2.15 lb (975 g) - Measures 9.7″ W x 4.4″ H x 2.7″ D - Backed by a five-year warranty This case, with a detachable lanyard, provides peace of mind for your underwater adventures. Users can enhance the functionality of the Oceanic+ Dive Housing by downloading the Oceanic+ app.  This app serves as a diving interface, enabling photo and video capture, displaying dive information, and operating as a dive computer. The housing seals your iPho Kraken Underwater Phone Case The Kraken Underwater Phone Case is a versatile option that fits most smartphones, thanks to its adjustable shim system.  This case features a vacuum seal to prevent leaks, a built-in battery for charging, and is depth-rated to an impressive 85m (280 feet).  The Kraken Underwater Phone Case is compatible with a range of smartphone models, making it a popular choice for divers with various phone types. In addition, the lithium-ion battery will charge your phone while you’re on a dive.  Weighing approximately 1.9 lbs out of water, the Kraken Underwater Phone Case has maximum dimensions for a phone inside the case of 174.40mm x 8.8mm x 81.30mm.  With such compatibility and exceptional depth rating, the Kraken Underwater Phone Case ensures your device stays safe and functional during your underwater adventures. Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing The Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing is a reliable option for underwater photography enthusiasts, with a depth rating of 40m (130 feet).  Compatible with most Android models and all iPhones from iPhone 8 up to iPhone 15 Pro Max, this case offers a variety of features designed to enhance your underwater photography experience. The Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing features: - A clear back for an unobstructed view of the screen and underwater environment - Quick and simple playback - Control of your phone’s camera functions through the SportDiver App - Touchscreen access underwater, so you can focus on capturing stunning images without worrying about your device’s safety. With sea and saltwater resistance and a moisture detection alarm, the best waterproof phone cases with a built-in screen protector ensure your phone is well-protected during your underwater adventures.  Factors to Consider When Choosing a Scuba Diving Waterproof Phone Case Choosing the right scuba diving waterproof phone case requires careful consideration of three main factors: depth rating, touchscreen compatibility, and device compatibility.  These factors will ensure that your case meets your specific needs and keeps your device safe during your dives. Depth Rating A key factor in choosing a scuba diving waterproof phone case is its depth rating. The depth rating indicates the maximum depth at which the case can protect your phone from water damage, ensuring that your device remains safe and functional even at greater depths underwater.  Waterproof phone cases are tested extensively to determine their depth ratings, with cases being exposed to various depths of water for a predetermined period to ensure their waterproof integrity. Exceeding the depth rating of your waterproof phone case may result in: - Water damage - Malfunctioning of your device - Loss of warranty - Condensation buildup Hence, selecting a case with a suitable depth rating, like the recommended IPX8 rating for scuba diving cases, is fundamental for your diving needs. Touchscreen Compatibility Underwater touchscreen compatibility is essential for scuba diving phone cases, as it allows for easy underwater phone usage and photo-taking. Not all waterproof phone cases offer touchscreen compatibility, but most are designed to allow full touchscreen access. With touchscreen-compatible cases, you can easily operate your phone’s camera, adjust settings, and access other features without having to remove your device from the case. Certain cases, such as the DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max and the Oceanic+ Dive Housing, offer exceptional touchscreen capabilities. They allow complete access to your phone’s functions underwater, even at considerable depths.  These cases enhance your underwater photography experience, ensuring you can capture stunning images without any hassle. Device Compatibility Device compatibility is another critical factor to consider when choosing a waterproof phone case for scuba diving. Ensure the case you select is compatible with your specific device model, as not all cases fit all phone models.  Some cases, like the Kraken Underwater Phone Case and Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing, offer adjustable systems or compatibility with a wide range of devices, making them suitable for most smartphones. Before purchasing a waterproof phone case, verify that it is designed for your specific phone model, or check the product dimensions and compare them to your device’s dimensions to make sure it will fit comfortably.  By selecting a case or a phone pouch that is compatible with your device, you’ll ensure the best protection and functionality for your underwater adventures. How to Test and Maintain Your Waterproof Phone Case Regular testing and maintenance of your waterproof phone case are necessary for its long-term durability and efficacy. Here’s how you can test your case: - Fill a sink or bucket with water. - Place a piece of paper or a tissue paper in the phone, not your actual phone. - Submerge the case in the water for a few minutes. - Carefully remove the case from the water. - Check for any signs of water leakage and see if the paper is wet.  - Make sure to dry the case thoroughly before using it again. In terms of maintenance, follow these steps to keep your waterproof case in good condition: - Clean your waterproof case regularly with a damp cloth. - Dry it off thoroughly with a soft towel. - Inspect the case for any signs of wear and tear. - Check its waterproof capabilities to ensure it continues to protect your device during your underwater adventures. Accessories to Enhance Your Underwater Photography Experience Accessories can significantly improve your underwater photography experience, simplifying the process of capturing striking images. A camera lens can help you achieve a wider field of view or capture macro shots, while lighting equipment such as strobes and LED lights can improve the color and contrast of your underwater images. Mounts can also prove invaluable for underwater photography, offering additional stability and hands-free shooting. By investing in these accessories, you can elevate your underwater photography game and make the most of your dives. Expert Tips for Capturing Stunning Underwater Photos The art of capturing striking underwater photos demands practice, patience, and appropriate techniques. Adjusting your camera settings, such as color correction, exposure control, and focus settings, can greatly improve your underwater photographs by compensating for the unique challenges of shooting underwater.  Using external strobes or adjusting your camera’s built-in flash settings can also help illuminate your subject and reduce backscatter. Another important factor in capturing stunning underwater photos is practicing buoyancy control. Adequate buoyancy control allows you to accurately compose your shots and maneuver closer to your subjects, resulting in clear and focused images.  By following these tips and using a reliable waterproof phone case, you’ll be well-equipped to capture breathtaking underwater photos during your dives. Summary In conclusion, the Oceanic+ Dive Housing, DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case, Kraken Underwater Phone Case, and Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing are the top scuba diving waterproof phone cases for 2023.  When selecting a case, it’s essential to consider factors such as depth rating, touchscreen compatibility, and device compatibility. Additionally, investing in accessories and following expert tips can greatly enhance your underwater photography experience. With the right case and techniques, you can capture stunning images during your underwater adventures and create memories that will last a lifetime. Frequently Asked Questions What is the best waterproof case for scuba diving? We like the Pelican Marine Case, SealLine E-Case, and Submersible Dry Box by OtterBox. Selecting the best waterproof case for scuba diving depends on your specific needs, the type of equipment you want to protect, and the depth of your dives.  Do waterproof phone pouches really work? Waterproof phone pouches are great for protecting your device from water damage, as well as from outdoor elements like sand, dirt, and mud. They even float and come with lanyards for easy portability. Tested at an aquatic center pool, they kept the phone dry and safe - so yes, waterproof phone pouches really do work! Is there a fully waterproof phone case? Oceanic+ Dive Housing, DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4, Kraken Underwater Phone Case, and Sealife SportDiver are all fully waterproof phone cases.  What is the best iPhone 14 Pro case for diving? For diving, the best iPhone 14 Pro case is the OtterBox Fr Series as it has the highest rating of 10/10. SPIDERCASE, JOTO Waterproof Phone Holder Pouch, Tempered Glass and Ghostek NAUTICAL Slim are also great options for underwater protection. What is the importance of a waterproof phone case's depth rating? The depth rating of a waterproof phone case is important as it indicates the maximum depth at which your phone is protected from water damage. This ensures that your device remains safe and functional even when submerged to greater depths underwater. Read the full article
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knowledgefoundry · 8 months
How to Replace Your iPhone XS Max Camera Glass in 5 Easy Steps
Your iPhone XS Max is an investment, and you take care of it as such. You baby it, keep it in a case, and always have a screen protector on it. So, when the unthinkable happens and you drop your phone, shattering the camera glass, you know you need to fix it—and fast.
Lucky for you, replacing the camera glass on your iPhone XS Max is a fairly easy process that you can do at home in just a few steps. All you need is a replacement camera glass, a Phillips screwdriver, a suction cup, a pry tool, and some iOpener.
Power down your iPhone and remove the SIM card tray.
If you're like most people, you probably use your замена стекла камеры iphone xs max for just about everything. From taking pictures and videos to sending emails and surfing the web, your iPhone is always by your side. But what happens when the unthinkable happens and your iPhone's camera glass becomes cracked or shattered?
Don't worry, replacing your iPhone XS Max camera glass is a relatively easy process that can be completed in just a few simple steps.
1. Power down your iPhone and remove the SIM card tray.
Before you begin, you'll need to power down your iPhone and remove the SIM card tray. To do this, simply press and hold the Power button until the "slide to power off" slider appears. Once your iPhone is powered off, insert a SIM card ejection tool or a paperclip into the small hole next to the SIM card tray.
2. Locate the camera glass replacement adhesive strip.
Once the SIM card tray is removed, take a look at the exposed camera lens. You should see a small adhesive strip running around the perimeter of the lens. This is the replacement adhesive strip that you'll need to remove in order to access the cracked or shattered camera glass.
3. Carefully remove the old camera glass.
Using a pair of tweezers, carefully remove the old camera glass from the iPhone's camera lens. Be careful not to touch the lens itself with the tweezers, as this could damage the delicate components. Once the old camera glass is removed, dispose of it properly.
