#surface transducers
kikimurphys · 1 month
Behind Closed Doors (part 14)
Pairing: Cillian x Y/N.
Warnings: Pregnancy complications.
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Cillian was jolted awake by the sound of his ringtone. Groggily, he fumbled for his phone, blinking at the screen as your name flashed across it. “Y/N?” he answered, his voice rough with sleep.
“Cillian… I’m bleeding,” you said, your voice trembling.
Cillian was instantly wide awake. He threw off the covers, already heading for the door. “Hang in there, I’ll be there in a moment,” he promised, his heart racing as he grabbed his coat and keys, rushing out of his house. He drove like a man possessed, ignoring red lights and speed limits as he tore through the streets to get to you.
Back in your apartment, fear gripped you tightly. You had gone to the bathroom to check your panties, and the sight of fresh blood only confirmed your worst fears. Tears streamed down your face as you rubbed your belly, desperate to feel any movement from your baby. But she was still, your belly hard under your touch.
When the doorbell rang, you practically sprinted to the door, your heart in your throat. As soon as you opened it, Cillian was there, wrapping you in his arms without a word. The warmth and strength of his embrace allowed you to finally let go, your sobs muffled against his chest.
“I can’t lose this baby, Cill… I can’t,” you cried, clinging to him as if he were your lifeline.
“You’re not,” he whispered fiercely, pulling back just enough to cup your face in his hands. “She’s going to be okay. You’re both going to be okay.” He tried to hide his own fear, focusing instead on getting you to the hospital.
He helped you into your coat, his hands steady despite the turmoil raging inside him. He grabbed your bag and guided you down the stairs, his arm around you as he ushered you to the car. The drive to the hospital was a blur of anxiety and whispered reassurances, Cillian’s hand never leaving yours as he drove.
At the hospital, you were rushed into the emergency room. Cillian stayed by your side as the nurses and doctors swarmed around you, hooking you up to monitors and checking your vitals. They quickly moved you into a private room, where they began the process of evaluating your condition. An Ultrasound Transducer Belt was strapped to your belly to monitor your baby's heartbeat, and you clung to Cillian’s hand as the minutes stretched on, each one filled with unbearable tension.
Cillian sat beside your bed, his chair pulled as close to you as possible. He didn’t let go of your hand, his thumb stroking your knuckles as he watched the medical staff with intense focus. Every time a nurse entered the room, he straightened, his gaze never leaving your face.
Finally, the sound of your baby’s heartbeat filled the room, steady and strong. Relief washed over you, your body sagging into the bed as you realized she was okay. Cillian squeezed your hand, a small smile tugging at his lips despite the worry that still lingered in his eyes.
“See? Everything’s okay,” he said softly, leaning over to kiss your forehead. His voice was calm, but you could feel the tension in his grip, the fear that had gripped him since you called still lurking beneath the surface.
One of the nurses performed an ultrasound to check the placement of your placenta. The image on the screen confirmed what your gynecologist had suspected: placenta previa. Your placenta was covering nearly all of your cervix, which was causing the bleeding. The news was both a relief and a new source of concern, but at least you knew what was happening.
Your gynecologist, a calm and reassuring woman, entered the room after reviewing the results. She approached your bed, her expression serious but gentle.
“Y/N,” she began, “we’re going to monitor your bleeding closely over the next few days. If it stops, we’ll be able to send you home with some strict instructions to rest. However, if the bleeding continues or worsens, we’ll need to keep you hospitalized for longer to ensure both your safety and the baby’s.”
You nodded, too exhausted to say much, but the gravity of her words settled heavily on you. The idea of staying in the hospital for days—or longer—was daunting, but you knew it was necessary.
Cillian listened intently, his focus solely on the doctor’s words. He nodded in agreement, his free hand resting on the bed near your leg, a silent promise that he wasn’t going anywhere.
After the doctor left, the nurses started an IV to assess the blood loss and placed a large pad in your panties to monitor the bleeding. Cillian helped you get comfortable, adjusting your pillows and making sure the blankets were tucked around you just right.
When everything was settled, he sat back down beside you, his hand finding yours again. “Get some rest now,” he murmured, his thumb brushing against your skin. He was still scared, but he knew he had to stay strong—for you and for your baby.
The room was dimly lit, the soft hum of the machines the only sound. Cillian watched you as you drifted off to sleep, his eyes never leaving your face. He was determined to prove that he could be the man you needed, the father his daughter deserved. And as you slept, he made a silent vow to be there for you, no matter what.
Hours passed, and eventually, he drifted off, lulled by the rhythmic beeping of the monitors and the steady heartbeat of your baby. But his rest was light, every sound stirring him until he awoke to the sight of you tossing and turning in the bed.
“You sleep okay?” he asked, reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from your face.
“Kinda.” You managed a small smile, the sight of him easing some of your anxiety. “I’m glad you’re here,” you confessed softly, your voice barely audible as you looked at him.
“Where else would I be?” he replied gently, his eyes soft as he looked at you. After everything, he was determined never to leave your side, to be there for you in every way possible.
“You should go home,” you suggested, your fingers intertwining with his as you sat up slightly. “Have a shower, get some sleep.”
“No, don’t worry about me,” he insisted, his grip on your hand tightening slightly as if to emphasize his point.
“Come on. I’ll be fine. You can come back at lunchtime.” You appreciated his company more than you could express, but you knew he needed rest too.
“Fine,” he relented, standing up slowly, still half-asleep. “Do you need me to bring you anything from home?” he asked, shrugging on his jacket.
“Yes, please. Actual clothes would be nice,” you joked, glancing down at the hospital gown you were wearing. Everything you had on earlier was stained with blood, and you longed for something more familiar.
“Of course,” he agreed, taking your keys from your purse. As he walked towards you to say goodbye, you moved to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he surprised you by closing the gap between you two with a loving kiss.
You were taken aback at first, but soon you melted into it, feeling a closeness to him that you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Bye,” he murmured as he pulled back, giving you one last look before walking out the door.
“Bye,” you whispered, watching him go. Confusion swirled within you. You loved him, wanted him, and needed him, but the past still cast a long shadow over your heart. You decided to give in to the feelings, but to take things slow. After all, you might need him more than ever after this to take care of you and the baby.
But as the door clicked shut behind him, a wave of anxiety washed over you, reminding you of all the reasons you couldn’t fully trust him. Panic gripped you, and without thinking, you reached for your phone and texted your sister.
“Call me as soon as you see this,” was all you sent her. It was 7 a.m., and you knew she had a busy schedule—she had a baby boy of her own and a husband. The thought of her being preoccupied made you feel even more isolated, but you needed to hear her voice, to find some grounding in the chaos of your emotions.
After sending the text, you typed out another message to Liv, explaining what had happened. Your fingers trembled as you pressed “send,” and you anxiously waited for a response. Minutes later, your phone rang, Liv’s name flashing on the screen.
“Are you okay?” Liv’s voice was laced with concern, the urgency clear.
“Yeah, we’re fine. It’s just the placenta,” you sighed, trying to keep your voice steady, but the exhaustion was evident.
“Oh, fuck, Y/N. Is the baby all right?” Liv’s worry was palpable, making your chest tighten.
“She’s okay,” you reassured her, rubbing your belly instinctively. “They said she’s not in distress, but they’re monitoring me for the next few days to see if the bleeding stops. If it doesn’t, I might have to stay in the hospital longer.”
“God, that sounds so scary. I wish I was there with you.” Liv’s voice softened, filled with genuine care.
“I wish you were too,” you admitted, feeling a lump form in your throat. “Cillian’s been here, though. He stayed with me all night.”
“That’s good. I’m glad he’s stepping up,” Liv said cautiously, knowing your history with him. “But how are you feeling about everything? About him?”
You hesitated, the emotions swirling inside you. “I don’t know, Liv. I love him, and he’s been amazing today, but I’m scared. What if he doesn’t stick around? What if he can’t handle this?”
Liv was silent for a moment, considering her words. “Y/N, I think he really cares about you and the baby. But you need to protect yourself too. Take things slow, let him prove that he’s in this for the long haul. You don’t have to make any decisions right now.”
“I know, I just—” Your voice broke, the stress of the past hours catching up to you. “I’m so scared, Liv. I can’t lose this baby.”
“You won’t,” Liv said firmly, her voice steady and reassuring. “You’re strong, and you’re doing everything you can. Just take it one day at a time, okay? Do you want me to come over?”
“No. Don’t worry about me, but thank you,” you whispered, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. “I’ll keep you updated.”
“Please do. And rest, okay? You and that little one need it.”
You promised you would, and after saying goodbye, you hung up the phone, feeling slightly more at ease. But the unease lingered, the fear of the unknown still weighing heavily on your mind.
As you lay back against the pillows, your thoughts drifted to Cillian again. The kiss, his determination to stay by your side, the way he had comforted you—it all felt so real, so genuine. Yet there was still a part of you that couldn’t shake the doubts. Could you really trust him? Was he truly ready to be a part of this, or was he still holding back?
Liv’s words echoed in your mind: *Take it one day at a time.* You knew she was right; you needed to protect yourself, to take things slow. But as much as you tried to focus on that, you couldn’t ignore the hope that had started to flicker inside you—the hope that maybe, just maybe, Cillian was ready to step up and be there for you and your baby.
With a deep sigh, you closed your eyes, willing yourself to rest. The day had been long, and your body was crying out for sleep. But even as you drifted off, Cillian’s face lingered in your thoughts, a mix of fear and hope swirling within you.
@mamawiggers1980 @xsweetcatastrophe @galactict3a @thistheivyseason @cillianmurphyvevo @sweetcheesecakesblog
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fancyfade · 6 months
Notes as I'm re-reading Aquaman... I remember being sad I didn't keep track of the various political stuff going on under Arthur's reign
Aquaman #18 is arthurs first comic as king (he didn't want to be king, but agreed b/c they told him it would be civil war if not). He's made king but says he still needs to do patrols, the Atlanteans agree but then get mad when Oceanus attacks and Aquaman's not there (also they tell him he has to shack up with an Atlantean instantly, which makes Arthur sad b/c he's in love with mera and she's not atlantean). Oceanus takes over and enslaves the Atlanteans. It appears as if Mera is going along with him, though she does get him to agree not to kill Arthur, and then she betrays him later and since he was the only guy taking over, when he leaves Atlantis is free. This results in Garth suggesting Mera is made an honorary Atlantean, so arthur can marry her.
Aquaman # 19: when arthur leaves mera alone for patrol she gets lonely (being separated from her home dimension) and brings her pet sea monster and friends from dimension aqua. They get into trouble messing around and the atlanteans demand she return atlantis to the atlanteans and if she doesn't there will be revolt. One of her friends from Dimension Aqua gives her a potion to drug her and sells the Atlanteans who want to dispose of Mera to a circus, arthur rescues them and is willing to die with mera when the atlanteans toss her in the pit of no-return afterwards, even when he thinks she's guilty, but then he finds out she was potion-ified by her friend.
Atlanteans seem sorry they doubted that Mera was innocent, but that's two issues in a row she appeared to be side-by-side with the people who were enslaving them, which you figure would look bad.
Aquaman #23: Atlanteans love exile, and wanted to exile Aquababy for having destructive powers. Arthur is amazingly understanding of this and goes into exile with his baby and mera and garth, then aquababy uses his powers (and runs out of them) saving atlantis from an enemy. exile revoked.
Aquaman 28: Starbuck, a human who can breathe water due to scientific experimentation, saves aquamans life. Aquaman names him his advisor and invites him to atlantis, even though there's a rule against air breathers seeing atlantis. Starbuck maneuvers it so that arthur and garth are stuck in the dungeon depths and missing. Mera goes to search for them and leaves Starbuck in charge as regent, where he starts setting up a war between Atlantis and the surface. The atlanteans are b not shown to be of one mind about Starbuck, some buy his fear mongering and others don't
Aquaman #35: Black manta uses a photon transducer to pump some chemical into atlantis, that makes the dome react with water by boiling it. arthur and vulko have been developing a project X, a shot that will enable atlanteans lungs to adapt to air breathing again, to save atlanteans, who cannot exist in the air-filled dome for more than one hour.
Aquaman #38: There is an underwater raider committing crime. The Liquidator, an ancient mutant who has the ability to sense good and evil somehow, appears to punish him because he's getting away from Aquaman (and it's revealed the Liquidator was always an atlantean tool for defeating evil, they just hadn't needed it while Arthur was around until now). It appears as if Arthur is the evil person and the liquidator tries to kill him, arthur flees, Garth and Mera also wind up going trying to rescue Arthur. Ragnar, some guy who was in Arthur's guard (?) tells the populace that Arthur must be evil because the Liquidator never makes mistakes, and says he's in charge now. It turns out that Ragnar was actually the raider who had given Aquaman a potion of evil-ify you to make the Liquidator think that Arthur was evil. I'm not sure we ever see the Liquidator again.
more atlantean political stuff to come as continues.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Haxus is in the Central Energy Chamber of the Castle of Lions and speaking with Sendak through the computer.
"Powering sub panels" Haxus says, typing on the controls.
"Sub panel energy transducer is go" 
 "Aye, sir. Opening pathway to link with bridge. Initializing main cluster reboot." Pidge is climbing on a ladder on the wall to hack into the Castle's computer system through an open panel using the armour's computer.
"Initializing complete. I'm set for main power up"
"The bridge is go" Sendak says.
"Powering up" Haxus powers up the engine; Pidge hacks it to overload the engine using her armour's computer.
"And up, and up, and up. I would not want to be touching a metal surface when this thing overloads" Alarms blare.
"Sir, something is wrong" Haxus says. The engine overloads and explodes in energy; Haxus is caught in the blast and wounded. Pidge grabs Rover as it hovers to avoid being electrocuted. Rover brings Pidge to Haxus "You're the one causing all this trouble? A child?"
"I'm not a child. I'm a Paladin of Voltron" Haxus laughs, drawing his sword.
"Let me tell you something, child. I'm a soldier of the Galra Empire. Nothing stops me but triumph or death" Haxus yells and battles Pidge. Pidge strikes Haxus with her grappling hook. He catches the rope and throws Pidge aside "Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide." Haxus says, lifting his sword to strike Pidge. Haxus then hears a sound and looks at the controls to see Soul. With Haxus distracted, Pidge dives between Haxus' legs and throws him off-balance on the catwalk. Rover slams into Haxus to knock him over but Haxus grabs Rover to avoid falling.
"Rover!" Pidge shouts. Soul jumps onto rover and stomps on Haxus' fingers, trying to get him to let go, failing. Rover deactivates to let Haxus fall. Soul jumps into Pidge's arms "No!" Pidge rushes forward after Rover but is too late to grab the drone. Haxus and Rover fall to their end.
"No!" Haxus shouts. Pidge mourns Rover as Soul rubs her arm. Sendak interrupts through the computer.
"Haxus, report in" 
"Haxus is gone, and you're next!" Pidge shouts.
"You've slowed me down, but this ship is mine! You will turn yourself over to me immediately!" 
"Well, then, maybe your leader or friend can convince you" Sendak said. 
"What do you want?" Shiro asks, as he tries to protect Y/N. Trying to make due with his arms tied. He smirks "Nothing better than sibling love, they will do anything to keep each other safe" Y/N glares at Sendak "Your friend wanted to hear from you two, but maybe all I need is one" Sendak nods his head for a Sentry to grab Shiro.
"Leave her alone!" Shiro shouts, struggling.
 "Shiro? Y/N?" 
"Pidge? Pidge, don't listen to-" Sendak tortures Y/N using his prosthetic gauntlet. Y/N's bites her tongue, as to not scream.