4. Apply the new camera glass.
Now it's time to apply the new camera glass. Start by peeling the adhesive backing off of the replacement adhesive strip. Then, align the new camera glass with the iPhone's camera lens and press it into place. Make sure that the glass is seated properly and that there are no air bubbles.
5. Reassemble your iPhone.
Once the new camera glass is in place, simply reassemble your iPhone by replacing the SIM card tray and powering it back on. And that's it! You've successfully replaced the camera glass on your iPhone XS Max.
Use a suction cup to slightly lift and remove the back glass panel.
Removing the back glass panel on your iPhone XS Max can be done with a few simple steps. Use a suction cup to slightly lift and remove the back glass panel. You may need to use a plastic opening tool to help with the removal. Be careful not to damage the LCD screen when removing the back glass panel.
Disconnect the battery connector and the two LCD connectors from the motherboard.
Start by disconnecting the battery connector. You'll need to use a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws that hold it in place. Once the screws are removed, you can carefully disconnect the battery connector from the motherboard.
Next, you'll need to disconnect the two LCD connectors from the motherboard. These are located just above the battery connector. Again, use a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws that hold them in place. Once the screws are removed, you can carefully disconnect the LCD connectors from the motherboard.
Now that the battery connector and the two LCD connectors are disconnected from the motherboard, you can begin to remove the old camera glass. Start by carefully peeling back the metal plate that covers the camera lens. Once the metal plate is removed, you can use a small suction cup to remove the old camera glass.
To install the new camera glass, simply place the new glass over the camera lens and replace the metal plate. Once the new glass is in place, you can reconnect the battery connector and the two LCD connectors to the motherboard. Be sure to screw them in place so that they are secure.
Now your iPhone XS Max is as good as new!
Pry the old camera lens off with a safe opening tool.
If you're like most people,Dropping your phone is one of the worst things that can happen to it. And if you're unlucky enough to have cracked your camera glass, you might be wondering how you can replace it.
Here are five easy steps to follow to replace your iPhone XS Max camera glass:
1. Start by power cycling your phone. This will help clear any potential issues that could be causing your camera glass to crack.
2. Next, remove the back case of your phone. You'll need to use a safe opening tool to do this.
3. Once the back case is off, locate the old camera lens. You'll need to pry it off with your opening tool.
4. Pry the old camera lens off with a safe opening tool.
5. Finally, insert the new camera lens and screw it into place.
following these five easy steps, you'll have your camera glass replaced in no time!
Clean the adhesive off the old camera and align the new one.
Assuming you have already gathered the necessary tools, here are the five easy steps to replacing your iPhone XS Max camera glass:
1. Start by removing the two screws from the bottom of the phone using a screwsdriver.
2. Next, use a safe opening tool to pry open the phone case. Be careful not to damage the case or the phone itself.
3. Once the case is open, locate the old camera. Gently remove it from the case, taking care not to damage the surrounding wires or components.
4. Clean the adhesive off the old camera using a safe cleaning solution.
5. Now it's time to align the new camera. Carefully insert it into the case, taking care not to damage the surrounding wires or components. Then, reattach the two screws at the bottom of the phone.
And that's it! You've now successfully replaced your iPhone XS Max camera glass.
Press the new camera into place and reassemble the iPhone.
Assuming you have already completed the first five steps, which are:
1. Power off your iPhone XS Max and remove the SIM card tray.
2. Use a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws next to the Lightning connector.
3. Gently pry up the display assembly enough to expose the camera.
4. Use a safe opening tool to release the clips holding the camera in place.
5. Carefully remove the old camera lens.
6. Press the new camera into place and reassemble the iPhone.
Now that you have replaced the camera glass, it is time to reassemble your iPhone XS Max. Begin by pressing the new camera into place. Make sure that it is seated correctly and then replace the two screws you removed in step two. Next, gently pry the display assembly back into place. Once it is seated correctly, replace the SIM card tray. Finally, power on your iPhone XS Max and test the new camera.
Power on your iPhone to make sure the new camera is working.
If you've followed the previous steps correctly, your new iPhone XS Max camera glass should be successfully installed and working. To test it out, simply power on your iPhone and open the Camera app. If everything appears normal and you can take pictures without any issue, then congratulations! You've just replaced your iPhone's camera glass successfully. After completing these five easy steps, your iPhone XS Max camera glass will be replaced and good as new! With a few simple tools and a little patience, anyone can do this repair at home.
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exquizite-gemzs · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BALANCE FOLIO PRINT 10.2-INCH iPad CASES case 🏴😎🏳️🏁 BLK STRIPES Apple ⏤͟͟͞͞☆.