"Looks like we have a fighter here. You'll do perfect in the gladiator fight" Sendak smirks. He continues to torture Y/N, turning up the power. Y/N couldn't hold it any longer and lets out her screams.
"Stop it! I'm the leader! Not her!" Shiro says, struggling.
"No!" Pidge shouts. Pidge closes her eyes, trying to drown out the sound of Y/N's screams.
"You can make it stop. Turn yourself in. Her suffering is in your hands"
Hunk and Coran stand with Shay and Ray in their home.
"Is your ship repaired that you may depart our presence?" Rax asks.
"Uh...Are you saying that you want us to leave?" Hunk said. 
"Yes" Rax says, arms crossed.
"Well, it's working, but we can't leave without the Crystal" Hunk turns to Coran "You come up with an ideas how to get it?" 
"Actually, yes." Coran says. Coran grins.
His plan is to disguise themselves as a Galra Sentry with Hunk as the legs and Coran wearing a helmet as he sits on Hunk's shoulder, both of them wrapped in a blanket. They can barely keep upright.
"I can't believe I'm the legs again. I'm the one who took down the guard. I should get to be the head" Hunk complains.
"Shh! Legs don't talk" Hunk and Coran approach two Sentries guarding the Crystal while wearing their disguise "Oh, hello, gentlemen, shift's over. Boss needs you back at the guard shack"
"Verify identification code" A Sentry says.
"Right. I didn't want to have to do this, but I'm going to have to pull rank. You guys are in big trouble, right? So, hand over those blasters and ID badges" The sentries take aim.
 "Verify identification code or be destroyed." The drone said. 
"Okay, okay. I've got it right...here!" Coran throws off the disguise. Hunk blasts the sentries with his Bayard cannon. Coran jumps off Hunk's shoulders and walks over to the Crystal, placing his hands on it; making it glow.
"What are you doing?" Hunk asks "We got to hurry!"  
"I'm not just going to pry this out of here like some Galra monster. The Balmera is a sacred being. You have to communicate with it. Let your life forces connect. This is the way it was done in our time"
"Whoa. You really know your Balmeras" Hunk says. The Balmera responds to Coran and exposes the Crystal entirely. The Crystal nearly falls over, but Coran catches it, injuring his spine in the process. He cracks his neck to look at a Hunk, his eyes wide open "........I think I'm broken" Hunk sighs; he hears the sound of laser blasters being armed and turns to see they are surrounded by Galra Sentries
"Augh...Okay, guys! All right, I hate to do this. Blasters and badges. Come on. Give them up" Coran falls over from pain. Hunk raises his arm in surrender, smiling sheepishly.
Pidge and Soul lurks near the entrance to the Bridge in the Castle of Lions and listens as Sendak speaks to Shiro, who has his head down. Lance lays near him, face up. Y/N lays on the other side, face down, severely injured.
"I'm impressed that you managed to escape. Perhaps it would be worth the trip to your planet to see if the rest of your kind have your spirit, as well as your sisters. Of course, they will all end up broken, just like you. Now that we have Voltron, every planet, every race, all share the same fate." Sendak says.
Hunk and Coran are locked in a cell on the Balmera.
"Quiznak! I can't believe they saw through our disguise..." Hunk and Coran hear footsteps "Someone's coming!" Shay appears carrying a Galra Sentry arm.
"Shay?" Hunk asks. Shay uses the Sentry arm on the cell scanner and unlocks the cell. The cell barrier disappears.
"Make haste to your pod. The Crystal is prepared for departure"
"How did you get the Crystal?" Coran asks.
"I was assigned to take it to the upper levels, but instead I took it down. Soon, they will discover my ruse. Time is short"
"Why are you helping us?" Hunk asks "You'll get in trouble"
"Because your words touched my heart. I wish for freedom for all Balmera. Perhaps your Voltron can make it so" Hunk looks determined. Hunk, Coran and Shay run for the flight pod. Rax meets them there with Sentries armed.
"No. Rax, why?"
"These two bring only trouble to our family. It was the only way to protect you" Hunk angrily readies his Bayard.
"No! The Balmera will save us"  Shay places her hand on the ground to contact the Balmera.
"Shay, no!" The Balmera responds to Shay and causes rocks to fall from the cave to crush the Sentries. Hunk, Coran, and Shay run for the flight pod. Some Sentries survive and capture Shay "Shay!"
"Go! Make haste!" Shay shouts.
"Let her go!"
"No, Hunk! We have to go!" Hunk hesitates, but more sentries and Galra fighter jets arrive. Hunk enters the Altean flight pod with Coran.
"I'll come back for you, Shay! I promise!"
"If we can't shake these patrols, we might be back here sooner then we want!" Hunk and Coran leave in the flight pod pursued by Galra fighter jets.
The Altean Mice infiltrate the Generator Room of the Castle of Lions and take out the last Galra Sentry guarding it. They press buttons on the control panel to deactivate the particle barrier.
Outside, Keith and Allura watch the barrier disappear/
"It worked!" Keith says.
"They did it!" Keith and Allura head inside the Castle.
Sendak sees Pidge on the computer of the Castle Bridge. He turns to attack and pursue her out of the Bridge. As Sendak runs out of the Bridge, the real Pidhge, alongside Soul, rushes inside the Bridge to speak to Shiro and Y/N. Soul jumps of Pidge's shoulder and nuzzles Y/N's head.
"Shiro, Y/N wake up. It's me, Pidge-" Pidge is caught by Sendak's gauntlet.
"You really thought your little hologram trick would work with me?" Sendak says. Keith and Allura enter the Bridge. Keith summons his Bayard to fight "Stand back!" Sendak is suddenly struck behind by Lance's Bayard rifle. Lance passes out again. Shiro rushes at Sendak and is knocked aside. Keith battles Sendak. Sendak throws Keith and Pidge severs the energy chain to his gauntlet, rendering it useless "No!" Sendak is enrages and battles Pidge. Allura accesses the Bridge's computer. Keith attacks Sendak again and Sendak catches his Bayard's blade. Allura readies the computer. 
"Keith, duck!" He does so and a Scythe knocks Sendak into the centre of the Bridge and a barrier rises up, trapping him. Keith is pushed back. He looks up to see Y/N, breathing heavily. She puts her Bayard away and turns to face Keith, a tired look on her face "We did it" She suddenly collapses, only to be caught by Keith. She's unconscious again. He shows a small smile.
"Yeah, we did it" Pidge frees Shiro and Keith brings Y/N over to Shiro, He instantly holds her tight as Soul curls up onto her stomach.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Shiro mutters. Keith frowns before going over to Lance.
"Lance, are you okay?" Keith asks, pulling him upright. 
"We are a good team" Lance says. He smiles, Keith smiles in return. Lance looks over at Y/N and frowns "It's my fault she was in the blast. I didn't cover her" 
Hunk and Coran are fleeing from Galra fighter jets on the Balmera.
"We can't shake them!" Coran says "We're not going to make it!" Hunk remembers the booster fuel Pidge installed and motions to press the button "Uh, it may turn us into a giant fireball"
"Maybe, but it's out only chance" Coran hesitates but sees more Galra jets approaching.
"Fine. Fire in the hole!" Hunk presses the button and the flight pod blasts into the sky. Coran cheers.
"We did it!"
Lance and Y/N are sleeping inside a pod. Allura, Keith, Soul, Shiro, and Pidge stand by them in the Sleep Chamber. 
"After a day in here, they should be fully healed" Shiro approaches Pidge.
"Pidge, we can't thank you enough for all you did. I can't help but feel that you were meant to be a part of our team... but I understand if you want to leave" 
"Dad used to tell me how close he was with his crew members. They were like family. Now I understand what he was talking about" Shiro smiles at Pidge "I'm staying with you guys. Let's stop Zarkon for all of our families" Allura and Keith also smile at Pidge.
"Good to have you back on the team" Keith says. Soul makes a noise from Pidge's shoulder, nuzzling into her cheek. Pidge smiles fondly at her team.
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circumlocutive · 2 months
Undergrad research blast from the past. Here I am in 2020 assembling a micro fluidic flow cell with a gold electrode block. I think I took this video for myself so I knew what to clip to what. This was when I worked with electrochemical sensors, transducing signals via impedance spectroscopy.
A lot of electrochemical techniques rely on measuring voltages or currents, but in this lab we looked at impedance- which is a fancy combination of regular resistance (like the same one from ohms law) and the imaginary portion of the resistance that arises from the alternating current we supply.
I would functionalize different groups on the gold working electrode by exposing the surface to a solution of thiolated biomarker capture groups. Thiols love to form self-assembled mono layers over gold, so anything tagged with thiol ends up sticking. [Aside: Apparently after I left the group they moved away from gold thiol interactions because they weren't strong enough to modify the electrode surface in a stable and predictable way, especially if we were flowing the solution over the surface (which we wanted to do for various automation reasons)]. The capture groups we used were various modified cyclodextrins- little sugar cups with hydrophobic pockets inside and a hydrophilic exterior. Cyclodextrins are the basis of febreeze- a cyclodextrin spray that captures odor molecules in that hydrophobic pocket so they can't interact with receptors in your nose. We focused on capturing hydrophobic things in our little pocket because many different hydrophobic biomarkers are relevant to many different diseases, but a lot of sensors struggle to interact with them in the aqueous environment of bodily fluids.
My work was two fold:
1) setting up an automated system for greater reproducibility and less human labor. I had to figure out how to get my computer, the potentiostat (which controls the alternating current put in, and reads the working electrode response), the microfluidic pump, and the actuator that switched between samples to all talk to each other so I could set up my solutions, automatically flow the thiol solution for an appropriate time and flow rate to modify the surface, then automatically flow a bio fluid sample (or rather in the beginning, pure samples of specific isolated biomarkers, tho their tendency to aggregate in aqueous solution may have changed the way they would interact with the sensor from how they would in a native environment, stabilized in blood or urine) over the electrode and cue the potentiostat for multiple measurements, and then flow cleaning solutions to clean out the tubings and renew the electrode. This involved transistor level logic (pain) and working with the potentiostat company to interact with their proprietary software language (pain) and so much dicking around with the physical components.
2) coming up with new cyclodextrin variants to test, and optimizing the parameters for surface functionalization. What concentrations and times and flow rates to use? How do different groups around the edge of the cyclodextrin affect the ability to capture distinct classes of neurotransmitters? I wasn't working with specific sensors, I was trying to get cross reactivity for the purpose of constructing nonspecific sensor arrays (less akin to antibody/antigen binding of ELISAs and more like the nonspecific combinatorial assaying you do with receptors in your tongue or nose to identify "taste profiles" or "smell profiles"), so I wanted diverse responses to diverse assortments of molecules.
Idk where I'm going with this. Mostly reminiscing. I don't miss the math or programming or the physical experience of being at the bench (I find chemistry more "fun") but I liked the ultimate goal more. I think cross reactive sensor arrays and principle component analysis could really change how we do biosample testing, and could potentially be useful for defining biochemical subtypes of subjectively defined mental illnesses.... I think that could (maybe, possibly, if things all work and are sufficiently capturing relevant variance in biochemistry from blood or piss or sweat or what have you) be a more useful way to diagnose mental illness and correlate to possible responses to medications than phenotypic analysis/interviews/questionnaires/trial and error pill prescribing.
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Measuring Martian winds with sound
Mars has a notoriously inhospitable environment, with temperatures that fluctuate dramatically over the course of a Martian day and average minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Its surface is mostly covered in red dust, with terrain typified by craters, canyons, and volcanoes. And its atmosphere is extremely thin, comprising only about 1% of the density of Earth’s.
Needless to say, measuring wind speeds on the red planet is challenging. Martian landers have been able capture measurements — some gauging the cooling rate of heated materials when winds blow over them, others using cameras to image “tell-tales” that blow in the wind. Both anemometric methods have yielded valuable insight into the planet’s climate and atmosphere.
But there’s still room for improvement in the astronomical toolshed, especially as plans to send astronauts to Mars unfold in the coming years.
In JASA, published on behalf of the Acoustical Society of America by AIP Publishing, researchers from Canada and the U.S. demonstrated a novel sonic anemometric system featuring a pair of narrowband piezoelectric transducers to measure the travel time of sound pulses through Martian air. The study accounted for variables including transducer diffraction effects and wind direction.
“By measuring sound travel time differences both forward and backward, we can accurately measure wind in three dimensions,” said author Robert White. “The two major advantages of this method are that it’s fast and it works well at low speeds.”
The researchers hope to be able to measure up to 100 wind speeds per second and at speeds as low as 1 cm/s, a remarkable contrast to previous methods that could register only about 1 wind speed per second and struggled to track speeds below 50 cm/s. 
“By measuring quickly and accurately, we hope to be able to measure not only mean winds, but also turbulence and fluctuating winds,” said White. “This is important for understanding atmospheric variables that could be problematic for small vehicles such as the Ingenuity helicopter that flew on Mars recently.”
The researchers characterized ultrasonic transducers and sensors over a wide range of temperatures and a narrow range of pressures in carbon dioxide, the primary atmospheric gas on Mars. With their selections, they showed only nominal error rates would result from temperature and pressure changes.
“The system we’re developing will be 10 times faster and 10 times more accurate than anything previously used,” said White. “We hope it will produce more valuable data as future missions to Mars are considered and provide useful information on the Martian climate, perhaps also with implications for better understanding the climate of our own planet.”
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boaterstop1 · 9 months
Navigating the Depths: Unveiling the Power of Airmar Transducers
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In the world of marine technology, precision and accuracy are paramount, especially when it comes to navigating the depths of the ocean or any water body. One key player in achieving this level of precision is the Airmar Transducer. This article delves into the significance of Airmar Transducers, exploring their technology, applications, and the impact they have on enhancing marine navigation and research.
Understanding Airmar Transducers:
Airmar Transducers are cutting-edge devices designed to convert one form of energy into another, specifically in the context of marine applications. These transducers are adept at transforming electrical energy into sound waves and vice versa. This dual functionality makes them an essential component in various marine technologies, contributing significantly to the accuracy of depth measurements and underwater mapping. ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ
Technology Behind Airmar Transducers:
At the heart of Airmar Transducers lies advanced sonar technology. These devices utilize piezoelectric crystals to emit sound waves into the water. As these waves encounter different underwater surfaces and objects, they bounce back and are detected by the transducer. The time it takes for the sound waves to return provides crucial information about the depth, composition, and contours of the underwater environment.
Applications in Marine Navigation:
Airmar Transducers find widespread use in marine navigation systems, serving as integral components in fishfinders, depth sounders, and echo sounders. Boaters, fishermen, and researchers alike rely on the accuracy of Airmar Transducers to navigate safely and efficiently, avoiding underwater obstacles and identifying optimal fishing grounds.
Enhancing Fishing Efficiency:
For anglers, Airmar Transducers play a pivotal role in improving fishing efficiency. By providing real-time depth information and identifying underwater structures, these transducers help fishermen locate schools of fish and choose the most promising fishing spots. This capability not only saves time but also increases the chances of a successful and rewarding fishing expedition.
Contributions to Underwater Research:
Beyond recreational use, Airmar Transducers contribute significantly to scientific research in marine biology and oceanography. Researchers rely on these devices to map the ocean floor, study underwater ecosystems, and gather essential data for understanding marine environments. The precision and reliability of Airmar Transducers make them invaluable tools in advancing our knowledge of the world beneath the waves.
Click here for more information :-
Humminbird Fish Finder
Dock Cleats
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infotechs · 1 month
Surveying Hydrographic | Epitome
Hydrographic surveying, also known as hydrography, is the science of measuring and describing the physical features of bodies of water. It involves mapping underwater terrain, charting coastlines, and assessing navigational hazards to ensure safe and efficient maritime operations. As an essential branch of surveying, hydrographic surveying plays a critical role in a variety of industries, including marine navigation, construction, oil and gas exploration, environmental protection, and coastal zone management.