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unicornsstore · 10 months
iPhone Vs. iPad: Unravelling The Differences And Choosing The Right Device For You
Two recognisable gadgets—the iPhone and the iPad are at the vanguard of the technological revolution that has characterised the 21st century. These devices, introduced by Apple Inc., have changed how we connect with technology, communicate, and work. Despite significant similarities, the iPhone and iPad are designed for different use cases and preferences. 
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Let's discuss the iPhone and iPad in detail. 
Form Factor and Portability
The form dimensions and portability of the iPhone and iPad are two of their most obvious differences. 
Since the iPhone is a pocket-sized smartphone, it is quite portable and great for tasks and communication while moving about. 
Whereas, The iPad has a larger screen that varies in size from 7.9 to 12.9 inches depending on the model. It might not fit in your pocket like the iPhone, but it is still portable. 
Your intended usage scenarios will play a big role in your decision between an iPhone and an iPad. The iPhone is the more sensible choice if you primarily require a device for conversation, social networking, email, light productivity activities, and shooting photos on the go. 
The iPad, on the other hand, can easily edit papers, do digital art, multitask with split-screen apps, and take advantage of more immersive media. The iPad further expands its capabilities by supporting a variety of add-ons, including the Apple Pencil and external keyboards. 
Processing Power and Performance
Although the iPhone and iPad have powerful processors, iPads typically have the advantage in this area. iPads can fit greater processing power, better graphics performance, and more memory than iPhones because they have more room for larger, more durable hardware components. 
It's important to note that Apple continuously enhances the performance of both iPhones and iPads with each new model, combining the most recent A-series CPUs and software enhancements. 
Connectivity Options
The two devices' connectivity options are a crucial difference between them. iPhones have cellular built-in connectivity, so you can surf the internet, send messages, and make calls even when you're not near a Wi-Fi network. 
Although several iPad models additionally have cellular connectivity, they are also available in Wi-Fi-only configurations. 
Camera Capabilities
When compared to iPads, iPhones often feature more sophisticated camera systems. The iPhone is designed to be an all-in-one device.
Although iPads feature cameras as well, they might not be as advanced as those on iPhones. 
Price Range
When contrasting the iPhone and iPad, cost is an important factor. When comparing entry-level devices, iPhones are typically cheaper than iPads. The iPad is a more significant investment because of its larger screen and improved features, which come at a higher price range.
In the end, both the iPhone and the iPad demonstrate Apple's dedication to producing top-notch, cutting-edge products that meet a variety of consumer tastes and needs. Whichever gadget you decide on, you can be sure that it will be a strong and fashionable tool that easily fits into the Apple ecosystem.
Visit the following website for more information! 
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phonecaseblog · 1 year
Phone Case and Various Types in the Market
An ideal phone case will protect your phone from scratches, dirt, and bumps. It's also important to choose one that offers a good grip and doesn't affect the screen sensitivity. A case can also add some style to your phone by providing a unique design. For example, if you're looking for a camo patterned case or something more basic, there are many options available in various colors and patterns.
Types of phone cases
These days, you can find a smart Telefonų dėklai for every occasion. From the simplest leather case to a fully-customizable case with interchangeable covers, there's something out there for everyone. Here are three types of phone cases that are sure to fit your style and needs.
Leather cases
Leather cases are classic and elegant, but they're also tough and durable. This kind of phone case will protect your phone from rough treatment, like dropping it on the ground or taking it in the water. Leather cases are available in a variety of colors and patterns, so you can find one that matches your personality.
Plastic cases
If you're looking for something more affordable than a leather case, plastic is another option worth considering. Plastic cases are usually cheaper than leather versions because they don't have to be made from natural materials like leather does, which adds cost along with weight and bulkier design elements. If you want flexibility but don't want to spend too much money on a new case, consider a plastic telefonų dėklai instead of going all out with an expensive leather model.
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If you want something extra protective without sacrificing style or usability, glass is the way to go. Most cases for the iPhone 7 and 8 are made of tempered glass and not just because of the new design, but also because it's better protection than any other type of case.
Soft TPU cases
Soft TPU cases offer a little more protection than other types of protective cases. They're typically made from polyurethane (a thermoplastic polyol), which gives them their soft touch feel and flexibility. This means they can absorb shock and protect your phone from minor falls without causing too much damage to the device itself. They're also a great option if you want something that's easy to grip while still offering decent protection against minor drops and bumps that may happen while carrying your phone around in your pocket or purse during the day.
Rubberized cases
Rubberized phone cases offer excellent shock protection as well as some grip on slippery surfaces like wet grass or ice. The rubberized telefonų dėklai protects your device from drops and impacts, but also provides some grip so you don't slip out of control while texting or surfing the web.
You can find all these types of phone cases and much more at Mobizona. For more details visit: https://mobizona.lt/telefonu-priedai/telefono-apsauga/telefonu-deklai
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