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In this blog, we will explore the fundamentals of hydrographic surveying, its techniques, tools, and applications, and how Epitome stands out as a leading provider of hydrographic surveying services.
What is Hydrographic Surveying? Hydrographic surveying is the process of mapping the underwater topography and features of bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. This specialized field of surveying involves collecting data on water depth, seabed conditions, tides, currents, and other environmental factors that influence water bodies.
The primary goal of hydrographic surveying is to create accurate nautical charts and maps that serve as guides for navigation and maritime activities. These charts help identify potential hazards, such as underwater rocks, shoals, and shipwrecks, enabling safe passage for vessels.
Key Techniques in Hydrographic Surveying Several techniques are employed in hydrographic surveying to gather precise data about underwater environments. Some of the most commonly used methods include:
Single-Beam Echo Sounding: This technique uses a single sound wave to measure water depth. It involves emitting a sound pulse from a transducer mounted on a survey vessel and measuring the time it takes for the sound wave to return after hitting the seabed. Single-beam echo sounding is suitable for shallow waters and provides a basic profile of the seafloor.
Multi-Beam Echo Sounding: Unlike single-beam, multi-beam echo sounders emit multiple sound waves in a fan-shaped pattern, covering a wider area of the seabed. This technique offers high-resolution data and detailed three-dimensional maps of underwater terrain, making it ideal for deep-water surveys and complex underwater environments.
Side-Scan Sonar: Side-scan sonar systems are used to capture detailed images of the seafloor. They work by emitting sound waves from a towfish or hull-mounted device, which reflect off underwater objects and features. The resulting images help identify submerged objects, such as wrecks, pipelines, and marine habitats.
LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): LIDAR technology uses laser pulses to measure distances to underwater surfaces. Airborne LIDAR systems are particularly useful for shallow water surveys, providing accurate depth measurements and detecting submerged features in coastal areas.
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB): SDB leverages satellite imagery to estimate water depths, particularly in shallow and clear-water environments. This technique is cost-effective and useful for large-scale mapping but may be less accurate than traditional methods in deeper waters.
Applications of Hydrographic Surveying Hydrographic surveying has a wide range of applications across various industries and sectors, including:
Marine Navigation: Hydrographic surveys provide vital data for the creation of nautical charts used by mariners for safe navigation. These charts help avoid underwater hazards and determine optimal routes for shipping and transportation.
Offshore Construction: Hydrographic surveys are essential for offshore construction projects, such as building bridges, tunnels, oil platforms, and wind farms. They provide precise data on seabed conditions, enabling safe and efficient construction activities.
Environmental Monitoring: Hydrographic surveying plays a crucial role in environmental protection by monitoring changes in seabed morphology, sediment transport, and coastal erosion. It also helps assess the impact of human activities on marine ecosystems.
Resource Exploration: Hydrographic surveys support the exploration of underwater resources, such as oil, gas, minerals, and aggregates. Detailed mapping of the seabed helps identify potential drilling sites and minimize environmental impacts.
Disaster Management: Hydrographic data is essential for disaster preparedness and response, especially in the case of natural disasters like tsunamis, hurricanes, and flooding. It helps assess damage, plan relief efforts, and mitigate risks.
Why Choose Epitome for Hydrographic Surveying? At Epitome, we specialize in providing high-quality hydrographic surveying services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our team of experienced professionals utilizes the latest technologies and equipment to deliver accurate and reliable data for maritime and offshore operations.
Here’s why Epitome is your trusted partner for hydrographic surveying: Advanced Technology: We employ state-of-the-art equipment, including multi-beam echo sounders, side-scan sonar, and LIDAR systems, to capture precise data and generate detailed underwater maps.
Experienced Team: Our team of skilled hydrographers and surveyors has extensive experience in conducting surveys across various marine environments, ensuring comprehensive data collection and analysis.
Customized Solutions: We understand that every project is unique. We offer tailored hydrographic surveying solutions to meet the specific requirements of our clients, whether for navigation, construction, environmental monitoring, or resource exploration.
Commitment to Quality: At Epitome, we are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet international standards. Our rigorous quality control processes ensure accurate and reliable data for all our clients.
Conclusion Hydrographic surveying is a vital tool for understanding and managing the world’s water bodies. From ensuring safe navigation to supporting offshore construction and environmental protection, it has a wide range of applications that benefit numerous industries. As a leader in the field, Epitome is dedicated to providing top-notch hydrographic surveying services, utilizing cutting-edge technology and expert knowledge to deliver the best results for our clients.
More Info : https://epitomegs.com/ Contact us :+91-96756 94400
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draritramukherji · 1 month
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Heart Specialist for Children — DR. ARITRA MUKHERJI
Echocardiography (an echocardiogram, echo or heart ultrasound) is the procedure to generate moving images of the heart. It provides an in-depth assessment of various structural and functional attributes of the heart. Echocardiograms use high-frequency sound waves that are reflected off the surfaces of the heart to create a picture on a TV monitor. Images are generated by a transducer (like a microphone) which is placed on the chest with warmed gel. Two-dimensional, colour-enhanced images then appear on the screen.
TO KNOW MORE VISIT : https://draritrapedcardio.com/pediatric-echocardiography/
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healthware · 1 month
Ultrasonic Cleaners in Australia: The Ultimate Solution for Precision Cleaning
In the world of cleaning and maintenance, ultrasonic cleaners have emerged as a game-changer, offering a level of precision and efficiency that traditional cleaning methods often can’t match. These innovative devices use high-frequency sound waves to clean intricate items with remarkable effectiveness. In Australia, the popularity of ultrasonic cleaners is growing, driven by their versatility and superior cleaning capabilities. In this blog, we’ll explore what ultrasonic cleaners are, how they work, and why they are becoming an essential tool in various industries across Australia.
What Are Ultrasonic Cleaners?
Ultrasonic cleaners are machines that use ultrasonic waves to remove contaminants from surfaces. These waves are sound waves with frequencies higher than the human ear can hear, typically between 20 kHz and 40 kHz. When these waves are transmitted through a liquid cleaning solution, they create microscopic bubbles that implode with great force, a process known as cavitation. This action helps to dislodge dirt, grime, and other particles from the surface of the item being cleaned.
How Do Ultrasonic Cleaners Work?
The cleaning process in an ultrasonic cleaner involves several steps:
Preparation: The item to be cleaned is placed in a basket or holder within the ultrasonic cleaning tank. The tank is filled with a cleaning solution, which can be water or a specialized detergent depending on the type of contaminants and the material of the item being cleaned.
Ultrasonic Waves: The ultrasonic cleaner generates high-frequency sound waves through transducers located at the bottom or sides of the tank. These waves create millions of tiny bubbles in the cleaning solution.
Cavitation: As the bubbles collapse or implode, they produce intense pressure and temperature, which helps to dislodge and remove dirt and contaminants from the item’s surface. This action penetrates crevices and hard-to-reach areas, ensuring thorough cleaning.
Rinsing and Drying: After the cleaning cycle is complete, the item is typically rinsed to remove any remaining cleaning solution and contaminants. It may then be dried using compressed air or another drying method.
Benefits of Ultrasonic Cleaners
Ultrasonic cleaners offer several advantages over traditional cleaning methods:
Thorough Cleaning: The cavitation process ensures that even the smallest and most intricate parts of an item are cleaned. This makes ultrasonic cleaners particularly effective for cleaning delicate or complex objects, such as jewelry, electronic components, and medical instruments.
Time Efficiency: Ultrasonic cleaning is a fast process compared to manual scrubbing or other cleaning methods. It can significantly reduce cleaning time and labor costs, making it a valuable tool for busy environments.
Uniform Cleaning: Unlike manual cleaning, which can leave behind residues or require multiple passes, ultrasonic cleaners provide consistent and uniform cleaning across all surfaces of the item.
Reduced Manual Labor: Ultrasonic cleaners automate the cleaning process, reducing the need for manual scrubbing and minimizing the risk of damage to delicate items. This leads to a safer and more efficient cleaning operation.
Versatility: Ultrasonic cleaners can be used for a wide range of applications, from cleaning industrial parts and automotive components to maintaining medical instruments and household items. Their versatility makes them suitable for various industries and settings.
Applications of Ultrasonic Cleaners in Australia
In Australia, ultrasonic cleaners are used across various industries and sectors, including:
Medical and Dental Fields: Ultrasonic cleaners are essential in hospitals, clinics, and dental practices for cleaning and sterilizing surgical instruments, dental tools, and other medical equipment. Their ability to thoroughly clean complex instruments helps ensure patient safety and hygiene.
Jewelry and Watch Industry: Jewelers and watchmakers use ultrasonic cleaners to clean delicate jewelry and intricate watch components. The cleaners remove dirt, oils, and residues from fine jewelry, restoring their shine and ensuring precision in watch repairs.
Automotive and Industrial Maintenance: Ultrasonic cleaners are employed in automotive workshops and industrial settings to clean engine parts, machinery components, and other equipment. The cleaners remove grease, oil, and debris, improving the performance and longevity of the equipment.
Electronics and Precision Engineering: Electronics manufacturers and precision engineers use ultrasonic cleaners to clean circuit boards, electronic components, and precision instruments. The cleaners remove flux residues, dust, and other contaminants, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
Household and Personal Items: Ultrasonic cleaners are also used for cleaning household items such as eyeglasses, coins, and small household tools. They offer a convenient and effective way to keep personal items in top condition.
Choosing the Right Ultrasonic Cleaner in Australia
When selecting an ultrasonic cleaner for your needs, consider the following factors:
Size and Capacity: Choose a cleaner with an appropriate size and capacity for the items you plan to clean. Larger items or higher volumes may require a bigger tank or multiple cleaning cycles.
Frequency and Power: The frequency and power of the ultrasonic waves affect the cleaning efficiency. Higher frequencies are better for delicate items, while lower frequencies are more suitable for heavy-duty cleaning.
Heating Options: Some ultrasonic cleaners come with built-in heating elements that can enhance the cleaning process by warming the solution. Heated cleaning solutions can improve the effectiveness of the cleaning action.
Durability and Build Quality: Ensure that the ultrasonic cleaner is made from high-quality materials and has a durable construction to withstand regular use and provide reliable performance.
Additional Features: Look for features such as digital timers, adjustable temperature settings, and automatic shut-off functions that can enhance the usability and functionality of the cleaner.
Ultrasonic cleaners are revolutionizing the way cleaning is performed across various industries in Australia. Their ability to provide thorough, efficient, and consistent cleaning makes them an invaluable tool for professionals and businesses. By understanding the benefits and applications of ultrasonic cleaners, you can make informed decisions about incorporating this technology into your cleaning processes, ensuring better results and improved operational efficiency.
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Understanding Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices and its Versatile Uses
What are Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices? Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring devices are medical instruments used to measure pressure inside the skull and brain. As the brain is contained within a rigid skull, any swelling or hemorrhage can quickly raise intracranial pressure which can potentially lead to brain damage or death if not treated. ICP monitoring devices provide clinicians real-time data to help diagnose and treat conditions that affect brain pressure. Types of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices There are a few main types of Itracranial Pressure Monitoring Device monitoring devices currently used in hospitals: External Ventricular Drainage (EVD) Catheter: This device consists of a thin cylindrical catheter inserted into one of the brain's ventricles. The catheter is connected to an external drainage and monitoring system. It allows both drainage of cerebrospinal fluid to reduce pressure and monitoring of ICP levels. EVD is considered the gold standard for invasively measuring ICP. Intraparenchymal ICP Probe: This minimally invasive probe is directly inserted into the brain tissue, most commonly in the white matter of the frontal lobe. It contains a pressure transducer at the tip that is connected to an external monitor. Intraparenchymal probes provide a slightly less accurate ICP reading compared to EVD but with less risk of complications. Subdural Screw or Bolt: A small screw or bolt containing a strain gauge pressure sensor is surgically implanted through a burr hole in the skull and positioned between the dura membrane and skull. It directly measures pressure on the brain surface and is well-tolerated by most patients.
Get more insights on Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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phoenix-ultrasound · 1 month
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geocontech · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) - Ensuring Safety and Reliability
What is Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)?
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used in the science and technology industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component, structure, or system without causing damage. NDT methods are crucial for ensuring the safety, reliability, and integrity of various products and structures, especially in industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, and manufacturing. Unlike destructive testing, which involves testing to the point of failure, NDT allows for thorough inspections while preserving the usability of the tested item.
Geo Con Tech Group specializes in providing comprehensive NDT services to ensure the highest standards of safety and quality in engineering and construction projects. Our expertise in NDT enables us to identify defects and irregularities without compromising the structural integrity of materials and components.
Methods Used in Non-Destructive Testing
Several methods are employed in NDT, each with its unique advantages and applications. The most commonly used methods include:
1. Visual Inspection (VT): Visual Inspection is the most basic NDT method. It involves examining a component with the naked eye or using tools like magnifying glasses, mirrors, or borescopes to detect surface flaws, cracks, or deformities. This method is often the first step in an NDT process and can be enhanced with digital imaging tools.
2. Ultrasonic Testing (UT): Ultrasonic Testing uses high-frequency sound waves to detect internal flaws in materials. A transducer sends ultrasonic waves into the material, and the reflections from internal imperfections are recorded and analyzed. UT is highly effective for detecting subsurface defects and measuring material thickness.
3. Radiographic Testing (RT): Radiographic Testing employs X-rays or gamma rays to produce images of the internal structure of a component. These images reveal internal defects such as voids, cracks, and inclusions. RT is widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries for inspecting welds and castings.
4. Magnetic Particle Testing (MT): Magnetic Particle Testing involves magnetizing a ferromagnetic material and then applying ferrous particles to the surface. The particles gather at areas with magnetic flux leakage, indicating surface and near-surface defects. MT is commonly used for inspecting welds, castings, and forgings.
5. Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT): Liquid Penetrant Testing uses a liquid dye to penetrate surface-breaking defects. After removing the excess dye, a developer is applied to draw out the dye trapped in flaws, making them visible under UV or white light. PT is effective for detecting surface cracks and porosity.
6. Eddy Current Testing (ECT): Eddy Current Testing uses electromagnetic induction to detect surface and near-surface defects in conductive materials. An alternating current flows through a coil, generating eddy currents in the material. Variations in the eddy current flow indicate the presence of flaws. ECT is often used for inspecting heat exchanger tubes and aircraft components.
7. Acoustic Emission Testing (AE): Acoustic Emission Testing listens for the sound waves produced by the rapid release of energy from localized sources within a material under stress. These sound waves can indicate the presence of active cracks or other structural changes. AE is useful for monitoring the integrity of pressure vessels and storage tanks.
8. Thermographic Testing (TT): Thermographic Testing uses infrared cameras to detect temperature variations on the surface of a material. These variations can indicate underlying defects such as delaminations, voids, or corrosion. TT is widely used in electrical inspections, building diagnostics, and aerospace applications.
What is the Difference Between Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing?
Destructive Testing (DT) involves testing a material or component to failure to understand its properties, performance, and behavior under various conditions. Examples include tensile testing, impact testing, and hardness testing. DT provides detailed information about material properties but destroys the sample in the process, making it unsuitable for inspecting finished products or critical components.
In contrast, Non-Destructive Testing allows for the evaluation of materials and components without causing damage. NDT methods are non-invasive and preserve the integrity of the item being tested, enabling continuous use and further analysis if needed. This is particularly important for safety-critical industries where maintaining the structural integrity of components is essential.
Advantages of Using Non-Destructive Testing
NDT offers several advantages over destructive testing, making it an essential tool in various industries:
1. Preservation of Material Integrity: NDT methods do not damage or alter the material or component being tested. This allows for the inspection of critical components without compromising their functionality or safety.
2. Cost-Effectiveness: By preserving the tested items, NDT reduces the need for replacements and repairs. It also minimizes downtime by allowing for in-service inspections, leading to significant cost savings.
3. Early Detection of Defects: NDT enables the early detection of defects and irregularities, allowing for timely maintenance and repairs. This helps prevent catastrophic failures and extends the lifespan of components.
4. Comprehensive Inspection: NDT methods can detect a wide range of defects, including surface and subsurface flaws. This comprehensive inspection capability ensures a high level of quality control and reliability.
5. Safety and Reliability: By identifying potential issues before they become critical, NDT enhances the safety and reliability of structures and components. This is particularly important in industries such as aerospace, nuclear, and transportation.
6. Compliance with Standards: NDT methods are often required by industry standards and regulations. Implementing NDT ensures compliance with these standards, reducing the risk of non-conformance and legal issues.
Applications of Non-Destructive Testing
NDT is used across various industries to ensure the safety, reliability, and integrity of materials and structures. Some common applications include:
1. Aerospace: In the aerospace industry, NDT is used to inspect aircraft components, engines, and structures for defects that could compromise safety. Methods like ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, and eddy current testing are commonly used for inspecting composite materials, welds, and fasteners.
2. Automotive: The automotive industry uses NDT to inspect critical components such as engine parts, transmissions, and suspension systems. NDT methods help identify manufacturing defects, material inconsistencies, and fatigue cracks, ensuring the reliability and performance of vehicles.
3. Construction: In construction, NDT is used to inspect concrete structures, steel beams, and welds. Methods like visual inspection, ultrasonic testing, and thermographic testing help detect cracks, voids, and corrosion, ensuring the structural integrity of buildings, bridges, and infrastructure.
4. Oil and Gas: The oil and gas industry relies on NDT to inspect pipelines, storage tanks, and offshore platforms. Techniques like radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing, and acoustic emission testing are used to detect corrosion, leaks, and structural weaknesses, preventing environmental disasters and ensuring safe operations.
5. Power Generation: In power generation, NDT is used to inspect turbines, boilers, and pressure vessels. NDT methods help detect material degradation, stress corrosion cracking, and weld defects, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of power plants.
6. Manufacturing: Manufacturing industries use NDT to ensure the quality of raw materials, components, and finished products. NDT methods like eddy current testing, liquid penetrant testing, and ultrasonic testing are used to detect surface and subsurface defects, ensuring compliance with quality standards.
7. Transportation: NDT is used in the transportation industry to inspect railways, ships, and bridges. Methods like ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, and magnetic particle testing help identify structural weaknesses, corrosion, and fatigue cracks, ensuring the safety and reliability of transportation infrastructure.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is an invaluable tool for ensuring the safety, reliability, and integrity of materials, components, and structures across various industries. Geo Con Tech Group is dedicated to providing comprehensive NDT services , utilizing advanced techniques to detect defects and irregularities without compromising the structural integrity of the tested items. By leveraging NDT, industries can achieve early defect detection, cost savings, compliance with standards, and enhanced safety and reliability.
Whether in aerospace, automotive, construction, or any other sector, the application of NDT ensures that products and structures meet the highest quality standards, safeguarding lives and enhancing performance. Geo Con Tech Group is committed to excellence in NDT, helping clients achieve optimal results through innovative and reliable testing solutions.
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puroxipurewater · 2 months
Ultrasonic algae treatment uses sound waves with multiple effective frequencies, typically above 20 kHz, to disrupt and prevent algae growth in bodies of water. It involves the deployment of ultrasonic transducers that emit certain frequencies in order to inhibit algae from photosynthesising on the water's surface.
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Enhancing Healthcare with MSK Musculoskeletal Ultrasound at We, Ultrascan Diagnostic Centre
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Welcome to Ultrascan Diagnostic  Centre, located in Pipliyahana, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, where cutting-edge technology meets compassionate care. Our state-of-the-art clinic is meticulously designed to ensure patient comfort while delivering top-tier healthcare services. With a focus on hygiene, sanitation, and a non-stressful ambiance, we strive to simplify healthcare like never before. Discover how our expertise in MSK (Musculoskeletal) ultrasound can empower you with precise diagnostic insights and exceptional medical care.
 Understanding MSK Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: A Comprehensive Guide
What is MSK Musculoskeletal Ultrasound?
MSK ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to produce real-time images of muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and soft tissues throughout the body. Unlike X-rays  or CT scans, ultrasound does not use radiation, making it a safer option, especially for repetitive imaging or for patients sensitive to radiation exposure.
 Benefits of MSK Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Precision Provides detailed images that aid in accurate diagnosis of musculoskeletal conditions.
- Safety  No radiation exposure, making it suitable for all age groups, including children and pregnant women.
- Real-time Imaging: Allows dynamic assessment of structures during movement or stress tests.
- Guidance for Procedures: Assists in precise placement of injections or aspirations for therapeutic purposes.
- Cost-effective: Generally more affordable than MRI scans, with comparable diagnostic accuracy for many conditions.
 Advanced Technology at Ultrascan Diagnostic Centre
At Ultrascan, we pride ourselves on utilizing the latest ultrasound equipment operated by skilled technicians and experienced radiologists. Our commitment to maintaining high standards of healthcare means you can trust us for reliable results and exceptional service. Whether you're dealing with sports injuries, arthritis, tendonitis, or other musculoskeletal issues, our MSK ultrasound services are designed to meet your diagnostic needs efficiently and effectively.
Why Choose Ultrascan Diagnostic Centre?
Located conveniently in Pipliyahana, Indore, our clinic offers:
- Modern Facilities: Ergonomically designed for patient comfort.
- Hygiene and Sanitation: Strict protocols to ensure cleanliness.
- Expertise and Experience: Skilled professionals dedicated to your well-being.
Conditions Diagnosed with MSK Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
MSK ultrasound is instrumental in diagnosing a wide range of conditions, including:
Tendon Tears
- Ligament Sprains
- Joint Effusions
- Cysts
- Muscle Tears
- Bursitis
By visualizing these structures in real-time, ultrasound helps in determining the extent of injury or disease, guiding appropriate treatment plans.
 Patient FAQs About MSK Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
1. What are the common uses of MSK ultrasound?
MSK ultrasound is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as tendon tears, ligament injuries, joint inflammation, and muscle strains. It is also used to guide therapeutic injections and aspirations.
 2. How does MSK ultrasound compare to MRI for musculoskeletal imaging?
While MRI provides detailed images of soft tissues and is often preferred for complex conditions, MSK ultrasound offers real-time imaging, is more cost-effective, and does not involve exposure to radiation, making it suitable for a broader range of patients.
3. Is MSK ultrasound painful?
No, MSK ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that involves placing a small probe (transducer) on the skin surface over the area of interest. It is painless and generally well-tolerated by patients of all ages.
 Experience Excellence in Healthcare with Ultrascan
At Ultrascan Diagnostic Centre, we are committed to providing you with the highest standard of healthcare services . Whether you're seeking a diagnostic procedure or a consultation, our team is here to ensure your experience is seamless and stress-free. Contact us  today to schedule your MSK musculoskeletal ultrasound and take the first step towards better health.
Call to Action: Contact Ultrascan Diagnostic Centre today at 78695 24599  or visit our website to schedule your MSK musculoskeletal ultrasound appointment. Experience healthcare excellence in Indore!
In conclusion, MSK musculoskeletal ultrasound at Ultrascan Diagnostic Centre represents a blend of advanced technology, compassionate care, and commitment to patient satisfaction. Whether you're dealing with an injury, chronic pain, or simply seeking preventive care, our clinic is equipped to meet your needs. Book your appointment  today and discover the difference in healthcare at Ultrascan.
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sociomi · 2 months
Measurement of heat flow through vacuum insulating glass
Vacuum insulating glass (VIG) non-textures in the force travel through the support with supporting places can cause fundamental errors in the evaluation of these devices' warm insulating properties. This paper takes a gander at these stumbles in instruments for which the evaluation locale is in direct warm contact with the glass sheets. The restricted part strategy is used to show the force stream's spatial non-textures in various VIG plans.
Using observed hot plate instruments, the errors are unsatisfactorily great for all conventional VIG plans for evaluating locations with enormous perspective differentiation and the unit of support with supporting locations. Due to advancements in the power movement transducer, heat stream meter instruments experience fewer of these glitches.
Fig. depicts vacuum insulating glass (VIG). 1, on the other hand, is a thermally insulating glazing made up of two sheets of glass that are sealed around the edges to keep out water and air and have a small amount of space left over inside (Collins and Robinson, 1991; 1998, Collins and Simko; Collins and co 1995). A variety of small supports with supporting locations keep the unit of the glass sheets under barometric pressure in check.
The assistance centers are put around a square cross segment separated by. A unit cell of the help point group is depicted by us as a square area of perspectives with a single help point at its center and sides arranged in accordance with the sections of the help focus.
Picture in standard size A few cycles are added to the force path through a VIG model: warm conduction through the help with supporting spots, radiation between within surfaces of the glass sheets, warm conduction through overabundance gas, and warm conduction along the glass sheets nearby the edge seal. We depict the power development as the power stream per unit area at whatever point, with units W m−2.
Basic spatial non-textures in the power progress across the external surfaces of the glass sheets of the VIG are caused by the significantly limited heat travel through the places of support and the force stream along the sheets near the edge seal. Check out vacuum insulating glazing.
The School of Sydney has adopted a comprehensive creative program on VIG science and development since around 1989 (Collins and Robinson, 1991; 1998, Collins and Simko; Collins and co 1995; Ashmore and co 2016). The program's ability to show power travel through VIG models is a crucial component. This is accomplished with extremely carefully gathered watched hot plate instruments, the portion of the assessment area and the portion of the assistance points of help being minimally differentiated (Collins et al.). 1993; Dey and co. 1998).
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zonemed · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Ultrasonic Cleaners: Everything You Need to Know
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Ultrasonic cleaners are revolutionary devices used in various industries for their efficiency and effectiveness in cleaning. Whether you are familiar with them or just discovering their potential, this guide will provide you with all the essential information about ultrasonic cleaners. We'll cover common topics, unique insights, challenges, a step-by-step guide, a case study, and a conclusion. Let's dive in!
What Are Ultrasonic Cleaners?
The Science Behind Ultrasonic Cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaners use high-frequency sound waves to create microscopic bubbles in a cleaning solution. These bubbles implode upon contact with objects, creating a scrubbing action that removes dirt, grime, and contaminants from surfaces. This process, known as cavitation, is highly effective in reaching intricate details and crevices that traditional cleaning methods might miss.
Applications of Ultrasonic Cleaners
Ultrasonic cleaners are used in a wide range of applications, including:
Jewelry Cleaning: Restores shine and removes tarnish from delicate pieces.
Medical Equipment: Ensures the sterilization of surgical instruments and dental tools.
Automotive Parts: Cleans carburetors, fuel injectors, and other components.
Electronics: Safely cleans circuit boards and electronic parts without damaging them.
Industrial Use: Maintains machinery and parts in various industries.
Unique Topics About Ultrasonic Cleaners
The Environmental Impact of Ultrasonic Cleaners
One of the lesser-known benefits of ultrasonic cleaners is their positive environmental impact. Traditional cleaning methods often rely on harsh chemicals and large amounts of water. Ultrasonic cleaners, on the other hand, use minimal chemicals and are more water-efficient, making them an eco-friendly option.
The Evolution of Ultrasonic Cleaners: From Inception to Modern Day
The journey of ultrasonic cleaners began in the early 20th century with basic ultrasonic technology. Over the decades, advancements in materials, electronics, and transducer technology have transformed ultrasonic cleaners into sophisticated devices with diverse applications.
Ultrasonic Cleaners in the Medical Field: Beyond Cleaning
In the medical field, ultrasonic cleaners not only clean instruments but also play a role in ensuring patient safety. Properly cleaned and sterilized instruments reduce the risk of infections and improve the overall quality of healthcare services.
Challenges of Using Ultrasonic Cleaners
Initial Cost and Investment
While ultrasonic cleaners can save time and improve cleaning efficiency, the initial investment can be substantial. High-quality ultrasonic cleaners can be expensive, and businesses need to consider this cost before making a purchase.
Compatibility with Materials
Not all materials are suitable for ultrasonic cleaning. Delicate items, such as soft metals, certain gemstones, and some electronic components, can be damaged by the ultrasonic waves. It’s crucial to understand the compatibility of your items with ultrasonic cleaning before proceeding.
Maintenance and Upkeep
Ultrasonic cleaners require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. This includes routine cleaning of the tank, checking and replacing the cleaning solution, and ensuring the transducers are functioning correctly. Neglecting maintenance can lead to reduced efficiency and potential damage to the cleaner.
Step-by-Step Guide to Using Ultrasonic Cleaners
Step 1: Choose the Right Ultrasonic Cleaner
Select an ultrasonic cleaner that suits your needs. Consider the size, frequency, and power of the cleaner, as well as any specific features required for your applications.
Step 2: Prepare the Cleaning Solution
Fill the ultrasonic cleaner's tank with the appropriate cleaning solution. There are various solutions available, each designed for different cleaning tasks. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the correct dilution and usage.
Step 3: Place Items in the Cleaning Basket
Place the items to be cleaned in the cleaning basket, ensuring they do not touch each other. Overcrowding the basket can reduce the effectiveness of the cleaning process.
Step 4: Set the Cleaning Parameters
Adjust the cleaning parameters, such as time, temperature, and frequency, according to the manufacturer's recommendations and the specific requirements of your items.
Step 5: Start the Cleaning Process
Activate the ultrasonic cleaner and let it run for the set duration. You may observe bubbles forming and hear a buzzing sound, indicating that the cleaning process is underway.
Step 6: Rinse and Dry the Items
After the cleaning cycle is complete, remove the items from the basket and rinse them with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Dry the items thoroughly before use.
Step 7: Maintain the Ultrasonic Cleaner
Regularly clean the ultrasonic cleaner’s tank and replace the cleaning solution as needed. Periodic checks and maintenance will ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the cleaner.
Case Study: Ultrasonic Cleaners in the Automotive Industry
An automotive repair shop faced challenges with cleaning intricate parts like carburetors and fuel injectors. Traditional cleaning methods were time-consuming and often ineffective in reaching the nooks and crannies of these components.
The shop invested in a high-quality ultrasonic cleaner. The staff received training on the optimal use of the cleaner, including selecting the right cleaning solutions and setting appropriate cleaning parameters.
The introduction of the ultrasonic cleaner revolutionized the cleaning process in the shop. Carburetors and fuel injectors were cleaned more thoroughly and quickly, improving the overall efficiency of repairs. The cleaner also reduced the need for harsh chemicals, contributing to a safer and more environmentally friendly workplace.
The investment in an ultrasonic cleaner proved to be highly beneficial for the automotive repair shop. It not only improved the quality of cleaning but also enhanced operational efficiency and safety.
Ultrasonic cleaners are versatile and efficient tools that have transformed cleaning processes across various industries. From their scientific principles to their environmental benefits, these devices offer a range of advantages. However, challenges such as initial cost, material compatibility, and maintenance must be considered. By following a step-by-step guide and understanding the real-world applications through case studies, you can harness the full potential of ultrasonic cleaners in your operations.
Whether you're in the medical field, automotive industry, or simply looking to clean delicate items at home, ultrasonic cleaners offer a reliable and effective solution. Investing in an ultrasonic cleaner can save time, improve cleaning quality, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
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